def wulff(st, miller_list=None, e_surf_list=None, show=0):

    from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
    stpm = st.convert2pymatgen()

    lat = stpm.lattice

    recp_lattice = stpm.lattice.reciprocal_lattice_crystallographic

    recp = Structure(recp_lattice, ["H"], [[0, 0, 0]])
    dire = Structure(stpm.lattice, ["H"], [[0, 0, 0]])

    # print(lat)
    from pymatgen.analysis.wulff import WulffShape
    WS = WulffShape(lat, miller_list, e_surf_list)
    # print(dir(WS))
    anisotropy = WS.anisotropy
    weighted_surface_energy = WS.weighted_surface_energy
    if show:
    return anisotropy, weighted_surface_energy
    (1, 1, 1): 1.9235
miller_list = surface_energies_Ni.keys()
e_surf_list = surface_energies_Ni.values()

# We can now construct a Wulff shape with an accuracy up to a max Miller index of 3
wulffshape = WulffShape(Ni.lattice, miller_list, e_surf_list)

# Let's get some useful information from our wulffshape object
print("shape factor: %.3f, anisotropy: \
%.3f, weighted surface energy: %.3f J/m^2" %
      (wulffshape.shape_factor, wulffshape.anisotropy,

# If we want to see what our Wulff shape looks like
# Lets try something a little more complicated, say LiFePO4
from pymatgen.util.testing import PymatgenTest
# Get the LiFePO4 structure
LiFePO4 = PymatgenTest.get_structure("LiFePO4")

# Let's add some oxidation states to LiFePO4, this will be
# important when we want to take surface polarity into consideration
LiFePO4.add_oxidation_state_by_element({"Fe": 2, "Li": 1, "P": 5, "O": -2})
slabgen = SlabGenerator(LiFePO4, (0, 0, 1), 10, 10)
all_slabs = slabgen.get_slabs(bonds={("P", "O"): 2})
# any bond between P and O less than 2 Angstroms cannot be broken when generating slabs
print("For the (001) slab of LiFePO4, there are %s terminations." %
for slab in all_slabs:
    print(slab.is_polar(), slab.is_symmetric())
    'Energy': -609.24,
    'Label': '1 Species'
data = [Adsorbant_1]
Surface_111_1 = wulff.calculate_surface_energy(stoich, data, SE, adsorbant,
                                               thermochem, 298, 0)

#Declare the lattic paramter
lattice = Lattice.cubic(5.411)
ceo = Structure(lattice, ["Ce", "O"], [[0, 0, 0], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25]])
surface_energies_ceo = {
    (1, 1, 1): np.amin(Surface_111_1),
    (1, 1, 0): np.amin(Surface_110_1),
    (1, 0, 0): np.amin(Surface_100_1)

miller_list = surface_energies_ceo.keys()
e_surf_list = surface_energies_ceo.values()

# We can now construct a Wulff shape with an accuracy up to a max Miller index of 3
wulffshape = WulffShape(ceo.lattice, miller_list, e_surf_list)

# Let's get some useful information from our wulffshape object
print("shape factor: %.3f, anisotropy: \
%.3f, weighted surface energy: %.3f J/m^2" %
      (wulffshape.shape_factor, wulffshape.anisotropy,

# If we want to see what our Wulff shape looks like
wulffshape.show(color_set="RdBu", direction=(1.00, 0.25, 0.25))