# Ensure this works: python -c "import pymongocrypt; print(pymongocrypt.libmongocrypt_version())" # # If mongocryptd is not running: "pymongo.errors.EncryptionError: localhost:27020: [Errno 111] Connection refused" import base64 import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient from pymongo.encryption_options import AutoEncryptionOpts import pymongocrypt from bson import binary from bson.binary import (Binary, JAVA_LEGACY, STANDARD, UUID_SUBTYPE) from bson.codec_options import CodecOptions OPTS = CodecOptions(uuid_representation=STANDARD) print(pymongocrypt.libmongocrypt_version()) client = MongoClient("localhost", 27017) # ** A LOCAL TEST KEY SHOULD NEVER BE USED IN PRODUCTION, ONLY FOR DEVELOPMENT ** # Test key material generated on Mac & Linux with: echo $(head -c 96 /dev/urandom | base64 | tr -d '\n') local_key = 'CgOcoan3c/wm2c+WsOO6fXOUlJgd7SLQ1vl///aEFX6vXN9+7VOAP+iHKheZiYlB09ZS7CDcAQhlPeTeQNz03xiGbiCJJvl3uj4lnG+5i/udSLJAcwgtgtaedkFD0ROq' key_bin = binary.Binary(base64.b64decode(local_key)) kms_providers = {'local': {'key': key_bin}} print( "Please ensure mongocryptd is running (included in the standard enterprise download package)." ) fle_opts = AutoEncryptionOpts(kms_providers,
def test_libmongocrypt_version(self): self.assertVersionLike(pymongocrypt.libmongocrypt_version())