def perform(level, box, options):
    depth = options["Depth"]
    blocktype = options["Pick a block:"]
    replace = options["Replace Only:"]
    replaceType = options[""]

    # compute a truth table that we can index to find out whether a block
    # is naturally occuring and should be considered in a heightmap
    blockmask = naturalBlockmask()

    # always consider the chosen blocktype to be "naturally occuring" to stop
    # it from adding extra layers
    blockmask[blocktype.ID] = True

    # iterate through the slices of each chunk in the selection box
    for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(box):
        # slicing the block array is straightforward. blocks will contain only
        # the area of interest in this chunk.
        blocks = chunk.Blocks[slices]
        data = chunk.Data[slices]

        # use indexing to look up whether or not each block in blocks is
        # naturally-occuring. these blocks will "count" for column height.
        maskedBlocks = blockmask[blocks]

        heightmap = extractHeights(maskedBlocks)

        for x, z in itertools.product(*list(map(xrange, heightmap.shape))):
            h = heightmap[x, z]
            if depth > 0:
                if replace:
                    for y in range(max(0, h - depth), h):
                        b, d = blocks[x, z, y], data[x, z, y]
                        if (b == replaceType.ID
                                and d == replaceType.blockData):
                            blocks[x, z, y] = blocktype.ID
                            data[x, z, y] = blocktype.blockData
                blocks[x, z, max(0, h - depth):h] = blocktype.ID
                data[x, z, max(0, h - depth):h] = blocktype.blockData
                # negative depth values mean to put a layer above the surface
                if replace:
                    for y in range(h, min(blocks.shape[2], h - depth)):
                        b, d = blocks[x, z, y], data[x, z, y]
                        if (b == replaceType.ID
                                and d == replaceType.blockData):
                            blocks[x, z, y] = blocktype.ID
                            data[x, z, y] = blocktype.blockData
                blocks[x, z, h:min(blocks.shape[2], h - depth)] = blocktype.ID
                data[x, z,
                     h:min(blocks.shape[2], h - depth)] = blocktype.blockData

        # remember to do this to make sure the chunk is saved
文件: smooth.py 项目: upthorn/mcedit
def perform(level, box, options):
    if box.volume > 16000000:
        raise ValueError("Volume too big for this filter method!")

    repeatCount = options["Repeat count"]
    schema = level.extractSchematic(box)

    for i in xrange(repeatCount):

        terrainBlocks = terrainBlockmask[schema.Blocks]

        heightmap = extractHeights(terrainBlocks)

        # terrainBlocks |= schema.Blocks == 0
        nonTerrainBlocks = ~terrainBlocks
        nonTerrainBlocks &= schema.Blocks != 0

        newHeightmap = (
            heightmap[1:-1, 1:-1]
            + (heightmap[0:-2, 1:-1] + heightmap[2:, 1:-1] + heightmap[1:-1, 0:-2] + heightmap[1:-1, 2:]) * 0.7
        ) / 3.8
        # heightmap -= 0.5;
        newHeightmap += 0.5
        newHeightmap[newHeightmap < 0] = 0
        newHeightmap[newHeightmap > schema.Height] = schema.Height

        newHeightmap = array(newHeightmap, dtype="uint16")

        for x, z in itertools.product(xrange(1, schema.Width - 1), xrange(1, schema.Length - 1)):
            oh = heightmap[x, z]
            nh = newHeightmap[x - 1, z - 1]
            d = nh - oh

            column = array(schema.Blocks[x, z])
            column[nonTerrainBlocks[x, z]] = 0
            # schema.Blocks[x,z][nonTerrainBlocks[x,z]] = 0

            if nh > oh:

                column[d:] = schema.Blocks[x, z, :-d]
                if d > oh:
                    column[:d] = schema.Blocks[x, z, 0]
            if nh < oh:
                column[:d] = schema.Blocks[x, z, -d:]
                column[d : oh + 1] = schema.Blocks[x, z, min(oh + 1, schema.Height - 1)]

            # preserve non-terrain blocks
            column[~terrainBlockmask[column]] = 0
            column[nonTerrainBlocks[x, z]] = schema.Blocks[x, z][nonTerrainBlocks[x, z]]

            schema.Blocks[x, z] = column

    level.copyBlocksFrom(schema, schema.bounds, box.origin)
def perform(level, box, options):
    depth = options["Depth"]
    blocktype = options["Pick a block:"]
    replace = options["Replace Only:"]
    replaceType = options[""]

    #compute a truth table that we can index to find out whether a block
    # is naturally occuring and should be considered in a heightmap
    blockmask = naturalBlockmask()

    # always consider the chosen blocktype to be "naturally occuring" to stop
    # it from adding extra layers
    blockmask[blocktype.ID] = True

    #iterate through the slices of each chunk in the selection box
    for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(box):
        # slicing the block array is straightforward. blocks will contain only
        # the area of interest in this chunk.
        blocks = chunk.Blocks[slices]
        data = chunk.Data[slices]

        # use indexing to look up whether or not each block in blocks is
        # naturally-occuring. these blocks will "count" for column height.
        maskedBlocks = blockmask[blocks]

        heightmap = extractHeights(maskedBlocks)

        for x, z in itertools.product(*map(xrange, heightmap.shape)):
            h = heightmap[x, z]
            if depth > 0:
                if replace:
                    for y in range(max(0, h-depth), h):
                        b, d = blocks[x, z, y], data[x, z, y]
                        if (b == replaceType.ID and d == replaceType.blockData):
                            blocks[x, z, y] = blocktype.ID
                            data[x, z, y] = blocktype.blockData
                blocks[x, z, max(0, h - depth):h] = blocktype.ID
                data[x, z, max(0, h - depth):h] = blocktype.blockData
                #negative depth values mean to put a layer above the surface
                if replace:
                    for y in range(h, min(blocks.shape[2], h-depth)):
                        b, d = blocks[x, z, y], data[x, z, y]
                        if (b == replaceType.ID and d == replaceType.blockData):
                            blocks[x, z, y] = blocktype.ID
                            data[x, z, y] = blocktype.blockData
                blocks[x, z, h:min(blocks.shape[2], h - depth)] = blocktype.ID
                data[x, z, h:min(blocks.shape[2], h - depth)] = blocktype.blockData

        #remember to do this to make sure the chunk is saved
def perform(level, box, options):
    if box.volume > 16000000:
        raise ValueError("Volume too big for this filter method!")

    repeatCount = options["Repeat count"]
    schema = level.extractSchematic(box)

    for i in xrange(repeatCount):

        terrainBlocks = terrainBlockmask[schema.Blocks]

        heightmap = extractHeights(terrainBlocks)

        # terrainBlocks |= schema.Blocks == 0
        nonTerrainBlocks = ~terrainBlocks
        nonTerrainBlocks &= schema.Blocks != 0

        newHeightmap = (heightmap[1:-1, 1:-1] + (
        heightmap[0:-2, 1:-1] + heightmap[2:, 1:-1] + heightmap[1:-1, 0:-2] + heightmap[1:-1, 2:]) * 0.7) / 3.8
        #heightmap -= 0.5;
        newHeightmap += 0.5
        newHeightmap[newHeightmap < 0] = 0
        newHeightmap[newHeightmap > schema.Height] = schema.Height

        newHeightmap = array(newHeightmap, dtype='uint16')

        for x, z in itertools.product(xrange(1, schema.Width - 1), xrange(1, schema.Length - 1)):
            oh = heightmap[x, z]
            nh = newHeightmap[x - 1, z - 1]
            d = nh - oh

            column = array(schema.Blocks[x, z])
            column[nonTerrainBlocks[x, z]] = 0
            #schema.Blocks[x,z][nonTerrainBlocks[x,z]] = 0

            if nh > oh:

                column[d:] = schema.Blocks[x, z, :-d]
                if d > oh:
                    column[:d] = schema.Blocks[x, z, 0]
            if nh < oh:
                column[:d] = schema.Blocks[x, z, -d:]
                column[d:oh + 1] = schema.Blocks[x, z, min(oh + 1, schema.Height - 1)]

            #preserve non-terrain blocks
            column[~terrainBlockmask[column]] = 0
            column[nonTerrainBlocks[x, z]] = schema.Blocks[x, z][nonTerrainBlocks[x, z]]

            schema.Blocks[x, z] = column

    level.copyBlocksFrom(schema, schema.bounds, box.origin)
def applyToChunkSlices(self, op, chunk, slices, brushBox, brushBoxThisChunk):
    depth = op.options['Depth']
    blocktype = op.options['Block']

    blocks = chunk.Blocks[slices]
    data = chunk.Data[slices]

    brushMask = createBrushMask(op.tool.getBrushSize(), op.options['Style'], brushBox.origin, brushBoxThisChunk, op.options['Noise'], op.options['Hollow'])

    if op.options['Only Change Natural Earth']:
            # try to get the block mask from the topsoil filter
            import topsoil  # @UnresolvedImport
            blockmask = topsoil.naturalBlockmask()
            blockmask[blocktype.ID] = True
            blocktypeMask = blockmask[blocks]

        except Exception as e:
            print(repr(e), " while using blockmask from filters.topsoil")
            blocktypeMask = blocks != 0

        # topsoil any block
        blocktypeMask = blocks != 0

    if depth < 0:
        blocktypeMask &= (blocks != blocktype.ID)

    if len(blocktypeMask) == 0:
    heightmap = extractHeights(blocktypeMask)

    for x, z in itertools.product(*list(map(xrange, heightmap.shape))):
        h = heightmap[x, z]
        if h >= brushBoxThisChunk.height:
        if depth > 0:
            idx = x, z, slice(max(0, h - depth), h)
            # negative depth values mean to put a layer above the surface
            idx = x, z, slice(h, min(blocks.shape[2], h - depth))
        mask = brushMask[idx]
        blocks[idx][mask] = blocktype.ID
        data[idx][mask] = blocktype.blockData

    createTileEntities(blocktype, brushBoxThisChunk, chunk)
def perform(level, box, options):

    #iterate through the slices of each chunk in the selection box
    for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(box):
        # slicing the block array is straightforward. blocks will contain only
        # the area of interest in this chunk.
        blocks = chunk.Blocks
        data = chunk.Data

        # use indexing to look up whether or not each block in blocks is
        # naturally-occuring. these blocks will "count" for column height.
        maskedBlocks = blockmask[blocks]

        heightmap = extractHeights(maskedBlocks)

        for x in range(heightmap.shape[0]):
            for z in range(x + 1, heightmap.shape[1]):

                h = heightmap[x, z]
                h2 = heightmap[z, x]

                b2 = blocks[z, x, h2]

                if blocks[x, z, h] == 1:
                    h += 2  # rock surface - top 4 layers become 2 air and 2 rock
                if blocks[z, x, h2] == 1:
                    h2 += 2  # rock surface - top 4 layers become 2 air and 2 rock

                # topsoil is 4 layers deep
                def swap(s1, s2):
                    a2 = array(s2)
                    s2[:] = s1[:]
                    s1[:] = a2[:]

                swap(blocks[x, z, h - 3:h + 1], blocks[z, x, h2 - 3:h2 + 1])
                swap(data[x, z, h - 3:h + 1], data[z, x, h2 - 3:h2 + 1])

        # remember to do this to make sure the chunk is saved
def perform(level, box, options):

    #iterate through the slices of each chunk in the selection box
    for chunk, slices, point in level.getChunkSlices(box):
        # slicing the block array is straightforward. blocks will contain only
        # the area of interest in this chunk.
        blocks = chunk.Blocks
        data = chunk.Data

        # use indexing to look up whether or not each block in blocks is
        # naturally-occuring. these blocks will "count" for column height.
        maskedBlocks = blockmask[blocks]

        heightmap = extractHeights(maskedBlocks)

        for x in range(heightmap.shape[0]):
            for z in range(x + 1, heightmap.shape[1]):

                h = heightmap[x, z]
                h2 = heightmap[z, x]

                b2 = blocks[z, x, h2]

                if blocks[x, z, h] == 1:
                    h += 2  # rock surface - top 4 layers become 2 air and 2 rock
                if blocks[z, x, h2] == 1:
                    h2 += 2  # rock surface - top 4 layers become 2 air and 2 rock

                # topsoil is 4 layers deep
                def swap(s1, s2):
                    a2 = array(s2)
                    s2[:] = s1[:]
                    s1[:] = a2[:]

                swap(blocks[x, z, h - 3:h + 1], blocks[z, x, h2 - 3:h2 + 1])
                swap(data[x, z, h - 3:h + 1], data[z, x, h2 - 3:h2 + 1])

        # remember to do this to make sure the chunk is saved
            blockmask[blocktype.ID] = True
            blocktypeMask = blockmask[blocks]

        except Exception, e:
            print repr(e), " while using blockmask from filters.topsoil"
            blocktypeMask = blocks != 0

        # topsoil any block
        blocktypeMask = blocks != 0

    if depth < 0:
        blocktypeMask &= (blocks != blocktype.ID)

    if len(blocktypeMask) == 0:
    heightmap = extractHeights(blocktypeMask)

    for x, z in itertools.product(*map(xrange, heightmap.shape)):
        h = heightmap[x, z]
        if h >= brushBoxThisChunk.height:
        if depth > 0:
            idx = x, z, slice(max(0, h - depth), h)
            # negative depth values mean to put a layer above the surface
            idx = x, z, slice(h, min(blocks.shape[2], h - depth))
        mask = brushMask[idx]
        blocks[idx][mask] = blocktype.ID
        data[idx][mask] = blocktype.blockData
            import topsoil  # @UnresolvedImport
            blockmask = topsoil.naturalBlockmask()
            blockmask[blocktype.ID] = True
            blocktypeMask = blockmask[blocks]

        except Exception, e:
            print repr(e), " while using blockmask from filters.topsoil"
            blocktypeMask = blocks != 0

        # topsoil any block
        blocktypeMask = blocks != 0

    if depth < 0:
        blocktypeMask &= (blocks != blocktype.ID)

    heightmap = extractHeights(blocktypeMask)

    for x, z in itertools.product(*map(xrange, heightmap.shape)):
        h = heightmap[x, z]
        if h >= brushBoxThisChunk.height:
        if depth > 0:
            idx = x, z, slice(max(0, h - depth), h)
            # negative depth values mean to put a layer above the surface
            idx = x, z, slice(h, min(blocks.shape[2], h - depth))
        mask = brushMask[idx]
        blocks[idx][mask] = blocktype.ID
        data[idx][mask] = blocktype.blockData