def localSamplingBR( system="all", fragSel="sele and name CA", bbqTable="/home/dwkulp/software/msl/tables/PiscesBBQTable.txt", numResults=25): cmd.read_pdbstr( PythonMSL.localSamplingBR(cmd.get_pdbstr(system), cmd.get_pdbstr(fragSel), numResults), "fragmentsBR")
def dump_rep(name): if 'PYMOL_GIT_MOD' in os.environ: import shutil try: shutil.copytree( os.path.join(os.environ['PYMOL_GIT_MOD'], 'pymol2glmol', 'js'), os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'js')) except OSError: pass names = cmd.get_session()['names'] cmd.set('pdb_retain_ids', 1) ret = '' for obj in names: if (obj == None): continue if (obj[2] == 0): # not visible continue if (obj[1] == 0 and obj[4] == 1 and obj[0] == name): ret += parseObjMol(obj) if (obj[1] == 0 and obj[4] == 4): # currently all dist objects are exported ret += parseDistObj(obj) cmd.turn('z', 180) view = cmd.get_view() cmd.turn('z', 180) cx = -view[12] cy = -view[13] cz = -view[14] cameraZ = -view[11] - 150 fov = float(cmd.get("field_of_view")) fogStart = float(cmd.get("fog_start")) slabNear = view[15] + view[11] slabFar = view[16] + view[11] ret += "\nview:%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f" % \ (cx, cy, cz, cameraZ, slabNear, slabFar, fogStart, fov) for i in range(9): ret += ",%.3f" % view[i] bgcolor = cmd.get_setting_tuple('bg_rgb')[1] ret += "\nbgcolor:%02x%02x%02x" % (int(255 * float(bgcolor[0])), \ int(255 * float(bgcolor[1])), int(255 * float(bgcolor[2]))) if 'PYMOL_GIT_MOD' in os.environ: template = open(os.path.join(os.environ['PYMOL_GIT_MOD'], 'pymol2glmol', 'imported.html')).read().\ replace("###INCLUDE_PDB_FILE_HERE###", cmd.get_pdbstr(name)).\ replace('###INCLUDE_REPRESENTATION_HERE###', ret) else: template = open('imported.html').read().\ replace("###INCLUDE_PDB_FILE_HERE###", cmd.get_pdbstr(name)).\ replace('###INCLUDE_REPRESENTATION_HERE###', ret) f = open(name + '.html', 'w') f.write(template) f.close()
def localSamplingCCD( system="all", fragSel="sele and name CA", bbqTable="/export/home/brettth/projectsS/code/tree/mslib/trunk/tables/PiscesBBQTable.txt", angle=10, numResults=25): cmd.read_pdbstr( PythonMSL.localSamplingCCD(cmd.get_pdbstr(system), cmd.get_pdbstr(fragSel), numResults, angle, bbqTable), "fragmentsCCD")
def localSamplingPDB( system="all", fragSel="sele and name CA", fragDB="/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/pmg_tk/startup/lbbs/nr1000.fragdb", numRes=-1, rmsdTol=0.0, bbqTable="/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/pmg_tk/startup/lbbs/PiscesBBQTable.txt", numResults=25): cmd.read_pdbstr( PythonMSL.localSamplingPDB(cmd.get_pdbstr(system), cmd.get_pdbstr(fragSel), fragDB, numRes, rmsdTol, numResults, bbqTable), "fragmentsPDB")
def testSaveANISO(self): cmd.read_pdbstr(v_pdbstr_anisou, 'm1') v = cmd.get_pdbstr() self.assertEqual(v, v_pdbstr_anisou, 'ANISOU records missing:\n' + v) cmd.rotate('y', 30, object='m1') cmd.translate([20, 0, 0], object='m1') cmd.rotate('z', 20, object='m1') v = cmd.get_pdbstr() self.assertEqual(v, v_pdbstr_rotated, 'ANISOU not rotated in PDB string' + v) v = cmd.get_model('m1').atom[0].u_aniso self.assertArrayEqual(v, [0.183853, 0.378995, 0.309052, -0.103350, 0.125751, 0.050349], 1e-5, 'ANISOU not rotated in chempy model')
def normalmodes_prody(selection, cutoff=15, first=7, last=10, guide=1, prefix='prody', states=7, factor=-1, quiet=1): ''' DESCRIPTION Anisotropic Network Model (ANM) analysis with ProDy. Based on: ''' try: import prody except ImportError: print('Failed to import prody, please add to PYTHONPATH') raise CmdException first, last, guide = int(first), int(last), int(guide) states, factor, quiet = int(states), float(factor), int(quiet) assert first > 6 if guide: selection = '(%s) and guide and alt A+' % (selection) tmpsele = cmd.get_unused_name('_'), selection) f = StringIO(cmd.get_pdbstr(tmpsele)) conf = prody.parsePDBStream(f) modes = prody.ANM() modes.buildHessian(conf, float(cutoff)) modes.calcModes(last - first + 1) if factor < 0: from math import log natoms = modes.numAtoms() factor = log(natoms) * 10 if not quiet: print(' set factor to %.2f' % (factor)) for mode in range(first, last + 1): name = prefix + '%d' % mode cmd.delete(name) if not quiet: print(' normalmodes: object "%s" for mode %d' % (name, mode)) for state in range(1, states+1): xyz_it = iter(modes[mode-7].getArrayNx3() * (factor * ((state-1.0)/(states-1.0) - 0.5))) cmd.create(name, tmpsele, 1, state, zoom=0) cmd.alter_state(state, name, '(x,y,z) = + (x,y,z)', space=locals()) cmd.delete(tmpsele) if guide: cmd.set('ribbon_trace_atoms', 1, prefix + '*') cmd.show_as('ribbon', prefix + '*') else: cmd.show_as('lines', prefix + '*')
def launch_search(self): """ launches the search in the separate thread does some basic checking and gets selection """ # gets the active selections from pymol active_selections = cmd.get_names('selections', 1) if len(active_selections) == 0: cmd.get_wizard().set_status('no selection') else: selection = active_selections[0] print "The active selections are " + str(selection) pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) print 'pdbstr is', pdbstr self.stop_search() # print cmd.get_wizard(),,,,, pdbstr,, cmd.get_wizard().cmd, = SearchThread(cmd.get_wizard(),,,,, pdbstr,, cmd.get_wizard().cmd, cmd.get_wizard().set_status('search launched') cmd.get_wizard().searchProgress = 0 cmd.refresh_wizard()
def jsoner(sel): lens=[] states=[] q1=cmd.get_model(sel) lens.append(len(q1.atom)) states.append(1) proc = Popen("goreduce", shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) options=json.dumps({"SelNames":[sel],"AtomsPerSel":lens,"StatesPerSel":states}) #, "IntOptions":[[5, 11]] }) proc.stdin.write(options+"\n") for i in q1.atom: atom,coords=gochem.Atom2gcRef(i) proc.stdin.write(atom+"\n") proc.stdin.write(coords+"\n") proc.stdin.close() # if proc.wait() != 1: # print "There were some errors" # for j in proc.stderr: # print(json.loads(j)) # proc.stderr.close() # for i in proc.stdout: # print json.loads(i) info = gochem.get_info(proc) mod=gochem.get_model(proc,info,0) cmd.load_model(mod,sel+"_Htmp",discrete=1,zoom=1) modR=cmd.get_pdbstr(sel+"_Htmp") cmd.read_pdbstr(modR,sel+"_H") cmd.delete(sel+"_Htmp") print "Jumalauta y wea"
def launch_search(self): """ launches the search in the separate thread does some basic checking and gets selection """ # gets the active selections from pymol active_selections = cmd.get_names('selections', 1) if len(active_selections) == 0: self.status = 'no selection' else: selection = active_selections[0] print "The active selections are" + str(selection) pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) print 'pdbstr is', pdbstr self.stop_search() self.searchThread = SearchThread(self, self.rmsd_cutoff, self.number_of_structures, self.full_match, self.database, pdbstr, self.url, self.cmd, self.dictionary) self.searchThread.start() self.status = 'search launched' self.searchProgress = 0 self.cmd.refresh_wizard()
def test(self, matrix_mode): cmd.viewport(100, 100) cmd.set('matrix_mode', matrix_mode) cmd.set('ambient', 1.0) cmd.read_pdbstr(v_pdbstr_anisou, 'm1', zoom=0) cmd.read_pdbstr(v_pdbstr_rotated, 'm2', zoom=0) self._rep() cmd.set_view(views[0]) ref = self.get_imagearray() self.assertImageHasColor('yellow') cmd.align('m1', 'm2') cmd.set_view(views[1]) self.assertImageEqual(ref, count=100, delta=1, msg='ANISOU not aligned on display') pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr('m1') cmd.delete('*') cmd.read_pdbstr(pdbstr, 'm1', zoom=0) self._rep() self.assertImageEqual(ref, count=100, msg='ANISOU not aligned in PDB')
def minimize(selection='all', forcefield='MMFF94s', method='conjugate gradients', nsteps=500, conv=0.0001, cutoff=False, cut_vdw=6.0, cut_elec=8.0): pdb_string = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) name = cmd.get_legal_name(selection) obconversion = ob.OBConversion() obconversion.SetInAndOutFormats('pdb', 'pdb') mol = ob.OBMol() obconversion.ReadString(mol, pdb_string) mol.AddHydrogens() ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField(forcefield) # GAFF, MMFF94s, MMFF94, UFF, Ghemical ff.Setup(mol) if cutoff == True: ff.EnableCutOff(True) ff.SetVDWCutOff(cut_vdw) ff.SetElectrostaticCutOff(cut_elec) if method == 'conjugate gradients': ff.ConjugateGradients(nsteps, conv) else: ff.SteepestDescent(nsteps, conv) ff.GetCoordinates(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() pdb_string = obconversion.WriteString(mol) cmd.delete(name) if name == 'all': name = 'all_' cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_string, name) print '#########################################' print 'The Energy of %s is %8.2f %s ' % (name, nrg, ff.GetUnit()) print '#########################################'
def save_pdb_with_anisou(filename, selection='(all)', state=1, quiet=1): ''' DESCRIPTION Save in PDB format including ANISOU records. SEE ALSO save ''' state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection, state) atom_it = iter(cmd.get_model(selection, state).atom) def mergeaniso(): for line in pdbstr.splitlines(True): yield line if line[:6] in ['ATOM ', 'HETATM']: u_str = ''.join('%7.0f' % (u * 1e4) for u in yield 'ANISOU' + line[6:28] + u_str + line[70:] pdbstr = ''.join(mergeaniso()) filename = cmd.exp_path(filename) f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(pdbstr) f.close() if not quiet: print(' Save with ANISOU: wrote "%s"' % (filename))
def minimize(selection='all', forcefield='MMFF94s', method='cg', nsteps=2000, conv=1E-6, cutoff=False, cut_vdw=6.0, cut_elec=8.0): pdb_string = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) name = cmd.get_legal_name(selection) obconversion = ob.OBConversion() obconversion.SetInAndOutFormats('pdb', 'pdb') mol = ob.OBMol() obconversion.ReadString(mol, pdb_string) ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField(forcefield) ff.Setup(mol) if cutoff == True: ff.EnableCutOff(True) ff.SetVDWCutOff(cut_vdw) ff.SetElectrostaticCutOff(cut_elec) if method == 'cg': ff.ConjugateGradients(nsteps, conv) else: ff.SteepestDescent(nsteps, conv) ff.GetCoordinates(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() pdb_string = obconversion.WriteString(mol) cmd.delete(name) if name == 'all': name = 'all_' cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_string, name) return nrg
def fSumWMCFirst(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, printMC): # print "First", MCNeighbour SumWMCFirst = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/" + SGNameAngle + "//" + "/" + "/SG" NBnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] # print NBnameselect, residueName # Mainchain C Cnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/C" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distFirstC', SGnameselect, Cnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeC, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCFirst = SumWMCFirst + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC C ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeC, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain O Onameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/O" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distFirstO', SGnameselect, Onameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeO, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCFirst = SumWMCFirst + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC O ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeO, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) cmd.delete(residue + 'distFirstC') cmd.delete(residue + 'distFirstO') cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMCFirst
def addH(self): if reduceExe: seles = self.h_sel.getvalue() for sele in seles: if sele != '': pdbStr = cmd.get_pdbstr(sele) args = '"' + reduceExe + '"' + ' -BUILD -DB ' + '"' + reduceDB + '" -' print args + " " p = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) newpdb = p.communicate(pdbStr)[0] mynewsel = sele + '_H' if self.h_newSel.getvalue() != '': mynewsel = self.h_newSel.getvalue() if self.replVar.get() == 1: mynewsel = sele cmd.delete(sele) cmd.read_pdbstr(newpdb, mynewsel) else: print "Could not determine selection" else: print reduceError
def assign_atom_types(selection='all'): """ TODO document me! read for available functions provided by openbabel to extract atom properties. There is a GetType() function but I found that function very limited. """ atom_types = [] pdb_string = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) mol = ob.OBMol() obconversion = ob.OBConversion() obconversion.SetInAndOutFormats('pdb', 'pdb') obconversion.ReadString(mol, pdb_string) rings = mol.GetSSSR() for at in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol): ring_member = [ring.IsMember(at) for ring in rings] neighbors = [ neighbor.GetAtomicNum() for neighbor in ob.OBAtomAtomIter(at) ] atom_types.append( (at.GetIndex(), at.GetAtomicNum(), at.GetHvyValence(), any(ring_member), at.IsAromatic(), at.MemberOfRingCount(), (neighbors))) return atom_types
def normalmodes_prody(selection, cutoff=15, first=7, last=10, guide=1, prefix='prody', states=7, factor=-1, quiet=1): ''' DESCRIPTION Anisotropic Network Model (ANM) analysis with ProDy. Based on: ''' try: import prody except ImportError: print('Failed to import prody, please add to PYTHONPATH') raise CmdException first, last, guide = int(first), int(last), int(guide) states, factor, quiet = int(states), float(factor), int(quiet) assert first > 6 if guide: selection = '(%s) and guide and alt A+' % (selection) tmpsele = cmd.get_unused_name('_'), selection) f = StringIO(cmd.get_pdbstr(tmpsele)) conf = prody.parsePDBStream(f) modes = prody.ANM() modes.buildHessian(conf, float(cutoff)) modes.calcModes(last - first + 1) if factor < 0: from math import log natoms = modes.numAtoms() factor = log(natoms) * 10 if not quiet: print(' set factor to %.2f' % (factor)) for mode in range(first, last + 1): name = prefix + '%d' % mode cmd.delete(name) if not quiet: print(' normalmodes: object "%s" for mode %d' % (name, mode)) for state in range(1, states+1): xyz_it = iter(modes[mode-7].getArrayNx3() * (factor * ((state-1.0)/(states-1.0) - 0.5))) cmd.create(name, tmpsele, 1, state, zoom=0) cmd.alter_state(state, name, '(x,y,z) = next(xyz_it) + (x,y,z)', space={'xyz_it': xyz_it, 'next': next}) cmd.delete(tmpsele) if guide: cmd.set('ribbon_trace_atoms', 1, prefix + '*') cmd.show_as('ribbon', prefix + '*') else: cmd.show_as('lines', prefix + '*')
def launch_search(self): """ launches the search in the separate thread does some basic checking and gets selection """ # gets the active selections from pymol active_selections = cmd.get_names('selections', 1) if len(active_selections) == 0: self.status = 'no selection' else: selection = active_selections[0] print "The active selections are " + str(selection) pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) print 'pdbstr is', pdbstr self.stop_search() self.searchThread = SearchThread(self, self.rmsd_cutoff, self.number_of_structures, self.full_match, self.database, pdbstr, self.url, self.cmd, self.dictionary) self.searchThread.start() self.status = 'search launched' self.searchProgress = 0 self.cmd.refresh_wizard()
def getSasa(sel="sele", normalized=0, probeSize=1.4): name = "SASA %3.1f" % probeSize if (normalized): name = "normSASA %3.1f" % probeSize cmd.read_pdbstr( PythonMSL.getSasa(cmd.get_pdbstr(sel), normalized, probeSize), name)
def fSumWMCresidue(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, AmideName, printMC): # print "residue", MCNeighbour SumWMCresidue = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/" + SGNameAngle + "//" + "/" + "/SG" NBnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] # print NBnameselect, residueName AmideProt = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/H01" Hnameselect = "/" + AmideName + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/H01" if cmd.count_atoms(AmideProt) == 0 and cmd.count_atoms(Hnameselect) == 0: HbuildSelect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/N" cmd.h_add(HbuildSelect) cmd.create(AmideName, AmideName + " + " + AmideProt) cmd.remove(AmideProt) # Mainchain AmideH ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResH', SGnameselect, Hnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeH, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC H ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeH, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain C Cnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/C" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResC', SGnameselect, Cnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeC, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC C ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeC, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain O Onameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/O" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResO', SGnameselect, Onameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeO, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC O ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeO, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain N Nnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResN', SGnameselect, Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC N ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) cmd.delete(residue + 'distResH') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResC') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResO') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResN')"nb_spheres", AmideName) cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMCresidue
def get_selection_details(selection): selection_details = {} selection_details['raw'] = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection).split('\n')[1] selection_details['aa_type'] = selection_details['raw'].split()[3] selection_details['chain'] = selection_details['raw'].split()[4] selection_details['seq_position'] = selection_details['raw'].split()[5] selection_details['pdb_object_name'] = cmd.get_object_list(selection)[0] return selection_details
def conf_search(selection='all', forcefield='MMFF94s', method='Weighted', nsteps=500, conformers=25, lowest_conf=5): pdb_string = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) name = cmd.get_legal_name(selection) obconversion = ob.OBConversion() obconversion.SetInAndOutFormats('pdb', 'pdb') mol = ob.OBMol() obconversion.ReadString(mol, pdb_string) mol.AddHydrogens() ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField(forcefield) # GAFF, MMFF94s, MMFF94, UFF, Ghemical ff.Setup(mol) if method == 'Weighted': ff.WeightedRotorSearch(conformers, nsteps) elif method == 'Random': ff.RandomRotorSearch(conformers, nsteps) else: ff.SystematicRotorSearch(nsteps) if name == 'all': name = 'all_' if method in ['Weighted', 'Random']: ff.GetConformers(mol) print '##############################################' print ' Conformer | Energy | RMSD' nrg_unit = ff.GetUnit() rmsd = 0 ff.GetCoordinates(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() conf_list = [] for i in range(conformers): mol.SetConformer(i) ff.Setup(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() conf_list.append((nrg, i)) conf_list.sort() lenght_conf_list = len(conf_list) if lowest_conf > lenght_conf_list: lowest_conf = lenght_conf_list for i in range(lowest_conf): nrg, orden = conf_list[i] name_n = '%s%02d' % (name, i) cmd.delete(name_n) mol.SetConformer(orden) pdb_string = obconversion.WriteString(mol) cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_string, name_n) if i != 0: rmsd =, '%s00' % name, quiet=1) print '%15s | %10.2f%9s |%6.1f' % (name_n, nrg, nrg_unit, rmsd) print '##############################################' else: ff.GetCoordinates(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() pdb_string = obconversion.WriteString(mol) cmd.delete(name) cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_string, name) print '#########################################' print 'The Energy of %s is %8.2f %s ' % (name, nrg, ff.GetUnit()) print '#########################################'
def fSumWMCLast(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, MCchargeProCA, MCchargeProCD, MCchargeProN, AmideName, printMC): #print "Last", MCNeighbour SumWMCLast = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/"+SGNameAngle+"//"+"/"+"/SG" NBnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] #print NBnameselect, residueName if residueName == "PRO": ### Proline CA CAnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/CA" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProCA', SGnameselect,CAnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProCA, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProCA ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProCA, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Proline CD CDnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/CD" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProCD', SGnameselect,CDnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProCD, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProCD ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProCD, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Proline N Nnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProN', SGnameselect,Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProN ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC else: AmideProt = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/H01" Hnameselect = "/"+AmideName+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/H01" if cmd.count_atoms(AmideProt) == 0 and cmd.count_atoms(Hnameselect) == 0: HbuildSelect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" cmd.h_add(HbuildSelect) cmd.create(AmideName, AmideName+" + "+AmideProt) cmd.remove(AmideProt) ### Mainchain AmideH ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastH', SGnameselect,Hnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeH, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC H ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeH, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Mainchain N Nnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastN', SGnameselect,Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC N ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProCA') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProCD') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProN') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastH') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastN')"nb_spheres", AmideName) cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMCLast
def conf_search(selection="all", forcefield="MMFF94s", method="Weighted", nsteps=500, conformers=25, lowest_conf=5): pdb_string = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) name = cmd.get_legal_name(selection) obconversion = ob.OBConversion() obconversion.SetInAndOutFormats("pdb", "pdb") mol = ob.OBMol() obconversion.ReadString(mol, pdb_string) mol.AddHydrogens() ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField(forcefield) ## GAFF, MMFF94s, MMFF94, UFF, Ghemical ff.Setup(mol) if method == "Weighted": ff.WeightedRotorSearch(conformers, nsteps) elif method == "Random": ff.RandomRotorSearch(conformers, nsteps) else: ff.SystematicRotorSearch(nsteps) if name == "all": name = "all_" if method in ["Weighted", "Random"]: ff.GetConformers(mol) print "##############################################" print " Conformer | Energy | RMSD" nrg_unit = ff.GetUnit() rmsd = 0 ff.GetCoordinates(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() conf_list = [] for i in range(conformers): mol.SetConformer(i) ff.Setup(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() conf_list.append((nrg, i)) conf_list.sort() lenght_conf_list = len(conf_list) if lowest_conf > lenght_conf_list: lowest_conf = lenght_conf_list for i in range(lowest_conf): nrg, orden = conf_list[i] name_n = "%s%02d" % (name, i) cmd.delete(name_n) mol.SetConformer(orden) pdb_string = obconversion.WriteString(mol) cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_string, name_n) if i != 0: rmsd =, "%s00" % name, quiet=1) print "%15s | %10.2f%9s |%6.1f" % (name_n, nrg, nrg_unit, rmsd) print "##############################################" else: ff.GetCoordinates(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() pdb_string = obconversion.WriteString(mol) cmd.delete(name) cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_string, name) print "#########################################" print "The Energy of %s is %8.2f %s " % (name, nrg, ff.GetUnit()) print "#########################################"
def get_pdbstr(self, pdb='reduce'): '''Return a PDB string for the specified structure object.''' # TODO this needs some work name = self.pdb[pdb] if name in cmd.get_names(): return cmd.get_pdbstr(name) else: msg = 'Sorry, no object loaded called {}!'.format(name) logger.warning(msg) return None
def get_sasa_mmtk(selection, state=-1, hydrogens='auto', quiet=1): ''' DESCRIPTION Get solvent accesible surface area using MMTK.MolecularSurface This command is very picky with missing atoms and wrong atom naming. SEE ALSO stub2ala, get_sasa, get_sasa_ball ''' try: import MMTK except ImportError: print(' ImportError: please install MMTK') raise CmdException from MMTK.PDB import PDBConfiguration from MMTK.Proteins import Protein from MMTK.MolecularSurface import surfaceAndVolume try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO selection = selector.process(selection) state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) radius = cmd.get_setting_float('solvent_radius') if hydrogens == 'auto': if cmd.count_atoms('(%s) and hydro' % selection) > 0: hydrogens = 'all' else: hydrogens = 'no_hydrogens' elif hydrogens == 'none': hydrogens = 'no_hydrogens' conf = PDBConfiguration(StringIO(cmd.get_pdbstr(selection))) system = Protein(conf.createPeptideChains(hydrogens)) try: area, volume = surfaceAndVolume(system, radius * 0.1) except: print(' Error: MMTK.MolecularSurface.surfaceAndVolume failed') raise CmdException if not quiet: print(' get_sasa_mmtk: %.3f Angstroms^2 (volume: %.3f Angstroms^3).' % (area * 1e2, volume * 1e3)) return area * 1e2
def get_sequence(target, chain=""): """Determine protein sequence from PDB ATOM fields""" if chain == "": chain = " " pdb = cmd.get_pdbstr(target).split("\n") seq3 = [line[17:20] for line in pdb if line[13:16] == "CA " and line[21] == chain] seq1 = [three_to_one[code] for code in seq3 if code] return "".join(seq1)
def test(self): cmd.read_pdbstr(v_pdbstr_anisou, 'm1') with testing.mktemp('.mae') as maefilename:, 'm1') cmd.delete('*') cmd.load(maefilename, 'm1') self.assertEqual(cmd.get_pdbstr('m1'), v_pdbstr_anisou) cmd.read_pdbstr(v_pdbstr_rotated, 'm2') cmd.align('m1', 'm2') with testing.mktemp('.mae') as maefilename:, 'm1') cmd.delete('*') cmd.load(maefilename, 'm1') # Attention: Not sure if rotation is numerically stable across # platforms. Fuzzy comparison might be needed. self.assertEqual(cmd.get_pdbstr('m1'), v_pdbstr_rotated)
def minimize(selection='tmp', forcefield='MMFF94', method='steepest descent', nsteps=2000, conv=1E-6, cutoff=False, cut_vdw=6.0, cut_elec=8.0, rigid_geometry=True): """ Use openbabel to minimize the energy of a molecule. """ pdb_string = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) name = cmd.get_legal_name(selection) obconversion = ob.OBConversion() obconversion.SetInAndOutFormats('pdb', 'pdb') mol = ob.OBMol() obconversion.ReadString(mol, pdb_string) if rigid_geometry: constraints = ob.OBFFConstraints() for angle in ob.OBMolAngleIter(mol): b, a, c = [mol.GetAtom(x + 1) for x in angle] value = mol.GetAngle(a, b, c) b, a, c = [x + 1 for x in angle] constraints.AddAngleConstraint(a, b, c, value) for i in ob.OBMolBondIter(mol): a, b = (i.GetBeginAtomIdx(), i.GetEndAtomIdx()) value = i.GetLength() constraints.AddDistanceConstraint(a, b, value) ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField(forcefield) ff.Setup(mol, constraints) ff.SetConstraints(constraints) else: ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField(forcefield) ff.Setup(mol) if cutoff: ff.EnableCutOff(True) ff.SetVDWCutOff(cut_vdw) ff.SetElectrostaticCutOff(cut_elec) if method == 'conjugate gradients': ff.ConjugateGradients(nsteps, conv) else: ff.SteepestDescent(nsteps, conv) ff.GetCoordinates(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() pdb_string = obconversion.WriteString(mol) cmd.delete(name) if name == 'all': name = 'all_' cmd.delete(selection) cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_string, selection) return nrg
def LoadNew(model, name, template=None, PDBstr=False, state=0, discrete=0): if PDBstr: tmpname = name + "_tmp" cmd.load_model(model, tmpname, discrete=discrete, zoom=1) modR = cmd.get_pdbstr(tmpname) cmd.read_pdbstr(modR, name) cmd.delete(tmpname) return if template: = else: add_bonds(model) cmd.load_model(model, name, state=state, discrete=discrete)
def resiCBpick(seletedChain=False): '''处理表位残基序列,获取其中的CB原子信息,该函数依赖 resiPick()''' cblist = [] i = resipick(seletedChain) cb = "cb_left" test = "test" cmd.read_pdbstr(i, test), "name cb " + " in " + test) cblist = cmd.get_pdbstr('cb') return cblist
def fSumWMCresidue(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, AmideName, printMC): # print "residue", MCNeighbour SumWMCresidue = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/" + SGNameAngle + "//" + "/" + "/SG" NBnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] # print NBnameselect, residueName AmideProt = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/H01" Hnameselect = "/" + AmideName + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/H01" if cmd.count_atoms(AmideProt) == 0 and cmd.count_atoms(Hnameselect) == 0: HbuildSelect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/N" cmd.h_add(HbuildSelect) cmd.create(AmideName, AmideName + " + " + AmideProt) cmd.remove(AmideProt) # Mainchain AmideH ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResH', SGnameselect, Hnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeH, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC H ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeH, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain C Cnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/C" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResC', SGnameselect, Cnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeC, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC C ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeC, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain O Onameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/O" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResO', SGnameselect, Onameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeO, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC O ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeO, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain N Nnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResN', SGnameselect, Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC N ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) cmd.delete(residue + 'distResH') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResC') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResO') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResN')"nb_spheres", AmideName) cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMCresidue
def get_sequence(target, chain=""): """Determine protein sequence from PDB ATOM fields""" if chain == "": chain = " " pdb = cmd.get_pdbstr(target).split("\n") seq3 = [ line[17:20] for line in pdb if line[13:16] == "CA " and line[21] == chain ] seq1 = [three_to_one[code] for code in seq3 if code] return "".join(seq1)
def resiCApick(seletedChain=False): calist = [] i = resipick(seletedChain) ca = "ca_left" test = "test" cmd.read_pdbstr(i, test), "name ca " + " in " + test) calist = cmd.get_pdbstr('ca') cmd.delete(test) cmd.delete(ca) return calist
def resiCApick(seletedChain=False): '''处理表位残基序列,获取其中的CA原子信息,该函数依赖 resiPick()''' calist = [] i = resipick(seletedChain) ca = "ca_left" test = "test" cmd.read_pdbstr(i, test), "name ca " + " in " + test) calist = cmd.get_pdbstr('ca') #resiPick的结果包含了全序列和残基序列,需要将位于后部的残基序列单独提取 return calist
def test(self, nodup): cmd.set('pdb_conect_nodup', nodup) cmd.fragment('cyclopentadiene') lines = cmd.get_pdbstr().splitlines() bonds = defaultdict(int) for line in lines: if line.startswith('CONECT'): indices = list(map(int, line[6:].split())) for i in indices[1:]: bonds[indices[0], i] += 1 counts = bonds.values() if nodup: self.assertTrue(all(v == 1 for v in counts)) else: self.assertTrue(any(v > 1 for v in counts))
def _convert_molecules_to_pdb() -> t.List[str]: ''' convert_molecules_to_pdb gives a list containing one pdb string for each molecule #TODO: Write/find a conversion fucntion that I can use on the u.Atoms as the Logic handler knows them :warning: atoms willbeassigned different IDS than they currently have in interface_Pymol!!!!! :return: List of pdb string for each molecule in interface_Pymol :rtype: t.List[str] ''' pymol_objects = cmd.get_object_list() pdb_molecules = [ cmd.get_pdbstr(obj) for obj in pymol_objects if obj[:4] == "mol_" ] return pdb_molecules
def _convert_molecules_to_pdb() -> t.List[str]: """ convert_molecules_to_pdb gives a list containing one pdb string for each molecule @Warnings atoms willbeassigned different IDS than they currently have in interface_Pymol!!!!! Returns ------- t.List[str] List of pdb string for each molecule in interface_Pymol """ pymol_objects = cmd.get_object_list() pdb_molecules = [ cmd.get_pdbstr(obj) for obj in pymol_objects if obj[:4] == "mol_" ] return pdb_molecules
def resipick(selectedChain=False,cutoff=10, doShow=False, verbose=False): objSel="(all)" # Obtain pdb information tmpObj = "__tmp" cmd.create(tmpObj, objSel + " and polymer") fullObj = "full_str" cmd.create(fullObj, objSel + " and polymer") cmd.set("dot_solvent") cmd.get_area(selection=tmpObj, load_b=1) #print selectedChain # Remove unselected chains if selectedChain: cmd.remove(tmpObj + " and not chain "+ selectedChain) # threshold on what one considers an "exposed" atom (in A**2): cmd.remove(tmpObj + " and b < " + str(cutoff)) stored.tmp_dict = {} cmd.iterate(tmpObj, "stored.tmp_dict[(chain,resv)]=1") exposed = stored.tmp_dict.keys() exposed.sort() # create sels selResi = "exposed_res", "byres " + objSel + " in " + tmpObj) # show exposed_resi's sels resiStr = cmd.get_pdbstr(selResi) if doShow != False: cmd.show_as("spheres", objSel + " and poly") cmd.color("yellow", selResi) cmd.delete(tmpObj) cmd.delete(fullObj) cmd.delete(selResi) return resiStr
def minimize(selection='tmp', forcefield='MMFF94', method='steepest descent', nsteps= 2000, conv=1E-6, cutoff=False, cut_vdw=6.0, cut_elec=8.0, rigid_geometry=True): """ Write Me! """ pdb_string = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) name = cmd.get_legal_name(selection) obconversion = ob.OBConversion() obconversion.SetInAndOutFormats('pdb', 'pdb') mol = ob.OBMol() obconversion.ReadString(mol, pdb_string) if rigid_geometry: constraints = ob.OBFFConstraints() for angle in ob.OBMolAngleIter(mol): b, a, c = [mol.GetAtom(x+1) for x in angle] value = mol.GetAngle(a, b, c) b, a, c = [x+1 for x in angle] constraints.AddAngleConstraint(a, b, c, value) for i in ob.OBMolBondIter(mol): a, b = (i.GetBeginAtomIdx(), i.GetEndAtomIdx()) value = i.GetLength() constraints.AddDistanceConstraint(a, b, value) ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField(forcefield) ff.Setup(mol, constraints) ff.SetConstraints(constraints) else: ff = ob.OBForceField.FindForceField(forcefield) ff.Setup(mol) if cutoff: ff.EnableCutOff(True) ff.SetVDWCutOff(cut_vdw) ff.SetElectrostaticCutOff(cut_elec) if method == 'conjugate gradients': ff.ConjugateGradients(nsteps, conv) else: ff.SteepestDescent(nsteps, conv) ff.GetCoordinates(mol) nrg = ff.Energy() pdb_string = obconversion.WriteString(mol) cmd.delete(name) if name == 'all': name = 'all_' cmd.delete(selection) cmd.read_pdbstr(pdb_string, selection) return nrg
def resipick(selectedChain=False,cutoff=10, doShow=False, verbose=False): '''对导入的PDB文件选取可及表面积为 cutoff (默认为10)外的表位残基''' objSel="(all)" # 获取当前pdb文件 tmpObj = "__tmp" cmd.create(tmpObj, objSel + " and polymer") fullObj = "full_str" cmd.create(fullObj, objSel + " and polymer") cmd.set("dot_solvent") cmd.get_area(selection=tmpObj, load_b=1) print selectedChain #移除非选中的链 if selectedChain: cmd.remove(tmpObj + " and not chain "+ selectedChain) # threshold on what one considers an "exposed" atom (in A**2): cmd.remove(tmpObj + " and b < " + str(cutoff)) stored.tmp_dict = {} cmd.iterate(tmpObj, "stored.tmp_dict[(chain,resv)]=1") exposed = stored.tmp_dict.keys() exposed.sort() # 创建 sels selResi = "exposed_res", "byres " + objSel + " in " + tmpObj) # 呈现 exposed_resi 的序列 sels resiStr = cmd.get_pdbstr(selResi) if doShow != False: cmd.show_as("spheres", objSel + " and poly") cmd.color("blue", selResi) cmd.delete(tmpObj) return resiStr
def assign_atom_types(selection='all'): """ TODO document me! read for available functions provided by openbabel to extract atom properties. There is a GetType() function but I found that function very limited. """ atom_types = [] pdb_string = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) mol = ob.OBMol() obconversion = ob.OBConversion() obconversion.SetInAndOutFormats('pdb', 'pdb') obconversion.ReadString(mol, pdb_string) rings = mol.GetSSSR() for at in ob.OBMolAtomIter(mol): ring_member = [ring.IsMember(at) for ring in rings] neighbors = [neighbor.GetAtomicNum() for neighbor in ob.OBAtomAtomIter(at)] atom_types.append((at.GetIndex(), at.GetAtomicNum(), at.GetHvyValence(), any(ring_member), at.IsAromatic(), at.MemberOfRingCount(), (neighbors))) return atom_types
def reduce_object(obj, flip=1): """Add hydrogens to a copy of a loaded PyMOL object with Reduce. TODO: more doc here """ # Run reduce with specified flips pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr(obj) reduced_pdbstr = generate_reduce_output(pdbstr, flip_type=flip) # Fail gracefully if no output is generated. if not reduced_pdbstr: msg = "Failed to generate Reduce output for {}.".format(obj) logger.error(msg) return withflips = " with flips" if flip else """Generated Reduce output{} for '{}'.".format(withflips, obj)) # Process the output string for flips flips_list = process_reduce_output(reduced_pdbstr)"Processed Reduce output to extract list of flips.") # Store flips list and raw reduced_pdbstr in MPObject o = get_or_create_object(obj) o.flips = flips_list o.reduce_output = reduced_pdbstr # Store current group_auto_mode setting gam = cmd.get('group_auto_mode') cmd.set('group_auto_mode', 2) # Load the output PDB into a copy of the original and disable the original. name = o.pdb['reduce'] cmd.create(name, obj) # duplicate original to preserve representation cmd.read_pdbstr(reduced_pdbstr, name, state=1) cmd.disable(obj) # Restore original group_auto_mode cmd.set('group_auto_mode', gam)
def test(self, matrix_mode): cmd.viewport(100,100) cmd.set('matrix_mode', matrix_mode) cmd.set('ambient', 1.0) cmd.read_pdbstr(v_pdbstr_anisou, 'm1', zoom=0) cmd.read_pdbstr(v_pdbstr_rotated, 'm2', zoom=0) self._rep() cmd.set_view(views[0]) ref = self.get_imagearray() self.assertImageHasColor('yellow') cmd.align('m1', 'm2') cmd.set_view(views[1]) self.assertImageEqual(ref, count=100, delta=1, msg='ANISOU not aligned on display') pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr('m1') cmd.delete('*') cmd.read_pdbstr(pdbstr, 'm1', zoom=0) self._rep() self.assertImageEqual(ref, count=100, msg='ANISOU not aligned in PDB')
def st_lock_mech(self, bool): if bool == False: active_selections = cmd.get_names('selections', 1) selection = active_selections[0] self.pdbstr_c = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection) split_pdbstr = self.pdbstr_c.split() self.res_list_two = [-1] i = 5 self.res_string_two = '' while i < len(split_pdbstr): if split_pdbstr[i] != self.res_list_two[-1]: self.res_list_two.append(split_pdbstr[i]) self.res_string_two += str(self.find_aa(split_pdbstr[i-2])) i += 12 self.res_list_two = self.res_list_two[1:] for num in self.res_list_two: if num in self.res_list_one: print 'residue selections must not overlap' break elif num == self.res_list_two[-1] and num not in self.res_list_one: self.strand_two_selection = self.res_list_two print self.strand_two_selection self.st_lock.config(text=self.res_string_two) else: self.st_lock.config(text="lock") self.lock_two = not bool
def save_pdb(filename, selection="(all)", state=-1, symm=1, ss=1, aniso=0, quiet=1): """ DESCRIPTION Save the coordinates of a selection as pdb including the secondary structure information and, if possible, the unit cell. The latter requires the selction of a single object USAGE save_pdb filename, selection [, state [, symm [, ss [, aniso ]]]] ARGUMENTS filename = string: file path to be written selection = string: atoms to save {default: (all)} Note: to include the unit cell information you need to select a single object state = integer: state to save {default: -1 (current state)} symm = 0 or 1: save symmetry info if possible {default: 1} ss = 0 or 1: save secondary structure info {default: 1} aniso = 0 or 1: save ANISO records {default: 0} SEE ALSO save """ selection = selector.process(selection) state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) symm, ss = int(symm), int(ss) filename = cmd.exp_path(filename) f = open(filename, "w") print >> f, "REMARK 200 Generated with PyMOL and psico".ljust(80) # Write the CRYST1 line if possible if symm: try: obj1 = cmd.get_object_list(selection)[0] sym = cmd.get_symmetry(obj1) if len(sym) != 7: raise f.write("CRYST1%9.3f%9.3f%9.3f%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f %-10s%4d\n" % tuple(sym + [1])) if not quiet: print " Info: Wrote unit cell and space group info" except: if not quiet: print " Info: No crystal information" # Write secondary structure if ss: try: sss = get_pdb_sss(selection, state, quiet) if not sss: raise f.write(sss) if not quiet: print " Info: Wrote secondary structure info" except: if not quiet: print " Info: No secondary structure information" # Write coordinates of selection pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr(selection, state) # fix END records if state == 0 and cmd.get_version()[1] < 1.6: pdbstr = "\n".join(line for line in pdbstr.splitlines() if line != "END") + "\nEND\n" # anisotropic b-factors if int(aniso) and cmd.get_model("first (%s)" % selection).atom[0].u_aniso[0] != 0.0: def mergeaniso(): atom_it = iter(cmd.get_model(selection, state).atom) for line in pdbstr.splitlines(True): yield line if line[:6] in ["ATOM ", "HETATM"]: yield "ANISOU" + line[6:28] + "".join("%7.0f" % (u * 1e4) for u in + line[ 70: ] pdbstr = "".join(mergeaniso()) f.write(pdbstr) f.close() if not quiet: print "Wrote PDB to '" + filename + "'"
def cyspka(molecule, chain, residue, SeeProgress='yes', pH=7.2, MoveSGatom='no', SGatom=str((0, 0, 0))): # If SeeProgress='yes', computation time will take 10-20% extra, but nice to follow. cmd.refresh() RotationRange = 360 RotationDegree = 1 # For error checking, the energies can be printed out printMC = 'no' printSC = 'no' # Parameters DieElecSpheDist = 7.0 DieElecWaterDist = 1.4 DieElecWater = 78.5 DieElecCore = 4.0 BornPenaltyB = 1.0 AvogadroR = 8.31446216 Temp = 298 DeltapKMCSC = 0 pK1 = 9.25 pK2 = 8.0 NotPopuDist = 2.4 PopEnergyPenalty = 10000000 # Side chain discrete charges DieElecSC = 40.0 SCchargeASP = -1 SCchargeGLU = -1 SCchargeOXT = -1 SCchargeARG = +1 SCchargeHIS = +1 SCchargeLYS = +1 SCchargeMET1 = +1 # Main chain partial charges NrMainchainNeighBours = 5 DieElecMC = 22.0 MCchargeC = +0.55 MCchargeO = -0.55 MCchargeN = -0.35 MCchargeH = +0.35 MCchargeProCA = +0.1 MCchargeProCD = +0.1 MCchargeProN = -0.2 # Loading an Cys residue, give it a logic name, and aligning it. The oxygen atom can not be aligned in many cases, and are skipped. # We use only this molecule, to find the initial position of the SG atom, and to rotate the SG atom around the CA-CB bond. The molecule atom positions are not used for electric potential calculatons. Cysmolecule = str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Cys" cmd.fragment("cys") cmd.set_name('cys', Cysmolecule) # We use pair_fir, since align and super gets unstable with so few atoms pairfitCys(Cysmolecule, molecule, chain, residue) # Give nice representations quickly"sticks", Cysmolecule) + str(residue) + "Res", "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + residue) print("/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + residue)"sticks", str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Res") cmd.disable(str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Res") # Find out what is the residuename we are investigating for Respdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr(str(molecule) + str(residue) + "Res") Ressplit = Respdbstr.split() residueName = Ressplit[3] print("") print("# Hello, PyMOLers. It should take around 1 minute per residue.") print("# molecule: %s , chain: %s, residue: %s %s, pH: %s " % (molecule, chain, residueName, residue, pH)) # Determine the range of neighbour residues possible. Maxresidues = cmd.count_atoms("/" + molecule + "//" + chain + " and name CA") for i in range(NrMainchainNeighBours + 1): if int(residue) - i >= 1: Minresidue = int(residue) - i else: break for i in range(NrMainchainNeighBours + 1): if int(residue) + i <= Maxresidues: Maxresidue = int(residue) + i else: break # Get the position and the vector for the CA->CB bond. dihedN = "/" + Cysmolecule + "//" + "/" + "/N" dihedCA = "/" + Cysmolecule + "//" + "/" + "/CA" dihedCB = "/" + Cysmolecule + "//" + "/" + "/CB" dihedSG = "/" + Cysmolecule + "//" + "/" + "/SG" dihedralPosCA = cmd.get_atom_coords(dihedCA) dihedralPosSG = cmd.get_atom_coords(dihedSG) dihedralVector = AtomVector(dihedCA, dihedCB) # To compare with article, we can move the SGatom to a starting position. The rotation is still determined around the CA-CB bond. if MoveSGatom == 'yes': SGatom = [float(SGatom[1:-1].split(",")[0]), float(SGatom[1:-1].split(",")[1]), float(SGatom[1:-1].split(",")[2])] Translate = [(SGatom[0] - dihedralPosSG[0]), (SGatom[1] - dihedralPosSG[1]), (SGatom[2] - dihedralPosSG[2])] cmd.translate(Translate, dihedSG, state=0, camera=0) dihedralPosSG = cmd.get_atom_coords(dihedSG) # Create a pymol molecule, that in the end will hold and show all SG atoms. Gives the representation of the rotameric states. SGName = str(molecule) + str(residue) + "SG" cmd.create(SGName, "None") # Create a pymol molecule, that in the end will hold and show all Amide protons. Gives a nice representation, and easy to delete. AmideName = str(molecule) + str(residue) + "NH" cmd.create(AmideName, "None") # Check if there are any nearby SG atoms, which could make a SG-SG dimer formation. The breakDimer = "no" breakDimer = CheckDimer(dihedSG, molecule, chain, residue) # Create a list for appending the calculated energies. ListofEnergies = [] ListofRotamerDiscarded = [] # print "Angle before rotation", cmd.get_dihedral(dihedN,dihedCA,dihedCB,dihedSG) # Enter into the loop of rotameric states for i in range(int(math.floor(RotationRange / RotationDegree))): Angle = i * RotationDegree # Create pymol molecule/SG atom for which we will calculate for. SGNameAngle = str(residue) + "SG" + str(Angle) cmd.create(SGNameAngle, dihedSG) # Calculate new coordinates for rotation around CA->CB bond. Then translate the created SG atom. SGNewPos = fRotateAroundLine(dihedralPosSG, dihedralPosCA, dihedralVector, Angle) Translate = [(SGNewPos[0] - dihedralPosSG[0]), (SGNewPos[1] - dihedralPosSG[1]), (SGNewPos[2] - dihedralPosSG[2])] cmd.translate(Translate, SGNameAngle, state=0, camera=0) # If one wants to "see it happen" while its making the states. But it will take extra computation time. if SeeProgress == 'yes': cmd.refresh() # Calculate number of neighbours within 2.4 Angstrom. Amide hydrogens are not considered, and are actually not build yet. nameselect = "(((/" + molecule + "//" + chain + " and not /" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + residue + ") or /" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + residue + "/N+CA+C+O) within " + str(NotPopuDist) + " of /" + SGNameAngle + "//" + "/" + "/SG) and not resn HOH" # print nameselect"NotPop", nameselect) NotPopNr = cmd.count_atoms("NotPop") # print Angle, NotPopNr, cmd.get_dihedral(dihedN,dihedCA,dihedCB,SGNameAngle) # If no neighbours, then proceed calculating if NotPopNr == 0: SumAllWMC = 0.0 # Now calculate the electric potential due to the side chains. SumWSC = fSumWSC(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, DieElecSC, SCchargeASP, SCchargeGLU, SCchargeOXT, SCchargeARG, SCchargeHIS, SCchargeLYS, SCchargeMET1, printSC) # Now we calculate for the flanking 5 peptide groups on each side of the Cysteine CA atom. # For the first residue, only calculate for the tailing C,O atom in the peptide bond. No test for Proline. SumWMCFirst = fSumWMCFirst(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, Minresidue, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, printMC) # For the residue itself, we dont test for PRO, since it should be a Cysteine. SumWMCresidue = fSumWMCresidue(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, int(residue), DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, AmideName, printMC) # For the last residue, we test for Proline. We only calculate for the N,H atom, or if Proline, N,CA and CD atom. SumWMCLast = fSumWMCLast(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, Maxresidue, DieElecMC, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, MCchargeProCA, MCchargeProCD, MCchargeProN, AmideName, printMC) # Then loop over rest of the residues in the chain. for j in (list(range(Minresidue + 1, int(residue))) + list(range(int(residue) + 1, Maxresidue))): MCNeighbour = j # print "Looking at neighbour", j SumWMC = fSumWMC(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, MCchargeProCA, MCchargeProCD, MCchargeProN, AmideName, printMC) SumAllWMC = SumAllWMC + SumWMC # print "Rotation: %s Neighbour: %s " % (Angle, j) # Since the SG atom is negative, we multiply with -1. SumMCSC = -1 * (SumWSC + SumWMCFirst + SumWMCresidue + SumWMCLast + SumAllWMC) # Makes the neighbour count. Everything in 'molecule" within 7 ang of aligned SG atom. Not counting 'residue'. Adding 5 for 'residue' N,CA,C,O,CB ListNeighbourCount = fNeighbourCount(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, DieElecSpheDist) # Calculate the weighted electric potential and alter the b factor for coloring. Then add the rotated SG into bucket of SG atoms. SG_MCSC_Weight = fBoltzSingleState(SumMCSC, AvogadroR, Temp) * SumMCSC cmd.alter(SGNameAngle, 'b="%s"' % SG_MCSC_Weight) cmd.alter(SGNameAngle, 'name="S%s"' % Angle) cmd.create(SGName, SGName + " + " + SGNameAngle) # Then save the calculated values ListofEnergies.append([Angle, SumMCSC, ListNeighbourCount, NotPopNr, SG_MCSC_Weight, cmd.get_atom_coords(SGNameAngle)]) cmd.delete(SGNameAngle) else: SumMCSCPenalty = PopEnergyPenalty ListNeighbourCount = fNeighbourCount(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, DieElecSpheDist) ListofRotamerDiscarded.append([Angle, SumMCSCPenalty, ListNeighbourCount, NotPopNr, 0, cmd.get_atom_coords(SGNameAngle)]) cmd.delete(SGNameAngle) # Now show all the SG atoms as the available rotameric states."nb_spheres", SGName) cmd.delete("NotPop") cmd.spectrum("b", selection=SGName) AvailRotStates = len(ListofEnergies) # print "Available Rotational States: ", AvailRotStates # Do the calculations according to eq 5. # Find the partition function BoltzPartition = 0.0 for i in range(len(ListofEnergies)): Boltz = fBoltzSingleState(ListofEnergies[i][1], AvogadroR, Temp) BoltzPartition = BoltzPartition + Boltz # Find the summed function BoltzSumNi = 0.0 for i in range(len(ListofEnergies)): BoltzNi = fBoltzSingleState(ListofEnergies[i][1], AvogadroR, Temp) * ListofEnergies[i][1] BoltzSumNi = BoltzSumNi + BoltzNi # Check if there was any possible rotamers nostates = "no" if len(ListofEnergies) == 0: print("####################################################") print("########### WARNING: No states available ###########") print("########### Did you mutate a Glycine? ###########") print("####################################################") BoltzSumNi = 0 BoltzPartition = 0 BoltzMCSC = 0 DeltapKMCSC = 99 NeighbourCount = 0 nostates = "yes" else: # Final calculation BoltzMCSC = (BoltzSumNi) / (BoltzPartition) DeltapKMCSC = fDeltapK(BoltzMCSC, AvogadroR, Temp) # Find average number of neighbours NCSum = 0.0 NCWeightedSum = 0.0 for i in range(len(ListofEnergies)): NCi = ListofEnergies[i][2] NCSum = NCSum + NCi NCWeightedi = fBoltzSingleState(ListofEnergies[i][1], AvogadroR, Temp) * ListofEnergies[i][2] / BoltzPartition NCWeightedSum = NCWeightedSum + NCWeightedi # print "Weighted neighbour", int(round(NCWeightedSum)) #NeighbourCount = int(round(NCSum/len(ListofEnergies))) NeighbourCount = round(NCWeightedSum, 1) # If we found dimers if breakDimer == "yes": print("####################################################") print("########### WARNING: Dimer formation? ###########") print("####################################################") BoltzSumNi = 0 BoltzPartition = 0 BoltzMCSC = 0 DeltapKMCSC = 99 NeighbourCount = 0 # Calculate the BornPenalty based on the neighbour count. It's a wrapper script for equation 13, 12, 11. EnergyBornPenalty = fEnergyBornPenalty(DieElecSpheDist, DieElecWaterDist, NeighbourCount, DieElecWater, DieElecCore, BornPenaltyB) DeltapKB = fDeltapK(EnergyBornPenalty, AvogadroR, Temp) # Do the calculations according to eq 3 and 9. pKm1 = fpKm1(DeltapKMCSC, pK1) pKm2 = fpKm2(DeltapKMCSC, DeltapKB, pK2) FracCysm1 = fFracCys(pKm1, pH) FracCysm2 = fFracCys(pKm2, pH) # Lets make a result file, and write out the angle, the SumMCSC, and the number of neighbours for this state. Currentdir = os.getcwd() Newdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "Results") if not os.path.exists(Newdir): os.makedirs(Newdir) filename = os.path.join(".", "Results", "Result_" + molecule + "_" + chain + "_" + residue + ".txt") filenamelog = os.path.join(".", "Results", "Result_log.log") logfile = open(filenamelog, "a") outfile = open(filename, "w") timeforlog = strftime("%Y %b %d %a %H:%M:%S", localtime()) logfile.write("# " + timeforlog + "\n") logfile.write("# molecule: %s , chain: %s, residue: %s %s, pH: %s " % (molecule, chain, residueName, residue, pH) + "\n") logfile.write("# BoltzSumNi: BoltzPartition: BoltzMCSC" + "\n") logfile.write(("# %.4f %.4f %.4f" + '\n') % (BoltzSumNi, BoltzPartition, BoltzMCSC)) logfile.write("# Res NC States pKmcsc pK1 pKB pK2 pKm1 pKm2 f(C-)m1 f(C-)m2" + "\n") logfile.write(("; %s %s %s %s %.4f %s %.4f %s %.4f %.4f %.6f %.6f" + '\n') % (residueName, residue, NeighbourCount, AvailRotStates, DeltapKMCSC, pK1, DeltapKB, pK2, pKm1, pKm2, FracCysm1, FracCysm2)) if nostates == "yes": logfile.write("##### ERROR; No states available ###" + "\n") if breakDimer == "yes": logfile.write("##### ERROR; Dimer formation ###" + "\n") logfile.write('\n') outfile.write("# molecule: %s , chain: %s, residue: %s %s, pH: %s " % (molecule, chain, residueName, residue, pH) + "\n") outfile.write("# BoltzSumNi: BoltzPartition: BoltzMCSC" + "\n") outfile.write(("# %.4f %.4f %.4f" + '\n') % (BoltzSumNi, BoltzPartition, BoltzMCSC)) outfile.write("# Res NC States pKmcsc pK1 pKB pK2 pKm1 pKm2 f(C-)m1 f(C-)m2" + "\n") outfile.write(("; %s %s %s %s %.4f %s %.4f %s %.4f %.4f %.6f %.6f" + '\n') % (residueName, residue, NeighbourCount, AvailRotStates, DeltapKMCSC, pK1, DeltapKB, pK2, pKm1, pKm2, FracCysm1, FracCysm2)) if nostates == "yes": outfile.write("##### ERROR; No states available ###" + "\n") if breakDimer == "yes": outfile.write("##### ERROR; Dimer formation ###" + "\n") outfile.write('\n') outfile.write("#Ang SumMCSC NC rNC MCSC_Weight SG[X,Y,Z]" + "\n") for i in range(len(ListofEnergies)): outfile.write("%4.1d %10.3f %2.1d %1.1d %10.3f [%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f]" % (ListofEnergies[i][0], ListofEnergies[i][1], ListofEnergies[i][2], ListofEnergies[i][3], ListofEnergies[i][4], ListofEnergies[i][5][0], ListofEnergies[i][5][1], ListofEnergies[i][5][2]) + '\n') for i in range(len(ListofRotamerDiscarded)): outfile.write("%4.1d %10.3f %2.1d %1.1d %10.3f [%8.3f, %8.3f, %8.3f]" % (ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][0], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][1], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][2], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][3], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][4], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][5][0], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][5][1], ListofRotamerDiscarded[i][5][2]) + '\n') outfile.close() # Now, we are done. Just print out. The ; is for a grep command to select these lines in the output. print("# residue: %s %s. Average NeighbourCount NC= %s " % (residueName, residue, NeighbourCount)) print("# From residue %s to residue %s" % (Minresidue, Maxresidue)) print("# BoltzSumNi: BoltzPartition: BoltzMCSC") print("# %.4f %.4f %.4f" % (BoltzSumNi, BoltzPartition, BoltzMCSC)) print("# Result written in file: %s" % (filename)) print("# Res NC States pKmcsc pK1 pKB pK2 pKm1 pKm2 f(C-)m1 f(C-)m2") print("; %s %s %s %s %.4f %s %.4f %s %.4f %.4f %.6f %.6f" % (residueName, residue, NeighbourCount, AvailRotStates, DeltapKMCSC, pK1, DeltapKB, pK2, pKm1, pKm2, FracCysm1, FracCysm2)) if nostates == "yes": print("##### ERROR; No states available ###") if breakDimer == "yes": print("##### ERROR; Dimer formation ###")
elif 'calphaforcefield'.startswith(ff): forcefield = CalphaForceField(cutoff=cutoff/10.) elif 'amber94forcefield'.startswith(ff): from MMTK.ForceFields import Amber94ForceField forcefield = Amber94ForceField() model = 'all' else: raise NotImplementedError('unknown ff = ' + str(ff)) if not quiet: print ' Forcefield:', forcefield.__class__.__name__ if model == 'calpha': selection = '(%s) and polymer and name CA' % (selection) from cStringIO import StringIO f = StringIO(cmd.get_pdbstr(selection)) conf = PDBConfiguration(f) items = conf.createPeptideChains(model) universe = InfiniteUniverse(forcefield) universe.protein = Protein(*items) nbasis = max(10, universe.numberOfAtoms()/5) cutoff, nbasis = estimateCutoff(universe, nbasis) if not quiet: print " Calculating %d low-frequency modes." % nbasis if cutoff is None: modes = NormalModes(universe) else: subspace = FourierBasis(universe, cutoff)
def sst(selection='(all)', raw='', state=-1, quiet=1): ''' DESCRIPTION Secondary structure assignment with SST. SEE ALSO dss, dssp, stride ''' try: import urllib2 except ImportError: import urllib.request as urllib2 state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) ss_map = { 'C': 'L', 'E': 'S', 'G': 'H', 'H': 'H', 'I': 'H', 'g': 'H', 'h': 'H', 'i': 'H', '3': 'L', '4': 'L', '5': 'L', 'T': 'L', '-': 'L', '|': 'L', ':': 'H', } ss_dict = {} boundary = '' for model in cmd.get_object_list(selection): pdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr('%s & guide & (%s)' % (model, selection), state) body = '\r\n'.join([ '--' + boundary, 'Content-Disposition: file; name="pdb_file"; filename="abc.pdb"', 'Content-Type: text/plain', '', pdbstr, '--' + boundary + '--', '', ]) try: request = urllib2.Request( '') request.add_header('User-agent', 'PyMOL ' + cmd.get_version()[0] + ' ' + cmd.sys.platform) request.add_header('Content-type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % boundary) request.add_header('Content-length', len(body)) request.add_data(body) lines = urllib2.urlopen(request).readlines() except urllib2.URLError: print(' Error: URL request failed') raise CmdException lines = iter(lines) for line in lines: if line.startswith('..........RESIDUE LEVEL'): break else: if not quiet: print(' Warning: SST assignment failed') return next(lines) for line in lines: if line.startswith('...................................END'): break chain = line[2].strip() resi = line[3:9].strip() ss = line[21] ss_dict[model,chain,resi] = ss _common_ss_alter(selection, ss_dict, ss_map, raw)