def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_averages():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        results = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n, return_dict=True)
        mu_t, sigma_t = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n, return_dict=False)
        mu = results['mu']
        sigma = results['sigma']

        eq(mu, mu_t)
        eq(sigma, sigma_t)

        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='position')

        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_differences():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu_ij, sigma_ij = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n, output='differences')
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='position')
        z = convert_to_differences(mu_ij, sigma_ij, mu0)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_averages():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='position')

        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_differences():

    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu_ij, sigma_ij = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n, output = 'differences')
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable = 'position')
        z = convert_to_differences(mu_ij, sigma_ij, mu0)
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(np.shape(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn_squared():
    """Harmonic Oscillators Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn^2)??"""
    test = harmonic_oscillators.HarmonicOscillatorsTestCase(O_k, k_k)
    x_kn, u_kln, N_k_output = test.sample(N_k)

    eq(N_k, N_k_output)

    mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k)

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn ** 2)
    mu0 = test.analytical_x_squared()

    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_position_averages():

    """Can MBAR calculate E(x_n)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_n)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable = 'position')

        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_potential():
    """Can MBAR calculate E(u_kn)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(u_kn, state_dependent=True)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable='potential energy')
        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn_squared():
    """Exponential Distribution Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn^2)"""
    test = exponential_distributions.ExponentialTestCase(rates)
    x_kn, u_kln, N_k_output = test.sample(N_k)

    eq(N_k, N_k_output)

    mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k)

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn ** 2)
    mu0 = test.analytical_x_squared()

    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_mbar_computeExpectations_potential():

    """Can MBAR calculate E(u_kn)??"""

    for system_generator in system_generators:
        name, test = system_generator()
        x_n, u_kn, N_k_output, s_n = test.sample(N_k, mode='u_kn')
        eq(N_k, N_k_output)
        mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)
        mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(u_kn, state_dependent = True)
        mu0 = test.analytical_observable(observable = 'potential energy')
        z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
        eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn_squared():
    """Exponential Distribution Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn^2)"""
    test = exponential_distributions.ExponentialTestCase(rates)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)
    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)
    x_kn = convert_xn_to_x_kn(x_n) ** 2.0

    x_kn = x_kn.values  # Convert to numpy for MBAR
    x_kn[np.isnan(x_kn)] = 0.0  # Convert nans to 0.0

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn)
    mu0 = test.analytical_x_squared()
    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn():
    """Exponential Distribution Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn)?"""
    test = exponential_distributions.ExponentialTestCase(rates)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)
    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)
    x_kn = convert_xn_to_x_kn(x_n)

    x_kn = x_kn.values  # Convert to numpy for MBAR
    x_kn[np.isnan(x_kn)] = 0.0  # Convert nans to 0.0

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn)
    mu0 = test.analytical_means()
    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar_xkn_squared():
    """Harmonic Oscillators Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn^2)??"""
    test = harmonic_oscillators.HarmonicOscillatorsTestCase(O_k, k_k)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)
    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)
    x_kn = convert_xn_to_x_kn(x_n) ** 2.

    x_kn = x_kn.values  # Convert to numpy for MBAR
    x_kn[np.isnan(x_kn)] = 0.0  # Convert nans to 0.0

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn)
    mu0 = test.analytical_x_squared()
    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
def test_exponential_mbar__xkn():
    """Harmonic Oscillators Test: can MBAR calculate E(x_kn)??"""
    test = harmonic_oscillators.HarmonicOscillatorsTestCase(O_k, k_k)
    x_n, u_kn, origin = test.sample(N_k)
    u_ijn, N_k_output = convert_ukn_to_uijn(u_kn)

    eq(N_k, N_k_output.values)

    mbar = MBAR(u_ijn.values, N_k)

    x_kn = convert_xn_to_x_kn(x_n)

    x_kn = x_kn.values  # Convert to numpy for MBAR
    x_kn[np.isnan(x_kn)] = 0.0  # Convert nans to 0.0

    mu, sigma = mbar.computeExpectations(x_kn)
    mu0 = test.analytical_means()

    z = (mu0 - mu) / sigma
    eq(z / z_scale_factor, np.zeros(len(z)), decimal=0)
  # observable for estimation is the position
  elif observe == 'position':
    state_dependent = False
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]

  # observable for estimation is the position^2
  elif observe == 'position^2':
    state_dependent = False
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]**2

  (A_k_estimated, dA_k_estimated) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn, state_dependent = state_dependent)

  # need to additionally transform to get the square root
  if observe == 'RMS displacement':
    A_k_estimated = numpy.sqrt(A_k_estimated)
    # Compute error from analytical observable estimate.
    dA_k_estimated = dA_k_estimated/(2*A_k_estimated)

  As_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)
  dAs_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)

  # 'standard' expectation averages - not defined if no samples
  nonzeros = numpy.arange(K)[Nk_ne_zero]

  totaln = 0
  for k in nonzeros:
#MRS: 1001 for state 0, 1.00 for state 2, 985 for state 3

# MRS: The observable we are interested in is U, internal energy.  The
# question is, WHICH internal energy.  We are interested in the
# internal energy generated from the ith potential.  So there are
# actually _three_ observables.

# Now, the confusing thing, we can estimate the expectation of the
# three observables in three different states. We can estimate the
# observable of U_0 in states 0, 1 and 2, the observable of U_1 in
# states 0, 1, and 2, etc.

EAk = np.zeros([3, 3])
dEAk = np.zeros([3, 3])
(EAk[:, 0], dEAk[:, 0]) = mbar.computeExpectations(
)  # potential energy of 0, estimated in state 0:2 (sampled from just 0)
(EAk[:, 1], dEAk[:, 1]) = mbar.computeExpectations(
)  # potential energy of 1, estimated in state 0:2 (sampled from just 0)
(EAk[:, 2], dEAk[:, 2]) = mbar.computeExpectations(
)  # potential energy of 2, estimated in state 0:2 (sampled from just 0)

# MRS: Some of these are of no practical importance.  We are most
# interested in the observable of U_0 in the 0th state, U_1 in the 1st
# state, and U_2 in the 2nd state, or the diagonal of the matrix EA.
EA = EAk.diagonal()
dEA = dEAk.diagonal()

#RM: Perhaps I am implementing MBAR improperly. Here I have reevaluated the expectation values
  # observable for estimation is the position
  elif observe == 'position':
    state_dependent = False
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]

  # observable for estimation is the position^2
  elif observe == 'position^2':
    state_dependent = False
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]**2

  results = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn, state_dependent = state_dependent)
  A_k_estimated = results['mu']
  dA_k_estimated = results['sigma']

  # need to additionally transform to get the square root
  if observe == 'RMS displacement':
    A_k_estimated = numpy.sqrt(A_k_estimated)
    # Compute error from analytical observable estimate.
    dA_k_estimated = dA_k_estimated/(2*A_k_estimated)

  As_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)
  dAs_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)

  # 'standard' expectation averages - not defined if no samples
  nonzeros = numpy.arange(K)[Nk_ne_zero]
        print "Loading from %s." % path_dir
        path_LogL = os.path.join(path_dir, 'LogLikelihood.dat')
        path_w = os.path.join(path_dir, 'w_params.dat')
        path_v = os.path.join(path_dir, 'v_params.dat')
        energies_LogL[k, :] = np.loadtxt(path_LogL)[-N:]
        obs_w[k, :] = np.loadtxt(path_w)[-N:, 0]
        obs_v[k, :] = np.loadtxt(path_v)[-N:, 0]

print "Preparing data..."
u_kln, N_k = prepare_mbar_input(energies=energies_LogL,

print "Running MBAR..."
mbar = MBAR(u_kln,
# compute observable expectations
A_k = np.zeros(N * K, np.float64)
index = 0
for i in range(len(obs_w)):
    A_k[index:len(obs_w[i])] = obs_w[i]
    index = index + len(obs_w[i])
P, dP = mbar.computeExpectations(obs_w, uncertainty_method='approximate')
print "P:"
print P
print "dP"
print dP
    # observable for estimation is the position
    elif observe == 'position':
        state_dependent = False
        A_kn = numpy.zeros([K, N_max], dtype=numpy.float64)
        for k in range(0, K):
            A_kn[k, 0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k, 0:N_k[k]]

    # observable for estimation is the position^2
    elif observe == 'position^2':
        state_dependent = False
        A_kn = numpy.zeros([K, N_max], dtype=numpy.float64)
        for k in range(0, K):
            A_kn[k, 0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k, 0:N_k[k]]**2

    results = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn, state_dependent=state_dependent)
    A_k_estimated = results['mu']
    dA_k_estimated = results['sigma']

    # need to additionally transform to get the square root
    if observe == 'RMS displacement':
        A_k_estimated = numpy.sqrt(A_k_estimated)
        # Compute error from analytical observable estimate.
        dA_k_estimated = dA_k_estimated / (2 * A_k_estimated)

    As_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K], numpy.float64)
    dAs_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K], numpy.float64)

    # 'standard' expectation averages - not defined if no samples
    nonzeros = numpy.arange(K)[Nk_ne_zero]
    def _reweight_observables(
        weights: ObservableArray,
        mbar: pymbar.MBAR,
        target_reduced_potentials: ObservableArray,
        **observables: ObservableArray,
    ) -> typing.Union[ObservableArray, Observable]:
        """A function which computes the average value of an observable using
        weights computed from MBAR and from a set of component observables.

            The MBAR weights
            The component observables which may be combined to yield the final
            average observable of interest.
            A pre-computed MBAR object encoded information from the reference states.
            This will be used to compute the std error when not bootstrapping.
            The reduced potentials at the target state. This will be used to compute
            the std error when not bootstrapping.

            The re-weighted average observable.

        observable = observables.pop("observable")
        assert len(observables) == 0

        return_type = ObservableArray if observable.value.shape[
            1] > 1 else Observable

        weighted_observable = weights * observable

        average_value = weighted_observable.value.sum(axis=0)
        average_gradients = [
            for gradient in weighted_observable.gradients

        if return_type == Observable:

            average_value = average_value.item()
            average_gradients = [
                for gradient in average_gradients


            average_value = average_value.reshape(1, -1)
            average_gradients = [
                                  value=gradient.value.reshape(1, -1))
                for gradient in average_gradients

        if self.bootstrap_uncertainties is False:

            # Unfortunately we need to re-compute the average observable for now
            # as pymbar does not expose an easier way to compute the average
            # uncertainty.
            observable_dimensions = observable.value.shape[1]
            assert observable_dimensions == 1

            results = mbar.computeExpectations(

            uncertainty = results[1][-1] * observable.value.units
            average_value = average_value.plus_minus(uncertainty)

        return return_type(value=average_value, gradients=average_gradients)
文件: hotest.py 项目: radakb/pynamd
                f1_bs[trial] = msmle.f
                f1_bs[trial] -= msmle.f[0]
                xbar1_bs[trial] = msmle.compute_expectations(test.x_jn, False)[0]
            ferr1_bs = f1_bs.std(axis=0)[1:]
            varxbar1_bs = xbar1_bs.var(axis=0)
        f1 = f1[1:]

        if do_pymbar:
                mbar = MBAR(test.data, test.data_size)
                f2, ferr2, t = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
                f2 = f2[0][1:]
                ferr2 = ferr2[0][1:]
                xbar2, varxbar2 = mbar.computeExpectations(test.x_jn)
                skipmbar = False
                print('MBAR choked!')
                skipmbar = True
            skipmbar = True

        def print_float_array(msg, arr):
            print('%-16s '%msg + ' '.join(('% 6.4f'%x for x in arr)))

        print('samples:', test.data_size)
        print_float_array('actual energies', f3)

        print_float_array('uwham energies', f1)
u_kn[1,len(u00):] = u11    
u_kn[2,:len(u00)] = u20
u_kn[2,len(u00):] = u21   
N_kn = np.zeros(len(u00)+len(u11))
N_kn[:len(u00)] = N0
N_kn[len(u00):] = N1     
mbar = MBAR(u_kn,N_k)

Deltaf_ij = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(return_theta=False)
print "effective sample numbers"
print (mbar.computeEffectiveSampleNumber())
print('\nWhich is approximately '+str(mbar.computeEffectiveSampleNumber()/N_K*100.)+'%')

NAk, dNAk = mbar.computeExpectations(N_kn) # Average number of molecules
NAk_alt = np.zeros(len(N_k))
for i in range(len(N_k)):
    NAk_alt[i] = np.sum(mbar.W_nk[:,i]*N_kn)

Nscan = np.arange(60,100)

sqdeltaW0 = np.zeros(len(Nscan))

for iN, Ni in enumerate(Nscan):

    sumWliq = np.sum(mbar.W_nk[:,0][N_kn>Ni])
    sumWvap = np.sum(mbar.W_nk[:,0][N_kn<=Ni])
    sqdeltaW0[iN] = (sumWliq - sumWvap)**2
# Save the uncertainty in the free energy
# Get the dimensionless free energy differences and uncertainties for the uniform sampling approach
   free_energies,uncertainty_free_energies = mbar_same_total_samples.getFreeEnergyDifferences()[0],mbar_same_total_samples.getFreeEnergyDifferences()[1]
# Save the data

# 7) Calculate < R_Na-Cl > with MBAR

# Get < R_Na-Cl >, and uncertainty, with MBAR
   averages, uncertainty = mbar.computeExpectations(distances)[0],mbar.computeExpectations(distances)[1]
# Save < R_Na-Cl >, and uncertainty
# Get < R_Na-Cl >, and uncertainty, with uniform sampling
   averages, uncertainty = mbar_same_total_samples.computeExpectations(distances_same_total_samples)[0],mbar_same_total_samples.computeExpectations(distances_same_total_samples)[1]
# Save the data

# 8) Analyze uncertainty in < R_Na-Cl > with MBAR as a function of ensemble size
    def MBAR_analysis(self, debug=False):
        """MBAR analysis for populations and BICePs score"""

        # load necessary data first

        # Suppose the energies sampled from each simulation are u_kln, where u_kln[k,l,n] is the reduced potential energy
        #   of snapshot n \in 1,...,N_k of simulation k \in 1,...,K evaluated at reduced potential for state l.
        self.K = self.nlambda  # number of thermodynamic ensembles
        # N_k[k] will denote the number of correlated snapshots from state k
        N_k = np.array(
            [len(self.traj[i]['trajectory']) for i in range(self.nlambda)])
        nsnaps = N_k.max()
        u_kln = np.zeros((self.K, self.K, nsnaps))
        nstates = int(self.states)
        print('nstates', nstates)
        states_kn = np.zeros((self.K, nsnaps, self.nreplicas))

        # special treatment for neglogP function
        temp_parameters_indices = self.traj[0]['trajectory'][0][4:][0]
        #print temp_parameters_indices
        original_index = [
        ]  # keep tracking the original index of the parameters
        for ind in range(len(temp_parameters_indices)):
            for in_ind in temp_parameters_indices[ind]:

        # Get snapshot energies rescored in the different ensembles
        """['step', 'E', 'accept', 'state', [nuisance parameters]]"""
        for n in range(nsnaps):
            for k in range(self.K):
                for l in range(self.K):
                    if debug:
                              end=' ')
                    if k == l:
                        u_kln[k, k, n] = self.traj[k]['trajectory'][n][1]
                    state, sigma_index = self.traj[k]['trajectory'][n][3:]
                    for r in range(self.nreplicas):
                        states_kn[k, n, r] = state[r]
                    temp_parameters = []
                    new_parameters = [
                        [] for i in range(len(temp_parameters_indices))
                    temp_parameter_indices = np.concatenate(sigma_index)
                    for ind in range(len(temp_parameter_indices)):
                    for m in range(len(original_index)):
                    u_kln[k, l,
                          n] = self.sampler[l].neglogP(state, new_parameters,
                    if debug:
                        print('E_%d evaluated in model_%d' % (k, l),
                              u_kln[k, l, n])

        # Initialize MBAR with reduced energies u_kln and number of uncorrelated configurations from each state N_k.
        # u_kln[k,l,n] is the reduced potential energy beta*U_l(x_kn), where U_l(x) is the potential energy function for state l,
        # beta is the inverse temperature, and and x_kn denotes uncorrelated configuration n from state k.
        # N_k[k] is the number of configurations from state k stored in u_knm
        # Note that this step may take some time, as the relative dimensionless free energies f_k are determined at this point.
        mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k)

        # Extract dimensionless free energy differences and their statistical uncertainties.
        #       (Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij) = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
        #(Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij, Theta_ij) = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method='svd-ew')
        (Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij, Theta_ij) = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(
        #print 'Deltaf_ij', Deltaf_ij
        #print 'dDeltaf_ij', dDeltaf_ij
        beta = 1.0  # keep in units kT
        #print 'Unit-bearing (units kT) free energy difference f_1K = f_K - f_1: %f +- %f' % ( (1./beta) * Deltaf_ij[0,K-1], (1./beta) * dDeltaf_ij[0,K-1])
        self.f_df = np.zeros(
            (self.nlambda, 2)
        )  # first column is Deltaf_ij[0,:], second column is dDeltaf_ij[0,:]
        self.f_df[:, 0] = Deltaf_ij[0, :]
        self.f_df[:, 1] = dDeltaf_ij[0, :]

        # Compute the expectation of some observable A(x) at each state i, and associated uncertainty matrix.
        # Here, A_kn[k,n] = A(x_{kn})
        #(A_k, dA_k) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn)
        self.P_dP = np.zeros(
            (nstates, 2 * self.K))  # left columns are P, right columns are dP
        if debug:
        states_kn = np.array(states_kn)
        for i in range(nstates):
            sampled = np.array([
                np.where(states_kn[:, :, r] == i, 1, 0)
                for r in range(self.nreplicas)
            A_kn = sampled.sum(axis=0)
             dp_i) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn,
            self.P_dP[i, 0:self.K] = p_i
            self.P_dP[i, self.K:2 * self.K] = dp_i
        pops, dpops = self.P_dP[:, 0:self.K], self.P_dP[:, self.K:2 * self.K]

        # save results
  # observable for estimation is the position
  elif observe == 'position':
    state_dependent = False
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]

  # observable for estimation is the position^2
  elif observe == 'position^2':
    state_dependent = False
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]**2

  results = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn, state_dependent = state_dependent, return_dict=True)
  A_k_estimated = results['mu']
  dA_k_estimated = results['sigma']

  # need to additionally transform to get the square root
  if observe == 'RMS displacement':
    A_k_estimated = numpy.sqrt(A_k_estimated)
    # Compute error from analytical observable estimate.
    dA_k_estimated = dA_k_estimated/(2*A_k_estimated)

  As_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)
  dAs_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)

  # 'standard' expectation averages - not defined if no samples
  nonzeros = numpy.arange(K)[Nk_ne_zero]
  # thermodynamic state
  elif observe == 'potential energy':
    A_kn = U_kln

  # observable for estimation is the position
  elif observe == 'position': 
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]  

  elif observe == 'position^2': 
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]**2   

  results = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn)
  A_k_estimated = results['mu']
  dA_k_estimated = results['sigma']
  As_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)
  dAs_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)

  # 'standard' expectation averages
  ifzero = numpy.array(N_k != 0)

  for k in range(K):
    if (ifzero[k]):
      if (observe == 'position') or (observe == 'position^2'):
        As_k_estimated[k] = numpy.average(A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]])
        dAs_k_estimated[k]  = numpy.sqrt(numpy.var(A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]])/(N_k[k]-1))
      elif (observe == 'RMS displacement' ) or (observe == 'potential energy'):
        As_k_estimated[k] = numpy.average(A_kn[k,k,0:N_k[k]])
f_df[:,0] = Deltaf_ij[0,:]
f_df[:,1] = dDeltaf_ij[0,:]
print 'Writing %s...'%args.bayesfactorfile
savetxt(args.bayesfactorfile, f_df)
print '...Done.'

# Compute the expectation of some observable A(x) at each state i, and associated uncertainty matrix.
# Here, A_kn[k,n] = A(x_{kn})
#(A_k, dA_k) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn)
P_dP = np.zeros( (nstates, 2*K) )  # left columns are P, right columns are dP
if (1):
    print 'state\tP\tdP'
    for i in range(nstates):
        A_kn = np.where(states_kn==i,1,0)
        (p_i, dp_i) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn, uncertainty_method='approximate')
        P_dP[i,0:K] = p_i
        P_dP[i,K:2*K] = dp_i
        print i,
        for p in p_i: print p,
        for dp in dp_i: print dp,

pops, dpops = P_dP[:,0:K], P_dP[:,K:2*K]

print 'Writing %s...'%args.popsfile
savetxt(args.popsfile, P_dP)
print '...Done.'

# Using just the Model 0 mdrun samples
N_k = np.array([len(u_00), 0])  # The number of samples from the two states
u_kn = np.array([u_00, u_01])
U_kn = U_00
V_kn = V_00

mbar = MBAR(u_kn, N_k)

(Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij,
 Theta_ij) = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(return_theta=True)

# The first observable we are interested in is U, internal energy
A_kn = U_kn

(EA_k, dEA_k) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn)

# The second observable we are interested in is V, volume
A2_kn = V_kn

(EA2_k, dEA2_k) = mbar.computeExpectations(A2_kn)

# The third observable we are interested in is density
A3_kn = rho_calc(V_kn)
A3_kn = A3_kn[:]

(EA3_k, dEA3_k) = mbar.computeExpectations(A3_kn)

# The averages for the different mdruns and reruns

U_00_ave = np.mean(U_00)
    def MBAR_analysis(self, debug = False):
	"""MBAR analysis for populations and BICePs score"""
	# load necessary data first

	# Suppose the energies sampled from each simulation are u_kln, where u_kln[k,l,n] is the reduced potential energy
	#   of snapshot n \in 1,...,N_k of simulation k \in 1,...,K evaluated at reduced potential for state l.
	self.K = self.nlambda   # number of thermodynamic ensembles
	# N_k[k] will denote the number of correlated snapshots from state k
	N_k = np.array( [len(self.traj[i]['trajectory']) for i in range(self.nlambda)] )
	nsnaps = N_k.max()
	u_kln = np.zeros( (self.K, self.K, nsnaps) )
	nstates = int(self.states)
	print 'nstates', nstates
	states_kn = np.zeros( (self.K, nsnaps) )

	# Get snapshot energies rescored in the different ensembles
	"""['step', 'E', 'accept', 'state', 'sigma_noe', 'sigma_J', 'sigma_cs', 'sigma_pf''gamma']
	[int(step), float(self.E), int(accept), int(self.state), int(self.sigma_noe_index), int(self.sigma_J_index), int(self.sigma_cs_H_index), int(self.sigma_cs_Ha_index), int(self.sigma_cs_N_index), int(self.sigma_cs_Ca_index), int(self.sigma_pf_index), int(self.gamma_index)]               	"""

	for n in range(nsnaps):

  		for k in range(self.K):
    			for l in range(self.K):
				if debug:
      					print 'step', self.traj[k]['trajectory'][n][0],
      				if k==l:
          				print 'E%d evaluated in model %d'%(k,k), self.traj[k]['trajectory'][n][1],
          				u_kln[k,k,n] = self.traj[k]['trajectory'][n][1]
          			state, sigma_noe_index, sigma_J_index, sigma_cs_H_index, sigma_cs_Ha_index, sigma_cs_N_index, sigma_cs_Ca_index, sigma_pf_index, gamma_index = self.traj[k]['trajectory'][n][3:] 	# IMPORTANT: make sure the order of these parameters is the same as the way they are saved in PosteriorSampler
          			print 'state, sigma_noe_index, sigma_J_index, sigma_cs_H_index, sigma_cs_Ha_index, sigma_cs_N_index, sigma_cs_Ca_index, sigma_pf_index, gamma_index', state, sigma_noe_index, sigma_J_index, sigma_cs_H_index, sigma_cs_Ha_index, sigma_cs_N_index, sigma_cs_Ca_index, sigma_pf_index, gamma_index 
          			states_kn[k,n] = state
          			sigma_noe = self.traj[k]['allowed_sigma_noe'][sigma_noe_index]
          			sigma_J = self.traj[k]['allowed_sigma_J'][sigma_J_index]
          			sigma_cs_H = self.traj[k]['allowed_sigma_cs_H'][sigma_cs_H_index]
          			sigma_cs_Ha = self.traj[k]['allowed_sigma_cs_Ha'][sigma_cs_Ha_index]
          			sigma_cs_N = self.traj[k]['allowed_sigma_cs_N'][sigma_cs_N_index]
          			sigma_cs_Ca = self.traj[k]['allowed_sigma_cs_Ca'][sigma_cs_Ca_index]
          			sigma_pf = self.traj[k]['allowed_sigma_pf'][sigma_pf_index]
          			u_kln[k,l,n] = self.sampler[l].neglogP(0, state, sigma_noe, sigma_J, sigma_cs_H, sigma_cs_Ha, sigma_cs_N, sigma_cs_Ca, sigma_pf, gamma_index)
				if debug:
					print 'E_%d evaluated in model_%d'%(k,l), u_kln[k,l,n]

	# Initialize MBAR with reduced energies u_kln and number of uncorrelated configurations from each state N_k.
 	# u_kln[k,l,n] is the reduced potential energy beta*U_l(x_kn), where U_l(x) is the potential energy function for state l,
	# beta is the inverse temperature, and and x_kn denotes uncorrelated configuration n from state k.
	# N_k[k] is the number of configurations from state k stored in u_knm
	# Note that this step may take some time, as the relative dimensionless free energies f_k are determined at this point.
	mbar = MBAR(u_kln, N_k)

	# Extract dimensionless free energy differences and their statistical uncertainties.
#	(Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij) = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences()
	#(Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij, Theta_ij) = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method='svd-ew')
	(Deltaf_ij, dDeltaf_ij, Theta_ij) = mbar.getFreeEnergyDifferences(uncertainty_method='approximate')
	#print 'Deltaf_ij', Deltaf_ij
	#print 'dDeltaf_ij', dDeltaf_ij
	beta = 1.0 # keep in units kT
	#print 'Unit-bearing (units kT) free energy difference f_1K = f_K - f_1: %f +- %f' % ( (1./beta) * Deltaf_ij[0,K-1], (1./beta) * dDeltaf_ij[0,K-1])
	self.f_df = np.zeros( (self.nlambda, 2) )  # first column is Deltaf_ij[0,:], second column is dDeltaf_ij[0,:]
	self.f_df[:,0] = Deltaf_ij[0,:]
	self.f_df[:,1] = dDeltaf_ij[0,:]

	# Compute the expectation of some observable A(x) at each state i, and associated uncertainty matrix.
        # Here, A_kn[k,n] = A(x_{kn})
        #(A_k, dA_k) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn)
        self.P_dP = np.zeros( (nstates, 2*self.K) )  # left columns are P, right columns are dP
	if debug:
        	print 'state\tP\tdP'
    	for i in range(nstates):
        	A_kn = np.where(states_kn==i,1,0)
        	(p_i, dp_i) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn, uncertainty_method='approximate')
        	self.P_dP[i,0:self.K] = p_i
        	self.P_dP[i,self.K:2*self.K] = dp_i
		print i
        	for p in p_i: print p,
        	for dp in dp_i: print dp,
	pops, dpops = self.P_dP[:,0:self.K], self.P_dP[:,self.K:2*self.K]

	# save results
def execute(nstates, q_samp_space, epsi_samp_space, sig_samp_space, singlestate=None, singleparms=None, useO=False, crunchset=False, bootstrap=False, bootstrapcount=200):
    #Initilize limts
    sig3_samp_space = sig_samp_space**3
    #These are the limits used to compute the constant matricies
    #They should match with LJ 0 and 5, ALWAYS
    q_min = -2.0
    q_max = +2.0
    epsi_min = epsi_samp_space[0]
    epsi_max = epsi_samp_space[5]
    sig_min = sig_samp_space[0]
    sig_max = sig_samp_space[5]
    lamto_epsi = lambda lam: (epsi_max - epsi_min)*lam + epsi_min
    lamto_sig3 = lambda lam: (sig_max**3 - sig_min**3)*lam + sig
    lamto_sig = lambda lam: lamto_sig3(lam)**(1.0/3)
    if spacing is logspace:
        StartSpace = -5
        EndSpace   = 0
        PlotStart = 10**StartSpace
        PlotEnd   = 10**EndSpace
    elif spacing is linspace:
        sigStartSpace = sig_min
        sigEndSpace   = sig_max
        epsiStartSpace = epsi_min
        qStartSpace = q_min
        qEndSpace = q_max
        if alle:
            epsiEndSpace   = 3.6 #!!! Manual set
            epsiEndSpace   = epsi_max
        sigPlotStart = sigStartSpace**sig_factor
        sigPlotEnd   = sigEndSpace**sig_factor
        epsiPlotStart = epsiStartSpace
        epsiPlotEnd   = epsiEndSpace
        qPlotStart = qStartSpace
        qPlotEnd = qEndSpace

    #generate sample length
    g_en_start = 19 #Row where data starts in g_energy output
    g_en_energy = 1 #Column where the energy is located
    niterations_max = 30001
    #Min and max sigmas:
    fC12 = lambda epsi,sig: 4*epsi*sig**12
    fC6 = lambda epsi,sig: 4*epsi*sig**6
    fsig = lambda C12, C6: (C12/C6)**(1.0/6)
    fepsi = lambda C12, C6: C6**2/(4*C12)
    C12_delta = fC12(epsi_max, sig_max) - fC12(epsi_min, sig_min)
    C6_delta = fC6(epsi_max, sig_max) - fC6(epsi_min, sig_min)
    C12_delta_sqrt = fC12(epsi_max, sig_max)**.5 - fC12(epsi_min, sig_min)**.5
    C6_delta_sqrt = fC6(epsi_max, sig_max)**.5 - fC6(epsi_min, sig_min)**.5
    #Set up lambda calculation equations
    flamC6 = lambda epsi, sig: (fC6(epsi, sig) - fC6(epsi_min, sig_min))/C6_delta
    flamC12 = lambda epsi, sig: (fC12(epsi, sig) - fC12(epsi_min, sig_min))/C12_delta
    flamC6sqrt = lambda epsi, sig: (fC6(epsi, sig)**.5 - fC6(epsi_min, sig_min)**.5)/C6_delta_sqrt
    flamC12sqrt = lambda epsi, sig: (fC12(epsi, sig)**.5 - fC12(epsi_min, sig_min)**.5)/C12_delta_sqrt
    flamC1 = lambda q: q
    lamC12 = flamC12sqrt(epsi_samp_space, sig_samp_space)
    lamC6 = flamC6sqrt(epsi_samp_space, sig_samp_space)
    lamC1 = flamC1(q_samp_space)
    #Try to load u_kln
    lam_range = linspace(0,1,nstates)
    subsampled = numpy.zeros([nstates],dtype=numpy.bool)
    if load_ukln and os.path.isfile('esq_ukln_consts_n%i.npz'%nstates):
        energies = consts(nstates, file='esq_ukln_consts_n%i.npz'%nstates)
        #Initial u_kln
        energies = consts(nstates)
        g_t = numpy.zeros([nstates])
        #Read in the data
        for k in xrange(nstates):
            print "Importing LJ = %02i" % k
            energy_dic = {'full':{}, 'rep':{}}
            #Try to load the subsampled filenames
                energy_dic['null'] = open('lj%s/prod/subenergy%s_null.xvg' %(k,k),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the null energies (unaffected) of the K states
                for l in xrange(nstates):
                    energy_dic['full']['%s'%l] = open('lj%s/prod/subenergy%s_%s.xvg' %(k,k,l),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the full energies for each state at KxL
                    if l == 5 or l == 0:
                        energy_dic['rep']['%s'%l] = open('lj%s/prod/subenergy%s_%s_rep.xvg' %(k,k,l),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the repulsive energies at 0, nstates-1, and K
                energy_dic['q']  =  open('lj%s/prod/subenergy%s_q.xvg' %(k,k),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the charge potential energy
                energy_dic['q2']  =  open('lj%s/prod/subenergy%s_q2.xvg' %(k,k),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the charge potential energy
                iter = len(energy_dic['null'])
                subsampled[k] = True
                # Set the object to iterate over, since we want every frame of the subsampled proces, we just use every frame
                frames = xrange(iter)
            except: #Load the normal way
                energy_dic['null'] = open('lj%s/prod/energy%s_null.xvg' %(k,k),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the null energies (unaffected) of the K states
                for l in xrange(nstates):
                    energy_dic['full']['%s'%l] = open('lj%s/prod/energy%s_%s.xvg' %(k,k,l),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the full energies for each state at KxL
                    if l == 5 or l == 0:
                        energy_dic['rep']['%s'%l] = open('lj%s/prod/energy%s_%s_rep.xvg' %(k,k,l),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the repulsive energies at 0, nstates-1, and K
                energy_dic['q']  =  open('lj%s/prod/energy%s_q.xvg' %(k,k),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the charge potential energy
                energy_dic['q2']  =  open('lj%s/prod/energy%s_q2.xvg' %(k,k),'r').readlines()[g_en_start:] #Read in the charge potential energy
                iter = niterations_max
                tempenergy = numpy.zeros(iter)
                for frame in xrange(iter):
                    tempenergy[frame] = float(energy_dic['full']['%s'%k][frame].split()[g_en_energy])
                frames, temp_series, g_t[k] = subsample_series(tempenergy, return_g_t=True)
                print "State %i has g_t of %i" % (k, g_t[k])
                iter = len(frames)
            #Update iterations if need be
            #Fill in matricies
            n = 0
            for frame in frames:
                #Unaffected state
                energies.const_Un_matrix[k,n] = float(energy_dic['null'][frame].split()[g_en_energy])
                #Charge only state
                VI = float(energy_dic['q'][frame].split()[g_en_energy]) - energies.const_Un_matrix[k,n]
                VII = float(energy_dic['q2'][frame].split()[g_en_energy]) - energies.const_Un_matrix[k,n]
                q1 = 1
                q2 = 0.5
                QB = (q1**2*VII - q2**2*VI)/(q1**2*q2 - q2**2*q1)
                QA = (VI - q1*QB)/q1**2
                energies.const_q_matrix[k,n] = QB
                energies.const_q2_matrix[k,n] = QA
                #const_q_matrix[k,n] = float(energy_dic['q'][n].split()[g_en_energy]) - const_Un_matrix[k,n]
                #Isolate the data
                for l in xrange(nstates):
                    energies.u_kln[k,l,n] = float(energy_dic['full']['%s'%l][frame].split()[g_en_energy]) #extract the kln energy, get the line, split the line, get the energy, convert to float, store
                #Repulsive terms: 
                #R0 = U_rep[k,k,n] + dhdl[k,0,n] - Un[k,n]
                energies.const_R0_matrix[k,n] = float(energy_dic['rep']['%s'%(0)][frame].split()[g_en_energy]) - energies.const_Un_matrix[k,n]
                #R1 = U_rep[k,k,n] + dhdl[k,-1,n] - Un[k,n]
                energies.const_R1_matrix[k,n] = float(energy_dic['rep']['%s'%(5)][frame].split()[g_en_energy]) - energies.const_Un_matrix[k,n]
                energies.const_R_matrix[k,n] = energies.const_R1_matrix[k,n] - energies.const_R0_matrix[k,n]
                #Finish the total unaffected term
                #Total unaffected = const_Un + U0 = const_Un + (U_full[k,0,n] - const_Un) = U_full[k,0,n]
                energies.const_unaffected_matrix[k,n] = energies.u_kln[k,0,n]
                #Fill in the q matrix
                #Attractive term
                #u_A = U_full[k,n] - constR[k,n] - const_unaffected[k,n]
                energies.const_A0_matrix[k,n] = energies.u_kln[k,0,n] - energies.const_R0_matrix[k,n] - energies.const_Un_matrix[k,n]
                energies.const_A1_matrix[k,n] = energies.u_kln[k,5,n] - energies.const_R1_matrix[k,n] - energies.const_Un_matrix[k,n]
                energies.const_A_matrix[k,n] = energies.const_A1_matrix[k,n] - energies.const_A0_matrix[k,n]
                n += 1
        constname = 'esq_ukln_consts_n%i.npz'%nstates
        if load_ukln and not os.path.isfile(constname):
    #Sanity check
    sanity_kln = numpy.zeros(energies.u_kln.shape)
    #Round q to the the GROMACS precision, otherwise there is drift in q which can cause false positives
    lamC1r = numpy.around(lamC1, decimals=4)
    for l in xrange(nstates):
        #sanity_kln[:,l,:] = lamC12[l]*energies.const_R_matrix + lamC6[l]*energies.const_A_matrix + lamC1[l]*energies.const_q_matrix + lamC1[l]**2*energies.const_q2_matrix + energies.const_unaffected_matrix
        sanity_kln[:,l,:] = lamC12[l]*energies.const_R_matrix + lamC6[l]*energies.const_A_matrix + lamC1r[l]*energies.const_q_matrix + lamC1r[l]**2*energies.const_q2_matrix + energies.const_unaffected_matrix
    del_kln = numpy.abs(energies.u_kln - sanity_kln)
    del_tol = 1 #in kJ per mol
    print "Max Delta: %f" % numpy.nanmax(del_kln)
    if numpy.nanmax(del_kln) > 1: #Check for numeric error
        #Double check to see if the weight is non-zero.
        #Most common occurance is when small particle is tested in large particle properties
        #Results in energies > 60,000 kj/mol, which carry 0 weight to machine precision
        nonzero_weights = numpy.count_nonzero(numpy.exp(-energies.u_kln[numpy.where(del_kln > .2)] * kjpermolTokT))
        if nonzero_weights != 0:
            print "and there are %d nonzero weights! Stopping execution" % nonzero_weights
            print "but these carry no weight and so numeric error does not change the answer"

    ############### END DATA INPUT ###################
    #Convert to dimless
    #Set up regular grid
    sig_range = (spacing(sigStartSpace**3,sigEndSpace**3,Nparm))**(1.0/3)
    epsi_range = spacing(epsiStartSpace,epsiEndSpace,Nparm)
    q_range = spacing(qStartSpace,qEndSpace,Nparm)
    epsi_plot_range = spacing(epsiStartSpace,epsi_max,Nparm)
    #Load subsequent f_ki
    f_ki_loaded = False
    state_counter = nstates
    while not f_ki_loaded and state_counter != 0:
        #Load the largest f_ki you can
            f_ki_load = numpy.load('esq_f_k_{myint:{width}}.npy'.format(myint=state_counter, width=len(str(state_counter))))
            f_ki_loaded = True
            f_ki_n = state_counter
        state_counter -= 1
        if nstates >= f_ki_n:
            draw_ki = f_ki_n
            draw_ki = nstates
        #Copy the loaded data
        f_ki = numpy.zeros(nstates)
        f_ki[:draw_ki] = f_ki_load[:draw_ki]
        mbar = MBAR(energies.u_kln, energies.N_k, verbose = True, initial_f_k=f_ki, subsampling_protocol=[{'method':'L-BFGS-B','options':{'disp':True}}], subsampling=1)
        mbar = MBAR(energies.u_kln, energies.N_k, verbose = True, subsampling_protocol=[{'method':'L-BFGS-B','options':{'disp':True}}], subsampling=1)
    if not f_ki_loaded or f_ki_n != nstates:
            numpy.save_compressed('esq_f_k_{myint:{width}}.npy'.format(myint=nstates, width=len(str(nstates))), mbar.f_k)
            numpy.save('esq_f_k_{myint:{width}}.npy'.format(myint=nstates, width=len(str(nstates))), mbar.f_k)

    ######## Begin Computing RDF's #########

    basebins = genrdf.defbin
    plotx = linspace(genrdf.distmin, genrdf.distmax, basebins)/10.0 #put in nm
    #Generate blank
    rdfs = numpy.zeros([basebins, nstates, energies.itermax], dtype=numpy.float64)
    if useO:
        pathstr = 'lj%s/prod/rdfOhist%s.npz'
        pathstr = 'lj%s/prod/rdfhist%s.npz'
    for k in xrange(nstates):
        try: #Try to load in
            if useO:
                rdfk = numpy.load(pathstr%(k,k))['rdf']
                rdfk = numpy.load(pathstr%(k,k))['rdf']
            rdfk = genrdf.buildrdf(k, useO=useO)
        nkbin, nkiter = rdfk.shape
        rdfs[:,k,:nkiter] = rdfk
    if singleparms is not None:
        Npert = 1
        pertq = numpy.array([singleparms[0]])
        pertepsi = numpy.array([singleparms[1]])
        pertsig = numpy.array([singleparms[2]])
        pertrdfs = None
        if useO:
            filestring = 'pertrdfs/pertrdfOn%s' % nstates
            filestring = 'pertrdfs/pertrdfn%s' % nstates
        filestring += 'q%fe%fs%f.npz'
        fileobjs = [singleparms[0],singleparms[1],singleparms[2]] #Even though 0 and 1 get +l, the l =0 in this instance so its fine
    elif singlestate is not None:
        Npert = 1
        pertq = numpy.array([q_samp_space[singlestate]])
        pertepsi = numpy.array([epsi_samp_space[singlestate]])
        pertsig = numpy.array( [sig_samp_space[singlestate]])
            pertrdf = numpy.load(pathstr%(singlestate,singlestate))['rdf']
            pertrdf = genrdf.buildrdf(singlestate, useO=useO)
        pertbin, pertnk = pertrdf.shape
        quickrdf = numpy.zeros([pertbin,1,pertnk]) #Initilze the matrix I will pass into the graphing routine
        quickrdf[:,0,:] = pertrdf
        pertrdf = quickrdf
        del quickrdf #Cleanup a bit
        if useO:
            filestring = 'lj%s/rdfO%sfromn%s.npz'
            filestring = 'lj%s/rdf%sfromn%s.npz'
        fileobjs = [singlestate,singlestate,nstates]
    elif crunchset is True:
        #Joung/Cheatham params: 
        pertname =             ['Li+',      'Na+',       'K+',        'Rb+',       'Cs+',       'F-',        'Cl-',       'Br-',       'I-']
        pertq =    numpy.array([1,          1,           1,           1,           1,           -1,          -1,          -1,          -1])
        pertepsi = numpy.array([0.11709719,  0.365846031, 0.810369254, 1.37160683,  1.70096085,  0.014074976, 0.148912744, 0.245414194, 0.224603814])
        pertsig =  numpy.array([0.196549675, 0.24794308,  0.30389715,  0.323090391, 0.353170773, 0.417552588, 0.461739606, 0.482458908, 0.539622469])
        #pertname =             ['Br-']
        #pertq =    numpy.array([-1])
        #pertepsi = numpy.array([0.245414194])
        #pertsig =  numpy.array([0.482458908])
        Npert = len(pertq)
        if useO:
            filestring = 'pertrdfs/pertrdfOn%s%s.npz'
            filestring = 'pertrdfs/pertrdfn%s%s.npz'
        #For now, just use the back 5 of the qes set
        Npert = 5
        pertq = q_samp_space[-Npert:]
        pertepsi = epsi_samp_space[-Npert:]
        pertsig = sig_samp_space[-Npert:]
        pertNk = energies.N_k[-Npert:]
        pertrdfs = rdfs[:,-Npert:,:]
        if useO:
            filestring = 'lj%s/rdfO%sfromn%s.npz'
            filestring = 'lj%s/rdf%sfromn%s.npz'
        fileobjs = [nstates-Npert,nstates-Npert,nstates]

    #pertq = numpy.array([q_samp_space[1]])+0.25
    #pertepsi = numpy.array([epsi_samp_space[1]])
    #pertepsi *= 2
    #pertsig = numpy.array([sig_samp_space[1]])
    #pertsig *= 1.5
    #pertNk = numpy.array([energies.N_k[1]])
    #pertrdfs = rdfs[:,1,:]

    #Begin computing expectations
    Erdfs = numpy.zeros([Npert, basebins])
    dErdfs = numpy.zeros([Npert, basebins])
    eff_u_kln = numpy.zeros([energies.nstates, energies.nstates + Npert, energies.itermax])
    eff_u_kln[:energies.nstates, :energies.nstates, :] = energies.u_kln
    for l in xrange(Npert):
        #if not savedata or not os.path.isfile('lj%s/rdf%sfromn%s.npz'%(nstates-Npert+l, nstates-Npert+l, nstates)):
        if crunchset:
            filecheck = filestring % (nstates, pertname[l])
            filecheck = filestring % (fileobjs[0]+l, fileobjs[1]+l, fileobjs[2])
        if not savedata or not os.path.isfile(filecheck) or effnum:
            print "Working on state %d/%d" %(l+1, Npert)
            q = pertq[l]
            epsi = pertepsi[l]
            sig = pertsig[l]
            #u_kn_P = numpy.zeros([nstates,energies.itermax])
            u_kn_P = flamC12sqrt(epsi,sig)*energies.const_R_matrix + flamC6sqrt(epsi,sig)*energies.const_A_matrix + flamC1(q)*energies.const_q_matrix + flamC1(q)**2*energies.const_q2_matrix + energies.const_unaffected_matrix
            if effnum:
                eff_u_kln[:,energies.nstates+l,:] = u_kn_P
                for bin in xrange(basebins):
                    stdout.write('\rWorking on bin %d/%d'%(bin,basebins-1))
                    #Erdfs[l, bin], dErdfs[l, bin] = mbar.computePerturbedExpectation(u_kn_P, rdfs[bin,:,:])
                    Erdfs[l, bin], dErdfs[l, bin] = mbar.computeExpectations(rdfs[bin,:,:], u_kn=u_kn_P, compute_uncertainty=False)
            if savedata:
                #savez('lj%s/rdf%sfromn%s.npz'%(nstates-Npert+l, nstates-Npert+l, nstates), Erdfs=Erdfs[l,:], dErdfs=dErdfs[l,:])
                if crunchset:
                    savez(filestring % (nstates, pertname[l]), Erdfs=Erdfs[l,:], dErdfs=dErdfs[l,:])
                    savez(filestring % (fileobjs[0]+l, fileobjs[1]+l, fileobjs[2]), Erdfs=Erdfs[l,:], dErdfs=dErdfs[l,:])
            #rdfdata = numpy.load('lj%s/rdf%sfromn%s.npz'%(nstates-Npert+l, nstates-Npert+l, nstates))
            if crunchset:
                rdfdata = numpy.load(filestring % (nstates, pertname[l]))
                rdfdata = numpy.load(filestring % (fileobjs[0]+l, fileobjs[1]+l, fileobjs[2]))
            Erdfs[l,:] = rdfdata['Erdfs']
            dErdfs[l,:] = rdfdata['dErdfs']

    #Effective number of samples
    if effnum:
        N_k = numpy.zeros(energies.nstates+Npert, dtype=numpy.int32)
        f_k = numpy.zeros(energies.nstates+Npert)
        N_k[:energies.nstates] = energies.N_k
        f_k[:mbar.K] = mbar.f_k
        eff_mbar = MBAR(eff_u_kln, N_k, verbose = True, initial_f_k=f_k, subsampling_protocol=[{'method':'L-BFGS-B','options':{'disp':True}}], subsampling=1)
        for l in xrange(Npert):
            w = numpy.exp(eff_mbar.Log_W_nk[:,mbar.K+l])
            neff = 1.0/numpy.sum(w**2)
            print "Effective number of samples for {0:s}: {1:f}".format(pertname[l], neff)

    if bootstrap: #I spun this off into its own section, although it probably could have been folded into the previous
        from numpy.random import random_integers
        Nboot = bootstrapcount
        ErdfsB = numpy.zeros([Nboot, Npert, basebins])
        run_start_time = time.time()
        number_of_iterations = Npert*Nboot
        iteration = 0
        for l in xrange(Npert): #Go through each bootstrap
            print "Bootstraping on state %d/%d" %(l+1, Npert)
            q = pertq[l]
            epsi = pertepsi[l]
            sig = pertsig[l]
            #u_kn_P = numpy.zeros([nstates,energies.itermax])
            u_kn_P = flamC12sqrt(epsi,sig)*energies.const_R_matrix + flamC6sqrt(epsi,sig)*energies.const_A_matrix + flamC1(q)*energies.const_q_matrix + flamC1(q)**2*energies.const_q2_matrix + energies.const_unaffected_matrix
            for Nb in xrange(Nboot): #Bootstrap
                iteration += 1
                u_kn_B = numpy.zeros(u_kn_P.shape)
                rdfsB = numpy.zeros(rdfs.shape)
                for k in xrange(nstates): #Roll random numbers
                    N_k = energies.N_k[k]
                    samplepool = random_integers(0,N_k-1,N_k)
                    for i in xrange(len(samplepool)):
                        u_kn_B[k,i] = u_kn_P[k,samplepool[i]] #Have to do this since slicing the first index alone reverses the return order for the last 2 indicies
                        rdfsB[:,k,i] = rdfs[:,k,samplepool[i]]
                #for bin in xrange(basebins):
                for bin in xrange(60): #Cut down for time
                    #stdout.write('\rWorking on bootstrap %d/%d and bin %d/%d'%(Nb,Nboot-1,bin,basebins-1))
                    stdout.write('\rWorking on bootstrap %d/%d and bin %d/%d'%(Nb,Nboot-1,bin,60-1))
                    ErdfsB[Nb, l, bin] = mbar.computePerturbedExpectation(u_kn_B, rdfsB[bin,:,:], compute_uncertainty=False)[0] #Dont compute error for speed
                laptime = time.clock()
                # Show timing statistics. copied from Repex.py, copywrite John Chodera
                final_time = time.time()
                elapsed_time = final_time - initial_time
                estimated_time_remaining = (final_time - run_start_time) / (iteration) * (number_of_iterations - iteration)
                estimated_total_time = (final_time - run_start_time) / (iteration) * (number_of_iterations)
                estimated_finish_time = final_time + estimated_time_remaining
                print "Iteration took %.3f s." % elapsed_time
                print "Estimated completion in %s, at %s (consuming total wall clock time %s)." % (str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=estimated_time_remaining)), time.ctime(estimated_finish_time), str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=estimated_total_time)))
        savez('BootstrapedIonRDF.npz', Erdfs = ErdfsB)

    if singleparms is None and not crunchset:
        f,a = plt.subplots(Npert, 2)
        for l in xrange(Npert):
            Nl = pertNk[l]
            rdftraj = pertrdfs[:,l,:Nl]
            if Npert == 1:
                a[0].plot(plotx, Erdfs[l,:], '-k')
                #a[0].plot(plotx, Erdfs[l,:] + dErdfs[l,:], '--k')
                #a[0].plot(plotx, Erdfs[l,:] - dErdfs[l,:], '--k')
                a[1].plot(plotx, rdftraj.sum(axis=1)/float(Nl), '-k')
                alims0 = a[0].get_ylim()
                alims1 = a[1].get_ylim()
                a[0].set_ylim(0, numpy.amax(numpy.array([alims0[1], alims1[1]])))
                a[1].set_ylim(0, numpy.amax(numpy.array([alims0[1], alims1[1]])))
                a[l,0].plot(plotx, Erdfs[l,:], '-k')
                #a[l,0].plot(plotx, Erdfs[l,:] + dErdfs[l,:], '--k')
                #a[l,0].plot(plotx, Erdfs[l,:] - dErdfs[l,:], '--k')
                a[l,1].plot(plotx, rdftraj.sum(axis=1)/float(Nl), '-k')
                alims0 = a[l,0].get_ylim()
                alims1 = a[l,1].get_ylim()
                a[l,0].set_ylim(0, numpy.amax(numpy.array([alims0[1], alims1[1]])))
                a[l,1].set_ylim(0, numpy.amax(numpy.array([alims0[1], alims1[1]])))
    elif crunchset:
        f,a = plt.subplots(Npert)
        for l in xrange(Npert):
            a[l].plot(plotx, Erdfs[l,:], '-k')
            print "Peak for %s at %f" % (pertname[l], plotx[numpy.argmax(Erdfs[l,:])])
        a.plot(plotx, Erdfs[0,:], '-k')
  # thermodynamic state
  elif observe == 'potential energy':
    A_kn = U_kln

  # observable for estimation is the position
  elif observe == 'position': 
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]  

  elif observe == 'position^2': 
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]**2   

  (A_k_estimated, dA_k_estimated) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn)

  As_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)
  dAs_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)

  # 'standard' expectation averages

  ifzero = numpy.array(N_k != 0)

  for k in range(K):
    if (ifzero[k]):
      if (observe == 'position') or (observe == 'position^2'):
        As_k_estimated[k] = numpy.average(A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]])
        dAs_k_estimated[k]  = numpy.sqrt(numpy.var(A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]])/(N_k[k]-1))
      elif (observe == 'RMS displacement' ) or (observe == 'potential energy'):
        As_k_estimated[k] = numpy.average(A_kn[k,k,0:N_k[k]])
  # observable for estimation is the position
  elif observe == 'position':
    state_dependent = False
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]

  # observable for estimation is the position^2
  elif observe == 'position^2':
    state_dependent = False
    A_kn = numpy.zeros([K,N_max], dtype = numpy.float64)
    for k in range(0,K):
      A_kn[k,0:N_k[k]] = x_kn[k,0:N_k[k]]**2

  (A_k_estimated, dA_k_estimated) = mbar.computeExpectations(A_kn, state_dependent = state_dependent)

  # need to additionally transform to get the square root
  if observe == 'RMS displacement':
    A_k_estimated = numpy.sqrt(A_k_estimated)
    # Compute error from analytical observable estimate.
    dA_k_estimated = dA_k_estimated/(2*A_k_estimated)

  As_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)
  dAs_k_estimated = numpy.zeros([K],numpy.float64)

  # 'standard' expectation averages - not defined if no samples
  nonzeros = numpy.arange(K)[Nk_ne_zero]

  totaln = 0
  for k in nonzeros: