def rmsdSpreadSubplot(multiplier=1.0, layout=(-1, -1)): rmsd_data = dict( (e, rad_data[e]['innov'][quant]) for e in rad_data.iterkeys() ) spread_data = dict( (e, rad_data[e]['spread'][quant]) for e in rad_data.iterkeys() ) times = temp.getTimes() n_t = len(times) for exp, exp_name in exp_names.iteritems(): pylab.plot(sawtooth(times, times)[:(n_t + 1)], rmsd_data[exp][:(n_t + 1)], color=colors[exp], linestyle='-') pylab.plot(times[(n_t / 2):], rmsd_data[exp][n_t::2], color=colors[exp], linestyle='-') for exp, exp_name in exp_names.iteritems(): pylab.plot(sawtooth(times, times)[:(n_t + 1)], spread_data[exp][:(n_t + 1)], color=colors[exp], linestyle='--') pylab.plot(times[(n_t / 2):], spread_data[exp][n_t::2], color=colors[exp], linestyle='--') ylim = pylab.ylim() pylab.plot(times, -1 * np.ones((len(times),)), color='#999999', linestyle='-', label="RMS Innovation") pylab.plot(times, -1 * np.ones((len(times),)), color='#999999', linestyle='--', label="Spread") pylab.axhline(y=7, color='k', linestyle=':') pylab.axvline(x=14400, color='k', linestyle=':') pylab.ylabel("RMS Innovation/Spread (dBZ)", size='large') pylab.xlim(times[0], times[-1]) pylab.ylim(ylim) pylab.legend(loc=4) pylab.xticks(times[::2], [ "" for t in times[::2] ]) pylab.yticks(size='x-large') return
def simulationWithoutDrugNick(numViruses, maxPop, maxBirthProb, clearProb, numTrials): """ Run the simulation and plot the graph for problem 3 (no drugs are used, viruses do not have any drug resistance). For each of numTrials trial, instantiates a patient, runs a simulation for 300 timesteps, and plots the average virus population size as a function of time. numViruses: number of SimpleVirus to create for patient (an integer) maxPop: maximum virus population for patient (an integer) maxBirthProb: Maximum reproduction probability (a float between 0-1) clearProb: Maximum clearance probability (a float between 0-1) numTrials: number of simulation runs to execute (an integer) """ #Instantiate the viruses first, the patient second viruses= [ SimpleVirus(maxBirthProb, clearProb) for i in range(numViruses) ] patient = Patient(viruses, maxPop) #Execute the patient.update method 300 times for 100 trials steps = 300 countList = [0 for i in range(300)] for trial in range(numTrials): for timeStep in range(steps): countList[timeStep] += patient.update() avgList = [ countList[i]/float(numTrials) for i in range(steps) ] #Plot a diagram with xAxis=timeSteps, yAxis=average virus population xAxis = [ x for x in range(steps) ] pylab.figure(2) pylab.plot(xAxis, avgList, 'ro', label='Simple Virus') pylab.xlabel('Number of elapsed time steps') pylab.ylabel('Average size of the virus population') pylab.title('Virus growth in a patient without the aid of any drag') pylab.legend()
def check_vpd_ks2_astrometry(): """ Check the VPD and quiver plots for our KS2-extracted, re-transformed astrometry. """ catFile = workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/wd1_catalog.fits' tab = atpy.Table(catFile) good = (tab.xe_160 < 0.05) & (tab.ye_160 < 0.05) & \ (tab.xe_814 < 0.05) & (tab.ye_814 < 0.05) & \ (tab.me_814 < 0.05) & (tab.me_160 < 0.05) tab2 = tab.where(good) dx = (tab2.x_160 - tab2.x_814) * ast.scale['WFC'] * 1e3 dy = (tab2.y_160 - tab2.y_814) * ast.scale['WFC'] * 1e3 py.clf() q = py.quiver(tab2.x_814, tab2.y_814, dx, dy, scale=5e2) py.quiverkey(q, 0.95, 0.85, 5, '5 mas', color='red', labelcolor='red') py.savefig(workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/vec_diffs_ks2_all.png') py.clf() py.plot(dy, dx, 'k.', ms=2) lim = 30 py.axis([-lim, lim, -lim, lim]) py.xlabel('Y Proper Motion (mas)') py.ylabel('X Proper Motion (mas)') py.savefig(workDir + '20.KS2_PMA/vpd_ks2_all.png') idx = np.where((np.abs(dx) < 10) & (np.abs(dy) < 10))[0] print('Cluster Members (within dx < 10 mas and dy < 10 mas)') print((' dx = {dx:6.2f} +/- {dxe:6.2f} mas'.format(dx=dx[idx].mean(), dxe=dx[idx].std()))) print((' dy = {dy:6.2f} +/- {dye:6.2f} mas'.format(dy=dy[idx].mean(), dye=dy[idx].std())))
def plot_number_alteration_by_tissue(self, fontsize=10, width=0.9): """Plot number of alterations .. plot:: :width: 100% :include-source: from gdsctools import * data = gdsctools_data("test_omnibem_genomic_alterations.csv.gz") bem = OmniBEMBuilder(data) bem.filter_by_gene_list(gdsctools_data("test_omnibem_genes.txt")) bem.plot_number_alteration_by_tissue() """ count = self.unified.groupby(['TISSUE_TYPE'])['GENE'].count() try: count.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=False) except: count.sort(inplace=True, ascending=False) count.plot(kind="bar", width=width) pylab.grid() pylab.xlabel("Tissue Type", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel("Total number of alterations in cell lines", fontsize=fontsize) try:pylab.tight_layout() except:pass
def plotear(xi,yi,zi): # mask inner circle interior1 = sqrt(((xi+1.5)**2) + (yi**2)) < 1.0 interior2 = sqrt(((xi-1.5)**2) + (yi**2)) < 1.0 zi[interior1] = ma.masked zi[interior2] = ma.masked p.figure(figsize=(16,10)) pyplot.jet() max=2.8 min=0.4 steps = 50 levels=list() labels=list() for i in range(0,steps): levels.append(int((max-min)/steps*100*i)*0.01+min) for i in range(0,steps/2): labels.append(levels[2*i]) CSF = p.contourf(xi,yi,zi,levels,norm=colors.LogNorm()) CS = p.contour(xi,yi,zi,levels, format='%.3f', labelsize='18') p.clabel(CS,labels,inline=1,fontsize=9) p.title('electrostatic potential of two spherical colloids, R=lambda/3',fontsize=24) p.xlabel('z-coordinate (3*lambda)',fontsize=18) p.ylabel('radial coordinate r (3*lambda)',fontsize=18) # add a vertical bar with the color values cbar = p.colorbar(CSF,ticks=labels,format='%.3f')'potential (reduced units)',fontsize=18) cbar.add_lines(CS)
def showHistory(self, figNum): pylab.figure(figNum) plot = pylab.plot(self.history, label = 'Test Stock') plot pylab.title('Closing Price, Test ' + str(figNum)) pylab.xlabel('Day') pylab.ylabel('Price')
def plotLists(xList, xLabel=None, eListTitle=None, eList=None, eLabel=None, fListTitle=None, fList=None, fLabel=None): if h2o.python_username!='kevin': return import pylab as plt print "xList", xList print "eList", eList print "fList", fList font = {'family' : 'normal', 'weight' : 'normal', 'size' : 26} ### plt.rc('font', **font) plt.rcdefaults() if eList: if eListTitle: plt.title(eListTitle) plt.figure() plt.plot (xList, eList) plt.xlabel(xLabel) plt.ylabel(eLabel) plt.draw() if fList: if fListTitle: plt.title(fListTitle) plt.figure() plt.plot (xList, fList) plt.xlabel(xLabel) plt.ylabel(fLabel) plt.draw() if eList or fList:
def srcdiff_plot(env, model, **kwargs): obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', 0) src_index = kwargs.pop('src_index', 0) with_colorbar = kwargs.pop('with_colorbar', False) xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', r'arcsec') ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', r'arcsec') obj, data = model['obj,data'][obj_index] S = obj.basis.subdivision R = obj.basis.mapextent g = obj.basis.srcdiff_grid(data)[src_index] vmin = np.log10(np.amin(g[g>0])) g = g.copy() + 1e-10 kw = default_kw(R, kwargs) #, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmin+2) #loglev = logspace(1, log(amax(g)-amin(g)), 20, base=math.e) + amin(g) pl.matshow(np.log10(g), **kw) matplotlib.rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid' if with_colorbar: glspl.colorbar() # pl.over(contour, g, 50, colors='w', linewidths=1, # extent=[-R,R,-R,R], origin='upper', extend='both') #pl.grid() pl.xlabel(xlabel) pl.ylabel(ylabel)
def H0inv_plot(env, **kwargs): _hist(env, '1/H0', xlabel=r'$H_0^{-1}$ (Gyr)') return models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models) obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', 0) key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted') xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', r'$H_0^{-1}$ (Gyr)') ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', r'Count') # select a list to append to based on the 'accepted' property. l = [[], [], []] for m in models: obj, data = m['obj,data'][0] # For H0inv we only have to look at one model because the others are the same l[m.get(key,2)].append(data['1/H0']) #l[2].append(data['kappa'][1]) #print amin(l[2]), amax(l[2]) not_accepted, accepted, notag = l #print 'H0inv_plot',H0s for d,s in zip(l, _styles): if d: #print len(d), d #pl.hist(d, bins=20, histtype='step', edgecolor=s['c'], zorder=s['z'], label=s['label']) pl.hist(d, bins=np.ptp(d)//1+1, histtype='step', edgecolor=s['c'], zorder=s['z'], label=s['label'], **kwargs) #if not_accepted or accepted: #pl.legend() pl.axvline(13.7, c='k', ls=':', zorder = 2) pl.xlabel(xlabel) pl.ylabel(ylabel) if accepted or not not_accepted: if accepted: h = np.array(accepted) else: h = np.array(accepted + notag) hs = np.sort(h) l = len(hs) m = hs[l * 0.50] u = hs[l * (0.50 + 0.341)] l = hs[l * (0.50 - 0.341)] #u = hs[l * 0.68] #l = hs[l * 0.32] pl.axvline(m, c='r', ls='-', zorder = 2) pl.axvline(u, c='g', ls='-', zorder = 2) pl.axvline(l, c='g', ls='-', zorder = 2) Log( 'H0inv_plot: ', m, u, l ) Log( 'H0inv_plot: ', m, (u-m), (m-l) ) else: Log( "H0inv_plot: No H0inv values accepted" )
def chisq_plot(env, **kwargs): _hist(env, 'sigp:chisq', xlabel=r'$\chi^2$') return models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models) objects = kwargs.pop('objects', None) key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted') # select a list to append to based on the 'accepted' property. l = [[], [], []] for m in models: # For H0 we only have to look at one model because the others are the same obj, data = m['obj,data'][0] l[m.get(key,2)].append(data['sigp:chisq']) not_accepted, accepted, notag = l for d,s in zip(l, _styles): if d: pl.hist(d, histtype='step', edgecolor=s['c'], zorder=s['z'], label=s['label'], log=False, **kwargs) if not_accepted or accepted: pl.legend() pl.xlabel(_chisq_xlabel) pl.ylabel(r'Count')
def grad_kappa_plot(env, model, obj_index, which='x', with_contours=False, only_contours=False, clevels=30, with_colorbar=True): obj, data = model['obj,data'][obj_index] R = obj.basis.mapextent grid = obj.basis.kappa_grid(data) grid = grid.copy() kw = default_kw(R) kw['vmin'] = -1 kw['vmax'] = 2 if not only_contours: print '!!!!!!', grid.shape if which == 'x': grid = np.diff(grid, axis=1) if which == 'y': grid = np.diff(grid, axis=0) print '!!!!!!', grid.shape pl.matshow(grid, **kw) if with_colorbar: glspl.colorbar() if with_contours: kw.pop('cmap') pl.over(contour, grid, clevels, extend='both', colors='k', alpha=0.7, **kw) pl.xlabel('arcsec') pl.ylabel('arcsec')
def plot_stress(self, block_ids=None, fignum=0): block_ids = self.check_block_ids_list(block_ids) # plt.figure(fignum) ax1=plt.gca() plt.clf() plt.figure(fignum) plt.clf() ax0=plt.gca() # for block_id in block_ids: rws = numpy.core.records.fromarrays(zip(*filter(lambda x: x['block_id']==block_id, self.shear_stress_sequences)), dtype=self.shear_stress_sequences.dtype) stress_seq = [] for rw in rws: stress_seq += [[rw['sweep_number'], rw['shear_init']]] stress_seq += [[rw['sweep_number'], rw['shear_final']]] X,Y = zip(*stress_seq) # ax0.plot(X,Y, '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) # plt.figure(fignum+1) plt.plot(rws['sweep_number'], rws['shear_init'], '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) plt.plot(rws['sweep_number'], rws['shear_final'], '.-', label='block_id: %d' % block_id) plt.figure(fignum) ax0.plot([min(self.shear_stress_sequences['sweep_number']), max(self.shear_stress_sequences['sweep_number'])], [0., 0.], 'k-') ax0.legend(loc=0, numpoints=1) plt.figure(fignum) plt.title('Block shear_stress sequences') plt.xlabel('sweep number') plt.ylabel('shear stress')
def time_delays_plot(env, **kwargs): models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models) obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', 0) src_index = kwargs.pop('src_index', 0) key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted') d = defaultdict(list) for m in models: obj,data = m['obj,data'][obj_index] t0 = data['arrival times'][src_index][0] for i,t in enumerate(data['arrival times'][src_index][1:]): d[i].append( float('%0.6f'%convert('arcsec^2 to days', t-t0, obj.dL, obj.z, data['nu'])) ) t0 = t s = product(range(1,1+len(d)), ['solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted']) for k,v in d.iteritems(): #print 'td plot', k, len(v) #print v lw,ls = pl.hist(v, bins=25, histtype='step', color='k', ls=ls, lw=lw, label='%s - %s' % (str(k+1),str(k+2)), **kwargs) #pl.xlim(xmin=0) pl.ylim(ymin=0) pl.xlim(xmin=pl.xlim()[0] - 0.01*(pl.xlim()[1] - pl.xlim()[0])) pl.legend() pl.xlabel(_time_delays_xlabel) pl.ylabel(r'Count')
def geweke_plot(data, name, format='png', suffix='-diagnostic', path='./', fontmap = None, verbose=1): # Generate Geweke (1992) diagnostic plots if fontmap is None: fontmap = {1:10, 2:8, 3:6, 4:5, 5:4} # Generate new scatter plot figure() x, y = transpose(data) scatter(x.tolist(), y.tolist()) # Plot options xlabel('First iteration', fontsize='x-small') ylabel('Z-score for %s' % name, fontsize='x-small') # Plot lines at +/- 2 sd from zero pyplot((nmin(x), nmax(x)), (2, 2), '--') pyplot((nmin(x), nmax(x)), (-2, -2), '--') # Set plot bound ylim(min(-2.5, nmin(y)), max(2.5, nmax(y))) xlim(0, nmax(x)) # Save to file if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' savefig("%s%s%s.%s" % (path, name, suffix, format))
def param_set_averages_plot(results): averages_ocr = [ a[1] for a in sorted( param_set_averages(results, metric='ocr').items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0].split('-')[1])) ] averages_q = [ a[1] for a in sorted( param_set_averages(results, metric='q').items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0].split('-')[1])) ] averages_mse = [ a[1] for a in sorted( param_set_averages(results, metric='mse').items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0].split('-')[1])) ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) # plt.tight_layout() plt.plot(averages_ocr, label='OCR', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(averages_q, label='Q', linewidth=2.0) plt.plot(averages_mse, label='MSE', linewidth=2.0) plt.ylim([0, 1]) plt.xlabel(u'Paslėptų neuronų skaičius') plt.ylabel(u'Vidurinė Q įverčio pokyčio reikšmė') plt.grid(True) plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(loc='lower right')
def generateKineticsModel(reaction, tunneling='', plot=False):'Calculating rate coefficient for {0}...'.format(reaction)) if len(reaction.reactants) == 1: kunits = 's^-1' elif len(reaction.reactants) == 2: kunits = 'm^3/(mol*s)' elif len(reaction.reactants) == 3: kunits = 'm^6/(mol^2*s)' else: kunits = '' Tlist = 1000.0/numpy.arange(0.4, 3.35, 0.05) klist = reaction.calculateTSTRateCoefficients(Tlist, tunneling) arrhenius = Arrhenius().fitToData(Tlist, klist, kunits) klist2 = arrhenius.getRateCoefficients(Tlist) reaction.kinetics = arrhenius if plot:'Plotting kinetics model for {0}...'.format(reaction)) import pylab pylab.semilogy(1000.0 / Tlist, klist * reaction.degeneracy, 'ok') pylab.semilogy(1000.0 / Tlist, klist2 * reaction.degeneracy, '-k') pylab.xlabel('1000 / Temperature (1000/K)') pylab.ylabel('Rate coefficient (SI units)')
def plotHistogram(data, preTime): pylab.figure(1) pylab.hist(data, bins=10) pylab.xlabel("Virus Population At End of Simulation") pylab.ylabel("Number of Trials") pylab.title("{0} Time Steps Before Treatment Simulation".format(preTime))
def drawPr(tp,fp,tot,show=True): """ draw the precision recall curve """ det=numpy.array(sorted(tp+fp)) atp=numpy.array(tp) afp=numpy.array(fp) #pylab.figure() #pylab.clf() rc=numpy.zeros(len(det)) pr=numpy.zeros(len(det)) #prc=0 #ppr=1 for i,p in enumerate(det): pr[i]=float(numpy.sum(atp>=p))/numpy.sum(det>=p) rc[i]=float(numpy.sum(atp>=p))/tot #print pr,rc,p ap=0 for c in numpy.linspace(0,1,num=11): if len(pr[rc>=c])>0: p=numpy.max(pr[rc>=c]) else: p=0 ap=ap+p/11 if show: pylab.plot(rc,pr,'-g') pylab.title("AP=%.3f"%(ap)) pylab.xlabel("Recall") pylab.ylabel("Precision") pylab.grid() pylab.draw() return rc,pr,ap
def createPlot(dataY, dataX, ticksX, annotations, axisY, axisX, dostep, doannotate): if not ticksX: ticksX = dataX if dostep: py.step(dataX, dataY, where='post', linestyle='-', label=axisY) # where=post steps after point else: py.plot(dataX, dataY, marker='o', ms=5.0, linestyle='-', label=axisY) if annotations and doannotate: for note, x, y in zip(annotations, dataX, dataY): py.annotate(note, (x, y), xytext=(2,2), xycoords='data', textcoords='offset points') py.xticks(np.arange(1, len(dataX)+1), ticksX, horizontalalignment='left', rotation=30) leg = py.legend() leg.draggable() py.xlabel(axisX) py.ylabel('time (s)') # Set X axis tick labels as rungs #print zip(dataX, dataY) py.draw() return
def plot_Barycenter(dataset_name, feat, unfeat, repo): if dataset_name==MNIST: _, _, test=get_data(dataset_name, repo, labels=True) xtest1,_,_, labels,_=test else: _, _, test=get_data(dataset_name, repo, labels=False) xtest1,_,_ =test labels=np.zeros((len(xtest1),)) # get labels def bary_wdl2(index): return _bary_wdl2(index, xtest1, feat, unfeat) n=xtest1.shape[-1] num_class = (int)(max(labels)+1) barys=[bary_wdl2(np.where(labels==i)) for i in range(num_class)] pl.figure(1, (num_class, 1)) for i in range(num_class): pl.subplot(1,10,1+i) pl.imshow(barys[i][0,0,:,:],cmap='Blues',interpolation='nearest') pl.xticks(()) pl.yticks(()) if i==0: pl.ylabel('DWE Bary.') if num_class >1: pl.title('{}'.format(i)) pl.tight_layout(pad=0,h_pad=-2,w_pad=-2) pl.savefig("imgs/{}_dwe_bary.pdf".format(dataset_name))
def drawPrfastscore(tp,fp,scr,tot,show=True): tp=numpy.cumsum(tp) fp=numpy.cumsum(fp) rec=tp/tot prec=tp/(fp+tp) #dif=numpy.abs(prec[1:]-rec[1:]) dif=numpy.abs(prec[::-1]-rec[::-1]) pos=dif.argmin() pos=len(dif)-pos-1 ap=0 for t in numpy.linspace(0,1,11): pr=prec[rec>=t] if pr.size==0: pr=0 p=numpy.max(pr); ap=ap+p/11; if show: pylab.plot(rec,prec,'-g') pylab.title("AP=%.3f EPRthr=%.3f"%(ap,scr[pos])) pylab.xlabel("Recall") pylab.ylabel("Precision") pylab.grid() pylab.draw() return rec,prec,scr,ap,scr[pos]
def getOptCandGamma(cv_train, cv_label): print "Finding optimal C and gamma for SVM with RBF Kernel" C_range = 10.0 ** np.arange(-2, 9) gamma_range = 10.0 ** np.arange(-5, 4) param_grid = dict(gamma=gamma_range, C=C_range) cv = StratifiedKFold(y=cv_label, n_folds=40) # Use the svm.SVC() as the cost function to evaluate parameter choices # NOTE: Perhaps we should run computations in parallel if needed. Does it # do that already within the class? grid = GridSearchCV(svm.SVC(), param_grid=param_grid, cv=cv), cv_label) score_dict = grid.grid_scores_ scores = [x[1] for x in score_dict] scores = np.array(scores).reshape(len(C_range), len(gamma_range)) pl.figure(figsize=(8,6)) pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, bottom=0.15, top=0.95) pl.imshow(scores, interpolation='nearest', pl.xlabel('gamma') pl.ylabel('C') pl.colorbar() pl.xticks(np.arange(len(gamma_range)), gamma_range, rotation=45) pl.yticks(np.arange(len(C_range)), C_range) print "The best classifier is: ", grid.best_estimator_
def plot_sphere_x( s, fname ): """ put plot of ionization fractions from sphere `s` into fname """ plt.figure() s.Edges.units = 'kpc' s.r_c.units = 'kpc' xx = s.r_c L = s.Edges[-1] plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xHe1 ), color='green', ls='-', label = r'$x_{\rm HeI}$' ) plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xHe2 ), color='green', ls='--', label = r'$x_{\rm HeII}$' ) plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xHe3 ), color='green', ls=':', label = r'$x_{\rm HeIII}$' ) plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xH1 ), color='red', ls='-', label = r'$x_{\rm HI}$' ) plt.plot( xx, np.log10( s.xH2 ), color='red', ls='--', label = r'$x_{\rm HII}$' ) plt.xlim( -L/20, L+L/20 ) plt.xlabel( 'r_c [kpc]' ) plt.ylim( -4.5, 0.2 ) plt.ylabel( 'log 10 ( x )' ) plt.grid() plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=2) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( 'doc/img/x_' + fname )
def plot_heatingrate(data_dict, filename, do_show=True): pl.figure(201) color_list = ['b','r','g','k','y','r','g','b','k','y','r',] fmtlist = ['s','d','o','s','d','o','s','d','o','s','d','o'] result_dict = {} for key in data_dict.keys(): x = data_dict[key][0] y = data_dict[key][1][:,0] y_err = data_dict[key][1][:,1] p0 = np.polyfit(x,y,1) fit = LinFit(np.array([x,y,y_err]).transpose(), show_graph=False) p1 = [0,0] p1[0] = fit.param_dict[0]['Slope'][0] p1[1] = fit.param_dict[0]['Offset'][0] print fit x0 = np.linspace(0,max(x)) cstr = color_list.pop(0) fstr = fmtlist.pop(0) lstr = key + " heating: {0:.2f} ph/ms".format((p1[0]*1e3)) pl.errorbar(x/1e3,y,y_err,fmt=fstr + cstr,label=lstr) pl.plot(x0/1e3,np.polyval(p0,x0),cstr) pl.plot(x0/1e3,np.polyval(p1,x0),cstr) result_dict[key] = 1e3*np.array(fit.param_dict[0]['Slope']) pl.xlabel('Heating time (ms)') pl.ylabel('nbar') if do_show: pl.legend() if filename != None: pl.savefig(filename) return result_dict
def Doplots_monthly(mypathforResults,PlottingDF,variable_to_fill, Site_ID,units,item): ANN_label=str(item+"_NN") #Do Monthly Plots print "Doing MOnthly plot" #t = arange(1, 54, 1) NN_label='Fc' Plottemp = PlottingDF[[NN_label,item]][PlottingDF['day_night']!=1] #Plottemp = PlottingDF[[NN_label,item]].dropna(how='any') figure(1) pl.title('Nightime ANN v Tower by year-month for '+item+' at '+Site_ID) try: xdata1a=Plottemp[item].groupby([lambda x: x.year,lambda x: x.month]).mean() plotxdata1a=True except: plotxdata1a=False try: xdata1b=Plottemp[NN_label].groupby([lambda x: x.year,lambda x: x.month]).mean() plotxdata1b=True except: plotxdata1b=False if plotxdata1a==True: pl.plot(xdata1a,'r',label=item) if plotxdata1b==True: pl.plot(xdata1b,'b',label=NN_label) pl.ylabel('Flux') pl.xlabel('Year - Month') pl.legend() pl.savefig(mypathforResults+'/ANN and Tower plots by year and month for variable '+item+' at '+Site_ID) pl.close() time.sleep(1)
def plotB3reg(): w=loadStanFit('') printCI(w,'mmu') printCI(w,'mr') for b in range(2): subplot(1,2,b+1) plt.title('') px=np.array(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,101),ndmin=2) a0=np.array(w['mmu'][:,b],ndmin=2).T a1=np.array(w['mr'][:,b],ndmin=2).T y=np.concatenate([sap(a0+a1*px,97.5,axis=0),sap(a0+a1*px[:,::-1],2.5,axis=0)]) x=np.squeeze(np.concatenate([px,px[:,::-1]],axis=1)) plt.plot(px[0,:],np.median(a0)+np.median(a1)*px[0,:],'red') #plt.plot([-1,1],[0.5,0.5],'grey') ax=plt.gca() ax.set_aspect(1) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array([x,y]).T,alpha=0.2,fill=True,fc='red',ec='w')) y=np.concatenate([sap(a0+a1*px,75,axis=0),sap(a0+a1*px[:,::-1],25,axis=0)]) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array([x,y]).T,alpha=0.2,fill=True,fc='red',ec='w')) man=np.array([-0.4,-0.2,0,0.2,0.4]) mus=[] for m in range(len(man)): mus.append(loadStanFit(''%m)['mmu'][:,b]) mus=np.array(mus).T errorbar(mus,x=man) ax.set_xticks(man) plt.xlim([-0.5,0.5]) plt.ylim([-0.4,0.8]) #plt.xlabel('Manipulated Displacement') if b==0: plt.ylabel('Perceived Displacemet') plt.gca().set_yticklabels([]) subplot_annotate() plt.text(-1.1,-0.6,'Pivot Displacement',fontsize=8);
def plotForce(): figure(size=3,aspect=0.5) subplot(1,2,1) from EvalTraj import plotFF plotFF(vp=351,t=28,f=900,cm=0.6,foffset=8) subplot_annotate() subplot(1,2,2) for i in [1,2,3,4]: R=np.squeeze(np.load('Rdpse%d.npy'%i)) R=stats.nanmedian(R,axis=2)[:,1:,:] dps=np.linspace(-1,1,201)[1:] plt.plot(dps,R[:,:,2].mean(0)); plt.legend([0,0.1,0.2,0.3],loc=3) i=2 R=np.squeeze(np.load('Rdpse%d.npy'%i)) R=stats.nanmedian(R,axis=2)[:,1:,:] mn=np.argmin(R,axis=1) y=np.random.randn(mn.shape[0])*0.00002+0.0438 plt.plot(np.sort(dps[mn[:,2]]),y,'+',mew=1,ms=6,mec=[ 0.39 , 0.76, 0.64]) plt.xlabel('Displacement of Force Origin') plt.ylabel('Average Net Force Magnitude') hh=dps[mn[:,2]] err=np.std(hh)/np.sqrt(hh.shape[0])*stats.t.ppf(0.975,hh.shape[0]) err2=np.std(hh)/np.sqrt(hh.shape[0])*stats.t.ppf(0.75,hh.shape[0]) m=np.mean(hh) print m, m-err,m+err'force',[m, m-err,m+err,m-err2,m+err2]) plt.xlim([-0.5,0.5]) plt.ylim([0.0435,0.046]) plt.grid(b=True,axis='x') subplot_annotate()
def plotEventFlop(library, num, eventNames, sizes, times, events, filename = None): from pylab import legend, plot, savefig, semilogy, show, title, xlabel, ylabel import numpy as np arches = sizes.keys() bs = events[arches[0]].keys()[0] data = [] names = [] for event, color in zip(eventNames, ['b', 'g', 'r', 'y']): for arch, style in zip(arches, ['-', ':']): if event in events[arch][bs]: names.append(arch+'-'+str(bs)+' '+event) data.append(sizes[arch][bs]) data.append(1e-3*np.array(events[arch][bs][event])[:,1]) data.append(color+style) else: print 'Could not find %s in %s-%d events' % (event, arch, bs) semilogy(*data) title('Performance on '+library+' Example '+str(num)) xlabel('Number of Dof') ylabel('Computation Rate (GF/s)') legend(names, 'upper left', shadow = True) if filename is None: show() else: savefig(filename) return
def plotB2reg(prefix=''): w=loadStanFit(prefix+'') px=np.array(np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,101),ndmin=2) a1=np.array(w['ma'][:,4],ndmin=2).T+1 a0=np.array(w['ma'][:,3],ndmin=2).T printCI(w,'ma') y=np.concatenate([sap(a0+a1*px,97.5,axis=0),sap(a0+a1*px[:,::-1],2.5,axis=0)]) x=np.squeeze(np.concatenate([px,px[:,::-1]],axis=1)) man=np.array([-0.4,-0.2,0,0.2,0.4]) plt.plot(px[0,:],np.median(a0)+np.median(a1)*px[0,:],'red') #plt.plot([-1,1],[0.5,0.5],'grey') ax=plt.gca() ax.set_aspect(1) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array([x,y]).T,alpha=0.2,fill=True,fc='red',ec='w')) y=np.concatenate([sap(a0+a1*px,75,axis=0),sap(a0+a1*px[:,::-1],25,axis=0)]) ax.add_patch(plt.Polygon(np.array([x,y]).T,alpha=0.2,fill=True,fc='red',ec='w')) mus=[] for m in range(len(man)): mus.append(loadStanFit(prefix+''%m)['ma4']+man[m]) mus=np.array(mus).T errorbar(mus,x=man) ax.set_xticks(man) plt.xlim([-0.5,0.5]) plt.ylim([-0.6,0.8]) plt.xlabel('Pivot Displacement') plt.ylabel('Perceived Displacemet')
def simulation1(numTrials, numSteps, loc): results = {'UsualDrunk': [], 'ColdDrunk': [], 'EDrunk': [], 'PhotoDrunk': [], 'DDrunk': []} drunken_types = {'UsualDrunk': UsualDrunk, 'ColdDrunk': ColdDrunk, 'EDrunk': EDrunk, 'PhotoDrunk': PhotoDrunk, 'DDrunk': DDrunk} for drunken in drunken_types.keys(): #Create field initial_loc = Location(loc[0], loc[1]) field = Field() print "Simu", drunken drunk = Drunk(drunken) drunk_man = drunken_types[drunken](drunk) field.addDrunk(drunk_man, initial_loc) #print drunk_man for trial in range(numTrials): distance = walkVector(field, drunk_man, numSteps) results[drunken].append((round(distance[0], 1), round(distance[1], 1))) print drunken, "=", results[drunken] for result in results.keys(): # x, y = zip(*results[result]) # print "x", x # print "y", y pylab.plot(*zip(*results[result]), marker='o', color='r', ls='') pylab.title(result) pylab.xlabel('X coordinateds') pylab.ylabel('Y coordinateds') pylab.xlim(-100, 100) pylab.ylim(-100, 100) pylab.figure()
magnetization = [get_magnetization(state) / (N_side**2)] for step in range(0, N_MC_steps): i = rng.integers(0, N_side) j = rng.integers(0, N_side) old_contribution = contribution_to_energy(J, state, i, j, state[i, j]) new_contribution = contribution_to_energy(J, state, i, j, flip_spin(state[i, j])) if should_accept_move(beta, new_contribution - old_contribution): state[i, j] = flip_spin(state[i, j]) old_energy += new_contribution - old_contribution magnetization.append(get_magnetization(state) / (N_side**2)) plot(magnetization) xlabel("time step") ylabel("m") title(fr"Average magnetization m per spin, $\beta={beta}, J={J}, k_B=1$") show() plt.close() cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['#56b4e9', '#d55e00']) bounds = [-1, 0, 1] norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) fig = plt.figure() # plt = imshow(states[0], norm=norm, cmap=cmap, extent=[1, N_side, 1, N_side], animated=True) # colorbar(cmap=cmap, ticks=[-1, 1], norm=norm, boundaries=bounds) # def update_fig(i): # if i < N_MC_steps: # i += 1
def OnColoc(self, event=None, restrict_z=False, coloc_vs_z=False): from PYME.Analysis.Colocalisation import correlationCoeffs, edtColoc from scipy import interpolate voxelsize = [ 1e3 * self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.x'), 1e3 * self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.y'), 1e3 * self.image.mdh.getEntry('voxelsize.z') ] names = self.image.names if not getattr(self.image, 'labels', None) is None: have_mask = True mask = (self.image.labels > 0.5).squeeze() else: have_mask = False mask = None if not restrict_z: dlg = ColocSettingsDialog(self.dsviewer, voxelsize[0], names, have_mask=have_mask) else: dlg = ColocSettingsDialog(self.dsviewer, voxelsize[0], names, have_mask=have_mask,[2]) dlg.ShowModal() bins = dlg.GetBins() chans = dlg.GetChans() use_mask = dlg.GetUseMask() zs, ze = (0,[2]) if ([2] > 1) and restrict_z: zs, ze = dlg.GetZrange() zs, ze = (0, 1) if[2] > 1: zs, ze = dlg.GetZrange() dlg.Destroy() print('Use mask: %s' % use_mask) if not use_mask: mask = None #assume we have exactly 2 channels #FIXME - add a selector #grab image data imA =[:, :, zs:ze, chans[0]].squeeze() imB =[:, :, zs:ze, chans[1]].squeeze() #assume threshold is half the colour bounds - good if using threshold mode tA =[chans[0]] + .5 /[ chans[0]] #pylab.mean(self.ivps[0].clim) tB =[chans[1]] + .5 /[ chans[1]] #pylab.mean(self.ivps[0].clim) nameA = names[chans[0]] nameB = names[chans[1]] voxelsize = voxelsize[:imA.ndim] #trunctate to number of dimensions print('Calculating Pearson and Manders coefficients ...') pearson = correlationCoeffs.pearson(imA, imB, roi_mask=mask) MA, MB = correlationCoeffs.thresholdedManders(imA, imB, tA, tB, roi_mask=mask) if coloc_vs_z: MAzs, MBzs = ([], []) FAzs, FBzs = ([], []) if[2] > 1: for z in range([2]): imAz =[:, :, z, chans[0]].squeeze() imBz =[:, :, z, chans[1]].squeeze() MAz, MBz = correlationCoeffs.thresholdedManders( imAz, imBz, tA, tB) FAz, FBz = correlationCoeffs.maskFractions( imAz, imBz, tA, tB) MAzs.append(MAz) MBzs.append(MBz) FAzs.append(FAz) FBzs.append(FBz) print("M(A->B) %s" % MAzs) print("M(B->A) %s" % MBzs) print("Species A: %s, Species B: %s" % (nameA, nameB)) pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(211) if 'filename' in self.image.__dict__: pylab.title(self.image.filename) # nameB with nameA cAB, = pylab.plot(MAzs, 'o', label='%s with %s' % (nameB, nameA)) # nameA with nameB cBA, = pylab.plot(MBzs, '*', label='%s with %s' % (nameA, nameB)) pylab.legend([cBA, cAB]) pylab.xlabel('z slice level') pylab.ylabel('Manders coloc fraction') pylab.ylim(0, None) pylab.subplot(212) if 'filename' in self.image.__dict__: pylab.title(self.image.filename) # nameB with nameA fA, = pylab.plot(FAzs, 'o', label='%s mask fraction' % (nameA)) # nameA with nameB fB, = pylab.plot(FBzs, '*', label='%s mask fraction' % (nameB)) pylab.legend([fA, fB]) pylab.xlabel('z slice level') pylab.ylabel('Mask fraction') pylab.ylim(0, None) print('Performing distance transform ...') #bnA, bmA, binsA = edtColoc.imageDensityAtDistance(imB, imA > tA, voxelsize, bins, roi_mask=mask) #bnAA, bmAA, binsA = edtColoc.imageDensityAtDistance(imA, imA > tA, voxelsize, bins, roi_mask=mask) bins_, enrichment_BA, enclosed_BA, enclosed_area_A = edtColoc.image_enrichment_and_fraction_at_distance( imB, imA > tA, voxelsize, bins, roi_mask=mask) bins_, enrichment_AA, enclosed_AA, _ = edtColoc.image_enrichment_and_fraction_at_distance( imA, imA > tA, voxelsize, bins, roi_mask=mask) print('Performing distance transform (reversed) ...') #bnB, bmB, binsB = edtColoc.imageDensityAtDistance(imA, imB > tB, voxelsize, bins, roi_mask=mask) #bnBB, bmBB, binsB = edtColoc.imageDensityAtDistance(imB, imB > tB, voxelsize, bins, roi_mask=mask) bins_, enrichment_AB, enclosed_AB, enclosed_area_B = edtColoc.image_enrichment_and_fraction_at_distance( imA, imB > tB, voxelsize, bins, roi_mask=mask) bins_, enrichment_BB, enclosed_BB, _ = edtColoc.image_enrichment_and_fraction_at_distance( imB, imB > tB, voxelsize, bins, roi_mask=mask) #print binsB, bmB plots = [] pnames = [] # B from mA #################### plots_ = {} #plots_['Frac. %s from mask(%s)' % (nameB, nameA)] = plots.append(enclosed_BA.reshape(-1, 1, 1)) pnames.append('Frac. %s from mask(%s)' % (nameB, nameA)) plots.append(enrichment_BA.reshape(-1, 1, 1)) pnames.append('Enrichment of %s at distance from mask(%s)' % (nameB, nameA)) edtColoc.plot_image_dist_coloc_figure(bins_, enrichment_BA, enrichment_AA, enclosed_BA, enclosed_AA, enclosed_area_A, pearson, MA, MB, nameA, nameB) plots.append(enclosed_AB.reshape(-1, 1, 1)) pnames.append('Frac. %s from mask(%s)' % (nameA, nameB)) plots.append(enrichment_AB.reshape(-1, 1, 1)) pnames.append('Enrichment of %s at distance from mask(%s)' % (nameA, nameB)) edtColoc.plot_image_dist_coloc_figure(bins_, enrichment_AB, enrichment_BB, enclosed_AB, enclosed_BB, enclosed_area_B, pearson, MA, MB, nameB, nameA) im = ImageStack(plots, titleStub='Radial Distribution') im.xvals = bins[:-1] im.xlabel = 'Distance [nm]' im.ylabel = 'Fraction' im.defaultExt = '.txt' im.mdh['voxelsize.x'] = (bins[1] - bins[0]) * 1e-3 im.mdh['ChannelNames'] = pnames im.mdh['Profile.XValues'] = im.xvals im.mdh['Profile.XLabel'] = im.xlabel im.mdh['Profile.YLabel'] = im.ylabel im.mdh['Colocalisation.Channels'] = names im.mdh['Colocalisation.Thresholds'] = [tA, tB] im.mdh['Colocalisation.Pearson'] = pearson im.mdh['Colocalisation.Manders'] = [MA, MB] try: im.mdh['Colocalisation.ThresholdMode'] = except: pass im.mdh['OriginalImage'] = self.image.filename ViewIm3D(im, mode='graph')
print('flux is: %5.2f' % (evaluate_gaussian(o))) calculated.append(evaluate_gaussian(o)) z, e = fitting_gaussian(data6, x6) print('flux is: %5.2f' % (evaluate_gaussian(e))) calculated.append(evaluate_gaussian(e)) i, u = fitting_gaussian(data7, x7) print('flux is: %5.2f' % (evaluate_gaussian(u))) calculated.append(evaluate_gaussian(u)) def line(x, m, b): return m * x + b popt, covar = curve_fit(line, calculated, correct_values) x = np.linspace(np.amin(calculated), np.amax(calculated)) y = line(x, *popt) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.xlabel('Calculated Flux') plt.ylabel('Observed Flux') plt.plot(calculated, correct_values, label='Values') plt.plot(x, y, label='Best Fit') #print(t) #print() #print(a)
(5.0,'2011/03/09 07:13:48'), (5.1,'2011/03/09 06:25:12'), (4.9,'2011/03/09 06:12:13'), (2.9,'2011/03/09 05:33:50'), (4.7,'2011/03/09 05:27:06'), (5.3,'2011/03/09 04:45:54'), (5.7,'2011/03/09 04:37:04'), (5.2,'2011/03/09 04:32:10'), (3.0,'2011/03/09 04:17:17'), (4.8,'2011/03/09 04:15:39'), (5.2,'2011/03/09 04:05:54'), (2.5,'2011/03/09 03:51:21'), (5.0,'2011/03/09 03:19:00'), (5.2,'2011/03/09 03:08:36'), (5.6,'2011/03/09 02:57:17'), (7.2,'2011/03/09 02:45:20'), (4.6,'2011/03/09 01:47:47'), (4.7,'2011/03/09 01:30:27')] ydata = [] for t in data: ydata.append(t[0]) pylab.plot(ydata) pylab.title('Earthquake Magnitude in Japan from 3/9-3/12') pylab.xlabel('Time') pylab.ylabel('Magnitude')
beta_tmp *= 2.0 #print('beta: %s -> %s' % (beta_tmp / 2.0, beta_tmp)) Z = sum(rho[j, j] for j in range(nx + 1)) * dx Z_p = 0 try: Z_p = Z_pert(cubic, quartic, beta, nx) except OverflowError: pass zets[0].append(Z) zets[1].append(Z_p) #pi_of_x = [rho[j, j] / Z for j in range(nx + 1)] #f = open('data_anharm_matrixsquaring_beta' + str(beta) + '.dat', 'w') #for j in range(nx + 1): # f.write(str(x[j]) + ' ' + str(rho[j, j] / Z) + '\n') #f.close() pylab.plot(quartics, zets[0], 'r', linewidth=4.0) pylab.plot(quartics, zets[1], 'b', linewidth=3.0) pylab.plot(quartics, zets[0], 'rs', linewidth=4.0) pylab.plot(quartics, zets[1], 'b^', linewidth=3.0) #pylab.plot(x, pi_of_x, 'r', linewidth=4.0) #t = [x*0.1 for x in range(-50, 50)] #pylab.plot(t, [pi_quant(x, beta) for x in t], 'b--', linewidth=2.0) pylab.xlabel('$quartic$', fontsize=16) pylab.ylabel('$Z$', fontsize=16) #pylab.title('$\\beta$=%s, quartic=%s' % (beta, quartic)) pylab.legend(('Z', 'Z_pert'), loc='upper right') #pylab.xlim(-3.0, 3.0)
x = dx * i z = -dz * j dt = 1.0 l = numpy.arange(t[0] + 1, t[-1], dt) #s = LSQUnivariateSpline(t, x, l, k = 5) #ts= linspace(0,450,1000) #Xs= s(ts) #ts2= ts[1:996] #d = numpy.array([s.derivatives(ts[i])[1] for i in range(1,996)]) #print d pylab.subplot(311) pylab.plot(t, x) #pylab.plot(ts,Xs,'y-') #pylab.plot(ts2,d,'r-') pylab.ylabel("x/cm") pylab.xlabel("t") pylab.subplot(312) pylab.ylabel("z/cm") pylab.plot( t, z, ) #pylab.plot(ts,Zs,'y-') #pylab.plot(ts2,d,'b-') pylab.xlabel("t") pylab.subplot(313) pylab.plot(x, z) pylab.xlabel("x/cm") pylab.ylabel("z/cm") #pylab.savefig( '../Plots/94.png')
# did the user request an x-axis limit below the maximum death value found in the input? if xLimit < maxDeath : print('Requested xLimit (' + str(xLimit) + ') value is lower than max death value (' + str(maxDeath) + ')...aborting') sys.exit() # are there more dimensions in the data then we have colors for? if len(colorPalette) < np.max(rawData[:,0]) : print('The current colormap has insufficient colors to represent all the dimensions in the data...aborting') sys.exit() # build barcode plot pylab.grid(True, which='both') pylab.xlim(-.025,xLimit+.025) pylab.xlabel('Time') pylab.ylabel('Index') for i in range(len(rawData)) : mpl.pyplot.hlines(i+1, rawData[i,1], rawData[i,2], colors=colorPalette[int(rawData[i,0])]) # build the legend dimensions = [] for i in range(int(np.max(rawData[:,0]))+1) : dimensions.append(mpl.patches.Patch(color=colorPalette[i], label=r'$H_{}$'.format(i))) #pylab.legend(handles=dimensions, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(.05,1)) if not args.nolegend : pylab.legend(handles=dimensions, loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1,.65)) displayGraph(inFile[0:len(inFile)-4] + '-barcode')
q = 0.5 MyCollector = Collector(p, q) for index in range(101): for i in range(int(y[index])): data = BloomFilter(index, 4) bf = data.getBloomFilter() start = data.getSecurityDomain1() end = data.getSecurityDomain2() response = RRM(bf, p, q, start, end) pbf = response.randomer() MyCollector.receiver(pbf, start, end) #print(pbf) result = MyCollector.getResult() #print(result) for i in range(0, 101): z[i] = int(result[i]), z, color='g') plt.title('PLDP Mechanism with security domain') plt.xlabel('residents\' age') plt.ylabel('residents\'number') a = 0 b = 0 for i in range(101): a += y[i] b += abs(z[i] - y[i]) print(b / a)
vmin = -7 vmax = -2 pl.figure(2, figsize=(16, 9)).patch.set_facecolor('w') pl.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.3, left=.07, right=.95) sp1 = pl.subplot(2, 3, 1) pl.pcolormesh( x_grid_probes, y_grid_probes, np.log10(np.sqrt(Ex_singlegrid_matrix**2 + Ey_singlegrid_matrix**2).T), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) for ii in xrange(pic_multigrid.n_grids): sp1.plot(pic_multigrid.pic_list[ii].pic_internal.chamb.Vx, pic_multigrid.pic_list[ii].pic_internal.chamb.Vy, '.-') pl.xlabel('x [m]') pl.ylabel('y [m]') cb = pl.colorbar() pl.axis('equal') cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0)) cb.update_ticks() cb.set_label('E [V/m]') pl.title('Singlegrid electric field', y=1.08) sp1.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0), axis='x') sp1.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0), axis='y') sp2 = pl.subplot(2, 3, 4, sharex=sp1, sharey=sp1) pl.pcolormesh(x_grid_probes, y_grid_probes, np.log10( np.sqrt(Ex_multigrid_matrix**2 + Ey_multigrid_matrix**2).T), vmin=vmin,
# xmax = mean_sample+4*standardDeviation_sample # smoothedPDF = smoothed.drawPDF(xmin,xmax, 251) # smoothedPDF_draw = smoothedPDF.getDrawable(0) # viewer.View(smoothedPDF_draw) Sample_B = Beta.getSample(samplesize) aSample_B = np.array(Sample_B).flatten() # for i in range(samplesize-1): # print(format(str('{0:.3f}'.format(aSample_B[i])))) plb.figure(1) plb.hist(aSample_B, normed=True, bins=np.floor(np.sqrt(samplesize)), alpha=0.7, label='Tirages_meta-modele') plb.hist(F, normed=True, bins=np.floor(np.sqrt(N_ref)), alpha=0.1, label='Tirages_monte-carlo') plb.xlabel('Yf[%]') plb.ylabel('Densite de probabilite') plb.title = ('IT'+IT0+'_COMPARAISON_Hist_Loi') red_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='red', label='Loi Beta') plb.legend(handles=[red_patch]) plb.legend(loc='upper right') plb.savefig('IT'+IT0+'/IT'+IT0+'_RESULT_PROBABILITY.png') myDist_F = ot.BetaFactory().buildEstimator(FF) myDist = myDist_F.getDistribution() myDistPDF = myDist.drawPDF(-10.,55.,251) myDist_Draw = myDistPDF.getDrawable(0) myDist_Draw.setColor('blue') myDist_Draw.setLegend('Monte-Carlo : '+str(N_ref)+' realisations')
for band in range(m.bands()): pylab.hold(True) weight = m.bandWeights(band).T start = starts[band] x = scipy.arange(start - 1, start + weight.shape[1] + 1) y = [0] + list(weight[0, :]) + [0] pylab.plot(x, y) #, color = 'black') ax = pylab.gca() # Show half of the spectrum ax.set_xlim([0, spectrumSize / 2]) ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.1]) # Set the ticks units to radians per second ticks = ax.get_xticks() ax.set_xticklabels( ['%.2f' % (float(tick) / spectrumSize) for tick in ticks]) # Set the title and labels pylab.title( 'Magnitude of the Frequency Response of a \n Bark Bands implementation' ) pylab.xlabel('Normalized Frequency') pylab.ylabel('|H(w)| (no unit)')
#plot_grid(x[::5, ::5], y[::5, ::5], alpha=0.5) pl.contourf(x, y, density.T, 100, norm=MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0, vmin=density_min, vmax=density_max), cmap='bwr') #pl.colorbar() pl.title(r'Time = ' + "%.2f" % (time_array[start_index + file_number]) + " ps") # pl.streamplot(x[:, 0], y[0, :], # j_x, j_y, # density=1, color='k', # linewidth=0.7, arrowsize=1 # ) # # print (j_x) pl.xlim([q1[0], q1[-1]]) pl.ylim([q2[0], q2[-1]]) pl.gca().set_aspect('equal') pl.xlabel(r'$x\;(\mu \mathrm{m})$') pl.ylabel(r'$y\;(\mu \mathrm{m})$') #pl.suptitle('$\\tau_\mathrm{mc} = \infty$, $\\tau_\mathrm{mr} = \infty$') pl.savefig('images/dump_' + '%06d' % (start_index + file_number) + '.png') pl.clf()
def buildOURWEATHERGraphWind(password, myGraphSampleCount): print('buildOURWEATHERGraph - The time is: %s' % # open database con1 = mdb.connect('localhost', 'root', password, 'DataLogger' ) # now we have to get the data, stuff it in the graph mycursor = con1.cursor() print myGraphSampleCount query = '(SELECT timestamp, deviceid, Current_Wind_Speed, Current_Wind_Gust, OurWeather_Station_Name, id FROM '+OURWEATHERtableName+' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT '+ str(myGraphSampleCount) + ') ORDER BY id ASC' print "query=", query try: mycursor.execute(query) result = mycursor.fetchall() except: e=sys.exc_info()[0] print "Error: %s" % e t = [] # time u = [] # Current Wind Speed v = [] # Current Wind Gust averageWindSpeed = 0.0 currentCount = 0 for record in result: t.append(record[0]) u.append(kph2mph(record[2])) #v.append(record[3]) averageWindSpeed = averageWindSpeed+kph2mph(record[2]) currentCount=currentCount+1 StationName = record[4] averageWindSpeed = averageWindSpeed/currentCount print ("count of t=",len(t)) fds = dates.date2num(t) # converted # matplotlib date format object #hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S') hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m/%d-%H' ,tz=tz.gettz('US/Pacific')) fig = pyplot.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') ax = fig.add_subplot(111,axisbg = 'white') ax.vlines(fds, -200.0, 1000.0,colors='w') #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.MinuteLocator(interval=1)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) ax.set_ylim(bottom = -200.0) pyplot.xticks(rotation='45') pyplot.subplots_adjust(bottom=.3) pylab.plot(t, u, color='r',label="Wind Speed (MPH)" ,linestyle="o",marker=".") #pylab.plot(t, v, color='b',label="Wind Gust (MPH)" ,linestyle="o",marker=".") pylab.xlabel("Time (Pacific)") pylab.ylabel("Wind (MPH)") pylab.legend(loc='lower center') pylab.axis([min(t), max(t), min(u)-20, max(u)+20]) pylab.figtext(.5, .05, ("%s Average Windspeed %6.2f MPH\n%s") %( StationName, averageWindSpeed,,fontsize=18,ha='center') pylab.grid(True) pyplot.savefig("/var/www/html/OURWEATHERDataLoggerGraphWind.png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) mycursor.close() con1.close() fig.clf() pyplot.close() pylab.close() gc.collect() print "------OURWEATHERGraphWind finished now"
X, y, eps=eps, l1_ratio=0.8, fit_intercept=False) print("Computing regularization path using the positve elastic net...") alphas_positive_enet, coefs_positive_enet, _ = enet_path( X, y, eps=eps, l1_ratio=0.8, positive=True, fit_intercept=False) # Display results pl.figure(1) ax = pl.gca() ax.set_color_cycle(2 * ['b', 'r', 'g', 'c', 'k']) l1 = pl.plot(-np.log10(alphas_lasso), coefs_lasso.T) l2 = pl.plot(-np.log10(alphas_enet), coefs_enet.T, linestyle='--') pl.xlabel('-Log(alpha)') pl.ylabel('coefficients') pl.title('Lasso and Elastic-Net Paths') pl.legend((l1[-1], l2[-1]), ('Lasso', 'Elastic-Net'), loc='lower left') pl.axis('tight') pl.figure(2) ax = pl.gca() ax.set_color_cycle(2 * ['b', 'r', 'g', 'c', 'k']) l1 = pl.plot(-np.log10(alphas_lasso), coefs_lasso.T) l2 = pl.plot(-np.log10(alphas_positive_lasso), coefs_positive_lasso.T, linestyle='--') pl.xlabel('-Log(alpha)') pl.ylabel('coefficients') pl.title('Lasso and positive Lasso')
if __name__ == "__main__": data_list = [] h1 = HLL() h = countmemaybe.HyperLogLog() for i in range(100000): item = "seee%seeeed234rsdaf" % i x = h._hash(item) h1.add(x) h.add(x) data_list.append((i + 1, len(h1), len(h))) data_numpy = np.asarray(data_list) py.plot(data_numpy[:, 0], data_numpy[:, 1], ':', label="Single HLL Register") py.plot(data_numpy[:, 0], data_numpy[:, 2], '--', label="HLL with 16 registers") py.plot(data_numpy[:, 0], data_numpy[:, 0], label="Actual Size") py.legend(loc='upper left') py.title("Performance of a single HLL Register") py.xlabel("Size of the set") py.ylabel("Predicted size of the set") py.savefig("images/hll_single_reg.png")
def buildOURWEATHERGraphSolarVoltage(password, myGraphSampleCount): print('buildOURWEATHERGraphSolar - The time is: %s' %'US/Pacific'))) # open database con1 = mdb.connect('localhost', 'root', password, 'DataLogger' ) # now we have to get the data, stuff it in the graph mycursor = con1.cursor() print myGraphSampleCount query = '(SELECT timestamp, deviceid, Outdoor_Temperature, Outdoor_Humidity, Battery_Voltage, Battery_Current, Solar_Voltage, Solar_Current, Load_Current, id FROM '+OURWEATHERtableName+' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT '+ str(myGraphSampleCount) + ') ORDER BY id ASC' print "query=", query try: mycursor.execute(query) result = mycursor.fetchall() except: e=sys.exc_info()[0] print "Error: %s" % e t = [] # time u = [] # Battery_Voltage v = [] # Solar_Voltage averagePowerIn = 0.0 averagePowerOut = 0.0 currentCount = 0 for record in result: t.append(record[0]) u.append(record[4]) v.append(record[6]) print ("count of t=",len(t)) fds = dates.date2num(t) # converted # matplotlib date format object hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S') #hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m/%d-%H') fig = pyplot.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') ax = fig.add_subplot(111,axisbg = 'white') ax.vlines(fds, -200.0, 1000.0,colors='w') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111,axisbg = 'white') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) pyplot.xticks(rotation='45') pyplot.subplots_adjust(bottom=.3) pylab.plot(t, u, color='red',label="Battery Voltage (V) ",linestyle="-",marker=".") pylab.plot(t, v, color='green',label="Solar Voltage (V) ",linestyle="-",marker=".") pylab.xlabel("Time") pylab.ylabel("Voltage (V)") pylab.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize='x-small') pylab.axis([min(t), max(t), 0, 7]) pylab.figtext(.5, .05, ("Solar Voltage Performance OurWeather\n%s") %'US/Pacific')),fontsize=18,ha='center') pylab.grid(True) pyplot.savefig("/var/www/html/OURWEATHERDataLoggerGraphSolarVoltage.png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) mycursor.close() con1.close() fig.clf() pyplot.close() pylab.close() gc.collect() print "------OURWEATHERGraphSolarVoltage finished now"
def plot_histogram(self, bins=None, fig_args=None, width=0.8, font_size=18): ''' Plots a histogram of the number of transmissions ''' if bins is None: max_infections = self.n_targets.max() bins = np.arange(0, max_infections + 2) # Analysis counts = np.histogram(self.n_targets, bins)[0] bins = bins[:-1] # Remove last bin since it's an edge total_counts = counts * bins # counts = counts*100/counts.sum() # total_counts = total_counts*100/total_counts.sum() n_bins = len(bins) n_trans = sum(total_counts) index = np.linspace(0, 100, len(self.n_targets)) sorted_arr = np.sort(self.n_targets) sorted_sum = np.cumsum(sorted_arr) sorted_sum = sorted_sum / sorted_sum.max() * 100 change_inds = sc.findinds(np.diff(sorted_arr) != 0) # Plotting fig_args = sc.mergedicts(dict(figsize=(24, 15))) pl.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size fig = pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.set_cmap('Spectral') pl.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.92, bottom=0.08, top=0.92) colors = sc.vectocolor(n_bins) pl.subplot(1, 2, 1) w05 = width * 0.5 w025 = w05 * 0.5 - w025, counts, width=w05, facecolor='k', label='Number of events') for i in range(n_bins): label = 'Number of transmissions (events × transmissions per event)' if i == 0 else None[i] + w025, total_counts[i], width=w05, facecolor=colors[i], label=label) pl.xlabel('Number of transmissions per person') pl.ylabel('Count') pl.xticks(ticks=bins) pl.legend() pl.title('Numbers of events and transmissions') pl.subplot(2, 2, 2) total = 0 for i in range(n_bins): new = total_counts[i] / n_trans * 100[i:], new, width=width, bottom=total, facecolor=colors[i]) total += new pl.xticks(ticks=bins) pl.xlabel('Number of transmissions per person') pl.ylabel('Proportion of infections caused (%)') pl.title('Proportion of transmissions, by number of transmissions') pl.subplot(2, 2, 4) pl.plot(index, sorted_sum, lw=3, c='k', alpha=0.5) for i in range(len(change_inds)): pl.scatter([index[change_inds[i]]], [sorted_sum[change_inds[i]]], s=150, zorder=10, c=[colors[i]], label=f'Transmitted to {i+1} people') pl.xlabel( 'Proportion of population, ordered by the number of people they infected (%)' ) pl.ylabel('Proportion of infections caused (%)') pl.legend() pl.ylim([0, 100]) pl.title('Proportion of transmissions, by proportion of population') pl.axes([0.25, 0.65, 0.2, 0.2]) berry = [0.8, 0.1, 0.2] pl.plot(self.sim_results.t, self.sim_results.cum_infections, lw=2, c=berry) pl.xlabel('Day') pl.ylabel('Cumulative infections') return fig
def buildOURWEATHERGraphTemperature(password, myGraphSampleCount): print('buildOURWEATHERGraph - The time is: %s' % # open database con1 = mdb.connect('localhost', 'root', password, 'DataLogger' ) # now we have to get the data, stuff it in the graph mycursor = con1.cursor() print myGraphSampleCount query = '(SELECT timestamp, deviceid, Outdoor_Temperature, Outdoor_Humidity, OurWeather_Station_Name, id FROM '+OURWEATHERtableName+' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT '+ str(myGraphSampleCount) + ') ORDER BY id ASC' print "query=", query try: mycursor.execute(query) result = mycursor.fetchall() except: e=sys.exc_info()[0] print "Error: %s" % e t = [] # time u = [] # Outdoor temperature v = [] # Outdoor humidity averageTemperature = 0.0 currentCount = 0 for record in result: t.append(record[0]) u.append(CtoF(record[2])) v.append(record[3]) averageTemperature = averageTemperature+ CtoF(record[2]) currentCount=currentCount+1 StationName = record[4] averageTemperature = averageTemperature/currentCount print ("count of t=",len(t)) fds = dates.date2num(t) # converted # matplotlib date format object #hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S',tz=tz.gettz('US/Pacific')) hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m/%d-%H' ,tz=tz.gettz('US/Pacific')) fig = pyplot.figure() fig.set_facecolor('white') ax = fig.add_subplot(111,axisbg = 'white') ax.vlines(fds, -200.0, 1000.0,colors='w') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111,axisbg = 'white') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) pyplot.xticks(rotation='45') pyplot.subplots_adjust(bottom=.3) pylab.plot(t, u, color='r',label="Outside Temp (F) ",linestyle="-",marker=".") pylab.xlabel("Time(Pacific)") pylab.ylabel("degrees F") pylab.legend(loc='upper left') pylab.axis([min(t), max(t), -20, 110]) ax2 = pylab.twinx() pylab.ylabel("% ") pylab.plot(t, v, color='b',label="Outside Hum %",linestyle="-",marker=".") pylab.axis([min(t), max(t), 0, 100]) pylab.legend(loc='lower left') pylab.figtext(.5, .05, ("%s Average Temperature %6.2f F\n%s") %( StationName, averageTemperature,,fontsize=18,ha='center') pylab.grid(True) pyplot.savefig("/var/www/html/OURWEATHERDataLoggerGraphTemperature.png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) mycursor.close() con1.close() fig.clf() pyplot.close() pylab.close() gc.collect() print "------OURWEATHERGraphTemperature finished now"
cut = np.where((TRUEEWS == EW) & (es > 2.e4)) pl.scatter(TRUEZS[cut], TRUEMAGS[cut], c='k', marker='x', alpha=0.2) print('Number with no redshifts in maximum exposure: %d' % len(es[cut])) cut = np.where((TRUEEWS == EW) & (es < 2.e4)) ## plt.pcolormesh(xv, yv, zv, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) pl.scatter(TRUEZS[cut], TRUEMAGS[cut], c=es[cut].astype(np.float), marker='^', cmap=cmap, norm=norm) plt.text(4.5, 26.25, EW+r'$\AA$') pl.xlim(np.unique(TRUEZS)[0], np.unique(TRUEZS)[-1]) pl.ylim(np.unique(TRUEMAGS[np.isfinite(TRUEMAGS)])[0], np.unique(TRUEMAGS[np.isfinite(TRUEMAGS)])[-1]) pl.xlabel(r'$z$') pl.ylabel(r'$r_{AB}$') ax = pl.gca() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(cax, cmap=cmap, norm=norm, spacing='proportional', ticks=bounds+0.5,\ boundaries=bounds, format='%.2lf') cb.set_ticklabels(bounds, update_ticks=True) cb.set_label('Exposure time [1500 s]', rotation=270, labelpad=20) plt.tight_layout() pl.savefig(os.environ['BEAST'] + '/redrock/plots/%s/%s/expgrid_%s.pdf' % (survey, target, EW.replace('.', 'p')), bbox_inches='tight')
data = reader.cleanData(data) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) print data.keys() n, bins, patches = pylab.hist(1e9 * np.array(data["+ WIDTH1Current"]), 80, histtype="step", linewidth=3) maxValue = np.where(n == n.max())[0][0] # maxValue = max( n[ 20 : ] ) # maxValue_index = list( n ).index( maxValue ) p1, success, bin_centres = fit(n, bins, 100, bins[maxValue], 5, maxValue - 20, maxValue + 10) pylab.xlabel("Width (ns)") pylab.ylabel("Counts") print p1, success pylab.grid() # ydata = fitfunc( p1, bin_centres ) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) dataTimes = cutTimes(data["+ WIDTH1Current"], data["TIME(31Current"], p1[1], p1[2]) meanValue = 1e9 * np.median(dataTimes) print "MeanValue:", meanValue n, bins, patches = pylab.hist(1e9 * np.array(dataTimes), 100, [meanValue - 5, meanValue + 5], histtype="step", linewidth=3) maxValue = np.where(n == n.max())[0][0] p1, success, bin_centres = fit(n, bins, 100, bins[maxValue], 1,
# Declaring a linear system object which will # evolve the defined physical system: nls = nonlinear_solver(system) n_nls_initial = nls.compute_moments('density') time_evolution(nls) n_nls = nls.compute_moments('density') N_g = nls.N_ghost error[i] = af.mean(af.abs( n_nls[N_g:-N_g, N_g:-N_g] - n_nls_initial[N_g:-N_g, N_g:-N_g] ) ) pl.plot(n_nls[N_g:-N_g, 0]) pl.plot(n_nls_initial[N_g:-N_g, 0], '--', color = 'black') pl.savefig(str(N[i])+'.png') pl.clf() pl.loglog(N, error, 'o-', label = 'Numerical') pl.loglog(N, error[0]*32/N, '--', color = 'black', label = r'$O(N^{-1})$' ) pl.loglog(N, error[0]*32**2/N**2, '-.', color = 'black', label = r'$O(N^{-2})$' ) pl.legend(loc = 'best') pl.ylabel('Error') pl.xlabel('$N$') pl.savefig('convergence_plot.png')
def animate(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Animate the transmission tree. Args: animate (bool): whether to animate the plot (otherwise, show when finished) verbose (bool): print out progress of each frame markersize (int): size of the markers sus_color (list): color for susceptibles fig_args (dict): arguments passed to pl.figure() axis_args (dict): arguments passed to pl.subplots_adjust() plot_args (dict): arguments passed to pl.plot() delay (float): delay between frames in seconds font_size (int): size of the font colors (list): color of each person cmap (str): colormap for each person (if colors is not supplied) Returns: fig: the figure object ''' # Settings animate = kwargs.get('animate', True) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False) msize = kwargs.get('markersize', 10) sus_color = kwargs.get('sus_color', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) fig_args = kwargs.get('fig_args', dict(figsize=(24, 16))) axis_args = kwargs.get( 'axis_args', dict(left=0.10, bottom=0.05, right=0.85, top=0.97, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.25)) plot_args = kwargs.get('plot_args', dict(lw=2, alpha=0.5)) delay = kwargs.get('delay', 0.2) font_size = kwargs.get('font_size', 18) colors = kwargs.get('colors', None) cmap = kwargs.get('cmap', 'parula') pl.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size if colors is None: colors = sc.vectocolor(self.pop_size, cmap=cmap) # Initialization n = self.n_days + 1 frames = [list() for i in range(n)] tests = [list() for i in range(n)] diags = [list() for i in range(n)] quars = [list() for i in range(n)] # Construct each frame of the animation for ddict in self.detailed: # Loop over every person if ddict is None: continue # Skip the 'None' node corresponding to seeded infections frame = sc.objdict() tdq = sc.objdict() # Short for "tested, diagnosed, or quarantined" target = ddict.t target_ind = ddict['target'] if not np.isnan(ddict['date']): # If this person was infected source_ind = ddict[ 'source'] # Index of the person who infected the target target_date = ddict['date'] if source_ind is not None: # Seed infections and importations won't have a source source_date = self.detailed[source_ind]['date'] else: source_ind = 0 source_date = 0 # Construct this frame frame.x = [source_date, target_date] frame.y = [source_ind, target_ind] frame.c = colors[source_ind] frame.i = True # If this person is infected frames[int(target_date)].append(frame) # Handle testing, diagnosis, and quarantine tdq.t = target_ind tdq.d = target_date tdq.c = colors[int(target_ind)] date_t = target['date_tested'] date_d = target['date_diagnosed'] date_q = target['date_known_contact'] if ~np.isnan(date_t) and date_t < n: tests[int(date_t)].append(tdq) if ~np.isnan(date_d) and date_d < n: diags[int(date_d)].append(tdq) if ~np.isnan(date_q) and date_q < n: quars[int(date_q)].append(tdq) else: frame.x = [0] frame.y = [target_ind] frame.c = sus_color frame.i = False frames[0].append(frame) # Configure plotting fig = pl.figure(**fig_args) pl.subplots_adjust(**axis_args) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # Create the legend ax2 = pl.axes([0.85, 0.05, 0.14, 0.9]) ax2.axis('off') lcol = colors[0] na = np.nan # Shorten pl.plot(na, na, '-', c=lcol, **plot_args, label='Transmission') pl.plot(na, na, 'o', c=lcol, markersize=msize, **plot_args, label='Source') pl.plot(na, na, '*', c=lcol, markersize=msize, **plot_args, label='Target') pl.plot(na, na, 'o', c=lcol, markersize=msize * 2, fillstyle='none', **plot_args, label='Tested') pl.plot(na, na, 's', c=lcol, markersize=msize * 1.2, **plot_args, label='Diagnosed') pl.plot(na, na, 'x', c=lcol, markersize=msize * 2.0, label='Known contact') pl.legend() # Plot the animation for day in range(n): pl.title(f'Day: {day}') pl.xlim([0, n]) pl.ylim([0, len(self)]) pl.xlabel('Day') pl.ylabel('Person') flist = frames[day] tlist = tests[day] dlist = diags[day] qlist = quars[day] for f in flist: if verbose: print(f) pl.plot(f.x[0], f.y[0], 'o', c=f.c, markersize=msize, **plot_args) # Plot sources pl.plot(f.x, f.y, '-', c=f.c, **plot_args) # Plot transmission lines if f.i: # If this person is infected pl.plot(f.x[1], f.y[1], '*', c=f.c, markersize=msize, **plot_args) # Plot targets for tdq in tlist: pl.plot(tdq.d, tdq.t, 'o', c=tdq.c, markersize=msize * 2, fillstyle='none') # Tested; No alpha for this for tdq in dlist: pl.plot(tdq.d, tdq.t, 's', c=tdq.c, markersize=msize * 1.2, **plot_args) # Diagnosed for tdq in qlist: pl.plot(tdq.d, tdq.t, 'x', c=tdq.c, markersize=msize * 2.0) # Quarantine; no alpha for this pl.plot([0, day], [0.5, 0.5], c='k', lw=5) # Plot the endless march of time if animate: # Whether to animate pl.pause(delay) return fig
start = time[0] end = time[len(time) - 1] time_folded = [t / (results[1]) for t in time] time_folded = [i % 1 for i in time_folded] #replace p with results[1] #phase = [math.fmod(((i-start)/results[1]),1) for i in time] pylab.cla() #UNCOMMENT TO SAVE PHASE FOLDED PLOT xlabel('Phase') ylabel('Corrected Flux (normalized to 0)') title('EPIC (name) Merged Phase Folded Light Curve: Period' + str(p) + ' Radius Ratio ' + str(r)) plt.scatter(time_folded, merged_flux) #pylab.savefig("/Users/sheilasagear/OneDrive/K2_Research/bls-ktransit/LC_5/Period" + str(p) + "Radius" + str(r) + "/folded_pltPer" + str(p) + "Rad" + str(r) + '.png') """ high = results[3]*results[4] low = high - results[3] print(high, low) fit = numpy.zeros(1765) + high # H fit[results[5]:results[6]+1] = low # L
def main(): """Tests that EV compensation is applied. """ LOCKED = 3 NAME = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0] with its.device.ItsSession() as cam: props = cam.get_camera_properties() its.caps.skip_unless( its.caps.ev_compensation(props) and its.caps.ae_lock(props)) debug = its.caps.debug_mode() if debug: fmt = its.objects.get_largest_yuv_format(props) else: fmt = its.objects.get_smallest_yuv_format(props) ev_per_step = its.objects.rational_to_float( props['android.control.aeCompensationStep']) steps_per_ev = int(1.0 / ev_per_step) evs = range(-2 * steps_per_ev, 2 * steps_per_ev + 1, steps_per_ev) lumas = [] reds = [] greens = [] blues = [] # Converge 3A, and lock AE once converged. skip AF trigger as # dark/bright scene could make AF convergence fail and this test # doesn't care the image sharpness. cam.do_3a(ev_comp=0, lock_ae=True, do_af=False) for ev in evs: # Capture a single shot with the same EV comp and locked AE. req = its.objects.auto_capture_request() req['android.control.aeExposureCompensation'] = ev req["android.control.aeLock"] = True caps = cam.do_capture([req] * THRESH_CONVERGE_FOR_EV, fmt) for cap in caps: if (cap['metadata']['android.control.aeState'] == LOCKED): y = its.image.convert_capture_to_planes(cap)[0] tile = its.image.get_image_patch(y, 0.45, 0.45, 0.1, 0.1) lumas.append(its.image.compute_image_means(tile)[0]) rgb = its.image.convert_capture_to_rgb_image(cap) rgb_tile = its.image.get_image_patch( rgb, 0.45, 0.45, 0.1, 0.1) rgb_means = its.image.compute_image_means(rgb_tile) reds.append(rgb_means[0]) greens.append(rgb_means[1]) blues.append(rgb_means[2]) break assert (cap['metadata']['android.control.aeState'] == LOCKED) pylab.plot(evs, lumas, '-ro') pylab.xlabel('EV Compensation') pylab.ylabel('Mean Luma (Normalized)') matplotlib.pyplot.savefig("%s_plot_means.png" % (NAME)) # Trim extra saturated images while lumas and lumas[-1] >= YUV_SATURATION_MIN / YUV_FULL_SCALE: if (np.isclose(reds[-1], greens[-1], YUV_SATURATION_TOL / YUV_FULL_SCALE) and np.isclose(blues[-1], greens[-1], YUV_SATURATION_TOL / YUV_FULL_SCALE)): lumas.pop(-1) reds.pop(-1) greens.pop(-1) blues.pop(-1) print 'Removed saturated image.' else: break # Only allow positive EVs to give saturated image assert (len(lumas) > 2) luma_diffs = np.diff(lumas) min_luma_diffs = min(luma_diffs) print "Min of the luma value difference between adjacent ev comp: ", \ min_luma_diffs # All luma brightness should be increasing with increasing ev comp. assert (min_luma_diffs > 0)
def PowerCurrentGraph(source, days, delay): print("PowerCurrentGraph source:%s days:%s delay:%i" % (source, days, delay)) print("sleeping :", delay) time.sleep(delay) print("PowerCurrentGraph running now") # blink GPIO LED when it's run GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(18, True) time.sleep(0.2) GPIO.output(18, False) # now we have get the data, stuff it in the graph try: print("trying database") db = mdb.connect('localhost', 'root', config.MySQL_Password, 'GroveWeatherPi') cursor = db.cursor() query = "SELECT TimeStamp, solarCurrent, batteryCurrent, loadCurrent FROM PowerSystem where now() - interval %i hour < TimeStamp" % ( days * 24) cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() t = [] s = [] u = [] v = [] #x = [] for record in result: t.append(record[0]) s.append(record[1]) u.append(record[2]) v.append(record[3]) #x.append(record[4]) fig = pyplot.figure() print("count of t=", len(t)) #print (t) if (len(t) == 0): return #dts = map(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp, t) #print dts #fds = dates.date2num(t) # converted # matplotlib date format object hfmt = dates.DateFormatter('%m/%d-%H') fig.set_facecolor('white') ax = fig.add_subplot(111, axisbg='white') #ax.vlines(fds, -200.0, 1000.0,colors='w') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(dates.HourLocator(interval=6)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) ax.set_ylim(bottom=-200.0) pyplot.xticks(rotation='vertical') pyplot.subplots_adjust(bottom=.3) pylab.plot(t, s, color='b', label="Solar", linestyle="-", marker=".") pylab.plot(t, u, color='r', label="Battery", linestyle="-", marker=".") pylab.plot(t, v, color='g', label="Load", linestyle="-", marker=".") #pylab.plot(t, x, color='m',label="Power Eff",linestyle="-",marker=".") pylab.xlabel("Hours") pylab.ylabel("Current ma") pylab.legend(loc='upper left') if (max(u) > max(s)): myMax = max(u) + 100.0 else: myMax = max(s) pylab.axis([min(t), max(t), min(u), myMax]) pylab.figtext(.5, .05, ("GroveWeatherPi Power Current Last %i Days" % days), fontsize=18, ha='center') pyplot.setp(ax.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=70) pylab.grid(True) try: pyplot.savefig( "/home/pi/RasPiConnectServer/static/PowerCurrentGraph.png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) except: pyplot.savefig( "/home/pi/SDL_Pi_GroveWeatherPi/static/PowerCurrentGraph.png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor()) except mdb.Error, e: print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
def plots(opt): from astrometry.util.plotutils import antigray import tractor.sfd T = fits_table(opt.files[0]) print('Read', len(T), 'bricks summarized in', opt.files[0]) import pylab as plt import matplotlib B = fits_table('survey-bricks.fits.gz') print('Looking up brick bounds') ibrick = dict([(n, i) for i, n in enumerate(B.brickname)]) bi = np.array([ibrick[n] for n in T.brickname]) T.ra1 = B.ra1[bi] T.ra2 = B.ra2[bi] T.dec1 = B.dec1[bi] T.dec2 = B.dec2[bi] assert (np.all(T.ra2 > T.ra1)) T.area = ((T.ra2 - T.ra1) * (T.dec2 - T.dec1) * np.cos(np.deg2rad((T.dec1 + T.dec2) / 2.))) del B del bi del ibrick print('Total sources:', sum(T.nobjs)) print('Approx area:', len(T) / 16., 'sq deg') print('Area:', np.sum(T.area)) print('g,r,z coverage:', sum((T.nexp_g > 0) * (T.nexp_r > 0) * (T.nexp_z > 0)) / 16.) decam = True # vs MzLS+BASS #release = 'MzLS+BASS DR4' release = 'DECaLS DR5' #release = 'DECaLS DR3' if decam: # DECam #ax = [360, 0, -21, 36] ax = [300, -60, -21, 36] def map_ra(r): return r + (-360 * (r > 300)) else: # MzLS+BASS ax = [310, 90, 30, 80] def map_ra(r): return r udec = np.unique(T.dec) print('Number of unique Dec values:', len(udec)) print('Number of unique Dec values in range', ax[2], ax[3], ':', np.sum((udec >= ax[2]) * (udec <= ax[3]))) def radec_plot(): plt.axis(ax) plt.xlabel('RA (deg)') if decam: # plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 361, 45)) #tt = np.arange(0, 361, 60) #plt.xticks(tt, map_ra(tt)) plt.xticks([-60, 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300], [300, 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300]) else: plt.xticks(np.arange(90, 311, 30)) plt.ylabel('Dec (deg)') def plot_broken(rr, dd, *args, **kwargs): dr = np.abs(np.diff(rr)) I = np.flatnonzero(dr > 90) #print('breaks:', rr[I]) #print('breaks:', rr[I+1]) if len(I) == 0: plt.plot(rr, dd, *args, **kwargs) return for lo, hi in zip(np.append([0], I + 1), np.append(I + 1, -1)): #print('Cut:', lo, ':', hi, '->', rr[lo], rr[hi-1]) plt.plot(rr[lo:hi], dd[lo:hi], *args, **kwargs) # Galactic plane lines gl = np.arange(361) gb = np.zeros_like(gl) from astrometry.util.starutil_numpy import lbtoradec rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb) plot_broken(map_ra(rr), dd, 'k-', alpha=0.5, lw=1) rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb + 10) plot_broken(map_ra(rr), dd, 'k-', alpha=0.25, lw=1) rr, dd = lbtoradec(gl, gb - 10) plot_broken(map_ra(rr), dd, 'k-', alpha=0.25, lw=1) plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 5)) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.98, top=0.93) plt.figure(2, figsize=(8, 4)) #plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.98, top=0.98) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.98, top=0.98) plt.figure(1) # Map of the tile centers we want to observe... if decam: O = fits_table('obstatus/decam-tiles_obstatus.fits') else: O = fits_table('mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits') O.cut(O.in_desi == 1) rr, dd = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(ax[1], ax[0], 700), np.linspace(ax[2], ax[3], 200)) from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match_radec I, J, d = match_radec(O.ra, O.dec, rr.ravel(), dd.ravel(), 1.) desimap = np.zeros(rr.shape, bool) desimap.flat[J] = True # Smoothed DESI boundary contours from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation C = plt.contour(gaussian_filter( binary_dilation(desimap).astype(np.float32), 2), [0.5], extent=[ax[1], ax[0], ax[2], ax[3]]) plt.clf() desi_map_boundaries = C.collections[0] def desi_map_outline(): segs = desi_map_boundaries.get_segments() for seg in segs: plt.plot(seg[:, 0], seg[:, 1], 'b-') def desi_map(): # Show the DESI tile map in the background. plt.imshow(desimap, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', extent=[ax[1], ax[0], ax[2], ax[3]], aspect='auto', cmap=antigray, vmax=8) base_cmap = 'viridis' # Dust map -- B&W version nr, nd = 610, 350 plt.figure(2) plt.clf() dmap = np.zeros((nd, nr)) rr = np.linspace(ax[0], ax[1], nr) dd = np.linspace(ax[2], ax[3], nd) rr = rr[:-1] + 0.5 * (rr[1] - rr[0]) dd = dd[:-1] + 0.5 * (dd[1] - dd[0]) rr, dd = np.meshgrid(rr, dd) I, J, d = match_radec(rr.ravel(), dd.ravel(), O.ra, O.dec, 1.0, nearest=True) iy, ix = np.unravel_index(I, rr.shape) #dmap[iy,ix] = O.ebv_med[J] sfd = tractor.sfd.SFDMap() ebv = sfd.ebv(rr[iy, ix], dd[iy, ix]) dmap[iy, ix] = ebv mx = np.percentile(dmap[dmap > 0], 98) plt.imshow(dmap, extent=[ax[0], ax[1], ax[2], ax[3]], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='Greys', vmin=0, vmax=mx) #desi_map_outline() radec_plot() cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.12) cbar = plt.colorbar(cax=cax) cbar.set_label('Extinction E(B-V)') plt.savefig('ext-bw.pdf') plt.clf() dmap = sfd.ebv(rr.ravel(), dd.ravel()).reshape(rr.shape) plt.imshow(dmap, extent=[ax[0], ax[1], ax[2], ax[3]], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='Greys', vmin=0, vmax=0.25) desi_map_outline() radec_plot() cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.12) cbar = plt.colorbar(cax=cax) cbar.set_label('Extinction E(B-V)') plt.savefig('ext-bw-2.pdf') plt.figure(1) #sys.exit(0) plt.clf() depthlo, depthhi = 21.5, 25.5 for band in 'grz': depth = T.get('galdepth_%s' % band) ha = dict(histtype='step', bins=50, range=(depthlo, depthhi)) ccmap = dict(g='g', r='r', z='m') plt.hist(depth[depth > 0], label='%s band' % band, color=ccmap[band], **ha) plt.xlim(depthlo, depthhi) plt.xlabel('Galaxy depth (median per brick) (mag)') plt.ylabel('Number of Bricks') plt.title(release) plt.savefig('galdepths.png') for band in 'grz': depth = T.get('galdepth_%s' % band) nexp = T.get('nexp_%s' % band) #lo,hi = 22.0-0.05, 24.2+0.05 lo, hi = depthlo - 0.05, depthhi + 0.05 nbins = 1 + int((depthhi - depthlo) / 0.1) ha = dict(histtype='step', bins=nbins, range=(lo, hi)) ccmap = dict(g='g', r='r', z='m') area = 0.25**2 plt.clf() I = np.flatnonzero((depth > 0) * (nexp == 1)) plt.hist(depth[I], label='%s band, 1 exposure' % band, color=ccmap[band], lw=1, weights=area * np.ones_like(depth[I]), **ha) I = np.flatnonzero((depth > 0) * (nexp == 2)) plt.hist(depth[I], label='%s band, 2 exposures' % band, color=ccmap[band], lw=2, alpha=0.5, weights=area * np.ones_like(depth[I]), **ha) I = np.flatnonzero((depth > 0) * (nexp >= 3)) plt.hist(depth[I], label='%s band, 3+ exposures' % band, color=ccmap[band], lw=3, alpha=0.3, weights=area * np.ones_like(depth[I]), **ha) plt.title('%s: galaxy depths, %s band' % (release, band)) plt.xlabel('5-sigma galaxy depth (mag)') plt.ylabel('Square degrees') plt.xlim(lo, hi) plt.xticks(np.arange(depthlo, depthhi + 0.01, 0.2)) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig('depth-hist-%s.png' % band) for band in 'grz': plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get('nexp_%s' % band) I = np.flatnonzero(N > 0) #cm ='jet', 6) #cm ='winter', 5) mx = 10 cm = cmap_discretize(base_cmap, mx) plt.scatter(map_ra(T.ra[I]), T.dec[I], c=N[I], s=3, edgecolors='none', vmin=0.5, vmax=mx + 0.5, cmap=cm) radec_plot() cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.08) plt.colorbar(cax=cax, ticks=range(mx + 1)) plt.title('%s: Number of exposures in %s' % (release, band)) plt.savefig('nexp-%s.png' % band) #cmap = cmap_discretize(base_cmap, 15) cmap = cmap_discretize(base_cmap, 10) plt.clf() desi_map() psf = T.get('psfsize_%s' % band) I = np.flatnonzero(psf > 0) plt.scatter(map_ra(T.ra[I]), T.dec[I], c=psf[I], s=3, edgecolors='none', cmap=cmap, vmin=0.5, vmax=2.5) #vmin=0, vmax=3.) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: PSF size, band %s' % (release, band)) plt.savefig('psfsize-%s.png' % band) plt.clf() desi_map() depth = T.get('galdepth_%s' % band) - T.get('ext_%s' % band) mn, mx = np.percentile(depth[depth > 0], [10, 98]) mn = np.floor(mn * 10) / 10. mx = np.ceil(mx * 10) / 10. cmap = cmap_discretize(base_cmap, 1 + int((mx - mn + 0.001) / 0.1)) I = (depth > 0) plt.scatter(map_ra(T.ra[I]), T.dec[I], c=depth[I], s=3, edgecolors='none', vmin=mn - 0.05, vmax=mx + 0.05, cmap=cmap) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title( '%s: galaxy depth, band %s, median per brick, extinction-corrected' % (release, band)) plt.savefig('galdepth-%s.png' % band) # B&W version plt.figure(2) plt.clf() mn, mx = np.percentile(depth[depth > 0], [2, 98]) print('Raw mn,mx', mn, mx) mn = np.floor((mn + 0.05) * 10) / 10. - 0.05 mx = np.ceil((mx - 0.05) * 10) / 10. + 0.05 print('rounded mn,mx', mn, mx) nsteps = int((mx - mn + 0.001) / 0.1) print('discretizing into', nsteps, 'colormap bins') #nsteps = 1+int((mx-mn+0.001)/0.1) cmap = cmap_discretize(antigray, nsteps) nr, nd = 610, 228 dmap = np.zeros((nd, nr)) rr = np.linspace(ax[0], ax[1], nr) dd = np.linspace(ax[2], ax[3], nd) rr = rr[:-1] + 0.5 * (rr[1] - rr[0]) dd = dd[:-1] + 0.5 * (dd[1] - dd[0]) rr, dd = np.meshgrid(rr, dd) I, J, d = match_radec(rr.ravel(), dd.ravel(), T.ra, T.dec, 0.2, nearest=True) iy, ix = np.unravel_index(I, rr.shape) dmap[iy, ix] = depth[J] plt.imshow(dmap, extent=[ax[0], ax[1], ax[2], ax[3]], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, vmin=mn, vmax=mx) desi_map_outline() radec_plot() cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.12) cbar = plt.colorbar( cax=cax, ticks=np.arange(20, 26, 0.5) ) #ticks=np.arange(np.floor(mn/5.)*5., 0.1+np.ceil(mx/5.)*5, 0.2)) cbar.set_label('Depth (5-sigma, galaxy profile, AB mag)') plt.savefig('galdepth-bw-%s.pdf' % band) plt.figure(1) plt.clf() desi_map() ext = T.get('ext_%s' % band) mn = 0. mx = 0.5 cmap = 'hot' cmap = cmap_discretize(cmap, 10) #cmap = cmap_discretize(base_cmap, 1+int((mx-mn+0.001)/0.1)) plt.scatter(map_ra(T.ra), T.dec, c=ext, s=3, edgecolors='none', vmin=mn, vmax=mx, cmap=cmap) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: extinction, band %s' % (release, band)) plt.savefig('ext-%s.png' % band) T.ngal = T.nsimp + T.nrex + T.nexp + T.ndev + T.ncomp for col in [ 'nobjs', 'npsf', 'nsimp', 'nrex', 'nexp', 'ndev', 'ncomp', 'ngal' ]: if not col in T.get_columns(): continue plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get(col) / T.area mx = np.percentile(N, 99.5) plt.scatter(map_ra(T.ra), T.dec, c=N, s=3, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=mx) radec_plot() cbar = plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label('Objects per square degree') tt = 'of type %s' % col[1:] if col == 'nobjs': tt = 'total' plt.title('%s: Number of objects %s' % (release, tt)) plt.savefig('nobjs-%s.png' % col[1:]) # B&W version plt.figure(2) plt.clf() # plt.scatter(map_ra(T.ra), T.dec, c=N, s=3, # edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=mx, cmap=antigray) # Approximate pixel size in PNG plot # This doesn't work correctly -- we've already binned to brick resolution, so get moire patterns # nobjs,xe,ye = np.histogram2d(map_ra(T.ra), T.dec, weights=T.get(col), # bins=(nr,nd), range=((ax[1],ax[0]),(ax[2],ax[3]))) # nobjs = nobjs.T # area = np.diff(xe)[np.newaxis,:] * (np.diff(ye) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(ye[:-1])))[:,np.newaxis] # nobjs /= area # plt.imshow(nobjs, extent=[ax[1],ax[0],ax[2],ax[3]], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', # aspect='auto') #print('Computing neighbours for nobjs plot...') nr, nd = 610, 228 nobjs = np.zeros((nd, nr)) rr = np.linspace(ax[0], ax[1], nr) dd = np.linspace(ax[2], ax[3], nd) rr = rr[:-1] + 0.5 * (rr[1] - rr[0]) dd = dd[:-1] + 0.5 * (dd[1] - dd[0]) rr, dd = np.meshgrid(rr, dd) I, J, d = match_radec(rr.ravel(), dd.ravel(), T.ra, T.dec, 0.2, nearest=True) iy, ix = np.unravel_index(I, rr.shape) nobjs[iy, ix] = T.get(col)[J] / T.area[J] #print('done') #mx = 2. * np.median(nobjs[nobjs > 0]) mx = np.percentile(N, 99) plt.imshow(nobjs, extent=[ax[0], ax[1], ax[2], ax[3]], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='Greys', vmin=0, vmax=mx) desi_map_outline() radec_plot() #cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.08) cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.12) cbar = plt.colorbar(cax=cax, format=matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, p: format(int(x), ','))) cbar.set_label('Objects per square degree') plt.savefig('nobjs-bw-%s.pdf' % col[1:]) #plt.savefig('nobjs-bw-%s.png' % col[1:]) plt.figure(1) Ntot = T.nobjs for col in ['npsf', 'nsimp', 'nrex', 'nexp', 'ndev', 'ncomp', 'ngal']: if not col in T.get_columns(): continue plt.clf() desi_map() N = T.get(col) / (Ntot.astype(np.float32)) N[Ntot == 0] = 0. print(col, 'max frac:', N.max()) mx = np.percentile(N, 99.5) print('mx', mx) plt.scatter(map_ra(T.ra), T.dec, c=N, s=3, edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=mx) radec_plot() plt.colorbar() plt.title('%s: Fraction of objects of type %s' % (release, col[1:])) plt.savefig('fobjs-%s.png' % col[1:]) # B&W version plt.figure(2) plt.clf() #plt.scatter(map_ra(T.ra), T.dec, c=N * 100., s=3, # edgecolors='none', vmin=0, vmax=mx*100., cmap=antigray) fobjs = np.zeros((nd, nr)) rr = np.linspace(ax[0], ax[1], nr) dd = np.linspace(ax[2], ax[3], nd) rr = rr[:-1] + 0.5 * (rr[1] - rr[0]) dd = dd[:-1] + 0.5 * (dd[1] - dd[0]) rr, dd = np.meshgrid(rr, dd) I, J, d = match_radec(rr.ravel(), dd.ravel(), T.ra, T.dec, 0.2, nearest=True) iy, ix = np.unravel_index(I, rr.shape) fobjs[iy, ix] = N[J] * 100. #mx = 2. * np.median(fobjs[fobjs > 0]) mx = np.percentile(N * 100., 99) plt.imshow(fobjs, extent=[ax[0], ax[1], ax[2], ax[3]], interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', aspect='auto', cmap='Greys', vmin=0, vmax=mx) desi_map_outline() radec_plot() cax = colorbar_axes(plt.gca(), frac=0.12) cbar = plt.colorbar( cax=cax, format=matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: '%.2g' % x)) cbar.set_label('Percentage of objects of type %s' % col[1:].upper()) plt.savefig('fobjs-bw-%s.pdf' % col[1:]) #plt.savefig('fobjs-bw-%s.png' % col[1:]) plt.figure(1) return 0
y = np.sin(X).ravel() ############################################################################### # Add noise to targets y[::5] += 3 * (0.5 - np.random.rand(8)) ############################################################################### # Fit regression model from sklearn.svm import SVR svr_rbf = SVR(kernel='rbf', C=1e3, gamma=0.1) svr_lin = SVR(kernel='linear', C=1e3) svr_poly = SVR(kernel='poly', C=1e3, degree=2) y_rbf =, y).predict(X) y_lin =, y).predict(X) y_poly =, y).predict(X) ############################################################################### # look at the results import pylab as pl pl.scatter(X, y, c='k', label='data') pl.hold('on') pl.plot(X, y_rbf, c='g', label='RBF model') pl.plot(X, y_lin, c='r', label='Linear model') pl.plot(X, y_poly, c='b', label='Polynomial model') pl.xlabel('data') pl.ylabel('target') pl.title('Support Vector Regression') pl.legend()
ax.contourf(xx, yy, Z, colors=[MAROON, BLUE], levels=[-1, 0, 1], alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(X[y == 0, 0], X[y == 0, 1], color=MAROON, label='\emph{Iris setosa}') plt.scatter(X[y == 1, 0], X[y == 1, 1], color=BLUE, label='\emph{Iris versicolor}') plt.title('Decision tree') plt.ylim(1, 5) plt.xlabel('Sepal length') plt.ylabel('Sepal width') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('../figures/tree_2d.pdf') plt.figure() plt.subplot(211) x = X[:, 0] plt.hist(x[y == 0], bins='auto', color=MAROON, label='\emph{Iris setosa}', histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.8)
interpolation='none', alpha=1) img = pl.imshow(Hess[:, :, i], cmap=cmapAlpha, extent=[0, nx * dx, ny * dy, 0], interpolation='none', vmin=-vLim, vmax=vLim) ax = pl.gca() #img.set_cmap('RdBu') ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') pl.xlabel("$x$ (m)") pl.ylabel("$y$ (m)") # Colorbar cb = pl.colorbar( img, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal', # ticks=([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1]), #ticks=(), shrink=1, pad=0.01, aspect=20.0) cb.set_label(prefix + title[i]) # Markers #pl.scatter(5000, 80, marker='*', color='xkcd:red', s=30, zorder=1)
t2=time.time() Qbefore = [0,0,0] def newway(i,dt,k,N,A): global Qbefore Q = (Qbefore[i]+A/dt*N*(numpy.exp(dt/k)-1))*numpy.exp(-dt/k) Qbefore[i] = Q return Q , Qbefore[i] flowvector = [] for i in range(len(rainvec)): flowvector.append(newway(0,dt,K,rainvec[i],area)[0]) t3=time.time() '''plot''' pl.figure(figsize=(14, 5), dpi=80) #pl.xlim(0,10) #pl.ylim(0,1.1) pl.plot(flowlist) pl.plot(flowvector) pl.legend(loc='best') pl.title('Model In - and Output', fontsize=20) pl.xlabel('Time [dt]') pl.ylabel('Volume [m^3]') pl.grid(True) print 'Simulationtime1: '+str(t2-t1) print 'Simulationtime2: '+str(t3-t2)