def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "CaO_2605_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: d = json.loads( = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.plotter = BSPlotter( self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter._bs), 1, "wrong number of band objects") with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "N2_12103_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: d = json.loads( self.sbs_sc = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "C_48_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: d = json.loads( self.sbs_met = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.plotter_multi = BSPlotter([self.sbs_sc, self.sbs_met]) self.assertEqual(len(self.plotter_multi._bs), 2, "wrong number of band objects") self.assertEqual(self.plotter_multi._nb_bands, [96, 96], "wrong number of bands") warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "Cu2O_361_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.assertListEqual([Spin.up][10][12][Orbital.s], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrong projections") self.assertListEqual([Spin.up][25][0][Orbital.dyz], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0011, 0.0219, 0.0219, 0.069], "wrong projections") self.assertAlmostEqual([Spin.up][25][10]['O'], 0.0328) self.assertAlmostEqual([Spin.up][22][25]['Cu'], 0.8327) self.assertAlmostEqual( {'Cu': ['s', 'd']})[Spin.up][25][0]['Cu']['s'], 0.0027) self.assertAlmostEqual( {'Cu': ['s', 'd']})[Spin.up][25][0]['Cu']['d'], 0.8495999999999999) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "CaO_2605_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) #print d.keys() = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) #print #this doesn't really test as_dict() -> from_dict very well #self.assertEqual(, d.keys()) self.one_kpoint =[31] self.assertEqual(, 16) self.assertAlmostEqual([Spin.up][5][10], 0.5608) self.assertAlmostEqual([Spin.up][5][10], 0.5608) self.assertEqual([5]['name'], "L-U") self.assertEqual([5]['start_index'], 80) self.assertEqual([5]['end_index'], 95) self.assertAlmostEqual([70], 4.2335127528765737) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "NiO_19009_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) self.bs_spin = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) #this doesn't really test as_dict() -> from_dict very well #self.assertEqual(self.bs_spin.as_dict().keys(), d.keys()) self.assertEqual(self.bs_spin._nb_bands, 27) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.bs_spin._bands[Spin.up][5][10], 0.262) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.bs_spin._bands[Spin.down][5][10], 1.6156)
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "Cu2O_361_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: d = json.load(f) = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "CaO_2605_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: d = json.load(f) self.bs2 = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "NiO_19009_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: d = json.load(f) self.bs_spin = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d)
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "CaO_2605_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.loads( = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.plotter = BSPlotter(
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "CaO_2605_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.loads( = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.plotter = BSPlotter( warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
def test_old_format_load(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "bs_ZnS_old.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) bs_old = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual(bs_old.get_projection_on_elements()[ Spin.up][0][0]['Zn'], 0.0971)
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_structure.json'), 'r') as sth: si_str = Structure.from_dict(json.load(sth)) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_bandstructure_line.json'), 'r') as bsh: si_bs_line = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(json.load(bsh)) si_bs_line.structure = si_str with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_bandstructure_uniform.json'), 'r') as bsh: si_bs_uniform = BandStructure.from_dict(json.load(bsh)) si_bs_uniform.structure = si_str self.si_kpts = list(HighSymmKpath(si_str).kpath['kpoints'].values()) self.df = pd.DataFrame({ 'bs_line': [si_bs_line], 'bs_uniform': [si_bs_uniform] }) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'VBr2_971787_bandstructure.json'), 'r') as bsh: vbr2_uniform = BandStructure.from_dict(json.load(bsh)) self.vbr2kpts = [ k.frac_coords for k in vbr2_uniform.labels_dict.values() ] self.vbr2kpts = [ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # \\Gamma [0.2, 0.0, 0.0], # between \\Gamma and M [0.5, 0.0, 0.0], # M [0.5, 0.0, 0.5] ] # L self.df2 = pd.DataFrame({'bs_line': [vbr2_uniform]})
def extract_bs(mat): bs = None # Process the bandstructure for information if "bs" in mat["bandstructure"]: bs_dict = mat["bandstructure"]["bs"] # Add in structure if not already there if "structure" not in bs_dict: bs_dict["structure"] = mat["structure"] # Add in High Symm K Path if not already there if len(bs_dict.get("labels_dict", {})) == 0: labels = get(mat, "inputs.nscf_line.kpoints.labels", None) kpts = get(mat, "inputs.nscf_line.kpoints.kpoints", None) if labels and kpts: labels_dict = dict(zip(labels, kpts)) labels_dict.pop(None, None) else: struc = Structure.from_dict(mat["structure"]) labels_dict = HighSymmKpath(struc)._kpath["kpoints"] bs_dict["labels_dict"] = labels_dict bs = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict( BandStructure.from_dict(bs_dict).as_dict()) return bs
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "Cu2O_361_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.plotter = BSPlotterProjected( warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
def test_old_format_load(self): with open(os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "bs_ZnS_old.json"), encoding="utf-8") as f: d = json.load(f) bs_old = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.assertEqual( bs_old.get_projection_on_elements()[Spin.up][0][0]["Zn"], 0.0971)
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR, "Cu2O_361_bandstructure.json"), encoding="utf-8") as f: d = json.load(f) = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.plotter = BSPlotterProjected( warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "Cu2O_361_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "CaO_2605_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) self.bs2 = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "NiO_19009_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) self.bs_spin = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d)
def get_bs(db_file): """ return bandstructure object from the database """ d1, d2, d3, d4 = get_collections(db_file) db = get_db(db_file) fs = gridfs.GridFS(db, 'bandstructure_fs') bs_fs_id = d3["calcs_reversed"][0]["bandstructure_fs_id"] bs_json = zlib.decompress(fs.get(bs_fs_id).read()) bs_dict = json.loads(bs_json.decode()) return BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(bs_dict)
def update_dosbandsfig(n_clicks, dos, bs, projlist): ## figure updates when the inputs change or the button is clicked ## figure does NOT update when elements or orbitals are selected ## de-serialize dos and bs from json format to pymatgen objects if dos: dos = CompleteDos.from_dict(json.loads(dos)) if bs: bs = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(json.loads(bs)) ## update the band structure and dos figure dosbandfig = BandsFig().generate_fig(dos, bs, projlist) return dosbandfig
def get_band_structure(self, task_id, line_mode=False): m_task = self.collection.find_one({"task_id": task_id}, {"calcs_reversed": 1}) fs_id = m_task['calcs_reversed'][0]['bandstructure_fs_id'] fs = gridfs.GridFS(self.db, 'bandstructure_fs') bs_json = zlib.decompress(fs.get(fs_id).read()) bs_dict = json.loads(bs_json) if line_mode: return BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(bs_dict) else: return BandStructure.from_dict(bs_dict)
def get_band_structure(self, task_id): m_task = self.collection.find_one({"task_id": task_id}, {"calcs_reversed": 1}) fs_id = m_task['calcs_reversed'][0]['bandstructure_fs_id'] fs = gridfs.GridFS(self.db, 'bandstructure_fs') bs_json = zlib.decompress(fs.get(fs_id).read()) bs_dict = json.loads(bs_json.decode()) if bs_dict["@class"] == "BandStructure": return BandStructure.from_dict(bs_dict) elif bs_dict["@class"] == "BandStructureSymmLine": return BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(bs_dict) else: raise ValueError("Unknown class for band structure! {}".format(bs_dict["@class"]))
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "Cu2O_361_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.assertListEqual([Spin.up][10][12][Orbital.s], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "wrong projections") self.assertListEqual([Spin.up][25][0][Orbital.dyz], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0011, 0.0219, 0.0219, 0.069], "wrong projections") self.assertAlmostEqual([Spin.up][25][10]['O'], 0.0328) self.assertAlmostEqual([Spin.up][22][25]['Cu'], 0.8327) self.assertAlmostEqual({'Cu':['s','d']})[Spin.up][25][0]['Cu']['s'], 0.0027) self.assertAlmostEqual({'Cu':['s','d']})[Spin.up][25][0]['Cu']['d'], 0.8495999999999999) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "CaO_2605_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) #print d.keys() = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) #print #this doesn't really test as_dict() -> from_dict very well #self.assertEqual(, d.keys()) self.one_kpoint =[31] self.assertEqual(, 16) self.assertAlmostEqual([Spin.up][5][10], 0.5608) self.assertAlmostEqual([Spin.up][5][10], 0.5608) self.assertEqual([5]['name'], "L-U") self.assertEqual([5]['start_index'], 80) self.assertEqual([5]['end_index'], 95) self.assertAlmostEqual([70], 4.2335127528765737) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "NiO_19009_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) self.bs_spin = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) #this doesn't really test as_dict() -> from_dict very well #self.assertEqual(self.bs_spin.as_dict().keys(), d.keys()) self.assertEqual(self.bs_spin._nb_bands, 27) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.bs_spin._bands[Spin.up][5][10], 0.262) self.assertAlmostEqual(self.bs_spin._bands[Spin.down][5][10], 1.6156)
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_structure.json'), 'r') as sth: si_str = Structure.from_dict(json.load(sth)) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_bandstructure_line.json'), 'r') as bsh: si_bs_line = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(json.load(bsh)) si_bs_line.structure = si_str with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_bandstructure_uniform.json'), 'r') as bsh: si_bs_uniform = BandStructure.from_dict(json.load(bsh)) si_bs_uniform.structure = si_str self.si_kpts = list(HighSymmKpath(si_str).kpath['kpoints'].values()) self.df = pd.DataFrame({ 'bs_line': [si_bs_line], 'bs_uniform': [si_bs_uniform] })
def get_band_structure(self, task_id): """ Read the BS data into a PMG BandStructure or BandStructureSymmLine object Args: task_id(int or str): the task_id containing the data Returns: BandStructure or BandStructureSymmLine """ obj_dict = self.get_data_from_maggma_or_gridfs(task_id, key="bandstructure") if obj_dict["@class"] == "BandStructure": return BandStructure.from_dict(obj_dict) elif obj_dict["@class"] == "BandStructureSymmLine": return BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(obj_dict) else: raise ValueError("Unknown class for band structure! {}".format( obj_dict["@class"]))
def _get_bs_dos(data): data = data or {} # this component can be loaded either from mpid or # directly from BandStructureSymmLine or CompleteDos objects # if mpid is supplied, this is preferred mpid = data.get("mpid") bandstructure_symm_line = data.get("bandstructure_symm_line") density_of_states = data.get("density_of_states") if not mpid and (bandstructure_symm_line is None or density_of_states is None): return None, None if mpid: with MPRester() as mpr: try: bandstructure_symm_line = mpr.get_bandstructure_by_material_id( mpid) except Exception as exc: print(exc) bandstructure_symm_line = None try: density_of_states = mpr.get_dos_by_material_id(mpid) except Exception as exc: print(exc) density_of_states = None else: if bandstructure_symm_line and isinstance(bandstructure_symm_line, dict): bandstructure_symm_line = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict( bandstructure_symm_line) if density_of_states and isinstance(density_of_states, dict): density_of_states = CompleteDos.from_dict(density_of_states) return bandstructure_symm_line, density_of_states
def build_bs(bs_dict, mat): bs_dict["structure"] = mat["structure"] # Add in High Symm K Path if not already there if len(bs_dict.get("labels_dict", {})) == 0: labels = get(mat, "inputs.nscf_line.kpoints.labels", None) kpts = get(mat, "inputs.nscf_line.kpoints.kpoints", None) if labels and kpts: labels_dict = dict(zip(labels, kpts)) labels_dict.pop(None, None) else: struc = Structure.from_dict(bs_dict["structure"]) labels_dict = HighSymmKpath(struc)._kpath["kpoints"] bs_dict["labels_dict"] = labels_dict # This is somethign to do with BandStructureSymmLine's from dict being problematic bs = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(bs_dict) return bs
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_structure.json'),'r') as sth: si_str = Structure.from_dict(json.load(sth)) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_bandstructure_line.json'),'r') as bsh: si_bs_line = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(json.load(bsh)) si_bs_line.structure = si_str with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'si_bandstructure_uniform.json'),'r') as bsh: si_bs_uniform = BandStructure.from_dict(json.load(bsh)) si_bs_uniform.structure = si_str self.si_kpts = list(HighSymmKpath(si_str).kpath['kpoints'].values()) self.df = pd.DataFrame({'bs_line': [si_bs_line], 'bs_uniform': [si_bs_uniform]}) with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'VBr2_971787_bandstructure.json'), 'r') as bsh: vbr2_uniform = BandStructure.from_dict(json.load(bsh)) self.vbr2kpts = [k.frac_coords for k in vbr2_uniform.labels_dict.values()] self.vbr2kpts = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # \\Gamma [0.2, 0.0, 0.0], # between \\Gamma and M [0.5, 0.0, 0.0], # M [0.5, 0.0, 0.5]] # L self.df2 = pd.DataFrame({'bs_line': [vbr2_uniform]})
def process_item(self, mat): """ Process the tasks and materials into just a list of materials Args: mat (dict): material document Returns: (dict): electronic_structure document """"Processing: {}".format(mat[self.materials.key])) d = {self.electronic_structure.key: mat[ self.materials.key], "bandstructure": {}} bs = None dos = None interpolated_dos = None # Process the bandstructure for information if "bs" in mat["bandstructure"]: if "structure" not in mat["bandstructure"]["bs"]: mat["bandstructure"]["bs"]["structure"] = mat["structure"] if len(mat["bandstructure"]["bs"].get("labels_dict", {})) == 0: struc = Structure.from_dict(mat["structure"]) kpath = HighSymmKpath(struc)._kpath["kpoints"] mat["bandstructure"]["bs"]["labels_dict"] = kpath # Somethign is wrong with the as_dict / from_dict encoding in the two band structure objects so have to use this hodge podge serialization # TODO: Fix bandstructure objects in pymatgen bs = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict( BandStructure.from_dict(mat["bandstructure"]["bs"]).as_dict()) d["bandstructure"]["band_gap"] = {"band_gap": bs.get_band_gap()["energy"], "direct_gap": bs.get_direct_band_gap(), "is_direct": bs.get_band_gap()["direct"], "transition": bs.get_band_gap()["transition"]} if self.small_plot: d["bandstructure"]["plot_small"] = get_small_plot(bs) if "dos" in mat["bandstructure"]: dos = CompleteDos.from_dict(mat["bandstructure"]["dos"]) if self.interpolate_dos and "uniform_bs" in mat["bandstructure"]: try: interpolated_dos = self.get_interpolated_dos(mat) except Exception: self.logger.warning("Boltztrap interpolation failed for {}. Continuing with regular DOS".format(mat[self.materials.key])) # Generate static images if self.static_images: try: ylim = None if bs: plotter = WebBSPlotter(bs) fig = plotter.get_plot() ylim = fig.ylim() # Used by DOS plot fig.close() d["bandstructure"]["bs_plot"] = image_from_plotter(plotter) if dos: plotter = WebDosVertPlotter() plotter.add_dos_dict(dos.get_element_dos()) if interpolated_dos: plotter.add_dos("Total DOS", interpolated_dos) d["bandstructure"]["dos_plot"] = image_from_plotter(plotter, ylim=ylim) d["bandstructure"]["dos_plot"] = image_from_plotter(plotter, ylim=ylim) except Exception: self.logger.warning( "Caught error in electronic structure plotting for {}: {}".format(mat[self.materials.key], traceback.format_exc())) return None return d
def bs_dos_traces(bandStructureSymmLine, densityOfStates): if bandStructureSymmLine == "error" or densityOfStates == "error": return "error" if bandStructureSymmLine == None or densityOfStates == None: raise PreventUpdate # - BS Data bstraces = [] bs_reg_plot = BSPlotter(BSML.from_dict(bandStructureSymmLine)) bs_data = bs_reg_plot.bs_plot_data() # -- Strip latex math wrapping str_replace = { "$": "", "\\mid": "|", "\\Gamma": "Γ", "\\Sigma": "Σ", "_1": "₁", "_2": "₂", "_3": "₃", "_4": "₄", } for entry_num in range(len(bs_data["ticks"]["label"])): for key in str_replace.keys(): if key in bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num]: bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num] = bs_data[ "ticks"]["label"][entry_num].replace( key, str_replace[key]) for d in range(len(bs_data["distances"])): for i in range(bs_reg_plot._nb_bands): bstraces.append( go.Scatter( x=bs_data["distances"][d], y=[ bs_data["energy"][d][str(Spin.up)][i][j] for j in range(len(bs_data["distances"][d])) ], mode="lines", line=dict(color=("#666666"), width=2), hoverinfo="skip", showlegend=False, )) if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized: bstraces.append( go.Scatter( x=bs_data["distances"][d], y=[ bs_data["energy"][d][str(Spin.down)][i][j] for j in range(len(bs_data["distances"] [d])) ], mode="lines", line=dict(color=("#666666"), width=2, dash="dash"), hoverinfo="skip", showlegend=False, )) # -- DOS Data dostraces = [] dos = CompleteDos.from_dict(densityOfStates) if Spin.down in dos.densities: # Add second spin data if available trace_tdos = go.Scatter( x=dos.densities[Spin.down], y=dos.energies - dos.efermi, mode="lines", name="Total DOS (spin ↓)", line=go.scatter.Line(color="#444444", dash="dash"), fill="tozeroy", ) dostraces.append(trace_tdos) tdos_label = "Total DOS (spin ↑)" else: tdos_label = "Total DOS" # Total DOS trace_tdos = go.Scatter( x=dos.densities[Spin.up], y=dos.energies - dos.efermi, mode="lines", name=tdos_label, line=go.scatter.Line(color="#444444"), fill="tozeroy", legendgroup="spinup", ) dostraces.append(trace_tdos) p_ele_dos = dos.get_element_dos() # Projected DOS count = 0 colors = [ "#1f77b4", # muted blue "#ff7f0e", # safety orange "#2ca02c", # cooked asparagus green "#d62728", # brick red "#9467bd", # muted purple "#8c564b", # chestnut brown "#e377c2", # raspberry yogurt pink "#bcbd22", # curry yellow-green "#17becf", # blue-teal ] for ele in p_ele_dos.keys(): if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized: trace = go.Scatter( x=p_ele_dos[ele].densities[Spin.down], y=dos.energies - dos.efermi, mode="lines", name=ele.symbol + " (spin ↓)", line=dict(width=3, color=colors[count], dash="dash"), ) dostraces.append(trace) spin_up_label = ele.symbol + " (spin ↑)" else: spin_up_label = ele.symbol trace = go.Scatter( x=p_ele_dos[ele].densities[Spin.up], y=dos.energies - dos.efermi, mode="lines", name=spin_up_label, line=dict(width=3, color=colors[count]), ) dostraces.append(trace) count += 1 traces = [bstraces, dostraces, bs_data] return traces
def bs_dos_data( mpid, path_convention, dos_select, label_select, bandstructure_symm_line, density_of_states, ): if not mpid and (bandstructure_symm_line is None or density_of_states is None): raise PreventUpdate elif bandstructure_symm_line is None or density_of_states is None: if label_select == "": raise PreventUpdate # -- # -- BS and DOS from API or DB # -- bs_data = {"ticks": {}} bs_store = GridFSStore( database="fw_bs_prod", collection_name="bandstructure_fs", host="", port=27017, username="******", password="", ) dos_store = GridFSStore( database="fw_bs_prod", collection_name="dos_fs", host="", port=27017, username="******", password="", ) es_store = MongoStore( database="fw_bs_prod", collection_name="electronic_structure", host="", port=27017, username="******", password="", key="task_id", ) # - BS traces from DB using task_id es_store.connect() bs_query = es_store.query_one( criteria={"task_id": int(mpid)}, properties=[ "bandstructure.{}.task_id".format(path_convention), "bandstructure.{}.total.equiv_labels".format( path_convention), ], ) es_store.close() bs_store.connect() bandstructure_symm_line = bs_store.query_one(criteria={ "metadata.task_id": int(bs_query["bandstructure"][path_convention]["task_id"]) }, ) # If LM convention, get equivalent labels if path_convention != label_select: bs_equiv_labels = bs_query["bandstructure"][ path_convention]["total"]["equiv_labels"] new_labels_dict = {} for label in bandstructure_symm_line["labels_dict"].keys(): label_formatted = label.replace("$", "") if "|" in label_formatted: f_label = label_formatted.split("|") new_labels.append( "$" + bs_equiv_labels[label_select][f_label[0]] + "|" + bs_equiv_labels[label_select][f_label[1]] + "$") else: new_labels_dict["$" + bs_equiv_labels[label_select] [label_formatted] + "$"] = bandstructure_symm_line[ "labels_dict"][label] bandstructure_symm_line["labels_dict"] = new_labels_dict # - DOS traces from DB using task_id es_store.connect() dos_query = es_store.query_one( criteria={"task_id": int(mpid)}, properties=["dos.task_id"], ) es_store.close() dos_store.connect() density_of_states = dos_store.query_one( criteria={"task_id": int(dos_query["dos"]["task_id"])}, ) # - BS Data if (type(bandstructure_symm_line) != dict and bandstructure_symm_line is not None): bandstructure_symm_line = bandstructure_symm_line.to_dict() if type(density_of_states ) != dict and density_of_states is not None: density_of_states = density_of_states.to_dict() bsml = BSML.from_dict(bandstructure_symm_line) bs_reg_plot = BSPlotter(bsml) bs_data = bs_reg_plot.bs_plot_data() # Make plot continous for lm if path_convention == "lm": distance_map, kpath_euler = HSKP( bsml.structure).get_continuous_path(bsml) kpath_labels = [pair[0] for pair in kpath_euler] kpath_labels.append(kpath_euler[-1][1]) else: distance_map = [(i, False) for i in range(len(bs_data["distances"]))] kpath_labels = [] for label_ind in range(len(bs_data["ticks"]["label"]) - 1): if (bs_data["ticks"]["label"][label_ind] != bs_data["ticks"]["label"][label_ind + 1]): kpath_labels.append( bs_data["ticks"]["label"][label_ind]) kpath_labels.append(bs_data["ticks"]["label"][-1]) bs_data["ticks"]["label"] = kpath_labels # Obtain bands to plot over and generate traces for bs data: energy_window = (-6.0, 10.0) bands = [] for band_num in range(bs_reg_plot._nb_bands): if (bs_data["energy"][0][str(Spin.up)][band_num][0] <= energy_window[1]) and (bs_data["energy"][0][str( Spin.up)][band_num][0] >= energy_window[0]): bands.append(band_num) bstraces = [] pmin = 0.0 tick_vals = [0.0] cbm = bsml.get_cbm() vbm = bsml.get_vbm() cbm_new = bs_data["cbm"] vbm_new = bs_data["vbm"] for dnum, (d, rev) in enumerate(distance_map): x_dat = [ dval - bs_data["distances"][d][0] + pmin for dval in bs_data["distances"][d] ] pmin = x_dat[-1] tick_vals.append(pmin) if not rev: traces_for_segment = [{ "x": x_dat, "y": [ bs_data["energy"][d][str(Spin.up)][i][j] for j in range(len(bs_data["distances"][d])) ], "mode": "lines", "line": { "color": "#1f77b4" }, "hoverinfo": "skip", "name": "spin ↑" if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized else "Total", "hovertemplate": "%{y:.2f} eV", "showlegend": False, "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for i in bands] elif rev: traces_for_segment = [{ "x": x_dat, "y": [ bs_data["energy"][d][str(Spin.up)][i][j] for j in reversed( range(len(bs_data["distances"][d]))) ], "mode": "lines", "line": { "color": "#1f77b4" }, "hoverinfo": "skip", "name": "spin ↑" if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized else "Total", "hovertemplate": "%{y:.2f} eV", "showlegend": False, "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for i in bands] if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized: if not rev: traces_for_segment += [{ "x": x_dat, "y": [ bs_data["energy"][d][str(Spin.down)][i][j] for j in range(len(bs_data["distances"][d])) ], "mode": "lines", "line": { "color": "#ff7f0e", "dash": "dot" }, "hoverinfo": "skip", "showlegend": False, "name": "spin ↓", "hovertemplate": "%{y:.2f} eV", "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for i in bands] elif rev: traces_for_segment += [{ "x": x_dat, "y": [ bs_data["energy"][d][str(Spin.down)][i][j] for j in reversed( range(len(bs_data["distances"][d]))) ], "mode": "lines", "line": { "color": "#ff7f0e", "dash": "dot" }, "hoverinfo": "skip", "showlegend": False, "name": "spin ↓", "hovertemplate": "%{y:.2f} eV", "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for i in bands] bstraces += traces_for_segment # - Get proper cbm and vbm coords for lm if path_convention == "lm": for (x_point, y_point) in bs_data["cbm"]: if x_point in bs_data["distances"][d]: xind = bs_data["distances"][d].index(x_point) if not rev: x_point_new = x_dat[xind] else: x_point_new = x_dat[len(x_dat) - xind - 1] new_label = bs_data["ticks"]["label"][ tick_vals.index(x_point_new)] if (cbm["kpoint"].label is None or cbm["kpoint"].label in new_label): cbm_new.append((x_point_new, y_point)) for (x_point, y_point) in bs_data["vbm"]: if x_point in bs_data["distances"][d]: xind = bs_data["distances"][d].index(x_point) if not rev: x_point_new = x_dat[xind] else: x_point_new = x_dat[len(x_dat) - xind - 1] new_label = bs_data["ticks"]["label"][ tick_vals.index(x_point_new)] if (vbm["kpoint"].label is None or vbm["kpoint"].label in new_label): vbm_new.append((x_point_new, y_point)) bs_data["ticks"]["distance"] = tick_vals # - Strip latex math wrapping for labels str_replace = { "$": "", "\\mid": "|", "\\Gamma": "Γ", "\\Sigma": "Σ", "GAMMA": "Γ", "_1": "₁", "_2": "₂", "_3": "₃", "_4": "₄", "_{1}": "₁", "_{2}": "₂", "_{3}": "₃", "_{4}": "₄", "^{*}": "*", } bar_loc = [] for entry_num in range(len(bs_data["ticks"]["label"])): for key in str_replace.keys(): if key in bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num]: bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num] = bs_data[ "ticks"]["label"][entry_num].replace( key, str_replace[key]) if key == "\\mid": bar_loc.append( bs_data["ticks"]["distance"][entry_num]) # Vertical lines for disjointed segments vert_traces = [{ "x": [x_point, x_point], "y": energy_window, "mode": "lines", "marker": { "color": "white" }, "hoverinfo": "skip", "showlegend": False, "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for x_point in bar_loc] bstraces += vert_traces # Dots for cbm and vbm dot_traces = [{ "x": [x_point], "y": [y_point], "mode": "markers", "marker": { "color": "#7E259B", "size": 16, "line": { "color": "white", "width": 2 }, }, "showlegend": False, "hoverinfo": "text", "name": "", "hovertemplate": "CBM: k = {}, {} eV".format(list(cbm["kpoint"].frac_coords), cbm["energy"]), "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for (x_point, y_point) in set(cbm_new)] + [{ "x": [x_point], "y": [y_point], "mode": "marker", "marker": { "color": "#7E259B", "size": 16, "line": { "color": "white", "width": 2 }, }, "showlegend": False, "hoverinfo": "text", "name": "", "hovertemplate": "VBM: k = {}, {} eV".format(list(vbm["kpoint"].frac_coords), vbm["energy"]), "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for (x_point, y_point) in set(vbm_new)] bstraces += dot_traces # - DOS Data dostraces = [] dos = CompleteDos.from_dict(density_of_states) dos_max = np.abs( (dos.energies - dos.efermi - energy_window[1])).argmin() dos_min = np.abs( (dos.energies - dos.efermi - energy_window[0])).argmin() if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized: # Add second spin data if available trace_tdos = { "x": -1.0 * dos.densities[Spin.down][dos_min:dos_max], "y": dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, "mode": "lines", "name": "Total DOS (spin ↓)", "line": go.scatter.Line(color="#444444", dash="dot"), "fill": "tozerox", "fillcolor": "#C4C4C4", "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } dostraces.append(trace_tdos) tdos_label = "Total DOS (spin ↑)" else: tdos_label = "Total DOS" # Total DOS trace_tdos = { "x": dos.densities[Spin.up][dos_min:dos_max], "y": dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, "mode": "lines", "name": tdos_label, "line": go.scatter.Line(color="#444444"), "fill": "tozerox", "fillcolor": "#C4C4C4", "legendgroup": "spinup", "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } dostraces.append(trace_tdos) ele_dos = dos.get_element_dos() elements = [str(entry) for entry in ele_dos.keys()] if dos_select == "ap": proj_data = ele_dos elif dos_select == "op": proj_data = dos.get_spd_dos() elif "orb" in dos_select: proj_data = dos.get_element_spd_dos( Element(dos_select.replace("orb", ""))) else: raise PreventUpdate # Projected DOS count = 0 colors = [ "#d62728", # brick red "#2ca02c", # cooked asparagus green "#17becf", # blue-teal "#bcbd22", # curry yellow-green "#9467bd", # muted purple "#8c564b", # chestnut brown "#e377c2", # raspberry yogurt pink ] for label in proj_data.keys(): if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized: trace = { "x": -1.0 * proj_data[label].densities[Spin.down][dos_min:dos_max], "y": dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, "mode": "lines", "name": str(label) + " (spin ↓)", "line": dict(width=3, color=colors[count], dash="dot"), "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } dostraces.append(trace) spin_up_label = str(label) + " (spin ↑)" else: spin_up_label = str(label) trace = { "x": proj_data[label].densities[Spin.up][dos_min:dos_max], "y": dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, "mode": "lines", "name": spin_up_label, "line": dict(width=2, color=colors[count]), "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } dostraces.append(trace) count += 1 traces = [bstraces, dostraces, bs_data] return (traces, elements)
def process_item(self, mat): """ Process the tasks and materials into just a list of materials Args: mat (dict): material document Returns: (dict): electronic_structure document """ d = {self.electronic_structure.key: mat[self.materials.key]}"Processing: {}".format(mat[self.materials.key])) bs = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(mat["bandstructure"]["bs"]) dos = CompleteDos.from_dict(mat["bandstructure"]["dos"]) # Plot Band structure if bs: try: plotter = WebBSPlotter(bs) plot = plotter.get_plot() ylim = plot.ylim() d["bs_plot"] = image_from_plot(plot) plot.close() except Exception: self.logger.warning( "Caught error in bandstructure plotting for {}: {}".format( mat[self.materials.key], traceback.format_exc())) # Reduced Band structure plot try: gap = bs.get_band_gap()["energy"] plot_data = plotter.bs_plot_data() d["bs_plot_small"] = get_small_plot(plot_data, gap) except Exception: self.logger.warning( "Caught error in generating reduced bandstructure plot for {}: {}" .format(mat[self.materials.key], traceback.format_exc())) # Plot DOS if dos: try: plotter = WebDosVertPlotter() plotter.add_dos_dict(dos.get_element_dos()) plot = plotter.get_plot(ylim=ylim) d["dos_plot"] = image_from_plot(plot) plot.close() except Exception: self.logger.warning( "Caught error in dos plotting for {}: {}".format( mat[self.materials.key], traceback.format_exc())) # Get basic bandgap properties if bs: try: d["band_gap"] = { "band_gap": bs.get_band_gap()["energy"], "direct_gap": bs.get_direct_band_gap(), "is_direct": bs.get_band_gap()["direct"], "transition": bs.get_band_gap()["transition"] } except Exception: self.logger.warning( "Caught error in calculating bandgap {}: {}".format( mat[self.materials.key], traceback.format_exc())) return d
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "Cu2O_361_bandstructure.json"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as f: d = json.load(f) = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.plotter = BSPlotterProjected(
def bs_dos_data( mpid, path_convention, dos_select, label_select, bandstructure_symm_line, density_of_states, ): if (not mpid or "mpid" not in mpid) and (bandstructure_symm_line is None or density_of_states is None): raise PreventUpdate elif mpid: raise PreventUpdate elif bandstructure_symm_line is None or density_of_states is None: # -- # -- BS and DOS from API # -- mpid = mpid["mpid"] bs_data = {"ticks": {}} # client = MongoClient( # "", username="******", password="", authSource="fw_bs_prod", # ) db = client.fw_bs_prod # - BS traces from DB using task_id bs_query = list( db.electronic_structure.find( {"task_id": int(mpid)}, [ "bandstructure.{}.total.traces".format( path_convention) ], ))[0] is_sp = (len(bs_query["bandstructure"][path_convention] ["total"]["traces"]) == 2) if is_sp: bstraces = (bs_query["bandstructure"][path_convention] ["total"]["traces"]["1"] + bs_query["bandstructure"][path_convention] ["total"]["traces"]["-1"]) else: bstraces = bs_query["bandstructure"][path_convention][ "total"]["traces"]["1"] bs_data["ticks"]["distance"] = bs_query["bandstructure"][ path_convention]["total"]["traces"]["ticks"] bs_data["ticks"]["label"] = bs_query["bandstructure"][ path_convention]["total"]["traces"]["labels"] # If LM convention, get equivalent labels if path_convention == "lm" and label_select != "lm": bs_equiv_labels = bs_query["bandstructure"][ path_convention]["total"]["traces"]["equiv_labels"] alt_choice = label_select if label_select == "hin": alt_choice = "h" new_labels = [] for label in bs_data["ticks"]["label"]: label_formatted = label.replace("$", "") if "|" in label_formatted: f_label = label_formatted.split("|") new_labels.append( "$" + bs_equiv_labels[alt_choice][f_label[0]] + "|" + bs_equiv_labels[alt_choice][f_label[1]] + "$") else: new_labels.append( "$" + bs_equiv_labels[alt_choice][label_formatted] + "$") bs_data["ticks"]["label"] = new_labels # Strip latex math wrapping str_replace = { "$": "", "\\mid": "|", "\\Gamma": "Γ", "\\Sigma": "Σ", "GAMMA": "Γ", "_1": "₁", "_2": "₂", "_3": "₃", "_4": "₄", } for entry_num in range(len(bs_data["ticks"]["label"])): for key in str_replace.keys(): if key in bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num]: bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num] = bs_data[ "ticks"]["label"][entry_num].replace( key, str_replace[key]) # - DOS traces from DB using task_id dostraces = [] dos_tot_ele_traces = list( db.electronic_structure.find( {"task_id": int(mpid)}, ["", "dos.elements"]))[0] dostraces = [ dos_tot_ele_traces["dos"]["total"]["traces"][spin] for spin in dos_tot_ele_traces["dos"]["total"]["traces"].keys() ] elements = [ ele for ele in dos_tot_ele_traces["dos"]["elements"].keys() ] if dos_select == "ap": for ele_label in elements: dostraces += [ dos_tot_ele_traces["dos"]["elements"][ele_label] ["total"]["traces"][spin] for spin in dos_tot_ele_traces["dos"]["elements"] [ele_label]["total"]["traces"].keys() ] elif dos_select == "op": orb_tot_traces = list( db.electronic_structure.find({"task_id": int(mpid)}, ["dos.orbitals"]))[0] for orbital in ["s", "p", "d"]: dostraces += [ orb_tot_traces["dos"]["orbitals"][orbital] ["traces"][spin] for spin in orb_tot_traces["dos"] ["orbitals"]["s"]["traces"].keys() ] elif "orb" in dos_select: ele_label = dos_select.replace("orb", "") for orbital in ["s", "p", "d"]: dostraces += [ dos_tot_ele_traces["dos"]["elements"][ele_label] [orbital]["traces"][spin] for spin in dos_tot_ele_traces["dos"]["elements"] [ele_label][orbital]["traces"].keys() ] traces = [bstraces, dostraces, bs_data] return (traces, elements) else: # -- # -- BS and DOS passed manually # -- # - BS Data if type(bandstructure_symm_line) != dict: bandstructure_symm_line = bandstructure_symm_line.to_dict() if type(density_of_states) != dict: density_of_states = density_of_states.to_dict() bs_reg_plot = BSPlotter( BSML.from_dict(bandstructure_symm_line)) bs_data = bs_reg_plot.bs_plot_data() # - Strip latex math wrapping str_replace = { "$": "", "\\mid": "|", "\\Gamma": "Γ", "\\Sigma": "Σ", "GAMMA": "Γ", "_1": "₁", "_2": "₂", "_3": "₃", "_4": "₄", } for entry_num in range(len(bs_data["ticks"]["label"])): for key in str_replace.keys(): if key in bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num]: bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num] = bs_data[ "ticks"]["label"][entry_num].replace( key, str_replace[key]) # Obtain bands to plot over: energy_window = (-6.0, 10.0) bands = [] for band_num in range(bs_reg_plot._nb_bands): if (bs_data["energy"][0][str(Spin.up)][band_num][0] <= energy_window[1]) and (bs_data["energy"][0][str( Spin.up)][band_num][0] >= energy_window[0]): bands.append(band_num) bstraces = [] # Generate traces for total BS data for d in range(len(bs_data["distances"])): dist_dat = bs_data["distances"][d] energy_ind = [ i for i in range(len(bs_data["distances"][d])) ] traces_for_segment = [{ "x": dist_dat, "y": [bs_data["energy"][d]["1"][i][j] for j in energy_ind], "mode": "lines", "line": { "color": "#666666" }, "hoverinfo": "skip", "showlegend": False, } for i in bands] if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized: traces_for_segment += [{ "x": dist_dat, "y": [ bs_data["energy"][d]["-1"][i][j] for j in energy_ind ], "mode": "lines", "line": { "color": "#666666" }, "hoverinfo": "skip", "showlegend": False, } for i in bands] bstraces += traces_for_segment # - DOS Data dostraces = [] dos = CompleteDos.from_dict(density_of_states) dos_max = np.abs( (dos.energies - dos.efermi - energy_window[1])).argmin() dos_min = np.abs( (dos.energies - dos.efermi - energy_window[0])).argmin() if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized: # Add second spin data if available trace_tdos = go.Scatter( x=dos.densities[Spin.down][dos_min:dos_max], y=dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, mode="lines", name="Total DOS (spin ↓)", line=go.scatter.Line(color="#444444", dash="dash"), fill="tozerox", ) dostraces.append(trace_tdos) tdos_label = "Total DOS (spin ↑)" else: tdos_label = "Total DOS" # Total DOS trace_tdos = go.Scatter( x=dos.densities[Spin.up][dos_min:dos_max], y=dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, mode="lines", name=tdos_label, line=go.scatter.Line(color="#444444"), fill="tozerox", legendgroup="spinup", ) dostraces.append(trace_tdos) ele_dos = dos.get_element_dos() elements = [str(entry) for entry in ele_dos.keys()] if dos_select == "ap": proj_data = ele_dos elif dos_select == "op": proj_data = dos.get_spd_dos() elif "orb" in dos_select: proj_data = dos.get_element_spd_dos( Element(dos_select.replace("orb", ""))) else: raise PreventUpdate # Projected DOS count = 0 colors = [ "#1f77b4", # muted blue "#ff7f0e", # safety orange "#2ca02c", # cooked asparagus green "#9467bd", # muted purple "#e377c2", # raspberry yogurt pink "#d62728", # brick red "#8c564b", # chestnut brown "#bcbd22", # curry yellow-green "#17becf", # blue-teal ] for label in proj_data.keys(): if bs_reg_plot._bs.is_spin_polarized: trace = go.Scatter( x=proj_data[label].densities[Spin.down] [dos_min:dos_max], y=dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, mode="lines", name=str(label) + " (spin ↓)", line=dict(width=3, color=colors[count], dash="dash"), ) dostraces.append(trace) spin_up_label = str(label) + " (spin ↑)" else: spin_up_label = str(label) trace = go.Scatter( x=proj_data[label].densities[Spin.up][dos_min:dos_max], y=dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, mode="lines", name=spin_up_label, line=dict(width=3, color=colors[count]), ) dostraces.append(trace) count += 1 traces = [bstraces, dostraces, bs_data] return (traces, elements)
def HSE_Gap_with_Vasp_from_icsd_data(file, vasp_cmd): fws = [] all = json.load(open(file)) njobs = 0 g = open('/SCRATCH/acad/htbase/yugd/fw_workplace/hse_gaps_icsd/ids') ids = f = open('wrong_list.dat', 'a+') for task in all: icsd_id = 'icsd-' + str(task['icsd_ids'][0]) if icsd_id not in ids: continue try: struct = Structure.from_dict(task['structure']) pbe_bs = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict( task['band_structures']['line']) is_spin_polarized = pbe_bs.is_spin_polarized k_vbm = pbe_bs.get_vbm()['kpoint']._fcoords k_cbm = pbe_bs.get_cbm()['kpoint']._fcoords except: f.write('all[' + str(all.index(task)) + ']') continue ########################################################## njobs = njobs + 1 queue_hse = {} queue_pbesol = {} queue_hse['job_name'] = icsd_id + '_HSE' queue_pbesol['job_name'] = icsd_id + '_PBEsol' nsites = struct.num_sites if nsites <= 5: queue_pbesol['ntasks'] = 6 queue_pbesol['walltime'] = '6:00:00' queue_hse['ntasks'] = 12 queue_hse['walltime'] = '24:00:00' elif 5 < nsites <= 10: queue_pbesol['ntasks'] = 12 queue_pbesol['walltime'] = '6:00:00' queue_hse['ntasks'] = 24 queue_hse['walltime'] = '48:00:00' elif 10 < nsites <= 20: queue_pbesol['ntasks'] = 12 queue_pbesol['walltime'] = '24:00:00' queue_hse['ntasks'] = 48 queue_hse['walltime'] = '48:00:00' elif 20 < nsites <= 50: queue_pbesol['ntasks'] = 24 queue_pbesol['walltime'] = '48:00:00' queue_hse['ntasks'] = 60 queue_hse['walltime'] = '72:00:00' else: queue_pbesol['ntasks'] = 36 queue_pbesol['walltime'] = '48:00:00' queue_hse['ntasks'] = 96 queue_hse['walltime'] = '72:00:00' queue_insert = {} queue_insert['ntasks'] = 1 queue_insert['walltime'] = '01:00:00' queue_insert['vmem'] = '1024mb' queue_insert['job_name'] = icsd_id + '_Insert' ########################################################## if pbe_bs.get_band_gap()['direct']: ks_add = [k_vbm] else: ks_add = [k_vbm, k_cbm] ftask00 = Generate_VaspInputFiles_for_Relax_with_PBEsol_icsd() ftask01 = VaspRun() fw0 = Firework( [ftask00, ftask01], spec={ '_pass_job_info': True, '_preserve_fworker': True, '_fworker': fworker, 'vasp_cmd': vasp_cmd, 'workdir': './', 'structure': struct, 'icsd_id': icsd_id, 'is_spin_polarized': is_spin_polarized, '_queueadapter': queue_pbesol }, name=icsd_id + '_pbesol') ftask10 = Generate_VaspInputFiles_for_HSE_scf_icsd() ftask11 = VaspRun() fw1 = Firework( [ftask10, ftask11], parents=[fw0], spec={ '_pass_job_info': True, '_preserve_fworker': True, '_fworker': fworker, 'vasp_cmd': vasp_cmd, 'workdir': './', 'icsd_id': icsd_id, 'ks_add': ks_add, 'is_spin_polarized': is_spin_polarized, '_queueadapter': queue_hse }, name=icsd_id + '_HSE') finsert = Insert_Gap_into_monogdb_icsd() fw2 = Firework([finsert], parents=[fw1], spec={ 'icsd_id': icsd_id, '_queueadapter': queue_insert, 'pbe_bs': pbe_bs }, name=icsd_id + '_Insert') fws.append(fw0) fws.append(fw1) fws.append(fw2) wf = Workflow(fws, name='HSE_Gap_for_icsds') launchpad.add_wf(wf) f.close() return njobs
def setUp(self): with open(os.path.join(test_dir, "CaO_2605_bandstructure.json"), "rb") as f: d = json.loads( = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict(d) self.plotter = BSPlotter(