def weighting_function(freq_vec, f_changeover, sharpness): """ another weighting function, using tanh to prevent exp. overflow """ weight = .5 - .5 * tanh( (freq_vec.squeeze()[1:] - f_changeover) * sharpness) weight = (weight + weight[::-1]).squeeze() weight = np.hstack([1., weight]) return weight
def feedforward(self): # 검색 단어가 유일한 입력임 for i in range(len(self.wordids)):[i] = 1.0 # 은닉 노드 활성화 for j in range(len(self.hiddenids)): sum = 0.0 for i in range(len(self.wordids)): sum = sum +[i] * self.wi[i][j] self.ah[j] = tanh(sum) # 출력 노드 활성화 for k in range(len(self.urlids)): sum = 0.0 for j in range(len(self.hiddenids)): sum = sum + self.ah[j] * self.wo[j][k][k] = tanh(sum) return[:]
def f(x, amptan, ttan): return amptan * pl.tanh(2 * (x / ttan)**4)
def phiPrime2(self,t): return 0.5*M.pi*t*M.cosh(t)/M.cosh(0.5*M.pi*M.sinh(t))**2+M.tanh(0.5*M.pi*M.sinh(t))
def phi2(self,t): return t*M.tanh(0.5*M.pi*M.sinh(t))
def main(): args = aTools.parseCMD() # Check if our data file exists, if not: write one. # Otherwise, open the file and plot. check = glob.glob('*JackKnifeData_Cv.dat*') fileNames = args.fileNames skip = args.skip # check which ensemble canonical=True if fileNames[0][0]=='g': canonical=False print fileNames if check == []: temps,Cvs,CvsErr = pl.array([]),pl.array([]),pl.array([]) Es, EsErr = pl.array([]), pl.array([]) rhos_rhos, rhos_rhoErr = pl.array([]), pl.array([]) # open energy/ specific heat data file, write headers fout = open('JackKnifeData_Cv.dat', 'w') fout.write('#%15s\t%16s\t%16s\t%16s\t%16s\n'% ( 'T', 'E', 'Eerr', 'Cv', 'CvErr')) # open superfluid stiffness data file, write headers foutSup = open('JackKnifeData_super.dat','w') foutSup.write('#%15s\t%16s\t%16s\n'%( 'T', 'rho_s/rho', 'rho_s/rhoErr')) # perform jackknife analysis of data, writing to disk if args.Crunched: # check if we have combined data tempList = aTools.getHeadersFromFile(fileNames[0]) for temp in tempList: temps = pl.append(temps,float(temp)) n,n2 = 0,0 for fileName in fileNames: print '\n\n---',fileName,'---\n' for temp in tempList: print n if 'Estimator' in fileName: E, EEcv, Ecv, dEdB = pl.loadtxt(fileName,\ unpack=True, usecols=(n,n+1,n+2,n+3), delimiter=',') EAve, Eerr = aTools.jackknife(E[skip:]) jkAve, jkErr = aTools.jackknife( EEcv[skip:],Ecv[skip:],dEdB[skip:]) print 'T = ',float(temp),':' print '<E> = ',EAve,' +/- ',Eerr print '<Cv> = ',jkAve,' +/- ',jkErr Es = pl.append(Es, EAve) Cvs = pl.append(Cvs, jkAve) EsErr = pl.append(EsErr, Eerr) CvsErr = pl.append(CvsErr, jkErr) fout.write('%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\n' %( float(temp), EAve, Eerr, jkAve, jkErr)) n += 4 elif 'Super' in fileName: rhos_rho = pl.loadtxt(fileName, \ unpack=True, usecols=(n2,), delimiter=',') superAve, superErr = aTools.jackknife(rhos_rho[skip:]) print 'rho_s/rho = ', superAve,' +/- ',superErr rhos_rhos = pl.append(rhos_rhos, superAve) rhos_rhoErr = pl.append(rhos_rhoErr, superErr) foutSup.write('%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\n' %( float(temp), superAve, superErr)) n2 += 1 else: # otherwise just read in individual (g)ce-estimator files for fileName in fileNames: if canonical: temp = float(fileName[13:19]) else: temp = float(fileName[14:20]) temps = pl.append(temps, temp) E, EEcv, Ecv, dEdB = pl.loadtxt(fileName, unpack=True, usecols=(4,11,12,13)) jkAve, jkErr = aTools.jackknife( EEcv[skip:],Ecv[skip:],dEdB[skip:]) EAve, Eerr = aTools.jackknife(E[skip:]) print 'T = ',temp print '<Cv> = ',jkAve,' +/- ',jkErr print '<E> = ',EAve,' +/- ',Eerr Es = pl.append(Es, EAve) Cvs = pl.append(Cvs, jkAve) EsErr = pl.append(EsErr, Eerr) CvsErr = pl.append(CvsErr, jkErr) fout.write('%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\n' %( float(temp), EAve, Eerr, jkAve, jkErr)) fout.close() else: print 'Found existing data file in CWD.' temps, Es, EsErr, Cvs, CvsErr = pl.loadtxt('JackKnifeData_Cv.dat', unpack=True) temps, rhos_rhos, rhos_rhoErr = pl.loadtxt('JackKnifeData_super.dat', unpack=True) errCheck = False if errCheck: EsNorm, EsErrNorm = pl.array([]), pl.array([]) for fileName in args.fileNames: #Ecv,Eth = pl.loadtxt(fileName, unpack=True, usecols=(4,-5)) Ecv = pl.loadtxt(fileName, unpack=True, usecols=(4,)) EsNorm = pl.append(EsNorm,pl.average(Ecv)) #ET = pl.append(ET, pl.average(Eth)) EsErrNorm = pl.append(EsErrNorm, pl.std(Ecv)/pl.sqrt(float(len(Ecv)))) #ETerr = pl.append(ETerr, pl.std(Eth)/pl.sqrt(float(len(Eth)))) pl.scatter(temps, EsErrNorm, label='Standard Error', color='Navy') pl.scatter(temps, EsErr, label='Jackknife Error', color='Orange') pl.grid() pl.legend() QHO = False if QHO: # analytical solutions for 1D QHO with one particle tempRange = pl.arange(0.01,1.0,0.01) Eanalytic = 0.5/pl.tanh(1.0/(2.0*tempRange)) CvAnalytic = 1.0/(4.0*(tempRange*pl.sinh(1.0/(2.0*tempRange)))**2) ShareAxis=True # shared x-axis for Cv and Energy # plot the specific heat vs. temperature if ShareAxis: ax1 = pl.subplot(211) else: pl.figure(1) if QHO: # plot analytic result pl.plot(tempRange,CvAnalytic, label='Exact') pl.errorbar(temps,Cvs,CvsErr, label='PIMC',color='Violet',fmt='o') if not ShareAxis: pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]') pl.ylabel('Specific Heat', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.legend(loc=2) # plot the energy vs. temperature if ShareAxis: pl.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax2 = pl.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) else: pl.figure(2) if QHO: # plot analytic result pl.plot(tempRange,Eanalytic, label='Exact') pl.errorbar(temps,Es,EsErr, label='PIMC virial',color='Lime',fmt='o') pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('Energy [K]', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True) pl.legend(loc=2) pl.savefig('Helium_critical_CVest.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight') if ShareAxis: pl.figure(2) else: pl.figure(3) pl.errorbar(temps, rhos_rhos, rhos_rhoErr) pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]', fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('Superfluid Stiffness', fontsize=20) pl.grid(True)
def sigmoid(x, H=.5, Q=1, G=60, P=1, T=0.5): '''Sigmoidal thresholding function.''' return H * (Q + tanh(G * (P * x - T)))
def weighting_function(freq_vec, f_changeover, sharpness): """ another weighting function, using tanh to prevent exp. overflow """ weight = .5 - .5*tanh((freq_vec.squeeze()[1:] - f_changeover) * sharpness) weight = (weight + weight[::-1]).squeeze() weight = np.hstack([1., weight]) return weight
def hfunc(x): "Nonlinearity used for output." return tanh(x)
def main(): args = parseCMD() # Check if our data file exists, if not: write one. # Otherwise, open the file and plot. check = glob.glob('*JackKnifeData_Cv.dat*') if check == []: fileNames = args.fileNames skip = args.skip temps,Cvs,CvsErr = pl.array([]),pl.array([]),pl.array([]) Es, EsErr = pl.array([]),pl.array([]) ET, ETerr = pl.array([]),pl.array([]) # open new data file, write headers fout = open('JackKnifeData_Cv.dat', 'w') fout.write('#%15s\t%16s\t%16s\t%16s\t%16s\t%16s\t%16s\n'% ( 'T', 'Ecv', 'EcvErr', 'Et', 'EtErr','Cv', 'CvErr')) # perform jackknife analysis of data, writing to disk for fileName in fileNames: temp = float(fileName[-40:-34]) temps = pl.append(temps, temp) # grab and analyze energy data Ecv,Eth = pl.loadtxt(fileName, unpack=True, usecols=(4,-5)) E = pl.average(Ecv) Et = pl.average(Eth) EErr = pl.std(Ecv)/pl.sqrt(float(len(Ecv))) EtErr = pl.std(Eth)/pl.sqrt(float(len(Eth))) Es = pl.append(Es,E) ET = pl.append(ET, Et) EsErr = pl.append(EsErr, EErr) ETerr = pl.append(ETerr, EtErr) # grab and analyze specific heat data EEcv, Ecv, dEdB = pl.loadtxt(fileName, unpack=True, usecols=(11,12,13)) jkAve, jkErr = jk.jackknife(EEcv[skip:],Ecv[skip:],dEdB[skip:]) Cvs = pl.append(Cvs,jkAve) CvsErr = pl.append(CvsErr,jkErr) fout.write('%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\t%16.8E\n' %( temp, E, EErr, Et, EtErr, jkAve, jkErr)) print 'T = ',str(temp),' complete.' fout.close() else: print 'Found existing data file in CWD.' temps,Es,EsErr,ET,ETerr,Cvs,CvsErr = pl.loadtxt( 'JackKnifeData_Cv.dat', unpack=True) # plot specific heat for QHO tempRange = pl.arange(0.01,1.0,0.01) Eanalytic = 0.5/pl.tanh(1.0/(2.0*tempRange)) CvAnalytic = 1.0/(4.0*(tempRange*pl.sinh(1.0/(2.0*tempRange)))**2) pl.figure(1) ax1 = pl.subplot(211) pl.plot(tempRange,CvAnalytic, label='Exact') pl.errorbar(temps,Cvs,CvsErr, label='PIMC',color='Violet',fmt='o') pl.ylabel('Specific Heat',fontsize=20) pl.title('1D QHO -- 1 boson',fontsize=20) pl.legend(loc=2) pl.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax2 = pl.subplot(212, sharex=ax1) pl.plot(tempRange,Eanalytic, label='Exact') pl.errorbar(temps,Es,EsErr, label='PIMC virial',color='Lime',fmt='o') pl.errorbar(temps,ET,ETerr, label='PIMC therm.',color='k',fmt='o') #pl.scatter(temps,Es, label='PIMC') pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]',fontsize=20) pl.ylabel('Energy [K]',fontsize=20) pl.legend(loc=2) pl.savefig('1Dqho_largerCOM_800000bins_CvANDenergy.pdf', format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
import pylab as pl sr = 44100. fc = 500. t = pl.arange(0, sr) w = 2 * pl.pi * fc * t / sr k = 10000. / (fc * pl.log10(fc)) scal = 1. / pl.tanh(k) s = scal * pl.tanh(k * pl.sin(w)) pl.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) pl.subplot(211) pl.ylim(-1.1, 1.1) pl.plot(t[0:440] / sr, s[0:440], 'k-') pl.xlabel("time (s)") sig = s N = 32768 start = 0 x = pl.arange(0, N / 2) bins = x * sr / N win = pl.hanning(N) scal = N * pl.sqrt(pl.mean(win**2)) sig1 = sig[start:N + start] window = pl.fft(sig1 * win / max(sig1)) mags = abs(window / scal) spec = 20 * pl.log10(mags / max(mags))
def hprime(x, y=None): if y is None: y = tanh(x) return 1 - y**2
def hfunc(x): return tanh(x)
def gfunc(x): return tanh(x)
def thresholding(self, x): '''Thresholding definition depending on threshold_type: 0 for tanh ; 1 for Brunel's function.''' return 0.5 * (1. + tanh(self.gamma * (x - self.theta)))
def thresholding(self, x, theta): '''Thresholding definition depending on threshold_type: 0 for tanh ; 1 for Brunel's function.''' return 0.5 * (1. + tanh(self.G * (self.P * x - theta)))
'blue': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (xlo, 0.1, 0.1), ((1-whiterange)/gmax, 1.0, 1.0), ((1+whiterange)/gmax, 1.0, 1.0), (xhi, 1.0, 1.0), (xhier,0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)]} cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('mine', cdict) return Z, R, g2mc, cmap, gmax pylab.figure(figsize=(21,15 + 10*dx)) pylab.subplot(1,1,1).set_aspect('equal') Z, R, g2mc, cmap, gmax = read_g2_and_prepare_plot(zmin, 21, 15.0) rbins = Z.shape[0] nrmin = round(rbins/2) + 10 levels = pylab.concatenate([pylab.linspace(0, .85, 10), pylab.linspace(.855, 0.99, 10), pylab.linspace(1.01, 1.15, 10), pylab.linspace(1.2, gmax, 10)]) g2mc = (1+pylab.tanh((R+10)/2))/2*(g2mc-1) + 1 pylab.contourf(Z[:nrmin,:], R[:nrmin,:], g2mc[:nrmin,:], levels, vmax=gmax*.5, vmin=0, cmap=cmap) pylab.axes().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) pylab.axes().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) pylab.title('') pylab.subplots_adjust(left=-0.01, right=1.02, top=1.02, bottom=-0.02) pylab.savefig("figs/pretty-%d.svg" % (int(ff*10)))
def f(x, amptan, ttan, amplog, tlog, sigma): return amptan * pl.tanh( 2 * (x / ttan)**4) + amplog * stats.lognorm.pdf( x, scale=pl.exp(tlog), s=sigma)
def gfunc(x): "Nonlinearity used for input to state." return tanh(x)
def main(): args = parseCMD() # Check if our data file exists, if not: write one. # Otherwise, open the file and plot. check = glob.glob('*JackKnifeData_Cv.dat*') if check == []: fileNames = args.fileNames skip = args.skip temps, Cvs, CvsErr = pl.array([]), pl.array([]), pl.array([]) timeSteps = pl.array([]) # open new data file, write headers fout = open('JackKnifeData_Cv.dat', 'w') fout.write('#%09s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\n' % ('T', 'tau', 'Cv', 'CvErr')) # perform jackknife analysis of data, writing to disk for fileName in fileNames: tau = float(fileName[-21:-14]) temp = float(fileName[-40:-34]) timeSteps = pl.append(timeSteps, tau) temps = pl.append(temps, temp) EEcv, Ecv, dEdB = pl.loadtxt(fileName, unpack=True, usecols=(11, 12, 13)) jkAve, jkErr = aTools.jackknife(EEcv[skip:], Ecv[skip:], dEdB[skip:]) print '<est> = ', jkAve, ' +/- ', jkErr Cvs = pl.append(Cvs, jkAve) CvsErr = pl.append(CvsErr, jkErr) fout.write('%10s\t%10s\t%10s\t%10s\n' % (temp, tau, jkAve, jkErr)) fout.close() else: print 'Found existing data file in CWD.' temps, timeSteps, Cvs, CvsErr = pl.loadtxt('JackKnifeData_Cv.dat', unpack=True) # make array of energies Es, EsErr = pl.array([]), pl.array([]) ET, ETerr = pl.array([]), pl.array([]) for fileName in args.fileNames: Ecv, Eth = pl.loadtxt(fileName, unpack=True, usecols=(4, -5)) Es = pl.append(Es, pl.average(Ecv)) ET = pl.append(ET, pl.average(Eth)) EsErr = pl.append(EsErr, pl.std(Ecv) / pl.sqrt(float(len(Ecv)))) ETerr = pl.append(ETerr, pl.std(Eth) / pl.sqrt(float(len(Eth)))) # plot specific heat for QHO tempRange = pl.arange(0.01, 1.0, 0.01) Eanalytic = 0.5 / pl.tanh(1.0 / (2.0 * tempRange)) CvAnalytic = 1.0 / (4.0 * (tempRange * pl.sinh(1.0 / (2.0 * tempRange)))**2) if args.timeStepScaling: pl.figure(1) pl.plot(timeSteps, 0.5 / pl.tanh(1.0 / (2.0 * (temps))), label='Exact') pl.errorbar(timeSteps, Es, EsErr, label='PIMC virial', color='Lime', fmt='o') pl.errorbar(timeSteps, ET, ETerr, label='PIMC therm.', color='Navy', fmt='o') pl.xlabel('Time Step [1/K]') pl.ylabel('Energy [K]') pl.title('1D QHO -- 1 boson -- T=%s' % temps[0]) pl.legend(loc=1) pl.figure(2) pl.plot(timeSteps, 1.0 / (4.0 * (temps * pl.sinh(1.0 / (2.0 * temps)))**2), label='Exact') pl.errorbar(timeSteps, Cvs, CvsErr, label='PIMC virial', color='Navy', fmt='o') pl.xlabel('Time Step [1/K]') pl.ylabel('Specific Heat [K]') pl.title('1D QHO -- 1 boson -- T=%s' % temps[0]) pl.legend(loc=1) else: pl.figure(1) pl.plot(tempRange, CvAnalytic, label='Exact') pl.errorbar(temps, Cvs, CvsErr, label='PIMC', color='Violet', fmt='o') pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]') pl.ylabel('Specific Heat') pl.title('1D QHO -- 1 boson') pl.legend(loc=2) pl.figure(2) pl.plot(tempRange, Eanalytic, label='Exact') pl.errorbar(temps, Es, EsErr, label='PIMC virial', color='Lime', fmt='o') pl.errorbar(temps, ET, ETerr, label='PIMC therm.', color='k', fmt='o') #pl.scatter(temps,Es, label='PIMC') pl.xlabel('Temperature [K]') pl.ylabel('Energy [K]') pl.title('1D QHO -- 1 boson') pl.legend(loc=2)
'blue': [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (xlo, 0.1, 0.1), ((1-whiterange)/gmax, 1.0, 1.0), ((1+whiterange)/gmax, 1.0, 1.0), (xhi, 1.0, 1.0), (xhier, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)]} cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('mine', cdict) return Z, R, g2mc, cmap, gmax pylab.figure(figsize=(21, 15 + 10*dx)) pylab.subplot(1, 1, 1).set_aspect('equal') Z, R, g2mc, cmap, gmax = read_g2_and_prepare_plot(zmin, 21, 15.0) rbins = Z.shape[0] nrmin = round(rbins/2) + 10 levels = pylab.concatenate([pylab.linspace(0, .85, 10), pylab.linspace(.855, 0.99, 10), pylab.linspace(1.01, 1.15, 10), pylab.linspace(1.2, gmax, 10)]) g2mc = (1+pylab.tanh((R+10)/2))/2*(g2mc-1) + 1 pylab.contourf(Z[:nrmin,:], R[:nrmin,:], g2mc[:nrmin,:], levels, vmax=gmax*.5, vmin=0, cmap=cmap) pylab.axes().get_xaxis().set_visible(False) pylab.axes().get_yaxis().set_visible(False) pylab.title('') pylab.subplots_adjust(left=-0.01, right=1.02, top=1.02, bottom=-0.02) pylab.savefig("figs/pretty-%d.svg" % (int(ff*10)))