def find_hits(self, nsig=2, gain_range=(2, 10), buff=1, make_plots=True): DN_range = (self.fe55_yield / gain_range[1], self.fe55_yield / gain_range[0]) threshold = afwDetect.Threshold(self.mean + nsig * self.stdev) fpset = afwDetect.FootprintSet(self.image, threshold) zarr, xarr, yarr, peaks = [], [], [], [] for fp in fpset.getFootprints(): if fp.getNpix() < 9: f, ix, iy, peak_value = self._footprint_info(fp, buff) if ((DN_range[0] < f < DN_range[1]) and not (fp.contains(afwGeom.Point2I(ix - 1, iy)) or fp.contains(afwGeom.Point2I(ix, iy - 1)))): zarr.append(f) xarr.append(ix) yarr.append(iy) peaks.append(peak_value) self.xarr = np.array(xarr) self.yarr = np.array(yarr) self.zarr = np.array(zarr) self.peaks = np.array(peaks) median_signal = imUtils.median(self.zarr) self.median_signal = median_signal self.sigrange = (median_signal * (1. - 2. / np.sqrt(self.fe55_yield)), median_signal * (1. + 2. / np.sqrt(self.fe55_yield))) self.sig5range = (median_signal * (1. - 5. / np.sqrt(self.fe55_yield)), median_signal * (1. + 5. / np.sqrt(self.fe55_yield))) if plot is not None and make_plots: plot.histogram(self.zarr, xrange=self.sig5range, yrange=(0, 200), bins=100, xname='DN', yname='entries / bin') plot.vline(median_signal) plot.vline(self.sigrange[0], color='g') plot.vline(self.sigrange[1], color='g') plot.xyplot(xarr, zarr, yrange=DN_range, xname='x pixel', yname='DN') plot.hline(self.sigrange[0], color='g') plot.hline(self.sigrange[1], color='g')
def _plot_stats(self, icol, C2, C3, oplot): plot.pylab.ion() if oplot == 0: rows = range(self.edge_rolloff+1, self.edge_rolloff + len(C2) + 1) win0 = plot.curve(rows, C2, xname='row', yname='C2') win0.set_title('Column %i' % icol) plot.hline(-self.C2_thresh) win1 = plot.xyplot(C2, C3, xname='C2', yname='C3', oplot=oplot) win1.set_title('Column %i' % icol) plot.hline(self.C3_thresh) plot.vline(-self.C2_thresh)
def _plot1d(self, a, b, xlabel, xarr, zarr): f = np.poly1d((a, b)) xx = np.linspace(0, 2500, 5) win = plot.xyplot( xarr, zarr, #yrange=self.sig5range, xname=xlabel, yname='DN') plot.curve(xx, f(xx), oplot=1, lineStyle='--', color='r') plot.hline(self.sigrange[0], color='g') plot.hline(self.sigrange[1], color='g') return win
def plot_curves(self, outfile=None, interactive=False): if interactive: plot.pylab.ion() else: plot.pylab.ioff() indx = np.argsort(self.wlarrs[1]) for i, amp in enumerate(self.qe): plot.curve(self.wlarrs[amp][indx], self.qe[amp][indx], oplot=i, xname='wavelength (nm)', yname='QE (%)', xrange=(350, 1100)) plot.xyplot(self.wlarrs[amp][indx], self.qe[amp][indx], oplot=1) wl = [sum(self.band_pass[band]) / 2. for band in self.qe_band[amp]] plot.xyplot(wl, self.qe_band[amp].values(), oplot=1, color='r') plot.curve(self.wlarrs[1][indx], self.ccd_qe[indx], oplot=1, color='g') plot.xyplot(wl, self.ccd_qe_band.values(), oplot=1, color='b') if outfile is not None:
flags = afwMath.MEDIAN | afwMath.STDEVCLIP stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(results['sigmax'], flags) median = stats.getValue(afwMath.MEDIAN) stdev = stats.getValue(afwMath.STDEVCLIP) plot.histogram(results['sigmax'], xname='Fitted sigma values', xrange=(median - 3 * stdev, median + 3 * stdev)) plot.histogram(results['sigmay'], oplot=1, color='r', xrange=(median - 3 * stdev, median + 3 * stdev)) plot.histogram(results['dn'], xname='Fitted DN values', xrange=(250, 450)) plot.xyplot(results['chiprob'], results['sigmax'], xname='chi-square prob.', yname='sigma', ylog=1) plot.xyplot(results['chiprob'], results['sigmay'], oplot=1, color='r') plot.xyplot(results['dn'], results['dn_fp'], xname='DN (fitted value)', yname='DN (footprint sum)', xrange=(0, max(results['dn_fp'])), yrange=(0, max(results['dn_fp'])))
events = num.sort(events) ncp_prior = BayesianBlocks.BayesianBlocks.ncp_prior(nsamp, fp_frac) tstart = time.time() bb = BB_imp.BayesianBlocks(events) x, y = bb.lightCurve(ncp_prior) dt = time.time() - tstart return dt, len(x) - 2 if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab_plotter as plot nsamp = 200 fp_frac = 1e-3 nsamps = (10, 30, 100, 300, 1000) dts = [running_time(BayesianBlocks, nsamp=nsamp)[0] for nsamp in nsamps] nsamps = (10, 30, 100, 300, 1000) dts_p = [ running_time(BayesianBlocks_python, nsamp=nsamp)[0] for nsamp in nsamps[:4] ] plot.xyplot(nsamps, dts, xlog=1, ylog=1) plot.xyplot(nsamps[:4], dts_p, color='r', yrange=(min(dts) / 1.3, max(dts_p) * 1.3), xname='Sample size', yname='Running time (cpusec)')
for i, item in enumerate(self.files): print i, item forced = pd.read_pickle(item) lc_data = forced.merge(ccdVisit, on='ccdVisitId') selection = (lc_data['objectId'] == objectId) if band is not None: selection = selection & (lc_data['filterName'] == band) if i == 0: df = lc_data[selection] else: df = df.append(lc_data[selection]) return df forced_files = sorted(glob.glob('forced*.pkl')) t0 = time.time() forced_data = ForcedSourceData(forced_files) t1 = time.time() df = forced_data(1628) t2 = time.time() print 'execution times:', t2 - t1 mjd = df['obsStart'] flux = df['psFlux'] fluxerr = df['psFlux_Sigma'] print len(mjd) plot.xyplot(mjd, flux, yerr=fluxerr, xname='mjd', yname='flux')
results['nsig'] = np.sqrt(2.*results['chisq']) - np.sqrt(2.*results['ndof']-1.) results['dz'] = results['z'] - results['z_model'] nsig = plot.histogram(results['nsig'], xname='nsig', xrange=(0, 200)) plot.vline(100, color='r') plot.vline(30, color='g') plot.vline(10, color='b') dz_range = 0, 0.5 dz_hist = plot.histogram(results['dz'], xrange=dz_range, xname='z - z_model') selection = results['nsig'] < 100. plot.histogram(results[selection]['dz'], xrange=dz_range, oplot=1, color='r') z_vs_zmod = plot.xyplot(results[selection]['z_model'], results[selection]['z'], xname='z_model', yname='z', color='r') selection = results['nsig'] < 30. plot.set_window(dz_hist) plot.histogram(results[selection]['dz'], xrange=dz_range, oplot=1, color='g') plot.set_window(z_vs_zmod) plot.xyplot(results[selection]['z_model'], results[selection]['z'], xname='z_model', yname='z', oplot=1, color='g') selection = results['nsig'] < 10. plot.set_window(dz_hist) plot.histogram(results[selection]['dz'], xrange=dz_range, oplot=1, color='b') plot.set_window(z_vs_zmod) plot.xyplot(results[selection]['z_model'], results[selection]['z'], xname='z_model', yname='z', oplot=1, color='b')
events = ra.random(nsamp) events = num.sort(events) ncp_prior = BayesianBlocks.BayesianBlocks.ncp_prior(nsamp, fp_frac) tstart = time.time() dt_avg = num.mean(events[1:] - events[:-1]) tmin = events[0] - dt_avg tmax = events[-1] + dt_avg bb = BB_imp.BayesianBlocks(events, tmin, tmax) x, y = bb.lightCurve(ncp_prior) dt = time.time() - tstart return dt, len(x) - 2 if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab_plotter as plot plot.pylab.ion() nsamp = 200 fp_frac = 1e-3 nsamps = (10, 30, 100, 300, 1000) dts = [running_time(BayesianBlocks, nsamp=nsamp)[0] for nsamp in nsamps] # nsamps = (10, 30, 100, 300, 1000) # dts_p = [running_time(BayesianBlocks_python, nsamp=nsamp)[0] # for nsamp in nsamps[:4]] plot.xyplot(nsamps, dts, xlog=1, ylog=1) # plot.xyplot(nsamps[:4], dts_p, color='r', # yrange=(min(dts)/1.3, max(dts_p)*1.3), # xname='Sample size', yname='Running time (cpusec)')
def plot_diagnostics(self, flux, Ne, indxp, f1, fp): plot.pylab.ion() plot.xyplot(flux, Ne) plot.xyplot(flux[indxp], Ne[indxp], oplot=1, color='r') plot.curve(flux, f1(flux), oplot=1) plot.curve(flux, fp(flux), oplot=1, color='b')
edgecolor=color) return intervals #grb_ids = read_data('asp_blind_search.txt', ncols=1)[0] #grb_ids = read_data('blind_search_triggers_24Oct2012.dat', ncols=1)[0] #grb_ids = read_data('blind_search_triggers_12Jul2013.txt', ncols=1)[0] #grb_ids = read_data('blind_search_triggers_20Nov2013.txt', ncols=1)[0] #grb_ids = read_data('blind_search_triggers_26Aug2014.txt', ncols=1)[0] #grb_ids = read_data('blind_search_triggers_14Mar2015.txt', ncols=1)[0] #grb_ids = read_data('blind_search_triggers_01Nov2015.txt', ncols=1)[0] #grb_ids = read_data('blind_search_triggers_13Mar2016.txt', ncols=1)[0] grb_ids = read_data('blind_search_triggers_24Aug2016.txt', ncols=1)[0] asp_grbs = read_data('asp_grbs.txt', ncols=1)[0] npts = len(grb_ids) win = plot.xyplot(mjd(grb_ids), range(npts), xname='MJD', yname='#trigger') indx = [num.where(x == grb_ids)[0][0] for x in asp_grbs] plot.xyplot(mjd(asp_grbs), indx, color='r', oplot=1) #time, accidentals = read_data('accidentals_vs_time.dat') #plot.curve(mjd(time), accidentals/1.744e3*2, oplot=1, color='r') # March 6-7, 2012 X5-class flares march_sf = (met(datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 6)), met(datetime.datetime(2012, 3, 8))) plot.pylab.axvspan(mjd(march_sf[0]), mjd(march_sf[1]), color='r') # Crab pointed observation not in FSSC pointed list crab_2012_pointing = (met(datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 5, 0, 0, 0)), met(datetime.datetime(2012, 7, 8, 12, 38, 01)))
self._plot_stats(icol, C2, C3, oplot) return ix, iy, c2, c3, a0, a1 def _plot_stats(self, icol, C2, C3, oplot): plot.pylab.ion() if oplot == 0: rows = range(self.edge_rolloff+1, self.edge_rolloff + len(C2) + 1) win0 = plot.curve(rows, C2, xname='row', yname='C2') win0.set_title('Column %i' % icol) plot.hline(-self.C2_thresh) win1 = plot.xyplot(C2, C3, xname='C2', yname='C3', oplot=oplot) win1.set_title('Column %i' % icol) plot.hline(self.C3_thresh) plot.vline(-self.C2_thresh) if __name__ == '__main__': from MaskedCCD import MaskedCCD trap_file = '../20141118-184914/114-03_trap_000.fits' ccd = MaskedCCD(trap_file) amp = 4 finder = TrapFinder(ccd, amp) results = finder.find() for row in zip(*results): print row index = np.where(results[2] == min(results[2])) finder.process_column(results[0][index[0][0]]-4, True) for icol in range(509): finder.process_column(icol, True, oplot=1) plot.xyplot(results[2], results[3], oplot=1, color='r')
def full_well(ptcfile, amp, gain=None, fracdevmax=0.10, make_plot=False, outfile_prefix=None): data = np.recfromtxt(ptcfile) data = data.transpose() exptime = data[0] meanDN = data[(amp - 1) * 2 + 1] varDN = data[(amp - 1) * 2 + 2] if gain is None: gain = gain_est(meanDN, varDN) # # Convert from DN to e-. # meanNe = gain * meanDN varNe = gain * varDN # # Find the reference e- signal level. # xref = 1000. indx = 0 while meanNe[indx] < xref: indx += 1 # # Linear fit local to this point. # imin = max(0, indx - 3) imax = imin + 5 f = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(meanNe[imin:imax], varNe[imin:imax], 1)) fref = f(xref) # # Loop over signal level points greater than this, compute linear # and quadratic fit anchored at xref(=1000e-), and compute maximum # deviation. # dvarmax = 0 imax = indx + 10 while dvarmax < fracdevmax and imax < len(meanNe) - 1: xx = meanNe[indx:imax] ff = varNe[indx:imax] slope = linear_fit_fixedpt(xx, ff, xref, fref) f1 = lambda x: slope * (x - xref) + fref quadfit = quadratic_fit_fixedpt(xx, ff, xref, fref) f2 = lambda x: quadfit[0] * (x**2 - xref**2) + quadfit[1] * (x - xref ) + fref # # Here the fractional deviation is computed at the current # end-point for the data that are fit. May need to check the # extremum of f1-f2. If "deviation *below* the linear curve" # is the criterion, then the current implementation is ok. # #fracdev = lambda x : np.abs(f1(x) - f2(x))/f1(x) fracdev = lambda x: (f1(x) - f2(x)) / f1(x) full_well_est = meanNe[imax] dvarmax = fracdev(full_well_est) imax += 1 if make_plot and plot is not None: win0 = plot.xyplot(meanNe, varNe, xname='mean(e-)', yname='var(e-)') plot.xyplot(xx, ff, oplot=1, color='r') x = np.linspace(xref, meanNe[imax], 100) plot.curve(x, f1(x), oplot=1, lineStyle=':') plot.curve(x, f2(x), oplot=1, lineStyle='--') plot.vline(full_well_est) win0.set_title('Amp %i, full well = %i e-' % (amp, full_well_est)) if outfile_prefix is not None: + '_ptc.png') win1 = plot.curve(x, fracdev(x), xname='mean(e-)', yname='fractional deviation from linear fit') plot.hline(fracdevmax) plot.vline(full_well_est) win1.set_title('Amp %i, full well = %i e-' % (amp, full_well_est)) if outfile_prefix is not None: + '_fracdev.png') return full_well_est
if filter_uls: index = np.where(('NAME') == source_name) & (ul == False)) else: index = np.where('NAME') == source_name) return self.tmid[index], flux[index], error[index], ul[index] if __name__ == '__main__': import pylab_plotter as plot plot.pylab.ion() lcdata = FermiLightCurveData('') source = '3C 454.3' t, f, df, ul = lcdata.light_curve(source) win = plot.xyplot(t, f, yerr=df, xname='MJD', yname='flux (ph/cm^2/s)', yrange=(0, 1.1*max(f))) win.set_title('%s, 100 to 300000 MeV' % source)'3C_454.3_100_300000.png') t1, f1, df1, ul1 = lcdata.light_curve(source, eband='300_1000') win1 = plot.xyplot(t1, f1, yerr=df1, xname='MJD', yname='flux (ph/cm^2/s)', yrange=(0, 1.1*max(f1))) win1.set_title('%s, 300 to 1000 MeV' % source)'3C_454.3_300_1000.png') t2, f2, df2, ul2 = lcdata.light_curve(source, eband='1000_300000') win2 = plot.xyplot(t2, f2, yerr=df2, xname='MJD', yname='flux (ph/cm^2/s)', yrange=(0, 1.1*max(f2))) win2.set_title('%s, 1000 to 300000 MeV' % source)'3C_454.3_1000_300000.png')
if i < len(self.bins): self.bins[i] += wt hist = Histogram(0, 20, 30) for i in range(100): hist.add(func0.draw()) bb = BayesianBlocks.BayesianBlocks(hist.xvals[0] - hist.xstep/2., hist.bins, num.ones(len(hist.bins), dtype=num.float)*hist.xstep) bbp = BayesianBlocks_python.BayesianBlocks(hist.bins, num.ones(len(hist.bins))*hist.xstep, hist.xvals[0] - hist.xstep/2.) win2 = plot.Window(2) plot.xyplot(hist.xvals, hist.bins/hist.xstep, yerr=num.sqrt(hist.bins)) for ncpPrior in range(1, 10): xx, yy = bb.lightCurve(ncpPrior) plot.curve(xx, yy, color='r', linewidth=3) print ncpPrior xxp, yyp = bbp.lightCurve(ncpPrior) plot.curve(xxp, yyp, color='g', linewidth=1) # # Point measurement mode # func1 = Gaussian(1, 5, 1) func2 = Gaussian(1, 10, 1) func3 = Gaussian(1, 6, 1)