def show(self): if self.window is None: raise NoObjectError("World is attached to any Window.")["Entity"].show(self.window.screen)["UI"].show(self.window.screen) if self.window.debug: draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(self.window.screen)["Entity"].show_debug(self.window.screen)["UI"].show_debug(self.window.screen)
def __init__(self, space): init() font.init() self.font = font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 24) self.font2 = font.SysFont('arial', 14) self.screen = display.set_mode(flags=FULLSCREEN) self.draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(self.screen) self.StaticObjects(space) self.updateCounter = 0 self.button1 = self.font2.render("Neural Network", False, (0, 0, 0)) self.button2 = self.font2.render("Fuzzy Logic", False, (0, 0, 0)) self.repeats = 2
def data_simulation( data, record=False, record_dir=None): # format data here so it's (num_steps, No, 2) """ Visualizes a sequence of game states input as data as a simulation. """ pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ceil(data[0, 7, 0]) * 100, ceil(data[0, 8, 1]) * 100)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() space = pymunk.Space() draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(screen) curr_shapes = [] for j, ts in enumerate(data): for s in curr_shapes: space.remove(s, s.body) curr_shapes.clear() for i in range(len(ts) - 4): # only need to visualise circles obj = ts[i] body = pymunk.Body() body.position = obj[0] * 100, obj[1] * 100 shape = pymunk.Circle(body, 0.15 * 100) space.add(shape, body) curr_shapes.append(shape) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit(0) elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE: sys.exit(0) if record:, record_dir + str(j) + ".jpeg") screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) space.debug_draw(draw_options) pygame.display.flip() pygame.display.set_caption("fps: " + str(clock.get_fps())) space.step(T_DIFF) clock.tick(1 / T_DIFF) pygame.quit()
def update_screen(self): """ If the screen is set, updates the screen and displays the environment. """ if self._screen is not None: if self._debug: self._screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(self._screen) else: self._generate_surface_environment(with_interactions=True) self._screen.blit(self._surface_buffer, (0, 0), None) pygame.display.flip() else: raise ValueError('No screen to update')
def __init__(self, do_render, sparse, max_motor_force): self.do_render = do_render self.sparse = sparse self.max_motor_force = max_motor_force if self.do_render: pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((ENV_SIZE, ENV_SIZE)) self.draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(self.screen) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.motors = [] self.segment_bodies = [] = Space() = 20 no_collision =, NO_COLLISION_TYPE) no_collision.begin = lambda a, b, c: False ghost_collision = ghost_collision.begin = lambda a, b, c: False
def initial_state(self): """ Sets up the initial state of the magnetic environment """ if self.vis: pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.max_x * 100, self.max_y * 100)) # 100pixels/meter self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() = pymunk.Space() self.draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(self.screen) obj_positions = [] for i in range(self.No): # create No magnetic poles yes = True while yes: # loops until we get an initialization of objects with no collisions r = 0.15 # + np.random.rand() * 0.1 # 0.1-0.2m x = r + np.random.rand() * (self.max_x - 2 * r) y = r + np.random.rand() * (self.max_y - 2 * r) collision = False for o in obj_positions: if 2 * r >= np.sqrt((x - o[0])**2 + (y - o[1])**2): collision = True continue if not collision: yes = False obj_positions.append((x, y, r)) m = 1 / (0.75 + np.random.rand() * 0.5 ) # 0.75-1.25kg - stored as m^-1 v_x = -5 + np.random.rand() * 10 # -5-5m/s v_y = -5 + np.random.rand() * 10 # -5-5m/s q = 7.5 * 1e3 obj = CircleMagnet(x, y, m, q, r, v_x, v_y) if self.vis: obj.shape = self.add_obj(obj), obj.shape.body)[0].append(obj)[0].extend(self.walls)
def __init__(self, params, seed, fidelity=10, debug_options=None): """Constructor @param params: dict of parameters that define how symbols behave and are rendered. See the detailed description for this class for supported parameters. @param seed: Seed for the RNG (int) @param fidelity: How many iterations to run in the physics simulator per step (int) @param debug_options: dict with options for visual debugging, or None if visual debugging should be turned off. The following key-value pairs are supported: - show_pymunk_debug, bool: Whether to use PyMunk's default drawing function - show_bounding_poly, bool: Whether to render PyMunk surface outlines - show_frame_number, bool: Whether to show the index of the frame - frame_number_font_size, int: Size of the frame index font - frame_rate, int: Frame rate of the debug visualization """ self.params = merge_dicts(MovingSymbolsEnvironment.DEFAULT_PARAMS, params) = fidelity self.debug_options = None if debug_options is None \ else merge_dicts(MovingSymbolsEnvironment.DEFAULT_DEBUG_OPTIONS, debug_options) self.video_size = self.params['video_size'] self._subscribers = [] self._init_messages = [] self._step_called = False self._add_init_message(dict( step=-1, type='params', meta=dict(self.params) )) # Convert translation/rotation/scale period/speed limits to lists if isinstance(self.params['scale_period_limits'], tuple): self.params['scale_period_limits'] = [self.params['scale_period_limits']] if isinstance(self.params['rotation_speed_limits'], tuple): self.params['rotation_speed_limits'] = [self.params['rotation_speed_limits']] if isinstance(self.params['position_speed_limits'], tuple): self.params['position_speed_limits'] = [self.params['position_speed_limits']] self.cur_rng_seed = seed np.random.seed(self.cur_rng_seed) if self.debug_options is not None: self._pg_screen = pg.display.set_mode(self.video_size) self._pg_draw_options = pmu.DrawOptions(self._pg_screen) pg.font.init() font_size = self.debug_options['frame_number_font_size'] self._pg_font = pg.font.SysFont(pg.font.get_default_font(), font_size) self._pg_clock = pg.time.Clock() self._add_init_message(dict( step=-1, type='debug_options', meta=dict(debug_options) )) self._space = pm.Space() self.symbols = [] image_loader = ImageLoader(os.path.join(self.params['data_dir'], self.params['split']), 'tight_crop') if self.params['background_data_dir'] is None or self.params['background_labels'] is None: bg_image_loader = None else: bg_image_loader = ImageLoader(os.path.join(self.params['background_data_dir'], self.params['split'])) for id in xrange(self.params['num_symbols']): label = self.params['symbol_labels'][ np.random.randint(len(self.params['symbol_labels'])) ] image, image_path = image_loader.get_image(label) # Define the scale function period_limits_index = np.random.choice(len(self.params['scale_period_limits'])) period = np.random.uniform( *tuple(self.params['scale_period_limits'][period_limits_index]) ) amplitude = (self.params['scale_limits'][1] - self.params['scale_limits'][0]) / 2. x_offset = np.random.uniform(period) # Override offset if digits should not start at random scale if not self.params['rescale_at_start']: x_offset = 0 # Randomly shift offset (i.e. symbol can either grow or shrink at start) x_offset += (period/2 if np.random.choice([True, False]) else 0) y_offset = (self.params['scale_limits'][1] + self.params['scale_limits'][0]) / 2. if self.params['scale_function_type'] == 'sine': scale_fn = create_sine_fn(period, amplitude, x_offset, y_offset) elif self.params['scale_function_type'] == 'triangle': scale_fn = create_triangle_fn(period, amplitude, x_offset, y_offset) elif self.params['scale_function_type'] == 'constant': scale = np.random.uniform(*self.params['scale_limits']) scale_fn = lambda x: scale else: raise ValueError('scale_function_type "%s" is unsupported' % self.params['scale_function_type']) symbol = Symbol(id, label, image, image_path, scale_fn) # Set the symbol's initial rotation and scale symbol.set_scale(0) start_angle = np.random.uniform(2 * math.pi) if self.params['rotate_at_start']: symbol.body.angle = start_angle # Compute the minimum possible margin between the symbol's center and the wall w_half = image.size[0] / 2. h_half = image.size[1] / 2. margin = math.sqrt(w_half ** 2 + h_half ** 2) * self.params['scale_limits'][1] # Set the symbol position at least one margin's distance from any wall x_limits = (margin+1, self.video_size[0] - margin - 1) y_limits = (margin+1, self.video_size[1] - margin - 1) symbol.body.position = (np.random.uniform(*x_limits), np.random.uniform(*y_limits)) # If symbols will interact with each other, make sure they don't overlap initially while self.params['interacting_symbols'] and len(self._space.shape_query(symbol.shape)) > 0: symbol.body.position = (np.random.uniform(*x_limits), np.random.uniform(*y_limits)) # Set angular velocity rotation_speed_limit_index = np.random.choice(len(self.params['rotation_speed_limits'])) symbol.body.angular_velocity = np.random.uniform( *tuple(self.params['rotation_speed_limits'][rotation_speed_limit_index]) ) symbol.body.angular_velocity *= 1 if np.random.binomial(1, .5) else -1 symbol.angular_velocity = symbol.body.angular_velocity # Set translational velocity sampled_velocity = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 2) # If only lateral motion is allowed, map velocity to the nearest lateral one if self.params['lateral_motion_at_start']: v_angle = math.degrees(np.arctan2(sampled_velocity[1], sampled_velocity[0])) if v_angle >= -135 and v_angle < -45: sampled_velocity = np.array([0, -1]) elif v_angle >= -45 and v_angle < 45: sampled_velocity = np.array([1, 0]) elif v_angle >= 45 and v_angle < 135: sampled_velocity = np.array([0, 1]) else: sampled_velocity = np.array([-1, 0]) symbol.body.velocity = sampled_velocity / np.linalg.norm(sampled_velocity) position_speed_limit_index = np.random.choice(len(self.params['position_speed_limits'])) symbol.body.velocity *= np.random.uniform( *tuple(self.params['position_speed_limits'][position_speed_limit_index]) ) # Add symbol to the space and environment self._space.add(symbol.body, symbol.shape) self.symbols.append(symbol) # Publish message about the symbol # self._publish_message(symbol.get_init_message()) self._add_init_message(symbol.get_init_message()) # Add walls self._add_walls() # Add collision handlers self._add_collision_handlers( interacting_symbols=self.params['interacting_symbols'] ) # Init step count self._step_count = 0 # Set background image self.background = Image.fromarray(np.zeros((self.video_size[0], self.video_size[1], 3), dtype=np.uint8)) if bg_image_loader is not None: # Choose a category bg_labels = self.params['background_labels'] category_name = bg_labels[np.random.randint(len(bg_labels))] # Choose an image bg_image, full_image_path = bg_image_loader.get_image(category_name) self.background.paste(bg_image) # Publish information about the chosen background self._add_init_message(dict( step=-1, type='background', meta=dict( label=category_name, image=np.array(self.background), image_path=full_image_path ) ))
from pymunk.vec2d import Vec2d from pymunk import pygame_util fps = 60.0 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((690, 300)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() clock.tick(1 / 5.) ### Physics stuff space = pymunk.Space() space.gravity = 0, 900 space.sleep_time_threshold = 0.3 draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(screen) pygame_util.positive_y_is_up = False ### Physics stuff space = pymunk.Space() space.gravity = 0, 900 space.sleep_time_threshold = 0.3 draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(screen) pygame_util.positive_y_is_up = False floor = pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (-100, 210), (1000, 210), 5) floor.friction = 1.0 space.add(floor) # class Spider:
def run(): celestialBodies = [] celestialShapes = [] screen = pg.display.get_surface() clock = pg.time.Clock() game = pg.Surface((10000, 10000)) space = pm.Space() hud = HUD() earth = cb('earth', space, 10**13, 1000, 5000, 5000, 0.9, 0, 0) celestialBodies.append(earth.body) celestialShapes.append(earth.shape) earthMoon1 = cb('earthMoon1', space, 10**11, 250, 6500, 5000, 0.9, 0, 1) celestialBodies.append(earthMoon1.body) celestialShapes.append(earthMoon1.shape) planetGage = cb('planetGage', space, 10**12, 200, 1000, 1000, 0.9, 0, 0) celestialBodies.append(planetGage.body) celestialShapes.append(planetGage.shape) planetThomas = cb('planetThomas', space, 10**13, 200, 1500, 1500, .9, 0, 0) celestialBodies.append(planetThomas.body) celestialShapes.append(planetThomas.shape) planetZach = cb('planetZach', space, 10**13, 200, 2000, 1000, 0.9, 0, 0) celestialBodies.append(planetZach.body) celestialShapes.append(planetZach.shape) rocket = tr.genRocket(space) x, y = (earth.posx + earth.radius / math.sqrt(2), earth.posy + earth.radius / math.sqrt(2)) rocket.position = x, y draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(game) space.damping = 0.9 fire_ticks = 480 * 50 fire = False rotate = False auto = False sas_angle = 0 print(rocket.position) while True: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT or keyDown(event, pg.K_ESCAPE): pg.quit() sys.exit(0) elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pg.K_a or event.key == pg.K_d: rotKey = event.key rotate = True elif event.key == pg.K_f: fireKey = event.key fire = True elif event.type == pg.KEYUP: if event.key == pg.K_a or event.key == pg.K_d: rotate = False elif event.key == pg.K_f: fire = False elif event.key == pg.K_v: sas_angle = rocket.angle auto = not auto elif event.type == pg.VIDEORESIZE: screen = pg.display.set_mode((event.w, event.h), pg.RESIZABLE) if fire: fire_ticks -= 1 rocket.thrust(fireKey) if rotate: rocket.turn_SAS(rotKey, 1) if auto: rocket.auto_SAS(sas_angle) print(rocket.position) updateGravity(space, rocket, celestialShapes, celestialBodies) space.step(1 / 50.0) updateCamera(screen, game, rocket.position, space, draw_options) pos = rocket.position vel = rocket.velocity grav = space.gravity hud.updateHUD(pos[0], pos[1], (math.degrees(rocket.angle) + 90) % 360, vel.length, vel.angle_degrees % 360, grav.length, grav.angle_degrees % 360, rocket.components, clock.get_fps()) pg.display.flip() clock.tick(60)
def __init__(self): #pygame init pygame.init() self.w, self.h= W, H #width and height self.gameDisplay= pygame.display.set_mode((self.w, self.h)) self.clock= pygame.time.Clock() #pymunk init pymunk.Space() (0, -1000) #gravity 0.5 draw_options = pgutil.DrawOptions(self.gameDisplay) draw_options.flags= pymunk.SpaceDebugDrawOptions.DRAW_SHAPES #Create Level self.level= Level(, self.gameDisplay) #the collision handling for bird and pig bpgcol=,2)["pigs"]= self.level.pigs bpgcol.pre_solve= bird_pig_col #the collision handling for bird and plank bpl_col=, 3)["objs"]= self.level.objects bpl_col.pre_solve= bird_plank_col #the collision handling for bird and plank ppl_col=, 3)["objs"]= self.level.objects["pigs"]= self.level.pigs ppl_col.pre_solve= pig_plank_col #the collision handling for pig with ground pg_col=, 2)["objs"]= self.level.pigs pg_col.pre_solve= ground_col #the collision handling for plank with ground pg_col=, 3)["objs"]= self.level.objects pg_col.pre_solve= ground_col self.mb_down=False #to hold the bird self.counter=-1 #to add gap between bird shoot and new bird addition while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type== pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() quit() elif event.type== KEYDOWN and event.key== K_ESCAPE: pygame.quit() quit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_SPACE and type(self.level.birds[-1]) == ThreeBird and self.level.birds[-1].a_avail: self.level.birds[-1].split(self.level.birds) elif event.type== 5 and event.button==1 and self.level.sl_bird.is_avail==True: ''' Add the bird to click down event, drag with mouse added constrain to accept the drag event if click within 50pix distance max ''' # print(event, H-event.pos[1]-self.bird.body.position[1]) if all([abs(event.pos[0]-self.level.sl_bird.body.position[0])<50, abs(H-event.pos[1]-self.level.sl_bird.body.position[1])<50]): self.mb_down=True pos=event.pos #stores current pos of mouse elif event.type==4 and self.mb_down: '''Just to store new position of mouse''' pos= event.pos elif event.type==6 and self.mb_down: ''' If mouse is up, then shoot ''' self.level.sl_bird.is_avail=False #bird not available to shoot self.mb_down=False p=power(event.pos) #calculate impulse to be applied f= self.level.sl_bird.b_m*15 #factor impulse= pymunk.Vec2d(p*f, 0) #net impluse to apply try: impulse.rotate(math.atan2((event.pos[1]-sling_init[1]),-(event.pos[0]-sling_init[0]))) except ZeroDivisionError: #to handle tan 90 case impulse= pymunk.Vec2d(0, p*f) self.level.sl_bird.shoot_bird(impulse) self.level.birds.append(self.level.sl_bird) self.counter=10 #10 frames to next bird add if self.counter==0: #add new bird self.counter-=1 self.level.sl_bird=Bird( elif self.counter>0: #decrease countdown self.counter-=1 #graphics behaviour self.gameDisplay.fill((255,255,255)) #show first bird if self.mb_down: self.level.sl_bird.sling_bird(pos, self.gameDisplay) else: #show other birds for bird in self.level.birds: #bird self destruct bird.timer-=1 if bird.timer<0:, bird.body) self.level.birds.remove(bird) continue # if bird goes out of screen if bird.body.position.y<0 or bird.body.position.x<0 or bird.body.position.x>self.w:, bird.body) self.level.birds.remove(bird) # print("Bird Removed") for pig in self.level.pigs: #show pig if pig: #pig cleanup if pig.body.position.y<0 or pig.body.position.x<0 or pig.body.position.x>self.w:, pig) self.level.pigs.remove(pig) print("Pig Removed") pygame.draw.line(self.gameDisplay, (225, 180, 255), to_pygame(*self.level.ground.a), to_pygame(*self.level.ground.b), 20) # for obj in self.level.objects: # for ele in self.level.objects: #, [0, 0, 0], to_pygame(*ele.pos), 5) # delta t= 1/80 pygame.display.flip() #60 fps self.clock.tick(60)
def main(): # Start up the game pygame.init() screen: Surface = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() running = True space = pymunk.Space() # This gravity would be if we wanted to have every object move in one direction, not towards each other space.gravity = (0, 0) # Allow pymunk to draw to pygame screen draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(screen) # Sound to play when planets collide global click_sound click_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('resources/click.ogg') # Initialize physical objects --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ball ball_body = pymunk.Body(mass=1000, moment=pymunk.moment_for_circle( 1000, 0, marble_img.get_width() / 2)) ball_shape = pymunk.Circle(ball_body, marble_img.get_width() / 2) ball_shape.friction = 0.5 ball_shape.elasticity = .9 ball_shape.collision_type = BALL ball_shape.color = color.THECOLORS['coral'] # add ball to the scene space.add(ball_shape) space.add(ball_body) # Planets planets = [] for i in range(num_planets): size = random.randint(10, 15) planet_body, planet_shape = create_planet( space, size, math.pi * size**2, (random.randint(15, screen.get_width() - 15), random.randint(15, screen.get_height() - 15))) space.add(planet_shape) space.add(planet_body) planets.append(planet_body) # Set gravitational constant for planets - more planets means lower starting constant grav_const = 200 / num_planets gravity_enabled = False # Set up collision sounds between planets (see planet_collision) # handler = space.add_collision_handler(PLANET, PLANET) # handler.post_solve = planet_collision # Walls walls = [ pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (0, 0), (0, screen.get_width()), 2), pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (0, screen.get_width()), (screen.get_height(), screen.get_width()), 2), pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (screen.get_height(), screen.get_width()), (screen.get_height(), 0), 2), pymunk.Segment(space.static_body, (screen.get_height(), 0), (0, 0), 2), ] for wall in walls: wall.friction = 0.1 wall.elasticity = 0.999 space.add(walls) music_started = True'resources/moon.ogg'), 0.0) ball_body.position = (300, 400) # Main game loop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while running: # Event handling for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT or \ event.type == KEYDOWN and (event.key in [K_ESCAPE, K_q]): running = False if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: print(pygame.mouse.get_pos()) if not music_started: # Background Music'resources/moon.ogg'), 0.0) music_started = True mouse_position = pymunk.pygame_util.from_pygame( Vec2d(pygame.mouse.get_pos()), screen) mouse_angle = (mouse_position - ball_body.position).angle impulse = ball_body.mass * 1000 * Vec2d(1, 0) impulse.rotate(mouse_angle) ball_body.apply_impulse_at_world_point(impulse, ball_body.position) if event.type == KEYDOWN: # If up or down is pressed, change the gravitational constant by a factor of 10 if event.key == K_UP: grav_const *= 1.5 print("Gravity:", grav_const) if event.key == K_DOWN: print("Gravity:", grav_const) grav_const /= 1.5 # Enable / Disable gravity with space if event.key == K_SPACE: gravity_enabled = not gravity_enabled if gravity_enabled: for i, planet_1 in enumerate(planets): # run_gravity(planet_1, ball_body, grav_const) for planet_2 in planets[i + 1:]: run_gravity(planet_1, planet_2, grav_const) # Graphics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clear Screen screen.fill(pygame.color.THECOLORS['black']) # Use pygame interactivity to draw pymunk stuff space.debug_draw(draw_options) # Draw the rest of the stuff # screen.blit(pygame.transform.rotate(marble_img, ball_body.rotation_vector.angle_degrees), (ball_body.position[0] - ball_shape.radius, screen.get_height() - ball_body.position[1] - ball_shape.radius)) font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 13) # pygame.draw.rect(screen, color.THECOLORS['gray'], Rect(0, 0, 260, 60), 0) screen.blit( font.render( "Click anywhere to fire the red ball towards the mouse", 1, color.THECOLORS["white"]), (5, 5)) screen.blit( font.render( "Press up or down to change the strength of gravity, space to enable/disable", 1, color.THECOLORS["white"]), (5, 20)) screen.blit( font.render("Gravitational Strength:", 1, color.THECOLORS["white"]), (5, 40)) screen.blit( font.render(str(round(grav_const, 3)), 1, color.THECOLORS["yellow"]), (115, 40)) gravity_color, gravity_text = (color.THECOLORS['green'], 'Enabled') if gravity_enabled else ( color.THECOLORS['red'], 'Disabled') screen.blit(font.render("Gravity:", 1, color.THECOLORS["white"]), (5, 55)) screen.blit(font.render(gravity_text, 1, gravity_color), (45, 55)) # Update the screen pygame.display.flip() # Update physics and pygame clock fps = 60 dt = 1. / fps space.step(dt) clock.tick(fps)
def reset(self): """ Simply returns the initial state of the game """ if self.vis: pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ceil(self.max_x) * 100, ceil(self.max_y) * 100)) # 100pixels/meter self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() = pymunk.Space() self.draw_options = pygame_util.DrawOptions(self.screen) # Initialise objects in game obj_positions = [] for i in range(self.No): yes = True while yes: # loops until we get an initialization of objects with no collisions r = 0.15 x = r + np.random.rand() * (self.max_x - 2 * r) y = r + np.random.rand() * (self.max_y - 2 * r) collision = False for o in obj_positions: if 2 * r >= np.sqrt((x - o[0])**2 + (y - o[1])**2): collision = True continue if not collision: yes = False obj_positions.append((x, y, r)) m = 1.0 / (0.75 + np.random.rand() * 0.5 ) # 0.75-1.25kg - stored as m^-1 v_x = -5 + np.random.rand() * 10 # -5-5m/s v_y = -5 + np.random.rand() * 10 # -5-5m/s q = 7.5 * 1e3 obj = CircleMagnet(x, y, m, q, r, v_x, v_y) if self.vis: obj.shape = self.add_obj(obj), obj.shape.body)[0].append(obj)[0].extend(self.walls) # Initialize agent yes = True while yes: x = np.random.rand() * self.max_x y = np.random.rand() * self.max_y collision = False for o in obj_positions: if 0.15 + self.agent.r >= np.sqrt( (x - o[0])**2 + (y - o[1])**2): # 0.2 = sum of agent and object radii collision = True continue if not collision: yes = False self.agent.x, self.agent.y = x, y # add agent to visualization if self.vis: self.agent.shape = self.add_agent(self.agent), self.agent.shape.body) # Convert state to RL format for output prev_state =[0] for i in range(0, (self.No) * 2, 2): self.init_state[i] = prev_state[(i + 1) // 2].x self.init_state[i + 1] = prev_state[(i + 1) // 2].y self.init_state[(self.No + 4) * 2] = self.agent.x self.init_state[(self.No + 4) * 2 + 1] = self.agent.y