def run(oldpath, newpath): """ Runs the 16th basic test suite. Tests: creating a raster with interpolation using the 'new' non-spatial mode """ inputSPD = os.path.join(oldpath, INPUT_SPD) outputDEM = os.path.join(newpath, OUTPUT_DEM) data = spatial.readLidarPoints(inputSPD, classification=lidarprocessor.CLASSIFICATION_GROUND) (xMin, yMax, ncols, nrows) = spatial.getGridInfoFromData(data['X'], data['Y'], BINSIZE) pxlCoords = spatial.getBlockCoordArrays(xMin, yMax, ncols, nrows, BINSIZE) dem = interpolation.interpGrid(data['X'], data['Y'], data['Z'], pxlCoords, method='pynn') iw = spatial.ImageWriter(outputDEM, tlx=xMin, tly=yMax, binSize=BINSIZE) iw.setLayer(dem) iw.close() utils.compareImageFiles(os.path.join(oldpath, OUTPUT_DEM), outputDEM)
def interpGroundReturns(data): # if given a list of fields, returns a structured array with all of them ptVals = data.input.getPoints(colNames=['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'CLASSIFICATION']) # create mask for ground mask = ptVals['CLASSIFICATION'] == lidarprocessor.CLASSIFICATION_GROUND # get the coords for this block pxlCoords = if ptVals.shape[0] > 0: # there is data for this block xVals = ptVals['X'][mask] yVals = ptVals['Y'][mask] zVals = ptVals['Z'][mask] # 'pynn' needs the pynnterp module installed out = interpolation.interpGrid(xVals, yVals, zVals, pxlCoords, method='pynn') # mask out where interpolation failed invalid = numpy.isnan(out) out[invalid] = 0 else: # no data - set to zero out = numpy.empty(pxlCoords[0].shape, dtype=numpy.float64) out.fill(0) out = numpy.expand_dims(out, axis=0) data.imageOut.setData(out)
def doInterp(minfilteredimage, outinterpimage, controlPtArray): inImage = gdal.Open(minfilteredimage) nCols = inImage.RasterXSize nRows = inImage.RasterYSize geotransform = inImage.GetGeoTransform() resolution = geotransform[1] xmin = numpy.floor(geotransform[0]) xmax = numpy.ceil((xmin + (nCols * resolution)) + resolution) ymax = numpy.ceil(geotransform[3]) ymin = numpy.floor((ymax - (nRows * resolution)) - resolution) print(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, resolution) print(geotransform) proj = inImage.GetProjection() nulVal = inImage.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() z = ((inImage.GetRasterBand(1)).ReadAsArray()) x = ((inImage.GetRasterBand(2)).ReadAsArray()) y = ((inImage.GetRasterBand(3)).ReadAsArray()) filteredOutMask = (z == nulVal) mz =, mask=filteredOutMask).compressed() mx =, mask=filteredOutMask).compressed() my =, mask=filteredOutMask).compressed() # Generate a regular grid to interpolate the data. xi = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax - resolution, nCols) yi = numpy.linspace(ymin, ymax - resolution, nRows) xi, yi = numpy.meshgrid(xi, yi) # ## Interpolate the values of z for all points in the rectangular grid # ## Method 1 - Interpolate by matplotlib delaunay triangularizatio and nearest neigh. PLEASE NOTE! THIS FAILS QUITE OFTEN ( But there might be a solution - install mpl_toolkits.natgrid ( # #zi = ml.griddata(mx,my,mz,xi,yi,interp='nn') #interpolation is 'nn' by default (natural neighbour based on delaunay triangulation) but 'linear' is faster (see #surfaceImg = numpy.flipud(zi) #use the pylidar natural neighbour interpolation routine surfaceImg = interpolation.interpGrid(mx, my, mz, (xi, yi), 'pynn') surfaceImg = numpy.flipud(surfaceImg) #elif cmdargs.interp == 'mann': #zi = ml.griddata(mx,my,mz,xi,yi,interp='nn') #interpolation is 'nn' by default (natural neighbour based on delaunay triangulation) but 'linear' is faster (see #surfaceImg = numpy.flipud(zi) saveImage(outinterpimage, surfaceImg, xmin, ymax, resolution, proj, nulVal) xyAtControl = controlPtArray[:, :2] zAtControl = controlPtArray[:, 2] interpzAtControl = pynninterp.NaturalNeighbourPts(mx.astype(numpy.float64), my.astype(numpy.float64), mz.astype(numpy.float64), xyAtControl) zDiff = zAtControl - interpzAtControl outf = open('controlCompare_noMed_20151125.csv', 'w') for i in range(len(zAtControl)): outf.write("{},{},{}\n".format(interpzAtControl[i], zAtControl[i], zDiff[i])) outf.close()