def create_facial_rig(): errmsg = [] msg = ft.create_ctl() errmsg.append(msg) pm.refresh() if not pm.confirmBox(title='Facial Rig Status',message = "Face Control Created\nError:\n%s"%msg, yes='Continue?', no='Stop?'): return msg = ft.create_eye_rig() errmsg.append(msg) pm.refresh() if not pm.confirmBox(title='Facial Rig Status',message = "Eyeballs Rig Created\nError:\n%s"%msg, yes='Continue?', no='Stop?'): return msg = ft.connect_mouth_ctl() errmsg.append(msg) pm.refresh() if not pm.confirmBox(title='Facial Rig Status',message = "Mouth Control to Bone Connected\nError:\n%s"%msg, yes='Continue?', no='Stop?'): return msg = ft.create_facial_bs_ctl() errmsg.append(msg) pm.refresh() if not pm.confirmBox(title='Facial Rig Status',message = "Create BlendShape control and setup BlendShape \nError:\n%s"%msg, yes='Continue?', no='Stop?'): return # ft.parent_ctl_to_head() # pm.refresh() # if not pm.confirmBox(title='Facial Rig Status',message = "Parent Root Group to Head OK", yes='Continue?', no='Stop?'): # return msg = ft.copy_facialskin() pm.refresh() if not pm.confirmBox(title='Facial Rig Status',message = "Facial Copy \nError:\n%s"%msg, yes='Continue?', no='Stop?'): return pm.informBox(title='Riggin Status', message = "Face Rig Complete")
def assertTrue(value, msg): try: assert value except AssertionError as why: pm.informBox('Error:', msg) log.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg)
def cam_projection(selected): if not selected: pm.informBox(title="ERROR", message="Please Select a shot Camera to continue", ok="OK") return None else: newCamera = pm.duplicate(ic=False, name="proj_cam_fr" + frame_name) return newCamera
def onGetNameClick(self): if not pm.selected(): pm.informBox('Error', 'No Object Selected') raise RuntimeError('No Object Selected') if not hasattr(pm.selected()[0], 'name'): return self.resetTextField() name = pm.selected()[0].name().split('|')[-1] splitName = name.split(self.separator) prefix = '' suffix = '' if len(splitName) > 2: prefix = splitName[0] name = self.separator.join(splitName[1:-1]) suffix = splitName[-1] elif len(splitName) == 2: if len(splitName[1]) > len(splitName[0]): name = splitName[1] prefix = splitName[0] else: name = splitName[0] suffix = splitName[1] self.prefix_combobox.setCurrentText(prefix) self.name_text.setText(name) self.suffix_combobox.setCurrentText(suffix)
def _action_show_parent_help(self): """ Show a small help window about the use direct parent option """ sHelpMsg = "If checked, the direct parent of the driven node will be" \ " use as the recept of the parent constraint. Else, a new parent will be created. \n" \ "WARNING : New parent cannot be used on referenced node" pymel.informBox("Space Switcher", sHelpMsg)
def DisplayInfoBox(message, title=None): """ Displays dismissable info box to user. :param message: box Title. :param title: box body text. """ pm.informBox(title, message)
def onGetNameClick(self): if not pm.selected(): pm.informBox('Error', 'No Object Selected') raise RuntimeError('No Object Selected') if not hasattr(pm.selected()[0], 'name'): return name = pm.selected()[0].name().split('|')[-1] self.name_text.setText(name)
def getOblist(self): ob_list = pm.selected( ) if not self.renameAll_radialbutton.isChecked() else type='transform') if not ob_list: pm.informBox('Error', 'No Object Selected') raise RuntimeError('No Object Selected') return ob_list
def onDeleteNameAfterClick(self): if not pm.selected(): pm.informBox('Error', 'No Object Selected') raise RuntimeError('No Object Selected') for ob in pm.selected(): if not hasattr(ob, 'rename'): continue newName ='|')[-1][:-1] ob.rename(newName)
def generate_thumbnail(cls): """generates thumbnail for current scene """ from anima.env.mayaEnv import auxiliary # reload(auxiliary) result = auxiliary.generate_thumbnail() if result: pm.informBox('Done!', 'Thumbnail generated successfully!') else: pm.informBox('Fail!', 'Thumbnail generation was unsuccessful!')
def onRenameClick(self): if not pm.selected(): pm.informBox('Error', 'No Object Selected') raise RuntimeError('No Object Selected') for ob in pm.selected(): if not hasattr(ob, 'rename'): continue name = pm.selected()[0].name().split('|')[-1] newName = name.replace(self.nameSearch_text.text(), self.nameReplace_text.text()) ob.rename(newName)
def onDeleteSuffixClick(self): if not pm.selected(): pm.informBox('Error', 'No Object Selected') raise RuntimeError('No Object Selected') for ob in pm.selected(): if not hasattr(ob, 'rename'): continue splitName ='|')[-1].split(self.separator) if len(splitName) > 1: newName = self.separator.join([c for c in splitName[:-1] if c]) ob.rename(newName)
def RotPro(menu1, menu2, rotationDict, *args): print 'ran' buttons = pm.radioCollection(menu2, q=True, sl=True) rtype = pm.radioButton(buttons, q=True, label=True) type = menu1.getValue() axis = rotationDict[rtype][0] mod = rotationDict[rtype][1] print type, axis, mod modx = 0 mody = 0 modz = 0 faces = '' rotationamount = mod if axis == 'x': modx = rotationamount print 'modx', modx if axis == 'y': mody = rotationamount if axis == 'z': modz = rotationamount selected = if (len(selected) < 1): pm.informBox(title='Object Selection Error', message='Please Select a Single Object', ok='Ok') return try: shape = selected[0].getChildren() faces = shape[0].f[0:] except: try: faces = selected except: pm.informBox(title='Object Selection Error', message='Please Select a valid Object', ok='Ok') return projection = pm.polyProjection(faces, rx=modx, ry=mody, rz=modz, type=type, ibd=True, sf=True)[0] print projection, r=True) pm.setToolTo('ShowManips') pm.showManipCtx() pm.ShowManipulators()
def fix_student_license_on_selected_file(cls): """fixes the student license error on selected file """ texture_path = \ file_path = pm.fileDialog2( cap="Choose Maya Scene", okc="Choose", fm=1 )[0] result = cls.fix_student_license(file_path) if result: pm.informBox('Done!', 'Fixed:\n\n%s' % file_path) else: pm.informBox('Fail!', 'No Student License Found on\n\n%s' % file_path)
def load_lba2_folder(*args): global lba_path global palette global resources global import_menu def find(name, path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if name in files: return os.path.join(root, name) directory = pm.fileDialog2(caption="Select LBA2 Installation Folder", fileMode=2, okCaption="Select") if directory is None: return # Look for essential files before accepting: if find("BODY.HQR", directory[0]) is None: pm.informBox("Incorrect Folder", "File BODY.HQR not found.") return if find("RESS.HQR", directory[0]) is None: pm.informBox("Incorrect Folder", "File RESS.HQR not found.") return if find("ANIM.HQR", directory[0]) is None: pm.informBox("Incorrect Folder", "File ANIM.HQR not found.") return lba_path = directory[0] # Read RESS.HQR relevant entries loading_box = pm.progressWindow(title="LBA2 Model Generator", status="Opening Folder...", isInterruptable=False, progress=0) ress_file = HQRReader(lba_path + "/RESS.HQR") pm.progressWindow(loading_box, edit=True, status="Loading Palette...", progress=10) palette = load_palette(ress_file[0]) pm.progressWindow(loading_box, edit=True, status="Loading Resources...", progress=20) resources = load_information(ress_file[44], loading_box) import_menu.setEnable(val=True) pm.progressWindow(loading_box, endProgress=1)
def send_current_file(scene=True, suffix='_vn', lastest=True, render=False, tex=True, extras=['psd', 'uv', 'zbr', 'pattern'], version=1, verbose=True): src = pm.sceneName() scene_src = src.dirname() path_root = '' status = [] todayFolder ='YYMMDD') if version > 1: todayFolder = "{}_{:02d}".format(todayFolder, int(version)) status.append('Send File to {}'.format(todayFolder)) scene_dest = pm.util.path( scene_src.replace('Works', 'to/{}/Works'.format(todayFolder))).truepath() files = scene_src.files('*.mb') files.extend(scene_src.files('*.ma')) #print files files.sort(key=lambda f: f.getmtime()) lastestfile = files[-1] try: status.append('Scene Sending status:') if lastest: src = lastestfile status.append('send latest file') dest = scene_dest.__div__(src.basename().replace( src.ext, '{}{}'.format(suffix, src.ext))) if scene: check_dir(dest) pm.sysFile(src, copy=dest) status.append("%s copy to %s" % (src, dest)) if render: render_str = ['rend', 'Render', 'render', 'Rend'] rend_src = [] print src.dirname().dirs() for test_str in render_str: for dir in src.dirname().dirs(): if test_str in dir.basename(): print dir.basename() rend_src = dir break break if rend_src: rend_dest = dest.dirname().__div__(test_str) status.append(sys_cop(rend_src, rend_dest)) except (IOError, OSError, shutil.Error) as why: msg = "Scene Copy Error\n{}".format(','.join(why)) status.append(msg) if tex or extras: if all([src.dirname().dirname().dirname().basename() != d for d in ['CH','BG','CP']]) and \ src.dirname().dirname().basename()!='CP': scene_src = scene_src.dirname() scene_dest = scene_dest.dirname() print scene_src tex_src = pm.util.path(scene_src.replace('scenes', 'sourceimages')).truepath() tex_files = tex_src.files('*.jpg') tex_extra = {} for extra in extras: tex_extra[extra] = tex_src.__div__(extra) tex_dest = pm.util.path(scene_dest.replace('scenes', 'sourceimages')) status.append('Texture Sending status:') try: if tex: for tex_file in tex_files: src = tex_file dest = tex_dest.__div__(tex_file.basename()) check_dir(dest) pm.sysFile(src, copy=dest) status.append("%s copy to %s" % (src, dest)) if extras: for name, path in tex_extra.items(): status.append('%s Sending status:' % name) dest = tex_dest.__div__(name) status.append(sys_cop(path, dest)) except (IOError, OSError, shutil.Error) as why: msg = "Tex Copy Error:\n{}".format(','.join(why)) status.append(msg) pm.informBox(title='Send File Status', message='\n'.join(status))
def setup_space_switch(self, nDriven=None, aDrivers=None, bCreateWolrdNode=False, bCreateParent=True): """ Setup a new space switch system on the node """ aCurSel = pymel.selected() if aDrivers == None: aParent = aCurSel[0:-1] else: aParent = aDrivers bContinue = False #Create the worldNode if (not self.worldNode and bCreateWolrdNode): self.worldNode = pymel.createNode("transform", n="dp_sp_worldNode") ctrlUtil.setLockHide([self.worldNode.__melobject__()], ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz']) if (self.worldNode): self.aDrivers.append(self.worldNode) self.aDriversSubName.append("World") if (not nDriven): if (len(aCurSel) == 0): pymel.informBox("Space Switcher", "You need to choose at least the node to constraint") #The user only selected the driven node, so create a space switch between it's parent and the world elif (len(aCurSel) == 1): self.nDriven = aCurSel[0] bContinue = True else: self.nDriven = aCurSel[-1] bContinue = True else: self.nDriven = nDriven bContinue = True if bContinue: #Setup the intermediate node to manage the spaceSwitch if bCreateParent: self.nSwConstRecept = pymel.PyNode(utils.zeroOut(transformList=[self.nDriven.__melobject__()])[0]) self.nSwConstRecept.rename( + "_SW_Const") else: self.nSwConstRecept = self.nDriven.getParent() m4Driven = self.nDriven.getMatrix(worldSpace=True) self.nSwConstRecept.setMatrix(m4Driven, worldSpace=True) self.nDriven.setParent(self.nSwConstRecept) #Create the parent constraint for the first node, but add the other target manually if (bCreateWolrdNode): self.nSwConst = pymel.parentConstraint(self.worldNode, self.nSwConstRecept, + "_SpaceSwitch_Const", mo=True) else: self.nSwConst = pymel.parentConstraint(aParent[0], self.nSwConstRecept, + "_SpaceSwitch_Const", mo=True) self.aDrivers.append(aParent[0]) self.aDriversSubName.append(aParent[0].name()) aParent = aParent[1:] self.nSwConst.getWeightAliasList()[0].set(0.0) #Setup the first key for the current activate constraint, targets offset and rest position pymel.setKeyframe(self.nSwConst.getWeightAliasList()[0], t=0, ott="step") pymel.setKeyframe([0].targetOffsetTranslate, t=0, ott="step") pymel.setKeyframe([0].targetOffsetRotate, t=0, ott="step") pymel.setKeyframe(self.nSwConst.restTranslate, t=0, ott="step") pymel.setKeyframe(self.nSwConst.restRotate, t=0, ott="step") self.add_target(aParent, firstSetup=True)
def onApplyClick(self): # Base Name Variable separator = self.separator prefix = self.prefix_text.text() name = self.name_text.text() suffix = self.suffix_text.text() # Optional Name Variable Toggle State numBool = self.numberEnable_checkbox.checkState() numAddSepBool = self.numberAddSeparator_checkbox.checkState() letterBool = self.letterEnable_checkbox.checkState() letterAddSepBool = self.letterAddSeparator_checkbox.checkState() directionBool = self.directionEnable_checkbox.checkState() dirAddSepBool = self.directionAddSeparator_checkbox.checkState() # Optional Name Variable Position numPos = self.numberPosition_comboBox.currentText() letterPos = self.letterPosition_comboBox.currentText() dirPos = self.directionPosition_comboBox.currentText() # Optional Name Variable Value startNum = self.startNumber_spinBox.value() numPadding = self.padding_spinBox.value() startLetter = self.startletter_comboBox.currentIndex() direction = self.direction_comboBox.currentText() # Name List generate def getIndex(postext): if 'prefix' in postext.lower(): if prefix: if postext.lower().startswith('before'): return baseName_list.index(prefix) else: return baseName_list.index(prefix) + 1 else: return 0 if 'name' in postext.lower(): if postext.lower().startswith('before'): return baseName_list.index(name) else: return baseName_list.index(name) + 1 if 'suffix' in postext.lower(): if suffix: if postext.lower().startswith('before'): return baseName_list.index(suffix) else: return baseName_list.index(suffix) + 1 else: return (len(baseName_list) - 1) if not pm.selected(): pm.informBox('Error', 'No Object Selected') raise RuntimeError('No Object Selected') if not name: pm.informBox('Error', 'Name is empty, input Name String') raise RuntimeError('Name is empty, input Name String') result = [] for obid, ob in enumerate(pm.selected()): if hasattr(ob, 'rename'): baseName_list = [prefix, name, suffix] if numBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(numPos), ("{:0" + str(numPadding) + "d}").format(startNum + obid)) if numAddSepBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(numPos), separator) if letterBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(letterPos), self.letterList[(startLetter + obid)]) if letterAddSepBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(letterPos), separator) if directionBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(dirPos), direction) if dirAddSepBool: if prefix and suffix: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(dirPos), separator) elif dirPos != 'After Suffix': baseName_list.insert(getIndex(dirPos), separator) if prefix: baseName_list.insert(1, separator) if suffix: baseName_list.insert(getIndex('before suffix'), separator) newName = ''.join(baseName_list) ob.rename(newName) result.append(ob) return result
def onApplyClick(self): # Base Name Variable separator = self.separator prefix = self.prefix_combobox.currentText() name = self.name_text.text() suffix = self.suffix_combobox.currentText() # Optional Name Variable Toggle State numBool = self.numberEnable_checkbox.checkState() numAddSepBool = self.numberAddSeparator_checkbox.checkState() letterBool = self.letterEnable_checkbox.checkState() letterIterBool = self.letterIterate_comboBox.currentIndex() letterAddSepBool = self.letterAddSeparator_checkbox.checkState() directionBool = self.directionEnable_checkbox.checkState() dirAddSepBool = self.directionAddSeparator_checkbox.checkState() renameChildBool = self.renameChild_radialbutton.isChecked() renameAllBool = self.renameAll_radialbutton.isChecked() # Optional Name Variable Position numPos = self.numberPosition_comboBox.currentText() letterPos = self.letterPosition_comboBox.currentText() dirPos = self.directionPosition_comboBox.currentText() # Optional Name Variable Value startNum = self.startNumber_spinBox.value() numPadding = self.numPadding_spinBox.value() startLetter = self.startletter_comboBox.currentIndex() direction = self.direction_comboBox.currentText() # Name List generate def getIndex(postext): if 'prefix' in postext.lower(): if prefix: if postext.lower().startswith('before'): return baseName_list.index(prefix) else: return baseName_list.index(prefix) + 1 else: return 0 if 'name' in postext.lower(): if postext.lower().startswith('before'): return baseName_list.index(name) else: return baseName_list.index(name) + 1 if 'suffix' in postext.lower(): if suffix: if postext.lower().startswith('before'): return baseName_list.index(suffix) else: return baseName_list.index(suffix) + 1 else: return (len(baseName_list) - 1) ob_list = self.getOblist() if not name: msg = 'Name is empty, input Name String' pm.informBox('Error', msg) log.error(msg) return for obid, ob in enumerate(ob_list): if hasattr(ob, 'rename'): baseName_list = [prefix, name, suffix] letterIndex = (startLetter + obid) if letterIterBool else startLetter if numBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(numPos), ("{:0" + str(numPadding) + "d}").format(startNum + obid)) if numAddSepBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(numPos), separator) if letterBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(letterPos), self.letterList[letterIndex]) if letterAddSepBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(letterPos), separator) if directionBool: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(dirPos), direction) if dirAddSepBool: if prefix and suffix: baseName_list.insert(getIndex(dirPos), separator) elif dirPos != 'After Suffix': baseName_list.insert(getIndex(dirPos), separator) if prefix: baseName_list.insert(1, separator) if suffix: baseName_list.insert(getIndex('before suffix'), separator) newName = ''.join(baseName_list) ob.rename(newName) if renameChildBool: if suffix: obname = + suffix, '') else: obname = # if len(ob.getChildren()) > 1: childCount = len(ob.getChildren(type='transform')) # print childCount, ob.getChildren(type='transform') childs = iter_hierachy(ob) i = 1 l = -1 for child in iter(childs): if child == ob: continue if hasattr(child, 'getParent'): if child.getParent() == ob: i = 1 l += 1 if hasattr(child, 'rename'): if childCount > 1: childName = '{}_{}{:02d}{}'.format( obname, self.letterList[l], i, '_%s' % suffix if suffix else '') else: childName = '{}_{:02d}{}'.format( obname, i, '_%s' % suffix if suffix else '') child.rename(childName) i += 1
def setup_space_switch(self, nDriven=None, aDrivers=None, bCreateWolrdNode=False, bCreateParent=True): """ Setup a new space switch system on the node """ aCurSel = pymel.selected() if aDrivers == None: aParent = aCurSel[0:-1] else: aParent = aDrivers bContinue = False #Create the worldNode if (not self.worldNode and bCreateWolrdNode): self.worldNode = pymel.createNode("transform", n="dp_sp_worldNode") ctrlUtil.setLockHide( [self.worldNode.__melobject__()], ['tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz']) if (self.worldNode): self.aDrivers.append(self.worldNode) self.aDriversSubName.append("World") if (not nDriven): if (len(aCurSel) == 0): pymel.informBox( "Space Switcher", "You need to choose at least the node to constraint") #The user only selected the driven node, so create a space switch between it's parent and the world elif (len(aCurSel) == 1): self.nDriven = aCurSel[0] bContinue = True else: self.nDriven = aCurSel[-1] bContinue = True else: self.nDriven = nDriven bContinue = True if bContinue: #Setup the intermediate node to manage the spaceSwitch if bCreateParent: self.nSwConstRecept = pymel.PyNode( utils.zeroOut( transformList=[self.nDriven.__melobject__()])[0]) self.nSwConstRecept.rename( + "_SW_Const") else: self.nSwConstRecept = self.nDriven.getParent() m4Driven = self.nDriven.getMatrix(worldSpace=True) self.nSwConstRecept.setMatrix(m4Driven, worldSpace=True) self.nDriven.setParent(self.nSwConstRecept) #Create the parent constraint for the first node, but add the other target manually if (bCreateWolrdNode): self.nSwConst = pymel.parentConstraint(self.worldNode, self.nSwConstRecept, + "_SpaceSwitch_Const", mo=True) else: self.nSwConst = pymel.parentConstraint(aParent[0], self.nSwConstRecept, + "_SpaceSwitch_Const", mo=True) self.aDrivers.append(aParent[0]) self.aDriversSubName.append(aParent[0].name()) aParent = aParent[1:] self.nSwConst.getWeightAliasList()[0].set(0.0) #Setup the first key for the current activate constraint, targets offset and rest position pymel.setKeyframe(self.nSwConst.getWeightAliasList()[0], t=0, ott="step") pymel.setKeyframe([0].targetOffsetTranslate, t=0, ott="step") pymel.setKeyframe([0].targetOffsetRotate, t=0, ott="step") pymel.setKeyframe(self.nSwConst.restTranslate, t=0, ott="step") pymel.setKeyframe(self.nSwConst.restRotate, t=0, ott="step") self.add_target(aParent, firstSetup=True)