def test_gruber():
  from numpy import dot
  from numpy.linalg import inv
  from pylada.math import gruber, is_integer
  from pylada.error import internal, input
  cell = [[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]]
  lim = 5
  for a00 in [-1, 1]: 
    for a10 in xrange(-lim, lim+1): 
      for a11 in [-1, 1]:
        for a20 in xrange(-lim, lim+1): 
          for a21 in xrange(-lim, lim+1): 
            for a22 in [-1, 1]:
              a = [[a00, 0, 0], [a10, a11, 0], [a20, a21, a22]]
              g = gruber(dot(cell, a))
              assert is_integer(dot(inv(cell), g))
              assert is_integer(dot(inv(g), cell))

  try: gruber([[0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0], [4, 5, 6]])
  except input: pass
  else: raise Exception()

  try: gruber([[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [4, 5, 1]], itermax=2)
  except internal: pass
  else: raise Exception()
def test_gruber():
  from numpy import dot
  from numpy.linalg import inv
  from pylada.math import gruber, is_integer
  from pylada.error import internal, input

  cell = [[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]]
  lim = 5

  for a00 in [-1, 1]:
    for a10 in xrange(-lim, lim+1):
      for a11 in [-1, 1]:
        for a20 in xrange(-lim, lim+1):
          for a21 in xrange(-lim, lim+1):
            for a22 in [-1, 1]:
              a = [[a00, 0, 0], [a10, a11, 0], [a20, a21, a22]]
              testcell = dot(cell, a)
              g = gruber(testcell)
              print testcell
              print g
              assert is_integer(dot(inv(cell), g))
              assert is_integer(dot(inv(g), cell))

  try: gruber([[0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0], [4, 5, 6]])
  except input: pass
  else: raise Exception()

  try: gruber([[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [4, 5, 1]], itermax=2)
  except internal: pass
  else: raise Exception()
def main3():
    from pylada.math import gruber
    fname1 = "geometry/test_poscars/hackit.pos"
    A0 = pcread.poscar(fname1)

    m = np.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,1],[0,0,2]])
    A = supercell(A0,np.dot(A0.cell, m))
    Ag = gruber(A.cell)

    m = np.array([[2,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]])
    B = supercell(A0,np.dot(A0.cell, m))
    Bg = gruber(B.cell)

    sa = cell_stats(Ag)
    print sa
    A2 = ang2vec(sa[3][0],sa[3][1],sa[3][2],sa[4][0],sa[4][1],sa[4][2])
    print Ag
    print A2
    sb = cell_stats(Bg)
    B2 = ang2vec(sb[3][0],sb[3][1],sb[3][2],sb[4][0],sb[4][1],sb[4][2])
    print Bg
    print B2
def check(structure):
  from numpy import multiply, cast, any
  from numpy.linalg import inv
  from pylada.crystal.cppwrappers import periodic_dnc
  from pylada.math import gruber

  mesh, boxes = periodic_dnc(structure, nperbox=30, overlap=0.125, return_mesh = True)
  invcell = gruber(structure.cell)
  invcell[:, 0] /= float(mesh[0])
  invcell[:, 1] /= float(mesh[1])
  invcell[:, 2] /= float(mesh[2])
  invcell = inv(invcell)
  for box in boxes:
    assert any(u[2] for u in box)
    for atom, trans, inbox in box:
      if inbox: break
    index = indices(invcell, trans+atom.pos, mesh) 
    for atom, trans, inbox in box:
      pi = indices(invcell, trans+atom.pos, mesh) 
      if inbox: assert all(abs(pi - index) < 1e-8), (pi, index)
        assert any(    abs(u-v) == 1 \
                    or (w>1 and abs(u-v) == w-1) \
                    or  w == 1 for u, v, w in zip(pi, index, mesh) )
def raw_anim(A, B, options):
    # just animate between A and B, straight up!
    ### this option is under development
    savedir = os.getcwd()

    structure = pcread.poscar(options.A)
    structure = pcread.poscar(options.B)

    print "saving starting anim"
    Bpath = deepcopy(B)
    tag = "Bpath0"
    write_xyz(options, Bpath, tag, options.output_tiles)
    fout = file("%s.tcl" % tag, "w")
                 "%s.xyz" % tag,

    # now write frames
    dt = 1.0 / (options.frames - 1)
    t = 0
    iter = 0
    eps = 1e-6
    curpos = []
    while t <= 1 + eps:
        Bpath = deepcopy(B)
        Bpath.cell = t * A.cell + (1.0 - t) * B.cell
        for i in range(len(apos)):
            pos = t * A[i].pos[i] + (1.0 - t) * B[i].pos[i]
            if (iter == 0):
                Bpath[i].pos = into_cell(
                    pos, Bpath.cell)  # then make sure it's _in_ the unit cell
                Bpath[i].pos = closest_to(pos, Bpath.cell, curpos[i])
                curpos[i] = Bpath[i].pos

        if (iter == 0):  ## testing/bug fixing
            from pylada.crystal import space_group, primitive
            from pylada.math import gruber
            Btest = primitive(Bpath)
            g = gruber(Btest.cell)
            print "src has cell:"
            print Btest.cell
            #            print g
            Btest = supercell(Btest, g)
            spacegroup = space_group(Btest)
            sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Btest,
            print "src has %d syms and sg %s" % (len(spacegroup), str(sg))
            Bstart = deepcopy(Bpath)

        sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Bpath, symprec=1e-4, angle_tolerance=2.0)
        #        sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Bpath, symprec=1e-1, angle_tolerance=10.0) ### debugging
        print t, sg, tag

        if (iter == options.frames - 1):  ## testing/bug fixing
            from pylada.crystal import space_group, primitive
            from pylada.math import gruber
            Btest = primitive(Bpath)
            g = gruber(Btest.cell)
            print "target has cell:"
            print Btest.cell
            #            print g
            Btest = supercell(Btest, g)
            spacegroup = space_group(Btest)
            sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Btest,
            print "target has %d syms and sg %s" % (len(spacegroup), str(sg))
            Bend = deepcopy(Bpath)

        tag = "traj.%d" % iter
        write_xyz(options, Bpath, tag, options.output_tiles)
        fout = file("%s.tcl" % tag, "w")
                     "%s.xyz" % tag,

        # write poscar we can analyze later
        #        bigB = supercell(Bpath, np.dot(eye2,Bpath.cell))  # for writing a big poscar
        with open("%s.POSCAR" % tag, "w") as f:
            pcwrite.poscar(Bpath, f, vasp5=True)

        t += dt
        iter += 1

    if (options.verbose > 2):
        write_tcl(options, Bend, Bstart, pairs[1], "pairs")

    # some special work to verify we really arrived at B:

#    Borig = pcread.poscar(options.A)
#    M = np.dot(Borig.cell, npl.inv(Bpath.cell))
#    Bfinal = transform_cell(M,Bpath)
#    bigB = supercell(Bfinal, np.dot(eye2,Bfinal.cell))  ## this is a special "doubling" test
#    with open("final.POSCAR", "w") as f: pcwrite.poscar(bigB, f, vasp5=True)
#    with open("final.POSCAR", "w") as f: pcwrite.poscar(Bfinal, f, vasp5=True)
#    sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Bfinal, symprec=1e-4, angle_tolerance=2.0)  ## this is "B in A coords"
#    print "spacegroup of final structure: ", sg
    sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(B, symprec=1e-4, angle_tolerance=2.0)
    print "spacegroup of initial structure (B, [Bflip in code]) ", sg
    sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(A, symprec=1e-4, angle_tolerance=2.0)
    print "spacegroup of target structure (A) ", sg
def make_anim(A, B, Tm, shift, pairs, options):
    # combined view of the unit call and atom transforms
    # A is target, B is src, after src has been rotated and its unit cell axes permuted so that they
    # "most align" with those of A.  Then transform is just two parts: first is unit cell Tform "Tm"
    # next is mapping in pairs
    ### no longer true: which is expressed in 3N-dim space as bigA.

    from copy import deepcopy
    from util import write_struct, write_xyz, transform_cell, write_tcl

    if options.verbose > 1:
        print "Exploring minimal path we have discovered..."
        # the results come out a little convoluated b/c of all the steps, so here we gather the
        # actual start and finish positions.

        details = False

        print B.cell
        print "maps to"
        print A.cell
        print "with internal atom shift"
        print shift
        print "and atom idx pairing"

    ppidx = pairs[0]
    ppos = pairs[1]
    ainv = npl.inv(A.cell)
    apos = []
    bpos = []
    for i in range(len(ppidx)):
        p = ppidx[i]
        q = ppos[i]
        print p, q  ##, into_cell(np.dot(B.cell, np.dot(ainv, q[4])), B.cell)
        apos.append(q[3])  # target atom position
        bpos.append(q[4])  # src atom position

    if (options.verbose > 2):
        print "and A is just"
        print A.cell
        for a in A:
            print a.pos, into_cell(a.pos, A.cell)
        print "and B is just"
        print B.cell
        for b in B:
            print b.pos, into_cell(b.pos, B.cell)

    if (not os.path.exists(options.trajdir)):

    savedir = os.getcwd()

    if (options.verbose > 1):
        print "saving starting anim"
    Bpath = deepcopy(B)
    tag = "Bpath0"
    write_xyz(options, Bpath, tag, options.output_tiles)
    fout = file("%s.tcl" % tag, "w")
                 "%s.xyz" % tag,

    # now write frames
    eye2 = 2.0 * np.identity(3)  # for writing a big cell if we want
    dt = 1.0 / (options.frames - 1)
    t = 0
    iter = 0
    eps = 1e-6
    curpos = []
    while t <= 1 + eps:

        Bpath = deepcopy(B)
        Bpath.cell = t * A.cell + (1.0 - t) * B.cell
        for i in range(len(apos)):
            p = t * apos[i] + (1.0 - t) * bpos[
                i]  # this is an abs position, but in A's frame of reference (both apos and bpos are created with
            # B.cell transformed to A.cell.  Here we are mapping to cells in between original B.cell and A.cell)
            # Note apos and bpos are not taken directly from A, B input cells but are part of the "pairing" data
            c = np.dot(ainv, p)  # so get the coords
            pos = np.dot(Bpath.cell,
                         c)  # and express it w.r.t. evolving Bpath frame
            if (iter == 0):
                Bpath[i].pos = into_cell(
                    pos, Bpath.cell)  # then make sure it's _in_ the unit cell
                Bpath[i].pos = closest_to(pos, Bpath.cell, curpos[i])
                curpos[i] = Bpath[i].pos

        if (iter == 0):  ## testing/bug fixing
            Bstart = deepcopy(Bpath)
            if (options.verbose > 2):
                from pylada.crystal import space_group, primitive
                from pylada.math import gruber
                Btest = primitive(Bpath)
                g = gruber(Btest.cell)
                print "src has primitive cell:"
                print Btest.cell
                #            print g
                Btest = supercell(Btest, g)
                spacegroup = space_group(Btest)
                sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Btest,
                print "src has %d syms and sg %s" % (len(spacegroup), str(sg))

        sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Bpath, symprec=1e-4, angle_tolerance=2.0)
        #        sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Bpath, symprec=1e-1, angle_tolerance=10.0) ### debugging
        if (options.verbose > 1):
            print t, sg, tag

        if (iter == options.frames - 1):  ## testing/bug fixing
            Bend = deepcopy(Bpath)
            if (options.verbose > 2):
                from pylada.crystal import space_group, primitive
                from pylada.math import gruber
                Btest = primitive(Bpath)
                g = gruber(Btest.cell)
                print "target has primitive cell:"
                print Btest.cell
                #            print g
                Btest = supercell(Btest, g)
                spacegroup = space_group(Btest)
                sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Btest,
                print "target has %d syms and sg %s" % (len(spacegroup),

        tag = "traj.%d" % iter
        write_xyz(options, Bpath, tag, options.output_tiles)
        fout = file("%s.tcl" % tag, "w")
                     "%s.xyz" % tag,

        # write poscar we can analyze later
        #        bigB = supercell(Bpath, np.dot(eye2,Bpath.cell))  # for writing a big poscar
        with open("%s.POSCAR" % tag, "w") as f:
            pcwrite.poscar(Bpath, f, vasp5=True)

        t += dt
        iter += 1

    if (options.verbose > 2):
        write_tcl(options, Bend, Bstart, pairs[1], "pairs")

    # some special work to verify we really arrived at B:

#    Borig = pcread.poscar(options.A)
#    M = np.dot(Borig.cell, npl.inv(Bpath.cell))
#    Bfinal = transform_cell(M,Bpath)
#    bigB = supercell(Bfinal, np.dot(eye2,Bfinal.cell))  ## this is a special "doubling" test
#    with open("final.POSCAR", "w") as f: pcwrite.poscar(bigB, f, vasp5=True)
#    with open("final.POSCAR", "w") as f: pcwrite.poscar(Bfinal, f, vasp5=True)
#    sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(Bfinal, symprec=1e-4, angle_tolerance=2.0)  ## this is "B in A coords"
#    print "spacegroup of final structure: ", sg
    sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(B, symprec=1e-4, angle_tolerance=2.0)
    if (options.verbose > 0):
        print "spacegroup of initial structure (B, [Bflip in code]) ", sg
    sg = spglib.get_spacegroup(A, symprec=1e-4, angle_tolerance=2.0)
    if (options.verbose > 1):
        print "spacegroup of target structure (A) ", sg