    def setUp(self):
        # from error logs:
        self.all_points = np.array([[0.89, 2.87, 1.22],
                                    [2.12000000001, 0.0, 1.5],
                                    [5.83999999999, 2.5499998, 1.37999999],
                                    [5.83999999999, 4.6399997, 1.57000001],
                                    [0.100000000001, 3.0, 1.48],
                                    [0.100000000001, 4.20000000002, 1.5],
                                    [2.879999999999, 3.33999999999, 0.75],
                                    [5.759999999998, 3.46, 1.0],
                                    [3.54, 6.8700001, 1.139999]])
        self.anchors = self.all_points[1:, :]
        self.xhat = [0.8947106, 2.87644499, 1.22189597]

        distances = [
            1.1530589508606381, 1.6797066823110891, 1.1658051261713582,
            0.42021624764667165, 1.1196561208517539, 0.44373006779135082,
            1.3051970883541162, 2.6628083049963136
        [M, d] = self.anchors.shape
        N = M + 1
        self.edm = np.zeros((N, N))
        self.edm[1:, 1:] = get_edm(self.anchors)
        self.edm[0, 1:] = np.array(distances)**2.0
        self.edm[1:, 0] = np.array(distances)**2.0

        weights = [10.0, 1.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 1.0]
        self.weights = np.zeros((N, N))
        self.weights[1:, 1:] = 10.0
        self.weights[0, 1:] = weights
        self.weights[1:, 0] = weights
def completion_dwmds(edm, X0, W=None, tol=1e-10, sweeps=100):
    """ Complete an denoise EDM using dwMDS. 

    The idea here is to simply run reconstruct_dwmds for a few iterations, 
    yieding a position estimate, which can in turn be used 
    to get a completed and denoised edm. 

    :param edm: noisy matrix (NxN) 
    :param X0: starting points (Nxd) 
    :param W: optional weight matrix. 
    :param tol: Stopping criterion of iterative algorithm.
    :param sweeps: Maximum number of sweeps. 
    from .algorithms import reconstruct_dwmds
    Xhat, costs = reconstruct_dwmds(edm, X0, W, n=1, tol=tol, sweeps=sweeps)
    return get_edm(Xhat)
 def create_edm(self):
     from pylocus.basics import get_edm
     self.edm = get_edm(self.points)