def replay(self, fig=[], ax=[], **kwargs): """ replay a trajectory Parameters ---------- fig ax speed : float speed ratio """ # plt.ion() if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() if ax == []: ax = plt.gca() limkwargs = copy.copy(kwargs) if "c" in kwargs: limkwargs.pop("c") if "color" in kwargs: limkwargs.pop("c") limkwargs["marker"] = "*" limkwargs["s"] = 20 if ("m" or "marker") not in kwargs: kwargs["marker"] = "o" if ("c" or "color") not in kwargs: kwargs["color"] = "b" L = Layout(self.Lfilename) fig, ax = L.showG("s", fig=fig, ax=ax, **kwargs) time = self[0].time() line, = ax.plot([], [], "ob", lw=2) time_template = "time = %.1fs" time_text = ax.text(0.05, 0.9, "", transform=ax.transAxes) def init(): line.set_data([], []) time_text.set_text("") return line, time_text def animate(it): X = [] Y = [] for t in self: if t.typ == "ag": X.append(t["x"].values[it]) Y.append(t["y"].values[it]) line.set_data(X, Y) time_text.set_text(time_template % (time[it])) return line, time_text ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(1, len(time)), interval=25, blit=True, init_func=init)
def replay(self, fig=[], ax=[], **kwargs): """ replay a trajectory Parameters ---------- fig ax speed : float speed ratio """ # plt.ion() if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() if ax == []: ax = plt.gca() limkwargs = copy.copy(kwargs) if 'c' in kwargs: limkwargs.pop('c') if 'color' in kwargs: limkwargs.pop('c') limkwargs['marker'] = '*' limkwargs['s'] = 20 if ('m' or 'marker') not in kwargs: kwargs['marker'] = 'o' if ('c' or 'color') not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = 'b' L = Layout(self.Lfilename) fig, ax = L.showG('s', fig=fig, ax=ax, **kwargs) time = self[0].time() line, = ax.plot([], [], 'ob', lw=2) time_template = 'time = %.1fs' time_text = ax.text(0.05, 0.9, '', transform=ax.transAxes) def init(): line.set_data([], []) time_text.set_text('') return line, time_text def animate(it): X = [] Y = [] for t in self: if t.typ == 'ag': X.append(t['x'].values[it]) Y.append(t['y'].values[it]) line.set_data(X, Y) time_text.set_text(time_template % (time[it])) return line, time_text ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(1, len(time)), interval=25, blit=True, init_func=init)
class Coverage(PyLayers): """ Handle Layout Coverage Methods ------- creategrid() create a uniform grid for evaluating losses cover() run the coverage calculation showPower() display the map of received power showLoss() display the map of losses Attributes ---------- All attributes are read from fileini ino the ini directory of the current project _fileini default coverage.ini L : a Layout nx : number of point on x ny : number of point on y tx : transmitter position txpe : transmitter power emmission level show : boolean for automatic display power map na : number of access point """ def __init__(self,_fileini='coverage.ini'): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- _fileini : string name of the configuration file Notes ----- Coverage is described in an ini file. Default file is coverage.ini and is placed in the ini directory of the current project. """ self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(),pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) self.layoutopt = dict(self.config.items('layout')) self.gridopt = dict(self.config.items('grid')) self.apopt = dict(self.config.items('ap')) self.rxopt = dict(self.config.items('rx')) self.showopt = dict(self.config.items('show')) # get the Layout filename = self.layoutopt['filename'] if filename.endswith('ini'): self.typ = 'indoor' self.L = Layout(filename) # get the receiving grid self.nx = eval(self.gridopt['nx']) self.ny = eval(self.gridopt['ny']) self.mode = self.gridopt['mode'] self.boundary = eval(self.gridopt['boundary']) self.filespa = self.gridopt['file'] # # create grid # self.creategrid(mode=self.mode,boundary=self.boundary,_fileini=self.filespa) self.dap = {} for k in self.apopt: kwargs = eval(self.apopt[k]) ap = std.AP(**kwargs) self.dap[eval(k)] = ap try: self.L.Gt.nodes() except: pass try: self.L.dumpr() except: self.L.dumpw() else: self.typ='outdoor' self.E = ez.Ezone(filename) self.E.loadh5() self.E.rebase() self.fGHz = np.array([]) #self.fGHz = eval(self.txopt['fghz']) #self.tx = np.array((eval(self.txopt['x']),eval(self.txopt['y']))) #self.ptdbm = eval(self.txopt['ptdbm']) #self.framelengthbytes = eval(self.txopt['framelengthbytes']) # receiver section #self.rxsens = eval(self.rxopt['sensitivity']) self.temperaturek = eval(self.rxopt['temperaturek']) self.noisefactordb = eval(self.rxopt['noisefactordb']) # show section self.bshow = str2bool(self.showopt['show']) def __repr__(self): st='' if self.typ=='indoor': st = st+ 'Layout file : '+self.L.filename + '\n\n' st = st + '-----list of Access Points ------'+'\n' for k in self.dap: st = st + self.dap[k].__repr__()+'\n' st = st + '-----Rx------'+'\n' st= st+ 'temperature (K) : '+ str(self.temperaturek) + '\n' st= st+ 'noisefactor (dB) : '+ str(self.noisefactordb) + '\n\n' st = st + '--- Grid ----'+'\n' st= st+ 'mode : ' + str(self.mode) + '\n' if self.mode<>'file': st= st+ 'nx : ' + str(self.nx) + '\n' st= st+ 'ny : ' + str(self.ny) + '\n' if self.mode=='zone': st= st+ 'boundary (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) : ' + str(self.boundary) + '\n\n' if self.mode=='file': st = st+' filename : '+self.filespa+'\n' return(st) def creategrid(self,mode='full',boundary=[],_fileini=''): """ create a grid Parameters ---------- full : boolean default (True) use all the layout area boundary : (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) if full is False the boundary argument is used """ if mode=="file": self.RN = RadioNode(name='', typ='rx', _fileini = _fileini, _fileant = 'def.vsh3') self.grid =self.RN.position[0:2,:].T else: if mode=="full": mi=np.min(self.L.Gs.pos.values(),axis=0)+0.01 ma=np.max(self.L.Gs.pos.values(),axis=0)-0.01 if mode=="zone": assert boundary<>[] mi = np.array([boundary[0],boundary[1]]) ma = np.array([boundary[2],boundary[3]]) x = np.linspace(mi[0],ma[0],self.nx) y = np.linspace(mi[1],ma[1],self.ny) self.grid=np.array((list(np.broadcast(*np.ix_(x, y))))) = self.grid.shape[0] def where1(self): """ Unfinished : Not sure this is the right place (too specific) """ M1 = UWBMeasure(1) self.dap={} self.dap[1]={} self.dap[2]={} self.dap[3]={} self.dap[4]={} self.dap[1]['p']=M1.rx[1,0:2] self.dap[2]['p']=M1.rx[1,0:2] self.dap[3]['p']=M1.rx[1,0:2] self.dap[4]['p']=M1.rx[1,0:2] for k in range(300): try: M = UWBMeasure(k) tx = M.tx self.grid=np.vstack((self.grid,tx[0:2])) D = M.rx-tx[np.newaxis,:] D2 = D*D dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(D2,axis=1))[1:] Emax = M.Emax() Etot = M.Etot()[0] try: td1 = np.hstack((td1,dist[0])) td2 = np.hstack((td2,dist[1])) td3 = np.hstack((td3,dist[2])) td4 = np.hstack((td4,dist[3])) te1 = np.hstack((te1,Emax[0])) te2 = np.hstack((te2,Emax[1])) te3 = np.hstack((te3,Emax[2])) te4 = np.hstack((te4,Emax[3])) tt1 = np.hstack((tt1,Etot[0])) tt2 = np.hstack((tt2,Etot[1])) tt3 = np.hstack((tt3,Etot[2])) tt4 = np.hstack((tt4,Etot[3])) #tdist = np.hstack((tdist,dist)) #te = np.hstack((te,Emax)) except: td1=np.array(dist[0]) td2=np.array(dist[1]) td3=np.array(dist[2]) td4=np.array(dist[3]) te1 =np.array(Emax[0]) te2 =np.array(Emax[1]) te3 =np.array(Emax[2]) te4 =np.array(Emax[3]) tt1 =np.array(Etot[0]) tt2 =np.array(Etot[1]) tt3 =np.array(Etot[2]) tt4 =np.array(Etot[3]) except: pass def cover(self,sinr=True,snr=True,best=True): """ run the coverage calculation Parameters ---------- sinr : boolean snr : boolean best : boolean Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * >>> C = Coverage() >>> C.cover() >>> f,'sinr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> Notes ----- self.fGHz is an array, it means that Coverage is calculated at once for a whole set of frequencies. In practice, it would be the center frequency of a given standard channel. This function is calling `loss.Losst` which calculates Losses along a straight path. In a future implementation we will abstract the EM solver in order to make use of other calculation approaches as a full or partial Ray Tracing. The following members variables are evaluated : + freespace Loss @ fGHz PL() PathLoss (shoud be rename FS as free space) $ + prdbmo : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{odB}` + prdbmp : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{pdB}` + snro : SNR polar o (H) + snrp : SNR polar p (H) See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.loss.Losst pylayers.antprop.loss.PL """ # # select active AP # lactiveAP = [] try: del self.aap del self.ptdbm except: pass self.kB = 1.3806503e-23 # Boltzmann constant for iap in self.dap: if self.dap[iap]['on']: lactiveAP.append(iap) fGHz = self.dap[iap].s.fcghz self.fGHz=np.unique(np.hstack((self.fGHz,fGHz))) apchan = self.dap[iap]['chan'] try: self.aap = np.vstack((self.aap,self.dap[iap]['p'][0:2])) self.ptdbm = np.vstack((self.ptdbm,self.dap[iap]['PtdBm'])) self.bmhz = np.vstack((self.bmhz, self.dap[iap].s.chan[apchan[0]]['BMHz'])) except: self.aap = self.dap[iap]['p'][0:2] self.ptdbm = np.array(self.dap[iap]['PtdBm']) self.bmhz = np.array(self.dap[iap].s.chan[apchan[0]]['BMHz']) PnW = np.array((10**(self.noisefactordb/10.))*self.kB*self.temperaturek*self.bmhz*1e6) # Evaluate Noise Power (in dBm) self.pndbm = np.array(10*np.log10(PnW)+30) #lchan = map(lambda x: self.dap[x]['chan'],lap) #apchan = zip(self.dap.keys(),lchan) #self.bmhz = np.array(map(lambda x: self.dap[x[0]].s.chan[x[1][0]]['BMHz']*len(x[1]),apchan)) self.ptdbm = self.ptdbm.T self.pndbm = self.pndbm.T # creating all links p = product(range(,lactiveAP) # # pa : access point # pg : grid point # # 1 x na for k in p: pg = self.grid[k[0],:] pa = self.dap[k[1]]['p'][0:2] try: = np.vstack((,pa)) except: = pa try: = np.vstack((,pg)) except: = pg = = = len(self.fGHz) # retrieving dimensions along the 3 axis na = len(lactiveAP) = na ng = nf = Lwo,Lwp,Edo,Edp = loss.Losst(self.L,self.fGHz,,,dB=False) self.Lwo = Lwo.reshape(nf,ng,na) self.Edo = Edo.reshape(nf,ng,na) self.Lwp = Lwp.reshape(nf,ng,na) self.Edp = Edp.reshape(nf,ng,na) freespace = loss.PL(self.fGHz,,,dB=False) self.freespace = freespace.reshape(nf,ng,na) # transmitting power # f x g x a # CmW : Received Power coverage in mW self.CmWo = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis,...]/10.)*self.Lwo*self.freespace self.CmWp = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis,...]/10.)*self.Lwp*self.freespace if snr: self.evsnr() if sinr: self.evsinr() if best: self.evbestsv() def evsnr(self): """ calculates snr """ NmW = 10**(self.pndbm/10.)[np.newaxis,:] self.snro = self.CmWo/NmW self.snrp = self.CmWp/NmW def evsinr(self): """ calculates sinr """ # na : number of access point na = # U : 1 x 1 x na x na U = (np.ones((na,na))-np.eye(na))[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:] # CmWo : received power in mW orthogonal polarization # CmWp : received power in mW parallel polarization ImWo = np.einsum('ijkl,ijl->ijk',U,self.CmWo) ImWp = np.einsum('ijkl,ijl->ijk',U,self.CmWp) NmW = 10**(self.pndbm/10.)[np.newaxis,:] self.sinro = self.CmWo/(ImWo+NmW) self.sinrp = self.CmWp/(ImWp+NmW) def evbestsv(self): """ determine the best server map Notes ----- C.bestsv """ na = ng = nf = # find best server regions Vo = self.CmWo Vp = self.CmWp self.bestsvo = np.empty(nf*ng*na).reshape(nf,ng,na) self.bestsvp = np.empty(nf*ng*na).reshape(nf,ng,na) for kf in range(nf): MaxVo = np.max(Vo[kf,:,:],axis=1) MaxVp = np.max(Vp[kf,:,:],axis=1) for ka in range(na): uo = np.where(Vo[kf,:,ka]==MaxVo) up = np.where(Vp[kf,:,ka]==MaxVp) self.bestsvo[kf,uo,ka]=ka+1 self.bestsvp[kf,up,ka]=ka+1 # def showEd(self,polar='o',**kwargs): # """ shows a map of direct path excess delay # # Parameters # ---------- # # polar : string # 'o' | 'p' # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # >> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # >> C = Coverage() # >> C.cover() # >> C.showEd(polar='o') # # """ # # if not kwargs.has_key('alphacy'): # kwargs['alphacy']=0.0 # if not kwargs.has_key('colorcy'): # kwargs['colorcy']='w' # if not kwargs.has_key('nodes'): # kwargs['nodes']=False # # fig,ax = self.L.showG('s',**kwargs) # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # cdict = { # 'red' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'green': ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'blue' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)) # } # #generate the colormap with 1024 interpolated values # my_cmap = m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 1024) # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # # # # if polar=='o': # mcEdof = < self.rxsens,self.Edo) # # cov=ax.imshow(mcEdof.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'jet', # origin='lower') # # # # # cov=ax.imshow(self.Edo.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # # extent=(l,r,b,t), # # origin='lower') # titre = "Map of LOS excess delay, polar orthogonal" # # if polar=='p': # mcEdpf = < self.rxsens,self.Edp) # # cov=ax.imshow(mcEdpf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'jet', # origin='lower') # # # cov=ax.imshow(self.Edp.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # # extent=(l,r,b,t), # # origin='lower') # titre = "Map of LOS excess delay, polar parallel" # # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],linewidth=0) # ax.set_title(titre) # # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # clb = fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # clb.set_label('excess delay (ns)') # # if # # return fig,ax # # def showPower(self,rxsens=True,nfl=True,polar='o',**kwargs): # """ show the map of received power # # Parameters # ---------- # # rxsens : bool # clip the map with rx sensitivity set in self.rxsens # nfl : bool # clip the map with noise floor set in self.pndbm # polar : string # 'o'|'p' # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # > from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # > C = Coverage() # > C.cover() # > C.showPower() # # """ # # if not kwargs.has_key('alphacy'): # kwargs['alphacy']=0.0 # if not kwargs.has_key('colorcy'): # kwargs['colorcy']='w' # if not kwargs.has_key('nodes'): # kwargs['nodes']=False # fig,ax = self.L.showG('s',**kwargs) # # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # ## tCM ='jet') ## tCM._init() ## alphas = np.abs(np.linspace(.0,1.0, tCM.N)) ## tCM._lut[:-3,-1] = alphas # # title='Map of received power - Pt = ' + str(self.ptdbm) + ' dBm'+str(' fGHz =') + str(self.fGHz) + ' polar = '+polar # # cdict = { # 'red' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'green': ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'blue' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)) # } # # if not kwargs.has_key('cmap'): # # generate the colormap with 1024 interpolated values # cmap = m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 1024) # else: # cmap = kwargs['cmap'] # #my_cmap = cm.copper # # # if rxsens : # # ## values between the rx sensitivity and noise floor # mcPrf = > self.rxsens) # & (prdbm < self.pndbm),prdbm) # # mcPrf = > self.rxsens) ,prdbm) # # cov1 = ax.imshow(mcPrf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = cm.copper, # vmin=self.rxsens,origin='lower') # # ### values above the sensitivity # mcPrs = < self.rxsens,prdbm) # cov = ax.imshow(mcPrs.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t), # cmap = cmap, # vmin=self.rxsens,origin='lower') # title=title + '\n black : Pr (dBm) < %.2f' % self.rxsens + ' dBm' # # else : # cov=ax.imshow(prdbm.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t), # cmap = cmap, # vmin=self.pndbm,origin='lower') # # if nfl: # ### values under the noise floor # ### we first clip the value below the noise floor # cl = np.nonzero(prdbm<=self.pndbm) # cPr = prdbm # cPr[cl] = self.pndbm # mcPruf = > self.pndbm,cPr) # cov2 = ax.imshow(mcPruf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'binary', # vmax=self.pndbm,origin='lower') # title=title + '\n white : Pr (dBm) < %.2f' % self.pndbm + ' dBm' # # # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],s=10,c='k',linewidth=0) # # ax.set_title(title) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # clb = fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # clb.set_label('Power (dBm)') # # if # # # return fig,ax # # # def showTransistionRegion(self,polar='o'): # """ # # Notes # ----- # # See : "Analyzing the Transitional Region in Low Power Wireless Links" # Marco Zuniga and Bhaskar Krishnamachari # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # > from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # > C = Coverage() # > C.cover() # > C.showTransitionRegion() # # """ # # frameLength = self.framelengthbytes # # PndBm = self.pndbm # gammaU = 10*np.log10(-1.28*np.log(2*(1-0.9**(1./(8*frameLength))))) # gammaL = 10*np.log10(-1.28*np.log(2*(1-0.1**(1./(8*frameLength))))) # # PrU = PndBm + gammaU # PrL = PndBm + gammaL # # fig,ax = self.L.showGs() # # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # # zones = np.zeros(np.shape(prdbm)) # #pdb.set_trace() # # uconnected = np.nonzero(prdbm>PrU) # utransition = np.nonzero((prdbm < PrU)&(prdbm > PrL)) # udisconnected = np.nonzero(prdbm < PrL) # # zones[uconnected] = 1 # zones[utransition] = (prdbm[utransition]-PrL)/(PrU-PrL) # cov = ax.imshow(zones.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'BuGn',origin='lower') # # title='PDR region' # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],linewidth=0) # # ax.set_title(title) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # if # # def plot(self,**kwargs): """ """ defaults = { 'typ': 'pr', 'grid': False, 'f' : 0, 'a' : 0, 'db':True, 'col':'b' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] if 'fig' in kwargs: fig=kwargs['fig'] else: fig=plt.figure() if 'ax' in kwargs: ax = kwargs['ax'] else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if kwargs['typ']=='pr': if kwargs['a']<>-1: U = self.CmW[kwargs['f'],:,kwargs['a']] else: U = self.CmW[kwargs['f'],:,:].reshape(* if kwargs['db']: U = 10*np.log10(U) D = np.sqrt(np.sum((*(,axis=0)) if kwargs['a']<>-1: D = D.reshape(, ax.semilogx(D[:,kwargs['a']],U,'.',color=kwargs['col']) else: ax.semilogx(D,U,'.',color=kwargs['col']) return fig,ax def show(self,**kwargs): """ show coverage Parameters ---------- typ : string 'pr' | 'sinr' | 'capacity' | 'loss' | 'best' | 'egd' grid : boolean polar : string 'o' | 'p' best : boolean draw best server contour if True f : int frequency index a : int access point index (-1 all access point) Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * >>> C = Coverage() >>> C.cover() >>> f,a ='pr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='best',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='loss',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='sinr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.Layout.showG """ defaults = { 'typ': 'pr', 'grid': False, 'polar':'p', 'f' : 0, 'a' :-1, 'db':True, 'cmap' :cm.jet, 'best':True } title = self.dap[1] ' : ' for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] polar = kwargs['polar'] if 'fig' in kwargs: if 'ax' in kwargs: fig,ax=self.L.showG('s',fig=kwargs['fig'],ax=kwargs['ax']) else: fig,ax=self.L.showG('s',fig=kwargs['fig']) else: if 'figsize' in kwargs: fig,ax=self.L.showG('s',figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else: fig,ax=self.L.showG('s') # plot the grid if kwargs['grid']: for k in self.dap: p = self.dap[k].p ax.plot(p[0],p[1],'or') f = kwargs['f'] a = kwargs['a'] typ = kwargs['typ'] best = kwargs['best'] dB = kwargs['db'] # setting the grid l = self.grid[0,0] r = self.grid[-1,0] b = self.grid[0,1] t = self.grid[-1,-1] if typ=='best': title = title + 'Best server'+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+polar for ka in range( if polar=='p': bestsv = self.bestsvp[f,:,ka] if polar=='o': bestsv = self.bestsvo[f,:,ka] m = == 0,bestsv) if self.mode<>'file': W = m.reshape(self.nx,self.ny).T ax.imshow(W, extent=(l,r,b,t), origin='lower', vmin=1, else: ax.scatter(self.grid[:,0],self.grid[:,1],c=m,s=20,linewidth=0) ax.set_title(title) else: if typ=='egd': title = title + 'excess group delay : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+polar V = self.Ed dB = False legcb = 'Delay (ns)' if typ=='sinr': title = title + 'SINR : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar=='o': V = self.sinro if polar=='p': V = self.sinrp if typ=='snr': title = title + 'SNR : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar=='o': V = self.snro if polar=='p': V = self.snrp if typ=='capacity': title = title + 'Capacity : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+polar legcb = 'Mbit/s' if polar=='o': V = self.bmhz.T[np.newaxis,:]*np.log(1+self.sinro)/np.log(2) if polar=='p': V = self.bmhz.T[np.newaxis,:]*np.log(1+self.sinrp)/np.log(2) if typ=='pr': title = title + 'Pr : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+polar if dB: legcb = 'dBm' else: lgdcb = 'mW' if polar=='o': V = self.CmWo if polar=='p': V = self.CmWp if typ=='loss': title = title + 'Loss : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar=='o': V = self.Lwo*self.freespace if polar=='p': V = self.Lwp*self.freespace if a == -1: V = np.max(V[f,:,:],axis=1) else: V = V[f,:,a] # reshaping the data on the grid if self.mode!='file': U = V.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T else: U = V if dB: U = 10*np.log10(U) if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] else: vmin = U.min() if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] else: vmax = U.max() if self.mode!='file': img = ax.imshow(U, extent=(l,r,b,t), origin='lower', vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax, cmap = kwargs['cmap']) else: img=ax.scatter(self.grid[:,0],self.grid[:,1],c=U,s=20,linewidth=0,cmap=kwargs['cmap']) for k in range( ax.annotate(str(k),xy=([0,k],[1,k])) ax.set_title(title) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) clb = fig.colorbar(img,cax) clb.set_label(legcb) if best: if self.mode<>'file': if polar=='o': ax.contour(np.sum(self.bestsvo,axis=2)[f,:].reshape(self.nx,self.ny).T,extent=(l,r,b,t),linestyles='dotted') if polar=='p': ax.contour(np.sum(self.bestsvp,axis=2)[f,:].reshape(self.nx,self.ny).T,extent=(l,r,b,t),linestyles='dotted') # display access points if a==-1: ax.scatter([0,:],[1,:],s=30,c='r',linewidth=0) else: ax.scatter([0,a],[1,a],s=30,c='r',linewidth=0) plt.tight_layout() return(fig,ax)
def ishow(self): """ interactive show of trajectories Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.mobility.trajectory import * >>> T=Trajectories() >>> T.loadh5() >>> T.ishow() """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, left=0.3) t = np.arange(0, len(self[0].index), self[0].ts) L = Layout(self.Lfilename) fig, ax = L.showG('s', fig=fig, ax=ax) valinit = 0 lines = [] labels = [] colors = "bgrcmykw" for iT, T in enumerate(self): if T.typ == 'ag': lines.extend(ax.plot(T['x'][0:valinit],T['y'][0:valinit], 'o', color=colors[iT], visible=True)) labels.append( + ':' + T.ID) else: lines.extend(ax.plot(T['x'][0], T['y'][0], '^', ms=12, color=colors[iT], visible=True)) labels.append( + ':' + T.ID) t = self[0].time() # init boolean value for visible in checkbutton blabels = [True]*len(labels) ######## # slider ######## slider_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.02]) slider = Slider(slider_ax, "time", self[0].tmin, self[0].tmax, valinit=valinit, color='#AAAAAA') def update(val): if val >= 1: pval=np.where(val>t)[0] ax.set_title(str(self[0].index[pval[-1]].time())[:11].ljust(12), loc='left') for iT, T in enumerate(self): if T.typ == 'ag': lines[iT].set_xdata(T['x'][pval]) lines[iT].set_ydata(T['y'][pval]) fig.canvas.draw() slider.on_changed(update) ######## # choose ######## rax = plt.axes([0.02, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2], aspect='equal') # check (ax.object, name of the object , bool value for the obsject) check = CheckButtons(rax, labels, tuple(blabels)) def func(label): i = labels.index(label) lines[i].set_visible(not lines[i].get_visible()) fig.canvas.draw() check.on_clicked(func) fig.canvas.draw()
def replay(self, fig=[], ax=[], **kwargs): """ replay a trajectory Parameters ---------- fig ax speed : float speed ratio """ # plt.ion() if fig==[]: fig = plt.gcf() if ax == []: ax = plt.gca() limkwargs = copy.copy(kwargs) if 'c' in kwargs: limkwargs.pop('c') if 'color'in kwargs: limkwargs.pop('c') limkwargs['marker'] = '*' limkwargs['s'] = 20 if ('m' or 'marker') not in kwargs: kwargs['marker'] = 'o' if ('c' or 'color') not in kwargs: kwargs['color'] = 'b' L=Layout(self.Lfilename) fig, ax = L.showG('s',fig=fig, ax=ax, **kwargs) time=self[0].time() line, = ax.plot([], [], 'ob', lw=2) time_template = 'time = %.1fs' time_text = ax.text(0.05, 0.9, '', transform=ax.transAxes) def init(): line.set_data([],[]) time_text.set_text('') return line, time_text def animate(it): X=[] Y=[] for t in self: if t.typ == 'ag': X.append(t['x'].values[it]) Y.append(t['y'].values[it]) line.set_data(X,Y) time_text.set_text(time_template%(time[it])) return line, time_text ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, np.arange(1, len(time)), interval=25, blit=True, init_func=init)
from pylayers.gis.layout import Layout import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import doctest plt.ion() #doctest.testmod(layout) #L = Layout('TA-Office.ini') L = Layout('WHERE1.ini') #L= Layout('11Dbibli.ini') #L = Layout('PTIN.ini') #L = Layout('DLR.ini') L.dumpr() L.showG('i',en=11) #Ga = L.buildGr() #L.showGs() #nx.draw(Ga,Ga.pos)
class Simul(PyLayers): """ Simulation Class Methods ------- gui() graphical user interface choose() choose a simulation file in simuldir info() info about the simulation showray(itx,irx,iray) show a single ray help() help on using Simulation object freq() return the frequency base save() save Simulation file layout load a Layout file load() load Simulation show3() geomview vizualization show3l(itx,irx) geomview vizualization of link itx irx show() 2D visualization of simulation with furniture run(itx,irx) run simulation for links (itx,irx) cir(itx,irx,store_level=0,alpha=1.0) Channel Impulse Response calculation Attributes ---------- fileconf filetauk filetang filerang tx rx progress indoor mat sl Notes ------ This class group together all the parametrization files of a simulation Directory list file : fileconf Constitutive parameters file : fileslab filemat Ray Tracing parameters files : filepalch filetra Frequency list file : filefreq """ def __init__(self, _filesimul='default.ini'): self.filesimul = _filesimul self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.add_section("files") self.config.add_section("frequency") self.config.add_section("waveform") self.config.add_section("output") self.dtang = {} self.drang = {} self.dtauk = {} self.dfield = {} self.dcir = {} self.output = {} # # Here was a nasty bug : Rule for the future # "Always precise the key value of the passed argument" # # Mal nommer les choses, c'est ajouter au malheur du monde ( Albert Camus ) # self.tx = RadioNode(name = '', typ = 'tx', _fileini = 'radiotx.ini', _fileant = 'defant.vsh3', ) self.rx = RadioNode(name = '', typ = 'rx', _fileini = 'radiorx.ini', _fileant = 'defant.vsh3', ) self.filefreq = "def.freq" self.progress = -1 # simulation not loaded self.filetang = [] self.filerang = [] self.filetauk = [] self.filefield = [] self.fileconf = "project.conf" self.cfield = [] self.fGHz = np.linspace(2, 11, 181, endpoint=True) self.wav = wvf.Waveform() try: self.load(_filesimul) except: pass def gui(self): """ gui to modify the simulation file """ simulgui = multenterbox('', 'Simulation file', ('filesimul', 'filestr', 'filefreq', 'filespaTx', 'filespaRx', 'fileantTx' 'fileantRx'), (self.filesimul, self.filestr, self.filefreq, self.filespaTx, self.filespaRx, self.fileantTx, self.fileantRx)) if simulgui is not None: self.filesimul = simulgui[0] self.filestr = simulgui[1] self.filefreq = simulgui[6] self.filespaTx = simulgui[7] self.filespaRx = simulgui[8] self.fileantTx = simulgui[9] self.fileantRx = simulgui[10] def updcfg(self): """ update simulation .ini config file with values currently in use. """ self.config.set("files", "struc", self.filestr) self.config.set("files", "conf", self.fileconf) self.config.set("files", "txant", self.tx.fileant) self.config.set("files", "rxant", self.rx.fileant) self.config.set("files", "tx", self.tx.fileini) self.config.set("files", "rx", self.rx.fileini) self.config.set("files", "mat", self.filematini) self.config.set("files", "slab", self.fileslabini) self.config.set("tud", "purc", str(self.patud.purc)) self.config.set("tud", "nrmax", str(self.patud.nrmax)) self.config.set("tud", "num", str(self.patud.num)) # # frequency section # self.config.set("frequency", "fghzmin", self.fGHz[0]) self.config.set("frequency", "fghzmax", self.fGHz[-1]) self.config.set("frequency", "nf", str(len(self.fGHz))) # # waveform section # self.config.set("waveform", "tw", str(self.wav['twns'])) self.config.set("waveform", "band", str(self.wav['bandGHz'])) self.config.set("waveform", "fc", str(self.wav['fcGHz'])) self.config.set("waveform", "thresh", str(self.wav['threshdB'])) self.config.set("waveform", "type", str(self.wav['typ'])) self.config.set("waveform", "fe", str(self.wav['feGHz'])) # # output section # for k in self.output.keys(): self.config.set("output",str(k),self.dout[k]) # Initialize waveform self.wav = wvf.Waveform() # Update waveform def clean(self, level=1): """ clean Notes ----- obsolete Parameters ---------- level = 1 """ if level > 0: for itx in range(self.tx.N): filename = pyu.getlong(self.filelch[itx], pstruc['DIRLCH']) print filename if level > 1: for itx in range(self.tx.N): for irx in range(self.rx.N): filename = pyu.getlong(self.filetra[itx][irx], pstruc(['DIRTRA'])) print filename if level > 2: for itx in range(self.tx.N): for irx in range(self.rx.N): filename = pyu.getlong(self.filetud[itx][irx], pstruc['DIRTUD']) print filename filename = pyu.getlong(self.filetauk[itx][irx],pstruc['DIRTUD']) print filename if level > 3: for itx in range(self.tx.N): for irx in range(self.rx.N): filename = pyu.getlong(self.filetang[itx][irx], pstruc['DIRTUD']) print filename filename = pyu.getlong(self.filerang[itx][irx], pstruc['DIRTUD']) print filename filename = pyu.getlong(self.filefield[itx][irx], pstruc['DIRTUD']) print filename def clean_project(self,verbose= True): """ Clean Pyrpoject directory remove .lch, .tra, .field .tud, .tauk, .tang, .rang, <pyproject>/output remove [output] entries into .ini of self.filesimul Parameters ---------- verbose : boolean Verbose mode on/off Returns ------- Boolean: True if the project has been cleaned, False otherwise """ if verbose: print "-----------------------------------" print "-----------------------------------" print " WARNING " print "-----------------------------------" print "-----------------------------------" print "You are about to remove ALL previous computed raytracing files." print "If you decide to remove it, you will need to restart the entire \ raytracing simulation to exploit simulation results" print "\n Do you want to remove these simulation files ? y/n" r=raw_input() else : r =='y' if r == 'y': inifile=self.filesimul try: path=os.getenv('BASENAME') except: print('Error : there is no project directory in $BASENAME') dirlist=['output'] extension=['.lch','.field','.tra','.tud','.tang','.rang','.tauk'] rindic=False # remove file for d in dirlist: for ex in extension: files = os.listdir(path +'/' +d ) for f in files: if not os.path.isdir(path+'/'+d+'/'+f) and ex in f: rindic=True if verbose: print f os.remove(path+'/'+d+'/'+f) if rindic: if verbose: print 'removed *' + ex +' from ' +d +'\n' rindic=False # remove output into the self.filesimul ini file simcfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(),pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) simcfg.remove_section('output') f=open(pyu.getlong(inifile,pstruc['DIRSIMUL']),'wb') simcfg.write(f) f.close() self.dout = {} self.dlch = {} self.dtra = {} self.dtud = {} self.dtang = {} self.drang = {} self.dtauk = {} self.dfield = {} self.dcir = {} self.output = {} if verbose: print 'removed [output] entries into ' +inifile +'\n' print 'Project CLEANED' return True else : if verbose: print "clean project process ABORTED" return False def save(self): """ save simulation file Simulation files are .ini files which are saved in a dedicated directory basename/ini in the Project tree """ filesimul = pyu.getlong(self.filesimul, "ini") fd = open(filesimul, "w") # getting current spa file if any try: self.config.set("files", "tx", self.tx.fileini) except: pass try: self.config.set("files", "rx", self.rx.fileini) except: pass self.config.write(fd) fd.close() # save tx # save rx # save slab and mat file # -- # # # -- # fix bug #189 # slab is a member of S.L not of S anymore # mat is a member of not of S.slab try: except: pass try: except: pass # def saveold(self): # """ save simulation file # """ # filesimul = pyu.getlong(self.filesimul, "ini") # fd = open(filesimul, "w") # config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # # # # files section # # # #config.add_section("files") # self.config.set("files", "conf", self.fileconf) # self.config.set("files", "struc", self.filestr) # self.config.set("files", "slab", self.fileslab) # self.config.set("files", "mat", self.filemat) # try: # self.config.set("files", "tx", self.tx.filespa) # except: # pass # try: # self.config.set("files", "rx", self.rx.filespa) # except: # pass # try: # self.config.set("files", "txant", self.tx.fileant) # except: # pass # try: # self.config.set("files", "rxant", self.rx.fileant) # except: # pass # self.config.set("files", "patra", self.filepatra) # self.config.set("files", "palch", self.filepalch) # # # # # # tud section # # # self.config.set("tud", "purc", self.patud.purc) # self.config.set("tud", "nrmax", self.patud.nrmax) # self.config.set("tud", "num", self.patud.num) # # # # frequency section # # # self.config.set("frequency", "fghzmin", self.freq[0]) # self.config.set("frequency", "fghzmax", self.freq[-1]) # self.config.set("frequency", "Nf", len(self.freq)) # # # # output section # # # #filelch exists # if self.progress > 0: # #config.add_section("output") # for k in range(len(self.filelch)): # _fileout = "out" + "???" # filename = self.filelch[k] # self.config.set("launch", str(k + 1), filename) # # filetra exists # for k in range(len(self.filelch)): # if self.progress > 1: # #self.config.add_section("trace") # for l in arange(len(self.filetra[k])): # filename = self.filetra[k][l] # self.config.set("trace", "rx" + str(l + 1), filename) # # .tang exists # # .rang exists # # .tud exists # if self.progress > 2: # #config.add_section("tud") # #config.add_section("tang") # #config.add_section("rang") # for l in arange(len(self.filetud[k])): # ftud = self.filetud[k][l] # self.config.set("tud", "rx" + str(l + 1), ftud) # for l in arange(len(self.filetang[k])): # ftang = self.filetang[k][l] # self.config.set("tang", "rx" + str(l + 1), ftang) # for l in arange(len(self.filerang[k])): # frang = self.filerang[k][l] # self.config.set("rang", "rx" + str(l + 1), frang) # # .field exist # # .tauk exist # if self.progress > 3: # #config.add_section("tauk") # #config.add_section("field") # for l in arange(len(self.filetud[k])): # ftauk = self.filetud[k][l] # self.config.set("tauk", "rx" + str(l + 1), ftauk) # for l in arange(len(self.filefield[k])): # ffield = self.filefield[k][l] # self.config.set("field", "rx" + str(l + 1), ffield) # self.config.write(fd) # fd.close() def save_project(self): """ save Simulation files in a zipfile Simulation files are .ini files which are saved in a dedicated directory basename/ini in the Project tree """ root = Tkinter.Tk() zipfileName = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=root, filetypes = [("zipped file","zip")] , title="Save Project", ) pyu.zipd(basename,zipfileName) root.withdraw() print "Current project saved in", zipfileName def load_project(self): """ load Simulation files from a zipfile Simulation files are .ini files which are saved in a dedicated directory basename/ini in the Project tree """ root = Tkinter.Tk() zipfileName= tkFileDialog.askopenfile(parent=root, mode='rb', title='Choose a project') dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=root, initialdir=basename, title='Please select a directory', mustexist=0) pyu.unzipd(dirname,zipfileName) root.withdraw() print "Current project loaded in", dirname def choose(self): """ Choose a simulation file in simuldir """ import tkFileDialog as FD fichsimul = FD.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Fichiers simul ", "*.simul"), ("All", "*")], title="Please choose a simulation file", initialdir=simuldir) self.filesimul = pyu.getshort(fichsimul) self.load() def load(self, _filesimul): """ load a simulation configuration file each transmiter simulation results in the creation of an .ini file with the following sections related to the results obtained for different receivers Parameters ---------- _filesimul : file in the simul directory of the Project """ self.filesimul = _filesimul filesimul = pyu.getlong(self.filesimul, "ini") sections = self.config.sections() try: _filetx = self.config.get("files", "tx") except: raise NameError('Error in section tx from '+ _filesimul) try: _filerx = self.config.get("files", "rx") except: raise NameError('Error in section rx from '+ _filesimul) try: _fileanttx = self.config.get("files", "txant") except: raise NameError('Error in section txant from '+ _filesimul) try: _fileantrx = self.config.get("files", "rxant") except: raise NameError('Error in section rxant from '+ _filesimul) try: self.tx = RadioNode(name = '', typ = 'tx', _fileini = _filetx, _fileant = _fileanttx, _filestr = self.filestr) self.rx = RadioNode(name = '', typ = 'rx', _fileini = _filerx, _fileant = _fileantrx, _filestr = self.filestr) except: raise NameError('Error during Radionode load') # # Load Layout # try: self.L = Layout(self.filestr) except: raise NameError('Layout load error') # # Frequency base # if "frequency" in sections: try: self.fGHz = np.linspace(float(self.config.getfloat("frequency", "fghzmin")), float(self.config.getfloat("frequency", "fghzmax")), int(self.config.getint("frequency", "nf")), endpoint=True) except: raise NameError('Error in section frequency from '+ _filesimul) # update .freq file in tud directory filefreq = pyu.getlong(self.filefreq, pstruc['DIRTUD']) fd = open(filefreq, "w") chaine = self.config.get("frequency", "fghzmin") + ' ' + \ self.config.get("frequency", "fghzmax") + ' ' + \ self.config.get("frequency", "nf") fd.write(chaine) fd.close # # Simulation Progress # self.output = {} if "output" in sections: for itx in self.config.options("output"): _filename = self.config.get("output", itx) self.dout[int(itx)] = _filename filename = pyu.getlong(_filename, "output") output = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() secout = output.sections() self.dtra[int(itx)] = {} self.dtud[int(itx)] = {} self.dtang[int(itx)] = {} self.drang[int(itx)] = {} self.dtauk[int(itx)] = {} self.dfield[int(itx)] = {} self.dcir[int(itx)] = {} if "launch" in secout: self.progress = 1 keys_launch = output.options("launch") for kl in keys_launch: self.dlch[int(kl)] = output.get("launch", kl) if "trace" in secout: self.progress = 2 keys_tra = output.options("trace") for kt in keys_tra: self.dtra[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("trace", kt) if "tang" in secout: self.progress = 3 keys_tang = output.options("tang") for kt in keys_tang: self.dtang[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("tang", kt) self.drang[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("rang", kt) self.dtud[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("tud", kt) if "field" in secout: self.progress = 4 keys_field = output.options("field") for kt in keys_field: self.dfield[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get( "field", kt) self.dtauk[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("tauk", kt) if "cir" in secout: self.progress = 5 keys_cir = output.options("cir") for kt in keys_cir: self.dcir[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("cir", kt) self.output[int(itx)] = output # # Waveform section # self.wav = wvf.Waveform() def layout(self, _filestruc): """ load a layout in the simulation oject Parameters ---------- _filestruc : string short file name of the Layout object Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.simul.simulem import * >>> S = Simul() >>> S.layout('defstr.ini') """ self.filestr = _filestruc self.L = Layout(_filestruc) # update config self.config.set("files", "struc", self.filestr) def show(self, itx=[-1], irx=[-1], furniture=True, s=8, c='b', traj=False, num=False,fig=[],ax=[]): """ show simulation Parameters ----------- itx : list of tx indices irx : list of rx indices furniture : boolean for METALIC furniture display s : scale fir scatter plot (default 8) c : color for scatter plot (default 'b') traj : boolean (def False) num : boolean (def False) display a number Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.simul.simulem import * >>> S = Simul() >>> S.load('w1.ini') >>> S.L.loadfur('FurW1.ini') >>> >>> """ if type(itx) == int: itx = [itx] if type(irx) == int: irx = [irx] if fig ==[]: fig = plt.gcf() if ax==[]: ax = fig.gca() #self.L.display['scaled']=False fig,ax=self.L.showG('s',fig=fig,ax=ax, aw=True) # if furniture: if 'lfur' in self.L.__dict__: for fur in self.L.lfur: if fur.Matname == 'METAL':, ax) else: print "Warning : no furniture file loaded" if irx[0] == -1: ax.scatter(self.rx.position[0,:], self.rx.position[1,:], c='b', s=s, alpha=0.5) #ax.scatter(self.rx.position[0,0],self.rx.position[0,1],c='k',s=s,linewidth=0) #ax.scatter(self.rx.position[1,0],self.rx.position[1,1],c='b',s=s,linewidth=0) #ax.scatter(self.rx.position[2,0],self.rx.position[2,1],c='g',s=s,linewidth=0) #ax.scatter(self.rx.position[3,0],self.rx.position[3,1],c='c',s=s,linewidth=0) else: for k in irx: ax.scatter(self.rx.position[0,k - 1], self.rx.position[1,k - 1], c='b', s=s, alpha=0.5) if num: ax.text(self.rx.position[0,k - 1], self.rx.position[1,k - 1], str(k), color='blue') if itx[0] == -1: ax.scatter(self.tx.position[0,:], self.tx.position[1,:], c='r', s=s) else: if traj: cpt = 1 for k in itx: ax.scatter(self.tx.position[0,k - 1], self.tx.position[1,k - 1], c=c, s=s, linewidth=0) if num: if traj: ax.text(self.tx.position[0,k - 1], self.tx.position[1,k - 1], str(cpt), color='black') cpt = cpt + 1 else: ax.text(self.tx.position[0,k - 1], self.tx.position[1,k - 1], str(k), color='black') return (fig,ax) #for k in range(self.tx.N): # ax.text(self.tx.position[0,k],self.tx.position[1,k],str(k+1),color='black') # ax.scatter(self.tx.position[0,:],self.tx.position[0,:], #for k in range(self.rx.N): # ax.text(self.rx.position[0,k],self.rx.position[1,k],str(k),color='black') def PL(self, itx): """ plot Path Loss itx """ td = [] tEa = [] tEo = [] for irx in self.dcir[itx].keys(): d = self.delay(itx, irx) * 0.3 cira, ciro = self.loadcir(itx, irx) td.append(d) tEa.append(Ea) tEo.append(Eo) plt.semilogx(td, 10 * np.log10(tEa), 'xr') plt.semilogx(td, 10 * np.log10(tEo), 'xb') return td, tEa, tEo def evalcir(self,cutoff=4,algo='new'): """ Parameters ---------- S tx rx wav cutoff """ crxp =-1 ctxp =-1 tcir = {} tx = self.tx.position Ntx = len(tx[0]) rx = self.rx.position Nrx = len(rx[0]) #for kt in range(1,Ntx-1): #print kt+1 kt=0 tcir[kt] = {} t = np.array([self.tx.position[0,kt],self.tx.position[1,kt],self.tx.position[2,kt]]) for kr in range(Nrx): if (np.mod(kr,10)==0): print kr+1 r = np.array([self.rx.position[0,kr],self.rx.position[1,kr],self.rx.position[2,kr]]) ctx = self.L.pt2cy(t) crx = self.L.pt2cy(r) if (ctx<>ctxp)|(crx<>crxp): Si = signature.Signatures(self.L,ctx,crx) ctxp = ctx crxp = crx Si.run4(cutoff=cutoff,algo=algo) r2d = Si.rays(t,r) r3d = r2d.to3D(self.L) r3d.locbas(self.L) r3d.fillinter(self.L) Ct = r3d.eval(self.fGHz) sca = Ct.prop2tran(self.tx.A,self.rx.A) cir = sca.applywavB(self.wav.sfg) tcir[kt][kr] = cir return(tcir) def loadcir(self, itx, irx): """ Parameters ---------- itx : Tx index irx : Rx index Returns ------- cir(itx,irx) """ _filecir = self.dcir[itx][irx] + '.mat' ext = str(itx) if len(ext) == 1: ext = '00' + ext if len(ext) == 2: ext = '0' + ext filecir = pyu.getlong(_filecir, pstruc['DIRCIR']+'/Tx' + ext) D = spio.loadmat(filecir) kxa = 'ta' + str(irx) kya = 'cira' + str(irx) kxo = 'to' + str(irx) kyo = 'ciro' + str(irx) cira = bs.TUsignal(D[kxa], D[kya][:, 0]) ciro = bs.TUsignal(D[kxo], D[kyo][:, 0]) return(cira, ciro) def pltcir(self, itx=1, irx=1, mode='linear', noise=False, color='b',format='a',fig=[],ax=[]): """ plot Channel Impulse Response Parameters ---------- itx : Tx index irx : Rx index mode : str {'linear','dB'} noise : boolean color : string default 'b' >>> from pylayers.simul.simulem import * >>> S = Simul() >>> S.load('where2.ini') >>>,1) >>> S.pltcir(1,1,mode='linear',noise=False,color='k') """ if fig ==[]: fig = plt.gcf() #if ax==[]: # ax = fig.gca() _filecir = self.dcir[itx][irx] + '.mat' filecir = pyu.getlong(_filecir, pstruc['DIRCIR']+'/Tx' + str('%0.3d' % itx)) D = spio.loadmat(filecir) ax = fig.add_subplot('211') fig,, irx,fig=fig,ax=ax) ax=fig.add_subplot('212') if 'a' in format : kxa = 't' kya = 'cir' ta = D[kxa] Tobs = ta[-1] - ta[0] te = ta[1] - ta[0] if noise: na = bs.Noise(Tobs + te, 1. / te) naf = na.gating(4.493, 0.5) cira = bs.TUsignal(ta, D[kya][:, 0]) if 'o' in format: kxo = 'to' + str(irx) kyo = 'ciro' + str(irx) to = D[kxo] Tobs = to[-1] - to[0] te = to[1] - to[0] if noise: no = bs.Noise(Tobs + te, 1. / te) nof = no.gating(4.493, 0.5) ciro = bs.TUsignal(to, D[kyo][:, 0]) if mode == 'linear': #plt.plot(ta,naf.y,color='k',label='Noise') plt.plot(ta, D[kya], label='Rx ' + str(irx), color=color) plt.xlabel('Time (ns)') '''if noise: naf.plot(col='k') cira.plot(col=color)''' else: '''if noise: naf.plotdB(col='k') cira.plotdB()''' plt.plot(ta, 20 * np.log10(abs(D[kya])), label='Rx ' + str(irx), color=color) plt.xlabel('Time (ns)') # plt.legend() #plt.savefig('Tx'+str(itx),format=pdf,dpi=300) def scatter(self, itx, irx, values,, s=30, spl=221, title='', vaxis=((-30, 10, 2, 18)), vmin=0, vmax=1, colbool=False, cblabel='dB'): """ Parameters ---------- itx irx values cmap s spl title vaxis vmin vmax colbool clabel """ fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.add_subplot(spl) xtx = self.tx.position[itx, 0] ytx = self.tx.position[itx, 1] xrx = self.rx.position[irx, 0] yrx = self.rx.position[irx, 1] self.L.display['title'] = title self.L.showGs(ax) for furk in siradel.siradel_furniture.keys(): fur = siradel.siradel_furniture[furk] if fur.Matname == 'METAL':, ax) plt.axis(vaxis) b1 = ax.scatter(xtx, ytx, s=s, c=values, cmap=cmap, linewidths=0, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.scatter(xrx, yrx, s=30, c='b', linewidths=0) if colbool: cb = colorbar(b1) cb.set_label(cblabel, fontsize=14) return(b1) def info(self, itx=[], irx=[]): """ display simulation information Parameters ---------- itx : Tx index irx : Rx index """ print self.filesimul print '------------------------------------------' try: print "Layout Info : \n", except: print "provide a Layout in the simulation : S.L " print ">>> S.layout(filename.str) " print "or " print ">>> S.layout(filename.str2 " print "or " print ">>> S.layout(filename.str,filematini,filematini) " print "default files exists for filematini and fileslabini " return try: print "Tx Info :\n", except: print "provide a tx in the simulation : S.tx " return try: print "Rx Info :\n", except: print "provide a rx in the simulation : S.rx " return # print "Tx : ",self.tx.points[itx] print "Rx : ", self.rx.points[itx] print "Delay (ns) :", self.delay(itx, irx) print "Distance (m) :", 0.3 / self.delay(itx, irx) print "" if itx in self.dlch.keys(): print "-----" print "Launching " print "-----" print " ", self.dlch[itx] if irx in self.dtra[itx].keys(): print "-----" print "Tracing " print "-----" print " ", self.dtra[itx][irx] gr = GrRay3D() gr.load(self.dtra[itx][irx], self.L) if irx in self.dtud[itx].keys(): print "-----" print "Tud parameters " print "-----" print " ", self.dtud[itx][irx] print " ", self.dtang[itx][irx] print " ", self.drang[itx][irx] gt = GrRay3D.GrRayTud() gt.load(self.dtud[itx][irx], self.dtang[itx][irx], self.drang[itx][irx], if irx in self.dtauk[itx].keys(): print self.dtauk[itx][irx] print self.dfield[itx][irx] VC = self.VC(itx, irx) if irx in self.dcir[itx].keys(): print self.dcir[itx][irx] def info2(self): for i, j in enumerate(self.__dict__.keys()): print j, ':', self.__dict__.values()[i] def filtray(self, itx, irx, tau0, tau1, col='b'): """ filter rays Parameters ---------- itx : irx : tau0 : tau1 : col : Display ray and nstr """ gr = GrRay3D() gr.load(self.dtra[itx][irx], self.L) self.L.display['Thin'] = True self.L.display['Node'] = False self.L.display['NodeNum'] = False self.L.display['EdgeNum'] = False plt.axis('scaled'),ax,nodelist,seglist) self.L.showGs() delays = gr.delay() rayset = np.nonzero((delays >= tau0) & (delays <= tau1))[0] fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.get_axes()[0], rayset, col=col, node=False) plt.title('Tx' + str(itx) + '-Rx' + str(irx) + ' : ' + str( tau0) + ' < tau < ' + str(tau1)) def showray(self, itx, irx, iray=np.array([]), fig=[], ax=[]): """ show layout and rays for a radio link Parameters ---------- itx : tx index irx : rx index iray : list of rays to be displayed ndarray """ #if ax==[]: # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot('111') gr = GrRay3D() gr.load(self.dtra[itx][irx], self.L) if len(iray == 1): ray = gr.ray3d[iray[0]] nstr = ray.nstr[1:-1] uneg = np.nonzero(nstr < 0) upos = np.nonzero((nstr > 0) & (nstr <= self.L.Ne)) uceil = np.nonzero(nstr == self.L.Ne + 1) ufloor = np.nonzero(nstr == self.L.Ne + 2) #seglist = nstr[upos[0]]-1 #nodelist = -nstr[uneg[0]]-1 #seglist2 = S.L.segpt(nodelist) self.L.display['Thin'] = True self.L.display['Node'] = False self.L.display['NodeNum'] = False self.L.display['EdgeNum'] = False,ax) #print ray.nn #print len(ray.nstr) #print ray.nstr #print nodelist #print seglist #print seglist2 #seglist = hstack((seglist,seglist2)) self.L.display['Node'] = False self.L.display['Thin'] = False self.L.display['NodeNum'] = True self.L.display['EdgeNum'] = True plt.axis('scaled'),ax,nodelist,seglist) fig, ax = self.L.showGs(show=False), iray, col='b', node=False) if len(iray) == 1: plt.title(str(nstr)) else: plt.title('Tx' + str(itx) + '-Rx' + str(irx) + ' ' + str(min(iray)) + ' ' + str(max(iray))) def show3l(self, itx, irx): """ geomview display of a specific link g = S.show3l(itx,irx) Parameters ---------- itx transmitter index irx receiver index """ filetra = self.dtra[itx][irx] gr = GrRay3D() gr.load(filetra, self.L) gr.show3() return(gr) def _show3(self,rays=[],newfig = False,**kwargs): """ display of the simulation configuration using Mayavi Parameters ---------- rays: Ray3d object : display the rays of the simulation newfig : boolean (default : False) kwargs of Rays.show3() see also -------- pylayers.gis.layout pylayers.antprop.antenna pylayers.antprop.rays """ Atx = self.tx.A Arx = self.rx.A Ttx = self.tx.orientation Trx = self.rx.orientation ptx = self.tx.position prx = self.rx.position self.L._show3(newfig=False,opacity=0.7) Atx._show3(T=Ttx.reshape(3,3),po=ptx, title=False,colorbar=False,newfig=False) Arx._show3(T=Trx.reshape(3,3),po=prx, title=False,colorbar=False,newfig=False) if rays != []: rays._show3(**kwargs) def show3(self,rays=[],**kwargs): """ geomview display of the simulation configuration Parameters ---------- centered : boolean center the scene if True bdis : boolean display local basis """ try: except: print('tx set is no defined') try: except: print('rx set is no defined') _filename = self.filesimul.replace('.ini', '.off') filename = pyu.getlong(_filename, pstruc['DIRGEOM']) fo = open(filename, "w") fo.write("LIST\n") try: sttx = "{<" + self.tx.filegeom + "}\n" except: sttx = "\n" try: strx = "{<" + self.rx.filegeom + "}\n" except: strx = "\n" try: stst = "{<" + self.L.filegeom + "}\n" except: stst = "\n" fo.write(sttx) fo.write(strx) fo.write(stst) fo.write("{</usr/share/geomview/geom/xyz.vect}\n") if rays !=[]: kwargs['bdis']=False kwargs['L']=self.L kwargs['centered']=False fo.write("{<" + rays.show3(**kwargs) + "}") fo.close() command = "geomview -nopanel -b 1 1 1 " + filename + " 2>/dev/null &" os.system(command) def run(self, link, cirforce=True,verbose=False,cutoff=4): """ run the simulation for 1 tx and a set of rx Parameters ---------- itx : tx index srx : list of rx index cirforce : boolean Warnings -------- index point start with 1 Example ------- >>> from pylayers.simul.simulem import * >>> itx = 1 >>> srx = [1,2,3] >>> S = Simul() >>> S.load('where2.ini') >>> out =,srx) """ # get file prefix link = DLink(force=True,L=self.L,fGHz=self.fGHz, verbose=False) prefix = self.filesimul.replace('.ini', '') lsig = [] for k,il in enumerate(link): tx = self.tx.points[il[0]] rx = self.rx.points[il[1]] ctx = S.L.pt2cy(tx) crx = S.L.pt2cy(rx) _filecir = prefix +'-cir-'+str(k)+'-'+str(link)+'-'+str((ctx,crx)) D = {} D['Tx'] = tx D['Rx'] = rx link.a = tx link.b = rx ak,tauk = link.eval(verbose=False,diffrction=True) if (ctx,crx) not in lsig: Si = signature.Signatures(S.L,ctx,crx) # # Change the run number depending on # the algorithm used for signature determination # Si.run4(cutoff=cutoff) # keep track and save signature _filesir = prefix + '-sig-'+str((ctx,crx)) fd = open(filesig,'w') pickle.dump(Si,filesig) fd.close() lsig.appeng((ctx,crx)) Si.dump(S.L,(ctx,crx)) r2d = Si.rays(tx,rx) r3d = r2d.to3D() r3d.locbas(S.L) r3d.fillinter(S.L) Ct = r3d.eval(S.freq) sco = Ct.prop2tran(a='theta',b='phi') sca = Ct.prop2tran(a=S.tx.A,b=S.rx.A) ciro = sco.applywavB(self.wav.sfg) cira = sca.applywavB(self.wav.sfg) D['to'] = ciro.x D['ciro'] = ciro.y D['t'] = cira.x D['cir'] = cira.y filename = pyu.getlong(_filename, cirdir) spio.savemat(filename, D) def delay(self, itx, irx): """ calculate LOS link delay Parameters ---------- itx irx Returns ------- delay : float delay in ns """ tx = self.tx.points[itx] rx = self.rx.points[irx] df = tx - rx dist = np.sqrt(, df)) return(dist / 0.3)
try: L.dumpr() except: L.dumpw() #L.editor() fig = plt.gcf() #ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) L.display['thin']=True fig,ax1 = L.showGs(fig=fig,ax=ax1) #L.display['edlabel']=True #L.display['edlblsize']=50 # display selected segments L.display['thin']=True L.showG(fig=fig,ax=ax1,graph='t') fig = plt.gcf() ax1 = plt.gca() fig,ax1 = L.showGs(fig=fig,ax=ax1,edlist=[125],width=4) ax11 = fig.add_subplot(322) L.showG(fig=fig,ax=ax11,graph='') #plt.savefig('graphGs.png') #build topological graph ax2 = fig.add_subplot(323) L.showG(fig=fig,ax=ax2,graph='t') plt.title('Topological graph') #plt.savefig('graphGt.png') # build graph of rooms ax3 = fig.add_subplot(324) L.showG(fig=fig,ax=ax3,graph='r') #plt.savefig('graphGr.png')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import warnings import shutil warnings.filterwarnings("error") #doctest.testmod(layout) #L = Layout('TA-Office.ini') L = Layout() lL = for tL in lL: print 'Layout : ',tL print '--------------------------' if 'Munich' not in tL: L = Layout(tL,bbuild=0,bgraphs=0) f,a = L.showG('s') plt.title(tL,fontsize=32) plt.close('all') #if L.check(): # #filein = pyu.getlong(L._filename, pstruc['DIRLAY']) #fileout = '/home/uguen/Documents/rch/devel/pylayers/data/struc/lay/'+L._filename #print fileout #shutil.copy2(filein,fileout) #figure(figsize=(20,10)) #plt.axis('off') #f,a = L.showG('s',nodes=False,fig=f) #f,a = L.showG('r',edge_color='b',linewidth=4,fig=f) #L= Layout('11Dbibli.ini')
L = Layout('TA-Office.ini') #L = Layout('DLR.ini') #L = Layout('TA-Office.ini') #L = Layout('WHERE1.ini') try: L.dumpr() except: L.dumpw() #L.editor() fig = plt.gcf() #ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) L.display['thin']=True fig,ax1 = L.showG(graph='s',fig=fig,ax=ax1) #L.display['edlabel']=True #L.display['edlblsize']=50 # display selected segments L.display['thin']=True L.showG(fig=fig,ax=ax1,graph='t') fig = plt.gcf() ax1 = plt.gca() fig,ax1 = L.showGs(fig=fig,ax=ax1,edlist=[125],width=4) ax11 = fig.add_subplot(322) L.showG(fig=fig,ax=ax11,graph='s') #plt.savefig('graphGs.png') #build topological graph ax2 = fig.add_subplot(323) L.showG(fig=fig,ax=ax2,graph='t') plt.title('Topological graph')
class Coverage(PyLayers): """ Handle Layout Coverage Methods ------- creategrid() create a uniform grid for evaluating losses cover() run the coverage calculation showPower() display the map of received power showLoss() display the map of losses Attributes ---------- All attributes are read from fileini ino the ini directory of the current project _fileini default coverage.ini L : a Layout nx : number of point on x ny : number of point on y tx : transmitter position txpe : transmitter power emmission level show : boolean for automatic display power map na : number of access point """ def __init__(self, _fileini='coverage.ini'): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- _fileini : string name of the configuration file Notes ----- Coverage is described in an ini file. Default file is coverage.ini and is placed in the ini directory of the current project. """ self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(), pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) self.layoutopt = dict(self.config.items('layout')) self.gridopt = dict(self.config.items('grid')) self.apopt = dict(self.config.items('ap')) self.rxopt = dict(self.config.items('rx')) self.showopt = dict(self.config.items('show')) # get the Layout filename = self.layoutopt['filename'] if filename.endswith('lay'): self.typ = 'indoor' self.L = Layout(filename) # get the receiving grid self.nx = eval(self.gridopt['nx']) self.ny = eval(self.gridopt['ny']) if 'zgrid' in self.gridopt: self.zgrid = eval(self.gridopt['zgrid']) else: self.zgrid = 1.0 self.mode = self.gridopt['mode'] assert self.mode in ['file', 'full', 'zone'], "Error reading grid mode " self.boundary = eval(self.gridopt['boundary']) self.filespa = self.gridopt['file'] # # create grid # self.creategrid(mode=self.mode, boundary=self.boundary, _fileini=self.filespa) self.dap = {} for k in self.apopt: kwargs = eval(self.apopt[k]) ap = std.AP(**kwargs) self.dap[eval(k)] = ap try: self.L.Gt.nodes() except: pass try: self.L.dumpr() except: self.L.dumpw() else: self.typ = 'outdoor' self.E = ez.Ezone(filename) self.E.loadh5() self.E.rebase() # The frequency is fixed from the AP nature self.fGHz = np.array([]) #self.fGHz = eval(self.txopt['fghz']) #self.tx = np.array((eval(self.txopt['x']),eval(self.txopt['y']))) #self.ptdbm = eval(self.txopt['ptdbm']) #self.framelengthbytes = eval(self.txopt['framelengthbytes']) # receiver section #self.rxsens = eval(self.rxopt['sensitivity']) self.temperaturek = eval(self.rxopt['temperaturek']) self.noisefactordb = eval(self.rxopt['noisefactordb']) self.PtDB = eval(self.rxopt['ptdb']) self.Gt = eval(self.rxopt['gt']) self.Gr = eval(self.rxopt['gr']) = eval(self.rxopt['do']) self.Prdo = eval(self.rxopt['prdo']) self.n = eval(self.rxopt['n']) self.desviopadrao = eval(self.rxopt['desviopadrao']) self.x0 = eval(self.rxopt['x0']) self.y0 = eval(self.rxopt['y0']) self.xt = eval(self.rxopt['xt']) = eval(self.rxopt['yt']) # show section self.bshow = str2bool(self.showopt['show']) def __repr__(self): st = '' if self.typ == 'indoor': st = st + 'Layout file : ' + self.L._filename + '\n\n' st = st + '-----list of Access Points ------' + '\n' for k in self.dap: st = st + self.dap[k].__repr__() + '\n' st = st + '-----Rx------' + '\n' st = st + 'temperature (K) : ' + str(self.temperaturek) + '\n' st = st + 'noisefactor (dB) : ' + str(self.noisefactordb) + '\n\n' st = st + '--- Grid ----' + '\n' st = st + 'mode : ' + str(self.mode) + '\n' if self.mode <> 'file': st = st + 'nx : ' + str(self.nx) + '\n' st = st + 'ny : ' + str(self.ny) + '\n' if self.mode == 'zone': st = st + 'boundary (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) : ' + str( self.boundary) + '\n\n' if self.mode == 'file': st = st + ' filename : ' + self.filespa + '\n' return (st) def creategrid(self, mode='full', boundary=[], _fileini=''): """ create a grid Parameters ---------- full : boolean default (True) use all the layout area boundary : (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) if full is False the boundary argument is used """ if mode == "file": self.RN = RadioNode(name='', typ='rx', _fileini=_fileini, _fileant='def.vsh3') self.grid = self.RN.position[0:2, :].T else: if mode == "full": mi = np.min(self.L.Gs.pos.values(), axis=0) + 0.01 ma = np.max(self.L.Gs.pos.values(), axis=0) - 0.01 if mode == "zone": assert boundary <> [] mi = np.array([boundary[0], boundary[1]]) ma = np.array([boundary[2], boundary[3]]) x = np.linspace(mi[0], ma[0], self.nx) y = np.linspace(mi[1], ma[1], self.ny) self.grid = np.array((list(np.broadcast(*np.ix_(x, y))))) = self.grid.shape[0] def where1(self): """ Unfinished : Not sure this is the right place (too specific) """ M1 = UWBMeasure(1) self.dap = {} self.dap[1] = {} self.dap[2] = {} self.dap[3] = {} self.dap[4] = {} self.dap[1]['p'] = M1.rx[1, 0:2] self.dap[2]['p'] = M1.rx[1, 0:2] self.dap[3]['p'] = M1.rx[1, 0:2] self.dap[4]['p'] = M1.rx[1, 0:2] for k in range(300): try: M = UWBMeasure(k) tx = M.tx self.grid = np.vstack((self.grid, tx[0:2])) D = M.rx - tx[np.newaxis, :] D2 = D * D dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(D2, axis=1))[1:] Emax = M.Emax() Etot = M.Etot()[0] try: td1 = np.hstack((td1, dist[0])) td2 = np.hstack((td2, dist[1])) td3 = np.hstack((td3, dist[2])) td4 = np.hstack((td4, dist[3])) te1 = np.hstack((te1, Emax[0])) te2 = np.hstack((te2, Emax[1])) te3 = np.hstack((te3, Emax[2])) te4 = np.hstack((te4, Emax[3])) tt1 = np.hstack((tt1, Etot[0])) tt2 = np.hstack((tt2, Etot[1])) tt3 = np.hstack((tt3, Etot[2])) tt4 = np.hstack((tt4, Etot[3])) #tdist = np.hstack((tdist,dist)) #te = np.hstack((te,Emax)) except: td1 = np.array(dist[0]) td2 = np.array(dist[1]) td3 = np.array(dist[2]) td4 = np.array(dist[3]) te1 = np.array(Emax[0]) te2 = np.array(Emax[1]) te3 = np.array(Emax[2]) te4 = np.array(Emax[3]) tt1 = np.array(Etot[0]) tt2 = np.array(Etot[1]) tt3 = np.array(Etot[2]) tt4 = np.array(Etot[3]) except: pass def cover(self, sinr=True, snr=True, best=True): """ run the coverage calculation Parameters ---------- sinr : boolean snr : boolean best : boolean Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * >>> C = Coverage() >>> C.cover() >>> f,'sinr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> Notes ----- self.fGHz is an array, it means that Coverage is calculated at once for a whole set of frequencies. In practice, it would be the center frequency of a given standard channel. This function is calling `loss.Losst` which calculates Losses along a straight path. In a future implementation we will abstract the EM solver in order to make use of other calculation approaches as a full or partial Ray Tracing. The following members variables are evaluated : + freespace Loss @ fGHz PL() PathLoss (shoud be rename FS as free space) $ + prdbmo : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{odB}` + prdbmp : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{pdB}` + snro : SNR polar o (H) + snrp : SNR polar p (H) See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.loss.Losst pylayers.antprop.loss.PL """ # # select active AP # lactiveAP = [] try: del self.aap del self.ptdbm except: pass self.kB = 1.3806503e-23 # Boltzmann constant # # Loop opver access points # for iap in self.dap: if self.dap[iap]['on']: lactiveAP.append(iap) fGHz = self.dap[iap].s.fcghz # The frequency band is set here self.fGHz = np.unique(np.hstack((self.fGHz, fGHz))) apchan = self.dap[iap]['chan'] try: self.aap = np.vstack((self.aap, self.dap[iap]['p'])) self.ptdbm = np.vstack( (self.ptdbm, self.dap[iap]['PtdBm'])) self.bmhz = np.vstack( (self.bmhz, self.dap[iap].s.chan[apchan[0]]['BMHz'])) except: self.aap = self.dap[iap]['p'] self.ptdbm = np.array(self.dap[iap]['PtdBm']) self.bmhz = np.array( self.dap[iap].s.chan[apchan[0]]['BMHz']) PnW = np.array((10**(self.noisefactordb / 10.)) * self.kB * self.temperaturek * self.bmhz * 1e6) self.pnw = PnW # Evaluate Noise Power (in dBm) self.pndbm = np.array(10 * np.log10(PnW) + 30) #lchan = map(lambda x: self.dap[x]['chan'],lap) #apchan = zip(self.dap.keys(),lchan) #self.bmhz = np.array(map(lambda x: self.dap[x[0]].s.chan[x[1][0]]['BMHz']*len(x[1]),apchan)) self.ptdbm = self.ptdbm.T self.pndbm = self.pndbm.T # creating all links # all grid to all ap # if len(self.pndbm.shape) == 0: self.ptdbm = self.ptdbm.reshape(1, 1) self.pndbm = self.pndbm.reshape(1, 1) p = product(range(, lactiveAP) # # pa : access point # pg : grid point # # 1 x na for k in p: pg = self.grid[k[0], :] pa = np.array(self.dap[k[1]]['p']) # exemple with 3 AP # 321 0 # 321 1 # 321 2 # 322 0 try: = np.vstack((, pa)) except: = pa try: = np.vstack((, pg)) except: = pg = shpa = shpg = if shpa[0] != 3: = np.vstack((, np.ones(shpa[1]))) = = np.vstack((, self.zgrid * np.ones(shpg[0]))) = len(self.fGHz) # retrieving dimensions along the 3 axis na = len(lactiveAP) = na ng = nf = for k, iap in enumerate(self.dap): # select only one access point u = na * np.arange(0, ng, 1).astype('int') + k if self.dap[iap]['on']: pt =[:, u] pr =[:, u] azoffset = self.dap[iap]['phideg'] * np.pi / 180. self.dap[iap].A.eval(fGHz=self.fGHz, pt=pt, pr=pr, azoffset=azoffset) gain = (self.dap[iap].A.G).T #pdb.set_trace() # to handle omnidirectional antenna (nf,1,1) if gain.shape[1] == 1: gain = np.repeat(gain, ng, axis=1) try: tgain = np.dstack((tgain, gain[:, :, None])) except: tgain = gain[:, :, None] #Lwo,Lwp,Edo,Edp = loss.Losst(self.L,self.fGHz,,,dB=False) Lwo, Lwp, Edo, Edp = loss.Losst(self.L, self.fGHz,,, dB=False) self.Lwo = Lwo.reshape(nf, ng, na) self.Edo = Edo.reshape(nf, ng, na) self.Lwp = Lwp.reshape(nf, ng, na) self.Edp = Edp.reshape(nf, ng, na) freespace = loss.PL(self.fGHz,,, dB=False) self.freespace = freespace.reshape(nf, ng, na) # transmitting power # f x g x a # CmW : Received Power coverage in mW self.CmWo = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis, ...] / 10.) * self.Lwo * self.freespace * tgain self.CmWp = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis, ...] / 10.) * self.Lwp * self.freespace * tgain if self.typ == 'intensity': self.cmWo = 10 * np.log10(self.cmWo) self.cmWo = 10 * np.log10(self.cmWp) if snr: self.evsnr() if sinr: self.evsinr() if best: self.evbestsv() def evsnr(self): """ calculates signal to noise ratio """ NmW = 10**(self.pndbm / 10.)[np.newaxis, :] self.snro = self.CmWo / NmW self.snrp = self.CmWp / NmW def evsinr(self): """ calculates sinr """ # na : number of access point na = # U : 1 x 1 x na x na U = (np.ones((na, na)) - np.eye(na))[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :] # CmWo : received power in mW orthogonal polarization # CmWp : received power in mW parallel polarization ImWo = np.einsum('ijkl,ijl->ijk', U, self.CmWo) ImWp = np.einsum('ijkl,ijl->ijk', U, self.CmWp) NmW = 10**(self.pndbm / 10.)[np.newaxis, :] self.sinro = self.CmWo / (ImWo + NmW) self.sinrp = self.CmWp / (ImWp + NmW) def evbestsv(self): """ determine the best server map Notes ----- C.bestsv """ na = ng = nf = # find best server regions Vo = self.CmWo Vp = self.CmWp self.bestsvo = np.empty(nf * ng * na).reshape(nf, ng, na) self.bestsvp = np.empty(nf * ng * na).reshape(nf, ng, na) for kf in range(nf): MaxVo = np.max(Vo[kf, :, :], axis=1) MaxVp = np.max(Vp[kf, :, :], axis=1) for ka in range(na): uo = np.where(Vo[kf, :, ka] == MaxVo) up = np.where(Vp[kf, :, ka] == MaxVp) self.bestsvo[kf, uo, ka] = ka + 1 self.bestsvp[kf, up, ka] = ka + 1 def plot(self, **kwargs): """ """ defaults = { 'typ': 'pr', 'grid': False, 'f': 0, 'a': 0, 'db': True, 'label': '', 'pol': 'p', 'col': 'b' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if 'fig' in kwargs: fig = kwargs['fig'] else: fig = plt.figure() if 'ax' in kwargs: ax = kwargs['ax'] else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if kwargs['typ'] == 'pr': if kwargs['a'] <> -1: if kwargs['pol'] == 'p': U = self.CmWp[kwargs['f'], :, kwargs['a']] if kwargs['pol'] == 'o': U = self.CmWo[kwargs['f'], :, kwargs['a']] else: if kwargs['pol'] == 'p': U = self.CmWp[kwargs['f'], :, :].reshape( * else: U = self.CmWo[kwargs['f'], :, :].reshape( * if kwargs['db']: U = 10 * np.log10(U) D = np.sqrt(np.sum(( - * ( -, axis=0)) if kwargs['a'] <> -1: D = D.reshape(, ax.semilogx(D[:, kwargs['a']], U, '.', color=kwargs['col'], label=kwargs['label']) else: ax.semilogx(D, U, '.', color=kwargs['col'], label=kwargs['label']) return fig, ax def show(self, **kwargs): """ show coverage Parameters ---------- typ : string 'pr' | 'sinr' | 'capacity' | 'loss' | 'best' | 'egd' grid : boolean polar : string 'o' | 'p' best : boolean draw best server contour if True f : int frequency index a : int access point index (-1 all access point) Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * >>> C = Coverage() >>> C.cover() >>> f,a ='pr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='best',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='loss',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='sinr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.Layout.showG """ defaults = { 'typ': 'pr', 'grid': False, 'polar': 'p', 'f': 0, 'a': -1, 'db': True, 'cmap': cm.jet, 'best': True } title = self.dap[self.dap.keys()[0]] + ' : ' for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] polar = kwargs['polar'] assert polar in ['p', 'o'], "polar wrongly defined in show coverage" if 'fig' in kwargs: if 'ax' in kwargs: fig, ax = self.L.showG('s', fig=kwargs['fig'], ax=kwargs['ax']) else: fig, ax = self.L.showG('s', fig=kwargs['fig']) else: if 'figsize' in kwargs: fig, ax = self.L.showG('s', figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else: fig, ax = self.L.showG('s') # plot the grid self.typ = kwargs['typ'] typ = kwargs['typ'] if kwargs['grid']: for k in self.dap: p = self.dap[k].p ax.plot(p[0], p[1], 'or') f = kwargs['f'] a = kwargs['a'] assert typ in [ 'best', 'egd', 'sinr', 'snr', 'capacity', 'pr', 'loss', 'intensity', 'losssombreamento', 'prsombreamento', 'snrsombreamento' ], "typ unknown in show coverage" best = kwargs['best'] dB = kwargs['db'] # setting the grid l = self.grid[0, 0] r = self.grid[-1, 0] b = self.grid[0, 1] t = self.grid[-1, -1] arq = open('cobertura.txt', 'w') texto = '''dBm e V/m \n''' arq.write(texto) arq.close() if typ == 'best': title = title + 'Best server' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar for ka in range( if polar == 'p': bestsv = self.bestsvp[f, :, ka] if polar == 'o': bestsv = self.bestsvo[f, :, ka] m = == 0, bestsv) if self.mode <> 'file': W = m.reshape(self.nx, self.ny).T ax.imshow(W, extent=(l, r, b, t), origin='lower', vmin=1, + 1) else: ax.scatter(self.grid[:, 0], self.grid[:, 1], c=m, s=20, linewidth=0) ax.set_title(title) else: if typ == 'egd': title = title + 'excess group delay : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar V = self.Ed dB = False legcb = 'Delay (ns)' if typ == 'sinr': title = title + 'SINR : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.sinro if polar == 'p': V = self.sinrp if typ == 'snr': title = title + 'SNR : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.snro if polar == 'p': V = self.snrp if typ == 'capacity': title = title + 'Capacity : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar legcb = 'Mbit/s' if polar == 'o': V = self.bmhz.T[np.newaxis, :] * np.log( 1 + self.sinro) / np.log(2) if polar == 'p': V = self.bmhz.T[np.newaxis, :] * np.log( 1 + self.sinrp) / np.log(2) if typ == 'pr': title = title + 'Pr : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dBm' else: lgdcb = 'mW' if polar == 'o': V = self.CmWo if polar == 'p': V = self.CmWp if typ == 'loss': title = title + 'Loss : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.Lwo * self.freespace if polar == 'p': V = self.Lwp * self.freespace if typ == 'losssombreamento': #relaxa que esse so muda no final title = title + 'Loss Log : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: lgdcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.CmWo if polar == 'p': V = self.CmWp if typ == 'prsombreamento': #relaxa que esse so muda no final title = title + 'Pr Log : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dBm' else: lgdcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.CmWo if polar == 'p': V = self.CmWp if typ == 'snrsombreamento': #relaxa que esse so muda no final title = title + 'SNR Log : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: lgdcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.CmWo if polar == 'p': V = self.CmWp if typ == 'intensity': title = title + 'Intensity : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar legcb = 'V/m' if polar == 'o': V = np.power(10, ( (self.CmWo + 20 * np.log10(self.fGHz[f] * 1000) + 77.2) / 20)) * 0.000001 if polar == 'p': V = np.power(10, ( (self.CmWp + 20 * np.log10(self.fGHz[f] * 1000) + 77.2) / 20)) * 0.000001 if a == -1: V = np.max(V[f, :, :], axis=1) else: V = V[f, :, a] # reshaping the data on the grid if self.mode != 'file': U = V.reshape((self.nx, self.ny)).T else: U = V if dB and typ != 'intensity': if typ == 'losssombreamento' or typ == 'prsombreamento' or typ == 'snrsombreamento': f = self.fGHz[f] * 1000 Lf = self.PtDB - self.Prdo + self.Gt + self.Gr medidas1 = [] dx = np.linspace(0, self.xt, self.nx) dy = np.linspace(0,, self.ny) for i in range(self.ny): medidas1.append([]) for i in range(self.ny): for j in range(self.nx): medidas1[i].append( np.sqrt( np.power(dx[j] - self.x0, 2) + np.power(dy[i] - self.y0, 2)) / 1000) desvio = 0 X = np.random.normal(0, self.desviopadrao, len(medidas1)) PL2 = [] maior, menor = 0, 100 for i in range(self.ny): PL2.append([]) for i in range(self.ny): for j in range(self.nx): oi = Lf + 10 * self.n * np.log10( medidas1[i][j] / + X[i] PL2[i].append(oi) if (maior < oi): maior = oi if (menor > oi): menor = oi menor = np.floor(menor / 10) * 10 maior = np.ceil(maior / 10) * 10 if typ == 'prsombreamento': maior, menor = -100, 0 pr = [] for i in range(self.ny): pr.append([]) for i in range(self.ny): for j in range(self.nx): oi = self.PtDB - PL2[i][j] pr[i].append(oi) if (maior < oi): maior = oi if (menor > oi): menor = oi menor = np.floor(menor / 10) * 10 maior = np.ceil(maior / 10) * 10 U = pr elif typ == 'snrsombreamento': maior, menor = -100, 100 pr = [] for i in range(self.ny): pr.append([]) for i in range(self.ny): for j in range(self.nx): oi = PL2[i][j] / self.pnw[0][0] pr[i].append(oi) if (maior < oi): maior = oi if (menor > oi): menor = oi menor = np.floor(menor / 10) * 10 maior = np.ceil(maior / 10) * 10 U = pr else: U = PL2 else: U = 10 * np.log10(U) #print U arq = open('cobertura.txt', 'w') texto = [] for linha in U: texto.append(str(linha) + '\n') arq.writelines(texto) arq.close() if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] else: if typ == 'losssombreamento' or typ == 'prsombreamento' or typ == 'snrsombreamento': vmin = menor else: vmin = U.min() if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] else: if typ == 'losssombreamento' or typ == 'prsombreamento' or typ == 'snrsombreamento': vmax = maior else: vmax = U.max() if self.mode != 'file': img = ax.imshow(U, extent=(l, r, b, t), origin='lower', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=kwargs['cmap']) else: img = ax.scatter(self.grid[:, 0], self.grid[:, 1], c=U, s=20, linewidth=0, cmap=kwargs['cmap'], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) for k in range( ax.annotate(str(k), xy=([0, k],[1, k])) ax.set_title(title) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) clb = fig.colorbar(img, cax) clb.set_label(legcb) if typ == 'losssombreamento' or typ == 'prsombreamento' or typ == 'snrsombreamento': print 'Modelo do Sombreamento Log Normal' else: if best: if self.mode <> 'file': if polar == 'o': ax.contour(np.sum(self.bestsvo, axis=2)[f, :].reshape( self.nx, self.ny).T, extent=(l, r, b, t), linestyles='dotted') if polar == 'p': ax.contour(np.sum(self.bestsvp, axis=2)[f, :].reshape( self.nx, self.ny).T, extent=(l, r, b, t), linestyles='dotted') # display access points if a == -1: ax.scatter([0, :],[1, :], s=30, c='r', linewidth=0) else: ax.scatter([0, a],[1, a], s=30, c='r', linewidth=0) plt.tight_layout() return (fig, ax)
class Simul(PyLayers): """ Simulation Class Methods ------- gui() graphical user interface choose() choose a simulation file in simuldir info() info about the simulation showray(itx,irx,iray) show a single ray help() help on using Simulation object freq() return the frequency base save() save Simulation file layout load a Layout file load() load Simulation show3() geomview vizualization show3l(itx,irx) geomview vizualization of link itx irx show() 2D visualization of simulation with furniture run(itx,irx) run simulation for links (itx,irx) cir(itx,irx,store_level=0,alpha=1.0) Channel Impulse Response calculation Attributes ---------- fileconf filetauk filetang filerang tx rx progress indoor mat sl Notes ------ This class group together all the parametrization files of a simulation """ def __init__(self, _filesimul='default.ini'): self.filesimul = _filesimul self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.add_section("files") self.config.add_section("frequency") self.config.add_section("waveform") self.config.add_section("output") self.dtang = {} self.drang = {} self.dtauk = {} self.dfield = {} self.dcir = {} self.output = {} # # Here was a nasty bug : Rule for the future # "Always precise the key value of the passed argument" # # Mal nommer les choses, c'est ajouter au malheur du monde ( Albert Camus ) # self.tx = RadioNode( name='', typ='tx', _fileini='radiotx.ini', _fileant='defant.vsh3', ) self.rx = RadioNode( name='', typ='rx', _fileini='radiorx.ini', _fileant='defant.vsh3', ) self.filefreq = "def.freq" self.progress = -1 # simulation not loaded self.filetang = [] self.filerang = [] self.filetauk = [] self.filefield = [] self.fileconf = "project.conf" self.cfield = [] self.fGHz = np.linspace(2, 11, 181, endpoint=True) self.wav = wvf.Waveform() self.load(_filesimul) def gui(self): """ gui to modify the simulation file """ simulgui = multenterbox( '', 'Simulation file', ('filesimul', 'filestr', 'filefreq', 'filespaTx', 'filespaRx', 'fileantTx' 'fileantRx'), (self.filesimul, self.filestr, self.filefreq, self.filespaTx, self.filespaRx, self.fileantTx, self.fileantRx)) if simulgui is not None: self.filesimul = simulgui[0] self.filestr = simulgui[1] self.filefreq = simulgui[6] self.filespaTx = simulgui[7] self.filespaRx = simulgui[8] self.fileantTx = simulgui[9] self.fileantRx = simulgui[10] def updcfg(self): """ update simulation .ini config file with values currently in use. """ self.config.set("files", "struc", self.filestr) self.config.set("files", "conf", self.fileconf) self.config.set("files", "txant", self.tx.fileant) self.config.set("files", "rxant", self.rx.fileant) self.config.set("files", "tx", self.tx.fileini) self.config.set("files", "rx", self.rx.fileini) self.config.set("files", "mat", self.filematini) self.config.set("files", "slab", self.fileslabini) self.config.set("tud", "purc", str(self.patud.purc)) self.config.set("tud", "nrmax", str(self.patud.nrmax)) self.config.set("tud", "num", str(self.patud.num)) # # frequency section # self.config.set("frequency", "fghzmin", self.fGHz[0]) self.config.set("frequency", "fghzmax", self.fGHz[-1]) self.config.set("frequency", "nf", str(len(self.fGHz))) # # waveform section # self.config.set("waveform", "tw", str(self.wav['twns'])) self.config.set("waveform", "band", str(self.wav['bandGHz'])) self.config.set("waveform", "fc", str(self.wav['fcGHz'])) self.config.set("waveform", "thresh", str(self.wav['threshdB'])) self.config.set("waveform", "type", str(self.wav['typ'])) self.config.set("waveform", "fe", str(self.wav['feGHz'])) # # output section # for k in self.output.keys(): self.config.set("output", str(k), self.dout[k]) # Initialize waveform self.wav = wvf.Waveform() # Update waveform def clean_project(self, verbose=True): """ Clean Pyrpoject directory remove .lch, .tra, .field .tud, .tauk, .tang, .rang, <pyproject>/output remove [output] entries into .ini of self.filesimul Parameters ---------- verbose : boolean Verbose mode on/off Returns ------- Boolean: True if the project has been cleaned, False otherwise """ if verbose: print "-----------------------------------" print "-----------------------------------" print " WARNING " print "-----------------------------------" print "-----------------------------------" print "You are about to remove ALL previous computed raytracing files." print "If you decide to remove it, you will need to restart the entire \ raytracing simulation to exploit simulation results" print "\n Do you want to remove these simulation files ? y/n" r = raw_input() else: r == 'y' if r == 'y': inifile = self.filesimul try: path = os.getenv('BASENAME') except: print('Error : there is no project directory in $BASENAME') dirlist = ['output'] extension = [ '.lch', '.field', '.tra', '.tud', '.tang', '.rang', '.tauk' ] rindic = False # remove file for d in dirlist: for ex in extension: files = os.listdir(path + '/' + d) for f in files: if not os.path.isdir(path + '/' + d + '/' + f) and ex in f: rindic = True if verbose: print f os.remove(path + '/' + d + '/' + f) if rindic: if verbose: print 'removed *' + ex + ' from ' + d + '\n' rindic = False # remove output into the self.filesimul ini file simcfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(), pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) simcfg.remove_section('output') f = open(pyu.getlong(inifile, pstruc['DIRSIMUL']), 'wb') simcfg.write(f) f.close() self.dout = {} self.dlch = {} self.dtra = {} self.dtud = {} self.dtang = {} self.drang = {} self.dtauk = {} self.dfield = {} self.dcir = {} self.output = {} if verbose: print 'removed [output] entries into ' + inifile + '\n' print 'Project CLEANED' return True else: if verbose: print "clean project process ABORTED" return False def save(self): """ save simulation file Simulation files are .ini files which are saved in a dedicated directory basename/ini in the Project tree """ filesimul = pyu.getlong(self.filesimul, "ini") fd = open(filesimul, "w") # getting current spa file if any try: self.config.set("files", "tx", self.tx.fileini) except: pass try: self.config.set("files", "rx", self.rx.fileini) except: pass self.config.write(fd) fd.close() # save tx # save rx # save slab and mat file # -- # # # -- # fix bug #189 # slab is a member of S.L not of S anymore # mat is a member of not of S.slab try: except: pass try: except: pass # def saveold(self): # """ save simulation file # """ # filesimul = pyu.getlong(self.filesimul, "ini") # fd = open(filesimul, "w") # config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # # # # files section # # # #config.add_section("files") # self.config.set("files", "conf", self.fileconf) # self.config.set("files", "struc", self.filestr) # self.config.set("files", "slab", self.fileslab) # self.config.set("files", "mat", self.filemat) # try: # self.config.set("files", "tx", self.tx.filespa) # except: # pass # try: # self.config.set("files", "rx", self.rx.filespa) # except: # pass # try: # self.config.set("files", "txant", self.tx.fileant) # except: # pass # try: # self.config.set("files", "rxant", self.rx.fileant) # except: # pass # self.config.set("files", "patra", self.filepatra) # self.config.set("files", "palch", self.filepalch) # # # # # # tud section # # # self.config.set("tud", "purc", self.patud.purc) # self.config.set("tud", "nrmax", self.patud.nrmax) # self.config.set("tud", "num", self.patud.num) # # # # frequency section # # # self.config.set("frequency", "fghzmin", self.freq[0]) # self.config.set("frequency", "fghzmax", self.freq[-1]) # self.config.set("frequency", "Nf", len(self.freq)) # # # # output section # # # #filelch exists # if self.progress > 0: # #config.add_section("output") # for k in range(len(self.filelch)): # _fileout = "out" + "???" # filename = self.filelch[k] # self.config.set("launch", str(k + 1), filename) # # filetra exists # for k in range(len(self.filelch)): # if self.progress > 1: # #self.config.add_section("trace") # for l in arange(len(self.filetra[k])): # filename = self.filetra[k][l] # self.config.set("trace", "rx" + str(l + 1), filename) # # .tang exists # # .rang exists # # .tud exists # if self.progress > 2: # #config.add_section("tud") # #config.add_section("tang") # #config.add_section("rang") # for l in arange(len(self.filetud[k])): # ftud = self.filetud[k][l] # self.config.set("tud", "rx" + str(l + 1), ftud) # for l in arange(len(self.filetang[k])): # ftang = self.filetang[k][l] # self.config.set("tang", "rx" + str(l + 1), ftang) # for l in arange(len(self.filerang[k])): # frang = self.filerang[k][l] # self.config.set("rang", "rx" + str(l + 1), frang) # # .field exist # # .tauk exist # if self.progress > 3: # #config.add_section("tauk") # #config.add_section("field") # for l in arange(len(self.filetud[k])): # ftauk = self.filetud[k][l] # self.config.set("tauk", "rx" + str(l + 1), ftauk) # for l in arange(len(self.filefield[k])): # ffield = self.filefield[k][l] # self.config.set("field", "rx" + str(l + 1), ffield) # self.config.write(fd) # fd.close() def save_project(self): """ save Simulation files in a zipfile Simulation files are .ini files which are saved in a dedicated directory basename/ini in the Project tree """ root = Tkinter.Tk() zipfileName = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( parent=root, filetypes=[("zipped file", "zip")], title="Save Project", ) pyu.zipd(basename, zipfileName) root.withdraw() print "Current project saved in", zipfileName def load_project(self): """ load Simulation files from a zipfile Simulation files are .ini files which are saved in a dedicated directory basename/ini in the Project tree """ root = Tkinter.Tk() zipfileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(parent=root, mode='rb', title='Choose a project') dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=root, initialdir=basename, title='Please select a directory', mustexist=0) pyu.unzipd(dirname, zipfileName) root.withdraw() print "Current project loaded in", dirname def choose(self): """ Choose a simulation file in simuldir """ import tkFileDialog as FD fichsimul = FD.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Fichiers simul ", "*.simul"), ("All", "*")], title="Please choose a simulation file", initialdir=simuldir) self.filesimul = pyu.getshort(fichsimul) self.load() def load(self, _filesimul): """ load a simulation configuration file each transmiter simulation results in the creation of an .ini file with the following sections related to the results obtained for different receivers Parameters ---------- _filesimul : file in the simul directory of the Project """ self.filesimul = _filesimul filesimul = pyu.getlong(self.filesimul, "ini") sections = self.config.sections() try: _filetx = self.config.get("files", "tx") except: raise NameError('Error in section tx from ' + _filesimul) try: _filerx = self.config.get("files", "rx") except: raise NameError('Error in section rx from ' + _filesimul) try: _fileini = self.config.get("files", "struc") except: raise NameError('Error in section struc from ' + _fileini) try: _fileanttx = self.config.get("files", "txant") except: raise NameError('Error in section txant from ' + _filesimul) try: _fileantrx = self.config.get("files", "rxant") except: raise NameError('Error in section rxant from ' + _filesimul) try: self.tx = RadioNode(name='', typ='tx', _fileini=_filetx, _fileant=_fileanttx) self.rx = RadioNode(name='', typ='rx', _fileini=_filerx, _fileant=_fileantrx) except: raise NameError('Error during Radionode load') # # Load Layout # try: self.L = Layout(_fileini) except: raise NameError('Layout load error') # # Frequency base # if "frequency" in sections: try: self.fGHz = np.linspace( float(self.config.getfloat("frequency", "fghzmin")), float(self.config.getfloat("frequency", "fghzmax")), int(self.config.getint("frequency", "nf")), endpoint=True) except: raise NameError('Error in section frequency from ' + _filesimul) # update .freq file in tud directory filefreq = pyu.getlong(self.filefreq, pstruc['DIRTUD']) fd = open(filefreq, "w") chaine = self.config.get("frequency", "fghzmin") + ' ' + \ self.config.get("frequency", "fghzmax") + ' ' + \ self.config.get("frequency", "nf") fd.write(chaine) fd.close # # Simulation Progress # # self.output = {} # if "output" in sections: # for itx in self.config.options("output"): # _filename = self.config.get("output", itx) # self.dout[int(itx)] = _filename # filename = pyu.getlong(_filename, "output") # output = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # # secout = output.sections() # self.dtra[int(itx)] = {} # self.dtud[int(itx)] = {} # self.dtang[int(itx)] = {} # self.drang[int(itx)] = {} # self.dtauk[int(itx)] = {} # self.dfield[int(itx)] = {} # self.dcir[int(itx)] = {} # if "launch" in secout: # self.progress = 1 # keys_launch = output.options("launch") # for kl in keys_launch: # self.dlch[int(kl)] = output.get("launch", kl) # if "trace" in secout: # self.progress = 2 # keys_tra = output.options("trace") # for kt in keys_tra: # self.dtra[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("trace", kt) # # if "tang" in secout: # self.progress = 3 # keys_tang = output.options("tang") # for kt in keys_tang: # self.dtang[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("tang", kt) # self.drang[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("rang", kt) # self.dtud[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("tud", kt) # if "field" in secout: # self.progress = 4 # keys_field = output.options("field") # for kt in keys_field: # self.dfield[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get( # "field", kt) # self.dtauk[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("tauk", kt) # if "cir" in secout: # self.progress = 5 # keys_cir = output.options("cir") # for kt in keys_cir: # self.dcir[int(itx)][int(kt)] = output.get("cir", kt) # # self.output[int(itx)] = output # # Waveform section # self.wav = wvf.Waveform() def layout(self, _filestruc): """ load a layout in the simulation oject Parameters ---------- _filestruc : string short file name of the Layout object Examples -------- >>> from pylayers.simul.simulem import * >>> S = Simul() >>> S.layout('defstr.ini') """ self.filestr = _filestruc self.L = Layout(_filestruc) # update config self.config.set("files", "struc", self.filestr) #def show(self, itx=[-1], irx=[-1], furniture=True, s=8, c='b', traj=False, num=False,fig=[],ax=[]): def show(self, **kwargs): """ show simulation Parameters ----------- itx : list of tx indices irx : list of rx indices furniture : boolean for METALIC furniture display s : scale fir scatter plot (default 8) c : color for scatter plot (default 'b') traj : boolean (def False) num : boolean (def False) display a number Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from pylayers.simul.simulem import * >>> S = Simul() >>> S.load('w1.ini') >>> S.L.loadfur('FurW1.ini') >>> >>> """ defaults = { 'itx': [-1], 'irx': [-1], 'furniture': True, 's': 8, 'c': 'b', 'num': False, 'fig': [], 'ax': [], 'aw': False } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] st = k + "=kwargs['" + k + "']" exec(st) if type(itx) == int: itx = [itx] if type(irx) == int: irx = [irx] if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() if ax == []: ax = fig.gca() #self.L.display['scaled']=False fig, ax = self.L.showG('s', fig=fig, ax=ax, aw=aw) # if furniture: if 'lfur' in self.L.__dict__: for fur in self.L.lfur: if fur.Matname == 'METAL':, ax) else: print "Warning : no furniture file loaded" if irx[0] == -1: ax.scatter(self.rx.position[0, :], self.rx.position[1, :], c='b', s=s, alpha=0.5) #ax.scatter(self.rx.position[0,0],self.rx.position[0,1],c='k',s=s,linewidth=0) #ax.scatter(self.rx.position[1,0],self.rx.position[1,1],c='b',s=s,linewidth=0) #ax.scatter(self.rx.position[2,0],self.rx.position[2,1],c='g',s=s,linewidth=0) #ax.scatter(self.rx.position[3,0],self.rx.position[3,1],c='c',s=s,linewidth=0) else: for k in irx: ax.scatter(self.rx.position[0, k - 1], self.rx.position[1, k - 1], c='b', s=s, alpha=0.5) if num: ax.text(self.rx.position[0, k - 1], self.rx.position[1, k - 1], str(k), color='blue') if itx[0] == -1: ax.scatter(self.tx.position[0, :], self.tx.position[1, :], c='r', s=s) else: if traj: cpt = 1 for k in itx: ax.scatter(self.tx.position[0, k - 1], self.tx.position[1, k - 1], c=c, s=s, linewidth=0) if num: if traj: ax.text(self.tx.position[0, k - 1], self.tx.position[1, k - 1], str(cpt), color='black') cpt = cpt + 1 else: ax.text(self.tx.position[0, k - 1], self.tx.position[1, k - 1], str(k), color='black') return (fig, ax) #for k in range(self.tx.N): # ax.text(self.tx.position[0,k],self.tx.position[1,k],str(k+1),color='black') # ax.scatter(self.tx.position[0,:],self.tx.position[0,:], #for k in range(self.rx.N): # ax.text(self.rx.position[0,k],self.rx.position[1,k],str(k),color='black') def PL(self, itx): """ plot Path Loss itx """ td = [] tEa = [] tEo = [] for irx in self.dcir[itx].keys(): d = self.delay(itx, irx) * 0.3 cira, ciro = self.loadcir(itx, irx) td.append(d) tEa.append(Ea) tEo.append(Eo) plt.semilogx(td, 10 * np.log10(tEa), 'xr') plt.semilogx(td, 10 * np.log10(tEo), 'xb') return td, tEa, tEo def eval(self, **kwrgs): """ """ for kt in range(Nb_tx): tx = np.array([ self.tx.position[0, kt + 1], self.tx.position[1, kt + 1], self.tx.position[2, kt + 1] ]) link.a = tx for kr in range(Nb_Run): rx = np.array([ S.rx.position[0, Run], S.rx.position[1, Run], S.rx.position[2, Run] ]) link.b = rx tic = time.clock() ak, tk = link.eval(verbose=False, diffraction=True) toc = time.clock() ciro = link.H.applywav(wav.sfg) cir = bs.TUsignal(ciro.x, np.squeeze(np.sum(ciro.y, axis=0))) tac = time.clock() tcir[Run] = cir print toc - tic, tac - toc def evalcir(self, cutoff=4, algo='new'): """ Parameters ---------- S tx rx wav cutoff """ crxp = -1 ctxp = -1 tcir = {} tx = self.tx.position Ntx = len(tx[0]) rx = self.rx.position Nrx = len(rx[0]) #for kt in range(1,Ntx-1): #print kt+1 kt = 0 tcir[kt] = {} t = np.array([ self.tx.position[0, kt], self.tx.position[1, kt], self.tx.position[2, kt] ]) for kr in range(Nrx): if (np.mod(kr, 10) == 0): print kr + 1 r = np.array([ self.rx.position[0, kr], self.rx.position[1, kr], self.rx.position[2, kr] ]) ctx = self.L.pt2cy(t) crx = self.L.pt2cy(r) if (ctx <> ctxp) | (crx <> crxp): Si = signature.Signatures(self.L, ctx, crx) ctxp = ctx crxp = crx Si.run4(cutoff=cutoff, algo=algo) r2d = Si.rays(t, r) r3d = r2d.to3D(self.L) r3d.locbas(self.L) r3d.fillinter(self.L) Ct = r3d.eval(self.fGHz) sca = Ct.prop2tran(self.tx.A, self.rx.A) cir = sca.applywavB(self.wav.sfg) tcir[kt][kr] = cir return (tcir) def loadcir(self, itx, irx): """ Parameters ---------- itx : Tx index irx : Rx index Returns ------- cir(itx,irx) """ _filecir = self.dcir[itx][irx] + '.mat' ext = str(itx) if len(ext) == 1: ext = '00' + ext if len(ext) == 2: ext = '0' + ext filecir = pyu.getlong(_filecir, pstruc['DIRCIR'] + '/Tx' + ext) D = spio.loadmat(filecir) kxa = 'ta' + str(irx) kya = 'cira' + str(irx) kxo = 'to' + str(irx) kyo = 'ciro' + str(irx) cira = bs.TUsignal(D[kxa], D[kya][:, 0]) ciro = bs.TUsignal(D[kxo], D[kyo][:, 0]) return (cira, ciro) def pltcir(self, itx=1, irx=1, mode='linear', noise=False, color='b', format='a', fig=[], ax=[]): """ plot Channel Impulse Response Parameters ---------- itx : Tx index irx : Rx index mode : str {'linear','dB'} noise : boolean color : string default 'b' >>> from pylayers.simul.simulem import * >>> S = Simul() >>> S.load('where2.ini') >>>,1) >>> S.pltcir(1,1,mode='linear',noise=False,color='k') """ if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() #if ax==[]: # ax = fig.gca() _filecir = self.dcir[itx][irx] + '.mat' filecir = pyu.getlong(_filecir, pstruc['DIRCIR'] + '/Tx' + str('%0.3d' % itx)) D = spio.loadmat(filecir) ax = fig.add_subplot('211') fig, ax =, irx, fig=fig, ax=ax) ax = fig.add_subplot('212') if 'a' in format: kxa = 't' kya = 'cir' ta = D[kxa] Tobs = ta[-1] - ta[0] te = ta[1] - ta[0] if noise: na = bs.Noise(Tobs + te, 1. / te) naf = na.gating(4.493, 0.5) cira = bs.TUsignal(ta, D[kya][:, 0]) if 'o' in format: kxo = 'to' + str(irx) kyo = 'ciro' + str(irx) to = D[kxo] Tobs = to[-1] - to[0] te = to[1] - to[0] if noise: no = bs.Noise(Tobs + te, 1. / te) nof = no.gating(4.493, 0.5) ciro = bs.TUsignal(to, D[kyo][:, 0]) if mode == 'linear': #plt.plot(ta,naf.y,color='k',label='Noise') plt.plot(ta, D[kya], label='Rx ' + str(irx), color=color) plt.xlabel('Time (ns)') '''if noise: naf.plot(col='k') cira.plot(col=color)''' else: '''if noise: naf.plotdB(col='k') cira.plotdB()''' plt.plot(ta, 20 * np.log10(abs(D[kya])), label='Rx ' + str(irx), color=color) plt.xlabel('Time (ns)') # plt.legend() #plt.savefig('Tx'+str(itx),format=pdf,dpi=300) def scatter(self, itx, irx, values,, s=30, spl=221, title='', vaxis=((-30, 10, 2, 18)), vmin=0, vmax=1, colbool=False, cblabel='dB'): """ Parameters ---------- itx irx values cmap s spl title vaxis vmin vmax colbool clabel """ fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.add_subplot(spl) xtx = self.tx.position[itx, 0] ytx = self.tx.position[itx, 1] xrx = self.rx.position[irx, 0] yrx = self.rx.position[irx, 1] self.L.display['title'] = title self.L.showGs(ax) for furk in siradel.siradel_furniture.keys(): fur = siradel.siradel_furniture[furk] if fur.Matname == 'METAL':, ax) plt.axis(vaxis) b1 = ax.scatter(xtx, ytx, s=s, c=values, cmap=cmap, linewidths=0, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) ax.scatter(xrx, yrx, s=30, c='b', linewidths=0) if colbool: cb = colorbar(b1) cb.set_label(cblabel, fontsize=14) return (b1) def info(self, itx=[], irx=[]): """ display simulation information Parameters ---------- itx : Tx index irx : Rx index """ print self.filesimul print '------------------------------------------' try: print "Layout Info : \n", except: print "provide a Layout in the simulation : S.L " print ">>> S.layout(filename.str) " print "or " print ">>> S.layout(filename.str2 " print "or " print ">>> S.layout(filename.str,filematini,filematini) " print "default files exists for filematini and fileslabini " return try: print "Tx Info :\n", except: print "provide a tx in the simulation : S.tx " return try: print "Rx Info :\n", except: print "provide a rx in the simulation : S.rx " return # print "Tx : ",self.tx.points[itx] print "Rx : ", self.rx.points[itx] print "Delay (ns) :", self.delay(itx, irx) print "Distance (m) :", 0.3 / self.delay(itx, irx) print "" if itx in self.dlch.keys(): print "-----" print "Launching " print "-----" print " ", self.dlch[itx] if irx in self.dtra[itx].keys(): print "-----" print "Tracing " print "-----" print " ", self.dtra[itx][irx] gr = GrRay3D() gr.load(self.dtra[itx][irx], self.L) if irx in self.dtud[itx].keys(): print "-----" print "Tud parameters " print "-----" print " ", self.dtud[itx][irx] print " ", self.dtang[itx][irx] print " ", self.drang[itx][irx] gt = GrRay3D.GrRayTud() gt.load(self.dtud[itx][irx], self.dtang[itx][irx], self.drang[itx][irx], if irx in self.dtauk[itx].keys(): print self.dtauk[itx][irx] print self.dfield[itx][irx] VC = self.VC(itx, irx) if irx in self.dcir[itx].keys(): print self.dcir[itx][irx] def info2(self): for i, j in enumerate(self.__dict__.keys()): print j, ':', self.__dict__.values()[i] def filtray(self, itx, irx, tau0, tau1, col='b'): """ filter rays Parameters ---------- itx : irx : tau0 : tau1 : col : Display ray and nstr """ gr = GrRay3D() gr.load(self.dtra[itx][irx], self.L) self.L.display['Thin'] = True self.L.display['Node'] = False self.L.display['NodeNum'] = False self.L.display['EdgeNum'] = False plt.axis('scaled'),ax,nodelist,seglist) self.L.showGs() delays = gr.delay() rayset = np.nonzero((delays >= tau0) & (delays <= tau1))[0] fig = plt.gcf() ax = fig.get_axes()[0], rayset, col=col, node=False) plt.title('Tx' + str(itx) + '-Rx' + str(irx) + ' : ' + str(tau0) + ' < tau < ' + str(tau1)) def showray(self, itx, irx, iray=np.array([]), fig=[], ax=[]): """ show layout and rays for a radio link Parameters ---------- itx : tx index irx : rx index iray : list of rays to be displayed ndarray """ #if ax==[]: # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot('111') gr = GrRay3D() gr.load(self.dtra[itx][irx], self.L) if len(iray == 1): ray = gr.ray3d[iray[0]] nstr = ray.nstr[1:-1] uneg = np.nonzero(nstr < 0) upos = np.nonzero((nstr > 0) & (nstr <= self.L.Ne)) uceil = np.nonzero(nstr == self.L.Ne + 1) ufloor = np.nonzero(nstr == self.L.Ne + 2) #seglist = nstr[upos[0]]-1 #nodelist = -nstr[uneg[0]]-1 #seglist2 = S.L.segpt(nodelist) self.L.display['Thin'] = True self.L.display['Node'] = False self.L.display['NodeNum'] = False self.L.display['EdgeNum'] = False,ax) #print ray.nn #print len(ray.nstr) #print ray.nstr #print nodelist #print seglist #print seglist2 #seglist = hstack((seglist,seglist2)) self.L.display['Node'] = False self.L.display['Thin'] = False self.L.display['NodeNum'] = True self.L.display['EdgeNum'] = True plt.axis('scaled'),ax,nodelist,seglist) fig, ax = self.L.showGs(show=False), iray, col='b', node=False) if len(iray) == 1: plt.title(str(nstr)) else: plt.title('Tx' + str(itx) + '-Rx' + str(irx) + ' ' + str(min(iray)) + ' ' + str(max(iray))) def show3l(self, itx, irx): """ geomview display of a specific link g = S.show3l(itx,irx) Parameters ---------- itx transmitter index irx receiver index """ filetra = self.dtra[itx][irx] gr = GrRay3D() gr.load(filetra, self.L) gr.show3() return (gr) def _show3(self, rays=[], newfig=False, **kwargs): """ display of the simulation configuration using Mayavi Parameters ---------- rays: Ray3d object : display the rays of the simulation newfig : boolean (default : False) kwargs of Rays.show3() see also -------- pylayers.gis.layout pylayers.antprop.antenna pylayers.antprop.rays """ Atx = self.tx.A Arx = self.rx.A Ttx = self.tx.orientation Trx = self.rx.orientation ptx = self.tx.position prx = self.rx.position self.L._show3(newfig=False, opacity=0.7) Atx._show3(T=Ttx.reshape(3, 3), po=ptx, title=False, colorbar=False, newfig=False) Arx._show3(T=Trx.reshape(3, 3), po=prx, title=False, colorbar=False, newfig=False) if rays != []: rays._show3(**kwargs) def show3(self, rays=[], **kwargs): """ geomview display of the simulation configuration Parameters ---------- centered : boolean center the scene if True bdis : boolean display local basis """ try: except: print('tx set is no defined') try: except: print('rx set is no defined') _filename = self.filesimul.replace('.ini', '.off') filename = pyu.getlong(_filename, pstruc['DIRGEOM']) fo = open(filename, "w") fo.write("LIST\n") try: sttx = "{<" + self.tx.filegeom + "}\n" except: sttx = "\n" try: strx = "{<" + self.rx.filegeom + "}\n" except: strx = "\n" try: stst = "{<" + self.L.filegeom + "}\n" except: stst = "\n" fo.write(sttx) fo.write(strx) fo.write(stst) fo.write("{</usr/share/geomview/geom/xyz.vect}\n") if rays != []: kwargs['bdis'] = False kwargs['L'] = self.L kwargs['centered'] = False fo.write("{<" + rays.show3(**kwargs) + "}") fo.close() command = "geomview -nopanel -b 1 1 1 " + filename + " 2>/dev/null &" os.system(command) def run(self, link, cirforce=True, verbose=False, cutoff=4): """ run the simulation for 1 tx and a set of rx Parameters ---------- itx : tx index srx : list of rx index cirforce : boolean Warnings -------- index point start with 1 Example ------- >>> from pylayers.simul.simulem import * >>> itx = 1 >>> srx = [1,2,3] >>> S = Simul() >>> S.load('where2.ini') >>> out =,srx) """ # get file prefix dl = DLink(force=True, L=self.L, fGHz=self.fGHz, verbose=False) prefix = self.filesimul.replace('.ini', '') lsig = [] self.chan = {} for k, il in enumerate(link): tx = self.tx.points[il[0]] rx = self.rx.points[il[1]] ctx = self.L.pt2cy(tx) crx = self.L.pt2cy(rx) _filecir = prefix + '-cir-' + str(k) + '-' + str(link) + '-' + str( (ctx, crx)) D = {} D['Tx'] = tx D['Rx'] = rx dl.a = tx dl.b = rx ak, tauk = dl.eval(verbose=False, diffraction=True) self.chan[k] = dl #cira = dl.H.applywavB(self.wav.sf) #cira = dl.H.applywavB(self.wav.sfg) #D['t'] = cira.x #D['cir'] = cira.y #filename = pyu.getlong(_filecir, 'output') #spio.savemat(filename, D) def delay(self, itx, irx): """ calculate LOS link delay Parameters ---------- itx irx Returns ------- delay : float delay in ns """ tx = self.tx.points[itx] rx = self.rx.points[irx] df = tx - rx dist = np.sqrt(, df)) return (dist / 0.3)
L = Layout('TA-Office.ini') #L = Layout('DLR.ini') #L = Layout('TA-Office.ini') #L = Layout('WHERE1.ini') try: L.dumpr() except: L.dumpw() #L.editor() fig = plt.gcf() #ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) L.display['thin'] = True fig, ax1 = L.showG(graph='s', fig=fig, ax=ax1) #L.display['edlabel']=True #L.display['edlblsize']=50 # display selected segments L.display['thin'] = True L.showG(fig=fig, ax=ax1, graph='t') fig = plt.gcf() ax1 = plt.gca() fig, ax1 = L.showGs(fig=fig, ax=ax1, edlist=[125], width=4) ax11 = fig.add_subplot(322) L.showG(fig=fig, ax=ax11, graph='s') #plt.savefig('graphGs.png') #build topological graph ax2 = fig.add_subplot(323) L.showG(fig=fig, ax=ax2, graph='t') plt.title('Topological graph')
def ishow(self): """ interactive show of trajectories Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.mobility.trajectory import * >>> T=Trajectories() >>> T.loadh5() >>> T.ishow() """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2, left=0.3) t = np.arange(0, len(self[0].index), self[0].ts) L = Layout(self.Lfilename) fig, ax = L.showG('s', fig=fig, ax=ax) valinit = 0 lines = [] labels = [] colors = "bgrcmykw" for iT, T in enumerate(self): if T.typ == 'ag': lines.extend( ax.plot(T['x'][0:valinit], T['y'][0:valinit], 'o', color=colors[iT], visible=True)) labels.append( + ':' + T.ID) else: lines.extend( ax.plot(T['x'][0], T['y'][0], '^', ms=12, color=colors[iT], visible=True)) labels.append( + ':' + T.ID) t = self[0].time() # init boolean value for visible in checkbutton blabels = [True] * len(labels) ######## # slider ######## slider_ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.02]) slider = Slider(slider_ax, "time", self[0].tmin, self[0].tmax, valinit=valinit, color='#AAAAAA') def update(val): if val >= 1: pval = np.where(val > t)[0] ax.set_title(str( self[0].index[pval[-1]].time())[:11].ljust(12), loc='left') for iT, T in enumerate(self): if T.typ == 'ag': lines[iT].set_xdata(T['x'][pval]) lines[iT].set_ydata(T['y'][pval]) fig.canvas.draw() slider.on_changed(update) ######## # choose ######## rax = plt.axes([0.02, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2], aspect='equal') # check (ax.object, name of the object , bool value for the obsject) check = CheckButtons(rax, labels, tuple(blabels)) def func(label): i = labels.index(label) lines[i].set_visible(not lines[i].get_visible()) fig.canvas.draw() check.on_clicked(func) fig.canvas.draw()
r""" =========================================== 8 Random Layout =========================================== This example display randomly N layout from the set of all available Layout file The file extension is .lay """ from pylayers.gis.layout import Layout import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("error") L = Layout() lL = N = 8 for tL in random.sample(lL,N): if 'Munich' not in tL: L = Layout(tL,bbuild=0,bgraphs=0) f,a = L.showG('s') plt.title(tL,fontsize=32)
class Coverage(PyLayers): """ Handle Layout Coverage Methods ------- creategrid() create a uniform grid for evaluating losses cover() run the coverage calculation showPower() display the map of received power showLoss() display the map of losses Attributes ---------- All attributes are read from fileini ino the ini directory of the current project _fileini default coverage.ini L : a Layout nx : number of point on x ny : number of point on y tx : transmitter position txpe : transmitter power emmission level show : boolean for automatic display power map na : number of access point """ def __init__(self,_fileini='coverage.ini'): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- _fileini : string name of the configuration file Notes ----- Coverage is described in an ini file. Default file is coverage.ini and is placed in the ini directory of the current project. """ self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(),pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) self.layoutopt = dict(self.config.items('layout')) self.gridopt = dict(self.config.items('grid')) self.apopt = dict(self.config.items('ap')) self.rxopt = dict(self.config.items('rx')) self.showopt = dict(self.config.items('show')) # get the Layout self.L = Layout(self.layoutopt['filename']) # get the receiving grid self.nx = eval(self.gridopt['nx']) self.ny = eval(self.gridopt['ny']) = self.nx*self.ny self.mode = eval(self.gridopt['full']) self.boundary = eval(self.gridopt['boundary']) # create grid # we could here construct a grid locally around the access point # to be done later for code acceleration # self.creategrid(full=self.mode,boundary=self.boundary) self.dap = {} for k in self.apopt: kwargs = eval(self.apopt[k]) ap = std.AP(**kwargs) self.dap[eval(k)] = ap try: self.aap = np.vstack((self.aap,ap['p'][0:2])) self.ptdbm = np.vstack((self.ptdbm,ap['PtdBm'])) except: self.aap = ap['p'][0:2] self.ptdbm = ap['PtdBm'] # 1 x na self.ptdbm = self.ptdbm.T # number of access points = len(self.dap) # creating all links p = product(range(,range( # # a : access point # g : grid # for k in p: pg = self.grid[k[0],:] pa = self.aap[k[1]] try: = np.vstack((,pa)) except: = pa try: = np.vstack((,pg)) except: = pg = = # frequency is chosen as all the center frequencies of the standard # warning assuming the same standard self.fGHz = self.dap[0].s.fcghz = len(self.fGHz) # AP section #self.fGHz = eval(self.txopt['fghz']) #self.tx = np.array((eval(self.txopt['x']),eval(self.txopt['y']))) #self.ptdbm = eval(self.txopt['ptdbm']) #self.framelengthbytes = eval(self.txopt['framelengthbytes']) # receiver section self.rxsens = eval(self.rxopt['sensitivity']) kBoltzmann = 1.3806503e-23 self.temperaturek = eval(self.rxopt['temperaturek']) self.noisefactordb = eval(self.rxopt['noisefactordb']) # list of access points lap = self.dap.keys() # list of channels lchan = map(lambda x: self.dap[x]['chan'],lap) apchan = zip(self.dap.keys(),lchan) self.bmhz = np.array(map(lambda x: self.dap[x[0]].s.chan[x[1][0]]['BMHz']*len(x[1]),apchan)) # Evaluate Noise Power (in dBm) Pn = (10**(self.noisefactordb/10.)+1)*kBoltzmann*self.temperaturek*self.bmhz*1e3 self.pndbm = 10*np.log10(Pn)+60 # show section self.bshow = str2bool(self.showopt['show']) try: self.L.Gt.nodes() except: pass try: self.L.dumpr() except: self.L.dumpw() def __repr__(self): st='' st = st+ 'Layout file : '+self.L.filename + '\n\n' st = st + '-----list of Access Points ------'+'\n' for k in self.dap: st = st + self.dap[k].__repr__()+'\n' st = st + '-----Rx------'+'\n' st= st+ 'rxsens (dBm) : '+ str(self.rxsens) + '\n' st= st+ 'bandwith (Mhz) : '+ str(self.bmhz) + '\n' st= st+ 'temperature (K) : '+ str(self.temperaturek) + '\n' st= st+ 'noisefactor (dB) : '+ str(self.noisefactordb) + '\n\n' st = st + '--- Grid ----'+'\n' st= st+ 'nx : ' + str(self.nx) + '\n' st= st+ 'ny : ' + str(self.ny) + '\n' st= st+ 'nlink : ' + str(* + '\n' st= st+ 'full grid : ' + str(self.mode) + '\n' st= st+ 'boundary (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) : ' + str(self.boundary) + '\n\n' return(st) def creategrid(self,full=True,boundary=[]): """ create a grid Parameters ---------- full : boolean default (True) use all the layout area boundary : (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) if full is False the boundary argument is used """ if full: mi=np.min(self.L.Gs.pos.values(),axis=0)+0.01 ma=np.max(self.L.Gs.pos.values(),axis=0)-0.01 else: assert boundary<>[] mi = np.array([boundary[0],boundary[1]]) ma = np.array([boundary[2],boundary[3]]) x = np.linspace(mi[0],ma[0],self.nx) y = np.linspace(mi[1],ma[1],self.ny) self.grid=np.array((list(np.broadcast(*np.ix_(x, y))))) # def coverold(self): # """ run the coverage calculation (Deprecated) # # Parameters # ---------- # # lay_bound : bool # If True, the coverage is performed only inside the Layout # and clip the values of the grid chosen in coverage.ini # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # >> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # >> C = Coverage() # >> C.cover() # >> C.showPower() # # Notes # ----- # # self.fGHz is an array it means that coverage is calculated at once # for a whole set of frequencies. In practice the center frequency of a # given standard channel. # # This function is calling `Losst` which calculates Losses along a # straight path. In a future implementation we will # abstract the EM solver in order to make use of other calculation # approaches as full or partial Ray Tracing. # # The following members variables are evaluated : # # + freespace Loss @ fGHz PL() PathLoss (shoud be rename FS as free space) $ # + prdbmo : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{odB}` # + prdbmp : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{pdB}` # + snro : SNR polar o (H) # + snrp : SNR polar p (H) # # See Also # -------- # # pylayers.antprop.loss.Losst # pylayers.antprop.loss.PL # # """ # # self.Lwo,self.Lwp,self.Edo,self.Edp = loss.Losst(self.L,self.fGHz,self.grid.T,self.tx) # self.freespace = loss.PL(self.fGHz,self.grid,self.tx) # # self.prdbmo = self.ptdbm - self.freespace - self.Lwo # self.prdbmp = self.ptdbm - self.freespace - self.Lwp # self.snro = self.prdbmo - self.pndbm # self.snrp = self.prdbmp - self.pndbm def cover(self,polar='o',sinr=True,snr=True,best=True): """ run the coverage calculation Parameters ---------- polar : string 'o' | 'p' sinr : boolean snr : boolean best : boolean Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * >>> C = Coverage() >>> C.cover() >>> f,'sinr') >>> Notes ----- self.fGHz is an array it means that coverage is calculated at once for a whole set of frequencies. In practice the center frequency of a given standard channel. This function is calling `Losst` which calculates Losses along a straight path. In a future implementation we will abstract the EM solver in order to make use of other calculation approaches as full or partial Ray Tracing. The following members variables are evaluated : + freespace Loss @ fGHz PL() PathLoss (shoud be rename FS as free space) $ + prdbmo : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{odB}` + prdbmp : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{pdB}` + snro : SNR polar o (H) + snrp : SNR polar p (H) See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.loss.Losst pylayers.antprop.loss.PL """ # retrieving dimensions along the 3 axis na = ng = nf = Lwo,Lwp,Edo,Edp = loss.Losst(self.L,self.fGHz,,,dB=False) if polar=='o': self.polar='o' self.Lw = Lwo.reshape(nf,ng,na) self.Ed = Edo.reshape(nf,ng,na) if polar=='p': self.polar='p' self.Lw = Lwp.reshape(nf,ng,na) self.Ed = Edp.reshape(nf,ng,na) freespace = loss.PL(self.fGHz,,,dB=False) self.freespace = freespace.reshape(nf,ng,na) # Warning we are assuming here all transmitters have the same # transmitting power (to be modified) # f x g x a # CmW : Received Power coverage in mW self.CmW = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis,...]/10.)*self.Lw*self.freespace if snr: self.snr() if sinr: self.sinr() if best: def snr(self): """ calculate snr """ NmW = 10**(self.pndbm/10.)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] self.snr = self.CmW/NmW def sinr(self): """ calculate sinr """ na = U = (np.ones((na,na))-np.eye(na))[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:,:] ImW = np.einsum('ijkl,ijl->ijk',U,self.CmW) NmW = 10**(self.pndbm/10.)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] self.sinr = self.CmW/(ImW+NmW) def best(self): """ determine best server map Notes ----- C.bestsv """ na = ng = nf = # find best server regions V = self.CmW self.bestsv = np.zeros(nf*ng*na).reshape(nf,ng,na) for kf in range(nf): MaxV = np.max(V[kf,:,:],axis=1) for ka in range(na): u = np.where(V[kf,:,ka]==MaxV) self.bestsv[kf,u,ka]=ka+1 # def showEd(self,polar='o',**kwargs): # """ shows a map of direct path excess delay # # Parameters # ---------- # # polar : string # 'o' | 'p' # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # >> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # >> C = Coverage() # >> C.cover() # >> C.showEd(polar='o') # # """ # # if not kwargs.has_key('alphacy'): # kwargs['alphacy']=0.0 # if not kwargs.has_key('colorcy'): # kwargs['colorcy']='w' # if not kwargs.has_key('nodes'): # kwargs['nodes']=False # # fig,ax = self.L.showG('s',**kwargs) # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # cdict = { # 'red' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'green': ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'blue' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)) # } # #generate the colormap with 1024 interpolated values # my_cmap = m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 1024) # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # # # # if polar=='o': # mcEdof = < self.rxsens,self.Edo) # # cov=ax.imshow(mcEdof.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'jet', # origin='lower') # # # # # cov=ax.imshow(self.Edo.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # # extent=(l,r,b,t), # # origin='lower') # titre = "Map of LOS excess delay, polar orthogonal" # # if polar=='p': # mcEdpf = < self.rxsens,self.Edp) # # cov=ax.imshow(mcEdpf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'jet', # origin='lower') # # # cov=ax.imshow(self.Edp.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # # extent=(l,r,b,t), # # origin='lower') # titre = "Map of LOS excess delay, polar parallel" # # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],linewidth=0) # ax.set_title(titre) # # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # clb = fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # clb.set_label('excess delay (ns)') # # if # # return fig,ax # # def showPower(self,rxsens=True,nfl=True,polar='o',**kwargs): # """ show the map of received power # # Parameters # ---------- # # rxsens : bool # clip the map with rx sensitivity set in self.rxsens # nfl : bool # clip the map with noise floor set in self.pndbm # polar : string # 'o'|'p' # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # > from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # > C = Coverage() # > C.cover() # > C.showPower() # # """ # # if not kwargs.has_key('alphacy'): # kwargs['alphacy']=0.0 # if not kwargs.has_key('colorcy'): # kwargs['colorcy']='w' # if not kwargs.has_key('nodes'): # kwargs['nodes']=False # fig,ax = self.L.showG('s',**kwargs) # # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # ## tCM ='jet') ## tCM._init() ## alphas = np.abs(np.linspace(.0,1.0, tCM.N)) ## tCM._lut[:-3,-1] = alphas # # title='Map of received power - Pt = ' + str(self.ptdbm) + ' dBm'+str(' fGHz =') + str(self.fGHz) + ' polar = '+polar # # cdict = { # 'red' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'green': ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'blue' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)) # } # # if not kwargs.has_key('cmap'): # # generate the colormap with 1024 interpolated values # cmap = m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 1024) # else: # cmap = kwargs['cmap'] # #my_cmap = cm.copper # # # if rxsens : # # ## values between the rx sensitivity and noise floor # mcPrf = > self.rxsens) # & (prdbm < self.pndbm),prdbm) # # mcPrf = > self.rxsens) ,prdbm) # # cov1 = ax.imshow(mcPrf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = cm.copper, # vmin=self.rxsens,origin='lower') # # ### values above the sensitivity # mcPrs = < self.rxsens,prdbm) # cov = ax.imshow(mcPrs.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t), # cmap = cmap, # vmin=self.rxsens,origin='lower') # title=title + '\n black : Pr (dBm) < %.2f' % self.rxsens + ' dBm' # # else : # cov=ax.imshow(prdbm.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t), # cmap = cmap, # vmin=self.pndbm,origin='lower') # # if nfl: # ### values under the noise floor # ### we first clip the value below the noise floor # cl = np.nonzero(prdbm<=self.pndbm) # cPr = prdbm # cPr[cl] = self.pndbm # mcPruf = > self.pndbm,cPr) # cov2 = ax.imshow(mcPruf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'binary', # vmax=self.pndbm,origin='lower') # title=title + '\n white : Pr (dBm) < %.2f' % self.pndbm + ' dBm' # # # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],s=10,c='k',linewidth=0) # # ax.set_title(title) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # clb = fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # clb.set_label('Power (dBm)') # # if # # # return fig,ax # # # def showTransistionRegion(self,polar='o'): # """ # # Notes # ----- # # See : "Analyzing the Transitional Region in Low Power Wireless Links" # Marco Zuniga and Bhaskar Krishnamachari # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # > from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # > C = Coverage() # > C.cover() # > C.showTransitionRegion() # # """ # # frameLength = self.framelengthbytes # # PndBm = self.pndbm # gammaU = 10*np.log10(-1.28*np.log(2*(1-0.9**(1./(8*frameLength))))) # gammaL = 10*np.log10(-1.28*np.log(2*(1-0.1**(1./(8*frameLength))))) # # PrU = PndBm + gammaU # PrL = PndBm + gammaL # # fig,ax = self.L.showGs() # # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # # zones = np.zeros(np.shape(prdbm)) # #pdb.set_trace() # # uconnected = np.nonzero(prdbm>PrU) # utransition = np.nonzero((prdbm < PrU)&(prdbm > PrL)) # udisconnected = np.nonzero(prdbm < PrL) # # zones[uconnected] = 1 # zones[utransition] = (prdbm[utransition]-PrL)/(PrU-PrL) # cov = ax.imshow(zones.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'BuGn',origin='lower') # # title='PDR region' # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],linewidth=0) # # ax.set_title(title) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # if # # def show(self,**kwargs): """ show coverage Parameters ---------- typ : string 'pr' | 'sinr' | 'capacity' | 'loss' | 'best' grid : boolean best : boolean draw best server contour if True f : int frequency index a : int access point index (-1 all access point) Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * >>> C = Coverage() >>> C.cover(polar='o') >>> f,a ='pr') >>> >>> f,a ='best') >>> >>> f,a ='loss') >>> >>> f,a ='sinr') >>> """ defaults = { 'typ': 'pr', 'grid': False, 'f' : 0, 'a' :-1, 'db':True, 'cmap' :cm.jet, 'best':True } title = self.dap[0] ' : ' for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k]=defaults[k] if 'fig' in kwargs: fig,ax=self.L.showG('s',fig=kwargs['fig']) else: fig,ax=self.L.showG('s') # plot the grid if kwargs['grid']: for k in self.dap: p = self.dap[k].p ax.plot(p[0],p[1],'or') f = kwargs['f'] a = kwargs['a'] typ = kwargs['typ'] best = kwargs['best'] dB = kwargs['db'] # setting the grid l = self.grid[0,0] r = self.grid[-1,0] b = self.grid[0,1] t = self.grid[-1,-1] if typ=='best': title = title + 'Best server'+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+self.polar for ka in range( bestsv = self.bestsv[f,:,ka] m = == 0,bestsv) W = m.reshape(self.nx,self.ny).T ax.imshow(W, extent=(l,r,b,t), origin='lower', vmin=1, ax.set_title(title) else: if typ=='sinr': title = title + 'SINR : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+self.polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' V = self.sinr if typ=='snr': title = title + 'SNR : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+self.polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' V = self.snr if typ=='capacity': title = title + 'Capacity : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+self.polar legcb = 'Mbit/s' V = self.bmhz[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]*np.log(1+self.sinr)/np.log(2) if typ=='pr': title = title + 'Pr : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+self.polar if dB: legcb = 'dBm' else: lgdcb = 'mW' V = self.CmW if typ=='loss': title = title + 'Loss : '+' fc = '+str(self.fGHz[f])+' GHz'+ ' polar : '+self.polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' V = self.Lw*self.freespace if a == -1: V = np.max(V[f,:,:],axis=1) else: V = V[f,:,a] # reshaping the data on the grid U = V.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T if dB: U = 10*np.log10(U) if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] else: vmin = U.min() if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] else: vmax = U.max() img = ax.imshow(U, extent=(l,r,b,t), origin='lower', vmin = vmin, vmax = vmax, cmap = kwargs['cmap']) for k in range( ax.annotate(str(k),xy=([0,k],[1,k])) ax.set_title(title) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) clb = fig.colorbar(img,cax) clb.set_label(legcb) if best: ax.contour(np.sum(self.bestsv,axis=2)[f,:].reshape(self.nx,self.ny).T,extent=(l,r,b,t),linestyles='dotted') # display access points ax.scatter([0,:],[1,:],s=10,c='k',linewidth=0) return(fig,ax)
try: L.dumpr() except: L.dumpw() #L.editor() fig = plt.gcf() #ax1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) L.display['thin'] = True fig, ax1 = L.showGs(fig=fig, ax=ax1) #L.display['edlabel']=True #L.display['edlblsize']=50 # display selected segments L.display['thin'] = True L.showG(fig=fig, ax=ax1, graph='t') fig = plt.gcf() ax1 = plt.gca() fig, ax1 = L.showGs(fig=fig, ax=ax1, edlist=[125], width=4) ax11 = fig.add_subplot(322) L.showG(fig=fig, ax=ax11, graph='') #plt.savefig('graphGs.png') #build topological graph ax2 = fig.add_subplot(323) L.showG(fig=fig, ax=ax2, graph='t') plt.title('Topological graph') #plt.savefig('graphGt.png') # build graph of rooms ax3 = fig.add_subplot(324) L.showG(fig=fig, ax=ax3, graph='r') #plt.savefig('graphGr.png')
class Coverage(PyLayers): """ Handle Layout Coverage Methods ------- creategrid() create a uniform grid for evaluating losses cover() run the coverage calculation showPower() display the map of received power showLoss() display the map of losses Attributes ---------- All attributes are read from fileini ino the ini directory of the current project _fileini default coverage.ini L : a Layout nx : number of point on x ny : number of point on y tx : transmitter position txpe : transmitter power emmission level show : boolean for automatic display power map na : number of access point """ def __init__(self, _fileini='coverage.ini'): """ object constructor Parameters ---------- _fileini : string name of the configuration file Notes ----- Coverage is described in an ini file. Default file is coverage.ini and is placed in the ini directory of the current project. """ self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True), pstruc['DIRSIMUL'])) # section layout self.layoutopt = dict(self.config.items('layout')) # section sector self.gridopt = dict(self.config.items('grid')) # section ap (access point) self.apopt = dict(self.config.items('ap')) # section receiver parameters self.rxopt = dict(self.config.items('rx')) # section receiver parameters self.showopt = dict(self.config.items('show')) # get the Layout filename = self.layoutopt['filename'] if filename.endswith('lay'): self.typ = 'indoor' self.L = Layout(filename) # get the receiving grid self.nx = eval(self.gridopt['nx']) self.ny = eval(self.gridopt['ny']) if 'zgrid' in self.gridopt: self.zgrid = eval(self.gridopt['zgrid']) else: self.zgrid = 1.0 self.mode = self.gridopt['mode'] assert self.mode in ['file', 'full', 'zone'], "Error reading grid mode " self.boundary = eval(self.gridopt['boundary']) self.filespa = self.gridopt['file'] # # create grid # self.creategrid(mode=self.mode, boundary=self.boundary, _fileini=self.filespa) self.dap = {} for k in self.apopt: kwargs = eval(self.apopt[k]) ap = std.AP(**kwargs) self.dap[eval(k)] = ap try: self.L.Gt.nodes() except: pass try: self.L.dumpr() except: self.L.dumpw() else: self.typ = 'outdoor' self.E = ez.Ezone(filename) self.E.loadh5() self.E.rebase() # The frequency is fixed from the AP nature self.fGHz = np.array([]) #self.fGHz = eval(self.txopt['fghz']) #self.tx = np.array((eval(self.txopt['x']),eval(self.txopt['y']))) #self.ptdbm = eval(self.txopt['ptdbm']) #self.framelengthbytes = eval(self.txopt['framelengthbytes']) # receiver section #self.rxsens = eval(self.rxopt['sensitivity']) self.temperaturek = eval(self.rxopt['temperaturek']) self.noisefactordb = eval(self.rxopt['noisefactordb']) # show section self.bshow = str2bool(self.showopt['show']) self.sinr = False self.snr = False = False self.egd = False self.Pr = False self.capacity = False = False self.loss = False def __repr__(self): st = '' if self.typ == 'indoor': st = st + 'Layout file : ' + self.L._filename + '\n\n' st = st + '-----list of Access Points ------' + '\n' for k in self.dap: st = st + self.dap[k].__repr__() + '\n' st = st + '-----Rx------' + '\n' st = st + 'temperature (K) : ' + str(self.temperaturek) + '\n' st = st + 'noisefactor (dB) : ' + str(self.noisefactordb) + '\n\n' st = st + '--- Grid ----' + '\n' st = st + 'mode : ' + str(self.mode) + '\n' if self.mode != 'file': st = st + 'nx : ' + str(self.nx) + '\n' st = st + 'ny : ' + str(self.ny) + '\n' if self.mode == 'zone': st = st + 'boundary (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) : ' + str( self.boundary) + '\n\n' if self.mode == 'file': st = st + ' filename : ' + self.filespa + '\n' return (st) def creategrid(self, mode='full', boundary=[], _fileini=''): """ create a grid Parameters ---------- full : boolean default (True) use all the layout area boundary : (xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) if full is False the boundary argument is used """ if mode == "file": self.RN = RadioNode(name='', typ='rx', _fileini=_fileini, _fileant='def.vsh3') self.grid = self.RN.position[0:2, :].T else: if mode == "full": mi = np.min(np.array(list(self.L.Gs.pos.values())), axis=0) + 0.01 ma = np.max(np.array(list(self.L.Gs.pos.values())), axis=0) - 0.01 if mode == "zone": assert boundary != [] mi = np.array([boundary[0], boundary[1]]) ma = np.array([boundary[2], boundary[3]]) x = np.linspace(mi[0], ma[0], self.nx) y = np.linspace(mi[1], ma[1], self.ny) self.grid = np.array((list(np.broadcast(*np.ix_(x, y))))) = self.grid.shape[0] def where1(self): """ Unfinished : Not sure this is the right place (too specific) """ M1 = UWBMeasure(1) self.dap = {} self.dap[1] = {} self.dap[2] = {} self.dap[3] = {} self.dap[4] = {} self.dap[1]['p'] = M1.rx[1, 0:2] self.dap[2]['p'] = M1.rx[1, 0:2] self.dap[3]['p'] = M1.rx[1, 0:2] self.dap[4]['p'] = M1.rx[1, 0:2] for k in range(300): try: M = UWBMeasure(k) tx = M.tx self.grid = np.vstack((self.grid, tx[0:2])) D = M.rx - tx[np.newaxis, :] D2 = D * D dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(D2, axis=1))[1:] Emax = M.Emax() Etot = M.Etot()[0] try: td1 = np.hstack((td1, dist[0])) td2 = np.hstack((td2, dist[1])) td3 = np.hstack((td3, dist[2])) td4 = np.hstack((td4, dist[3])) te1 = np.hstack((te1, Emax[0])) te2 = np.hstack((te2, Emax[1])) te3 = np.hstack((te3, Emax[2])) te4 = np.hstack((te4, Emax[3])) tt1 = np.hstack((tt1, Etot[0])) tt2 = np.hstack((tt2, Etot[1])) tt3 = np.hstack((tt3, Etot[2])) tt4 = np.hstack((tt4, Etot[3])) #tdist = np.hstack((tdist,dist)) #te = np.hstack((te,Emax)) except: td1 = np.array(dist[0]) td2 = np.array(dist[1]) td3 = np.array(dist[2]) td4 = np.array(dist[3]) te1 = np.array(Emax[0]) te2 = np.array(Emax[1]) te3 = np.array(Emax[2]) te4 = np.array(Emax[3]) tt1 = np.array(Etot[0]) tt2 = np.array(Etot[1]) tt3 = np.array(Etot[2]) tt4 = np.array(Etot[3]) except: pass def cover(self, **kwargs): """ run the coverage calculation Parameters ---------- sinr : boolean snr : boolean best : boolean size : integer size of grid points block Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * >>> C = Coverage() >>> C.cover() >>> f,a ='sinr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> Notes ----- self.fGHz is an array, it means that Coverage is calculated at once for a whole set of frequencies. In practice, it would be the center frequency of a given standard channel. This function is calling `loss.Losst` which calculates Losses along a straight path. In a future implementation we will abstract the EM solver in order to make use of other calculation approaches as a full or partial Ray Tracing. The following members variables are evaluated : + freespace Loss @ fGHz PL() PathLoss (shoud be rename FS as free space) $ + prdbmo : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{odB}` + prdbmp : Received power in dBm .. math:`P_{rdBm} =P_{tdBm} - L_{pdB}` + snro : SNR polar o (H) + snrp : SNR polar p (H) See Also -------- pylayers.antprop.loss.Losst pylayers.antprop.loss.PL """ sizebloc = kwargs.pop('size', 100) # # select active AP # lactiveAP = [] try: del self.aap del self.ptdbm except: pass # Boltzmann constant kB = 1.3806503e-23 # # Loop over access points # set parameter of each active ap # p # PtdBm # BMHz for iap in self.dap: if self.dap[iap]['on']: lactiveAP.append(iap) # set frequency for each AP fGHz = self.dap[iap].s.fcghz self.fGHz = np.unique(np.hstack((self.fGHz, fGHz))) apchan = self.dap[iap]['chan'] # # stacking AP position Power Bandwidth # try: self.aap = np.vstack((self.aap, self.dap[iap]['p'])) self.ptdbm = np.vstack( (self.ptdbm, self.dap[iap]['PtdBm'])) self.bmhz = np.vstack( (self.bmhz, self.dap[iap].s.chan[apchan[0]]['BMHz'])) except: self.aap = self.dap[iap]['p'] self.ptdbm = np.array(self.dap[iap]['PtdBm']) self.bmhz = np.array( self.dap[iap].s.chan[apchan[0]]['BMHz']) = len(self.fGHz) PnW = np.array((10**(self.noisefactordb / 10.)) * kB * self.temperaturek * self.bmhz * 1e6) # Evaluate Noise Power (in dBm) self.pndbm = np.array(10 * np.log10(PnW) + 30) #lchan = map(lambda x: self.dap[x]['chan'],lap) #apchan = zip(self.dap.keys(),lchan) #self.bmhz = np.array(map(lambda x: self.dap[x[0]].s.chan[x[1][0]]['BMHz']*len(x[1]),apchan)) self.ptdbm = self.ptdbm.T self.pndbm = self.pndbm.T # creating all links # from all grid point to all ap # if len(self.pndbm.shape) == 0: self.ptdbm = self.ptdbm.reshape(1, 1) self.pndbm = self.pndbm.reshape(1, 1) = len(self.fGHz) Nbloc = // sizebloc r1 = np.arange(0, (Nbloc + 1) * sizebloc, sizebloc) r1 = np.append(r1, lblock = list(zip(r1[0:-1], r1[1:])) for bg in lblock: p = product(range(bg[0], bg[1]), lactiveAP) # # pa : access point ,3 # pg : grid point ,2 # # 1 x na for k in p: pg = self.grid[k[0], :] pa = np.array(self.dap[k[1]]['p']) # exemple with 3 AP # 321 0 # 321 1 # 321 2 # 322 0 try: = np.vstack((, pa)) except: = pa try: = np.vstack((, pg)) except: = pg = shpa = shpg = # extend in 3 dimensions if necessary if shpa[0] != 3: = np.vstack((, np.ones(shpa[1]))) = = np.vstack((, self.zgrid * np.ones(shpg[0]))) # retrieving dimensions along the 3 axis # a : number of active access points # g : grid block # f : frequency na = len(lactiveAP) = na ng = nf = # calculate antenna gain from ap to grid point # # loop over all AP # k = 0 for iap in self.dap: # select only one access point # n u = na * np.arange(0, bg[1] - bg[0], 1).astype('int') + k if self.dap[iap]['on']: pa =[:, u] pg =[:, u] azoffset = self.dap[iap]['phideg'] * np.pi / 180. # the eval function of antenna should also specify polar self.dap[iap].A.eval(fGHz=self.fGHz, pt=pa, pr=pg, azoffset=azoffset) gain = (self.dap[iap].A.G).T # to handle omnidirectional antenna (nf,1,1) if gain.shape[1] == 1: gain = np.repeat(gain, bg[1] - bg[0], axis=1) if k == 0: tgain = gain[:, :, None] else: tgain = np.dstack((tgain, gain[:, :, None])) k = k + 1 tgain = tgain.reshape(nf, tgain.shape[1] * tgain.shape[2]) Lwo, Lwp, Edo, Edp = loss.Losst(self.L, self.fGHz,,, dB=False) freespace = loss.PL(self.fGHz,,, dB=False) try: self.Lwo = np.hstack((self.Lwo, Lwo)) self.Lwp = np.hstack((self.Lwp, Lwp)) self.Edo = np.hstack((self.Edo, Edo)) self.Edp = np.hstack((self.Edp, Edp)) self.freespace = np.hstack((self.freespace, freespace)) self.tgain = np.hstack((self.tgain, tgain)) except: self.Lwo = Lwo self.Lwp = Lwp self.Edo = Edo self.Edp = Edp self.freespace = freespace self.tgain = tgain self.Lwo = self.Lwo.reshape(nf, ng, na) self.Edo = self.Edo.reshape(nf, ng, na) self.Lwp = self.Lwp.reshape(nf, ng, na) self.Edp = self.Edp.reshape(nf, ng, na) self.tgain = self.tgain.reshape(nf, ng, na) self.freespace = self.freespace.reshape(nf, ng, na) # transmitting power # f x g x a # CmW : Received Power coverage in mW # TODO : tgain in o and p polarization self.CmWo = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis, ...] / 10.) * self.Lwo * self.freespace * self.tgain self.CmWp = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis, ...] / 10.) * self.Lwp * self.freespace * self.tgain #self.CmWo = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis,...]/10.)*self.Lwo*self.freespace #self.CmWp = 10**(self.ptdbm[np.newaxis,...]/10.)*self.Lwp*self.freespace if self.snr: self.evsnr() if self.sinr: self.evsinr() if self.evbestsv() def evsnr(self): """ calculates signal to noise ratio """ NmW = 10**(self.pndbm / 10.)[np.newaxis, :] self.snro = self.CmWo / NmW self.snrp = self.CmWp / NmW self.snr = True def evsinr(self): """ calculates sinr """ # na : number of access point na = # U : 1 x 1 x na x na U = (np.ones((na, na)) - np.eye(na))[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, :] # CmWo : received power in mW orthogonal polarization # CmWp : received power in mW parallel polarization ImWo = np.einsum('ijkl,ijl->ijk', U, self.CmWo) ImWp = np.einsum('ijkl,ijl->ijk', U, self.CmWp) NmW = 10**(self.pndbm / 10.)[np.newaxis, :] self.sinro = self.CmWo / (ImWo + NmW) self.sinrp = self.CmWp / (ImWp + NmW) self.sinr = True def evbestsv(self): """ determine the best server map Notes ----- C.bestsv """ na = ng = nf = # find best server regions Vo = self.CmWo Vp = self.CmWp self.bestsvo = np.empty(nf * ng * na).reshape(nf, ng, na) self.bestsvp = np.empty(nf * ng * na).reshape(nf, ng, na) for kf in range(nf): MaxVo = np.max(Vo[kf, :, :], axis=1) MaxVp = np.max(Vp[kf, :, :], axis=1) for ka in range(na): uo = np.where(Vo[kf, :, ka] == MaxVo) up = np.where(Vp[kf, :, ka] == MaxVp) self.bestsvo[kf, uo, ka] = ka + 1 self.bestsvp[kf, up, ka] = ka + 1 = True # def showEd(self,polar='o',**kwargs): # """ shows a map of direct path excess delay # # Parameters # ---------- # # polar : string # 'o' | 'p' # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # >> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # >> C = Coverage() # >> C.cover() # >> C.showEd(polar='o') # # """ # # if not kwargs.has_key('alphacy'): # kwargs['alphacy']=0.0 # if not kwargs.has_key('colorcy'): # kwargs['colorcy']='w' # if not kwargs.has_key('nodes'): # kwargs['nodes']=False # # fig,ax = self.L.showG('s',**kwargs) # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # cdict = { # 'red' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'green': ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'blue' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)) # } # #generate the colormap with 1024 interpolated values # my_cmap = m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 1024) # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # # # # if polar=='o': # mcEdof = < self.rxsens,self.Edo) # # cov=ax.imshow(mcEdof.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'jet', # origin='lower') # # # # # cov=ax.imshow(self.Edo.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # # extent=(l,r,b,t), # # origin='lower') # titre = "Map of LOS excess delay, polar orthogonal" # # if polar=='p': # mcEdpf = < self.rxsens,self.Edp) # # cov=ax.imshow(mcEdpf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'jet', # origin='lower') # # # cov=ax.imshow(self.Edp.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # # extent=(l,r,b,t), # # origin='lower') # titre = "Map of LOS excess delay, polar parallel" # # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],linewidth=0) # ax.set_title(titre) # # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # clb = fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # clb.set_label('excess delay (ns)') # # if # # return fig,ax # # def showPower(self,rxsens=True,nfl=True,polar='o',**kwargs): # """ show the map of received power # # Parameters # ---------- # # rxsens : bool # clip the map with rx sensitivity set in self.rxsens # nfl : bool # clip the map with noise floor set in self.pndbm # polar : string # 'o'|'p' # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # > from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # > C = Coverage() # > C.cover() # > C.showPower() # # """ # # if not kwargs.has_key('alphacy'): # kwargs['alphacy']=0.0 # if not kwargs.has_key('colorcy'): # kwargs['colorcy']='w' # if not kwargs.has_key('nodes'): # kwargs['nodes']=False # fig,ax = self.L.showG('s',**kwargs) # # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # ## tCM ='jet') ## tCM._init() ## alphas = np.abs(np.linspace(.0,1.0, tCM.N)) ## tCM._lut[:-3,-1] = alphas # # title='Map of received power - Pt = ' + str(self.ptdbm) + ' dBm'+str(' fGHz =') + str(self.fGHz) + ' polar = '+polar # # cdict = { # 'red' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'green': ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)), # 'blue' : ((0., 0.5, 0.5), (1., 1., 1.)) # } # # if not kwargs.has_key('cmap'): # # generate the colormap with 1024 interpolated values # cmap = m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 1024) # else: # cmap = kwargs['cmap'] # #my_cmap = cm.copper # # # if rxsens : # # ## values between the rx sensitivity and noise floor # mcPrf = > self.rxsens) # & (prdbm < self.pndbm),prdbm) # # mcPrf = > self.rxsens) ,prdbm) # # cov1 = ax.imshow(mcPrf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = cm.copper, # vmin=self.rxsens,origin='lower') # # ### values above the sensitivity # mcPrs = < self.rxsens,prdbm) # cov = ax.imshow(mcPrs.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t), # cmap = cmap, # vmin=self.rxsens,origin='lower') # title=title + '\n black : Pr (dBm) < %.2f' % self.rxsens + ' dBm' # # else : # cov=ax.imshow(prdbm.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t), # cmap = cmap, # vmin=self.pndbm,origin='lower') # # if nfl: # ### values under the noise floor # ### we first clip the value below the noise floor # cl = np.nonzero(prdbm<=self.pndbm) # cPr = prdbm # cPr[cl] = self.pndbm # mcPruf = > self.pndbm,cPr) # cov2 = ax.imshow(mcPruf.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'binary', # vmax=self.pndbm,origin='lower') # title=title + '\n white : Pr (dBm) < %.2f' % self.pndbm + ' dBm' # # # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],s=10,c='k',linewidth=0) # # ax.set_title(title) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # clb = fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # clb.set_label('Power (dBm)') # # if # # # return fig,ax # # # def showTransistionRegion(self,polar='o'): # """ # # Notes # ----- # # See : "Analyzing the Transitional Region in Low Power Wireless Links" # Marco Zuniga and Bhaskar Krishnamachari # # Examples # -------- # # .. plot:: # :include-source: # # > from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * # > C = Coverage() # > C.cover() # > C.showTransitionRegion() # # """ # # frameLength = self.framelengthbytes # # PndBm = self.pndbm # gammaU = 10*np.log10(-1.28*np.log(2*(1-0.9**(1./(8*frameLength))))) # gammaL = 10*np.log10(-1.28*np.log(2*(1-0.1**(1./(8*frameLength))))) # # PrU = PndBm + gammaU # PrL = PndBm + gammaL # # fig,ax = self.L.showGs() # # l = self.grid[0,0] # r = self.grid[-1,0] # b = self.grid[0,1] # t = self.grid[-1,-1] # # if polar=='o': # prdbm=self.prdbmo # if polar=='p': # prdbm=self.prdbmp # # zones = np.zeros(np.shape(prdbm)) # #pdb.set_trace() # # uconnected = np.nonzero(prdbm>PrU) # utransition = np.nonzero((prdbm < PrU)&(prdbm > PrL)) # udisconnected = np.nonzero(prdbm < PrL) # # zones[uconnected] = 1 # zones[utransition] = (prdbm[utransition]-PrL)/(PrU-PrL) # cov = ax.imshow(zones.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)).T, # extent=(l,r,b,t),cmap = 'BuGn',origin='lower') # # title='PDR region' # ax.scatter(self.tx[0],self.tx[1],linewidth=0) # # ax.set_title(title) # divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) # cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) # fig.colorbar(cov,cax) # if # # def plot(self, **kwargs): """ """ defaults = { 'typ': 'pr', 'grid': False, 'f': 0, 'a': 0, 'db': True, 'label': '', 'pol': 'p', 'col': 'b' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] if 'fig' in kwargs: fig = kwargs['fig'] else: fig = plt.figure() if 'ax' in kwargs: ax = kwargs['ax'] else: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if kwargs['typ'] == 'pr': if kwargs['a'] != -1: if kwargs['pol'] == 'p': U = self.CmWp[kwargs['f'], :, kwargs['a']] if kwargs['pol'] == 'o': U = self.CmWo[kwargs['f'], :, kwargs['a']] else: if kwargs['pol'] == 'p': U = self.CmWp[kwargs['f'], :, :].reshape( * else: U = self.CmWo[kwargs['f'], :, :].reshape( * if kwargs['db']: U = 10 * np.log10(U) D = np.sqrt(np.sum(( - * ( -, axis=0)) if kwargs['a'] != -1: D = D.reshape(, ax.semilogx(D[:, kwargs['a']], U, '.', color=kwargs['col'], label=kwargs['label']) else: ax.semilogx(D, U, '.', color=kwargs['col'], label=kwargs['label']) return fig, ax def show(self, **kwargs): """ show coverage Parameters ---------- typ : string 'pr' | 'sinr' | 'capacity' | 'loss' | 'best' | 'egd' | 'ref' grid : boolean polar : string 'o' | 'p' best : boolean draw best server contour if True f : int frequency index a : int access point index (-1 all access point) Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: >>> from pylayers.antprop.coverage import * >>> C = Coverage() >>> C.cover() >>> f,a ='pr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='best',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='loss',figsize=(10,8)) >>> >>> f,a ='sinr',figsize=(10,8)) >>> See Also -------- pylayers.gis.layout.Layout.showG """ defaults = { 'typ': 'pr', 'grid': False, 'polar': 'p', 'scale': 30, 'f': 0, 'a': -1, 'db': True, 'cmap': cm.jet, 'best': False, 'title': '' } for k in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = defaults[k] title = self.dap[list( self.dap.keys())[0]] + ' : ' + kwargs['title'] + " :" polar = kwargs['polar'] best = kwargs['best'] scale = kwargs['scale'] assert polar in ['p', 'o'], "polar wrongly defined in show coverage" if 'fig' in kwargs: if 'ax' in kwargs: fig, ax = self.L.showG('s', fig=kwargs['fig'], ax=kwargs['ax']) else: fig, ax = self.L.showG('s', fig=kwargs['fig']) else: if 'figsize' in kwargs: fig, ax = self.L.showG('s', figsize=kwargs['figsize']) else: fig, ax = self.L.showG('s') # plot the grid if kwargs['grid']: for k in self.dap: p = self.dap[k].p ax.plot(p[0], p[1], 'or') f = kwargs['f'] a = kwargs['a'] typ = kwargs['typ'] assert typ in [ 'best', 'egd', 'sinr', 'snr', 'capacity', 'pr', 'loss', 'ref' ], "typ unknown in show coverage" best = kwargs['best'] dB = kwargs['db'] # setting the grid l = self.grid[0, 0] r = self.grid[-1, 0] b = self.grid[0, 1] t = self.grid[-1, -1] if typ == 'best' and title = title + 'Best server' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar for ka in range( if polar == 'p': bestsv = self.bestsvp[f, :, ka] if polar == 'o': bestsv = self.bestsvo[f, :, ka] m = == 0, bestsv) if self.mode != 'file': W = m.reshape(self.nx, self.ny).T ax.imshow(W, extent=(l, r, b, t), origin='lower', vmin=1, + 1) else: ax.scatter(self.grid[:, 0], self.grid[:, 1], c=m, s=scale, linewidth=0) ax.set_title(title) else: if typ == 'egd': title = title + 'excess group delay : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar V = self.Ed dB = False legcb = 'Delay (ns)' if typ == 'sinr': title = title + 'SINR : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.sinro if polar == 'p': V = self.sinrp if typ == 'snr': title = title + 'SNR : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.snro if polar == 'p': V = self.snrp if typ == 'capacity': title = title + 'Capacity : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar legcb = 'Mbit/s' if polar == 'o': V = self.bmhz.T[np.newaxis, :] * np.log( 1 + self.sinro) / np.log(2) if polar == 'p': V = self.bmhz.T[np.newaxis, :] * np.log( 1 + self.sinrp) / np.log(2) if typ == "pr": title = title + 'Pr : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dBm' else: lgdcb = 'mW' if polar == 'o': V = self.CmWo if polar == 'p': V = self.CmWp if typ == "ref": title = kwargs['title'] V = 10**(self.ref / 10) if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if typ == "loss": title = title + 'Loss : ' + ' fc = ' + str( self.fGHz[f]) + ' GHz' + ' polar : ' + polar if dB: legcb = 'dB' else: legcb = 'Linear scale' if polar == 'o': V = self.Lwo * self.freespace if polar == 'p': V = self.Lwp * self.freespace if a == -1: V = np.max(V[f, :, :], axis=1) else: V = V[f, :, a] # reshaping the data on the grid if self.mode != 'file': U = V.reshape((self.nx, self.ny)).T else: U = V if dB: U = 10 * np.log10(U) if 'vmin' in kwargs: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] else: vmin = U.min() if 'vmax' in kwargs: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] else: vmax = U.max() if self.mode != 'file': img = ax.imshow(U, extent=(l, r, b, t), origin='lower', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=kwargs['cmap']) else: img = ax.scatter(self.grid[:, 0], self.grid[:, 1], c=U, s=scale, linewidth=0, cmap=kwargs['cmap'], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) # for k in range( # ax.annotate(str(k),xy=([0,k],[1,k])) for k in self.dap.keys(): ax.annotate(str(self.dap[k]['name']), xy=(self.dap[k]['p'][0], self.dap[k]['p'][1])) ax.set_title(title) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) clb = fig.colorbar(img, cax) clb.set_label(legcb) if best: if self.mode != 'file': if polar == 'o': ax.contour(np.sum(self.bestsvo, axis=2)[f, :].reshape( self.nx, self.ny).T, extent=(l, r, b, t), linestyles='dotted') if polar == 'p': ax.contour(np.sum(self.bestsvp, axis=2)[f, :].reshape( self.nx, self.ny).T, extent=(l, r, b, t), linestyles='dotted') # display access points if a == -1: ax.scatter([0, :],[1, :], s=scale + 10, c='r', linewidth=0) else: ax.scatter([0, a],[1, a], s=scale + 10, c='r', linewidth=0) plt.tight_layout() return (fig, ax)
from pylayers.gis.layout import Layout import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import doctest plt.ion() #doctest.testmod(layout) #L = Layout('TA-Office.ini') L = Layout('WHERE1.ini') #L= Layout('11Dbibli.ini') #L = Layout('PTIN.ini') #L = Layout('DLR.ini') L.dumpr() L.showG('i', en=11) #Ga = L.buildGr() #L.showGs() #nx.draw(Ga,Ga.pos)