def test_simple_projection(): # get some 3D points pts_3d = _build_points_3d() if DRAW: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 1, projection='3d') ax1.scatter(pts_3d[:, 0], pts_3d[:, 1], pts_3d[:, 2]) ax1.set_xlabel('X') ax1.set_ylabel('Y') ax1.set_zlabel('Z') # build a camera calibration matrix focal_length = 1200 width, height = 640, 480 R = np.eye(3) # look at +Z c = np.array((9.99, 19.99, 20)) M = make_M(focal_length, width, height, R, c)['M'] # now, project these 3D points into our image plane pts_3d_H = np.vstack((pts_3d.T, np.ones((1, len(pts_3d))))) # make homog. undist_rst_simple =, pts_3d_H) # multiply undist_simple = undist_rst_simple[:2, :] / undist_rst_simple[ 2, :] # project if DRAW: ax2 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 2) ax2.plot(undist_simple[0, :], undist_simple[1, :], 'b.') ax2.set_xlim(0, width) ax2.set_ylim(height, 0) ax2.set_title('matrix multiply') # build a camera model from our M and project onto image plane cam = CameraModel.load_camera_from_M(M, width=width, height=height) undist_full = cam.project_3d_to_pixel(pts_3d).T if DRAW: plot_camera(ax1, cam, scale=10, axes_size=5.0) sz = 20 x = 5 y = 8 z = 19 ax1.auto_scale_xyz([x, x + sz], [y, y + sz], [z, z + sz]) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) ax3.plot(undist_full[0, :], undist_full[1, :], 'b.') ax3.set_xlim(0, width) ax3.set_ylim(height, 0) ax3.set_title('pymvg') if DRAW: assert np.allclose(undist_full, undist_simple)
def test_simple_projection(): # get some 3D points pts_3d = _build_points_3d() if DRAW: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,12)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,1, projection='3d') ax1.scatter( pts_3d[:,0], pts_3d[:,1], pts_3d[:,2]) ax1.set_xlabel('X') ax1.set_ylabel('Y') ax1.set_zlabel('Z') # build a camera calibration matrix focal_length = 1200 width, height = 640,480 R = np.eye(3) # look at +Z c = np.array( (9.99, 19.99, 20) ) M = make_M( focal_length, width, height, R, c)['M'] # now, project these 3D points into our image plane pts_3d_H = np.vstack( (pts_3d.T, np.ones( (1,len(pts_3d))))) # make homog. undist_rst_simple =, pts_3d_H) # multiply undist_simple = undist_rst_simple[:2,:]/undist_rst_simple[2,:] # project if DRAW: ax2 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,2) ax2.plot( undist_simple[0,:], undist_simple[1,:], 'b.') ax2.set_xlim(0,width) ax2.set_ylim(height,0) ax2.set_title('matrix multiply') # build a camera model from our M and project onto image plane cam = CameraModel.load_camera_from_M( M, width=width, height=height ) undist_full = cam.project_3d_to_pixel(pts_3d).T if DRAW: plot_camera( ax1, cam, scale=10, axes_size=5.0 ) sz = 20 x = 5 y = 8 z = 19 ax1.auto_scale_xyz( [x,x+sz], [y,y+sz], [z,z+sz] ) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(3,1,3) ax3.plot( undist_full[0,:], undist_full[1,:], 'b.') ax3.set_xlim(0,width) ax3.set_ylim(height,0) ax3.set_title('pymvg') if DRAW: assert np.allclose( undist_full, undist_simple )
def generate_camera(self): (width,height)=(self.width,self.height)=(640,480) center = 1,2,3 rot_axis = np.array((4,5,6.7)) rot_axis = rot_axis / np.sum(rot_axis**2) rquat = tf.transformations.quaternion_about_axis(0.1, (rot_axis.tolist())) rmat,_ = get_rotation_matrix_and_quaternion(rquat) parts = make_M( 1234.56, width, height, rmat, center) if self.use_distortion: dist = [-0.4, .2, 0, 0, 0] else: dist = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] = CameraModel.load_camera_from_M(parts['M'], width=width,height=height, distortion_coefficients=dist)