def test_softmax_mf_sample_consistent():

    # A test of the Softmax class
    # Verifies that the mean field update is consistent with
    # the sampling function

    # Since a Softmax layer contains only one random variable
    # (with n_classes possible values) the mean field assumption
    # does not impose any restriction so mf_update simply gives
    # the true expected value of h given v.
    # We can thus use mf_update to compute the expected value
    # of a sample of y conditioned on v, and check that samples
    # drawn using the layer's sample method convert to that
    # value.

    rng = np.random.RandomState([2012, 11, 1, 1154])
    theano_rng = MRG_RandomStreams(2012 + 11 + 1 + 1154)
    num_samples = 1000
    tol = .042

    # Make DBM
    num_vis = rng.randint(1, 11)
    n_classes = rng.randint(1, 11)

    v = BinaryVector(num_vis)
    v.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (num_vis, )).astype(config.floatX))

    y = Softmax(n_classes=n_classes, layer_name='y', irange=1.)
    y.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (n_classes, )).astype(config.floatX))

    dbm = DBM(visible_layer=v, hidden_layers=[y], batch_size=1, niter=50)

    # Randomly pick a v to condition on
    # (Random numbers are generated via dbm.rng)
    layer_to_state = dbm.make_layer_to_state(1)
    v_state = layer_to_state[v]
    y_state = layer_to_state[y]

    # Infer P(y | v) using mean field
    expected_y = y.mf_update(state_below=v.upward_state(v_state))

    expected_y = expected_y[0, :]

    expected_y = expected_y.eval()

    # copy all the states out into a batch size of num_samples
    cause_copy = sharedX(np.zeros((num_samples, ))).dimshuffle(0, 'x')
    v_state = v_state[0, :] + cause_copy
    y_state = y_state[0, :] + cause_copy

    y_samples = y.sample(state_below=v.upward_state(v_state),

    y_samples = function([], y_samples)()

    check_multinomial_samples(y_samples, (num_samples, n_classes), expected_y,
def test_variational_cd():

    # Verifies that VariationalCD works well with make_layer_to_symbolic_state
    visible_layer = BinaryVector(nvis=100)
    hidden_layer = BinaryVectorMaxPool(detector_layer_dim=500,
    model = DBM(visible_layer=visible_layer,

    cost = VariationalCD(num_chains=100, num_gibbs_steps=2)

    data_specs = cost.get_data_specs(model)
    mapping = DataSpecsMapping(data_specs)
    space_tuple = mapping.flatten(data_specs[0], return_tuple=True)
    source_tuple = mapping.flatten(data_specs[1], return_tuple=True)

    theano_args = []
    for space, source in safe_zip(space_tuple, source_tuple):
        name = '%s' % (source)
        arg = space.make_theano_batch(name=name)
    theano_args = tuple(theano_args)
    nested_args = mapping.nest(theano_args)

    grads, updates = cost.get_gradients(model, nested_args)
def make_random_basic_binary_dbm(
        num_vis = None,
        num_pool_1 = None,
        num_pool_2 = None,
        pool_size_2 = None,
        center = False
    Makes a DBM with BinaryVector for the visible layer,
    and two hidden layers of type BinaryVectorMaxPool.
    The weights and biases are initialized randomly with
    somewhat large values (i.e., not what you'd want to
    use for learning)

    rng: A numpy RandomState.
    pool_size_1: The size of the pools to use in the first

    if num_vis is None:
        num_vis = rng.randint(1,11)
    if num_pool_1 is None:
        num_pool_1 = rng.randint(1,11)
    if num_pool_2 is None:
        num_pool_2 = rng.randint(1,11)
    if pool_size_2 is None:
        pool_size_2 = rng.randint(1,6)

    num_h1 = num_pool_1 * pool_size_1
    num_h2 = num_pool_2 * pool_size_2

    v = BinaryVector(num_vis, center=center)
    v.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (num_vis,)).astype(config.floatX), recenter=center)

    h1 = BinaryVectorMaxPool(
            detector_layer_dim = num_h1,
            pool_size = pool_size_1,
            layer_name = 'h1',
            center = center,
            irange = 1.)
    h1.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (num_h1,)).astype(config.floatX), recenter=center)

    h2 = BinaryVectorMaxPool(
            center = center,
            detector_layer_dim = num_h2,
            pool_size = pool_size_2,
            layer_name = 'h2',
            irange = 1.)
    h2.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (num_h2,)).astype(config.floatX), recenter=center)

    dbm = DBM(visible_layer = v,
            hidden_layers = [h1, h2],
            batch_size = 1,
            niter = 50)

    return dbm
    def __init__(self):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up a PD-DBM model

        self.tol = 1e-5

        X = np.random.RandomState([1,2,3]).randn(1000,5)

        X -= X.mean()
        X /= X.std()
        m, D = X.shape
        N = 6
        N2 = 7

        s3c = S3C(nvis = D,
                 nhid = N,
                 irange = .1,
                 init_bias_hid = -1.5,
                 init_B = 3.,
                 min_B = 1e-8,
                 max_B = 1000.,
                 init_alpha = 1., min_alpha = 1e-8, max_alpha = 1000.,
                 init_mu = 1., e_step = None,
                 m_step = Grad_M_Step(),
                 min_bias_hid = -1e30, max_bias_hid = 1e30,

        rbm = RBM(nvis = N, nhid = N2, irange = .1, init_bias_vis = -1.5, init_bias_hid = 1.5)

        #don't give the model an inference procedure or learning rate so it won't spend years compiling a learn_func
        self.model = PDDBM(
                dbm = DBM(  use_cd = 1,
                            rbms = [ rbm  ]),
                s3c = s3c


        self.inference_procedure = InferenceProcedure(
                    clip_reflections = True,
                    rho = .5 )

        self.X = X
        self.N = N
        self.N2 = N2
        self.m = m
def test_softmax_mf_sample_consistent():

    # A test of the Softmax class
    # Verifies that the mean field update is consistent with
    # the sampling function

    # Since a Softmax layer contains only one random variable
    # (with n_classes possible values) the mean field assumption
    # does not impose any restriction so mf_update simply gives
    # the true expected value of h given v.
    # We can thus use mf_update to compute the expected value
    # of a sample of y conditioned on v, and check that samples
    # drawn using the layer's sample method convert to that
    # value.

    rng = np.random.RandomState([2012,11,1,1154])
    theano_rng = MRG_RandomStreams(2012+11+1+1154)
    num_samples = 1000
    tol = .042

    # Make DBM
    num_vis = rng.randint(1,11)
    n_classes = rng.randint(1, 11)

    v = BinaryVector(num_vis)
    v.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (num_vis,)).astype(config.floatX))

    y = Softmax(
            n_classes = n_classes,
            layer_name = 'y',
            irange = 1.)
    y.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (n_classes,)).astype(config.floatX))

    dbm = DBM(visible_layer = v,
            hidden_layers = [y],
            batch_size = 1,
            niter = 50)

    # Randomly pick a v to condition on
    # (Random numbers are generated via dbm.rng)
    layer_to_state = dbm.make_layer_to_state(1)
    v_state = layer_to_state[v]
    y_state = layer_to_state[y]

    # Infer P(y | v) using mean field
    expected_y = y.mf_update(
            state_below = v.upward_state(v_state))

    expected_y = expected_y[0, :]

    expected_y = expected_y.eval()

    # copy all the states out into a batch size of num_samples
    cause_copy = sharedX(np.zeros((num_samples,))).dimshuffle(0,'x')
    v_state = v_state[0,:] + cause_copy
    y_state = y_state[0,:] + cause_copy

    y_samples = y.sample(state_below = v.upward_state(v_state), theano_rng=theano_rng)

    y_samples = function([], y_samples)()

    check_multinomial_samples(y_samples, (num_samples, n_classes), expected_y, tol)
def test_softmax_mf_energy_consistent_centering():

    # A test of the Softmax class
    # Verifies that the mean field update is consistent with
    # the energy function when using the centering trick

    # Since a Softmax layer contains only one random variable
    # (with n_classes possible values) the mean field assumption
    # does not impose any restriction so mf_update simply gives
    # the true expected value of h given v.
    # We also know P(h |  v)
    #  = P(h, v) / P( v)
    #  = P(h, v) / sum_h P(h, v)
    #  = exp(-E(h, v)) / sum_h exp(-E(h, v))
    # So we can check that computing P(h | v) with both
    # methods works the same way

    rng = np.random.RandomState([2012,11,1,1131])

    # Make DBM
    num_vis = rng.randint(1,11)
    n_classes = rng.randint(1, 11)

    v = BinaryVector(num_vis, center=True)
    v.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (num_vis,)).astype(config.floatX), recenter=True)

    y = Softmax(
            n_classes = n_classes,
            layer_name = 'y',
            irange = 1., center=True)
    y.set_biases(rng.uniform(-1., 1., (n_classes,)).astype(config.floatX), recenter=True)

    dbm = DBM(visible_layer = v,
            hidden_layers = [y],
            batch_size = 1,
            niter = 50)

    # Randomly pick a v to condition on
    # (Random numbers are generated via dbm.rng)
    layer_to_state = dbm.make_layer_to_state(1)
    v_state = layer_to_state[v]
    y_state = layer_to_state[y]

    # Infer P(y | v) using mean field
    expected_y = y.mf_update(
            state_below = v.upward_state(v_state))

    expected_y = expected_y[0, :]

    expected_y = expected_y.eval()

    # Infer P(y | v) using the energy function
    energy = dbm.energy(V = v_state,
            hidden = [y_state])
    unnormalized_prob = T.exp(-energy)
    assert unnormalized_prob.ndim == 1
    unnormalized_prob = unnormalized_prob[0]
    unnormalized_prob = function([], unnormalized_prob)

    def compute_unnormalized_prob(which):
        write_y = np.zeros((n_classes,))
        write_y[which] = 1.

        y_value = y_state.get_value()

        y_value[0, :] = write_y


        return unnormalized_prob()

    probs = [compute_unnormalized_prob(idx) for idx in xrange(n_classes)]
    denom = sum(probs)
    probs = [on_prob / denom for on_prob in probs]

    # np.asarray(probs) doesn't make a numpy vector, so I do it manually
    wtf_numpy = np.zeros((n_classes,))
    for i in xrange(n_classes):
        wtf_numpy[i] = probs[i]
    probs = wtf_numpy

    if not np.allclose(expected_y, probs):
        print 'mean field expectation of h:',expected_y
        print 'expectation of h based on enumerating energy function values:',probs
        assert False
    def __init__(self, model = None, X = None, tol = 1e-5,
            init_H = None, init_S = None, init_G = None):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up a PD-DBM model

        self.tol = tol

        if X is None:
            X = np.random.RandomState([1,2,3]).randn(1000,5)
            X -= X.mean()
            X /= X.std()
        m, D = X.shape

        if model is None:
            N = 6
            N2 = 7

            s3c = S3C(nvis = D,
                     nhid = N,
                     irange = .1,
                     init_bias_hid = -1.5,
                     init_B = 3.,
                     min_B = 1e-8,
                     max_B = 1000.,
                     init_alpha = 1., min_alpha = 1e-8, max_alpha = 1000.,
                     init_mu = 1., e_step = None,
                     m_step = Grad_M_Step(),
                     min_bias_hid = -1e30, max_bias_hid = 1e30,

            rbm = RBM(nvis = N, nhid = N2, irange = .5, init_bias_vis = -1.5, init_bias_hid = 1.5)

            #don't give the model an inference procedure or learning rate so it won't spend years compiling a learn_func
            self.model = PDDBM(
                    dbm = DBM(  use_cd = 1,
                                rbms = [ rbm  ]),
                    s3c = s3c


            self.inference_procedure = InferenceProcedure(
                        clip_reflections = True,
                        rho = .5 )
            self.model = model
            self.inference_procedure = model.inference_procedure
            N = model.s3c.nhid
            N2 = model.dbm.rbms[0].nhid

        self.X = X
        self.N = N
        self.N2 = N2
        self.m = m

        if init_H is None:
            self.init_H = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0.,1.,(self.m, self.N)))
            self.init_S = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(-5.,5.,(self.m, self.N)))
            self.init_G = np.cast[config.floatX](self.model.rng.uniform(0.,1.,(self.m,self.N2)))
            assert init_S is not None
            assert init_G is not None
            self.init_H = init_H
            self.init_S = init_S
            self.init_G = init_G
def test_ais():
    Test ais computation by comparing the output of estimate_likelihood to
    Russ's code's output for the same parameters.
        trainset = MNIST(which_set='train')
        testset = MNIST(which_set='test')
    except NoDataPathError:
        raise SkipTest("PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH environment variable not defined")

    nvis = 784
    nhid = 20
    # Random initialization of RBM parameters
    w_hid = 10 * numpy.cast[theano.config.floatX](numpy.random.randn(nvis,
    b_vis = 10 * numpy.cast[theano.config.floatX](numpy.random.randn(nvis))
    b_hid = 10 * numpy.cast[theano.config.floatX](numpy.random.randn(nhid))

    # Initialization of RBM
    visible_layer = BinaryVector(nvis)
    hidden_layer = BinaryVectorMaxPool(detector_layer_dim=nhid, pool_size=1,
                                       layer_name='h', irange=0.1)
    rbm = DBM(100, visible_layer, [hidden_layer], 1)
    rbm.nvis = nvis
    rbm.nhid = nhid

    # Compute real logz and associated train_ll and test_ll using rbm_tools
    v_sample = T.matrix('v_sample')
    h_sample = T.matrix('h_sample')
    W = theano.shared(rbm.hidden_layers[0].get_weights())
    hbias = theano.shared(rbm.hidden_layers[0].get_biases())
    vbias = theano.shared(rbm.visible_layer.get_biases())

    wx_b = T.dot(v_sample, W) + hbias
    vbias_term = T.dot(v_sample, vbias)
    hidden_term = T.sum(T.log(1 + T.exp(wx_b)), axis=1)
    free_energy_v = -hidden_term - vbias_term
    free_energy_v_fn = theano.function(inputs=[v_sample],

    wh_c = T.dot(h_sample, W.T) + vbias
    hbias_term = T.dot(h_sample, hbias)
    visible_term = T.sum(T.log(1 + T.exp(wh_c)), axis=1)
    free_energy_h = -visible_term - hbias_term
    free_energy_h_fn = theano.function(inputs=[h_sample],

    real_logz = rbm_tools.compute_log_z(rbm, free_energy_h_fn)

    real_ais_train_ll = -rbm_tools.compute_nll(rbm,
                                               real_logz, free_energy_v_fn)
    real_ais_test_ll = -rbm_tools.compute_nll(rbm, testset.get_design_matrix(),
                                              real_logz, free_energy_v_fn)

    # Compute train_ll, test_ll and logz using dbm_metrics
    train_ll, test_ll, logz = dbm_metrics.estimate_likelihood([W],
                                                              [vbias, hbias],
    assert (real_logz - logz) < 2.0
    assert (real_ais_train_ll - train_ll) < 2.0
    assert (real_ais_test_ll - test_ll) < 2.0
#arg1: layer 1 model
#arg2: layer 2 model

import sys
from pylearn2.utils import serial

if len(sys.argv) == 5:
    l1, l2, idx, alpha = sys.argv[1:]

    l1 = serial.load(l1)
    l2 = serial.load(l2)

    from pylearn2.models.dbm import DBM

    dbm = DBM(negative_chains=1, monitor_params=0, rbms=[l2])

    from galatea.pddbm.pddbm import PDDBM, InferenceProcedure

    pddbm = PDDBM(dbm=dbm,
                  inference_procedure=InferenceProcedure(schedule=[['s', 1.],
                                                                   ['h', 1.],
                                                                   ['g', 0],
                                                                   ['h', 0.4],
                                                                   ['s', 0.4],
                                                                   ['h', 0.4],
                                                                   ['g', 0],
                                                                   ['h', 0.4],
                                                                   ['s', 0.4],
                                                                   ['h', 0.4],
                                                                   ['g', 0],
    def __init__(self):
        """ gets a small batch of data
            sets up a PD-DBM model with its DBM weights set to 0
            so that it represents the same distribution as an S3C
            Makes the S3C model it matches
            (Note that their learning rules don't match since the
            complete partition function of the S3C model is tractable
            but the PD-DBM has to approximate the h partition function
            via sampling)

        self.tol = 1e-5

        X = np.random.RandomState([1,2,3]).randn(1000,5)

        X -= X.mean()
        X /= X.std()
        m, D = X.shape
        N = 6
        N2 = 7

        self.X = X
        self.N = N
        self.N2 = N2
        self.m = m
        self.D = D

        s3c_for_pddbm = self.make_s3c()
        self.s3c = self.make_s3c()


        rbm = RBM(nvis = N, nhid = N2, irange = .0, init_bias_vis = -1.5, init_bias_hid = 6.)

        #don't give the model an inference procedure or learning rate so it won't spend years compiling a learn_func
        self.model = PDDBM(
                dbm = DBM(  use_cd = 1,
                            rbms = [ rbm  ]),
                s3c = s3c_for_pddbm


        self.inference_procedure = InferenceProcedure(
                    schedule = [ ['s',.1],   ['h',.1],   ['g',0, 0.2],   ['s', 0.2], ['h',0.2],
                                ['s',0.3], ['g',0,.3],   ['h',0.3], ['s',0.4], ['h',0.4],
                                ['g',0,.4],   ['s',0.4],  ['h',0.4],
                                ['g',0,.5],   ['s',0.5], ['h', 0.5], ['s',0.1],
                                ['h',0.5] ],
                    clip_reflections = True,
                    rho = .5 )

        self.e_step = make_e_step_from_inference_procedure(self.inference_procedure)



        #check that all the parameters match
        assert np.abs(self.s3c.W.get_value() - self.model.s3c.W.get_value()).max() == 0.0
        assert np.abs(self.s3c.bias_hid.get_value() - self.model.s3c.bias_hid.get_value()).max() == 0.0
        assert np.abs(self.s3c.alpha.get_value() - self.model.s3c.alpha.get_value()).max() == 0.0
        assert np.abs(self.s3c.mu.get_value() - self.model.s3c.mu.get_value()).max() == 0.0
        assert np.abs(self.s3c.B_driver.get_value() - self.model.s3c.B_driver.get_value()).max() == 0.0

        #check that the assumptions making these tests valid are met
        assert np.abs(self.model.dbm.W[0].get_value()).max() == 0.0