def demo():
    print 'demo for using lpsolve...'

    print 'using lpsolve to solve the problem..'
    lp = LP()
    ##Specify constaints
    lp.addConstraint([[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 2]], "<=", [3, 4])
    # Force the first variable to be integer-valued

    ##all variables
    lp.setBinary([0, 1, 2])

    #set objective
    lp.setObjective([1, 1, 1], mode='minimize')

    ##return = lpsolve('set_binary', lp, column, must_be_bin)

    ##print out the solution
    print lp.getSolution()
def lpsolve_infer(ims, prev_boxes, cur_boxes, next_boxes, fw_masks, cur_masks,
                  bw_masks, shift_arr):
    picked_boxes = []
    picked_masks = []
    y_labels = []
    ave_iou = []
    frm_num = len(fw_masks)

    ## calculate the pairwise items based on maskIoU
    pairwise_arr = get_pairwise_arr(ims, prev_boxes, cur_boxes, next_boxes,
                                    fw_masks, cur_masks, bw_masks, shift_arr)

    tmp_masks = []
    for frm_id in xrange(frm_num):
    all_masks = np.asarray(tmp_masks)

    tmp_bboxes = []
    for frm_id in xrange(frm_num):
    all_boxes = np.asarray(tmp_bboxes)

    ##====================================================== Construct Graph begining============================================================##
    ##(0)set up parameters:
    edge_num = frm_num * 9 - 3
    node_num = frm_num * 3 + 2
    var_len = edge_num + node_num

    ##(1)set node and edge index
    ## 1.1 val_indexes
    val_indexes = np.zeros(var_len, dtype=int)
    for val_id in xrange(var_len):
        val_indexes[val_id] = val_id

    ##------------------------------------------------------------node indexes------------------------------------------------------------
    ##1.2 node_indexes
    node_indexes = np.zeros(node_num, dtype=int)
    node_indexes[0] = 0  #source node
    node_indexes[-1] = var_len - 1  #sink node

    ##1.2.1 (indexes of(node) in val_indexes)
    for frm_id in xrange(frm_num):
        node_id1 = frm_id * 12 + 4

        if frm_id == frm_num - 1:  ##last frame
            node_id2 = node_id1 + 1
            node_id3 = node_id1 + 2
            node_id2 = node_id1 + 4  ## other frames
            node_id3 = node_id1 + 8
        t_nodes = [node_id1, node_id2, node_id3]

        ##1.2.2 (indexes of (node)in node_indexes)
        t_id1 = (frm_id + 1) * 3 - 2
        t_id3 = t_id1 + 2
        node_indexes[t_id1:t_id3 + 1] = t_nodes

    ##--------------------------------------------------------------edge indexes--------------------------------------------------------
    ##1.3 edge_indexes
    edge_indexes = np.asarray(list(set(val_indexes) - set(node_indexes)))

    ##-------------------------------------------------------------Coeficient vector-----------------------------------------------------
    ##(2) set cofficent vector
    coef_vec = np.zeros((var_len))

    ##2.1 node cofficient
    coef_vec[node_indexes] = 1  ##set all the node(unary term) as 1

    ##2.2 edge cofficient
    coef_vec[1:4] = 1  #the first three edges linked to the source node
    coef_vec[-4:-1] = 1  #the last three edges linked to the sink node

    ##set up pairwise term(edges)
    pairwise_indexes = edge_indexes[3:-3]
    coef_vec[pairwise_indexes] = pairwise_arr

    print 'pairwise_indexes:', pairwise_indexes
    print pairwise_indexes.shape
    print 'pairwise_arr:', pairwise_arr
    print pairwise_arr.shape

    ##=================================================================Equation constraints========================##
    ## AX=B
    equ_num = 2 + (
    ) * 3 * 2  ## 2 for first and last node(with 3 edges) +  frm_num*6 for every frame(3 nodes with each one with 2)

    ##(3) set A Matrix
    a_mat = np.zeros((equ_num, var_len))

          1:4] = 1  ## three edges flow out from the source node   x1+x2+x3=1
        -1, -4:
        -1] = 1  ## three edges flow into the sink node       x(-1)+x(-2)+x(-3)=1

    ##the first three edges and the three nodes(in the frist frame)
    a_mat[1, 1] = a_mat[2, 2] = a_mat[3, 3] = -1  #x1=x4, x2=x8, x3=x12
    a_mat[1, 4] = a_mat[2, 8] = a_mat[3, 12] = 1

    ##the last three edges and the three nodes(in the last frame)
    a_mat[equ_num - 4, var_len -
          4] = a_mat[equ_num - 3, var_len -
                     3] = a_mat[equ_num - 2, var_len -
                                2] = 1  #x(-1)=x(-4), x(-2)=x(-8), x(-3)=x(-12)
    a_mat[equ_num - 4,
          var_len - 7] = a_mat[equ_num - 3,
                               var_len - 6] = a_mat[equ_num - 2,
                                                    var_len - 5] = -1

    ##outflow constraints(1 node to 3 edges)
    row_idx = 4
    for frm_id in xrange(frm_num - 1):
        t_base = frm_id * 3 + 1
        for idx in xrange(3):
            t_id = [t_base + idx]
            src_node_idx = node_indexes[t_id]
            brh_edge_idxes = val_indexes[int(src_node_idx +
                                             1):int(src_node_idx + 4)]
            a_mat[row_idx, src_node_idx] = -1
            a_mat[row_idx, brh_edge_idxes] = 1
            row_idx = row_idx + 1

    ##inflow constraints(3 edges to 1 node)
    for frm_id in xrange(frm_num - 1):
        t_edge_base = frm_id * 9 + 3

        frm_id1 = frm_id + 1
        t_node_base = frm_id1 * 3 + 1  ##node base
        for idx in xrange(3):
            t_node_id = [t_node_base + idx]
            dest_node_idx = node_indexes[t_node_id]
            t_edge_id = [t_edge_base + idx]
            src_edge_id = edge_indexes[t_edge_id][0]
            src_edge_idxes = np.asarray(
                [src_edge_id, src_edge_id + 4, src_edge_id + 8])
            a_mat[row_idx, dest_node_idx] = -1
            a_mat[row_idx, src_edge_idxes] = 1
            row_idx = row_idx + 1

    ##4. set B Vector
    b_vec = np.zeros(equ_num)
    b_vec[0] = b_vec[-1] = 1

    lp = LP()
    lp.addConstraint(a_mat, "=", b_vec)

    # ##all variables

    # #set objective
    lp.setObjective(coef_vec, mode='maximize')

    val_y = lp.getSolution()

    ## map choosen nodes
    chosen_nodes = val_y[node_indexes]
    y = np.where(chosen_nodes[1:-1] > 0)[0]
    y_labels = np.asarray(y)
    picked_masks = all_masks[y_labels]
    picked_boxes = all_boxes[y_labels]

    ## calculate the edge iou.
    chosen_edges = val_y[edge_indexes]
    e = np.where(chosen_edges[3:-3] > 0)[0]
    e_labels = np.asarray(e)
    ave_iou = np.sum(pairwise_arr[e_labels]) / (frm_num - 1)
    print 'average iou:', ave_iou
    print 'y_label:', y_labels
    return picked_boxes, picked_masks, y_labels, ave_iou