def outputMolecule(singleMol, dataDir): molecule = Molecule([], []) for site in singleMol: molecule.append(str(site.specie), site.coords) xyzObj = XYZ(molecule) os.chdir(dataDir) os.system('mkdir singleMolecule') xyzObj.write_file(dataDir + '/singleMolecule/')
def getAllMols(supercell, bondDict): # molList is the list of pymatgen Molecule object # tmpMol is pyatgen Molecule object molList = [] while len(supercell.sites) != 0: # function getCentralSingleMol returns a dictionary # the keys are the index of each sites in supercell print('length of supercell:', len(supercell.sites)) molsites = Molecule([], []) molindex = list() tmpMol = getCentralSingleMol(supercell, bondDict) for siteIndex in tmpMol.keys(): molsites.append(str(tmpMol[siteIndex].specie), tmpMol[siteIndex].coords) molindex.append(siteIndex) supercell.remove_sites(molindex) molList += [molsites] return molList
def outputMolecule(singleMol, dataDir): molecule = Molecule([], []) singlemolpath = os.path.join(dataDir, 'singlemolecule') for siteIndex in singleMol.keys(): molecule.append(str(singleMol[siteIndex].specie), singleMol[siteIndex].coords) xyzObj = XYZ(molecule) if "" in os.listdir(singlemolpath): decision = None print('You have one \'\' file inside the single molecule path.') print('This previous file will be overwritten.') while decision != 'Y' and decision != 'N': decision = input('Do you want to proceed? Y for yes, N for no.') if decision == 'Y': xyzObj.write_file(os.path.join(singlemolpath, '')) print('The single molecule structure is saved under:', os.path.join(dataDir, '')) elif decision == 'N': print('The previous file is not changed. ') sys.exit() else: print('Not eligible response!!!\n') else: xyzObj.write_file(os.path.join(singlemolpath, '')) print('The single molecule structure is saved under:', os.path.join(dataDir, 'singlemolecule/'))
from pymatgen import Molecule import os import numpy as np inpath = "./data/crystals" namelist = os.listdir(inpath) outpath = "./data/singmol" nocando = [] for name in namelist: structID = name[:-3] print(structID) struct = read(os.path.join(inpath, name)) struct = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(struct) struct.make_supercell([4, 5, 7]) bondDict = getBondDict(struct, bondCutoff) print(bondDict) try: singleMol = getCentralSingleMol(struct, bondDict)"/"+structID+".xyz") mol = Molecule([], []) for site in singleMol.items(): mol.append(str(site[1].specie), site[1].coords) + "/" + structID + "xyz") except: nocando.append(structID) print(nocando) nocando = np.array(nocando) np.savetxt('nocandolist.csv', nocando, delimiter=' ', fmt='%s')