def split_logs(filename, seconds2split, prefix=None, verbose=False):
  This splits an ArduPilot binary dataflash log into each flight segment

    filename : str
      Name of the file to split.
    seconds2split: int
      number of seconds gap in the file which will cause a file split
    log = DFReader_binary(filename)
    # save the ehader
    header = '\n'.join(log.data.split('\n', 10)[0:9]) + '\n'
    first = True
    previous_ts = 0
    starting_offset = 0
    part = 0
    if prefix:
        outfile = prefix + filename
        outfile = filename
    # receive messages and check for large gaps
    while True:
        m = log.recv_msg()
        # if m is none we hit the end of the file so we write out the last segment
        if m is None:
            with open(outfile + "." + str(part), 'w') as fd:
                fd.write(header + log.data[starting_offset:])
            print(("split {0} into {1} segments".format(filename, part + 1)))
        elif not first:
            timediff = m._timestamp - previous_ts
            if timediff > seconds2split:
                if verbose:
                    print(("Breaking at {0} for type{1}".format(
                        m._timestamp, m.get_type())))
                with open(outfile + "." + str(part), 'w') as fd:
                    before_message = log.offset - len(m.binary)
                    # if we are in the first message, no need to repeat the header
                    if part == 0:
                    # repeat the header for other segments
                        fd.write(header +
                    starting_offset = before_message
                    part += 1
            first = False
        # each timestamp store the previous timestamp
        previous_ts = m._timestamp
def split_logs(filename, seconds2split, prefix=None, verbose=False):
  This splits an ArduPilot binary dataflash log into each flight segment

    filename : str
      Name of the file to split.
    seconds2split: int
      number of seconds gap in the file which will cause a file split
  log = DFReader_binary(filename)
  # save the ehader
  header = '\n'.join(log.data.split('\n', 10)[0:9]) + '\n'
  first = True
  previous_ts = 0
  starting_offset = 0
  part = 0
  if prefix:
    outfile = prefix + filename
    outfile = filename
  # receive messages and check for large gaps
  while True:
    m = log.recv_msg()
    # if m is none we hit the end of the file so we write out the last segment
    if m is None:
      with open(outfile + "."+str(part), 'w') as fd :
        fd.write(header + log.data[starting_offset:])
      print "split {0} into {1} segments".format(filename, part+1)
    elif not first:
      timediff = m._timestamp - previous_ts
      if timediff > seconds2split:
        if verbose:
          print "Breaking at {0} for type{1}".format(m._timestamp, m.get_type())
        with open(outfile+"."+str(part), 'w') as fd :
          before_message = log.offset-len(m.binary)
          # if we are in the first message, no need to repeat the header
          if part == 0:
          # repeat the header for other segments
            fd.write(header + log.data[starting_offset:before_message])
          starting_offset = before_message
          part += 1
      first = False
    # each timestamp store the previous timestamp
    previous_ts = m._timestamp
def extractMAVLINK(filename, outfile, msg_types_to_save):
  From dataflash file save an HDF5 store of PANDAS dataframes for each msg

    filename : str
      Name of the file to split.
    outfile: str
      Name of the output file
    msg_types_to_save: list
      list of string identifiers of Mavlink Messages to put in Pandas Frame
    log = DFReader_binary(filename)
    last_m = None
    num_msgs = 0
    out_dict = {}
    first = True
    init_time = 0
    while True:
        # we use mavlinks recv_match function to iterate through logs
        m = log.recv_match(type=msg_types_to_save)
        if m:
            timestamp = m._timestamp
            if first:
                init_time = timestamp
            delta = timestamp - init_time
            dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp + NUMLEAPSECONDS)
            msg_timestamp_dict = out_dict.get(m.get_type(), {})
            msg_timestamp_dict[dt] = m.to_dict()
            out_dict[m.get_type()] = msg_timestamp_dict
            if os.path.exists(outfile):
                print "Unlinking %s, which already exists!" % outfile
            f = pd.HDFStore(outfile, mode='w')
                tabs = [key for key in out_dict.iterkeys()]
                for tab in tabs:
                    attr = out_dict[tab]
                    f.put(tab, pd.DataFrame(attr))
                    if f.get(tab).empty:
                        warnings.warn('%s is empty.' % tab)
def extractMAVLINK(filename, outfile, msg_types_to_save):
    From dataflash file save an HDF5 store of PANDAS dataframes for each msg

      filename : str
        Name of the file to split.
      outfile: str
        Name of the output file
      msg_types_to_save: list
        list of string identifiers of Mavlink Messages to put in Pandas Frame
    log = DFReader_binary(filename)
    last_m = None
    num_msgs = 0
    out_dict = {}
    first = True
    init_time = 0
    while True:
        # we use mavlinks recv_match function to iterate through logs
        m = log.recv_match(type=msg_types_to_save)
        if m:
            timestamp = m._timestamp
            if first:
                init_time = timestamp
            delta = timestamp - init_time
            dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp + NUMLEAPSECONDS)
            msg_timestamp_dict = out_dict.get(m.get_type(), {})
            msg_timestamp_dict[dt] = m.to_dict()
            out_dict[m.get_type()] = msg_timestamp_dict
            if os.path.exists(outfile):
                print("Unlinking %s, which already exists!" % outfile)
            f = pd.HDFStore(outfile, mode='w')
                tabs = [key for key in out_dict.iterkeys()]
                for tab in tabs:
                    attr = out_dict[tab]
                    f.put(tab, pd.DataFrame(attr))
                    if f.get(tab).empty:
                        warnings.warn('%s is empty.' % tab)
def extractSBP(filename):
  extracted_data = []
  log = DFReader_binary(filename)
  last_m = None
  num_msgs = 0
  while True:
    # we use mavlinks recv_match function to iterate through logs
    # and give us the SBR1 or SBR2 message
    # SBR1 msgs are the first 64 bytes of any sbp message, or the entire message
    # if the message is smaller than 64 bytes
    # SBR2 msgs are the next n bytes if the original message is longer than 64 bytes
    m = log.recv_match(type=['SBR1', 'SBR2'])
    if m is None:
    bin_data = None
    timestamp = None
    msg_type = None
    sender_id = None
    msg_len = None
    if last_m != None and last_m.get_type() == 'SBR1' and m.get_type() == 'SBR2':
      # If the last message was an SBR1 and the current message is SBR2
      # we combine the two into one SBP message
      msg_len = last_m.msg_len
      timestamp = getattr(last_m, '_time', 0.0)
      binary = last_m.binary
      bin_data = bytearray(last_m.binary[SBR1_DATASTART:SBR1_DATASTART+64]
                 + m.binary[SBR2_DATASTART:SBR2_DATASTART+msg_len-64])
      assert len(bin_data) == msg_len, "Length of binary data decoded \
                                        from dataflash does not match msg_len in header"
      msg_type = last_m.msg_type
      sender_id = last_m.sender_id
      last_m = m
    elif last_m and last_m.get_type() == 'SBR1' and m.get_type() == 'SBR1':
      # If the last message  was SBR1 and this one is SBR1, we extract the last one
      # and save this one until the next iteration
      msg_len = last_m.msg_len
      binary = last_m.binary
      assert binary, "binary empty"
      timestamp = getattr(last_m, '_time', 0.0)
      msg_type = last_m.msg_type
      sender_id = last_m.sender_id
      bin_data = bytearray(last_m.binary[SBR1_DATASTART:SBR1_DATASTART+msg_len])
      last_m = m
    elif last_m and last_m.get_type() == "SBR2" and m.get_type() == "SBR1":
      # just save current message as the last_m.
      # We wait until next message received to know whether it is a complete message
      last_m = m
      # This should only happen on our first iteration
      if last_m:
        assert num_msgs == 0, "This branch is expected to execute on first message" \
                            " only.  This is a serious logical error in the decoder."
      last_m = m
    if bin_data != None:
      if len(bin_data) != msg_len:
        print "Length of SBP message inconsitent for msg_type {0}.".format(msg_type)
        print "Expected Length {0}, Actual Length {1}".format(msg_len, len(bin_data))
      extracted_data.append((timestamp, msg_type, sender_id, msg_len, bin_data))
      num_msgs += 1
  print "extracted {0} messages".format(num_msgs)
  return extracted_data
def extractSBP(filename):
    extracted_data = []
    log = DFReader_binary(filename)
    last_m = None
    num_msgs = 0
    while True:
        # we use mavlinks recv_match function to iterate through logs
        # and give us the SBR1 or SBR2 message
        # SBR1 msgs are the first 64 bytes of any sbp message, or the entire message
        # if the message is smaller than 64 bytes
        # SBR2 msgs are the next n bytes if the original message is longer than 64 bytes
        m = log.recv_match(type=['SBR1', 'SBR2'])
        if m is None:
        bin_data = None
        timestamp = None
        msg_type = None
        sender_id = None
        msg_len = None
        if last_m != None and last_m.get_type() == 'SBR1' and m.get_type(
        ) == 'SBR2':
            # If the last message was an SBR1 and the current message is SBR2
            # we combine the two into one SBP message
            msg_len = last_m.msg_len
            timestamp = getattr(last_m, '_time', 0.0)
            binary = last_m.binary
            bin_data = bytearray(
                last_m.binary[SBR1_DATASTART:SBR1_DATASTART + 64] +
                m.binary[SBR2_DATASTART:SBR2_DATASTART + msg_len - 64])
            assert len(bin_data) == msg_len, "Length of binary data decoded \
                                        from dataflash does not match msg_len in header"

            msg_type = last_m.msg_type
            sender_id = last_m.sender_id
            last_m = m
        elif last_m and last_m.get_type() == 'SBR1' and m.get_type() == 'SBR1':
            # If the last message  was SBR1 and this one is SBR1, we extract the last one
            # and save this one until the next iteration
            msg_len = last_m.msg_len
            binary = last_m.binary
            assert binary, "binary empty"
            timestamp = getattr(last_m, '_time', 0.0)
            msg_type = last_m.msg_type
            sender_id = last_m.sender_id
            bin_data = bytearray(last_m.binary[SBR1_DATASTART:SBR1_DATASTART +
            last_m = m
        elif last_m and last_m.get_type() == "SBR2" and m.get_type() == "SBR1":
            # just save current message as the last_m.
            # We wait until next message received to know whether it is a complete message
            last_m = m
            # This should only happen on our first iteration
            if last_m:
                assert num_msgs == 0, "This branch is expected to execute on first message" \
                                    " only.  This is a serious logical error in the decoder."
            last_m = m
        if bin_data != None:
            if len(bin_data) != msg_len:
                print "Length of SBP message inconsitent for msg_type {0}.".format(
                print "Expected Length {0}, Actual Length {1}".format(
                    msg_len, len(bin_data))
                (timestamp, msg_type, sender_id, msg_len, bin_data))
            num_msgs += 1
    print "extracted {0} messages".format(num_msgs)
    return extracted_data