def detail_view(request, term=None): error_msg = _("Unknown lexicon term.") if term in ("", None): # e.g.: term not in url or GET parameter 'empty' if settings.DEBUG or request.user.is_staff: error_msg += " (No term given.)" messages.error(request, error_msg) return queryset = LexiconEntry.on_site.filter(is_public=True) queryset = queryset.filter(term=term) entry, tried_languages = LexiconEntry.objects.get_by_prefered_language(request, queryset) if entry is None: if settings.DEBUG or request.user.is_staff or settings.PYLUCID.I18N_DEBUG: error_msg += " (term: %r, tried languages: %s)" % (term, ", ".join([l.code for l in tried_languages])) messages.error(request, error_msg) return summary(request) new_url = i18n.assert_language(request, entry.language, check_url_language=True) if new_url: # the current language is not the same as entry language -> redirect to right url # e.g. someone followed a external link to this article, but his preferred language # is a other language as this article. Activate the article language and "reload" return http.HttpResponseRedirect(new_url) # if entry.language != request.PYLUCID.current_language: # # The item exist in a other language than the client preferred language # msg = _( # "Info: This lexicon entry is written in %(article_lang)s." # " However you prefer %(client_lang)s." # ) % { # "article_lang": entry.language.description, # "client_lang": request.PYLUCID.current_language.description, # } # if settings.DEBUG or request.user.is_staff or settings.PYLUCID.I18N_DEBUG: # msg += "(tried languages: %s)" % ", ".join([l.code for l in tried_languages]) #, msg) _add_breadcrumb(request, title="%s: %s" % (entry.term, entry.short_definition), url=request.path) # Change permalink from the blog root page to this entry detail view permalink = entry.get_permalink(request) request.PYLUCID.context["page_permalink"] = permalink # for e.g. the HeadlineAnchor # Add comments in this view to the current lexicon entry and not to PageMeta request.PYLUCID.object2comment = entry # For adding page update information into context by pylucid context processor request.PYLUCID.updateinfo_object = entry context = {"entry": entry, "page_permalink": permalink} # Change the permalink in the global page template return context
def detail_view(request, id, title): """ Display one blog entry with a comment form. """ # Get all blog entries, that the current user can see queryset = _get_queryset(request, filter_language=False) try: entry = queryset.get(pk=id) except BlogEntry.DoesNotExist: # It's possible that the user comes from a external link. msg = "Blog entry doesn't exist." if settings.DEBUG or request.user.is_staff: msg += " (ID %r wrong.)" % id messages.error(request, msg) return summary(request) new_url = i18n.assert_language(request, entry.language) if new_url: # the current language is not the same as entry language -> redirect to right url # e.g. someone followed a external link to this article, but his preferred language # is a other language as this article. Activate the article language and "reload" return http.HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(new_url) # Add link to the breadcrumbs ;) _add_breadcrumb(request, entry.headline, _("Article '%s'") % entry.headline) tag_cloud = BlogEntry.objects.get_tag_cloud(request) # Change permalink from the blog root page to this entry detail view permalink = entry.get_permalink(request) request.PYLUCID.context["page_permalink"] = permalink # for e.g. the HeadlineAnchor # Add comments in this view to the current blog entry and not to PageMeta request.PYLUCID.object2comment = entry # For adding page update information into context by pylucid context processor request.PYLUCID.updateinfo_object = entry context = { "page_title": entry.headline, # Change the global title with blog headline "entry": entry, "tag_cloud": tag_cloud, "CSS_PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME": settings.PYLUCID.CSS_PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME, "page_permalink": permalink, # Change the permalink in the global page template } return context
e.g: en + de exists as languages user prefered de and called /en/foobar foobar does only exist in en not in de """ if entry is None: # Entry not found -> Display summary with error message as 404 page if settings.DEBUG or request.user.is_staff or settings.PYLUCID.I18N_DEBUG: error_msg += " (term: %r, tried languages: %s)" % (term, ", ".join([l.code for l in tried_languages])) messages.error(request, error_msg) response = summary(request) response.status_code = 404 # Send as 404 page, so that search engines doesn't index this. return response new_url = i18n.assert_language(request, entry.language, check_url_language=True) if new_url: # the current language is not the same as entry language -> redirect to right url # e.g. someone followed a external link to this article, but his preferred language # is a other language as this article. Activate the article language and "reload" return http.HttpResponseRedirect(new_url) # if entry.language != request.PYLUCID.current_language: # # The item exist in a other language than the client preferred language # msg = _( # "Info: This lexicon entry is written in %(article_lang)s." # " However you prefer %(client_lang)s." # ) % { # "article_lang": entry.language.description, # "client_lang": request.PYLUCID.current_language.description, # }
user prefered de and called /en/foobar foobar does only exist in en not in de """ if entry is None: # Entry not found -> Display summary with error message as 404 page if settings.DEBUG or request.user.is_staff or settings.PYLUCID.I18N_DEBUG: error_msg += " (term: %r, tried languages: %s)" % (term, ", ".join( [l.code for l in tried_languages])) messages.error(request, error_msg) response = summary(request) response.status_code = 404 # Send as 404 page, so that search engines doesn't index this. return response new_url = i18n.assert_language(request, entry.language, check_url_language=True) if new_url: # the current language is not the same as entry language -> redirect to right url # e.g. someone followed a external link to this article, but his preferred language # is a other language as this article. Activate the article language and "reload" return http.HttpResponseRedirect(new_url) # if entry.language != request.PYLUCID.current_language: # # The item exist in a other language than the client preferred language # msg = _( # "Info: This lexicon entry is written in %(article_lang)s." # " However you prefer %(client_lang)s." # ) % { # "article_lang": entry.language.description,