 def _hasFn(self, apiType, dagMod, dgMod, parentType=None) :
     """ Get the Maya API type from the name of a Maya type """
     if parentType is None :
         parentType = 'kBase'
     # Reserved we can't determine it as we can't create the node, all we can do is check if it's
     # in the self.reservedApiHierarchy
     if self.reservedApiTypes.has_key(apiType) :
         return self.reservedApiHierarchy.get(apiType, None) == parentType
     # Need the MFn::Types enum for the parentType
     if self.apiTypesToApiEnums.has_key(parentType) :
         typeInt = self.apiTypesToApiEnums[parentType]
     else :
         return False
     # print "need creation for %s" % apiType
     obj = self._getMObject(apiType, dagMod, dgMod, parentType)
     if api.isValidMObject(obj) :
         return obj.hasFn(typeInt)
     else :
         return False
def _makeDgModGhostObject(mayaType, dagMod, dgMod):
    # we create a dummy object of this type in a dgModifier (or dagModifier)
    # as the dgModifier.doIt() method is never called, the object
    # is never actually created in the scene

    # Note: at one point, if we didn't call the dgMod/dagMod.deleteNode method,
    # and we call this function while loading a scene (for instance, if the scene requires
    # a plugin that isn't loaded, and defines custom node types), then the nodes were still
    # somehow created, despite never explicitly calling doIt()...
    # ... however, this seems to no longer be the case, and the deleteNode calls are apparently
    # harmful
    if type(dagMod) is not api.MDagModifier or type(dgMod) is not api.MDGModifier :
        raise ValueError, "Need a valid MDagModifier and MDGModifier or cannot return a valid MObject"

    # Regardless of whether we're making a DG or DAG node, make a parent first -
    # for some reason, this ensures good cleanup (don't ask me why...??)
    parent = dagMod.createNode ( 'transform', api.MObject())

        try :
            # Try making it with dgMod FIRST - this way, we can avoid making an
            # unneccessary transform if it is a DG node
            obj = dgMod.createNode ( mayaType )
        except RuntimeError:
            # DagNode
            obj = dagMod.createNode ( mayaType, parent )
            _logger.debug( "Made ghost DAG node of type '%s'" % mayaType )
            # DependNode
            _logger.debug( "Made ghost DG node of type '%s'" % mayaType )
#            dgMod.deleteNode(obj)
        obj = api.MObject()

#    dagMod.deleteNode(parent)

    if api.isValidMObject(obj) :
        return obj
    else :
        _logger.debug("Error trying to create ghost node for '%s'" %  mayaType)
        return None
def mayaTypeToApiType(mayaType) :
    """ Get the Maya API type from the name of a Maya type """
        return apiCache.mayaTypesToApiTypes[mayaType]
    except KeyError:
        apiType = 'kInvalid'
        # Reserved types must be treated specially
        if apiCache.reservedMayaTypes.has_key(mayaType) :
            # It's an abstract type
            apiType = apiCache.reservedMayaTypes[mayaType]
        else :
            # we create a dummy object of this type in a dgModifier
            # as the dgModifier.doIt() method is never called, the object
            # is never actually created in the scene
            obj = api.MObject()
            dagMod = api.MDagModifier()
            dgMod = api.MDGModifier()
            obj = _makeDgModGhostObject(mayaType, dagMod, dgMod)
            if api.isValidMObject(obj):
                apiType = obj.apiTypeStr()
        return apiType
文件: apicache.py 项目: SarielD/pymel
    # Regardless of whether we're making a DG or DAG node, make a parent first -
    # for some reason, this ensures good cleanup (don't ask me why...??)
    parent = dagMod.createNode ( 'transform', api.MObject())

    try :
        # DependNode
        obj = dgMod.createNode ( mayaType )
    except RuntimeError:
        # DagNode
            obj = dagMod.createNode ( mayaType, parent )
        except Exception, err:
            _logger.debug("Error trying to create ghost node for '%s': %s" %  (mayaType, err))
            return None

    if api.isValidMObject(obj) :
        return obj
    else :
        _logger.debug("Error trying to create ghost node for '%s'" %  mayaType)
        return None

class InvalidNodeTypeError(Exception): pass
class ManipNodeTypeError(InvalidNodeTypeError): pass

class _GhostObjMaker(object):
    '''Context used to get an mobject which we can query within this context.

    Automatically does any steps need to create and destroy the mobj within
    the context

    (Note - None may be returned in the place of any mobj)
文件: apicache.py 项目: Lavenda/pymel
    # for some reason, this ensures good cleanup (don't ask me why...??)
    parent = dagMod.createNode('transform', api.MObject())

        # DependNode
        obj = dgMod.createNode(mayaType)
    except RuntimeError:
        # DagNode
            obj = dagMod.createNode(mayaType, parent)
        except Exception, err:
            _logger.debug("Error trying to create ghost node for '%s': %s" %
                          (mayaType, err))
            return None

    if api.isValidMObject(obj):
        return obj
        _logger.debug("Error trying to create ghost node for '%s'" % mayaType)
        return None

class InvalidNodeTypeError(Exception):

class ManipNodeTypeError(InvalidNodeTypeError):

class _GhostObjMaker(object):
    def _parentFn(self, apiType, dagMod, dgMod, *args, **kwargs) :
        """ Checks the given API type list, or API type:MObject dictionnary to return the first parent of apiType """
        if not kwargs :
            if not args :
                args = ('kBase', )
            kwargs = dict( (args[k], None) for k in args )
        else :
            for k in args :
                if not kwargs.has_key(k) :
                    kwargs[k] = None
        # Reserved we can't determine it as we can't create the node, all we can do is check if it's
        # in the self.reservedApiHierarchy
        if self.reservedApiTypes.has_key(apiType) :
            p = self.reservedApiHierarchy.get(apiType, None)
            if p is not None :
                for t in kwargs.keys() :
                    if p == t :
                        return t
            return None

        result = None
        obj = kwargs.get(apiType, None)
        if not api.isValidMObject(obj) :
            # print "need creation for %s" % apiType
            obj = self._getMObject(apiType, dagMod, dgMod)
        if api.isValidMObject(obj) :
            if not kwargs.get(apiType, None) :
                kwargs[apiType] = obj          # update it if we had to create
            parents = []
            for t in kwargs.keys() :
                # Need the MFn::Types enum for the parentType
                if t != apiType :
                    if self.apiTypesToApiEnums.has_key(t) :
                        ti = self.apiTypesToApiEnums[t]
                        if obj.hasFn(ti) :
            # problem is the MObject.hasFn method returns True for all ancestors, not only first one
            if len(parents) :
                if len(parents) > 1 :
                    for p in parents :
                        if self.apiTypesToApiEnums.has_key(p) :
                            ip = self.apiTypesToApiEnums[p]
                            isFirst = True
                            for q in parents :
                                if q != p :
                                    stored = kwargs.get(q, None)
                                    if not stored :
                                        if self.reservedApiTypes.has_key(q) :
                                            isFirst = not self.reservedApiHierarchy.get(q, None) == p
                                        else :
                                            stored = self._getMObject(q, dagMod, dgMod)
                                            if not kwargs.get(q, None) :
                                                kwargs[q] = stored          # update it if we had to create
                                    if stored :
                                        isFirst = not stored.hasFn(ip)
                                if not isFirst :
                            if isFirst :
                                result = p
                else :
                    result = parents[0]

        return result