def PSFrange(self,junkAx): """ Display function that you shouldn't call directly. """ #ca=pyl.gca() print self.starsScat newLim=[self.sp1.get_xlim(),self.sp1.get_ylim()] self.psfPlotLimits=newLim[:] w=num.where((self.points[:,0]>=self.psfPlotLimits[0][0])&(self.points[:,0]<=self.psfPlotLimits[0][1])&(self.points[:,1]>=self.psfPlotLimits[1][0])&(self.points[:,1]<=self.psfPlotLimits[1][1]))[0] if self.starsScat<>None: self.starsScat.remove() self.starsScat=None for ii in range(len(self.showing)): if self.showing[ii]: self.moffPatchList[ii][0].remove() for ii in range(len(self.showing)): if ii not in w: self.showing[ii]=0 else: self.showing[ii]=1 for ii in range(len(self.showing)): if self.showing[ii]: self.moffPatchList[ii]=self.sp4.plot(self.moffr,self.moffs[ii]) self.sp4.set_xlim(0,30) self.sp4.set_ylim(0,1.02) pyl.draw()
def draw_hist(hpxmap, **kwargs): if isinstance(hpxmap, pix = np.where(~hpxmap.mask) else: pix = np.where((np.isfinite(hpxmap)) & (hpxmap != hp.UNSEEN)) data = hpxmap[pix] kwargs.setdefault('bins', np.linspace(data.min(), data.max(), 100)) kwargs.setdefault('histtype', 'step') kwargs.setdefault('normed', True) kwargs.setdefault('lw', 1.5) ax = plt.gca() n, b, p = ax.hist(data, **kwargs) ax2 = ax.twinx() plt.hist(data, cumulative=-1, color='r', **kwargs) ax2.set_ylabel('Cumulative', color='r') for tl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tl.set_color('r') ax2.set_ylim(0, 1) quantiles = [5, 50, 95] percentiles = np.percentile(data, quantiles) for q, p in zip(quantiles, percentiles): draw_peak(p, color='r', label='%.1f (%g%%)' % (p, 100 - q)) ax.set_xlim(kwargs['bins'].min(), kwargs['bins'].max()) return quantiles, percentiles
def onMouseClick(event): # type: (matplotlib.backend_bases.MouseEvent) -> None axes = event.inaxes # Если кликнули вне какого-либо графика, то не будем ничего делать if axes is None: return global marker # Если маркер с текстом уже был создан, то удалим его if marker is not None: marker.remove() # В качестве текущих выберем оси, внутри которых кликнули мышью # Координаты клика в системе координат осей x = event.xdata y = event.ydata text = u'(X: {:.3f}; Y: {:.3f})'.format(x, y) # Выведем текст в точку, куда кликнули marker = pylab.text(x, y, text) # Обновим график
def add_subplot_name(offsets,subplot_names="abcdefghijklmnopq"): if len(offsets) != 2: raise Exception("Offsets for x and y coordinates should be provided") for iax,ax in enumerate(pylab.gcf().axes): pylab.text(offsets[0],1.+offsets[1],"({})".format(subplot_names[iax]), transform=pylab.gca().transAxes)
def test_zoom_to_fit(self): nside = 64 ra, dec = 15, -45 radius = 10.0 pixels = cartosky.healpix.ang2disc(nside, ra, dec, radius) values = pixels fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3)) for i, cls in enumerate(SKYMAPS):[i]) m = cls(gridlines=False) m.draw_hpxmap(values, pixels, nside=nside, xsize=200) m.zoom_to_fit(values, pixels, nside) draw_labels = i == 0 xlocs = np.linspace(ra - 2 * radius, ra + 2 * radius, 5) ylocs = np.linspace(dec - 2 * radius, dec + 2 * radius, 5), xlocs=xlocs, ylocs=ylocs, linestyle=':') # m.draw_parallels(np.linspace(dec-2*radius,dec+2*radius,5), # labelstyle='+/-',labels=[1,0,0,0]) # m.draw_meridians(np.linspace(ra-2*radius,ra+2*radius,5), # labelstyle='+/-',labels=[0,0,0,1]) plt.title('Zoom to Fit (%s)' % cls.__name__)
def plot_bliss_coverage(fields, outfile=None, **kwargs): BANDS = ['g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] filename = fileio.get_datafile('bliss-target-fields.csv') target = target = target[~np.in1d(target.unique_id, fields.unique_id)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(16, 9)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.01, hspace=0.02, left=0.01, right=0.99, bottom=0.01, top=0.99) defaults = dict(edgecolor='none', s=12, alpha=0.2, vmin=-1, vmax=2) setdefaults(kwargs, defaults) for i, b in enumerate(BANDS):[i]) f = fields[fields['FILTER'] == b] t = target[target['FILTER'] == b] bmap = DECamMcBride() bmap.draw_des() bmap.draw_galaxy(10) proj = bmap.proj(t['RA'], t['DEC']) bmap.scatter(*proj, c='0.7', **kwargs) proj = bmap.proj(f['RA'], f['DEC']) bmap.scatter(*proj, c=f['TILING'], cmap=CMAPS[b], **kwargs) plt.gca().set_title('BLISS %s-band' % b)
def plot(self, color_line='r', bgcolor='grey', color='yellow', lw=4, hold=False, ax=None): xmax = self.xmax + 1 if ax: pylab.fill_between([0,xmax], [0,0], [20,20], color='red', alpha=0.3) pylab.fill_between([0,xmax], [20,20], [30,30], color='orange', alpha=0.3) pylab.fill_between([0,xmax], [30,30], [41,41], color='green', alpha=0.3) if self.X is None: X = range(1, self.xmax + 1) pylab.fill_between(X, self.df.mean()+self.df.std(), self.df.mean()-self.df.std(), color=color, interpolate=False) pylab.plot(X, self.df.mean(), color=color_line, lw=lw) pylab.ylim([0, 41]) pylab.xlim([0, self.xmax+1]) pylab.title("Quality scores across all bases") pylab.xlabel("Position in read (bp)") pylab.ylabel("Quality") pylab.grid(axis='x')
def finish_trajectory_plot(self,axes,t,filename): # Plot histograms! 0 is the upper panel, 1 the lower.[1]) bins = np.linspace(np.log10(swap.pmin),np.log10(swap.pmax),32,endpoint=True) bins = 10.0**bins colors = ['blue','red','black'] labels = ['Training: Sims','Training: Duds','Test: Survey'] for j,kind in enumerate(['sim','dud','test']): self.collect_probabilities(kind) p = self.probabilities[kind] # Sometimes all probabilities are lower than pmin! # Snap to grid. p[p<swap.pmin] = swap.pmin # print "kind,bins,p = ",kind,bins,p # Pylab histogram: plt.hist(p, bins=bins, histtype='stepfilled', color=colors[j], alpha=0.7, label=labels[j]) plt.legend(prop={'size':10}) # Add timestamp in top righthand corner:[0]) plt.text(1.3*swap.prior,0.27,t,color='gray') # Write out to file: plt.savefig(filename,dpi=300) return
def plotWeights(date, target_fields, weights, options_basemap={}, **kwargs): defaults = dict(c=weights, edgecolor='none', s=50, vmin=np.min(weights), vmax=np.min(weights) + 300., cmap='Spectral') setdefaults(kwargs, defaults) defaults = dict(date=date, name='ortho') options_basemap = dict(options_basemap) setdefaults(options_basemap, defaults) fig, basemap = makePlot(**options_basemap) proj = basemap.proj(target_fields['RA'], target_fields['DEC']) basemap.scatter(*proj, **kwargs) # Try to draw the colorbar try: if len(fig.axes) == 2: # Draw colorbar in existing axis colorbar = plt.colorbar(cax=fig.axes[-1]) else: colorbar = plt.colorbar() colorbar.set_label('Tiling') except TypeError: pass[0])
def plot_ima_mass_matrix(start, finish, product=None, colorbar=True, ax=None, blocks=None, **kwargs): """ Integrate to produce a mass-matrix from start-finish, processing azimuths""" if (finish - start) < aspera_scan_time: raise ValueError("Duration too short: %d" % (finish - start)) if not blocks: blocks = read_ima(start, finish, **kwargs) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() products_to_process = ("CO2", "H", "O", "Hsp", "alpha", "O2", "He") if product: if not hasattr(product, "__iter__"): products_to_process = [product] else: products_to_process = product img = np.zeros_like(blocks[0]["sumions"]) for b in blocks: inx, = np.where((b["tmptime"] > start) & (b["tmptime"] < finish)) if inx.shape[0]: for p in products_to_process: img += np.sum(b[p][:, :, inx], 2) plt.imshow(img, origin="lower") if colorbar: plt.colorbar(cax=celsius.make_colorbar_cax()) return img
def draw_inset_colorbar(self, format=None, label=None, ticks=None, fontsize=11, **kwargs): defaults = dict(width="25%", height="5%", loc=7, bbox_to_anchor=(0., -0.04, 1, 1)) setdefaults(kwargs, defaults) ax = plt.gca() im = plt.gci() cax = inset_axes(ax, bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, **kwargs) cmin, cmax = im.get_clim() if (ticks is None) and (cmin is not None) and (cmax is not None): cmed = (cmax + cmin) / 2. delta = (cmax - cmin) / 10. ticks = np.array([cmin + delta, cmed, cmax - delta]) tmin = np.min(np.abs(ticks[0])) tmax = np.max(np.abs(ticks[1])) if format is None: if (tmin < 1e-2) or (tmax > 1e3): format = '$%.1e$' elif (tmin > 0.1) and (tmax < 100): format = '$%.1f$' elif (tmax > 100): format = '$%i$' else: format = '$%.2g$' #format = '%.2f' kwargs = dict(format=format, ticks=ticks, orientation='horizontal') if format == 'custom': ticks = np.array([cmin, 0.85 * cmax]) kwargs.update(format='$%.0e$', ticks=ticks) cbar = plt.colorbar(cax=cax, **kwargs) cax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') cax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=fontsize) if format == 'custom': ticklabels = cax.get_xticklabels() for i, l in enumerate(ticklabels): val, exp = ticklabels[i].get_text().split('e') ticklabels[i].set_text(r'$%s \times 10^{%i}$' % (val, int(exp))) cax.set_xticklabels(ticklabels) if label is not None: cbar.set_label(label, size=fontsize) cax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') return cbar, cax
def onMouseClick(event): """Реагирует на клик мыши по графику""" axes = event.inaxes # Если кликнули вне графика, то не будем ничего делать if axes is None: return global marker global marker_x global marker_y # Если маркер с текстом уже был создан, то удалим его и все остальные if marker is not None: marker_x.remove() marker_y.remove() marker.remove() # В качестве текущих выберем оси, внутри которых кликнули мышью # Координаты клика в системе координат осей xx = event.xdata yy = event.ydata text = u'({:.3f}; {:.3f})'.format(xx, yy) # Выведем текст в точку, куда кликнули и рисуем перекрестье marker = pylab.text(xx, yy, text) marker_x = pylab.axvline(x=xx, c='r') marker_y = pylab.axhline(y=yy, c='r') # Обновим график
def plot_path(self, axes, path, rendering_style=None, animate=False): edges = zip(path, path[1:]) if rendering_style is None: thisRendering = MatplotLibMap.renderingRules['calculated_path'] else: thisRendering = rendering_style for i, edge in enumerate(edges): node_from = self._osm.nodes[edge[0]] node_to = self._osm.nodes[edge[1]] x_from = node_from.lon y_from = x_to = node_to.lon y_to = plt.plot( [x_from, x_to], [y_from, y_to], marker='', linestyle=thisRendering['linestyle'], linewidth=thisRendering['linewidth'], color=thisRendering['color'], solid_capstyle='round', solid_joinstyle='round', zorder=thisRendering['zorder'], ) if animate: plt.draw() plt.draw()
def animate(i): # Animation function # This function is called frame_rate*tfinal times # Simulation has Nt steps # So, animation should be called every Nt/(frame_rate*tfinal) steps. fct_adj = int(Nt / (frame_rate * tfinal)) for np in range(Np): x1 = r_um[0, np, i * fct_adj] y1 = r_um[1, np, i * fct_adj] z1 = r_um[2, np, i * fct_adj] beads_xy[np].center = (x1, y1) beads_yz[np].center = (y1, z1) beads_xz[np].center = (x1, z1) # print(i) #py.text(0,100,'time, t =',fontsize=12) time_string.set_text( time_template % (i * fct_adj * delta_t)) # Adjust time display by fct_adj factor draw_geo(i * fct_adj * delta_t, ax1, ax2, ax3) return beads_xy
def tsmaps(self): """TS maps for the spectral templates Each has 12*512**2 = 3.2M pixels. The following table has the number of pixels above the TS value labeling the column. %(tsmap_info)s """ z = dict() cuts = (10, 16, 25, 100) keys = self.keys for key in keys: z[key] = [np.sum(self.tables[key] > x) for x in cuts] df = pd.DataFrame(z, index=cuts).T self.tsmap_info = html_table( df, href=False, ) fig, axx = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(18, 15)) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=-0.4, wspace=0.05, left=0.05) for ax, key in zip(axx.flatten(), keys): healpy.mollview(self.tables[key], hold=True, min=10, max=25, title=key, cbar=True, cmap=plt.get_cmap('YlOrRd')) healpy.graticule(dmer=180, dpar=90, color='lightgrey') axx[1, 2].set_visible(False) return fig
def test_skymap(self): fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3)) for i, cls in enumerate(SKYMAPS):[i]) m = cls() m.draw_milky_way() plt.title('Galactic Plane (%s)' % cls.__name__)
def draw_SD_points(self, ax, color='g', edgecolor='k', marker='o', size=10, extra=False, zorder=1): ''' draw the locations of all the semidual sites if extra is True it will draw only the edge sites required to fix the edge of the tiling ''' if extra == True: xs = self.extraSDx ys = self.extraSDy else: xs = self.SDx ys = self.SDy pylab.scatter(xs, ys, c=color, s=size, marker=marker, edgecolors=edgecolor, zorder=zorder) return
def plot_any_band_cut(ax, cut, connected=True): colorlist = [ 'firebrick', 'dodgerblue', 'blueviolet', 'mediumblue', 'goldenrod', 'cornflowerblue' ] shape = cut.shape for ind in range(0, shape[0]): colorInd = numpy.mod(ind, len(colorlist)) if connected: pylab.plot(cut[ind, :], color=colorlist[colorInd], marker='', markersize='5', linestyle='-', linewidth=3.5) else: pylab.plot(cut[ind, :], color=colorlist[colorInd], marker='.', markersize='5', linestyle='') pylab.title('some momentum cut') pylab.ylabel('Energy') pylab.xlabel('k_something') return
def draw_resonator_end_points(self, ax, color='g', edgecolor='k', marker='o', size=10, zorder=1): '''will double draw some points''' x0s = self.resonators[:, 0] y0s = self.resonators[:, 1] x1s = self.resonators[:, 2] y1s = self.resonators[:, 3] pylab.scatter(x0s, y0s, c=color, s=size, marker=marker, edgecolors=edgecolor, zorder=zorder) pylab.scatter(x1s, y1s, c=color, s=size, marker=marker, edgecolors=edgecolor, zorder=zorder) return
def setupplot(secondax=False, **kwargs): ytickv = np.linspace(YR[0],YR[1],6) yticknames = map('{:0.0f}'.format, ytickv) tmp = dict( ylabel='Temperature [c]', yr=minmax(ytickv), ytickv=ytickv, yticknames=yticknames, ) tmp.update(kwargs) ax = setup(**tmp) if secondax: subplt = kwargs.get('subplt',None) f = lambda x: '{:0.0f}'.format(1.8*x + 32.0) yticknames = map(f, ytickv) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(r"Temperature [F]") ax2.set_ylim(minmax(ytickv)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator(ytickv)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.FixedFormatter(yticknames)) # setup(ax=ax.twinx(), # subplt=subplt, # ylabel='Temperature [F]', # yr=minmax(ytickv), ytickv=ytickv, yticknames=yticknames) return ax
def plot(self, color_line='r', bgcolor='grey', color='yellow', lw=4, hold=False, ax=None): xmax = self.xmax + 1 if ax: pylab.fill_between([0, xmax], [0, 0], [20, 20], color='red', alpha=0.3) pylab.fill_between([0, xmax], [20, 20], [30, 30], color='orange', alpha=0.3) pylab.fill_between([0, xmax], [30, 30], [41, 41], color='green', alpha=0.3) if self.X is None: X = range(1, self.xmax + 1) pylab.fill_between(X, self.df.mean() + self.df.std(), self.df.mean() - self.df.std(), color=color, interpolate=False) pylab.plot(X, self.df.mean(), color=color_line, lw=lw) pylab.ylim([0, 41]) pylab.xlim([0, self.xmax + 1]) pylab.title("Quality scores across all bases") pylab.xlabel("Position in read (bp)") pylab.ylabel("Quality") pylab.grid(axis='x')
def animate(index, data, ax1): print(index, inv.log['plasma_iter'][index]) color = cycle(sns.color_palette('Set3', 2 + len(inv.sf.coil))) ax1.cla() ax1.set_axis_off() ax1.set_xlim([2, 18]) ax1.set_ylim((-15.0, 10.0)) #pl.axis('equal') pl.tight_layout() #sf.coil = inv.log['sf_coil'][index] #sf.plasma_coil = inv.log['plasma_coil'][inv.log['plasma_iter'][index]-1] #eq.b = inv.log['b'][inv.log['plasma_iter'][index]-1] inv.eq.coil = inv.log['eq_coil'][index] inv.coil = inv.log['inv_coil'][index] #inv.set_force_feild(state='both') # update force feild #inv.swing_fix(inv.Swing[0]) #inv.solve_slsqp() #sf.contour(lw=1.25) inv.plot_coils() #sf.plot_coils(color=color,coils=sf.coil,label=True,plasma=False) sf.plot_coils(color=color, coils=eq.coil, label=False, plasma=False) #inv.plot_fix() #inv.rb.TFopp(False) # L==length, V==volume inv.rb.TFfill()
def ScatterPSFCommon(self, arg): """ Display function that you shouldn't call directly. """ w = np.where(self.goodStars)[0] W = np.where(self.goodStars != True) ##ca=pyl.gca() xlim = self.sp1.get_xlim() ylim = self.sp1.get_ylim() title = self.sp1.get_title() self.sp1.cla() pyl.scatter(self.points[:, 0][w], self.points[:, 1][w], color='b', picker=True, zorder=9) pyl.scatter(self.points[:, 0][W], self.points[:, 1][W], picker=True, color='r', zorder=10) pyl.scatter(self.points[:, 0][arg], self.points[:, 1][arg], marker='d', color='m', zorder=0, s=75) pyl.axis([xlim[0], xlim[1], ylim[0], ylim[1]]) pyl.title(title)
def plot_ash_infill(self, ax=None, color='#92B2E7', density=True): ax = ax if ax else plt.gca() self.hist_max = 0 for i in range(self.shift_num): hist_range = (self.MIN + i * self.SHIFT, self.MAX + i * self.SHIFT - self.bin_width) self.hist_range = hist_range hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(, self.bin_num + 1, range=hist_range, density=density) self.hist_max = (max(hist) if max(hist) > self.hist_max else self.hist_max) n, bin_edges, patches = ax.hist(, self.bin_num + 1, range=hist_range, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.75 / self.shift_num, color=color, linewidth=0, density=density, rasterized=True) ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() self.hist_max += self.hist_max * 0.1 ymax = ymax if ymax > self.hist_max else self.hist_max ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
def setupplot(secondax=False, **kwargs): ytickv = np.linspace(YR[0], YR[1], 6) yticknames = map('{:0.0f}'.format, ytickv) tmp = dict( ylabel='Temperature [c]', yr=minmax(ytickv), ytickv=ytickv, yticknames=yticknames, ) tmp.update(kwargs) ax = setup(**tmp) if secondax: subplt = kwargs.get('subplt', None) f = lambda x: '{:0.0f}'.format(1.8 * x + 32.0) yticknames = map(f, ytickv) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(r"Temperature [F]") ax2.set_ylim(minmax(ytickv)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator(ytickv)) ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter( matplotlib.ticker.FixedFormatter(yticknames)) # setup(ax=ax.twinx(), # subplt=subplt, # ylabel='Temperature [F]', # yr=minmax(ytickv), ytickv=ytickv, yticknames=yticknames) return ax
def plot_time_course(self, data, mode='boolean', fontsize=16): # TODO sort columnsi alphabetically # FIXME: twiny labels are slightly shifted # TODO flip if mode == 'boolean': cm = pylab.get_cmap('gray') pylab.clf() data = pd.DataFrame(data).fillna(0.5) pylab.pcolor(data, cmap=cm, vmin=0, vmax=1, shading='faceted') pylab.colorbar() ax1 = pylab.gca() ax1.set_xticks([]) Ndata = len(data.columns) ax1.set_xlim(0, Ndata) ax = pylab.twiny() ax.set_xticks(pylab.linspace(0.5, Ndata+0.5, Ndata )) ax.set_xticklabels(data.columns, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90) times = list(data.index) Ntimes = len(times) ax1.set_yticks([x+0.5 for x in times]) ax1.set_yticklabels(times[::-1], fontsize=fontsize) else: print('not implemented')
def draw_inset_colorbar(self, format=None): ax = plt.gca() im = plt.gci() cax = inset_axes(ax, width="25%", height="5%", loc=7) cmin, cmax = im.get_clim() cmed = (cmax + cmin) / 2. delta = (cmax - cmin) / 10. ticks = np.array([cmin + delta, cmed, cmax - delta]) tmin = np.min(np.abs(ticks[0])) tmax = np.max(np.abs(ticks[1])) if format is None: if (tmin < 1e-2) or (tmax > 1e3): format = '%.1e' elif (tmin > 0.1) and (tmax < 100): format = '%.1f' elif (tmax > 100): format = '%i' else: format = '%.2g' cbar = plt.colorbar(cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', ticks=ticks, format=format) cax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') cax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=10) return cbar
def extract_corners(im_rot): plot = False pts = get_corners_of_piece(im_rot) centre = np.mean(np.array(pts), axis=0) corner_size = (30, 30) if plot: f, axes = pylab.subplots(2, 2) axes = [axes[0][0], axes[0][1], axes[1][0], axes[1][1]] #print x>centre[0], y>centre[1] pts = sorted(pts, key=lambda pt: (pt[0] > centre[0], pt[1] > centre[1])) for i, (x, y) in enumerate(pts):[i]) print x > centre[0], y > centre[1] xmin, xmax = x - corner_size[0], x + corner_size[0] ymin, ymax = y - corner_size[1], y + corner_size[1] xmin = np.clip(xmin, 0, im_rot.shape[0]) ymin = np.clip(ymin, 0, im_rot.shape[1]) xmax = np.clip(xmax, 0, im_rot.shape[0] - 1) ymax = np.clip(ymax, 0, im_rot.shape[1] - 1) corner = im_rot[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax] if plot: imshow(corner.T) axes[i].plot([corner_size[0]], [corner_size[1]])
def set_plot(self, ax, fignum, figsize=(4, 4)): if ax is None: plt.close(fignum) plt.figure(fignum, figsize=figsize) ax = plt.gca() else: return ax
def plot(ax,data,scatter=False): pl.cla() ax.set_xticks(pos_x) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) pl.xlim(min(pos_x),max(pos_x)) ax.grid(b=True,which='both',color='k',linestyle='-') ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
def render(self, axes, plot_nodes=False): for idx, nodeID in enumerate(self._osm.ways.keys()): wayTags = self._osm.ways[nodeID].tags wayType = None if 'highway' in wayTags.keys(): wayType = wayTags['highway'] if wayType in [ 'primary', 'primary_link', 'unclassified', 'secondary', 'secondary_link', 'tertiary', 'tertiary_link', 'residential', 'trunk', 'trunk_link', 'motorway', 'motorway_link' ]: oldX = None oldY = None if wayType in list(MatplotLibMap.renderingRules.keys()): thisRendering = MatplotLibMap.renderingRules[wayType] else: thisRendering = MatplotLibMap.renderingRules['default'] for nCnt, nID in enumerate(self._osm.ways[nodeID].nds): y = float(self._osm.nodes[nID].lat) x = float(self._osm.nodes[nID].lon) self._node_map[(x, y)] = nID if oldX is None: pass else: plt.plot([oldX,x],[oldY,y], marker = '', linestyle = thisRendering['linestyle'], linewidth = thisRendering['linewidth'], color = thisRendering['color'], solid_capstyle = 'round', solid_joinstyle = 'round', zorder = thisRendering['zorder'], picker=2 ) if plot_nodes == True and (nCnt == 0 or nCnt == len(self._osm.ways[nodeID].nds) - 1): plt.plot(x, y,'ro', zorder=5) oldX = x oldY = y self._fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self.__onclick__) plt.draw()
def plotsim(self, experiments=None, fontsize=16, vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap='gray'): """ :param experiments: if None, shows the steady state for each experiment and species if provided, must be a valid experiment name (see midas.experiments attribute) in which case, for that particular experiment, the steady state and all previous states are shown for each species. A simulation must be performed using :meth:`simulate` :: # those 2 calls are identical s.plotsim(experiments=8) s.plotsim(experiments=8) # This plot the steady states for all experiments s.plotsim() """ # This is for all experiments is experiments is None cm = pylab.get_cmap(cmap) pylab.clf() if experiments is None: # takes the latest (steady state) of each experiments data = pd.DataFrame(self.debug_values[-1]).fillna(0.5) else: exp_name = self.midas.experiments.ix[experiments].name index_exp = list(self.midas.experiments.index).index(exp_name) data = [(k, [self.debug_values[i][k][index_exp] for i in range(0, len(self.debug_values))]) for k in self.debug_values[0].keys()] data = dict(data) data = pd.DataFrame(data).fillna(0.5) data = data.ix[data.index[::-1]] self.dummy = data pylab.pcolor(data, cmap=cm, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, shading='faceted', edgecolors='gray') pylab.colorbar() ax1 = pylab.gca() ax1.set_xticks([]) Ndata = len(data.columns) ax1.set_xlim(0, Ndata) ax1.set_ylim(0, len(data)) ax = pylab.twiny() # FIXME seems shifted. could not fix it xticklabels seems to reset the position of the ticks xr = pylab.linspace(0.5, Ndata-1.5, Ndata) ax.set_xticks(xr) ax.set_xticklabels(data.columns, fontsize=fontsize, rotation=90) times = list(data.index) Ntimes = len(times) ax1.set_yticks([x+0.5 for x in times]) ax1.set_yticklabels(times[::-1], fontsize=fontsize) #pylab.title("Steady state for all experiments(x-axis)\n\n\n\n") pylab.tight_layout()
def ScatterPSF(self, event): """ Display function that you shouldn't call directly. """ ca = pyl.gca() if event is not None: me = event.mouseevent if self.starsScat != None: self.starsScat.remove() self.starsScat = None npoints = len(self.points[:, 0]) showingbool = np.array(self.showing).astype(np.bool) pointsshowing = self.points[showingbool, :] ranks = np.zeros(len(pointsshowing[:, 0])) if event is not None: args = np.argsort(np.abs(me.xdata - pointsshowing[:, 0])) else: args = np.argsort(np.abs(0.0 - pointsshowing[:, 0])) for ii in range(len(args)): ranks[args[ii]] += ii if event is not None: args = np.argsort(np.abs(me.ydata - pointsshowing[:, 1])) else: args = np.argsort(np.abs(0.0 - pointsshowing[:, 1])) for ii in range(len(args)): ranks[args[ii]] += ii args = np.arange(npoints)[showingbool] self.selected_star = np.argmin(ranks[np.argsort(pointsshowing[:, 0])]) arg = args[np.argsort(pointsshowing[:, 0])[self.selected_star]] self.starsScat = self.sp4.scatter(self.starsFlatR[arg], self.starsFlatF[arg], facecolor='none', edgecolor='b', zorder=10) self.sp4.set_xlim(0, self.moffatWidth) self.sp4.set_ylim(0, 1.02) self.sp5.imshow(self.subsecs[arg]) #self.sp5.set_xlabel("x,y = {:.1f}, {:.1f}".format(self.points[:, 4][arg],self.points[:, 5][arg])) self.ScatterPSFCommon(arg) if event is not None: if me.button == 3: self.goodStars[arg] = not self.goodStars[arg] self.ScatterPSFCommon(arg) self.conn1 = self.sp1.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', self.PSFrange) self.conn3 = pyl.connect('key_press_event', self.ScatterPSF_keys) ## The above two lines need to be here again. ## This allows for zooming/inspecting in whatever order, over & over. pyl.draw()
def plot_trajectory(self, axes):[0]) N = np.linspace(0, len(self.trajectory) / Ntrajectory + 1, len(self.trajectory) / Ntrajectory, endpoint=True) N[0] = 0.5 mdn_trajectory = np.array([]) sigma_trajectory_m = np.array([]) sigma_trajectory_p = np.array([]) for i in range(len(N)): sorted_arr = np.sort(self.trajectory[i * Ntrajectory:(i + 1) * Ntrajectory]) sigma_p = sorted_arr[int(0.84 * Ntrajectory)] - sorted_arr[int( 0.50 * Ntrajectory)] sigma_m = sorted_arr[int(0.50 * Ntrajectory)] - sorted_arr[int( 0.16 * Ntrajectory)] mdn_trajectory = np.append(mdn_trajectory, sorted_arr[int(0.50 * Ntrajectory)]) sigma_trajectory_p = np.append(sigma_trajectory_p, sigma_p) sigma_trajectory_m = np.append(sigma_trajectory_m, sigma_m) if self.kind == 'sim': colour = 'blue' elif self.kind == 'dud': colour = 'red' elif self.kind == 'test': colour = 'black' if self.status == 'undecided': facecolour = colour else: facecolour = 'white' plt.plot(mdn_trajectory, N, color=colour, alpha=0.1, linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-") NN = N[-1] if NN > swap.Ncmax: NN = swap.Ncmax plt.scatter(mdn_trajectory[-1], NN, edgecolors=colour, facecolors=facecolour, alpha=0.5) plt.plot([ mdn_trajectory[-1] - sigma_trajectory_m[-1], mdn_trajectory[-1] + sigma_trajectory_p[-1] ], [NN, NN], color=colour, alpha=0.3) # if self.kind == 'sim': print self.trajectory[-1], N[-1] return
def prob_plot(all_p): """ 4D array: Taste x Trials x Nrns x State Generates swarmplots with trials as dots, different states colored and different nrns along the x axis Different tastes are placed in different subplots """ count = 0 all_p_frame = pd.DataFrame() for taste in range(all_p.shape[0]): for trial in range(all_p.shape[1]): for nrn in range(all_p.shape[2]): for state in range(all_p.shape[3]): this_point = { 'taste': taste, 'trial': trial, 'neuron': nrn, 'state': state, 'firing_p': all_p[taste, trial, nrn, state] } all_p_frame = pd.concat( [all_p_frame, pd.DataFrame(this_point, index=[count])]) count += 1 # ============================================================================= # fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = all_p.shape[0], ncols = 1, sharey = True) # for taste in range(all_p.shape[0]): # #plt.subplot(all_p.shape[0],1,taste+1) #[taste]) # sns.boxplot(data = all_p_frame.query('taste == %i' % taste), x = 'neuron', y = 'firing_p',hue = 'state',dodge=True) # # ============================================================================= count = 0 nrows =[2]))) ncols =[2] / nrows)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharey=True) for rows in range(nrows): for cols in range(ncols): if count >= all_p.shape[2]: break[rows, cols]) #ax = plt.gca() #ax.legend_ = None #plt.draw() #ax[rows,cols].legend().set_visible(False) this_plot = sns.boxplot(data=all_p_frame.query('neuron == %i' % count), x='state', y='firing_p', hue='taste', dodge=True) this_plot.legend_ = None plt.draw() count += 1 return fig
def add_subplot_name(offsets, subplot_names="abcdefghijklmnopq"): if len(offsets) != 2: raise Exception("Offsets for x and y coordinates should be provided") for iax, ax in enumerate(pylab.gcf().axes): pylab.text(offsets[0], 1. + offsets[1], "({})".format(subplot_names[iax]), transform=pylab.gca().transAxes)
def decorator(ax=None): ax1 = ax if ax else gca() ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.set_ylim(y for y in ax1.get_ylim()) ax2.set_xlim(func(x) for x in ax1.get_xlim()) if not ax: sca(ax1) draw() return ax2
def plot_mex_orbits_bar(start=None, finish=None, ax=None, height=0.02, number_every=10, sharex=False, labels=True): """docstring for plot_mex_orbits_bar""" fig = plt.gcf() if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() xlims = plt.xlim() p = ax.get_position() if sharex: if isinstance(sharex, bool): sharex = ax else: sharex = None new_ax = fig.add_axes([p.x0, p.y1, p.x1 - p.x0, height], sharex=sharex) if start is None: start = xlims[0] if finish is None: finish = xlims[1] plt.xlim(start, finish) plt.ylim(0., 1.) x = np.array([1., 0., 0., 1., 1.]) y = np.array([1., 1., 0., 0., 1.]) orbit_count = 0 orbit_list = list(mex.orbits.values()) for o in orbit_list: if o.number % 2 == 0: continue if (o.start < finish) & (o.finish > start): dx = o.finish - o.start plt.fill(x * dx + o.start, y, 'k', edgecolor='none') orbit_count = orbit_count + 1 if number_every is None: number_every = int(orbit_count / 10) if number_every: numbered_orbits = [o for o in orbit_list if (o.number % number_every) == 0] ticks = [o.periapsis for o in numbered_orbits] nums = [o.number for o in numbered_orbits] new_ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.NullLocator()) new_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.FixedLocator(ticks)) new_ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FixedFormatter(nums)) # new_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=5, steps=[1,2,5,10])) new_ax.tick_params(axis='x', direction='out', bottom=False, top=True, labelbottom=False, labeltop=True) if labels: plt.ylabel("MEX", rotation='horizontal') return new_ax
def test_draw_explicit_hpxmap(self): """ Test an explicit healpix map """ pix = hpxmap = np.arange(525, 535) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3)) for i, cls in enumerate(SKYMAPS):[i]) m = cls() m.draw_hpxmap(hpxmap, pix, nside, xsize=400) plt.title('Partial HEALPix Map (%s)' % cls.__name__)
def __onclick__(self, event): threshold = 0.001 print("Clicked mouse") if self._node1 is not None and self._node2 is not None: return None if isinstance(event.artist, Line2D): thisline = event.artist xdata = thisline.get_xdata() ydata = thisline.get_ydata() ind = event.ind point = (float(np.take(xdata, ind)[0]), float(np.take(ydata, ind)[0])) node_id = self._node_map[point] if self._node1 is None: self._node1 = Node(node_id, point[0], point[1]) self._mouse_click1 = (event.mouseevent.xdata, event.mouseevent.ydata) for axes in self._main_rendering_axes: plt.plot(self._mouse_click1[0], self._mouse_click1[1], 'ro', zorder=100) plt.draw() return self._node1 else: # Do not allow clicking of node id's within 100 node distances if abs(point[0] - self._node1.lon) < threshold and abs(point[1] - < threshold: return None self._node2 = Node(node_id, point[0], point[1]) self._mouse_click2 = (event.mouseevent.xdata, event.mouseevent.ydata) print("Both points marked") for axes in self._main_rendering_axes: plt.plot(self._mouse_click2[0], self._mouse_click2[1], 'ro', zorder=100) plt.draw() # Now both the points have been marked. Now try to find a path. path_dijkstra, paths_considered_dijkstra = shortest_path.dijkstra(self._graph,, path_astar, paths_considered_astar = shortest_path.astar(self._graph,,, self._osm) path_bidirectional_dijkstra, paths_considered_from_start_bidirectional_dijkstra, paths_considered_from_end_bidirectional_dijkstra = shortest_path.bidirectional_dijkstra(self._graph,, self.plot_path(self._get_axes('dijkstra', 'main'), path_dijkstra, MatplotLibMap.renderingRules['correct_path'], animate=False) self.plot_considered_paths(self._get_axes('dijkstra', 'paths_considered'), path_dijkstra, (paths_considered_dijkstra, 'green')) self.plot_path(self._get_axes('astar', 'main'), path_astar, MatplotLibMap.renderingRules['correct_path'], animate=False) self.plot_considered_paths(self._get_axes('astar', 'paths_considered'), path_astar, (paths_considered_astar, 'green')) self.plot_path(self._get_axes('bidirectional_dijkstra', 'main'), path_bidirectional_dijkstra, MatplotLibMap.renderingRules['correct_path'], animate=False) self.plot_considered_paths(self._get_axes('bidirectional_dijkstra', 'paths_considered'), path_bidirectional_dijkstra, (paths_considered_from_start_bidirectional_dijkstra, 'green'), (paths_considered_from_end_bidirectional_dijkstra, 'red')) plt.savefig("shortest_path.png") return self._node2
def finish_history_plot(self,axes,t,filename): # Timestamp: plt.text(100,swap.Imax+0.02,t,color='gray') plt.savefig(filename,dpi=300) return
def ex3_1(simpleTime = 0.5): y = np.array([1, 3, 5, 1, 1]) D = 2*np.pi/(len(y)*simpleTime) yy = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(y)) image1 = subplot(2, 1, 1) image2 = subplot(2, 1, 2) plotT(np.array([i*D for i in xrange(-2, 3)]), np.abs(np.array(yy)), plt) plotT(np.array([i*D for i in xrange(-2, 3)]), np.angle(np.array(yy)), plt)
def plot_history(self,axes): I = self.traininghistory['Skill'] N = np.linspace(1, len(I), len(I), endpoint=True) # Information contributions: plt.plot(N, I, color="green", alpha=0.2, linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-") plt.scatter(N[-1], I[-1], color="green", alpha=0.5) return
def plot_considered_paths(self, axes, path, *paths_considered_tuples): edges = zip(path, path[1:]) # Render all the paths considered for path_considered_tuple in paths_considered_tuples: paths_considered = path_considered_tuple[0] color = path_considered_tuple[1] for i, edge in enumerate(paths_considered): node_from = self._osm.nodes[edge[0]] node_to = self._osm.nodes[edge[1]] x_from = node_from.lon y_from = x_to = node_to.lon y_to = plt.plot([x_from,x_to],[y_from,y_to], marker = '', linestyle = '-', linewidth = 1, color = color, solid_capstyle = 'round', solid_joinstyle = 'round', zorder = 0, ) # Render all the paths considered for i, edge in enumerate(edges): node_from = self._osm.nodes[edge[0]] node_to = self._osm.nodes[edge[1]] x_from = node_from.lon y_from = x_to = node_to.lon y_to = # if i == 0: # x_from = self._mouse_click1[0] # y_from = self._mouse_click1[1] # # if i == len(path) - 2: # x_to = self._mouse_click2[0] # y_to = self._mouse_click2[1] plt.plot([x_from,x_to],[y_from,y_to], marker = '', linestyle = '-', linewidth = 3, color = 'black', solid_capstyle = 'round', solid_joinstyle = 'round', zorder = 1, ) plt.draw()
def ex3_2(fftSize=512, oututSize = 2048): samplingRate = 80000 t = np.arange(0, 1.0, 1.0/samplingRate) x = np.cos(2*np.pi*20000*t) + 2*np.cos(2*np.pi*21000*t) xs = np.fft.fft(x[:fftSize], oututSize) image1 = subplot(2, 1, 1) image2 = subplot(2, 1, 2) plotT(np.array([i for i in xrange(fftSize)]), np.array(x[:fftSize]), plt) plotT(np.array([i for i in xrange(oututSize)]), np.abs(np.array(xs)), plt)
def plot(ax,data,scatter=False): pl.cla() cf = pl.contourf(pos_z, pos_r, numpy.transpose(data),8,alpha=.75,linewidth=1,cmap='jet') #cf = pl.pcolormesh(pos_z, pos_r, numpy.transpose(data)) ax.set_yticks(pos_r) ax.set_xticks(pos_z) ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) pl.xlim(min(pos_z),max(pos_z)) pl.ylim(min(pos_r),max(pos_r)) ax.grid(b=True,which='both',color='k',linestyle='-') ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
def select_axes(self, axes): """ Set the scope on a certain axes Args: axes (int): 0, lowest, -1 highest, increasing y-order Returns: matplotlib.axes.axes: The axes intance """ ax = self.axes[axes] return ax
def plot_trajectory(self,axes,highlight=False):[0]) N = np.linspace(0, len(self.trajectory)/Ntrajectory+1, len(self.trajectory)/Ntrajectory, endpoint=True); N[0] = 0.5 mdn_trajectory=np.array([]); sigma_trajectory_m=np.array([]); sigma_trajectory_p=np.array([]); for i in range(len(N)): sorted_arr=np.sort(self.trajectory[i*Ntrajectory:(i+1)*Ntrajectory]) sigma_p=sorted_arr[int(0.84*Ntrajectory)]-sorted_arr[int(0.50*Ntrajectory)] sigma_m=sorted_arr[int(0.50*Ntrajectory)]-sorted_arr[int(0.16*Ntrajectory)] mdn_trajectory=np.append(mdn_trajectory,sorted_arr[int(0.50*Ntrajectory)]); sigma_trajectory_p=np.append(sigma_trajectory_p,sigma_p); sigma_trajectory_m=np.append(sigma_trajectory_m,sigma_m); if self.kind == 'sim': colour = 'blue' elif self.kind == 'dud': colour = 'red' elif self.kind == 'test': colour = 'black' if self.status == 'undecided': facecolour = colour else: facecolour = 'white' if highlight: # Thicker, darker line: plt.plot(mdn_trajectory,N,color=colour,alpha=0.5,linewidth=2.0, linestyle="-") else: # Thinner, fainter line: plt.plot(mdn_trajectory,N,color=colour,alpha=0.1,linewidth=1.0, linestyle="-") NN = N[-1] if NN > swap.Ncmax: NN = swap.Ncmax if highlight: # Heavier symbol: plt.scatter(mdn_trajectory[-1], NN, edgecolors=colour, facecolors=facecolour, alpha=0.8); plt.plot([mdn_trajectory[-1]-sigma_trajectory_m[-1],mdn_trajectory[-1]+sigma_trajectory_p[-1]],[NN,NN],color=colour,alpha=0.5); else: # Fainter symbol: plt.scatter(mdn_trajectory[-1], NN, edgecolors=colour, facecolors=facecolour, alpha=0.5); plt.plot([mdn_trajectory[-1]-sigma_trajectory_m[-1],mdn_trajectory[-1]+sigma_trajectory_p[-1]],[NN,NN],color=colour,alpha=0.3); # if self.kind == 'sim': print self.trajectory[-1], N[-1] return
def plot_field_topology(description, ax=None, colorbar=True, fname=None, limits=True, circ_axis=True, vmin=0., vmax=100., labels=True, full_range=True, **kwargs): """ Brain field topology maps. Ammended/edited by Rob as well, so include him. """ if not description in ALL_DESCRIPTIONS: raise KeyError("%s not one of accepted descriptions: %s" % (description, str(ALL_DESCRIPTIONS))) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if fname is None: fname = get_file() data = readsav(fname, verbose=False) img = data[description] if full_range: img2 = np.hstack((img, img, img)) out = plt.imshow(img2, origin='lower', extent=(-360., 720., -90., 90.), interpolation='nearest', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) else: out = plt.imshow(img, origin='lower', extent=(0., 360., -90., 90.), interpolation='nearest', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, **kwargs) if limits: plt.xlim(0., 360.) plt.ylim(-90., 90) if circ_axis: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(celsius.CircularLocator()) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(celsius.CircularLocator()) if labels: plt.ylabel("Latitude / deg") plt.xlabel("Longitude / deg") if colorbar: c = plt.colorbar(cax=celsius.make_colorbar_cax()) if labels: c.set_label(description.replace('_', ' ')) out = (out, c) return out
def plot_swea_l2_summary(swea_data, max_times=4096, cmap=None, norm=None, labels=True, ax=None, colorbar=True): energy_range = (2, 4000.) def_range = (1e6, 1e9) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() else: if cmap is None: cmap = 'Spectral_r' if norm is None: norm = LogNorm(def_range[0], def_range[1]) if not 'def' in swea_data: print('Data is empty?') # extent = (t[0], t[-1], swea_data['energy'][0], swea_data['energy'][-1]) d = np.empty(4).reshape((2,2)) + np.nan t = plt.xlim() else: d = swea_data['def'] t = swea_data['time'] if d.shape[1] > max_times: n = int(np.floor(d.shape[1] / max_times)) d = d[:,::n] t = t[::n] energy_range = (swea_data['energy'][0], swea_data['energy'][-1]) extent = (t[0], t[-1], energy_range[0], energy_range[1]) img = plt.imshow( d, extent=extent, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', norm=norm, cmap=cmap ) plt.xlim(t[0], t[-1]) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim(energy_range[0], energy_range[1]) if labels: plt.ylabel("E / eV") if colorbar: plt.colorbar(cax=celsius.make_colorbar_cax()).set_label('SWEA D.E.F.') return img
def makeplot(refl, winds, w, stride, map, gs, title, file_name, box=None): pylab.figure() axmain = pylab.axes((0, 0.025, 1, 0.9)) gs_x, gs_y = gs nx, ny = refl.shape xs, ys = np.meshgrid(gs_x * np.arange(nx), gs_y * np.arange(ny)) pylab.contourf(xs, ys, refl, levels=np.arange(10, 80, 10)) pylab.colorbar() pylab.contour(xs, ys, w, levels=np.arange(-10, 0, 2), colors='#666666', style='--') pylab.contour(xs, ys, w, levels=np.arange(2, 12, 2), colors='#666666', style='-') u, v = winds wind_slice = tuple([ slice(None, None, stride) ] * 2) pylab.quiver(xs[wind_slice], ys[wind_slice], u[wind_slice], v[wind_slice]) if box: lb_y, lb_x = [ b.start for b in box ] ub_y, ub_x = [ b.stop for b in box ] box_xs = gs_x * np.array([ lb_x, lb_x, ub_x, ub_x, lb_x]) box_ys = gs_y * np.array([ lb_y, ub_y, ub_y, lb_y, lb_y]) map.plot(box_xs, box_ys, '#660099') axins = zoomed_inset_axes(pylab.gca(), 4, loc=4) pylab.contourf(xs[box], ys[box], refl[box], levels=np.arange(10, 80, 10)) pylab.contour(xs[box], ys[box], w[box], levels=np.arange(-10, 0, 2), colors='#666666', style='--') pylab.contour(xs[box], ys[box], w[box], levels=np.arange(2, 12, 2), colors='#666666', style='-') pylab.quiver(xs[box], ys[box], u[box], v[box]) drawPolitical(map) pylab.xlim([lb_x * gs_x, ub_x * gs_x - 1]) pylab.ylim([lb_y * gs_y, ub_y * gs_y - 1]) mark_inset(axmain, axins, loc1=1, loc2=3, fc='none', ec='k') drawPolitical(map) pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.savefig(file_name) pylab.close() return
def axman(name, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, clear=True): """`axman` is axis manager. Manages clearing, updating and maintaining a global handle to a named plot. """ ax = AX[name] prev_ax = pl.gca() with update_ax(ax, clear=clear): yield ax if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_title(title or name) # `title` overrides `name`. #ax.figure.tight_layout()
def plotConfusion(confusion, grid, title, file_name, inset=None, fudge=16): pylab.figure() axmain = pylab.axes() tick_labels = [ "Missing", "Correct\nNegative", "False\nAlarm", "Miss", "Hit" ] min_label = -1 xs, ys = grid.getXY() pylab.pcolormesh(xs, ys, confusion, cmap=confusion_cmap, vmin=min_label, vmax=(min_label + len(tick_labels) - 1)) tick_locs = np.linspace(-1, min_label + len(tick_labels) - 2, len(tick_labels)) tick_locs += (tick_locs[1] - tick_locs[0]) / 2 bar = pylab.colorbar() bar.locator = FixedLocator(tick_locs) bar.formatter = FixedFormatter(tick_labels) pylab.setp(pylab.getp(, 'ymajorticklabels'), fontsize='large') bar.update_ticks() grid.drawPolitical() if inset: lb_y, lb_x = [ b.start for b in inset ] ub_y, ub_x = [ b.stop + fudge for b in inset ] inset_exp = (slice(lb_y, ub_y), slice(lb_x, ub_x)) axins = zoomed_inset_axes(pylab.gca(), 2, loc=4) pylab.pcolormesh(xs[inset_exp], ys[inset_exp], confusion[inset_exp], cmap=confusion_cmap, vmin=min_label, vmax=(min_label + len(tick_labels) - 1)) grid.drawPolitical() gs_x, gs_y = grid.getGridSpacing() pylab.xlim([lb_x * gs_x, (ub_x - 1) * gs_x]) pylab.ylim([lb_y * gs_y, (ub_y - 1) * gs_y]) mark_inset(axmain, axins, loc1=1, loc2=3, fc='none', ec='k') pylab.suptitle(title) pylab.savefig(file_name) pylab.close() return
def smooth_data_4(gps_data, K=5, show=False): gps_lat = [data[0] for data in gps_data] gps_lng = [data[1] for data in gps_data] gps_lat = signal.medfilt(gps_lat, K) gps_lng = signal.medfilt(gps_lng, K) if show == True: ax1 = pylab.subplot(211) ax2 = pylab.subplot(212) Z = [i for i in range(len(gps_data))] pylab.plot(Z, gps_lat) pylab.plot(Z, gps_lng) for i in range(len(gps_data)): gps_data[i][0] = gps_lat[i] gps_data[i][1] = gps_lng[i] return gps_data
def set_jointplot(row, col, nrows, ncols, clearaxes=True, top=1, ratio=2): if not clearaxes: f, axarr = pylab.subplots(nrows, sharex=True, num=1) f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05) pylab.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in f.axes[:-1]], visible=False) # need to set axes[0] as current axes.[0]) else: # need to set axes[1] as current axes. axes = pylab.gca() ax2 = axes.figure.axes[-1]
def plot_static_l2_summary(static_data, plot_type='Energy', max_times=4096, cmap=None, norm=None, labels=True, ax=None, colorbar=True): if not 'static_kind' in static_data: raise ValueError("Data supplied not from static?") if not static_data['static_kind'] == 'c0': raise ValueError("I only know about C0, for now") if cmap is None: cmap = 'Spectral_r' if norm is None: norm = LogNorm(1e3, 1e9) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() else: imgs = [] x0, x1 = plt.xlim() for extent, data in static_data['blocks']: if extent[1] < x0: continue if extent[0] > x1: continue img = plt.imshow( data, extent=extent, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', norm=norm, cmap=cmap ) imgs.append(img) plt.yscale('log') # plt.xlim(t0, t1) plt.ylim(extent[2], extent[3]) if labels: plt.ylabel("E / eV") if colorbar: plt.colorbar(cax=celsius.make_colorbar_cax()).set_label('static D.E.F.') return imgs
def finish_trajectory_plot(self,axes,filename,t=None,final=None): # If we are not plotting the histogram, the second axis is False... if axes[1] is not False: # Plot histograms! 0 is the upper panel, 1 the lower.[1]) bins = np.linspace(np.log10(swap.pmin),np.log10(swap.pmax),32,endpoint=True) bins = 10.0**bins colors = ['blue','red','black'] labels = ['Training: Sims','Training: Duds','Test: Survey'] thresholds = self.thresholds() for j,kind in enumerate(['sim','dud','test']): self.collect_probabilities(kind) p = self.probabilities[kind] # Sometimes all probabilities are lower than pmin! # Snap to grid. p[p<swap.pmin] = swap.pmin # print "kind,bins,p = ",kind,bins,p # Final plot - only show subjects above threshold: if final: p = p[p>thresholds['rejection']] # Pylab histogram: plt.hist(p, bins=bins, histtype='stepfilled', color=colors[j], alpha=0.7, label=labels[j]) plt.legend(prop={'size':10}) if t is not None: # Add timestamp in top righthand corner:[0]) plt.text(1.3*swap.prior,0.27,t,color='gray') # Write out to file: plt.savefig(filename,dpi=300) return
def cal_fft(gps_data, show=False): gps_lat = [data[0] for data in gps_data] gps_lng = [data[1] for data in gps_data] gps_lat = numpy.fft.fft(gps_lat) gps_lng = numpy.fft.fft(gps_lng) print gps_lat print gps_lng if show == True: ax1 = pylab.subplot(211) ax2 = pylab.subplot(212) Z = [i for i in range(len(gps_data))] pylab.plot(Z, gps_lat) pylab.plot(Z, gps_lng) for i in range(len(gps_data)): gps_data[i][0] = gps_lat[i] gps_data[i][1] = gps_lng[i] return gps_data