    def make_cam_from_params(self, params):
        if 1:
            t = params[:3]
            rod = params[3:]
            rmat = rodrigues2matrix(rod)
            d = self.intrinsic_dict.copy()
            d['translation'] = t
            d['Q'] = rmat
            cam_model = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
            return cam_model

        C = params[:3]
        quat = params[3:]
        qmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(quat**2))
        quat = quat / qmag

        R, rquat = get_rotation_matrix_and_quaternion(quat)

        t = -np.dot(R, C)

        d = self.intrinsic_dict.copy()
        d['translation'] = t
        d['Q'] = R
        cam_model = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
        return cam_model
    def make_cam_from_params(self, params):
        if 1:
            t = params[:3]
            rod = params[3:]
            rmat = rodrigues2matrix( rod )
            d = self.intrinsic_dict.copy()
            d['translation'] = t
            d['Q'] = rmat
            cam_model = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
            return cam_model

        C = params[:3]
        quat = params[3:]
        qmag = np.sqrt(np.sum(quat**2))
        quat = quat/qmag


        t = -np.dot(R, C)

        d = self.intrinsic_dict.copy()
        d['translation'] = t
        d['Q'] = R
        cam_model = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
        return cam_model
def get_camera_for_boards(rows,width=0,height=0):
    info_dict = {}
    for row in rows:
        r = row[0]
        info_str = '%d %d %f'%(r['rows'], r['columns'], r['size'])
        if info_str not in info_dict:
            # create entry
            info = camera_calibration.calibrator.ChessboardInfo()
            info.dim = r['size']
            info.n_cols = r['columns']
            info.n_rows = r['rows']
            info_dict[info_str] = {'info':info,
        this_list = info_dict[info_str]['corners']
        this_corners = r['points']
        assert len(this_corners)==r['rows']*r['columns']
        this_list.append( this_corners )

    boards = []
    goodcorners = []
    mpl_debug = False
    mpl_lines = []
    for k in info_dict:
        info = info_dict[k]['info']
        for xys in info_dict[k]['corners']:
            goodcorners.append( (xys,info) )

        if mpl_debug:
            N = info.n_cols
            xs = []; ys=[]
            for (x,y) in xys:
                xs.append(x); ys.append(y)
            while len(xs):
                this_xs = xs[:N]
                this_ys = ys[:N]

                del xs[:N]
                del ys[:N]

                mpl_lines.append( (this_xs, this_ys ) )

    if mpl_debug:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        for (this_xs, this_ys) in mpl_lines:
            plt.plot( this_xs, this_ys )

    cal = camera_calibration.calibrator.MonoCalibrator(boards)
    cal.size = (width,height)
    r = cal.cal_fromcorners(goodcorners)
    msg = cal.as_message()

    buf = roslib.message.strify_message(msg)
    obj = yaml.safe_load(buf)
    cam = CameraModel.from_dict(obj,
    return cam
def get_camera_for_boards(rows, width=0, height=0):
    info_dict = {}
    for row in rows:
        r = row[0]
        info_str = '%d %d %f' % (r['rows'], r['columns'], r['size'])
        if info_str not in info_dict:
            # create entry
            info = camera_calibration.calibrator.ChessboardInfo()
            info.dim = r['size']
            info.n_cols = r['columns']
            info.n_rows = r['rows']
            info_dict[info_str] = {'info': info, 'corners': []}
        this_list = info_dict[info_str]['corners']
        this_corners = r['points']
        assert len(this_corners) == r['rows'] * r['columns']

    boards = []
    goodcorners = []
    mpl_debug = False
    mpl_lines = []
    for k in info_dict:
        info = info_dict[k]['info']
        for xys in info_dict[k]['corners']:
            goodcorners.append((xys, info))

        if mpl_debug:
            N = info.n_cols
            xs = []
            ys = []
            for (x, y) in xys:
            while len(xs):
                this_xs = xs[:N]
                this_ys = ys[:N]

                del xs[:N]
                del ys[:N]

                mpl_lines.append((this_xs, this_ys))

    if mpl_debug:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        for (this_xs, this_ys) in mpl_lines:
            plt.plot(this_xs, this_ys)

    cal = camera_calibration.calibrator.MonoCalibrator(boards)
    cal.size = (width, height)
    r = cal.cal_fromcorners(goodcorners)
    msg = cal.as_message()

    buf = roslib.message.strify_message(msg)
    obj = yaml.safe_load(buf)
    cam = CameraModel.from_dict(obj, extrinsics_required=False)
    return cam
def test_getters():
    system1 = make_default_system()
    d = system1.to_dict()
    names1 = list(system1.get_camera_dict().keys())
    names2 = [cd['name'] for cd in d['camera_system']]
    assert set(names1)==set(names2)

    for idx in range(len(names1)):
        cam1 = system1.get_camera( names1[idx] )
        cam2 = CameraModel.from_dict(d['camera_system'][idx])
        assert cam1==cam2
def test_getters():
    system1 = make_default_system()
    d = system1.to_dict()
    names1 = list(system1.get_camera_dict().keys())
    names2 = [cd['name'] for cd in d['camera_system']]
    assert set(names1) == set(names2)

    for idx in range(len(names1)):
        cam1 = system1.get_camera(names1[idx])
        cam2 = CameraModel.from_dict(d['camera_system'][idx])
        assert cam1 == cam2
 def __init__(self, camera_number, intrinsic_properties,
     self.number = camera_number
     self.frames = None
     r = extrinsic_properties['rotationVector']
     self.Rvec = get_3d_vector(r)
     self.R = cv2.Rodrigues(self.Rvec)[0]
     translation = extrinsic_properties['translationVector']
     self.T = np.array(get_3d_vector(translation))
     matrix_parameters = intrinsic_properties['calibrationMatrix']
     self.camera_matrix = np.matrix(
         [[matrix_parameters['fx'], 0, matrix_parameters['cx']],
          [0, matrix_parameters['fy'], matrix_parameters['cy']], [0, 0, 1]],
     coef = intrinsic_properties['distortionCoefficients']
     self.distortion_coefficients = np.float64(
         [coef['k1'], coef['k2'], coef['p1'], coef['p2'], coef['k3']])
     self.reprojectionError = float(
     self.image_size = (640, 480)
     self.model = CameraModel.from_dict({
         np.concatenate((self.camera_matrix, np.zeros((3, 1))), axis=1),
         'Camera-' + str(camera_number),
    def from_mcsc(cls, dirname ):
        '''create MultiCameraSystem from output directory of MultiCamSelfCal'''

        # FIXME: This is a bit convoluted because it's been converted
        # from multiple layers of internal code. It should really be
        # simplified and cleaned up.


        all_Pmat = {}
        all_Res = {}
        all_K = {}
        all_distortion = {}

        opj = os.path.join

        with open(opj(dirname,'camera_order.txt'),mode='r') as fd:
            cam_ids = fd.read().strip().split('\n')

        with open(os.path.join(dirname,'Res.dat'),'r') as res_fd:
            for i, cam_id in enumerate(cam_ids):
                fname = 'camera%d.Pmat.cal'%(i+1)
                pmat = np.loadtxt(opj(dirname,fname)) # 3 rows x 4 columns
                if do_normalize_pmat:
                    pmat_orig = pmat
                    pmat = normalize_M(pmat)
                all_Pmat[cam_id] = pmat
                all_Res[cam_id] = map(int,res_fd.readline().split())

        # load non linear parameters
        rad_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(dirname) if f.endswith('.rad') ]
        for cam_id_enum, cam_id in enumerate(cam_ids):
            filename = os.path.join(dirname,
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                K, distortion = parse_radfile(filename)
                all_K[cam_id] = K
                all_distortion[cam_id] = distortion
                if len(rad_files):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        '.rad files present but none named "%s"'%filename)
                warnings.warn('no non-linear data (e.g. radial distortion) '
                              'in calibration for %s'%cam_id)
                all_K[cam_id] = None
                all_distortion[cam_id] = None

        cameras = []
        for cam_id in cam_ids:
            w,h = all_Res[cam_id]
            Pmat = all_Pmat[cam_id]
            M = Pmat[:,:3]
            K,R = my_rq(M)
            if not is_rotation_matrix(R):
                # RQ may return left-handed rotation matrix. Make right-handed.
                R2 = -R
                K2 = -K
                assert np.allclose(np.dot(K2,R2), np.dot(K,R))
                K,R = K2,R2

            P = np.zeros((3,4))
            P[:3,:3] = K
            KK = all_K[cam_id] # from rad file or None
            distortion = all_distortion[cam_id]

            # (ab)use PyMVG's rectification to do coordinate transform
            # for MCSC's undistortion.

            # The intrinsic parameters used for 3D -> 2D.
            ex = P[0,0]
            bx = P[0,2]
            Sx = P[0,3]
            ey = P[1,1]
            by = P[1,2]
            Sy = P[1,3]

            if KK is None:
                rect = np.eye(3)
                KK = P[:,:3]
                # Parameters used to define undistortion coordinates.
                fx = KK[0,0]
                fy = KK[1,1]
                cx = KK[0,2]
                cy = KK[1,2]

                rect = np.array([[ ex/fx,     0, (bx+Sx-cx)/fx ],
                                 [     0, ey/fy, (by+Sy-cy)/fy ],
                                 [     0,     0,       1       ]]).T

            if distortion is None:
                distortion = np.zeros((5,))

            C = center(Pmat)
            rot = R
            t = -np.dot(rot, C)[:,0]

            d = {'width':w,
            cam = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
            cameras.append( cam )
        return MultiCameraSystem( cameras=cameras )
 def from_pymvg_str(cls, buf):
     d = json.loads(buf)
     assert d['__pymvg_file_version__']=='1.0'
     cam_dict_list = d['camera_system']
     cams = [CameraModel.from_dict(cd) for cd in cam_dict_list]
     return MultiCameraSystem( cameras=cams )
 def from_dict(cls, d):
     cam_dict_list = d['camera_system']
     cams = [CameraModel.from_dict(cd) for cd in cam_dict_list]
     return MultiCameraSystem( cameras=cams )
def get_sample_camera():
    yaml_str = """header:
  seq: 0
    secs: 0
    nsecs: 0
  frame_id: ''
height: 494
width: 659
distortion_model: plumb_bob
  - -0.331416226762
  - 0.143584747016
  - 0.00314558656669
  - -0.00393597842852
  - 0.0
  - 516.385667641
  - 0.0
  - 339.167079537
  - 0.0
  - 516.125799368
  - 227.379935241
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 1.0
  - 1.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 1.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 1.0
  - 444.369750977
  - 0.0
  - 337.107817516
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 474.186859131
  - 225.062742824
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 1.0
  - 0.0
binning_x: 0
binning_y: 0
  x_offset: 0
  y_offset: 0
  height: 0
  width: 0
  do_rectify: False"""
    d = yaml.load(yaml_str)
    cam1 = CameraModel.from_dict(d,extrinsics_required=False)

    eye = (10,20,30)
    lookat = (11,20,30)
    up = (0,-1,0)
    cam = cam1.get_view_camera(eye, lookat, up)

    return cam
 def from_dict(cls, d):
     cam_dict_list = d['camera_system']
     cams = [CameraModel.from_dict(cd) for cd in cam_dict_list]
     return MultiCameraSystem(cameras=cams)
def fit_extrinsics(base_cam, X3d, x2d, geom=None):
    assert x2d.ndim == 2
    assert x2d.shape[1] == 2

    assert X3d.ndim == 2
    assert X3d.shape[1] == 3

    if 0:
        fname = 'x2d_' + base_cam.name + '.png'
        fname = fname.replace('/', '-')
        save_point_image(fname, (base_cam.width, base_cam.height), x2d)
        #print 'saved pt debug image to',fname

    ipts = np.array(x2d, dtype=np.float64)
    opts = np.array(X3d, dtype=np.float64)

    K = np.array(base_cam.get_K(), dtype=np.float64)
    dist_coeffs = np.array(base_cam.get_D(), dtype=np.float64)

    retval, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP(opts, ipts, K, dist_coeffs)
    assert retval

    # we get two possible cameras back, figure out which one has objects in front
    rmata = rodrigues2matrix(rvec)
    intrinsics = base_cam.to_dict()
    del intrinsics['Q']
    del intrinsics['translation']
    del intrinsics['name']
    d = intrinsics.copy()
    d['translation'] = tvec
    d['Q'] = rmata
    d['name'] = base_cam.name
    cam_model_a = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
    mza = np.mean(cam_model_a.project_3d_to_camera_frame(X3d)[:, 2])

    # don't bother with second - it does not have a valid rotation matrix

    if 1:
        founda = cam_model_a.project_3d_to_pixel(X3d)
        erra = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((founda - x2d)**2, axis=1)))

        cam_model = cam_model_a

    if 1:
        found = cam_model.project_3d_to_pixel(X3d)
        orig = x2d
        reproj_error = np.sqrt(np.sum((found - orig)**2, axis=1))
        cum = np.mean(reproj_error)

        mean_cam_z = np.mean(cam_model.project_3d_to_camera_frame(X3d)[:, 2])

    if (mean_cam_z < 0 or cum > 20) and 0:
        # hmm, we have a flipped view of the camera.
        print '-' * 80, 'HACK ON'
        center, lookat, up = cam_model.get_view()
        #cam2 = cam_model.get_view_camera( -center, lookat, -up )
        cam2 = cam_model.get_view_camera(center, lookat, up)
        cam2.name = base_cam.name
        return fit_extrinsics_iterative(cam2, X3d, x2d, geom=geom)

    result = dict(
    return result
    def from_mcsc(cls, dirname):
        '''create MultiCameraSystem from output directory of MultiCamSelfCal'''

        # FIXME: This is a bit convoluted because it's been converted
        # from multiple layers of internal code. It should really be
        # simplified and cleaned up.

        do_normalize_pmat = True

        all_Pmat = {}
        all_Res = {}
        all_K = {}
        all_distortion = {}

        opj = os.path.join

        with open(opj(dirname, 'camera_order.txt'), mode='r') as fd:
            cam_ids = fd.read().strip().split('\n')

        with open(os.path.join(dirname, 'Res.dat'), 'r') as res_fd:
            for i, cam_id in enumerate(cam_ids):
                fname = 'camera%d.Pmat.cal' % (i + 1)
                pmat = np.loadtxt(opj(dirname, fname))  # 3 rows x 4 columns
                if do_normalize_pmat:
                    pmat_orig = pmat
                    pmat = normalize_M(pmat)
                all_Pmat[cam_id] = pmat
                all_Res[cam_id] = map(int, res_fd.readline().split())

        # load non linear parameters
        rad_files = [f for f in os.listdir(dirname) if f.endswith('.rad')]
        for cam_id_enum, cam_id in enumerate(cam_ids):
            filename = os.path.join(dirname,
                                    'basename%d.rad' % (cam_id_enum + 1, ))
            if os.path.exists(filename):
                K, distortion = parse_radfile(filename)
                all_K[cam_id] = K
                all_distortion[cam_id] = distortion
                if len(rad_files):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        '.rad files present but none named "%s"' % filename)
                warnings.warn('no non-linear data (e.g. radial distortion) '
                              'in calibration for %s' % cam_id)
                all_K[cam_id] = None
                all_distortion[cam_id] = None

        cameras = []
        for cam_id in cam_ids:
            w, h = all_Res[cam_id]
            Pmat = all_Pmat[cam_id]
            M = Pmat[:, :3]
            K, R = my_rq(M)
            if not is_rotation_matrix(R):
                # RQ may return left-handed rotation matrix. Make right-handed.
                R2 = -R
                K2 = -K
                assert np.allclose(np.dot(K2, R2), np.dot(K, R))
                K, R = K2, R2

            P = np.zeros((3, 4))
            P[:3, :3] = K
            KK = all_K[cam_id]  # from rad file or None
            distortion = all_distortion[cam_id]

            # (ab)use PyMVG's rectification to do coordinate transform
            # for MCSC's undistortion.

            # The intrinsic parameters used for 3D -> 2D.
            ex = P[0, 0]
            bx = P[0, 2]
            Sx = P[0, 3]
            ey = P[1, 1]
            by = P[1, 2]
            Sy = P[1, 3]

            if KK is None:
                rect = np.eye(3)
                KK = P[:, :3]
                # Parameters used to define undistortion coordinates.
                fx = KK[0, 0]
                fy = KK[1, 1]
                cx = KK[0, 2]
                cy = KK[1, 2]

                rect = np.array([[ex / fx, 0, (bx + Sx - cx) / fx],
                                 [0, ey / fy, (by + Sy - cy) / fy], [0, 0,

            if distortion is None:
                distortion = np.zeros((5, ))

            C = center(Pmat)
            rot = R
            t = -np.dot(rot, C)[:, 0]

            d = {
                'width': w,
                'height': h,
                'P': P,
                'K': KK,
                'R': rect,
                'translation': t,
                'Q': rot,
                'D': distortion,
                'name': cam_id,
            cam = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
        return MultiCameraSystem(cameras=cameras)
 def from_pymvg_str(cls, buf):
     d = json.loads(buf)
     assert d['__pymvg_file_version__'] == '1.0'
     cam_dict_list = d['camera_system']
     cams = [CameraModel.from_dict(cd) for cd in cam_dict_list]
     return MultiCameraSystem(cameras=cams)
def get_sample_camera():
    yaml_str = """header:
  seq: 0
    secs: 0
    nsecs: 0
  frame_id: ''
height: 494
width: 659
distortion_model: plumb_bob
  - -0.331416226762
  - 0.143584747016
  - 0.00314558656669
  - -0.00393597842852
  - 0.0
  - 516.385667641
  - 0.0
  - 339.167079537
  - 0.0
  - 516.125799368
  - 227.379935241
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 1.0
  - 1.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 1.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 1.0
  - 444.369750977
  - 0.0
  - 337.107817516
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 474.186859131
  - 225.062742824
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 0.0
  - 1.0
  - 0.0
binning_x: 0
binning_y: 0
  x_offset: 0
  y_offset: 0
  height: 0
  width: 0
  do_rectify: False"""
    d = yaml.load(yaml_str)
    cam1 = CameraModel.from_dict(d, extrinsics_required=False)

    eye = (10, 20, 30)
    lookat = (11, 20, 30)
    up = (0, -1, 0)
    cam = cam1.get_view_camera(eye, lookat, up)

    return cam
def check_dict_roundtrip(cam_opts):
    cam = _build_test_camera(**cam_opts)
    d = cam.to_dict()
    cam2 = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
    assert cam==cam2
def fit_extrinsics(base_cam,X3d,x2d,geom=None):
    assert x2d.ndim==2
    assert x2d.shape[1]==2

    assert X3d.ndim==2
    assert X3d.shape[1]==3

    if 0:
        fname = 'x2d_'+base_cam.name + '.png'
        fname = fname.replace('/','-')
        save_point_image(fname, (base_cam.width, base_cam.height), x2d )
        #print 'saved pt debug image to',fname

    ipts = np.array(x2d,dtype=np.float64)
    opts = np.array(X3d,dtype=np.float64)

    K = np.array(base_cam.get_K(), dtype=np.float64)
    dist_coeffs = np.array( base_cam.get_D(), dtype=np.float64)

    retval, rvec, tvec = cv2.solvePnP( opts, ipts,
    assert retval

    # we get two possible cameras back, figure out which one has objects in front
    rmata = rodrigues2matrix( rvec )
    intrinsics = base_cam.to_dict()
    del intrinsics['Q']
    del intrinsics['translation']
    del intrinsics['name']
    d = intrinsics.copy()
    d['translation'] = tvec
    d['Q'] = rmata
    d['name'] = base_cam.name
    cam_model_a = CameraModel.from_dict(d)
    mza = np.mean(cam_model_a.project_3d_to_camera_frame(X3d)[:,2])

    # don't bother with second - it does not have a valid rotation matrix

    if 1:
        founda = cam_model_a.project_3d_to_pixel(X3d)
        erra = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((founda-x2d)**2, axis=1)))

        cam_model = cam_model_a

    if 1:
        found = cam_model.project_3d_to_pixel(X3d)
        orig = x2d
        reproj_error = np.sqrt(np.sum((found-orig)**2, axis=1))
        cum = np.mean(reproj_error)

        mean_cam_z = np.mean(cam_model.project_3d_to_camera_frame(X3d)[:,2])

    if (mean_cam_z < 0 or cum > 20) and 0:
        # hmm, we have a flipped view of the camera.
        print '-'*80,'HACK ON'
        center, lookat, up = cam_model.get_view()
        #cam2 = cam_model.get_view_camera( -center, lookat, -up )
        cam2 = cam_model.get_view_camera( center, lookat, up )
        return fit_extrinsics_iterative(cam2,X3d,x2d, geom=geom)

    result = dict(cam=cam_model,
                  mean_cam_z = mean_cam_z,
    return result
def test_pymvg_roundtrip():
    from pymvg.camera_model import CameraModel
    from pymvg.multi_camera_system import MultiCameraSystem
    from flydra_core.reconstruct import Reconstructor

    # ----------- with no distortion ------------------------
    center1 = np.array( (0, 0.0, 5) )
    center2 = np.array( (1, 0.0, 5) )

    lookat = np.array( (0,1,0))

    cam1 = CameraModel.load_camera_simple(fov_x_degrees=90,
    cam2 = CameraModel.load_camera_simple(fov_x_degrees=90,
    mvg = MultiCameraSystem( cameras=[cam1, cam2] )
    R = Reconstructor.from_pymvg(mvg)
    mvg2 = R.convert_to_pymvg()

    cam_ids = ['cam1','cam2']
    for distorted in [True,False]:
        for cam_id in cam_ids:
            v1 = mvg.find2d(  cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            v2 = R.find2d(    cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            v3 = mvg2.find2d( cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            assert np.allclose(v1,v2)
            assert np.allclose(v1,v3)

    # ----------- with distortion ------------------------
    cam1dd = cam1.to_dict()
    cam1dd['D'] = (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.0)
    cam1d = CameraModel.from_dict(cam1dd)

    cam2dd = cam2.to_dict()
    cam2dd['D'] = (0.11, 0.21, 0.31, 0.41, 0.0)
    cam2d = CameraModel.from_dict(cam2dd)

    mvgd = MultiCameraSystem( cameras=[cam1d, cam2d] )
    Rd = Reconstructor.from_pymvg(mvgd)
    mvg2d = Rd.convert_to_pymvg()
    cam_ids = ['cam1','cam2']
    for distorted in [True,False]:
        for cam_id in cam_ids:
            v1 = mvgd.find2d(  cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            v2 = Rd.find2d(    cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            v3 = mvg2d.find2d( cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            assert np.allclose(v1,v2)
            assert np.allclose(v1,v3)

    # ------------ with distortion at different focal length ------
    mydir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    caldir = os.path.join(mydir,'sample_calibration')
    print mydir
    print caldir
    R3 = Reconstructor(caldir)
    mvg3 = R3.convert_to_pymvg()
    #R4 = Reconstructor.from_pymvg(mvg3)
    mvg3b = MultiCameraSystem.from_mcsc( caldir )

    for distorted in [True,False]:
        for cam_id in R3.cam_ids:
            v1 = R3.find2d(   cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            v2 = mvg3.find2d( cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            #v3 = R4.find2d(   cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            v4 = mvg3b.find2d( cam_id, lookat, distorted=distorted )
            assert np.allclose(v1,v2)
            #assert np.allclose(v1,v3)
            assert np.allclose(v1,v4)