def prep(df): mystem = Mystem() df['text'] = df['text'].apply(lambda post: pr.preprocess_post( post, to_upos=False, mystem=mystem)) print(df.head()) mystem.close() return df
def preprocess_df(df): print(df.head()) print(len(df)) mystem = Mystem() # Most important to set it here! df['text'] = df['text'].apply( lambda x: pr.preprocess_post(x, False, mystem)) mystem.close() return df
def predict(user_id, wv_path, kmeans_path, regr_path): # Collect user's info from session = tokens.Session() user_data, log = parser.parse_user(session, user_id=user_id, running_mins=15, outburst_time=30, outburst_likes_count=10, post_likes_threshold=1000, time_period=4 * 365, skipping_amount=400, group_posts_count=3000, liked_posts_threshold=20) print(log) user_info = parse_user_info(user_data) # Merge it with clusters vector text_posts = [] post_idx = -1 for post in user_data['user_posts']['items'] + [ like for group in user_data['groups'] for like in group['liked_posts'] ]: post_idx += 1 post_content = parse_post(post, user_data['id']) text = post_content[0] if text != '': text_posts.append([user_data['id'], post_idx, text]) # Add user data to dataframes df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(text_posts) df.columns = text_header[:3] # [:3] df.dropna() df = df.drop(columns=['post_id']) # Preprocess posts mystem = Mystem() df['text'] = df['text'].apply( lambda x: pr.preprocess_post(x, False, mystem)) mystem.close() text_n = len(df['text']) # Save text posts number if text_n < 100: print( 'Для пользователя собрано не достаточно много информации. Предсказание может быть неточным' ) print('Кол-во текстовых постов: {}'.format(text_n)) # Turn posts to vectors and predict vectors' clusters wv = KeyedVectors.load(wv_path, mmap='r') df['text'] = df['text'].apply( lambda x: pr.to_vector_tfidf(x, wv, one_vector=True)) df = df.dropna() kmeans = load(kmeans_path) li = df.groupby('user_id')['text'].apply(list).to_numpy() df['cluster'] = kmeans.predict(li[0]) df = kt.clusters_to_vector(df, kmeans.n_clusters).set_index('user_id') # Create info df and merge it with clusters df df_info = pd.DataFrame.from_records([user_info]) df_info.columns = info_header df_info.set_index('user_id', inplace=True) df_info.drop(columns=[ 'sex', 'status', 'smoking', 'alcohol', 'parth_id', 'country', 'city' ], inplace=True) df = df_info.merge(df, on='user_id', how='inner') # Merging user's info and clusters df.drop(columns=['bdate', 'posts_n'], inplace=True) # Predicting age regr = load(regr_path) age = regr.predict(df) print('\n\nПользователю {} лет'.format( - datetime.fromtimestamp(age).year))