def test_mbar_computeOverlap():

    # tests with identical states, which gives analytical results.

    d = len(N_k)
    even_O_k = 2.0 * np.ones(d)
    even_K_k = 0.5 * np.ones(d)
    even_N_k = 100 * np.ones(d)
    name, test = generate_ho(O_k=even_O_k, K_k=even_K_k)
    x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(even_N_k, mode='u_kn')
    mbar = MBAR(u_kn, even_N_k)

    overlap_scalar, eigenval, O = mbar.computeOverlap()

    reference_matrix = np.matrix((1.0 / d) * np.ones([d, d]))
    reference_eigenvalues = np.zeros(d)
    reference_eigenvalues[0] = 1.0
    reference_scalar = np.float64(1.0)

    eq(O, reference_matrix, decimal=precision)
    eq(eigenval, reference_eigenvalues, decimal=precision)
    eq(overlap_scalar, reference_scalar, decimal=precision)

    # test of more straightforward examples
    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        overlap_scalar, eigenval, O = mbar.computeOverlap()

        # rows of matrix should sum to one
        sumrows = np.array(np.sum(O, axis=1))
        eq(sumrows, np.ones(np.shape(sumrows)), decimal=precision)
        eq(eigenval[0], np.float64(1.0), decimal=precision)
def test_protocols():
    Test that free energy is moderately equal to analytical solution, independent of solver protocols

    # Importing the hacky fix to asert that free energies are moderately correct
    from pymbar.tests.test_mbar import z_scale_factor
    name, u_kn, N_k, s_n, test = load_oscillators(50, 100, provide_test=True)
    fa = test.analytical_free_energies()
    fa = fa[1:] - fa[0]
    with suppress_derivative_warnings_for_tests():
        # scipy.optimize.minimize methods, same ones that are checked for in mbar_solvers.py
        # subsampling_protocols = ['adaptive', 'L-BFGS-B', 'dogleg', 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG', 'TNC', 'trust-ncg', 'SLSQP']
        # scipy.optimize.root methods. Omitting methods which do not use the Jacobian. Adding the custom adaptive protocol.
        solver_protocols = ['adaptive', 'hybr', 'lm', 'L-BFGS-B', 'dogleg', 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG', 'TNC',
                            'trust-ncg', 'SLSQP']
        for solver_protocol in solver_protocols:
            # Solve MBAR with zeros for initial weights
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k, solver_protocol=({'method': solver_protocol},))
            # Solve MBAR with the correct f_k used for the inital weights
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k, initial_f_k=mbar.f_k, solver_protocol=({'method': solver_protocol},))
            results = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
            fe = results['Delta_f'][0,1:]
            fe_sigma = results['dDelta_f'][0,1:]
            z = (fe - fa) / fe_sigma
            eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeMultipleExpectations():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(u_kn)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        A = np.zeros([2, len(x_n)])
        A[0, :] = x_n
        A[1, :] = x_n**2
        state = 1
        results = mbar.computeMultipleExpectations(A,
                                                   u_kn[state, :],
        mu_t, sigma_t = mbar.computeMultipleExpectations(A,
                                                         u_kn[state, :],
        mu = results['mu']
        sigma = results['sigma']
        eq(mu, mu_t)
        eq(sigma, sigma_t)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='position')[state]
        mu1 = test.analytical_observable(observable='position^2')[state]
        z = (mu0 - mu[0]) / sigma[0]
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, 0 * z, decimal=0)
        z = (mu1 - mu[1]) / sigma[1]
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, 0 * z, decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computePMF():
    """ testing computePMF """

    name, test = generate_ho()
    x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
    mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
    #do a 1d PMF of the potential in the 3rd state:
    refstate = 2
    dx = 0.25
    xmin = test.O_k[refstate] - 1
    xmax = test.O_k[refstate] + 1
    within_bounds = (x_n >= xmin) & (x_n < xmax)
    bin_centers = dx * np.arange(np.int(xmin / dx), np.int(xmax / dx)) + dx / 2
    bin_n = np.zeros(len(x_n), int)
    bin_n[within_bounds] = 1 + np.floor((x_n[within_bounds] - xmin) / dx)
    # 0 is reserved for samples outside the domain.  We will ignore this state
    range = np.max(bin_n) + 1
    results = mbar.computePMF(u_kn[refstate, :],
    f_i = results['f_i']
    df_i = results['df_i']
    f0_i = 0.5 * test.K_k[refstate] * (bin_centers - test.O_k[refstate])**2
    f_i, df_i = f_i[2:], df_i[
        2:]  # first state is ignored, second is zero, with zero uncertainty
    normf0_i = f0_i[1:] - f0_i[0]  # normalize to first state
    z = (f_i - normf0_i) / df_i
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computePMF():

    """ testing computePMF """

    name, test = generate_ho()
    x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
    mbar = MBAR(u_kn,N_k)
    #do a 1d PMF of the potential in the 3rd state:
    refstate = 2
    dx = 0.25
    xmin = test.O_k[refstate] - 1
    xmax = test.O_k[refstate] + 1
    within_bounds = (x_n >= xmin) & (x_n < xmax)
    bin_centers = dx*np.arange(np.int(xmin/dx),np.int(xmax/dx)) + dx/2
    bin_n = np.zeros(len(x_n),int)
    bin_n[within_bounds] = 1 + np.floor((x_n[within_bounds]-xmin)/dx)
    # 0 is reserved for samples outside the domain.  We will ignore this state
    range = np.max(bin_n)+1
    results = mbar.computePMF(u_kn[refstate,:], bin_n, range, uncertainties = 'from-specified', pmf_reference = 1)
    f_i = results['f_i']
    df_i = results['df_i']
    f0_i = 0.5*test.K_k[refstate]*(bin_centers-test.O_k[refstate])**2
    f_i, df_i = f_i[2:], df_i[2:] # first state is ignored, second is zero, with zero uncertainty
    normf0_i = f0_i[1:] - f0_i[0] # normalize to first state
    z = (f_i - normf0_i) / df_i
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_protocols():
    '''Test that free energy is moderatley equal to analytical solution, independent of solver protocols'''
    #Supress the warnings when jacobian and Hessian information is not used in a specific solver
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*does not use the jacobian.*')
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*does not use Hessian.*')
    from pymbar.tests.test_mbar import z_scale_factor # Importing the hacky fix to asert that free energies are moderatley correct
    name, u_kn, N_k, s_n, test = load_oscillators(50, 100, provide_test=True)
    fa = test.analytical_free_energies()
    fa = fa[1:] - fa[0]

    #scipy.optimize.minimize methods, same ones that are checked for in mbar_solvers.py
    subsampling_protocols = ["L-BFGS-B", "dogleg", "CG", "BFGS", "Newton-CG", "TNC", "trust-ncg", "SLSQP"] 
    solver_protocols = ['hybr', 'lm'] #scipy.optimize.root methods. Omitting methods which do not use the Jacobian
    for subsampling_protocol in subsampling_protocols:
        for solver_protocol in solver_protocols:
            #Solve MBAR with zeros for initial weights
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k, subsampling_protocol=({'method':subsampling_protocol},), solver_protocol=({'method':solver_protocol},))
            #Solve MBAR with the correct f_k used for the inital weights 
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k, initial_f_k=mbar.f_k, subsampling_protocol=({'method':subsampling_protocol},), solver_protocol=({'method':solver_protocol},))
            fe, fe_sigma, Theta_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
            fe, fe_sigma = fe[0,1:], fe_sigma[0,1:]
            z = (fe - fa) / fe_sigma
            eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
    #Clear warning filters
def test_protocols():
    Test that free energy is moderately equal to analytical solution, independent of solver protocols

    # Importing the hacky fix to asert that free energies are moderately correct
    from pymbar.tests.test_mbar import z_scale_factor
    name, u_kn, N_k, s_n, test = load_oscillators(50, 100, provide_test=True)
    fa = test.analytical_free_energies()
    fa = fa[1:] - fa[0]
    with suppress_derivative_warnings_for_tests():
        # scipy.optimize.minimize methods, same ones that are checked for in mbar_solvers.py
        # subsampling_protocols = ['adaptive', 'L-BFGS-B', 'dogleg', 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG', 'TNC', 'trust-ncg', 'SLSQP']
        # scipy.optimize.root methods. Omitting methods which do not use the Jacobian. Adding the custom adaptive protocol.
        solver_protocols = ['adaptive', 'hybr', 'lm', 'L-BFGS-B', 'dogleg', 'CG', 'BFGS', 'Newton-CG', 'TNC',
                            'trust-ncg', 'SLSQP']
        for solver_protocol in solver_protocols:
            # Solve MBAR with zeros for initial weights
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k, solver_protocol=({'method': solver_protocol},))
            # Solve MBAR with the correct f_k used for the inital weights
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k, initial_f_k=mbar.f_k, solver_protocol=({'method': solver_protocol},))
            results = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(return_dict=True)
            fe = results['Delta_f'][0,1:]
            fe_sigma = results['dDelta_f'][0,1:]
            z = (fe - fa) / fe_sigma
            eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeOverlap():

    # tests with identical states, which gives analytical results.

    d = len(N_k)
    even_O_k = 2.0*np.ones(d)
    even_K_k = 0.5*np.ones(d)
    even_N_k = 100*np.ones(d)
    name, test = generate_ho(O_k = even_O_k, K_k = even_K_k)
    x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(even_N_k, mode='u_kn')
    mbar = MBAR(u_kn, even_N_k)

    overlap_scalar, eigenval, O = mbar.computeOverlap()

    reference_matrix = np.matrix((1.0/d)*np.ones([d,d]))
    reference_eigenvalues = np.zeros(d)
    reference_eigenvalues[0] = 1.0
    reference_scalar = np.float64(1.0)

    eq(O, reference_matrix, decimal=precision)
    eq(eigenval, reference_eigenvalues, decimal=precision)
    eq(overlap_scalar, reference_scalar, decimal=precision)

    # test of more straightforward examples
    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        overlap_scalar, eigenval, O = mbar.computeOverlap()

        # rows of matrix should sum to one
        sumrows = np.array(np.sum(O,axis=1))
        eq(sumrows, np.ones(np.shape(sumrows)), decimal=precision)
        eq(eigenval[0], np.float64(1.0), decimal=precision)
def test_logsumexp():
    a = np.random.normal(size=(200, 500, 5))

    for axis in range(a.ndim):
        ans_ne = pymbar.utils.logsumexp(a, axis=axis)
        ans_no_ne = pymbar.utils.logsumexp(a, axis=axis, use_numexpr=False)
        ans_scipy = scipy.misc.logsumexp(a, axis=axis)
        eq(ans_ne, ans_no_ne)
        eq(ans_ne, ans_scipy)
def test_logsumexp():
    a = np.random.normal(size=(200, 500, 5))

    for axis in range(a.ndim):
        ans_ne = pymbar.utils.logsumexp(a, axis=axis)
        ans_no_ne = pymbar.utils.logsumexp(a, axis=axis, use_numexpr=False)
        ans_scipy = logsumexp(a, axis=axis)
        eq(ans_ne, ans_no_ne)
        eq(ans_ne, ans_scipy)
def test_mbar_getWeights():
    """ testing getWeights """

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        # rows should be equal to zero
        W = mbar.getWeights()
        sumrows = np.sum(W, axis=0)
        eq(sumrows, np.ones(len(sumrows)), decimal=precision)
def test_mbar_getWeights():

    """ testing getWeights """

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        # rows should be equal to zero
        W = mbar.getWeights()
        sumrows = np.sum(W,axis=0)
        eq(sumrows, np.ones(len(sumrows)), decimal=precision)
def test_mbar_computeExpectationsInner():
    """Can MBAR calculate general expectations inner code (note: this just tests completion)"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        A_in = np.array([x_n, x_n**2, x_n**3])
        u_n = u_kn[:2, :]
        state_map = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1]], int)
        _ = mbar.computeExpectationsInner(A_in, u_n, state_map)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_differences():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu_ij, sigma_ij = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n, output='differences')
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='position')
        z = convert_to_differences(mu_ij, sigma_ij, mu0)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_differences():

    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu_ij, sigma_ij = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n, output = 'differences')
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable = 'position')
        z = convert_to_differences(mu_ij, sigma_ij, mu0)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectationsInner():

    """Can MBAR calculate general expectations inner code (note: this just tests completion)"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        A_in = np.array([x_n, x_n ** 2, x_n ** 3])
        u_n = u_kn[:2,:]
        state_map = np.array([[0,0],[1,0],[2,0],[2,1]],int)
        [A_i, d2A_ij] = mbar.computeExpectationsInner(A_in, u_n, state_map)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_averages():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='position')

        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeEntropyAndEnthalpy():
    """Can MBAR calculate f_k, <u_k> and s_k ??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        results = mbar.computeEntropyAndEnthalpy(u_kn)
        f_ij = results['Delta_f']
        df_ij = results['dDelta_f']
        u_ij = results['Delta_u']
        du_ij = results['dDelta_u']
        s_ij = results['Delta_s']
        ds_ij = results['dDelta_s']

        fa = test.analytical_free_energies()
        ua = test.analytical_observable('potential energy')
        sa = test.analytical_entropies()

        fa_ij = np.array(np.matrix(fa) - np.matrix(fa).transpose())
        ua_ij = np.array(np.matrix(ua) - np.matrix(ua).transpose())
        sa_ij = np.array(np.matrix(sa) - np.matrix(sa).transpose())

        z = convert_to_differences(f_ij, df_ij, fa)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
        z = convert_to_differences(u_ij, du_ij, ua)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
        z = convert_to_differences(s_ij, ds_ij, sa)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_potential():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(u_kn)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(u_kn, state_dependent=True)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='potential energy')
        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn_squared():
    """Harmonic Oscillators Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn^2)??"""
    test = harmonic_oscillators.HarmonicOscillatorsTestCase(O_k, k_k)
    x_kn, u_kln, N_k_output = test.sample(N_k)

    eq(N_k, N_k_output)

    mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k)

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn ** 2)
    mu0 = test.analytical_x_squared()

    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn_squared():
    """Exponential Distribution Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn^2)"""
    test = exponential_distributions.ExponentialTestCase(rates)
    x_kn, u_kln, N_k_output = test.sample(N_k)

    eq(N_k, N_k_output)

    mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k)

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn ** 2)
    mu0 = test.analytical_x_squared()

    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_averages():

    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable = 'position')

        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeEffectiveSampleNumber():
    """ testing computeEffectiveSampleNumber """

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)

        # one mathematical effective sample numbers should be between N_k and sum_k N_k
        N_eff = mbar.computeEffectiveSampleNumber()
        sumN = np.sum(N_k)
        assert all(N_eff > N_k)
        assert all(N_eff < sumN)
def test_mbar_computeEffectiveSampleNumber():
    """ testing computeEffectiveSampleNumber """

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)

        # one mathematical effective sample numbers should be between N_k and sum_k N_k
        N_eff = mbar.computeEffectiveSampleNumber()
        sumN = np.sum(N_k)
        assert all(N_eff > N_k)
        assert all(N_eff < sumN)
def test_mbar_computeEntropyAndEnthalpy():

    """Can MBAR calculate f_k, <u_k> and s_k ??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        f_ij, df_ij, u_ij, du_ij, s_ij, ds_ij = mbar.computeEntropyAndEnthalpy(u_kn)

        fa = test.analytical_free_energies()
        ua = test.analytical_observable('potential energy')
        sa = test.analytical_entropies()

        fa_ij = np.array(np.matrix(fa) - np.matrix(fa).transpose())
        ua_ij = np.array(np.matrix(ua) - np.matrix(ua).transpose())
        sa_ij = np.array(np.matrix(sa) - np.matrix(sa).transpose())

        z = convert_to_differences(f_ij,df_ij,fa)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
        z = convert_to_differences(u_ij,du_ij,ua)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
        z = convert_to_differences(s_ij,ds_ij,sa)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_potential():

    """Can MBAR calculate E(u_kn)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(u_kn, state_dependent = True)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable = 'potential energy')
        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position2():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n^2)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        results = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n**2, return_dict=True)
        mu = results['mu']
        sigma = results['sigma']
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='position^2')

        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_free_energies():
    """Exponential Distribution Test: can MBAR calculate correct free energy differences?"""
    test = exponential_distributions.ExponentialTestCase(rates)
    x_kn, u_kln, N_k_output = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kln')
    eq(N_k, N_k_output)

    mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k)
    fe, fe_sigma = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
    fe, fe_sigma = fe[0,1:], fe_sigma[0,1:]

    fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()
    fe0 = fe0[1:] - fe0[0]

    z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_protocols():
    '''Test that free energy is moderatley equal to analytical solution, independent of solver protocols'''
    #Supress the warnings when jacobian and Hessian information is not used in a specific solver
    import warnings
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*does not use the jacobian.*')
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*does not use Hessian.*')
    from pymbar.tests.test_mbar import z_scale_factor  # Importing the hacky fix to asert that free energies are moderatley correct
    name, u_kn, N_k, s_n, test = load_oscillators(50, 100, provide_test=True)
    fa = test.analytical_free_energies()
    fa = fa[1:] - fa[0]

    #scipy.optimize.minimize methods, same ones that are checked for in mbar_solvers.py
    subsampling_protocols = [
        "L-BFGS-B", "dogleg", "CG", "BFGS", "Newton-CG", "TNC", "trust-ncg",
    solver_protocols = [
        'hybr', 'lm'
    ]  #scipy.optimize.root methods. Omitting methods which do not use the Jacobian
    for subsampling_protocol in subsampling_protocols:
        for solver_protocol in solver_protocols:
            #Solve MBAR with zeros for initial weights
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn,
                               }, ),
                                   'method': solver_protocol
                               }, ))
            #Solve MBAR with the correct f_k used for the inital weights
            mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn,
                               }, ),
                                   'method': solver_protocol
                               }, ))
            fe, fe_sigma, Theta_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
            fe, fe_sigma = fe[0, 1:], fe_sigma[0, 1:]
            z = (fe - fa) / fe_sigma
            eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
    #Clear warning filters
def test_harmonic_oscillators_mbar_free_energies():
    """Harmonic Oscillators Test: can MBAR calculate correct free energy differences?"""
    test = harmonic_oscillators.HarmonicOscillatorsTestCase(O_k, k_k)
    x_kn, u_kln, N_k_output = test.sample(N_k)

    eq(N_k, N_k_output)

    mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k)
    fe, fe_sigma = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
    fe, fe_sigma = fe[0,1:], fe_sigma[0,1:]

    fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()
    fe0 = fe0[1:] - fe0[0]

    z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_free_energies():
    """Can MBAR calculate moderately correct free energy differences?"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)

        fe, fe_sigma, Theta_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
        fe, fe_sigma = fe[0, 1:], fe_sigma[0, 1:]

        fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()
        fe0 = fe0[1:] - fe0[0]

        z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_harmonic_oscillators_mbar_free_energies():
    """Harmonic Oscillators Test: can MBAR calculate correct free energy differences?"""
    test = harmonic_oscillators.HarmonicOscillatorsTestCase(O_k, k_k)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)
    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)
    fe, fe_sigma = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
    fe, fe_sigma = fe[0], fe_sigma[0]

    fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()

    z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
    z = z[1:]  # First component is undetermined.
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_free_energies():
    """Exponential Distribution Test: can MBAR calculate correct free energy differences?"""
    test = exponential_distributions.ExponentialTestCase(rates)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)
    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)
    fe, fe_sigma = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
    fe, fe_sigma = fe[0], fe_sigma[0]

    fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()

    z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
    z = z[1:]  # First component is undetermined.
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computePerturbedFreeEnergeies():
    """ testing computePerturbedFreeEnergies """

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        numN = np.sum(N_k[:2])
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn[:2, :numN],
                    N_k[:2])  # only do MBAR with the first and last set
        fe, fe_sigma = mbar.computePerturbedFreeEnergies(u_kn[2:, :numN])
        fe, fe_sigma = fe[0, 1:], fe_sigma[0, 1:]

        print(fe, fe_sigma)
        fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()[2:]
        fe0 = fe0[1:] - fe0[0]

        z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computePerturbedFreeEnergeies():

    """ testing computePerturbedFreeEnergies """

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        numN = np.sum(N_k[:2])
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn[:2,:numN], N_k[:2])  # only do MBAR with the first and last set
        fe, fe_sigma = mbar.computePerturbedFreeEnergies(u_kn[2:,:numN])
        fe, fe_sigma = fe[0,1:], fe_sigma[0,1:]

        print(fe, fe_sigma)
        fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()[2:]
        fe0 = fe0[1:] - fe0[0]

        z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_free_energies():

    """Can MBAR calculate moderately correct free energy differences?"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)

        fe, fe_sigma, Theta_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
        fe, fe_sigma = fe[0,1:], fe_sigma[0,1:]

        fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()
        fe0 = fe0[1:] - fe0[0]

        z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_compare_detectEquil(show_hist=False):
    compare detectEquilibration implementations (with and without binary search + fft)
    t_res = []
    for _ in xrange(100):
        A_t = testsystems.correlated_timeseries_example(N=N, tau=5.0) + 2.0
        B_t = testsystems.correlated_timeseries_example(N=N, tau=5.0) + 1.0
        C_t = testsystems.correlated_timeseries_example(N=N*2, tau=5.0)
        D_t = np.concatenate([A_t, B_t, C_t, np.zeros(20)]) #concatenate and add flat region to one end (common in MC data)         
        bs_de = timeseries.detectEquilibration_binary_search(D_t, bs_nodes=10)
        std_de = timeseries.detectEquilibration(D_t, fast=False, nskip=1)
    t_res_mode = float(stats.mode(t_res)[0][0])
    if show_hist:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn_squared():
    """Exponential Distribution Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn^2)"""
    test = exponential_distributions.ExponentialTestCase(rates)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)
    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)
    x_kn = convert_xn_to_x_kn(x_n) ** 2.0

    x_kn = x_kn.values  # Convert to numpy for MBAR
    x_kn[np.isnan(x_kn)] = 0.0  # Convert nans to 0.0

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn)
    mu0 = test.analytical_x_squared()
    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_compare_detectEquil(show_hist=False):
    compare detectEquilibration implementations (with and without binary search + fft)
    t_res = []
    N = 100
    for _ in xrange(100):
        A_t = testsystems.correlated_timeseries_example(N=N, tau=5.0) + 2.0
        B_t = testsystems.correlated_timeseries_example(N=N, tau=5.0) + 1.0
        C_t = testsystems.correlated_timeseries_example(N=N * 2, tau=5.0)
        D_t = np.concatenate([A_t, B_t, C_t])
        bs_de = timeseries.detectEquilibration_binary_search(D_t, bs_nodes=10)
        std_de = timeseries.detectEquilibration(D_t, fast=False, nskip=1)
        t_res.append(bs_de[0] - std_de[0])
    t_res_mode = float(stats.mode(t_res)[0][0])
    eq(t_res_mode, 0., decimal=1)
    if show_hist:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def test_exponential_mbar__xkn():
    """Harmonic Oscillators Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn)??"""
    test = harmonic_oscillators.HarmonicOscillatorsTestCase(O_k, k_k)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)

    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)

    x_kn = convert_xn_to_x_kn(x_n)

    x_kn = x_kn.values  # Convert to numpy for MBAR
    x_kn[np.isnan(x_kn)] = 0.0  # Convert nans to 0.0

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn)
    mu0 = test.analytical_means()

    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn_squared():
    """Harmonic Oscillators Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn^2)??"""
    test = harmonic_oscillators.HarmonicOscillatorsTestCase(O_k, k_k)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)
    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)
    x_kn = convert_xn_to_x_kn(x_n) ** 2.

    x_kn = x_kn.values  # Convert to numpy for MBAR
    x_kn[np.isnan(x_kn)] = 0.0  # Convert nans to 0.0

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn)
    mu0 = test.analytical_x_squared()
    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn():
    """Exponential Distribution Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn)?"""
    test = exponential_distributions.ExponentialTestCase(rates)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)
    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)
    x_kn = convert_xn_to_x_kn(x_n)

    x_kn = x_kn.values  # Convert to numpy for MBAR
    x_kn[np.isnan(x_kn)] = 0.0  # Convert nans to 0.0

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn)
    mu0 = test.analytical_means()
    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_statistical_inefficiency_fft():
    X, Y, energy = generate_data()

    g0 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency_fft(X[0])
    g1 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(X[0])
    g2 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(X[0], X[0])
    g3 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(X[0], fft=True)
    eq(g0, g1)
    eq(g0, g2)
    eq(g0, g3)
def test_statistical_inefficiency_fft():
    X, Y, energy = generate_data()
    timeseries.statisticalInefficiency_fft(X[0] ** 2)
    g0 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency_fft(X[0])
    g1 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(X[0])
    g2 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(X[0], X[0])
    g3 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(X[0], fft=True)
    eq(g0, g1)
    eq(g0, g2)
    eq(g0, g3)
def test_mbar_free_energies():
    """Can MBAR calculate moderately correct free energy differences?"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)

        results = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(return_dict=True)
        fe_t, dfe_t = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(return_dict=False)
        fe = results['Delta_f']
        fe_sigma = results['dDelta_f']

        eq(fe, fe_t)
        eq(fe_sigma, dfe_t)

        fe, fe_sigma = fe[0, 1:], fe_sigma[0, 1:]

        fe0 = test.analytical_free_energies()
        fe0 = fe0[1:] - fe0[0]

        z = (fe - fe0) / fe_sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeMultipleExpectations():

    """Can MBAR calculate E(u_kn)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        A = np.zeros([2,len(x_n)])
        A[0,:] = x_n
        A[1,:] = x_n**2
        state = 1
        mu, sigma, covariances = mbar.computeMultipleExpectations(A,u_kn[state,:])
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable = 'position')[state]
        mu1 = test.analytical_observable(observable = 'position^2')[state]
        z = (mu0 - mu[0]) / sigma[0]
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, 0*z, decimal=0)
        z = (mu1 - mu[1]) / sigma[1]
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, 0*z, decimal=0)
def test_statistical_inefficiency_fft_gaussian():

    # Run multiple times to get things with and without negative "spikes" at C(1)
    for i in range(5):
        x = np.random.normal(size=100000)
        g0 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, fast=False)
        g1 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, x, fast=False)
        g2 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency_fft(x)
        g3 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, fft=True)
        eq(g0, g1, decimal=5)
        eq(g0, g2, decimal=5)
        eq(g0, g3, decimal=5)

        eq(np.log(g0), np.log(1.0), decimal=1)

    for i in range(5):
        x = np.random.normal(size=100000)
        x = np.repeat(
            x, 3
        )  # e.g. Construct correlated gaussian e.g. [a, b, c] -> [a, a, a, b, b, b, c, c, c]
        g0 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, fast=False)
        g1 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, x, fast=False)
        g2 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency_fft(x)
        g3 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, fft=True)
        eq(g0, g1, decimal=5)
        eq(g0, g2, decimal=5)
        eq(g0, g3, decimal=5)

        eq(np.log(g0), np.log(3.0), decimal=1)
def _test(data_generator):
    name, U, N_k, s_n = data_generator()
    mbar = pymbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.mbar_gradient(U, N_k, mbar.f_k), np.zeros(N_k.shape), decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).sum(0), np.ones(len(N_k)), decimal=10)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).dot(N_k), np.ones(U.shape[1]), decimal=10)
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.self_consistent_update(U, N_k, mbar.f_k), mbar.f_k, decimal=10)

    # Test against old MBAR code.
    with suppress_derivative_warnings_for_tests():
        mbar0 = pymbar.old_mbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    eq(mbar.f_k, mbar0.f_k, decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk), np.exp(mbar0.Log_W_nk), decimal=5)
def _test(data_generator):
        name, U, N_k, s_n = data_generator()
    except IOError as exc:
        raise(SkipTest("Cannot load dataset; skipping test.  Try downloading pymbar-datasets GitHub repository and setting PYMBAR-DATASETS environment variable.  Error was '%s'" % exc))
    except ImportError as exc:
        raise(SkipTest("Error importing pytables to load dataset; skipping test. Error was '%s'" % exc))
    mbar = pymbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    fij1, dfij1, Theta_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd")
    fij2, dfij2, Theta_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd-ew")
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.mbar_gradient(U, N_k, mbar.f_k), np.zeros(N_k.shape), decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).sum(0), np.ones(len(N_k)), decimal=10)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).dot(N_k), np.ones(U.shape[1]), decimal=10)
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.self_consistent_update(U, N_k, mbar.f_k), mbar.f_k, decimal=10)

    # Test against old MBAR code.
    mbar0 = pymbar.old_mbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    fij0, dfij0 = mbar0.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd")
    eq(mbar.f_k, mbar0.f_k, decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk), np.exp(mbar0.Log_W_nk), decimal=5)

    eq(fij0, fij1, decimal=8)
    eq(dfij0, dfij1, decimal=8)
    eq(fij0, fij2, decimal=8)
    eq(dfij0, dfij2, decimal=8)
def test_logsum():
    u = np.random.normal(size=(200))
    y1 = pymbar.utils.logsumexp(u)
    y2 = pymbar.utils._logsum(u)
    eq(y1, y2, decimal=12)
def _test(data_generator):
    name, U, N_k, s_n = data_generator()
    mbar = pymbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.mbar_gradient(U, N_k, mbar.f_k),
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).sum(0), np.ones(len(N_k)), decimal=10)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).dot(N_k), np.ones(U.shape[1]), decimal=10)
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.self_consistent_update(U, N_k, mbar.f_k),

    # Test against old MBAR code.
    with suppress_derivative_warnings_for_tests():
        mbar0 = pymbar.old_mbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    eq(mbar.f_k, mbar0.f_k, decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk), np.exp(mbar0.Log_W_nk), decimal=5)
def test_logsum():
    u = np.random.normal(size=(200))
    y1 = pymbar.utils.logsumexp(u)
    y2 = pymbar.utils._logsum(u)
    eq(y1, y2, decimal=12)
def _test(data_generator):
    name, U, N_k, s_n = data_generator()
    mbar = pymbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    fij1, dfij1, Theta_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(
    fij2, dfij2, Theta_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.mbar_gradient(U, N_k, mbar.f_k),
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).sum(0), np.ones(len(N_k)), decimal=10)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).dot(N_k), np.ones(U.shape[1]), decimal=10)
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.self_consistent_update(U, N_k, mbar.f_k),

    # Test against old MBAR code.
    mbar0 = pymbar.old_mbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    fij0, dfij0 = mbar0.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd")
    eq(mbar.f_k, mbar0.f_k, decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk), np.exp(mbar0.Log_W_nk), decimal=5)

    eq(fij0, fij1, decimal=8)
    eq(dfij0, dfij1, decimal=8)

    eq(fij0, fij2, decimal=8)
    eq(dfij0, dfij2, decimal=8)
def _test(data_generator):
    name, U, N_k, s_n = data_generator()
    mbar = pymbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    results1 = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd", return_dict=True)
    fij1_t, dfij1_t = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd", return_dict=False)
    results2 = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd-ew", return_dict=True)
    fij1 = results1['Delta_f']
    dfij1 = results1['dDelta_f']
    fij2 = results2['Delta_f']
    dfij2 = results2['dDelta_f']

    # Check to make sure the returns from with and w/o dict are the same
    eq(fij1, fij1_t)
    eq(dfij1, dfij1_t)

    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.mbar_gradient(U, N_k, mbar.f_k), np.zeros(N_k.shape), decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).sum(0), np.ones(len(N_k)), decimal=10)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).dot(N_k), np.ones(U.shape[1]), decimal=10)
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.self_consistent_update(U, N_k, mbar.f_k), mbar.f_k, decimal=10)

    # Test against old MBAR code.
    with suppress_derivative_warnings_for_tests():
        mbar0 = pymbar.old_mbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    fij0, dfij0 = mbar0.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd")
    eq(mbar.f_k, mbar0.f_k, decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk), np.exp(mbar0.Log_W_nk), decimal=5)

    eq(fij0, fij1, decimal=8)
    eq(dfij0, dfij1, decimal=8)

    eq(fij0, fij2, decimal=8)
    eq(dfij0, dfij2, decimal=8)
def test_statistical_inefficiency_fft_gaussian():
    # Run multiple times to get things with and without negative "spikes" at C(1)
    for i in range(5):
        x = np.random.normal(size=100000)
        g0 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, fast=False)
        g1 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, x, fast=False)
        g2 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency_fft(x)
        g3 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, fft=True)
        eq(g0, g1, decimal=5)
        eq(g0, g2, decimal=5)
        eq(g0, g3, decimal=5)
        eq(np.log(g0), np.log(1.0), decimal=1)

    for i in range(5):
        x = np.random.normal(size=100000)
        x = np.repeat(x, 3)  # e.g. Construct correlated gaussian e.g. [a, b, c] -> [a, a, a, b, b, b, c, c, c]
        g0 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, fast=False)
        g1 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, x, fast=False)
        g2 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency_fft(x)
        g3 = timeseries.statisticalInefficiency(x, fft=True)
        eq(g0, g1, decimal=5)
        eq(g0, g2, decimal=5)
        eq(g0, g3, decimal=5)

        eq(np.log(g0), np.log(3.0), decimal=1)
def test_subsampling():
    name, u_kn, N_k, s_n = load_exponentials(5, 20000)
    mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
    u_kn_sub, N_k_sub = pymbar.mbar_solvers.subsample_data(u_kn, N_k, s_n, 2)
    mbar_sub = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn_sub, N_k_sub)
    eq(mbar.f_k, mbar_sub.f_k, decimal=2)
def test_subsampling():
    name, u_kn, N_k, s_n = load_exponentials(5, 20000)
    mbar = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
    u_kn_sub, N_k_sub = pymbar.mbar_solvers.subsample_data(u_kn, N_k, s_n, 2)
    mbar_sub = pymbar.MBAR(u_kn_sub, N_k_sub)
    eq(mbar.f_k, mbar_sub.f_k, decimal=2)
def _test(data_generator):
    name, U, N_k, s_n = data_generator()
    mbar = pymbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    results1 = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd")
    results2 = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd-ew")
    fij1 = results1['Delta_f']
    dfij1 = results1['dDelta_f']
    fij2 = results2['Delta_f']
    dfij2 = results2['dDelta_f']

    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.mbar_gradient(U, N_k, mbar.f_k), np.zeros(N_k.shape), decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).sum(0), np.ones(len(N_k)), decimal=10)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk).dot(N_k), np.ones(U.shape[1]), decimal=10)
    eq(pymbar.mbar_solvers.self_consistent_update(U, N_k, mbar.f_k), mbar.f_k, decimal=10)

    # Test against old MBAR code.
    with suppress_derivative_warnings_for_tests():
        mbar0 = pymbar.old_mbar.MBAR(U, N_k)
    fij0, dfij0 = mbar0.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method="svd")
    eq(mbar.f_k, mbar0.f_k, decimal=8)
    eq(np.exp(mbar.Log_W_nk), np.exp(mbar0.Log_W_nk), decimal=5)

    eq(fij0, fij1, decimal=8)
    eq(dfij0, dfij1, decimal=8)

    eq(fij0, fij2, decimal=8)
    eq(dfij0, dfij2, decimal=8)