def set_geometry(input_file):
    Add simple geometry, consisting of water target, surrounded with air.
    :param input_file: Fluka input file object, will be modified

    # geometry description starts here http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=38
    geo_begin = Card("GEOBEGIN", comment="geometry description starts here")
    )  # SDUM = COMBNAME  : Combinatorial geometry is used in free format,
    # and names can be used instead of body and region numbers

    # list of bodies, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=94
    # 1. black body sphere, centered around (0,0,0), radius 10m
    blkbody_sph = Card("SPH", comment="black body sphere")
    blkbody_sph.setSdum("blkbody")  # SDUM - name of the body
        1, 0.0)  # WHAT(1) - x-coordinate of the centre (in free format)
        2, 0.0)  # WHAT(2) - y-coordinate of the centre (in free format)
        3, 0.0)  # WHAT(3) - z-coordinate of the centre (in free format)
    blkbody_sph.setWhat(4, 10000.0)  # WHAT(4) - radius (in free format)

    # 2. air sphere, centered around (0,0,0), radius 1m
    air_sph = blkbody_sph.clone()  # see comments above
    air_sph.setWhat(4, 100.0)
    air_sph.setComment("air shpere")

    # 3. target cylinder, bottom center at (0,0,0), height 10cm, radius 5cm, positioned along Z axis
    target_rcc = Card("RCC", comment="target cylinder")
    target_rcc.setSdum("target")  # SDUM - name of the body
        1, 0.0
    )  # WHAT(1) - x-coordinate of the centre of circular plane, bottom (in free format)
        2, 0.0
    )  # WHAT(2) - y-coordinate of the centre of circular plane, bottom (in free format)
        3, 0.0
    )  # WHAT(3) - z-coordinate of the centre of circular plane, bottom (in free format)
        4, 0.0)  # WHAT(4) - x-coordinate of the height vector (in free format)
        5, 0.0)  # WHAT(5) - y-coordinate of the height vector (in free format)
        10.0)  # WHAT(6) - z-coordinate of the height vector (in free format)
    target_rcc.setWhat(7, 5.0)  # WHAT(7) - radius (in free format)

    # end of body region

    # list of regions, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=94
    # 1. outer black body region
    blk_body_zone = Card("REGION")
    blk_body_zone.setComment("outer black body region")
    blk_body_zone.setSdum("Z_BBODY")  # SDUM - name of the region
    blk_body_zone.addZone('+blkbody -air')  # logical formula

    # 2. inner air region
    air_zone = Card("REGION")
    air_zone.setComment("inner air region")
    air_zone.addZone('+air -target')

    # 3. target region
    target_zone = Card("REGION")
    target_zone.setComment("target region")

    # end of target region

    # geometry description ends here http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=39
    geo_end = Card("GEOEND", comment="geometry description ends here")

    # material assignment, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=10
    blk_body_mat = Card("ASSIGNMA")
        1, 'BLCKHOLE')  # WHAT(1) - material index, or material name
    blk_body_mat.setWhat(2, blk_body_zone.sdum(
    ))  # WHAT(2) - lower bound (or name corresponding to it) of the region
    # indices with material index equal or corresponding to WHAT(1).
    # upper bound is set to WHAT(2) by default

    air_mat = Card("ASSIGNMA")  # see comments above
    air_mat.setWhat(1, 'AIR')
    air_mat.setWhat(2, air_zone.sdum())

    target_mat = Card("ASSIGNMA")  # see comments above
    target_mat.setWhat(1, 'WATER')
    target_mat.setWhat(2, target_zone.sdum())
def add_scoring(input_file):
    Add scoring of deposited energy and neutron fluence on 4 different mesh types (8 scorers in total)
    :param input_file: Fluka input_file object, will be modified

    # Dictionary of scoring type (generalized particle)
    # keys will be used as parts of output filenames, this is why they are short
    # for list of all possible generalized particles, see: http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=7
    det_types = {"en": "ENERGY", "n": "NEUTRON"}

    # Define 4 different scoring meshes (1D and 2D), using pymchelper classes
    msh_z = CarthesianMesh()
    msh_z.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-0.5, stop=0.5, nbins=1)
    msh_z.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-0.5, stop=0.5, nbins=1)
    msh_z.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)

    msh_xy = CarthesianMesh()
    msh_xy.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)
    msh_xy.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)
    msh_xy.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=2.8, stop=2.9, nbins=1)

    msh_yz = CarthesianMesh()
    msh_yz.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-0.1, stop=0.1, nbins=1)
    msh_yz.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)
    msh_yz.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)

    msh_zx = CarthesianMesh()
    msh_zx.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)
    msh_zx.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-0.1, stop=0.1, nbins=1)
    msh_zx.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)

    mesh_types = {"z": msh_z, "xy": msh_xy, "yz": msh_yz, "zx": msh_zx}

    # Fluka is using concept of output unit numbers, this is starting number,
    # for each new scorer will be decreased by one
    output_unit = -21

    # scoring, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=84
    # template cards for USRBIN scorers:
    usrbin_card1 = Card("USRBIN")
        1, 0.0
    )  # WHAT(1) - type of binning selected (0.0 : Mesh Cartesian, no sym.)
    usrbin_card2 = Card("USRBIN")
    usrbin_card2.setSdum("&")  # continuation card

    # loop over all possible detectors and meshes
    for det_type, mesh_type in product(det_types.keys(), mesh_types.keys()):

        # make copies of template cards
        card1 = usrbin_card1.clone()
        card2 = usrbin_card2.clone()

        # generate comment
        card1.setComment("scoring {:s} on mesh {:s}".format(
            det_types[det_type], mesh_type))
            det_type, mesh_type))  # SDUM - identifying the binning detector
            2, det_types[det_type]
        )  # WHAT(2) - particle (or particle family) type to be scored
            3, output_unit
        )  # WHAT(3) - output unit (> 0.0 : formatted data,  < 0.0 : unformatted data)

        msh = mesh_types[mesh_type]
            4, msh.axis[0].stop)  # WHAT(4) - For Cartesian binning: Xmax
            5, msh.axis[1].stop)  # WHAT(5) - For Cartesian binning: Ymax
            6, msh.axis[2].stop)  # WHAT(6) - For Cartesian binning: Zmax
            1, msh.axis[0].start)  # WHAT(1) - For Cartesian binning: Xmin
            2, msh.axis[1].start)  # WHAT(2) - For Cartesian binning: Ymin
            3, msh.axis[2].start)  # WHAT(3) - For Cartesian binning: Zmin
        card2.setWhat(4, msh.axis[0].nbins
                      )  # WHAT(4) - For Cartesian binning: number of X bins
        card2.setWhat(5, msh.axis[1].nbins
                      )  # WHAT(5) - For Cartesian binning: number of Y bins
        card2.setWhat(6, msh.axis[2].nbins
                      )  # WHAT(6) - For Cartesian binning: number of Z bins
        output_unit -= 1

        # finally add generated cards to input structure
def generate_fluka_file(output_filename):
    Compose programatically fl_sim.inp Fluka input file
    with many combinations of estimator and mesh types.

    Fluka input file is saved in the default format (as Flair saves it), namely:
      - fixed format is used everywhere, except:
      - free format for geometry, forced by COMBNAME paramater in GEOBEGIN card
      - names instead of numbers are used as identifies of particles, materials and regions

    :param output_filename: output filename
    :return: generated Fluka object

    # create empty input file object
    input_configuration = Input.Input()

    # add title
    input_configuration.addCard(Card("TITLE", extra="proton beam simulation"))

    # add default physics settings
             comment="default physics for hadron therapy"))

    # add beam characteristics, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=12
    beam = Card("BEAM", comment="beam characteristics")
    beam.setSdum("PROTON")  # SDUM    = beam particle name.
                 -0.06)  # WHAT(1) < 0.0 : average beam kinetic energy in GeV
        4, 2.0
    )  # WHAT(4) > 0.0 : If WHAT(6) > 0.0, beam width in x-direction in cm,
    # The beam profile is assumed to be rectangular
        5, 2.0
    )  # WHAT(5) > 0.0 : If WHAT(6) > 0.0, beam width in y-direction in cm.
    # The beam profile is assumed to be rectangular.
             what=["PROTON", -0.06, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, -2.0],
             comment="beam source"))

    # add beam source position, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=14
    beam_pos = Card("BEAMPOS", comment="beam source position")
    beam_pos.setWhat(1, 0.0)  # WHAT(1) = x-coordinate of the spot centre.
    beam_pos.setWhat(2, 0.0)  # WHAT(2) = y-coordinate of the spot centre.
    beam_pos.setWhat(3, -100.0)  # WHAT(3) = z-coordinate of the spot centre.

    # set geometry, in separate function

    # add scoring, in separate function

    # random number generator settings, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=66
    rng_card = Card("RANDOMIZ")
    rng_card.setComment("random number generator settings")
        2, 137
    )  # Different numbers input as WHAT(2) will initialise different and independent
    # random number sequences, allowing the user to run several jobs in parallel for the same problem

    # number of particles to simulate, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=73
    start_card = Card("START")
    start_card.setComment("number of particles to simulate")
        1, 1000
    )  # WHAT(1) - maximum number of primary histories simulated in the run

    # end of input configuration http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=76

    # write file to the disk

    return input_configuration
def set_geometry(input_file):
    Add simple geometry, consisting of water target, surrounded with air.
    :param input_file: Fluka input file object, will be modified

    # geometry description starts here http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=38
    geo_begin = Card("GEOBEGIN", comment="geometry description starts here")
    geo_begin.setSdum("COMBNAME")  # SDUM = COMBNAME  : Combinatorial geometry is used in free format,
    # and names can be used instead of body and region numbers

    # list of bodies, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=94
    # 1. black body sphere, centered around (0,0,0), radius 10m
    blkbody_sph = Card("SPH", comment="black body sphere")
    blkbody_sph.setSdum("blkbody")  # SDUM - name of the body
    blkbody_sph.setWhat(1, 0.0)  # WHAT(1) - x-coordinate of the centre (in free format)
    blkbody_sph.setWhat(2, 0.0)  # WHAT(2) - y-coordinate of the centre (in free format)
    blkbody_sph.setWhat(3, 0.0)  # WHAT(3) - z-coordinate of the centre (in free format)
    blkbody_sph.setWhat(4, 10000.0)  # WHAT(4) - radius (in free format)

    # 2. air sphere, centered around (0,0,0), radius 1m
    air_sph = blkbody_sph.clone()  # see comments above
    air_sph.setWhat(4, 100.0)
    air_sph.setComment("air shpere")

    # 3. target cylinder, bottom center at (0,0,0), height 10cm, radius 5cm, positioned along Z axis
    target_rcc = Card("RCC", comment="target cylinder")
    target_rcc.setSdum("target")  # SDUM - name of the body
    target_rcc.setWhat(1, 0.0)  # WHAT(1) - x-coordinate of the centre of circular plane, bottom (in free format)
    target_rcc.setWhat(2, 0.0)  # WHAT(2) - y-coordinate of the centre of circular plane, bottom (in free format)
    target_rcc.setWhat(3, 0.0)  # WHAT(3) - z-coordinate of the centre of circular plane, bottom (in free format)
    target_rcc.setWhat(4, 0.0)  # WHAT(4) - x-coordinate of the height vector (in free format)
    target_rcc.setWhat(5, 0.0)  # WHAT(5) - y-coordinate of the height vector (in free format)
    target_rcc.setWhat(6, 10.0)  # WHAT(6) - z-coordinate of the height vector (in free format)
    target_rcc.setWhat(7, 5.0)  # WHAT(7) - radius (in free format)

    # end of body region

    # list of regions, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=94
    # 1. outer black body region
    blk_body_zone = Card("REGION")
    blk_body_zone.setComment("outer black body region")
    blk_body_zone.setSdum("Z_BBODY")  # SDUM - name of the region
    blk_body_zone.addZone('+blkbody -air')  # logical formula

    # 2. inner air region
    air_zone = Card("REGION")
    air_zone.setComment("inner air region")
    air_zone.addZone('+air -target')

    # 3. target region
    target_zone = Card("REGION")
    target_zone.setComment("target region")

    # end of target region

    # geometry description ends here http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=39
    geo_end = Card("GEOEND", comment="geometry description ends here")

    # material assignment, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=10
    blk_body_mat = Card("ASSIGNMA")
    blk_body_mat.setWhat(1, 'BLCKHOLE')  # WHAT(1) - material index, or material name
    blk_body_mat.setWhat(2, blk_body_zone.sdum())  # WHAT(2) - lower bound (or name corresponding to it) of the region
    # indices with material index equal or corresponding to WHAT(1).
    # upper bound is set to WHAT(2) by default

    air_mat = Card("ASSIGNMA")  # see comments above
    air_mat.setWhat(1, 'AIR')
    air_mat.setWhat(2, air_zone.sdum())

    target_mat = Card("ASSIGNMA")  # see comments above
    target_mat.setWhat(1, 'WATER')
    target_mat.setWhat(2, target_zone.sdum())
def add_scoring(input_file):
    Add scoring of deposited energy and neutron fluence on 4 different mesh types (8 scorers in total)
    :param input_file: Fluka input_file object, will be modified

    # Dictionary of scoring type (generalized particle)
    # keys will be used as parts of output filenames, this is why they are short
    # for list of all possible generalized particles, see: http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=7
    det_types = {"en": "ENERGY", "n": "NEUTRON"}

    # Define 4 different scoring meshes (1D and 2D), using pymchelper classes
    msh_z = CarthesianMesh()
    msh_z.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-0.5, stop=0.5, nbins=1)
    msh_z.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-0.5, stop=0.5, nbins=1)
    msh_z.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)

    msh_xy = CarthesianMesh()
    msh_xy.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)
    msh_xy.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)
    msh_xy.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=2.8, stop=2.9, nbins=1)

    msh_yz = CarthesianMesh()
    msh_yz.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-0.1, stop=0.1, nbins=1)
    msh_yz.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)
    msh_yz.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)

    msh_zx = CarthesianMesh()
    msh_zx.set_axis(axis_no=0, start=-5.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)
    msh_zx.set_axis(axis_no=1, start=-0.1, stop=0.1, nbins=1)
    msh_zx.set_axis(axis_no=2, start=0.0, stop=5.0, nbins=500)

    mesh_types = {"z": msh_z, "xy": msh_xy, "yz": msh_yz, "zx": msh_zx}

    # Fluka is using concept of output unit numbers, this is starting number,
    # for each new scorer will be decreased by one
    output_unit = -21

    # scoring, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=84
    # template cards for USRBIN scorers:
    usrbin_card1 = Card("USRBIN")
    usrbin_card1.setWhat(1, 0.0)  # WHAT(1) - type of binning selected (0.0 : Mesh Cartesian, no sym.)
    usrbin_card2 = Card("USRBIN")
    usrbin_card2.setSdum("&")  # continuation card

    # loop over all possible detectors and meshes
    for det_type, mesh_type in product(det_types.keys(), mesh_types.keys()):

        # make copies of template cards
        card1 = usrbin_card1.clone()
        card2 = usrbin_card2.clone()

        # generate comment
        card1.setComment("scoring {:s} on mesh {:s}".format(det_types[det_type], mesh_type))
        card1.setSdum("{:s}_{:s}".format(det_type, mesh_type))  # SDUM - identifying the binning detector
        card1.setWhat(2, det_types[det_type])  # WHAT(2) - particle (or particle family) type to be scored
        card1.setWhat(3, output_unit)  # WHAT(3) - output unit (> 0.0 : formatted data,  < 0.0 : unformatted data)

        msh = mesh_types[mesh_type]
        card1.setWhat(4, msh.axis[0].stop)  # WHAT(4) - For Cartesian binning: Xmax
        card1.setWhat(5, msh.axis[1].stop)  # WHAT(5) - For Cartesian binning: Ymax
        card1.setWhat(6, msh.axis[2].stop)  # WHAT(6) - For Cartesian binning: Zmax
        card2.setWhat(1, msh.axis[0].start)  # WHAT(1) - For Cartesian binning: Xmin
        card2.setWhat(2, msh.axis[1].start)  # WHAT(2) - For Cartesian binning: Ymin
        card2.setWhat(3, msh.axis[2].start)  # WHAT(3) - For Cartesian binning: Zmin
        card2.setWhat(4, msh.axis[0].nbins)  # WHAT(4) - For Cartesian binning: number of X bins
        card2.setWhat(5, msh.axis[1].nbins)  # WHAT(5) - For Cartesian binning: number of Y bins
        card2.setWhat(6, msh.axis[2].nbins)  # WHAT(6) - For Cartesian binning: number of Z bins
        output_unit -= 1

        # finally add generated cards to input structure
def generate_fluka_file(output_filename):
    Compose programatically fl_sim.inp Fluka input file
    with many combinations of detector and mesh types.

    Fluka input file is saved in the default format (as Flair saves it), namely:
      - fixed format is used everywhere, except:
      - free format for geometry, forced by COMBNAME paramater in GEOBEGIN card
      - names instead of numbers are used as identifies of particles, materials and regions

    :param output_filename: output filename
    :return: generated Fluka object

    # create empty input file object
    input_configuration = Input.Input()

    # add title
    input_configuration.addCard(Card("TITLE", extra="proton beam simulation"))

    # add default physics settings
    input_configuration.addCard(Card("DEFAULTS", what=["HADROTHE"], comment="default physics for hadron therapy"))

    # add beam characteristics, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=12
    beam = Card("BEAM", comment="beam characteristics")
    beam.setSdum("PROTON")  # SDUM    = beam particle name.
    beam.setWhat(1, -0.06)  # WHAT(1) < 0.0 : average beam kinetic energy in GeV
    beam.setWhat(4, 2.0)  # WHAT(4) > 0.0 : If WHAT(6) > 0.0, beam width in x-direction in cm,
    # The beam profile is assumed to be rectangular
    beam.setWhat(5, 2.0)  # WHAT(5) > 0.0 : If WHAT(6) > 0.0, beam width in y-direction in cm.
    # The beam profile is assumed to be rectangular.
    input_configuration.addCard(Card("BEAM", what=["PROTON", -0.06, 0.0, 0.0, -2.0, -2.0], comment="beam source"))

    # add beam source position, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=14
    beam_pos = Card("BEAMPOS", comment="beam source position")
    beam_pos.setWhat(1, 0.0)  # WHAT(1) = x-coordinate of the spot centre.
    beam_pos.setWhat(2, 0.0)  # WHAT(2) = y-coordinate of the spot centre.
    beam_pos.setWhat(3, -100.0)  # WHAT(3) = z-coordinate of the spot centre.

    # set geometry, in separate function

    # add scoring, in separate function

    # random number generator settings, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=66
    rng_card = Card("RANDOMIZ")
    rng_card.setComment("random number generator settings")
    rng_card.setWhat(2, 137)  # Different numbers input as WHAT(2) will initialise different and independent
    # random number sequences, allowing the user to run several jobs in parallel for the same problem

    # number of particles to simulate, see http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=73
    start_card = Card("START")
    start_card.setComment("number of particles to simulate")
    start_card.setWhat(1, 1000)  # WHAT(1) - maximum number of primary histories simulated in the run

    # end of input configuration http://www.fluka.org/fluka.php?id=man_onl&sub=76

    # write file to the disk

    return input_configuration