def run_one(fname, outname): N = 1 im = #im = im.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) im = im.resize((600, 600), img.ANTIALIAS) im = im.convert('L') im = invert(im) x = np.asarray(im) y = x size = 3 for i in range(N): y = morph.dilate(y, morph.sedisk(size)) y = morph.close(y, morph.sedisk(size)) jm = img.fromarray(y) jm = invert(jm) jm = jm.resize((400, 400), img.ANTIALIAS)
def buildSeedPoints(image, mode='com'): """ Successive set of filters to take a still image, isolate cell-like ROIs, and return a list of points representing center points to pass into core.segmentation.pickCells. Filters are, in order: thresholding, morphological closing, and then a connected pixel cutoff filter. Often, the best thing to pass into this image as a high pass filtered version of your field of view. :param image: a 2d numpy array to build points from :param mode: an optional string, either: 'centriod' or 'com' :returns: tuple, (seedPoints, seedPointImage) 2d and 3d numpy array, containing coordinates and an image of points, respectively """ # seedMask = ipg.binaryErode(ipg.connectedPixelFilter(pymorph.label(ipg.threshold(ipg.subGaussian(image))>0))) # binarySeedMask = ipg.connectedPixelFilter(pymorph.label(pymorph.close(ipg.threshold(ipg.subGaussian(image))>0))) binarySeedMask = ipg.connectedPixelFilter(pymorph.label(pymorph.close(ipg.threshold(image)))) seedMask = pymorph.label(binarySeedMask) seedingRegionProps = regionProps(image, seedMask) if mode is 'centroid': seedPoints = [r['centroid'] for r in sorted(seedingRegionProps, key=lambda x: x['meanIntensity'],reverse=True)] elif mode is 'com': seedPoints = [r['com'] for r in sorted(seedingRegionProps, key=lambda x: x['meanIntensity'],reverse=True)] # pdb.set_trace() seedPoints = np.floor(np.array(seedPoints)) seedPointImage = np.zeros_like(seedMask) for point in seedPoints: seedPointImage[point] = 255 return seedPoints, seedPointImage
def GradBasedSegmentation(im): blur = nd.gaussian_filter(im, 16) rmax = pymorph.regmax(blur) T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(blur) bImg0 = im > T # bImg01=nd.binary_closing(bImg0,iterations=2) bImg01 = pymorph.close(bImg0, pymorph.sedisk(3)) bImg =, pymorph.sedisk(4)) # bImg=nd.binary_opening(bImg01,iterations=3) b = pymorph.edgeoff(bImg) d = distanceTranform(b) seeds, nr_nuclei = nd.label(rmax) lab = mahotas.cwatershed(d, seeds) return lab
def GradBasedSegmentation(im): blur=nd.gaussian_filter(im, 16) rmax = pymorph.regmax(blur) T = mahotas.thresholding.otsu(blur) bImg0=im>T #bImg01=nd.binary_closing(bImg0,iterations=2) bImg01=pymorph.close(bImg0, pymorph.sedisk(3)), pymorph.sedisk(4)) #bImg=nd.binary_opening(bImg01,iterations=3) b=pymorph.edgeoff(bImg) d=distanceTranform(b) seeds,nr_nuclei = nd.label(rmax) lab=mahotas.cwatershed(d,seeds) return lab
import cv2 import numpy import numpy as np import scipy import pylab as pl import pylab import pymorph from scipy import misc def s(fig): pl.imshow(fig); pl.gray(); e = lambda fig: pymorph.erode(fig) d = lambda fig: pymorph.dilate(fig) o = lambda fig: c = lambda fig: pymorph.close(fig) a = lambda fun, n: reduce(lambda f1, f2: lambda x: f1(f2(x)), [fun]*n, lambda x: x) img= 255-cv2.imread('reps/2/2.png', cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) imgb = img > 128 BW=imgb # grab contours cs,_ = cv2.findContours( BW.astype('uint8'), mode=cv2.RETR_LIST, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) # set up the 'FilledImage' bit of regionprops. filledI = np.zeros(BW.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8') # set up the 'ConvexImage' bit of regionprops. convexI = np.zeros(BW.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8') # for each contour c in cs: # will demonstrate with cs[0] but you could use a loop.
import pylab as pl import pylab import pymorph from scipy import misc def s(fig): pl.imshow(fig) pl.gray() e = lambda fig: pymorph.erode(fig) d = lambda fig: pymorph.dilate(fig) o = lambda fig: c = lambda fig: pymorph.close(fig) a = lambda fun, n: reduce(lambda f1, f2: lambda x: f1(f2(x)), [fun] * n, lambda x: x) img = 255 - cv2.imread('reps/2/2.png', cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) imgb = img > 128 BW = imgb # grab contours cs, _ = cv2.findContours(BW.astype('uint8'), mode=cv2.RETR_LIST, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # set up the 'FilledImage' bit of regionprops. filledI = np.zeros(BW.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8') # set up the 'ConvexImage' bit of regionprops. convexI = np.zeros(BW.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8')
glom_hed = rgb2hed(glom_rgb) #hed glom_h = glom_hed[:, :, 0] #hematoxylim glom_h = ia.ianormalize(glom_h) selem = disk(10) #elemento estruturante glom_h = np.array(glom_h) glom_h = 255 - uint8(glom_h) #Segmentation glom_by_reconsTopHat = morph.closerecth(glom_h,selem) #reconstrução morfológicas de fechamento global_thresh = threshold_otsu(glom_by_reconsTopHat) #Otsu glom_bin = glom_by_reconsTopHat > global_thresh + global_thresh*0.1 glom_bin = img_as_ubyte(glom_bin) selem = disk(3) glom_seg =, selem) glom_seg = morph.close(glom_seg, selem) #Fechamento final #Mostra as etapas fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(14, 10)) fig.suptitle('Preprocessing, segmentation') ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6 = axes.ravel() ax1.imshow(glom_rgb, vmin=0, vmax=255,; ax1.set_title("RGB") ax2.imshow(glom_hed, vmin=0, vmax=255,; ax2.set_title("HED") ax3.imshow(glom_h,; ax3.set_title("255 - H (Hematoxylin)") ax4.imshow(glom_by_reconsTopHat, vmin=0, vmax=255,; ax4.set_title("Closing-by-reconstruction top-hat") ax5.imshow(glom_bin, vmin=0, vmax=255,; ax5.set_title("Otsu Thresholding") ax6.imshow(glom_seg, vmin=0, vmax=255,; ax6.set_title("Opening") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Feature Extraction print "Feature Extraction:" label_img = label(glom_seg) #Identifica formas através da vizinhaça 4 E 8
def alternative_solution(self, a, orientation='coronal', linethickness=10, outimg=False): ''' Paramenters ----------- a: original image in graylevel ''' H, W = a.shape if orientation == 'coronal': # UL = mm.limits(a)[1] # upper limit UL = 255 b = 1 - iacircle(a.shape, H / 3, (1.4 * H / 3, W / 2)) # Circle b = b[0:70, W / 2 - 80:W / 2 + 80] # Rectangle # if outimg: # b_ = 0 * a; b_[0:70, W / 2 - 80:W / 2 + 80] = UL * b # b_ only for presentation # b_[:, W / 2 - linethickness / 2:W / 2 + linethickness / 2] = UL # b_ only for presentation c = a + 0 c[:, W / 2 - linethickness / 2:W / 2 + linethickness / 2] = UL c[0:70, W / 2 - 80:W / 2 + 80] = (1 - b) * c[0:70, W / 2 - 80:W / 2 + 80] + b * UL c[0:40, W / 2 - 70:W / 2 + 70] = UL d =, mm.img2se(mm.binary(np.ones((20, 10))))) e = mm.close(d, mm.seline(5)) f = mm.close_holes(e) g = mm.subm(f, d) h = mm.close_holes(g) i = mm.areaopen(h, 1000) j1, j2 = iaotsu(i) # j = i > j1 ret, j = cv2.threshold(cv2.GaussianBlur(i, (7, 7), 0), j1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) k =, mm.seline(20, 90)) l = mm.areaopen(k, 1000) # m = mm.label(l) res = np.vstack( [np.hstack([c, d, e, f, g]), np.hstack([h, i, j, k, l])]) cv2.imshow('Result', res) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() ################################ # l_ = mm.blob(k,'AREA','IMAGE') # l = l_ == max(ravel(l_)) # m =, mm.sedisk(3)) # VERIFICAR O MELHOR ELEMENTO ESTRUTURANTE AQUI # n = mm.label(m) if outimg: if not os.path.isdir('outimg'): os.mkdir('outimg') def N(x): # y = uint8(ianormalize(x, (0, 255)) + 0.5) y = (ianormalize(x, (0, 255)) + 0.5).astype(np.uint8) return y adwrite('outimg/a.png', N(a)) adwrite('outimg/b.png', N(b_)) adwrite('outimg/c.png', N(c)) adwrite('outimg/d.png', N(d)) adwrite('outimg/e.png', N(e)) adwrite('outimg/f.png', N(f)) adwrite('outimg/g.png', N(g)) adwrite('outimg/h.png', N(h)) adwrite('outimg/i.png', N(i)) adwrite('outimg/j.png', N(j)) adwrite('outimg/k.png', N(k)) adwrite('outimg/l.png', N(l)) adwrite('outimg/m.png', N(m)) # adwrite('outimg/n.png', N(n)) return m else: b = mm.areaopen(a, 500) c = mm.close(b, mm.sebox(3)) d = mm.close_holes(c) e = mm.subm(d, c) f = mm.areaopen(e, 1000) # g = f > 5 ret, g = cv2.threshold(cv2.GaussianBlur(f, (5, 5), 0), 3, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # ret, g = cv2.threshold( # cv2.GaussianBlur(f, (7, 7), 0), # 5, 255, # cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) h = mm.asf(g, 'CO', mm.sedisk(5)) i = mm.close_holes(h) res = np.vstack( [np.hstack([a, b, c, d, e]), np.hstack([f, g, h, i, a])]) cv2.imshow('Result', res) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() if outimg: if not os.path.isdir('outimg'): os.mkdir('outimg') def N(x): y = (ianormalize(x, (0, 255)) + 0.5).astype(np.uint8) return y adwrite('outimg/a.png', N(a)) adwrite('outimg/b.png', N(b)) adwrite('outimg/c.png', N(c)) adwrite('outimg/d.png', N(d)) adwrite('outimg/e.png', N(e)) adwrite('outimg/f.png', N(f)) adwrite('outimg/g.png', N(g)) adwrite('outimg/h.png', N(h)) adwrite('outimg/i.png', N(i)) return i
def region_prop(fig, subfig): # Inspired by: # c = subfig # set up the 'FilledImage' bit of regionprops. FilledImage = np.zeros(fig.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8') # set up the 'ConvexImage' bit of regionprops. ConvexImage = np.zeros(fig.shape[0:2]).astype('uint8') # calculate some things useful later: m = cv2.moments(c) # ** regionprops ** Area = m['m00'] Perimeter = cv2.arcLength(c,True) # bounding box: x,y,width,height BoundingBox = cv2.boundingRect(c) # centroid = m10/m00, m01/m00 (x,y) Centroid = ( m['m10']/m['m00'],m['m01']/m['m00'] ) # EquivDiameter: diameter of circle with same area as region EquivDiameter = np.sqrt(4*Area/np.pi) # Extent: ratio of area of region to area of bounding box Extent = Area/(BoundingBox[2]*BoundingBox[3]) # FilledImage: draw the region on in white cv2.drawContours( FilledImage, [c], 0, color=255, thickness=-1 ) # calculate indices of that region.. regionMask = (FilledImage==255) # FilledArea: number of pixels filled in FilledImage FilledArea = np.sum(regionMask) # PixelIdxList : indices of region. # (np.array of xvals, np.array of yvals) PixelIdxList = regionMask.nonzero() # CONVEX HULL stuff # convex hull vertices ConvexHull = cv2.convexHull(c) ConvexArea = cv2.contourArea(ConvexHull) # Solidity := Area/ConvexArea Solidity = Area/ConvexArea # convexImage -- draw on ConvexImage cv2.drawContours( ConvexImage, [ConvexHull], -1, color=255, thickness=-1 ) # ELLIPSE - determine best-fitting ellipse. centre,axes,angle = cv2.fitEllipse(c) MAJ = np.argmax(axes) # this is MAJor axis, 1 or 0 MIN = 1-MAJ # 0 or 1, minor axis # Note: axes length is 2*radius in that dimension MajorAxisLength = axes[MAJ] MinorAxisLength = axes[MIN] Eccentricity = np.sqrt(1-(axes[MIN]/axes[MAJ])**2) Orientation = angle EllipseCentre = centre # x,y Test = FilledImage.astype('uint8') mf = cv2.moments(Test) CentroidFilled = ( mf['m10']/mf['m00'],mf['m01']/mf['m00'] ) # # ** if an image is supplied with the fig: # # Max/Min Intensity (only meaningful for a one-channel img..) # MaxIntensity = np.max(img[regionMask]) # MinIntensity = np.min(img[regionMask]) # # Mean Intensity # MeanIntensity = np.mean(img[regionMask],axis=0) # # pixel value # PixelValues = img[regionMask] x0, y0, dx, dy = BoundingBox x1, y1 = x0 + dx, y0 + dy Image = fig[y0:y1, x0:x1] FilledImageFit = FilledImage[y0:y1, x0:x1] OImage = fig[y0-1:y1+1, x0-1:x1+1] NumPixels = Image.sum() Fillity = (NumPixels+0.0)/FilledArea crx, cry = (CentroidFilled[0]-x0, CentroidFilled[1]-y0) dxc = crx-(x1-x0)/2.0 dyc = cry-(y1-y0)/2.0 CentLength = math.sqrt(dxc*dxc + dyc*dyc) e = lambda fig: pymorph.erode(fig) d = lambda fig: pymorph.dilate(fig) o = lambda fig: c = lambda fig: pymorph.close(fig) a = lambda fun, n: reduce(lambda f1, f2: lambda x: f1(f2(x)), [fun]*n, lambda x: x) Thin = pymorph.thin(OImage) if num_holes(Image) >= 2: Inner = removeOuter(Thin) Inner = (a(d,7))(Inner>0) Outer = OImage > Inner ret = dict((k,v) for k, v in locals().iteritems() if k[0].isupper()) return ret