def get_dimensionality_gorai(structure,
    This method returns whether a structure is 3D, 2D (layered), or 1D (linear
    chains or molecules) according to the algorithm published in Gorai, P.,
    Toberer, E. & Stevanovic, V. Computational Identification of Promising
    Thermoelectric Materials Among Known Quasi-2D Binary Compounds. J. Mater.
    Chem. A 2, 4136 (2016).

    Note that a 1D structure detection might indicate problems in the bonding
    algorithm, particularly for ionic crystals (e.g., NaCl)

    Users can change the behavior of bonds detection by passing either
    el_radius_updates to update atomic radii for auto-detection of max bond
    distances, or bonds to explicitly specify max bond distances for atom pairs.
    Note that if you pass both, el_radius_updates are ignored.

        structure: (Structure) structure to analyze dimensionality for
        max_hkl: (int) max index of planes to look for layers
        el_radius_updates: (dict) symbol->float to update atomic radii
        min_slab_size: (float) internal surface construction parameter
        min_vacuum_size: (float) internal surface construction parameter
        standardize (bool): whether to standardize the structure before
            analysis. Set to False only if you already have the structure in a
            convention where layers / chains will be along low <hkl> indexes.
        bonds ({(specie1, specie2): max_bond_dist}: bonds are
                specified as a dict of tuples: float of specie1, specie2
                and the max bonding distance. For example, PO4 groups may be
                defined as {("P", "O"): 3}.

    Returns: (int) the dimensionality of the structure - 1 (molecules/chains),
        2 (layered), or 3 (3D)

    if standardize:
        structure = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure). \

    if not bonds:
        bonds = get_max_bond_lengths(structure, el_radius_updates)

    num_surfaces = 0
    for h in range(max_hkl):
        for k in range(max_hkl):
            for l in range(max_hkl):
                if max([h, k, l]) > 0 and num_surfaces < 2:
                    sg = SlabGenerator(structure, (h, k, l),
                    slabs = sg.get_slabs(bonds)
                    for _ in slabs:
                        num_surfaces += 1

    return 3 - min(num_surfaces, 2)
def get_dimensionality_gorai(structure, max_hkl=2, el_radius_updates=None,
                             min_slab_size=5, min_vacuum_size=5,
                             standardize=True, bonds=None):
    This method returns whether a structure is 3D, 2D (layered), or 1D (linear
    chains or molecules) according to the algorithm published in Gorai, P.,
    Toberer, E. & Stevanovic, V. Computational Identification of Promising
    Thermoelectric Materials Among Known Quasi-2D Binary Compounds. J. Mater.
    Chem. A 2, 4136 (2016).

    Note that a 1D structure detection might indicate problems in the bonding
    algorithm, particularly for ionic crystals (e.g., NaCl)

    Users can change the behavior of bonds detection by passing either
    el_radius_updates to update atomic radii for auto-detection of max bond
    distances, or bonds to explicitly specify max bond distances for atom pairs.
    Note that if you pass both, el_radius_updates are ignored.

        structure: (Structure) structure to analyze dimensionality for
        max_hkl: (int) max index of planes to look for layers
        el_radius_updates: (dict) symbol->float to update atomic radii
        min_slab_size: (float) internal surface construction parameter
        min_vacuum_size: (float) internal surface construction parameter
        standardize (bool): whether to standardize the structure before
            analysis. Set to False only if you already have the structure in a
            convention where layers / chains will be along low <hkl> indexes.
        bonds ({(specie1, specie2): max_bond_dist}: bonds are
                specified as a dict of tuples: float of specie1, specie2
                and the max bonding distance. For example, PO4 groups may be
                defined as {("P", "O"): 3}.

    Returns: (int) the dimensionality of the structure - 1 (molecules/chains),
        2 (layered), or 3 (3D)

    if standardize:
        structure = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure). \

    if not bonds:
        bonds = get_max_bond_lengths(structure, el_radius_updates)

    num_surfaces = 0
    for h in range(max_hkl):
        for k in range(max_hkl):
            for l in range(max_hkl):
                if max([h, k, l]) > 0 and num_surfaces < 2:
                    sg = SlabGenerator(structure, (h, k, l),
                    slabs = sg.get_slabs(bonds)
                    for _ in slabs:
                        num_surfaces += 1

    return 3 - min(num_surfaces, 2)
def list_maximum_bond_length(list_struc):
    return [
        get_max_bond_lengths(structure, el_radius_updates=None)
        for structure in list_struc