class MemcacheHashCli(object):
    def __init__(self, hosts):
        self.client = HashClient(hosts)

    def set(self, key, value, expire):
            return self.client.set(key, value, expire)
        except Exception as e:
            return False

    def get(self, key):
            return self.client.get(key, default=None)
        except Exception as e:
            return None

    def mset(self, values, expire):
            return self.client.set_many(values, expire)
        except Exception as e:
            return False

    def mget(self, keys):
            return self.client.get_many(keys)
        except Exception as e:
            return None
    def test_no_servers_left_with_set_many(self):
        from pymemcache.client.hash import HashClient
        client = HashClient(
            [], use_pooling=True,
            timeout=1, connect_timeout=1

        result = client.set_many({'foo': 'bar'})
        assert result == ['foo']
class MemcachedCache(CacheBase):
    Memcached-backed cache implementation.

    Compatible with AWS ElastiCache when using their memcached interface.

    def __init__(
        servers: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = None,
        client_kwargs = dict(
            serde=serde or JsonSerializerDeserializer(),

        if testing:
            self.client = MockMemcacheClient(
            self.client = HashClient(

    def get(self, key: str):
        Return the value for a key, or None if not found

        return self.client.get(key)

    def add(self, key: str, value, ttl=None):
        Set the value for a key, but only that key hasn't been set.

        if ttl is None:
            # pymemcache interprets 0 as no expiration
            ttl = 0
        # NB: If input is malformed, this will not raise errors.
        # set `noreply` to False for further debugging
        return self.client.add(key, value, expire=ttl)

    def set(self, key: str, value, ttl=None):
        Set the value for a key, but overwriting existing values

        if ttl is None:
            # pymemcache interprets 0 as no expiration
            ttl = 0
        # NB: If input is malformed, this will not raise errors.
        # set `noreply` to False for further debugging
        return self.client.set(key, value, expire=ttl)

    def set_many(self, values, ttl=None):
        Set the many key-value pairs at a time, overwriting existing values

        if ttl is None:
            # pymemcache interprets 0 as no expiration
            ttl = 0

        return self.client.set_many(values, expire=ttl)
class CouchbaseMemcacheMirror(object):
    def __init__(self, couchbase_uri, memcached_hosts, primary=PRIMARY_COUCHBASE):
        :param couchbase_uri: Connection string for Couchbase
        :param memcached_hosts: List of Memcached nodes
        :param primary: Determines which datastore is authoritative.
            This affects how get operations are performed and which datastore
            is used for CAS operations.
                PRIMARY_COUCHBASE: Couchbase is authoritative
                PRIMARY_MEMCACHED: Memcached is authoritative
            By default, Couchbase is the primary store
        self.cb = CbBucket(couchbase_uri)
        self.mc = McClient(memcached_hosts)
        self._primary = primary

    def primary(self):
        return self._primary

    def _cb_get(self, key):
            return self.cb.get(key).value
        except NotFoundError:
            return None

    def get(self, key, try_alternate=True):
        Gets a document
        :param key: The key to retrieve
        :param try_alternate: Whether to try the secondary data source if the
            item is not found in the primary.
        :return: The value as a Python object
        if self._primary == PRIMARY_COUCHBASE:
            order = [self._cb_get, self.mc.get]
            order = [self.mc.get, self._cb_get]

        for meth in order:
            ret = meth(key)
            if ret or not try_alternate:
                return ret

        return None

    def _cb_mget(self, keys):
        Internal method to execute a Couchbase multi-get
        :param keys: The keys to retrieve
        :return: A tuple of {found_key:found_value, ...}, [missing_key1,...]
            ok_rvs = self.cb.get_multi(keys)
            bad_rvs = {}
        except NotFoundError as e:
            ok_rvs, bad_rvs = e.split_results()

        ok_dict = {k: (v.value, v.cas) for k, v in ok_rvs}
        return ok_dict, bad_rvs.keys()

    def get_multi(self, keys, try_alternate=True):
        Gets multiple items from the server
        :param keys: The keys to fetch as an iterable
        :param try_alternate: Whether to fetch missing items from alternate store
        :return: A dictionary of key:value. Only contains keys which exist and have values
        if self._primary == PRIMARY_COUCHBASE:
            ok, err = self._cb_get(keys)
            if err and try_alternate:
            return ok
            ok = self.mc.get_many(keys)
            if len(ok) < len(keys) and try_alternate:
                keys_err = set(keys) - set(ok)
            return ok

    def gets(self, key):
        Get an item with its CAS. The item will always be fetched from the primary
        data store.

        :param key: the key to get
        :return: the value of the key, or None if no such value
        if self._primary == PRIMARY_COUCHBASE:
                rv = self.cb.get(key)
                return key, rv.cas
            except NotFoundError:
                return None, None
            return self.mc.gets(key)

    def gets_multi(self, keys):
        if self._primary == PRIMARY_COUCHBASE:
                rvs = self.cb.get_multi(keys)
            except NotFoundError as e:
                rvs, _ = e.split_results()

            return {k: (v.value, v.cas) for k, v in rvs}
            # TODO: I'm not sure if this is implemented in HasClient :(
            return self.mc.gets_many(keys)

    def delete(self, key):
        st = Status()
        except NotFoundError as e:
            st.cb_error = e

        st.mc_status = self.mc.delete(key)
        return st

    def delete_multi(self, keys):
        st = Status()
        except NotFoundError as e:
            st.cb_error = e

        st.mc_status = self.mc.delete_many(keys)

    def _do_incrdecr(self, key, value, is_incr):
        cb_value = value if is_incr else -value
        mc_meth = self.mc.incr if is_incr else self.mc.decr
        st = Status()
            self.cb.counter(key, delta=cb_value)
        except NotFoundError as e:
            st.cb_error = e

        st.mc_status = mc_meth(key, value)

    def incr(self, key, value):
        return self._do_incrdecr(key, value, True)

    def decr(self, key, value):
        return self._do_incrdecr(key, value, False)

    def touch(self, key, expire=0):
        st = Status()
            self.cb.touch(key, ttl=expire)
        except NotFoundError as e:
            st.cb_error = st

        st.mc_status = self.mc.touch(key)

    def set(self, key, value, expire=0):
        Write first to Couchbase, and then to Memcached
        :param key: Key to use
        :param value: Value to use
        :param expire: If set, the item will expire in the given amount of time
        :return: Status object if successful (will always be success).
                 on failure an exception is raised
        self.cb.upsert(key, value, ttl=expire)
        self.mc.set(key, value, expire=expire)
        return Status()

    def set_multi(self, values, expire=0):
        Set multiple items.
        :param values: A dictionary of key, value indicating values to store
        :param expire: If present, expiration time for all the items
        self.cb.upsert_multi(values, ttl=expire)
        self.mc.set_many(values, expire=expire)
        return Status()

    def replace(self, key, value, expire=0):
        Replace existing items
        :param key: key to replace
        :param value: new value
        :param expire: expiration for item
        :return: Status object. Will be OK
        status = Status()
            self.cb.replace(key, value, ttl=expire)
        except NotFoundError as e:
            status.cb_error = e

        status.mc_status = self.mc.replace(key, value, expire=expire)
        return status

    def add(self, key, value, expire=0):
        status = Status()
            self.cb.insert(key, value, ttl=expire)
        except KeyExistsError as e:
            status.cb_error = e

        status.mc_status = self.mc.add(key, value, expire=expire)
        return status

    def _append_prepend(self, key, value, is_append):
        cb_meth = self.cb.append if is_append else self.cb.prepend
        mc_meth = self.mc.append if is_append else self.mc.prepend
        st = Status()

            cb_meth(key, value, format=FMT_UTF8)
        except (NotStoredError, NotFoundError) as e:
            st.cb_error = e

        st.mc_status = mc_meth(key, value)

    def append(self, key, value):
        return self._append_prepend(key, value, True)

    def prepend(self, key, value):
        return self._append_prepend(key, value, False)

    def cas(self, key, value, cas, expire=0):
        if self._primary == PRIMARY_COUCHBASE:
                self.cb.replace(key, value, cas=cas, ttl=expire)
                self.mc.set(key, value, ttl=expire)
                return True
            except KeyExistsError:
                return False
            except NotFoundError:
                return None
            return self.mc.cas(key, value, cas)