    def get_cmc_targets(self, max_days):
        cmc = Pymarketcap()
        recent = cmc.recently()
        targets = []
        for r in recent:
            if r['added'] == 'Today':
                days_old = 0
                days_old = int(r['added'].replace(' days ago', ''))
            if days_old < max_days:

                    'symbol': r['symbol'],
                    'days_old': days_old,
                    'volume_24h': r['volume_24h'],
                    'market_cap': r['market_cap'],
        return targets
def coinMarketCapData():
    from pymarketcap import Pymarketcap
    coinmarketcap = Pymarketcap()
    symbols = coinmarketcap.symbols

    # ###### Set initial Date/Time.. Will be setting throughout

    # In[45]:

    #Pulls date and time information
    moment = time.strftime("%Y-%b-%d__%H_%M_%S", time.localtime())
    today = pd.Timestamp("today").strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
    hh = pd.Timestamp("today").strftime("%H")
    mm = pd.Timestamp("today").strftime("%M")

    # ###### Coinmarketcap statistics - up to date 1/14/2018

    # In[47]:

        stats = coinmarketcap.stats()
        stats = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=[0])

        stats['Date'] = today
        stats['Hour'] = hh
        stats['Minute'] = mm
        stats['Now'] = pd.Timestamp("today")

        stats.to_csv('Coinmarketcap/boom/stats/stats_' + moment + '.csv',
        print("Look at all those stats 0.o")
        print("*NO STATS GATHERED*")

    # ###### Coin Data - Updated 1/14/2018

    # In[49]:

        from pymarketcap import Pymarketcap
        coinmarketcap = Pymarketcap()
        ticker = coinmarketcap.ticker(limit=1500, convert="BTC")
        ticker = pd.DataFrame(ticker)

        ticker['Date'] = today
        ticker['Hour'] = hh
        ticker['Minute'] = mm
        ticker['Now'] = pd.Timestamp("today")

        ticker.to_csv('Coinmarketcap/boom/coins/coins_' + moment + '.csv',
        print("Chaaaa-CHING! The coin data is in")

    # ###### Coin exchange info for each token - Updated 1/14/2018

    # In[ ]:

    for coin2 in symbols:
            from pymarketcap import Pymarketcap
            coinmarketcap = Pymarketcap()
            markets = coinmarketcap.markets(coin2)
            markets = pd.DataFrame(markets['markets'])

            markets['Date'] = today
            markets['Hour'] = hh
            markets['Minute'] = mm
            markets['Now'] = pd.Timestamp("today")

            markets.to_csv('Coinmarketcap/boom/markets/markets_' + coin2 +
                           '_' + moment + '.csv',
            print("No market data was captured for ", coin2)
    print("I hear the exchange trades from here.. exchange data collected :)")

    # ###### Gainers and Losers (1h, 24h, 7d) - Updated 1/14/2018

    # ###### ******Currently no 7d Gainers being captured******

    # ###### New coins - Updated 1/14/2018

    # In[102]:

    #Set date and time
    today = pd.Timestamp("today").strftime("%m/%d/%Y")
    hh = pd.Timestamp("today").strftime("%H")
    mm = pd.Timestamp("today").strftime("%M")
    moment = time.strftime("%Y-%b-%d__%H_%M_%S", time.localtime())

    data = coinmarketcap.recently()
    data = pd.DataFrame(data)


    data['Date'] = today
    data['Hour'] = hh
    data['Minute'] = mm
    data['days_ago'] = data['added'].str.extract('(\d.)', expand=True)
    data['Now'] = pd.Timestamp("today")
    data['days_ago'] = data['days_ago'].apply(pd.to_numeric)
    data['Date_Added'] = data['Now'] - pd.to_timedelta(data['days_ago'],
    data['Date_Added'] = data['Date_Added'].dt.date

    #Reimport due to naming issues
    from pymarketcap import Pymarketcap
    coinmarketcap = Pymarketcap()

    #Get Market date for new coins
    for coin2 in data["symbol"]:
            markets = coinmarketcap.markets(coin2)
            markets = pd.DataFrame(markets['markets'])

            #add 'Today' 'Hour' and 'minutes' column
            markets['Date'] = today
            markets['Hour'] = hh
            markets['Minute'] = mm
            markets['Now'] = pd.Timestamp("today")

            #Save CSV
            markets.to_csv('Coinmarketcap/boom/markets/new/markerts_' + coin2 +
                           '_' + moment + '.csv',
            print("Market info for new coin", coin2, " captured!")
            print("************ERROR COIN", coin2,
                  "DATA NOT CAPUTRED*************")

        ###Upload datafile

    data.to_csv('Coinmarketcap/boom/new/new_' + moment + '.csv', sep=',')
    print("Gotta catch all the new coins!")
class TestScraperCoinmarketcap(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for Coinmarketcap Api commands. 
    These will fail in the absence of an internet 
    connection or if Coinmarketcap API goes down.
    def setUp(self):
        self.coinmarketcap = Pymarketcap()

    def test_endpoints(self):
        from requests import get

        endpoints = [
            'currencies/%s/' % config.COIN_NAME,
                 % config.COIN_NAME,
            'exchanges/%s/' % config.EXCHANGE,
        base_url = self.coinmarketcap.web_url

        for e in endpoints:
            _status_code = get(base_url + e).status_code
            self.assertEqual(_status_code, 200)

    def test_markets(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.markets(config.COIN)
        value_types = {
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            '24h_volume_usd': int,
            'percent_volume': Decimal,
            'pair': str,
            'exchange': str

        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        self.assertIs(len(actual) > 0, True)
        for source in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(source), dict)
            for key, value in source.items():
                self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

    def test_ranks(self):
        temps = ['1h', '24h', '7d']
        queries = ['gainers', 'losers']
        value_types = {
            'percent_change': Decimal,
            '24h_volume_usd': int,
            'symbol': str,
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            'name': str

        actual = self.coinmarketcap.ranks()

        self.assertIs(type(actual), dict)
        for q, temp in actual.items():
            self.assertIn(q, queries)
            self.assertIs(type(temp), dict)
            for t, data in temp.items():
                self.assertIn(t, temps)
                self.assertIs(type(data), list)
                self.assertIs(len(data) > 0, True)
                for d in data:
                    self.assertIs(type(d), dict)
                    for key, value in d.items():
                        self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

        # Test invalid argument
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

    def test_historical(self):
        from datetime import datetime
        value_types = {
            'close': Decimal,
            'low': Decimal,
            'usd_volume': int,
            'open': Decimal,
            'usd_market_cap': int,
            'high': Decimal,
            'date': datetime

        actual = self.coinmarketcap.historical(config.COIN,
                                               datetime(2017, 9, 30),
                                               datetime(2017, 10, 10))
        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        for tick in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(tick), dict)
            for key, value in tick.items():
                self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

    def test_recently(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.recently()
        value_types = {
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            'mineable': bool,
            'symbol': str,
            'usd_market_cap': [str, int],
            'circulating_supply': [str, int],
            'volume_24h_usd': [str, int],
            'days_ago': [str, int],
            'name': str
        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        for c in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(c), dict)
            for key, value in c.items():
                if type(value_types[key]) is list:
                    self.assertIn(type(value), value_types[key])
                    self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

    def test_exchange(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.exchange(config.EXCHANGE)
        value_types = {
            'market': str,
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            'rank': int,
            'volume_24h_usd': int,
            'name': str,
            'perc_volume': Decimal

        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        for market in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(market), dict)
            for key, value in market.items():
                self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

    def test_exchanges(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.exchanges()
        value_types = {
            'market': str,
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            'rank': int,
            'volume_24h_usd': int,
            'name': str,
            'perc_volume': Decimal,
            'perc_change': Decimal

        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        for exch in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(exch), dict)
            for key, value in exch.items():
                if key in ('rank', 'volume_usd'):
                    self.assertIs(type(value), int)
                elif key == 'name':
                    self.assertIs(type(value), str)
                elif key == 'markets':
                    self.assertIs(type(value), list)
                    for m in value:
                        self.assertIs(type(m), dict)
                        for _key, _value in m.items():
                            self.assertIs(type(_value), value_types[_key])

    def test_exchange_names(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.exchange_names
        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
class TestScraperCoinmarketcap(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for Coinmarketcap Api commands.
    These will fail in the absence of an internet
    connection or if coinmarketcap.com goes down.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestScraperCoinmarketcap, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.coinmarketcap = Pymarketcap()
        self.config = ConfigTest()

    def tearDown(self):
        # Prevent to many requests error in tests

    def test_markets(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.markets(self.config.COIN)
        value_types = {
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            '24h_volume_usd': int,
            'percent_volume': Decimal,
            'pair': str,
            'exchange': str,
            'updated': bool

        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        self.assertIs(len(actual) > 0, True)
        for source in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(source), dict)
            for key, value in source.items():
                self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

    def test_ranks(self):
        temps = ['1h', '24h', '7d']
        queries = ['gainers', 'losers']
        value_types = {
            'percent_change': Decimal,
            '24h_volume_usd': int,
            'symbol': str,
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            'name': str

        actual = self.coinmarketcap.ranks()

        self.assertIs(type(actual), dict)
        for q, temp in actual.items():
            self.assertIn(q, queries)
            self.assertIs(type(temp), dict)
            for t, data in temp.items():
                self.assertIn(t, temps)
                self.assertIs(type(data), list)
                self.assertIs(len(data) > 0, True)
                for d in data:
                    self.assertIs(type(d), dict)
                    for key, value in d.items():
                        self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

        # Test invalid argument
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

    def test_historical(self):
        from datetime import datetime
        value_types = {
            'close': Decimal,
            'low': Decimal,
            'usd_volume': int,
            'open': Decimal,
            'usd_market_cap': int,
            'high': Decimal,
            'date': datetime

        actual = self.coinmarketcap.historical(self.config.COIN,
                                               datetime(2017, 9, 30),
                                               datetime(2017, 10, 10))
        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        for tick in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(tick), dict)
            for key, value in tick.items():
                self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

    def test_recently(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.recently()
        value_types = {
            'price_usd': [Decimal, str],
            'mineable': bool,
            'symbol': str,
            'usd_market_cap': [str, int],
            'circulating_supply': [str, int],
            'volume_24h_usd': [str, int],
            'days_ago': [str, int],
            'name': str,
        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        for c in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(c), dict)
            for key, value in c.items():
                if type(value_types[key]) is list:
                    self.assertIn(type(value), value_types[key])
                    self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

    def test_exchange(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.exchange(self.config.EXCHANGE)
        value_types = {
            'market': str,
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            'rank': int,
            'volume_24h_usd': int,
            'name': str,
            'perc_volume': Decimal

        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        for market in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(market), dict)
            for key, value in market.items():
                self.assertIs(type(value), value_types[key])

    def test_exchanges(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.exchanges()
        value_types = {
            'market': str,
            'price_usd': Decimal,
            'rank': int,
            'volume_24h_usd': int,
            'name': str,
            'perc_volume': Decimal,
            'perc_change': Decimal

        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)
        for exch in actual:
            self.assertIs(type(exch), dict)
            for key, value in exch.items():
                if key in ('rank', 'volume_usd'):
                    self.assertIs(type(value), int)
                elif key == 'name':
                    self.assertIs(type(value), str)
                elif key == 'markets':
                    self.assertIs(type(value), list)
                    for m in value:
                        self.assertIs(type(m), dict)
                        for _key, _value in m.items():
                            self.assertIs(type(_value), value_types[_key])

    def test_exchange_names(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.exchange_names
        self.assertIs(type(actual), list)

    def _assert_graphs_data_structure(self, data):
        self.assertIs(type(data), dict)

        for key, value in data.items():
            self.assertIs(type(value), list)
            for timestamp in value:
                self.assertIs(type(timestamp), list)
                for _value in timestamp:
                    self.assertIn(type(_value), (float, int))

    def test_graphs_currency(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.graphs.currency(self.config.COIN)

    def test_graphs_global_cap(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.graphs.global_cap(bitcoin=True)

    def test_graphs_dominance(self):
        actual = self.coinmarketcap.graphs.dominance()

    def test_download_logo(self):
        filename = self.coinmarketcap.download_logo(self.config.COIN)
        self.assertNotEqual(filename, None)
        if filename:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pymarketcap import Pymarketcap

pym = Pymarketcap()

currencies = pym.recently()

def assert_any_field_in_response(field, readable_field):
    found = False
    for curr in currencies:
        value = curr[field]
        if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
            found = True
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            if value != "":
                found = True
        elif value is None:
            msg = "Case not anticipated. 'type(value) == %r'"
            raise NotImplementedError(msg % type(value))
        assert found == True
    except AssertionError as err:
        print("Any %s found searching all currencies." % readable_field \
              + "Check 'processer:recently()' function.")
        raise err