 def setup(self):
     setup static jobs for all the calibrate objects
     copies CONTCAR to POSCAR
     sets NSW = 0
     for cal in self.cal_objs:
         for i, jdir in enumerate(cal.old_job_dir_list):
             job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep \
                 + jdir.replace(os.sep, '_').replace('.', '_') \
                 + os.sep + 'STATIC'
             logger.info('setting up job in {}'.format(job_dir))
             cal.incar = Incar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'INCAR')
             cal.incar['EDIFF'] = '1E-6'
             cal.incar['NSW'] = 0
             cal.potcar = Potcar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'POTCAR')
             cal.kpoints = Kpoints.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'KPOINTS')
             contcar_file = jdir + os.sep + 'CONTCAR'
             if os.path.isfile(contcar_file):
                 logger.info('setting poscar file from {}'
                 cal.poscar = Poscar.from_file(contcar_file)
                 logger.critical("""CONTCAR doesnt exist.
                 Setting up job using input set in the old
                 calibration directory""")
                 cal.poscar = Poscar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'POSCAR')
 def setUp(self):
     if "PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR" not in os.environ:
         test_potcar_dir = os.path.abspath(
             os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..",
         os.environ["PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR"] = test_potcar_dir
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, 'POTCAR')
     self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(filepath)
 def setUp(self):
     filepath = self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'INCAR'
     incar = Incar.from_file(filepath)
     filepath = self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'POSCAR'
     poscar = Poscar.from_file(filepath,check_for_POTCAR=False)
     if "PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR" not in os.environ:
         os.environ["PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR"] = str(self.TEST_FILES_DIR)
     filepath = self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'POTCAR'
     potcar = Potcar.from_file(filepath)
     filepath = self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'KPOINTS.auto'
     kpoints = Kpoints.from_file(filepath)
     self.vinput = VaspInput(incar, kpoints, poscar, potcar)
 def setUp(self):
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, 'INCAR')
     incar = Incar.from_file(filepath)
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, 'POSCAR')
     poscar = Poscar.from_file(filepath,check_for_POTCAR=False)
     if "PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR" not in os.environ:
         test_potcar_dir = os.path.abspath(
             os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..",
         os.environ["PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR"] = test_potcar_dir
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, 'POTCAR')
     potcar = Potcar.from_file(filepath)
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, 'KPOINTS.auto')
     kpoints = Kpoints.from_file(filepath)
     self.vinput = VaspInput(incar, kpoints, poscar, potcar)
 def setUp(self):
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, "INCAR")
     incar = Incar.from_file(filepath)
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, "POSCAR")
     poscar = Poscar.from_file(filepath)
     if "VASP_PSP_DIR" not in os.environ:
         test_potcar_dir = os.path.abspath(
             os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "..", "..", "test_files")
         os.environ["VASP_PSP_DIR"] = test_potcar_dir
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, "POTCAR")
     potcar = Potcar.from_file(filepath)
     filepath = os.path.join(test_dir, "KPOINTS.auto")
     kpoints = Kpoints.from_file(filepath)
     self.vinput = VaspInput(incar, kpoints, poscar, potcar)
def bader_analysis_from_path(path, suffix=''):
    Convenience method to run Bader analysis on a folder containing
    typical VASP output files.

    This method will:

    1. Look for files CHGCAR, AECAR0, AECAR2, POTCAR or their gzipped
    2. If AECCAR* files are present, constructs a temporary reference
    file as AECCAR0 + AECCAR2
    3. Runs Bader analysis twice: once for charge, and a second time
    for the charge difference (magnetization density).

    :param path: path to folder to search in
    :param suffix: specific suffix to look for (e.g. '.relax1' for 'CHGCAR.relax1.gz'
    :return: summary dict

    def _get_filepath(filename, warning, path=path, suffix=suffix):
        paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename + suffix + '*'))
        if not paths:
            return None
        if len(paths) > 1:
            # using reverse=True because, if multiple files are present,
            # they likely have suffixes 'static', 'relax', 'relax2', etc.
            # and this would give 'static' over 'relax2' over 'relax'
            # however, better to use 'suffix' kwarg to avoid this!
            warnings.warn('Multiple files detected, using {}'.format(os.path.basename(path)))
        path = paths[0]
        return path

    chgcar_path = _get_filepath('CHGCAR', 'Could not find CHGCAR!')
    chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(chgcar_path)

    aeccar0_path = _get_filepath('AECCAR0', 'Could not find AECCAR0, interpret Bader results with caution.')
    aeccar0 = Chgcar.from_file(aeccar0_path) if aeccar0_path else None

    aeccar2_path = _get_filepath('AECCAR2', 'Could not find AECCAR2, interpret Bader results with caution.')
    aeccar2 = Chgcar.from_file(aeccar2_path) if aeccar2_path else None

    potcar_path = _get_filepath('POTCAR', 'Could not find POTCAR, cannot calculate charge transfer.')
    potcar = Potcar.from_file(potcar_path) if potcar_path else None

    return bader_analysis_from_objects(chgcar, potcar, aeccar0, aeccar2)
    def __init__(self, chgcar_filename, potcar_filename=None):
        Initializes the Bader caller.

            chgcar_filename: The filename of the CHGCAR.
            potcar_filename: Optional: the filename of the corresponding
                POTCAR file. Used for calculating the charge transfer. If
                None, the get_charge_transfer method will raise a ValueError.
        self.chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(chgcar_filename)
        self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(potcar_filename) \
            if potcar_filename is not None else None
        self.natoms = self.chgcar.poscar.natoms
        chgcarpath = os.path.abspath(chgcar_filename)

        with ScratchDir(".") as temp_dir:
            shutil.copy(chgcarpath, os.path.join(temp_dir, "CHGCAR"))

            rs = subprocess.Popen(["bader", "CHGCAR"],
                                  stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
            if rs.returncode != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("bader exited with return code %d. "
                                   "Pls check your bader installation."
                                   % rs.returncode)
            data = []
            with open("ACF.dat") as f:
                raw = f.readlines()
                headers = [s.lower() for s in raw.pop(0).split()]
                while True:
                    l = raw.pop(0).strip()
                    if l.startswith("-"):
                    vals = map(float, l.split()[1:])
                    data.append(dict(zip(headers[1:], vals)))
                for l in raw:
                    toks = l.strip().split(":")
                    if toks[0] == "VACUUM CHARGE":
                        self.vacuum_charge = float(toks[1])
                    elif toks[0] == "VACUUM VOLUME":
                        self.vacuum_volume = float(toks[1])
                    elif toks[0] == "NUMBER OF ELECTRONS":
                        self.nelectrons = float(toks[1])
            self.data = data
 def setup(self):
     setup solvation jobs for the calibrate objects
     copies WAVECAR and sets the solvation params in the incar file
     also dumps system.json file in each directory for the database
     mind: works only for cal objects that does only single
     for cal in self.cal_objs:
         jdir = cal.old_job_dir_list[0]
         cal.poscar = Poscar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'POSCAR')
         cal.potcar = Potcar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'POTCAR')
         cal.kpoints = Kpoints.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'KPOINTS')
         cal.incar = Incar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'INCAR')
         cal.incar['LSOL'] = '.TRUE.'
         syms = [site.specie.symbol for site in cal.poscar.structure]
         zvals = {p.symbol: p.nelectrons for p in cal.potcar}
         nelectrons = sum([zvals[a[0]] * len(tuple(a[1]))
                           for a in itertools.groupby(syms)])
         keys = [k for k in self.sol_params.keys()
                 if self.sol_params[k]]
         prod_list = [self.sol_params.get(k) for k in keys]
         for params in itertools.product(*tuple(prod_list)):
             job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep \
                 + cal.old_job_dir_list[0].replace(os.sep,
                                                                '_') \
                 + os.sep + 'SOL'
             for i, k in enumerate(keys):
                 if k == 'NELECT':
                     cal.incar[k] = params[i] + nelectrons
                     cal.incar[k] = params[i]
                 job_dir = job_dir + os.sep + k + os.sep + str(
                     cal.incar[k]).replace('.', '_')
             if not os.path.exists(job_dir):
             with open(job_dir + os.sep + 'system.json', 'w') as f:
                 json.dump(dict(list(zip(keys, params))), f)
             wavecar_file = cal.old_job_dir_list[0] + os.sep + 'WAVECAR'
             if os.path.isfile(wavecar_file):
                 shutil.copy(wavecar_file, job_dir + os.sep + 'WAVECAR')
                 logger.critical('WAVECAR doesnt exist. Aborting ...')
 def setup(self):
     setup static jobs for the calibrate objects
     copies CONTCAR to POSCAR
     sets NSW = 0
     write system.json file for database crawler
     d = {}
     for cal in self.cal_objs:
         for i, jdir in enumerate(cal.old_job_dir_list):
             job_dir = self.job_dir + os.sep \
                 + jdir.replace(os.sep, '_').replace('.', '_') + \
                 os.sep + 'STATIC'
             cal.incar = Incar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'INCAR')
             cal.incar['EDIFF'] = '1E-6'
             cal.incar['NSW'] = 0
             cal.potcar = Potcar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'POTCAR')
             cal.kpoints = Kpoints.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'KPOINTS')
             contcar_file = jdir + os.sep + 'CONTCAR'
             if os.path.isfile(contcar_file):
                 cal.poscar = Poscar.from_file(contcar_file)
                 if cal in self.cal_slabs or cal in self.cal_interfaces:
                         d['hkl'] = cal.system['hkl']
                         logger.critical("""the calibrate object
                         doesnt have a system set for calibrating""")
                 if cal in self.cal_interfaces:
                         d['ligand'] = cal.system['ligand']['name']
                         logger.critical("""the calibrate object
                         doesnt have a system set for calibrating""")
                 if not os.path.exists(job_dir):
                 if d:
                     with open(job_dir + os.sep + 'system.json', 'w') as f:
                         json.dump(d, f)
                 logger.critical("""CONTCAR doesnt exist.
                 Setting up job using input set in the old
                 calibration directory""")
                 cal.poscar = Poscar.from_file(jdir + os.sep + 'POSCAR')
 def test_write(self):
     tempfname = Path("POTCAR.testing")
     p = Potcar.from_file(tempfname)
     self.assertEqual(p.symbols, self.potcar.symbols)
from pymatgen.io.vasp.inputs import Incar, Poscar, VaspInput,Potcar, Kpoints
import os,shutil
from custodian.vasp.jobs import VaspJob
from custodian.vasp.handlers import VaspErrorHandler, UnconvergedErrorHandler,MeshSymmetryErrorHandler, NonConvergingErrorHandler, PotimErrorHandler
from custodian.vasp.validators import VasprunXMLValidator
from custodian.custodian import Custodian
vinput = VaspInput.from_directory(".")
job=VaspJob(['mpirun', '-np', '16', '/users/knc6/VASP/vasp54/src/vasp.5.4.1/bin/vasp_std'], final=False, backup=False)
handlers = [VaspErrorHandler(), MeshSymmetryErrorHandler(),UnconvergedErrorHandler(), NonConvergingErrorHandler(),PotimErrorHandler()]
validators = [VasprunXMLValidator()]
c = Custodian(handlers, [job],max_errors=5,validators=validators)
 def setUp(self):
     self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(test_dir+"/POTCAR")
     self.zval_dict = {'Ba': 10.0, 'Ti': 10.0, 'O': 6.0}
     self.ions = ions
     self.structures = structures
    def post_process(self, dir_name, d):
        Post-processing for various files other than the vasprun.xml and OUTCAR.
        Looks for files: transformations.json and custodian.json. Modify this if other
        output files need to be processed.

                The dir_name.
                Current doc generated.
        logger.info(f"Post-processing dir:{dir_name}")
        fullpath = os.path.abspath(dir_name)
        # VASP input generated by pymatgen's alchemy has a transformations.json file that tracks
        # the origin of a particular structure. If such a file is found, it is inserted into the
        # task doc as d["transformations"]
        transformations = {}
        filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(fullpath, "transformations.json*"))
        if len(filenames) >= 1:
            with zopen(filenames[0], "rt") as f:
                transformations = json.load(f)
                    m = re.match(r"(\d+)-ICSD",
                    if m:
                        d["icsd_id"] = int(m.group(1))
                except Exception:
                        "Cannot parse ICSD from transformations file.")
            logger.warning("Transformations file does not exist.")

        other_parameters = transformations.get("other_parameters")
        new_tags = None
        if other_parameters:
            # We don't want to leave tags or authors in the
            # transformations file because they'd be copied into
            # every structure generated after this one.
            new_tags = other_parameters.pop("tags", None)
            new_author = other_parameters.pop("author", None)
            if new_author:
                d["author"] = new_author
            if not other_parameters:  # if dict is now empty remove it
        d["transformations"] = transformations

        # Calculations done using custodian has a custodian.json,
        # which tracks the jobs performed and any errors detected and fixed.
        # This is useful for tracking what has actually be done to get a
        # result. If such a file is found, it is inserted into the task doc
        # as d["custodian"]
        filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(fullpath, "custodian.json*"))
        if len(filenames) >= 1:
            custodian = []
            for fname in filenames:
                with zopen(fname, "rt") as f:
            d["custodian"] = custodian
        # Convert to full uri path.
        if self.use_full_uri:
            d["dir_name"] = get_uri(dir_name)
        if new_tags:
            d["tags"] = new_tags

        # Calculations using custodian generate a *.orig file for the inputs
        # This is useful to know how the calculation originally started
        # if such files are found they are inserted into orig_inputs
        filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(fullpath, "*.orig*"))

        if len(filenames) >= 1:
            d["orig_inputs"] = {}
            for f in filenames:
                if "INCAR.orig" in f:
                    d["orig_inputs"]["incar"] = Incar.from_file(f).as_dict()
                if "POTCAR.orig" in f:
                    d["orig_inputs"]["potcar"] = Potcar.from_file(f).as_dict()
                if "KPOINTS.orig" in f:
                    d["orig_inputs"]["kpoints"] = Kpoints.from_file(
                if "POSCAR.orig" in f:
                    d["orig_inputs"]["poscar"] = Poscar.from_file(f).as_dict()

        filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(fullpath, "*.json*"))
        if self.store_additional_json and filenames:
            for filename in filenames:
                key = os.path.basename(filename).split(".")[0]
                if key != "custodian" and key != "transformations":
                    with zopen(filename, "rt") as f:
                        d[key] = json.load(f)

        logger.info("Post-processed " + fullpath)
    def __init__(self, chgcar_filename, potcar_filename=None,
                 chgref_filename=None, parse_atomic_densities=False):
        Initializes the Bader caller.

            chgcar_filename (str): The filename of the CHGCAR.
            potcar_filename (str): Optional: the filename of the corresponding
                POTCAR file. Used for calculating the charge transfer. If
                None, the get_charge_transfer method will raise a ValueError.
            chgref_filename (str): Optional. The filename of the reference
                CHGCAR, which calculated by AECCAR0 + AECCAR2. (See
                http://theory.cm.utexas.edu/henkelman/code/bader/ for details.)
            parse_atomic_densities (bool): Optional. turns on atomic partition of the charge density
                charge densities are atom centered

        if not BADEREXE:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "BaderAnalysis requires the executable bader to be in the path."
                " Please download the library at http://theory.cm.utexas"
                ".edu/vasp/bader/ and compile the executable.")
        self.chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(chgcar_filename)
        self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(potcar_filename) \
            if potcar_filename is not None else None
        self.natoms = self.chgcar.poscar.natoms
        chgcarpath = os.path.abspath(chgcar_filename)
        chgrefpath = os.path.abspath(chgref_filename) if chgref_filename else None
        self.reference_used = True if chgref_filename else False
        self.parse_atomic_densities = parse_atomic_densities
        with ScratchDir(".") as temp_dir:
            with zopen(chgcarpath, 'rt') as f_in:
                with open("CHGCAR", "wt") as f_out:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
            args = [BADEREXE, "CHGCAR"]
            if chgref_filename:
                with zopen(chgrefpath, 'rt') as f_in:
                    with open("CHGCAR_ref", "wt") as f_out:
                        shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
                args += ['-ref', 'CHGCAR_ref']
            if parse_atomic_densities:
                args += ['-p', 'all_atom']
            rs = subprocess.Popen(args,
                                  stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
            stdout, stderr = rs.communicate()
            if rs.returncode != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("bader exited with return code %d. "
                                   "Please check your bader installation."
                                   % rs.returncode)

                self.version = float(stdout.split()[5])
                self.version = -1  # Unknown
            if self.version < 1.0:
                warnings.warn('Your installed version of Bader is outdated, '
                              'calculation of vacuum charge may be incorrect.')

            data = []
            with open("ACF.dat") as f:
                raw = f.readlines()
                headers = ('x', 'y', 'z', 'charge', 'min_dist', 'atomic_vol')
                while True:
                    l = raw.pop(0).strip()
                    if l.startswith("-"):
                    vals = map(float, l.split()[1:])
                    data.append(dict(zip(headers, vals)))
                for l in raw:
                    toks = l.strip().split(":")
                    if toks[0] == "VACUUM CHARGE":
                        self.vacuum_charge = float(toks[1])
                    elif toks[0] == "VACUUM VOLUME":
                        self.vacuum_volume = float(toks[1])
                    elif toks[0] == "NUMBER OF ELECTRONS":
                        self.nelectrons = float(toks[1])
            self.data = data

            if self.parse_atomic_densities:
                # convert the charge denisty for each atom spit out by Bader into Chgcar objects for easy parsing
                atom_chgcars = [Chgcar.from_file("BvAt{}.dat".format(str(i).zfill(4))) for i in
                                range(1, len(self.chgcar.structure) + 1)]

                atomic_densities = []
                # For each atom in the structure
                for atom, loc, chg in zip(self.chgcar.structure,
                    # Find the index of the atom in the charge density atom
                    index = np.round(np.multiply(loc, chg.dim))

                    data = chg.data['total']
                    # Find the shift vector in the array
                    shift = (np.divide(chg.dim, 2) - index).astype(int)

                    # Shift the data so that the atomic charge density to the center for easier manipulation
                    shifted_data = np.roll(data, shift, axis=(0, 1, 2))

                    # Slices a central window from the data array
                    def slice_from_center(data, xwidth, ywidth, zwidth):
                        x, y, z = data.shape
                        startx = x // 2 - (xwidth // 2)
                        starty = y // 2 - (ywidth // 2)
                        startz = z // 2 - (zwidth // 2)
                        return data[startx:startx + xwidth, starty:starty + ywidth, startz:startz + zwidth]

                    # Finds the central encompassing volume which holds all the data within a precision
                    def find_encompassing_vol(data,prec=1e-3):
                        total = np.sum(data)
                        for i in range(np.max(data.shape)):
                            sliced_data = slice_from_center(data,i,i,i)
                            if total - np.sum(sliced_data) < 0.1:
                                return sliced_data
                        return None

                    d = {
                        "data": find_encompassing_vol(shifted_data),
                        "shift": shift,
                        "dim": self.chgcar.dim
                self.atomic_densities = atomic_densities
文件: hive.py 项目: ExpHP/pymatgen
    def assimilate(self, path):
        files = os.listdir(path)
            files_to_parse = {}
            if "relax1" in files and "relax2" in files:
                for filename in ("INCAR", "POTCAR", "POSCAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax1", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[0]
                for filename in ("CONTCAR", "OSZICAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax2", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[-1]
                for filename in (
                    "INCAR", "POTCAR", "CONTCAR", "OSZICAR", "POSCAR", "DYNMAT"
                    files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename + "*")))
                    if len(files) < 1:
                    if len(files) == 1 or filename == "INCAR" or \
                       filename == "POTCAR" or filename == "DYNMAT":
                        files_to_parse[filename] = files[-1]\
                            if filename == "POTCAR" else files[0]
                    elif len(files) > 1:
                        # Since multiple files are ambiguous, we will always
                        # use the first one for POSCAR and the last one
                        # alphabetically for CONTCAR and OSZICAR.

                        if filename == "POSCAR":
                            files_to_parse[filename] = files[0]
                            files_to_parse[filename] = files[-1]
                            "%d files found. %s is being parsed." %
                            (len(files), files_to_parse[filename]))

            poscar, contcar, incar, potcar, oszicar, dynmat = [None]*6
            if 'POSCAR' in files_to_parse:
                poscar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["POSCAR"])
            if 'CONTCAR' in files_to_parse:
                contcar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["CONTCAR"])
            if 'INCAR' in files_to_parse:
                incar = Incar.from_file(files_to_parse["INCAR"])
            if 'POTCAR' in files_to_parse:
                potcar = Potcar.from_file(files_to_parse["POTCAR"])
            if 'OSZICAR' in files_to_parse:
                oszicar = Oszicar(files_to_parse["OSZICAR"])
            if 'DYNMAT' in files_to_parse:
                dynmat = Dynmat(files_to_parse["DYNMAT"])

            param = {"hubbards":{}}
            if poscar is not None and incar is not None and "LDAUU" in incar:
                param["hubbards"] = dict(zip(poscar.site_symbols,
            param["is_hubbard"] = (
                incar.get("LDAU", False) and sum(param["hubbards"].values()) > 0
            ) if incar is not None else False
            param["run_type"] = None
            if incar is not None:
                param["run_type"] = "GGA+U" if param["is_hubbard"] else "GGA"
            # param["history"] = _get_transformation_history(path)
            param["potcar_spec"] = potcar.spec if potcar is not None else None
            energy = oszicar.final_energy if oszicar is not None else 1e10
            structure = contcar.structure if contcar is not None\
                else poscar.structure
            initial_vol = poscar.structure.volume if poscar is not None else \
            final_vol = contcar.structure.volume if contcar is not None else \
            delta_volume = None
            if initial_vol is not None and final_vol is not None:
                delta_volume = (final_vol / initial_vol - 1)
            data = {"filename": path, "delta_volume": delta_volume}
            if dynmat is not None:
                data['phonon_frequencies'] = dynmat.get_phonon_frequencies()
            if self._inc_structure:
                entry = ComputedStructureEntry(
                    structure, energy, parameters=param, data=data
                entry = ComputedEntry(
                  structure.composition, energy, parameters=param, data=data
            return entry

        except Exception as ex:
            logger.debug("error in {}: {}".format(path, ex))
            return None
 def setUp(self):
     self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(test_dir + "/POTCAR")
     self.zval_dict = {"Ba": 10.0, "Ti": 10.0, "O": 6.0}
     self.ions = ions
     self.structures = structures
 def setUp(self):
     self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(test_dir+"/POTCAR")
     self.zval_dict = {'Ba': 10.0, 'Ti': 10.0, 'O': 6.0}
     self.ions = ions
     self.structures = structures
        magmom = []
        for el in slab_sorted.get_chemical_symbols():

#       for k in range(len(slab_sorted)):
#           print(slab_sorted[k].symbol," ",magmom[i])

        INCAR['MAGMOM'] = magmom

        magm = []
        for m, g in itertools.groupby(INCAR['MAGMOM'], lambda x: float(x)):
            magm.append("{}*{}".format(len(tuple(g)), m))
        potcar_ori = Potcar.from_file('%03d_%s/2nd/POTCAR' %
                                      (idx + 1.0, formula))
        potcar_symbols = potcar_ori.as_dict()['symbols']
        POTCAR = Potcar(potcar_symbols)
        f.writelines(['\t', 'POTCAR_symbols: ', str(potcar_symbols), '\n'])

            '\t', 'LDAUL: ',
            str(INCAR['LDAUL']), '\t', 'LDAUU: ',
            str(INCAR['LDAUU']), '\t', 'LDAUJ: ',
            str(INCAR['LDAUJ']), '\n'

        f.writelines(['\t', 'MAGMOM: ', str(magm), '\n'])
        Write files
    def from_path(cls, path, suffix="", zpsp=None):
        Convenience method to run critic2 analysis on a folder containing
        typical VASP output files.
        This method will:

        1. Look for files CHGCAR, AECAR0, AECAR2, POTCAR or their gzipped

        2. If AECCAR* files are present, constructs a temporary reference
        file as AECCAR0 + AECCAR2.

        3. Runs critic2 analysis twice: once for charge, and a second time
        for the charge difference (magnetization density).

        :param path: path to folder to search in
        :param suffix: specific suffix to look for (e.g. '.relax1' for
        :param zpsp: manually specify ZPSP if POTCAR not present

        chgcar_path = get_filepath("CHGCAR", "Could not find CHGCAR!", path,
        chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(chgcar_path)
        chgcar_ref = None

        if not zpsp:

            potcar_path = get_filepath(
                "Could not find POTCAR, will not be able to calculate charge transfer.",

            if potcar_path:
                potcar = Potcar.from_file(potcar_path)
                zpsp = {p.element: p.zval for p in potcar}

        if not zpsp:
            # try and get reference "all-electron-like" charge density if zpsp not present
            aeccar0_path = get_filepath(
                "Could not find AECCAR0, interpret Bader results with caution.",
            aeccar0 = Chgcar.from_file(aeccar0_path) if aeccar0_path else None

            aeccar2_path = get_filepath(
                "Could not find AECCAR2, interpret Bader results with caution.",
            aeccar2 = Chgcar.from_file(aeccar2_path) if aeccar2_path else None

            chgcar_ref = aeccar0.linear_add(aeccar2) if (aeccar0
                                                         and aeccar2) else None

        return cls.from_chgcar(chgcar.structure, chgcar, chgcar_ref, zpsp=zpsp)
    def __init__(
        Initializes the Bader caller.

            chgcar_filename (str): The filename of the CHGCAR.

            parse_atomic_densities (bool): Optional. turns on atomic partition of the charge density
                charge densities are atom centered

        if not BADEREXE:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "BaderAnalysis requires the executable bader to be in the path."
                " Please download the library at http://theory.cm.utexas"
                ".edu/vasp/bader/ and compile the executable.")

        if not (cube_filename or chgcar_filename):
            raise ValueError(
                "You must provide a file! Either a cube file or a CHGCAR")
        if cube_filename and chgcar_filename:
            raise ValueError(
                "You cannot parse a cube and a CHGCAR at the same time!")

        self.parse_atomic_densities = parse_atomic_densities

        if chgcar_filename:
            fpath = os.path.abspath(chgcar_filename)
            self.is_vasp = True
            self.chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(chgcar_filename)
            self.structure = self.chgcar.structure
            self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(
                potcar_filename) if potcar_filename is not None else None
            self.natoms = self.chgcar.poscar.natoms
            chgrefpath = os.path.abspath(
                chgref_filename) if chgref_filename else None
            self.reference_used = bool(chgref_filename)

            # List of nelects for each atom from potcar
            potcar_indices = []
            for i, v in enumerate(self.natoms):
                potcar_indices += [i] * v
            self.nelects = ([
                for i in range(len(self.structure))
            ] if self.potcar else [])

            fpath = os.path.abspath(cube_filename)
            self.is_vasp = False
            self.cube = Cube(fpath)
            self.structure = self.cube.structure
            self.nelects = None

        tmpfile = "CHGCAR" if chgcar_filename else "CUBE"
        with ScratchDir("."):
            with zopen(fpath, "rt") as f_in:
                with open(tmpfile, "wt") as f_out:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
            args = [BADEREXE, tmpfile]
            if chgref_filename:
                with zopen(chgrefpath, "rt") as f_in:
                    with open("CHGCAR_ref", "wt") as f_out:
                        shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
                args += ["-ref", "CHGCAR_ref"]
            if parse_atomic_densities:
                args += ["-p", "all_atom"]
            with subprocess.Popen(args,
                                  close_fds=True) as rs:
                stdout, stderr = rs.communicate()
            if rs.returncode != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("bader exited with return code %d. "
                                   "Please check your bader installation." %

                self.version = float(stdout.split()[5])
            except ValueError:
                self.version = -1  # Unknown
            if self.version < 1.0:
                warnings.warn("Your installed version of Bader is outdated, "
                              "calculation of vacuum charge may be incorrect.")

            data = []
            with open("ACF.dat") as f:
                raw = f.readlines()
                headers = ("x", "y", "z", "charge", "min_dist", "atomic_vol")
                while True:
                    l = raw.pop(0).strip()
                    if l.startswith("-"):
                    vals = map(float, l.split()[1:])
                    data.append(dict(zip(headers, vals)))
                for l in raw:
                    toks = l.strip().split(":")
                    if toks[0] == "VACUUM CHARGE":
                        self.vacuum_charge = float(toks[1])
                    elif toks[0] == "VACUUM VOLUME":
                        self.vacuum_volume = float(toks[1])
                    elif toks[0] == "NUMBER OF ELECTRONS":
                        self.nelectrons = float(toks[1])
            self.data = data

            if self.parse_atomic_densities:
                # convert the charge denisty for each atom spit out by Bader into Chgcar objects for easy parsing
                atom_chgcars = [
                    for i in range(1,
                                   len(self.chgcar.structure) + 1)

                atomic_densities = []
                # For each atom in the structure
                for atom, loc, chg in zip(
                    # Find the index of the atom in the charge density atom
                    index = np.round(np.multiply(loc, chg.dim))

                    data = chg.data["total"]
                    # Find the shift vector in the array
                    shift = (np.divide(chg.dim, 2) - index).astype(int)

                    # Shift the data so that the atomic charge density to the center for easier manipulation
                    shifted_data = np.roll(data, shift, axis=(0, 1, 2))

                    # Slices a central window from the data array
                    def slice_from_center(data, xwidth, ywidth, zwidth):
                        x, y, z = data.shape
                        startx = x // 2 - (xwidth // 2)
                        starty = y // 2 - (ywidth // 2)
                        startz = z // 2 - (zwidth // 2)
                        return data[startx:startx + xwidth,
                                    starty:starty + ywidth,
                                    startz:startz + zwidth, ]

                    # Finds the central encompassing volume which holds all the data within a precision
                    def find_encompassing_vol(data, prec=1e-3):
                        total = np.sum(data)
                        for i in range(np.max(data.shape)):
                            sliced_data = slice_from_center(data, i, i, i)
                            if total - np.sum(sliced_data) < 0.1:
                                return sliced_data
                        return None

                    d = {
                        "data": find_encompassing_vol(shifted_data),
                        "shift": shift,
                        "dim": self.chgcar.dim,
                self.atomic_densities = atomic_densities
 def setUp(self):
     if "PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR" not in os.environ:
         os.environ["PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR"] = str(self.TEST_FILES_DIR)
     filepath = self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'POTCAR'
     self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(filepath)
    def __init__(self, chgcar_filename, potcar_filename=None,
                 chgref_filename=None, parse_atomic_densities=False):
        Initializes the Bader caller.

            chgcar_filename (str): The filename of the CHGCAR.
            potcar_filename (str): Optional: the filename of the corresponding
                POTCAR file. Used for calculating the charge transfer. If
                None, the get_charge_transfer method will raise a ValueError.
            chgref_filename (str): Optional. The filename of the reference
                CHGCAR, which calculated by AECCAR0 + AECCAR2. (See
                http://theory.cm.utexas.edu/henkelman/code/bader/ for details.)
            parse_atomic_densities (bool): Optional. turns on atomic partition of the charge density
                charge densities are atom centered

        if not BADEREXE:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "BaderAnalysis requires the executable bader to be in the path."
                " Please download the library at http://theory.cm.utexas"
                ".edu/vasp/bader/ and compile the executable.")
        self.chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(chgcar_filename)
        self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(potcar_filename) \
            if potcar_filename is not None else None
        self.natoms = self.chgcar.poscar.natoms
        chgcarpath = os.path.abspath(chgcar_filename)
        chgrefpath = os.path.abspath(chgref_filename) if chgref_filename else None
        self.reference_used = True if chgref_filename else False
        self.parse_atomic_densities = parse_atomic_densities
        with ScratchDir(".") as temp_dir:
            with zopen(chgcarpath, 'rt') as f_in:
                with open("CHGCAR", "wt") as f_out:
                    shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
            args = [BADEREXE, "CHGCAR"]
            if chgref_filename:
                with zopen(chgrefpath, 'rt') as f_in:
                    with open("CHGCAR_ref", "wt") as f_out:
                        shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
                args += ['-ref', 'CHGCAR_ref']
            if parse_atomic_densities:
                args += ['-p', 'all_atom']
            rs = subprocess.Popen(args,
                                  stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
            stdout, stderr = rs.communicate()
            if rs.returncode != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("bader exited with return code %d. "
                                   "Please check your bader installation."
                                   % rs.returncode)

                self.version = float(stdout.split()[5])
                self.version = -1  # Unknown
            if self.version < 1.0:
                warnings.warn('Your installed version of Bader is outdated, '
                              'calculation of vacuum charge may be incorrect.')

            data = []
            with open("ACF.dat") as f:
                raw = f.readlines()
                headers = ('x', 'y', 'z', 'charge', 'min_dist', 'atomic_vol')
                while True:
                    l = raw.pop(0).strip()
                    if l.startswith("-"):
                    vals = map(float, l.split()[1:])
                    data.append(dict(zip(headers, vals)))
                for l in raw:
                    toks = l.strip().split(":")
                    if toks[0] == "VACUUM CHARGE":
                        self.vacuum_charge = float(toks[1])
                    elif toks[0] == "VACUUM VOLUME":
                        self.vacuum_volume = float(toks[1])
                    elif toks[0] == "NUMBER OF ELECTRONS":
                        self.nelectrons = float(toks[1])
            self.data = data

            if self.parse_atomic_densities:
                # convert the charge denisty for each atom spit out by Bader into Chgcar objects for easy parsing
                atom_chgcars = [Chgcar.from_file("BvAt{}.dat".format(str(i).zfill(4))) for i in
                                range(1, len(self.chgcar.structure) + 1)]

                atomic_densities = []
                # For each atom in the structure
                for atom, loc, chg in zip(self.chgcar.structure,
                    # Find the index of the atom in the charge density atom
                    index = np.round(np.multiply(loc, chg.dim))

                    data = chg.data['total']
                    # Find the shift vector in the array
                    shift = (np.divide(chg.dim, 2) - index).astype(int)

                    # Shift the data so that the atomic charge density to the center for easier manipulation
                    shifted_data = np.roll(data, shift, axis=(0, 1, 2))

                    # Slices a central window from the data array
                    def slice_from_center(data, xwidth, ywidth, zwidth):
                        x, y, z = data.shape
                        startx = x // 2 - (xwidth // 2)
                        starty = y // 2 - (ywidth // 2)
                        startz = z // 2 - (zwidth // 2)
                        return data[startx:startx + xwidth, starty:starty + ywidth, startz:startz + zwidth]

                    # Finds the central encompassing volume which holds all the data within a precision
                    def find_encompassing_vol(data,prec=1e-3):
                        total = np.sum(data)
                        for i in range(np.max(data.shape)):
                            sliced_data = slice_from_center(data,i,i,i)
                            if total - np.sum(sliced_data) < 0.1:
                                return sliced_data
                        return None

                    d = {
                        "data": find_encompassing_vol(shifted_data),
                        "shift": shift,
                        "dim": self.chgcar.dim
                self.atomic_densities = atomic_densities
文件: hive.py 项目: zetayue/pymatgen
    def assimilate(self, path):
        files = os.listdir(path)
            files_to_parse = {}
            if "relax1" in files and "relax2" in files:
                for filename in ("INCAR", "POTCAR", "POSCAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax1", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[0]
                for filename in ("CONTCAR", "OSZICAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax2", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[-1]
                for filename in ("INCAR", "POTCAR", "CONTCAR", "OSZICAR",
                                 "POSCAR", "DYNMAT"):
                    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename + "*"))
                    if len(files) < 1:
                    if len(files) == 1 or filename == "INCAR" or \
                       filename == "POTCAR" or filename == "DYNMAT":
                        files_to_parse[filename] = files[-1]\
                            if filename == "POTCAR" else files[0]
                    elif len(files) > 1:
                        This is a bit confusing, since there maybe be
                        multiple steps. By default, assimilate will try to find
                        a file simply named filename, filename.bz2, or
                        filename.gz.  Failing which it will try to get a relax2
                        from a custodian double relaxation style run if
                        possible. Or else, a random file is chosen.
                        for fname in files:
                            if fnmatch.fnmatch(
                                files_to_parse[filename] = fname
                            if fname == "POSCAR" and \
                                    re.search("relax1", fname):
                                files_to_parse[filename] = fname
                            if (fname in ("CONTCAR", "OSZICAR")
                                    and re.search("relax2", fname)):
                                files_to_parse[filename] = fname
                            files_to_parse[filename] = fname

            poscar, contcar, incar, potcar, oszicar, dynmat = [None] * 6
            if 'POSCAR' in files_to_parse:
                poscar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["POSCAR"])
            if 'CONTCAR' in files_to_parse:
                contcar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["CONTCAR"])
            if 'INCAR' in files_to_parse:
                incar = Incar.from_file(files_to_parse["INCAR"])
            if 'POTCAR' in files_to_parse:
                potcar = Potcar.from_file(files_to_parse["POTCAR"])
            if 'OSZICAR' in files_to_parse:
                oszicar = Oszicar(files_to_parse["OSZICAR"])
            if 'DYNMAT' in files_to_parse:
                dynmat = Dynmat(files_to_parse["DYNMAT"])

            param = {"hubbards": {}}
            if poscar is not None and incar is not None and "LDAUU" in incar:
                param["hubbards"] = dict(
                    zip(poscar.site_symbols, incar["LDAUU"]))
            param["is_hubbard"] = (incar.get("LDAU", False)
                                   and sum(param["hubbards"].values()) > 0
                                   ) if incar is not None else False
            param["run_type"] = None
            if incar is not None:
                param["run_type"] = "GGA+U" if param["is_hubbard"] else "GGA"
            param["history"] = _get_transformation_history(path)
            param["potcar_spec"] = potcar.spec if potcar is not None else None
            energy = oszicar.final_energy if oszicar is not None else 1e10
            structure = contcar.structure if contcar is not None\
                else poscar.structure
            initial_vol = poscar.structure.volume if poscar is not None else \
            final_vol = contcar.structure.volume if contcar is not None else \
            delta_volume = None
            if initial_vol is not None and final_vol is not None:
                delta_volume = (final_vol / initial_vol - 1)
            data = {"filename": path, "delta_volume": delta_volume}
            if dynmat is not None:
                data['phonon_frequencies'] = dynmat.get_phonon_frequencies()
            if self._inc_structure:
                entry = ComputedStructureEntry(structure,
                entry = ComputedEntry(structure.composition,
            return entry

        except Exception as ex:
            logger.debug("error in {}: {}".format(path, ex))
            return None
 def setup(self):
     self.currdir = os.getcwd()
     os.chdir(os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, '../../../test_files'))
     self.vr = Vasprun("vasprun.xml")
     self.cr = CoreRegion(Potcar.from_file("POTCAR"))
 def test_write(self):
     tempfname = "POTCAR.testing"
     p = Potcar.from_file(tempfname)
     self.assertEqual(p.symbols, self.potcar.symbols)
 def setUp(self):
     if "PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR" not in os.environ:
         os.environ["PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR"] = str(self.TEST_FILES_DIR)
     filepath = self.TEST_FILES_DIR / 'POTCAR'
     self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(filepath)
    def __init__(
        Initializes the Chargemol Analysis.

            path (str): Path to the CHGCAR, POTCAR, AECCAR0, and AECCAR files.
            Note that it doesn't matter if the files gzip'd or not.
                Default: None (current working directory).
            atomic_densities_path (str|None): Path to the atomic densities directory
            required by Chargemol. If None, Pymatgen assumes that this is
            defined in a "DDEC6_ATOMIC_DENSITIES_DIR" environment variable.
            Only used if run_chargemol is True.
                Default: None.
            run_chargemol (bool): Whether to run the Chargemol analysis. If False,
            the existing Chargemol output files will be read from path.
                Default: True.
        if not path:
            path = os.getcwd()
        if run_chargemol and not (which("Chargemol_09_26_2017_linux_parallel")
                                  or which("Chargemol_09_26_2017_linux_serial")
                                  or which("chargemol"), ):
            raise EnvironmentError(
                "ChargemolAnalysis requires the Chargemol executable to be in the path."
                " Please download the library at https://sourceforge.net/projects/ddec/files"
                "and follow the instructions.")
        if atomic_densities_path == "":
            atomic_densities_path = os.getcwd()
        self._atomic_densities_path = atomic_densities_path

        self._chgcarpath = self._get_filepath(path, "CHGCAR")
        self._potcarpath = self._get_filepath(path, "POTCAR")
        self._aeccar0path = self._get_filepath(path, "AECCAR0")
        self._aeccar2path = self._get_filepath(path, "AECCAR2")
        if run_chargemol and not (self._chgcarpath and self._potcarpath
                                  and self._aeccar0path and self._aeccar2path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "CHGCAR, AECCAR0, AECCAR2, and POTCAR are all needed for Chargemol."
        if self._chgcarpath:
            self.chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(self._chgcarpath)
            self.structure = self.chgcar.structure
            self.natoms = self.chgcar.poscar.natoms
            self.chgcar = None
            self.structure = None
            self.natoms = None
                "No CHGCAR found. Some properties may be unavailable.",
        if self._potcarpath:
            self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(self._potcarpath)
                "No POTCAR found. Some properties may be unavailable.",
        self.aeccar0 = Chgcar.from_file(
            self._aeccar0path) if self._aeccar0path else None
        self.aeccar2 = Chgcar.from_file(
            self._aeccar2path) if self._aeccar2path else None

        if run_chargemol:
    def setup(self):
        self.currdir = os.getcwd()
        os.chdir(os.path.join(MODULE_DIR, '../../../test_files'))
        structure = Poscar.from_file("CONTCAR").structure
        cr = CoreRegion(Potcar.from_file("POTCAR"))
        pps = {}
        labels = {}
        label = 0
        for e in cr.pps:
            pps[label] = cr.pps[e]
            labels[e] = label
            label += 1
        clabels = np.array([], np.int32)
        ls = np.array([], np.int32)
        projectors = np.array([], np.float64)
        aewaves = np.array([], np.float64)
        pswaves = np.array([], np.float64)
        wgrids = np.array([], np.float64)
        pgrids = np.array([], np.float64)
        num_els = 0

        for num in pps:
            pp = pps[num]
            clabels = np.append(clabels,
                                [num, len(pp.ls), pp.ndata,
            ls = np.append(ls, pp.ls)
            wgrids = np.append(wgrids, pp.grid)
            pgrids = np.append(pgrids, pp.projgrid)
            num_els += 1
            for i in range(len(pp.ls)):
                proj = pp.realprojs[i]
                aepw = pp.aewaves[i]
                pspw = pp.pswaves[i]
                projectors = np.append(projectors, proj)
                aewaves = np.append(aewaves, aepw)
                pswaves = np.append(pswaves, pspw)
        print("rmax", cr.pps['Ga'].rmax * 0.529177)

        selfnums = np.array([labels[el(s)] for s in structure], dtype=np.int32)
        selfcoords = np.array([], np.float64)

        for s in structure:
            selfcoords = np.append(selfcoords, s.frac_coords)

        f = open('potholder.txt', 'w')
        f.write('%d ' % num_els)
        for i in range(len(clabels)):
            f.write('%d ' % clabels[i])
        f.write('%d ' % len(ls))
        for i in range(len(ls)):
            f.write('%d ' % ls[i])
        f.write('%d ' % len(pgrids))
        for i in range(len(pgrids)):
            f.write('%f ' % pgrids[i])
        f.write('%d ' % len(wgrids))
        for i in range(len(wgrids)):
            f.write('%f ' % wgrids[i])
        f.write('%d ' % len(projectors))
        for i in range(len(projectors)):
            f.write('%f ' % projectors[i])
        f.write('%d ' % len(aewaves))
        for i in range(len(aewaves)):
            f.write('%f ' % aewaves[i])
        f.write('%d ' % len(pswaves))
        for i in range(len(pswaves)):
            f.write('%f ' % pswaves[i])
        f.write('%f ' % (cr.pps['Ga'].rmax * 0.529177))
        f.write('%d ' % len(selfnums))
        for i in range(len(selfnums)):
            f.write('%d ' % selfnums[i])
        for i in range(len(selfnums) * 3):
            f.write('%f ' % selfcoords[i])

    def assimilate(self, path):
        files = os.listdir(path)
            files_to_parse = {}
            if "relax1" in files and "relax2" in files:
                for filename in ("INCAR", "POTCAR", "POSCAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax1", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[0]
                for filename in ("CONTCAR", "OSZICAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax2", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[-1]
                for filename in (
                        "INCAR", "POTCAR", "CONTCAR", "OSZICAR", "POSCAR", "DYNMAT"
                    files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename + "*")))
                    if len(files) < 1:
                    if len(files) == 1 or filename == "INCAR" or \
                            filename == "POTCAR" or filename == "DYNMAT":
                        files_to_parse[filename] = files[-1] \
                            if filename == "POTCAR" else files[0]
                    elif len(files) > 1:
                        # Since multiple files are ambiguous, we will always
                        # use the first one for POSCAR and the last one
                        # alphabetically for CONTCAR and OSZICAR.

                        if filename == "POSCAR":
                            files_to_parse[filename] = files[0]
                            files_to_parse[filename] = files[-1]
                            "%d files found. %s is being parsed." %
                            (len(files), files_to_parse[filename]))

            poscar, contcar, incar, potcar, oszicar, dynmat = [None] * 6
            if 'POSCAR' in files_to_parse:
                poscar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["POSCAR"])
            if 'CONTCAR' in files_to_parse:
                contcar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["CONTCAR"])
            if 'INCAR' in files_to_parse:
                incar = Incar.from_file(files_to_parse["INCAR"])
            if 'POTCAR' in files_to_parse:
                potcar = Potcar.from_file(files_to_parse["POTCAR"])
            if 'OSZICAR' in files_to_parse:
                oszicar = Oszicar(files_to_parse["OSZICAR"])
            if 'DYNMAT' in files_to_parse:
                dynmat = Dynmat(files_to_parse["DYNMAT"])

            param = {"hubbards": {}}
            if poscar is not None and incar is not None and "LDAUU" in incar:
                param["hubbards"] = dict(zip(poscar.site_symbols,
            param["is_hubbard"] = (
                    incar.get("LDAU", True) and sum(param["hubbards"].values()) > 0
            ) if incar is not None else False
            param["run_type"] = None
            if incar is not None:
                param["run_type"] = Vasprun.run_type
            # param["history"] = _get_transformation_history(path)
            param["potcar_spec"] = potcar.spec if potcar is not None else None
            energy = oszicar.final_energy if oszicar is not None else Vasprun.final_energy
            structure = contcar.structure if contcar is not None \
                else poscar.structure
            initial_vol = poscar.structure.volume if poscar is not None else \
            final_vol = contcar.structure.volume if contcar is not None else \
            delta_volume = None
            if initial_vol is not None and final_vol is not None:
                delta_volume = (final_vol / initial_vol - 1)
            data = {"filename": path, "delta_volume": delta_volume}
            if dynmat is not None:
                data['phonon_frequencies'] = dynmat.get_phonon_frequencies()
            if self._inc_structure:
                entry = ComputedStructureEntry(
                    structure, energy, parameters=param, data=data
                entry = ComputedEntry(
                    structure.composition, energy, parameters=param, data=data
            return entry

        except Exception as ex:
            logger.debug("error in {}: {}".format(path, ex))
            return None
                INCAR = Incar.from_file(file_path + 'INCAR')
                POSCAR = Poscar.from_file(file_path + 'CONTCAR')

                INCAR['ISIF'] = 2
                INCAR['IBRION'] = -1
                INCAR['ISMEAR'] = 0
                INCAR['ISYM'] = -1
                INCAR['ICHARG'] = 11
                INCAR['NSW'] = 0

                INCAR.write_file(file_path + 'DOS/INCAR')
                KPOINTS.write_file(file_path + 'DOS/KPOINTS')
                POSCAR.write_file(file_path + 'DOS/POSCAR')

                # Potcar setup
                POTCAR = Potcar.from_file(file_path + 'POTCAR')
                POTCAR.write_file(file_path + 'DOS/POTCAR')

                # jobscript copy
                for n, line in enumerate(
                    if '#PBS -N' in line:
                        n_line = n
                    elif '#PBS -q' in line:
                        q_line = n
                    elif '#PBS -l' in line:
                        w_line = n

                PBS_N = '#PBS -N %03d_%s\n' % (idx + 1.0, formula)
                replace_line('jobscript_vasp.sh', n_line, PBS_N)
 def test_write(self):
     tempfname = Path("POTCAR.testing")
     p = Potcar.from_file(tempfname)
     self.assertEqual(p.symbols, self.potcar.symbols)
 def test_write(self):
     tempfname = "POTCAR.testing"
     p = Potcar.from_file(tempfname)
     self.assertEqual(p.symbols, self.potcar.symbols)
文件: hive.py 项目: zulissi/pymatgen
    def assimilate(self, path):
        files = os.listdir(path)
            files_to_parse = {}
            if "relax1" in files and "relax2" in files:
                for filename in ("INCAR", "POTCAR", "POSCAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax1", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[0]
                for filename in ("CONTCAR", "OSZICAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax2", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[-1]
                for filename in (
                    "INCAR", "POTCAR", "CONTCAR", "OSZICAR", "POSCAR", "DYNMAT"
                    files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename + "*"))
                    if len(files) < 1:
                    if len(files) == 1 or filename == "INCAR" or \
                       filename == "POTCAR" or filename == "DYNMAT":
                        files_to_parse[filename] = files[-1]\
                            if filename == "POTCAR" else files[0]
                    elif len(files) > 1:
                        This is a bit confusing, since there maybe be
                        multiple steps. By default, assimilate will try to find
                        a file simply named filename, filename.bz2, or
                        filename.gz.  Failing which it will try to get a relax2
                        from a custodian double relaxation style run if
                        possible. Or else, a random file is chosen.
                        for fname in files:
                            if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(fname),
                                files_to_parse[filename] = fname
                            if fname == "POSCAR" and \
                                    re.search("relax1", fname):
                                files_to_parse[filename] = fname
                            if (fname in ("CONTCAR", "OSZICAR") and
                                    re.search("relax2", fname)):
                                files_to_parse[filename] = fname
                            files_to_parse[filename] = fname

            poscar, contcar, incar, potcar, oszicar, dynmat = [None]*6
            if 'POSCAR' in files_to_parse:
                poscar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["POSCAR"])
            if 'CONTCAR' in files_to_parse:
                contcar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["CONTCAR"])
            if 'INCAR' in files_to_parse:
                incar = Incar.from_file(files_to_parse["INCAR"])
            if 'POTCAR' in files_to_parse:
                potcar = Potcar.from_file(files_to_parse["POTCAR"])
            if 'OSZICAR' in files_to_parse:
                oszicar = Oszicar(files_to_parse["OSZICAR"])
            if 'DYNMAT' in files_to_parse:
                dynmat = Dynmat(files_to_parse["DYNMAT"])

            param = {"hubbards":{}}
            if poscar is not None and incar is not None and "LDAUU" in incar:
                param["hubbards"] = dict(zip(poscar.site_symbols,
            param["is_hubbard"] = (
                incar.get("LDAU", False) and sum(param["hubbards"].values()) > 0
            ) if incar is not None else False
            param["run_type"] = None
            if incar is not None:
                param["run_type"] = "GGA+U" if param["is_hubbard"] else "GGA"
            param["history"] = _get_transformation_history(path)
            param["potcar_spec"] = potcar.spec if potcar is not None else None
            energy = oszicar.final_energy if oszicar is not None else 1e10
            structure = contcar.structure if contcar is not None\
                else poscar.structure
            initial_vol = poscar.structure.volume if poscar is not None else \
            final_vol = contcar.structure.volume if contcar is not None else \
            delta_volume = None
            if initial_vol is not None and final_vol is not None:
                delta_volume = (final_vol / initial_vol - 1)
            data = {"filename": path, "delta_volume": delta_volume}
            if dynmat is not None:
                data['phonon_frequencies'] = dynmat.get_phonon_frequencies()
            if self._inc_structure:
                entry = ComputedStructureEntry(
                    structure, energy, parameters=param, data=data
                entry = ComputedEntry(
                  structure.composition, energy, parameters=param, data=data
            return entry

        except Exception as ex:
            logger.debug("error in {}: {}".format(path, ex))
            return None
 def setUp(self):
     if "PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR" not in SETTINGS:
         SETTINGS["PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR"] = str(PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR)
     filepath = PymatgenTest.TEST_FILES_DIR / "POTCAR"
     self.potcar = Potcar.from_file(filepath)
    def from_path(cls, path, suffix="", zpsp=None):
        Convenience method to run critic2 analysis on a folder containing
        typical VASP output files.
        This method will:

        1. Look for files CHGCAR, AECAR0, AECAR2, POTCAR or their gzipped

        2. If AECCAR* files are present, constructs a temporary reference
        file as AECCAR0 + AECCAR2.

        3. Runs critic2 analysis twice: once for charge, and a second time
        for the charge difference (magnetization density).

        :param path: path to folder to search in
        :param suffix: specific suffix to look for (e.g. '.relax1' for
        :param zpsp: manually specify ZPSP if POTCAR not present
        def _get_filepath(filename, warning, path=path, suffix=suffix):
            paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename + suffix + "*"))
            if not paths:
                return None
            if len(paths) > 1:
                # using reverse=True because, if multiple files are present,
                # they likely have suffixes 'static', 'relax', 'relax2', etc.
                # and this would give 'static' over 'relax2' over 'relax'
                # however, better to use 'suffix' kwarg to avoid this!
                warnings.warn("Multiple files detected, using {}".format(
            path = paths[0]
            return path

        chgcar_path = _get_filepath("CHGCAR", "Could not find CHGCAR!")
        chgcar = Chgcar.from_file(chgcar_path)
        chgcar_ref = None

        if not zpsp:

            potcar_path = _get_filepath(
                "Could not find POTCAR, will not be able to calculate charge transfer.",

            if potcar_path:
                potcar = Potcar.from_file(potcar_path)
                zpsp = {p.element: p.zval for p in potcar}

        if not zpsp:

            # try and get reference "all-electron-like" charge density if zpsp not present
            aeccar0_path = _get_filepath(
                "Could not find AECCAR0, interpret Bader results with caution.",
            aeccar0 = Chgcar.from_file(aeccar0_path) if aeccar0_path else None

            aeccar2_path = _get_filepath(
                "Could not find AECCAR2, interpret Bader results with caution.",
            aeccar2 = Chgcar.from_file(aeccar2_path) if aeccar2_path else None

            chgcar_ref = aeccar0.linear_add(aeccar2) if (aeccar0
                                                         and aeccar2) else None

        return cls(chgcar.structure, chgcar, chgcar_ref, zpsp=zpsp)
def generate_incar(struct, dirname='.', encut=1.5):
    Generate INCAR according to user's choice. Now these templates are available:
      a >>> Optimization calculation
      b >>> SCF calculation
      c >>> BAND structure calculation
      d >>> DOS calculation
      e >>> ELF calculation
      f >>> Bader charge calculation
      g >>> AIMD NPT calculation
      h >>> AIMD NVT calculation
      i >>> Potential calculation
      j >>> Partial charge calculation
      k >>> STM image calculation
      l >>> optical properties calculation
      m >>> Mechanical properties calculation
      n >>> Frequency calculation
      o >>> Transition state calculation
      p >>> Phonopy + vasp DFPT calculation
      q >>> Phonopy + vasp finite difference calculation
        pots = Potcar.from_file(os.path.join(dirname, "POTCAR"))
        pot_elems = []
        max_encut_elems = []
        for pot in pots:
        struct_elems = [x.value for x in struct.types_of_specie]
        mlog.debug('Element order in POSCAR %s' % (struct_elems))
        mlog.debug('Element order in POTCAR %s' % (pot_elems))
        if struct_elems == pot_elems:
            print("The element order in POTCAR conflicts with POSCAR ")
        warn_tip(0, '\nPOTCAR file not found\n')
        max_encut_elems = [500]
    prop_encut = max(max_encut_elems) * encut
    elec_relax1['ENCUT'] = prop_encut

    'for every letter you can append another letters for extra parameters\n'+\
    'The corresponding list are:                                      \n'+\
    'a:  SPIN                                                         \n'+\
    'b:  SOC                                                          \n'+\
    'c:  HSE                                                          \n'+\
    'd:  DIPOLE correction                                            \n'+\
    'e:  Electric filed                                               \n'+\
    'f:  Add grid                                                     \n'+\
    'g:  Add Pressure                                                 \n'+\
    'h:  DFT-D2                                                       \n'+\
    'i:  DFT-D3                                                       \n'+\
    'j:  VDW-DF                                                       \n'+\
    'k:  opt-B86                                                      \n'+\
    'l:  opt-B88                                                      \n'+\
    'm:  LDA+U                                                        \n'+\
    '\nFor exmaple: aai means one optimization by condsidering SPIN and \n'+\
    'DFT-D3 correction.                                               \n'

    warn_tip(1, tip)

    sepline(ch=' generate INCAR file ', sp='-')
    print("your choice?")
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('a', 'Optimization calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('b', 'SCF calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('c', 'BAND structure calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('d', 'DOS calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('e', 'ELF calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('f', 'Bader charge calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('g', 'AIMD NPT calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('h', 'AIMD NVT calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('i', 'Potential calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('j', 'Partial charge calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('k', 'STM image calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('l', 'optical properties calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('m', 'Mechanical properties calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('n', 'Frequency calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('o', 'Transition state calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('p', 'Phonopy + vasp DFPT calculation'))
    print('{} >>> {}'.format('q',
                             'Phonopy + vasp finite difference calculation'))

    in_str = ""
    while in_str == "":
        in_str = input().strip()

    choice = in_str[0]
    in_str = ''.join(in_str.split())
    #    assert choice in range(1,19)
    ref_incar = MITRelaxSet(struct).incar
    ref_incar_cite = {}
    spin_paras['MAGMOM'] = ref_incar['MAGMOM']
        LDAU_paras['LDAUJ'] = ref_incar['LDAUJ']
        LDAU_paras['LDAUL'] = ref_incar['LDAUL']
        LDAU_paras['LDAUJ'] = None
        LDAU_paras['LDAUL'] = None

    elec_relax1['LREAL'] = ref_incar['LREAL']

    def parse_extra_incar(in_str, modify_val=None):
        incar_str = ''
        for i in range(1, len(in_str)):
            if in_str[i] != ' ':
                incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(extra_params[in_str[i]]))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        return incar_str

    incar_str = ''
    if choice == 'a':  # Opt calculation

        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'b':  # SCF calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        output_paras['LCHGARG'] = True
        output_paras['LWAVE'] = True
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'c':  # band structure calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        start_paras['ICHARG'] = 11
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'd':  # DOS calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        start_paras['ICHARG'] = 11
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'e':  # ELF calculatio
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        output_paras['LCHGARG'] = True
        output_paras['LELF'] = True
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'f':  # Bader charge calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        output_paras['LCHGARG'] = True
        output_paras['LAECHG'] = True
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'g':  # AIMD NPT calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = md_step
        ion_relax['IBRION'] = 0
        ion_relax['POTIM'] = 1
        ion_relax['ISYM'] = 0
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'h':  # AIMD NVT calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = md_step
        ion_relax['IBRION'] = 0
        ion_relax['POTIM'] = 1
        ion_relax['ISYM'] = 0
        ion_relax['ISIF'] = 2
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'i':  # Potential calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        output_paras['LCHGARG'] = True
        output_paras['LVTOT'] = True
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'j':  # Partial charge calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        start_paras['ISTART'] = 1
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        output_paras['LCHGARG'] = True
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'k':  # STM image calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        start_paras['ISTART'] = 1
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        output_paras['LCHGARG'] = True
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'l':  # optical properties calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        start_paras['ISTART'] = 1
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'm':  # Mechanical properties calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 1
        ion_relax['NFREE'] = 4
        ion_relax['IBRION'] = 6
        ion_relax['POTIM'] = 0.015
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'n':  # Frequency calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 1
        ion_relax['NFREE'] = 4
        ion_relax['IBRION'] = 5
        ion_relax['POTIM'] = 0.015
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_oth
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'o':  # Transition state calculation
        ion_relax['POTIM'] = 0
        ion_relax['EDIFFG'] = ediffg_neb
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_opt
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:

            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif choice == 'p':  # Phonopy + vasp DFPT calculation
        ion_relax['IBRION'] = 8
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_phon
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    elif 'q' == choice:  # Phonopy + vasp finite difference calculation
        ion_relax['NSW'] = 0
        ion_relax['IBRION'] = -1
        elec_relax1['EDIFF'] = ediff_phon
        for dict_paras in basic_paras:
            incar, comment = Incar.from_dict(eval(dict_paras))
            incar_str += incar.get_string(pretty=True, comment=comment)
        if len(in_str) > 1:
            incar_str += parse_extra_incar(in_str)

    else:  # left empty for extend
        raise Exception(f"choice '{choice}' not valid!")

    write_file(os.path.join(dirname, "INCAR"), incar_str)
文件: hive.py 项目: squiton/pymatgen
    def assimilate(self, path):
        Assimilate data in a directory path into a ComputedEntry object.

            path: directory path

        files = os.listdir(path)
            files_to_parse = {}
            filenames = {
                "INCAR", "POTCAR", "CONTCAR", "OSZICAR", "POSCAR", "DYNMAT"
            if "relax1" in files and "relax2" in files:
                for filename in ("INCAR", "POTCAR", "POSCAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax1", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[0]
                for filename in ("CONTCAR", "OSZICAR"):
                    search_str = os.path.join(path, "relax2", filename + "*")
                    files_to_parse[filename] = glob.glob(search_str)[-1]
                for filename in filenames:
                    files = sorted(
                        glob.glob(os.path.join(path, filename + "*")))
                    if len(files) == 1 or filename in ("INCAR", "POTCAR",
                        files_to_parse[filename] = files[0]
                    elif len(files) > 1:
                        # Since multiple files are ambiguous, we will always
                        # use the first one for POSCAR and the last one
                        # alphabetically for CONTCAR and OSZICAR.

                        files_to_parse[filename] = (files[0] if filename
                                                    == "POSCAR" else files[-1])
                        warnings.warn("%d files found. %s is being parsed." %
                                      (len(files), files_to_parse[filename]))

            if not set(files_to_parse.keys()).issuperset(
                {"INCAR", "POTCAR", "CONTCAR", "OSZICAR", "POSCAR"}):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unable to parse %s as not all necessary files are present! "
                    "SimpleVaspToComputedEntryDrone requires INCAR, POTCAR, CONTCAR, OSZICAR, POSCAR "
                    "to be present. Only %s detected" %

            poscar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["POSCAR"])
            contcar = Poscar.from_file(files_to_parse["CONTCAR"])
            incar = Incar.from_file(files_to_parse["INCAR"])
            potcar = Potcar.from_file(files_to_parse["POTCAR"])
            oszicar = Oszicar(files_to_parse["OSZICAR"])

            param = {"hubbards": {}}
            if "LDAUU" in incar:
                param["hubbards"] = dict(
                    zip(poscar.site_symbols, incar["LDAUU"]))
            param["is_hubbard"] = (incar.get("LDAU", True)
                                   and sum(param["hubbards"].values()) > 0)
            param["run_type"] = None
            param["potcar_spec"] = potcar.spec
            energy = oszicar.final_energy
            structure = contcar.structure
            initial_vol = poscar.structure.volume
            final_vol = contcar.structure.volume
            delta_volume = final_vol / initial_vol - 1
            data = {"filename": path, "delta_volume": delta_volume}
            if "DYNMAT" in files_to_parse:
                dynmat = Dynmat(files_to_parse["DYNMAT"])
                data["phonon_frequencies"] = dynmat.get_phonon_frequencies()
            if self._inc_structure:
                return ComputedStructureEntry(structure,
            return ComputedEntry(structure.composition,

        except Exception as ex:
            logger.debug("error in {}: {}".format(path, ex))
            return None
        mag_dic = dict(zip(elements, mag_list))
        magmom = []
        for el in slab_sorted.get_chemical_symbols():
        INCAR['MAGMOM'] = magmom

        magm = []
        for m, g in itertools.groupby(INCAR['MAGMOM'], lambda x: float(x)):
            magm.append("{}*{}".format(len(tuple(g)), m))
        potcar_ori = Potcar.from_file(file_path + 'POTCAR')
        potcar_symbols = potcar_ori.as_dict()['symbols']
        POTCAR = Potcar(potcar_symbols) 
        f.writelines(['\t','POTCAR_symbols: ', str(potcar_symbols), '\n'])

        f.writelines(['\t', 'LDAUL: ',str(INCAR['LDAUL']),'\t',
                      'LDAUU: ',str(INCAR['LDAUU']),'\t',
                      'LDAUJ: ',str(INCAR['LDAUJ']),'\n'])

        f.writelines(['\t','MAGMOM: ',str(magm),'\n'])

        print(sorted(elements)," ",INCAR['LDAUU']," ",magm," ",potcar_symbols)

        Write files