文件: psd.py 项目: carlkl/spectrum
    def plot(self, filename=None, norm=False, ylim=None,
              sides=None,  **kargs):
        """a simple plotting routine to plot the PSD versus frequency.

        :param str filename: save the figure into a file
        :param norm: False by default. If True, the PSD is normalised.
        :param ylim: readjust the y range .
        :param sides: if not provided, :attr:`sides` is used. See :attr:`sides`
            for details.
        :param kargs: any optional argument accepted by :func:`pylab.plot`.

        .. plot::
            :width: 80%

            from spectrum import *
            p = Periodogram(marple_data)
            p()    # runs the psd estimate
            p.plot(norm=True, marker='o')

        #First, check that psd attribute is up-to-date
        if self.modified is True:
            raise errors.SpectrumModifiedError

        # and that it has been computed
        if self.__psd is None:
            raise errors.SpectrumPSDError

        # check that the input sides parameter is correct if provided
        if sides is not None:
            if sides not in self._sides_choices:
                raise errors.SpectrumChoiceError(sides, self._sides_choices)

        # if sides is provided but identical to the current psd, nothing to do.
        if sides is None or sides == self.sides:
            frequencies = self.frequencies()
            psd = self.psd
            #sides = self.sides
        elif sides is not None:
            # if sides argument is different from the attribute, we need to
            # create a new PSD/Freq but we do not want to touch the attributes

            # if data is complex, one-sided is wrong in any case.
            if self.datatype == 'complex':
                assert sides != 'onesided'

            frequencies = self.frequencies(sides=sides)
            psd = self.get_converted_psd(sides)

        if len(psd) != len(frequencies):
            raise ValueError("PSD length is %s and freq length is %s" % (len(psd), len(frequencies)))

        from pylab import ylim as plt_ylim

        if 'ax' in list(kargs.keys()):
            save_ax = plt.gca()
            rollback = True
            del kargs['ax']
            rollback = False

        if norm:
            pylab.plot(frequencies, 10*pylab.log10(psd/max(psd)),  **kargs)
            pylab.plot(frequencies, 10*pylab.log10(psd),**kargs)

        plt.ylabel('Power (dB)')
        if ylim:
        if sides == 'onesided':
        elif sides == 'twosided':
            pylab.xlim(0, self.sampling)
        elif sides == 'centerdc':
            pylab.xlim(-self.sampling/2., self.sampling/2.)
        if filename:
        if rollback:
        del psd, frequencies #is it needed?
文件: psd.py 项目: gavin971/spectrum
    def plot(self, filename=None, norm=False, ylim=None, sides=None, **kargs):
        """a simple plotting routine to plot the PSD versus frequency.

        :param str filename: save the figure into a file
        :param norm: False by default. If True, the PSD is normalised.
        :param ylim: readjust the y range .
        :param sides: if not provided, :attr:`sides` is used. See :attr:`sides`
            for details.
        :param kargs: any optional argument accepted by :func:`pylab.plot`.

        .. plot::
            :width: 80%

            from spectrum import *
            p = Periodogram(marple_data)
            p()    # runs the psd estimate
            p.plot(norm=True, marker='o')

        #First, check that psd attribute is up-to-date
        if self.modified is True:
            raise errors.SpectrumModifiedError

        # and that it has been computed
        if self.__psd is None:
            raise errors.SpectrumPSDError

        # check that the input sides parameter is correct if provided
        if sides is not None:
            if sides not in self._sides_choices:
                raise errors.SpectrumChoiceError(sides, self._sides_choices)

        # if sides is provided but identical to the current psd, nothing to do.
        if sides is None or sides == self.sides:
            frequencies = self.frequencies()
            psd = self.psd
            #sides = self.sides
        elif sides is not None:
            # if sides argument is different from the attribute, we need to
            # create a new PSD/Freq but we do not want to touch the attributes

            # if data is complex, one-sided is wrong in any case.
            if self.datatype == 'complex':
                assert sides != 'onesided'

            frequencies = self.frequencies(sides=sides)
            psd = self.get_converted_psd(sides)

        if len(psd) != len(frequencies):
            raise ValueError("PSD length is %s and freq length is %s" %
                             (len(psd), len(frequencies)))

        from pylab import ylim as plt_ylim

        if 'ax' in list(kargs.keys()):
            save_ax = plt.gca()
            rollback = True
            del kargs['ax']
            rollback = False

        if norm:
            pylab.plot(frequencies, 10 * pylab.log10(psd / max(psd)), **kargs)
            pylab.plot(frequencies, 10 * pylab.log10(psd), **kargs)

        plt.ylabel('Power (dB)')
        if ylim:
        if sides == 'onesided':
            pylab.xlim(0, self.sampling / 2.)
        elif sides == 'twosided':
            pylab.xlim(0, self.sampling)
        elif sides == 'centerdc':
            pylab.xlim(-self.sampling / 2., self.sampling / 2.)
        if filename:
        if rollback:
        del psd, frequencies  #is it needed?