    def __GetWrapperFileName(cls, src):
        """Returns the C++ wrapper file name for the src.

      src: string: The interface file for which the output is generated.

      string: The output file name.
        return FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(src).replace('.i', '.swig.cc')
  def WriteMakefile(cls, specs, makefile):
    """Writes the auto make file for the given spec.
      specs: List of dict of type {target, target_type, src, urls, ...}.
          Each dict contains everything needed to build 'target'
      makefile: The (auto) makefile to generate.
    f = open(makefile, 'w')
    index = 0
    for item in specs:
      index += 1
      target = item['_target']
      target_bin = FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(target)

      f.write('\n# Srcs for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('NGE2E_SRC_%d = %s\n' %
              (index, str.join('\\\n  ', item.get('src', set()))))

      hostname = socket.gethostname()
      # read in the template and insert the proper javascript
      tmpl_f = open(Flags.ARGS.nge2e_template, 'r')
      tmpl_js = cls.GenerateTemplateJs(item.get('src'), item.get('deps'))
      tmpl = tmpl_f.read()
      test_html_content = tmpl.replace(Flags.ARGS.nge2e_replace_str, tmpl_js)

      timeout = item.get('timeout', Flags.ARGS.nge2e_timeout)
      # Write the target.
      f.write('\n%s' % target)
      f.write(': $(NGE2E_SRC_%d)\n' % (index))
      type = item.get('_type', 'invalid')
      if type == 'nge2e_test':
        # test name
        name = item['name']
        # write the test html
        test_html_fn = os.path.join(FileUtils.GetWebTestHtmlDir(), '%s.html' % name)
        test_html_f = open(test_html_fn, 'w')
        # the test url
        test_url = 'https://%s%s/%s.html' % (hostname, FileUtils.GetWebTestHtmlUrlPath(), name)
        f.write('\t@echo "Creating Test for %s "\n' % target)
        f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(dir %s)\n' % target_bin)
        f.write('\t@echo "# ng Unit Test for %s" > %s\n' % (target, target_bin))
        f.write('\t@echo \'%s %s "%d" \' >> %s\n' %
                (cls.PhantomJSCmd(), test_url, timeout, target_bin))
        f.write('\tchmod 754 %s\n' % target_bin)
        f.write('\t@ln -s -f %s $(BINDIR)/$(notdir $@)\n' % target_bin)
        f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(dir %s)\n' % test_html_fn)

        f.write('\t@echo "Created: %s"\n' % target_bin)

      f.write('\t@echo "Finished: $@"\n\n')
    def __GetLibFileName(cls, src, name):
        """Returns the .so file name for the shared lib
    the .so file name is determined by the swig module name
    if the swig file starts with %module my_module, the lib file name
    will be _my_module.so

      src: string: The interface file for which the output is generated.

      string: The output file name.
        bin_path = FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(src)
        return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(bin_path), '_%s.so' % name)
    def WriteMakefile(cls, specs, makefile):
        # TODO(edelman) modify this script to actually copy the file and simply
        #   do the rsync in the run component.
        # To add a file to build you need to AT LEAST make the following edits:
        #   create a new *_rules.py files. see pkg_rules.py for an example
        #   edit gen_makefile.py and add the new type to ResetMakeFiles, GenMakeFile,
        #   and GenAutoMakeFileFromRules (at the bottom). Then add the new AUTO_MAKEFILE_*
        #   variable in Makefile.template.
        #   In rules.py, add to the PARSED_RULE_TYPES and at the bottom, register the
        #     global functions to be executed for the rule.
        #   In build.py, edit the rules_map to include the new rule.
        #   If the rule can be run, add to the allowed_rule_types in run.py
        i = 1
        pkg_arg = ''
        if Flags.ARGS.pkg_version_path:
            pkg_arg += ' --pkg_version_path=%s ' % Flags.ARGS.pkg_version_path
        with open(makefile, 'w') as f:
            for spec in specs:
                pkg_flags = pkg_arg
                # check if the version is set. if so verify that it starts with numbers
                # and an underscore
                if Flags.ARGS.pkg_version_prefix:
                    if not re.match('^\d+_', Flags.ARGS.pkg_version_prefix):
                        raise Error(('pkg_version_prefix, %s, is invalid! must start with' +
                                     ' digits followed by underscore') \
                                    % Flags.ARGS.pkg_version_prefix)
                    pkg_flags += ' --pkg_version_prefix=%s ' % \

                target = spec['_target']
                target_bin = FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(target)
                f.write('\n%s:\n' % target)
                f.write('\t@echo "Creating package name %s"\n' % spec['name'])
                f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(dir %s)\n' % target_bin)
                    '\t@echo "$(SRCROOT)/prod/packager/packager.py %s %s" > %s\n'
                    % (target, pkg_flags, target_bin))
                f.write('\tchmod 754 %s\n' % target_bin)
                f.write('\t@ln -s -f %s $(BINDIR)/$(notdir $@)\n' % target_bin)
                f.write('\t@echo "Created: %s"\n' % target_bin)
                i += 1
  def _RunSingeRule(cls, rule, pipe_output):
    """Runs a Single Rule.

      rule: string: The rule to run.
      pipe_output: bool: Whether to pipe_output or dump it to STDOUT.

      (int, string): Returns a tuple of the result status and the rule.
          The status is '1' for success, '0' for 'ignore', '-1' for fail.
    TermColor.Info('Running %s' % Utils.RuleDisplayName(rule))
    start = time.time()
    bin_file = FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(rule)
    (status, out) = ExecUtils.RunCmd('%s %s' % (bin_file, Flags.ARGS.args),
                                     Flags.ARGS.timeout, pipe_output)
    if status:
      TermColor.Failure('Failed Rule: %s' % Utils.RuleDisplayName(rule))
      return (-1, rule)

    TermColor.Info('Ran %s. Took %.2fs' %
                   (Utils.RuleDisplayName(rule), (time.time() - start)))
    # Everything done. Mark the rule as successful.
    return (1, rule)
  def WriteMakefile(cls, specs, makefile):
    """Writes the auto make file for the given spec.
      specs: List of dict of type {target, target_type, src, urls, ...}.
          Each dict contains everything needed to build 'target'
      makefile: The (auto) makefile to generate.
    url_param = cls.UrlParam()
    f = open(makefile, 'w')
    index = 0
    for item in specs:
      index += 1
      target = item['_target']
      target_bin = FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(target)

      f.write('\n# Srcs for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('JS_SRC_%d = %s\n' %
              (index, str.join('\\\n  ', item.get('src', set()))))

      hostname = socket.gethostname()
      tests = set(item.get('test', set()))
      urls = []
      for test in tests:
        test_dict = {}
        test_dict['test'] = test
        if 'src' in item:
          test_dict['dep'] = ['/%s' % \
            FileUtils.FromAbsoluteToRepoRootPath(src) for src in item['src']]
          if test in test_dict['dep']:
        for url in item['urls']:
          components = url.split('#')
          unit = "&%s" % url_param
          # if empty string remove the ampersand
          if len(components) > 0 and not components[0]:
            unit = "%s" % url_param
          # if no url param add the question mark
          if len(url.split('?')) == 1:
            unit = "?%s" % url_param
          # equivalent to encodeuricomponent see:
          # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/946170/equivalent-javascript-functions-for-pythons-urllib-quote-and-urllib-unquote
          test_json = quote(json.dumps(test_dict), safe='~()*!.\'')
          # build the urls
          if len(components) == 1:
            urls.append('https://%s/%s%s=%s' % (hostname, components[0], unit,
          elif len(components) == 2:
            urls.append('https://%s/%s%s=%s#%s' % \
              (hostname, components[0], unit, test_json,
            TermColor.Fatal("Unable to parse URL: %s" % url)

      timeout = item.get('timeout', cls.GetDefaultTimeout())
      # Write the target.
      f.write('\n%s' % target)
      f.write(': $(JS_SRC_%d)\n' % (index))
      type = item.get('_type', 'invalid')
      if type == cls.GetTestType():
        f.write('\t@echo "Creating Test for %s "\n' % target)
        f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(dir %s)\n' % target_bin)
        f.write('\t@echo "# JS Test for %s" > %s\n' % (target, target_bin))
        for url in urls:
          f.write('\t@echo \'%s "%s" "%d" $$@\' >> %s\n' %
                  (cls.PhantomJSCmd(), url, timeout, target_bin))
        f.write('\tchmod 754 %s\n' % target_bin)
        f.write('\t@ln -s -f %s $(BINDIR)/$(notdir $@)\n' % target_bin)
        f.write('\t@echo "Created: %s"\n' % target_bin)

      f.write('\t@echo "Finished: $@"\n\n')
  def WriteMakefile(cls, specs, makefile):
    """Writes the auto make file for the given spec.

      specs: List of dict of type {target, target_type, src, hdr, flag, link, pack}.
        In each dict, 'src', 'hdr' 'flag' and 'link' contain everything needed to
        build 'target'
      makefile: The (auto) makefile to generate.
    f = open(makefile, 'w')
    f.write('\nCFLAGS = $(DEFAULT_CFLAGS) $(ENV_CFLAGS)\n')
    f.write('\nCCFLAGS = $(DEFAULT_CCFLAGS) $(ENV_CCFLAGS)\n')
    index = 0
    for item in specs:
      index += 1
      target = item['_target']
      target_bin = FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(target)
      target_name = os.path.basename(target)
      target_dep_dir = target_bin + '_deps'

      f.write('\n# Dep dir for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('CC_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d = %s\n' % (index, target_dep_dir))

      f.write('\n# Flags for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('CFLAGS_%d = %s\n' % (index, str.join(' ', item.get('flag', set()))))

      f.write('\n# Srcs for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('CC_SRC_%d = %s\n' % (index, str.join('\\\n  ', item.get('src', set()))))
      f.write('\nCC_SRC_C_%d = $(filter %%.c,$(CC_SRC_%d))\n' % (index, index))
      f.write('CC_SRC_CC_%d = $(filter %%.cc,$(CC_SRC_%d))\n' % (index, index))
      f.write('CC_SRC_CPP_%d = $(filter %%.cpp,$(CC_SRC_%d))\n' % (index, index))

      f.write('\n# Hdrs for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('CC_HDR_%d = %s\n' % (index, str.join('\\\n  ', item.get('hdr', set()))))

      f.write('\n# Libs for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('CC_LIB_%d = %s\n' % (index, str.join(' ', item.get('link', set()))))

      f.write('\n# Dependencies for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('CC_DEPS_FILE_%d = %s\n' %
              (index, cls.GetDepsFileName(makefile, target, '.auto.cc.')))

      f.write('\n# Objs for %s\n' % target)
      f.write('CC_OBJ_C_%d = $(addprefix $(CC_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d),$(CC_SRC_C_%d:.c=.o))\n' %
              (index, index, index))
      f.write('CC_OBJ_CC_%d = $(addprefix $(CC_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d),$(CC_SRC_CC_%d:.cc=.o))\n' %
              (index, index, index))
      f.write('CC_OBJ_CPP_%d = $(addprefix $(CC_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d),$(CC_SRC_CPP_%d:'
              '.cpp=.o))\n' %
              (index, index, index))

      f.write('\n$(CC_OBJ_C_%d) : $(CC_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d)%%.o: %%.c\n' % (index, index))
      f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@)\n')
      f.write('\t$(C) $(CFLAGS_%d) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<\n' % index)

      f.write('\n$(CC_OBJ_CC_%d) : $(CC_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d)%%.o: %%.cc\n' % (index, index))
      f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@)\n')
      f.write('\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS_%d) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<\n' % index)

      f.write('\n$(CC_OBJ_CPP_%d) : $(CC_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d)%%.o: %%.cpp\n' %
              (index, index))
      f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@)\n')
      f.write('\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS_%d) $(CCFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<\n' % index)

      # Write the target.
      f.write('\n%s : $(CC_OBJ_C_%d) $(CC_OBJ_CC_%d) $(CC_OBJ_CPP_%d) $(CC_HDR_%d)\n' %
              (target, index, index, index, index))
      type = item.get('_type', 'invalid')
      if type == 'cc_bin' or type == 'cc_test':
        flags = '$(CFLAGS)' if item.get('bin_type', 'cc') == 'c' else '$(CCFLAGS)'
        f.write('\t@echo "Linking %s "\n' % target)
        f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(BINDIR)\n')
        f.write('\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS_%d) %s -o %s '
                '$(filter %%.o, $^) $(DEFAULT_LIBS) $(CC_LIB_%d)\n' %
                (index, flags, target_bin, index))
        f.write('\t@ln -s -f %s $(BINDIR)/$(notdir $@)\n' % target_bin)
        pack = item.get('pack', 0)
        if pack == 1:
          f.write('\t@echo -n "Packing "\n'
                  '\t$(SRCROOT)/public/bin/codebase/package %s\n' % target_bin)
        elif pack == 2:
          record_access_file = os.path.join(target_dep_dir, target_name + '.files')
          f.write('\t@echo -n "Packing "\n')
          f.write('\t%s --r77_run_main=false --record_file_access '
                  '--record_file_access_output=%s\n' %
                  (target_bin, record_access_file))
          f.write('\t$(SRCROOT)/public/bin/codebase/package %s $(shell cat %s)\n' %
                  (target_bin, record_access_file))

        f.write('\t@echo "Created: %s"\n' % target_bin)
      elif type == 'cc_shared':
        target_lib_name = '_%s.so' % target_name
        target_lib = target_bin.replace(target_name, target_lib_name)
        flags = '$(CFLAGS)' if item.get('bin_type', 'cc') == 'c' else '$(CCFLAGS)'
        f.write('\t@echo "Linking %s "\n' % target)
        f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(BINDIR)\n')
        f.write('\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS_%d) -shared %s -o %s '
                '$(filter %%.o, $^) $(DEFAULT_LIBS) $(CC_LIB_%d)\n' %
                (index, flags, target_lib, index))

      f.write('\t@echo "Finished: $@"\n\n')

      # makedepend rule
              '\t@echo "Building dependency files..."\n'
              '\t@makedepend -p$(CC_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d) -f$(CC_DEPS_FILE_%d) '
              '$(MAKEDEPEND_ARGS) -- $(CFLAGS_%d) -- $(CC_SRC_%d) $(CC_HDR_%d)' %
              (cls.GetDepsRuleName(target), index, index, index, index, index))

    def WriteMakefile(cls, specs, makefile):
        """Writes the auto make file for the given spec.

      specs: List of dict of type {target, target_type, src, hdr, flag, link, pack}.
        In each dict, 'src', 'hdr' 'flag' and 'link' contain everything needed to
        build 'target'
      makefile: The (auto) makefile to generate.
        f = open(makefile, 'w')
        index = 0
        for item in specs:
            index += 1
            target = item['_target']

            target_bin = FileUtils.GetBinPathForFile(target)
            target_dep_dir = target_bin + '_deps'

            f.write('\n# Dep dir for %s\n' % target)
            f.write('PY_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d = %s\n' % (index, target_dep_dir))

            f.write('\n# Srcs for %s\n' % target)
            main = str.join('\\\n  ', item.get('main', set()))
            srcs = str.join('\\\n  ', item.get('src', set()))
            f.write('PY_SRC_%d = %s\n' %
                    (index, str.join('\\\n  ', [main, srcs])))

            # Write the target.
            f.write('\n%s' % target)
            f.write(': $(PY_SRC_%d)\n' % (index))
            type = item.get('_type', 'invalid')
            if type == 'py_bin' or type == 'py_test':
                f.write('\t@echo "Creating Executable for %s "\n' % target)
                f.write('\t@mkdir -p $(PY_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d)\n' % index)
                if type == 'py_bin':
                    prebuild_commands = item.get('prebuild', [])
                    for prebuild_command in prebuild_commands:
                            '\t@echo "Running prebuild script %s for %s "\n' %
                            (prebuild_command, target))
                        f.write('\t@%s\n' % prebuild_command)
                    f.write('\t@pushd $(PY_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d);' % index)
                        '\tR77_SRC_ROOT=$(SRCROOT) $(PY) %s --onefile '
                        '--paths $(PYTHON_PATHS) '
                        '--out $(PY_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d) --name=$(notdir $@) '
                        '--additional-hooks-dir=$(SRCROOT)/pylib/pyinstaller/hooks '
                        '$(PY_SRC_%d);' % (cls.GetPyInstaller(), index, index))
                    f.write('\tpopd \n')
                        '\t@cp $(PY_TARGET_DEP_DIR_%d)/dist/$(notdir $@) %s\n'
                        % (index, target_bin))
                    if item.get('pack', 0) == 1:
                        f.write('\t@echo -n "Packing "\n'
                                '\t$(SRCROOT)/scripts/package %s\n' %
                elif type == 'py_test':
                    f.write('\t@echo "# Python Test for %s" > %s\n' %
                            (target, target_bin))
                        '\t@echo "export PYTHONPATH=$(PYTHON_PATHS)" >> %s\n' %
                    f.write('\t@echo \'python %s $$@\' >> %s\n' %
                            (main, target_bin))
                    f.write('\tchmod 754 %s\n' % target_bin)
                f.write('\t@ln -s -f %s $(BINDIR)/$(notdir $@)\n' % target_bin)
                f.write('\t@echo "Created: %s"\n' % target_bin)

            f.write('\t@echo "Finished: $@"\n\n')