def test_file_almost_same(): """ Test utils.file_almost_same. """ # exactly the same, w/o numbers f1 = """l1\nl2 string""" f2 = """l1\nl2 string""" assert (utils.file_almost_same(f1, f2)) # almost the same, with numbers f1 = """l1\nl2 data 9.5""" f2 = """l1\nl2 data 9.5000000000001""" assert (utils.file_almost_same(f1, f2)) # different contents f1 = """l1\nl2 string1""" f2 = """l1\nl2 string2""" assert (utils.file_almost_same(f1, f2) == False)
def test_record_to_geom(): if not HAVE_PYMOAB: raise SkipTest expected_geom = os.path.join(thisdir, "files_test_alara", "alara_record_geom.txt") expected_matlib = os.path.join(thisdir, "files_test_alara", "alara_record_matlib.txt") geom = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "alara_record_geom") matlib = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "alara_record_matlib") cell_fracs = np.zeros( 11, dtype=[ ("idx", np.int64), ("cell", np.int64), ("vol_frac", np.float64), ("rel_error", np.float64), ], ) cell_mats = { 11: Material({ "H1": 1.0, "K39": 1.0 }, density=1.1, metadata={"name": "fake_mat"}), 12: Material({ "H1": 0.1, "O16": 1.0 }, density=1.2, metadata={"name": "water"}), 13: Material({"He4": 42.0}, density=1.3, metadata={"name": "helium"}), 14: Material({}, density=0.0, metadata={"name": "void"}), 15: Material({}, density=0.0, metadata={"name": "void"}), 16: Material({ "H1": 1.0, "K39": 1.0 }, density=1.1, metadata={"name": "fake_mat"}), } cell_fracs[:] = [ (0, 11, 0.55, 0.0), (0, 12, 0.45, 0.0), (1, 11, 0.2, 0.0), (1, 12, 0.3, 0.0), (1, 13, 0.5, 0.0), (2, 11, 0.15, 0.0), (2, 14, 0.01, 0.0), (2, 15, 0.04, 0.0), (2, 16, 0.8, 0.0), (3, 11, 0.55, 0.0), (3, 12, 0.45, 0.0), ] m = Mesh(structured_coords=[[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [0, 1]], structured=True, mats=None) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() record_to_geom(m, cell_fracs, cell_mats, geom, matlib) assert file_almost_same(geom, expected_geom) if os.path.isfile(geom): os.remove(geom) assert filecmp.cmp(matlib, expected_matlib) if os.path.isfile(matlib): os.remove(matlib)
def _r2s_test_step2(r2s_run_dir, remove_step1_out=True): os.chdir(thisdir) # copy ../scripts/ to r2s_run_dir/ os.chdir("..") folderpath = os.getcwd() dst = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "") copyfile(os.path.join(folderpath, "scripts", ""), dst) # output files of r2s step1 alara_inp = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "alara_inp") blank_mesh = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "blank_mesh.h5m") if remove_step1_out: copyfile(os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_alara_inp"), alara_inp) copyfile(os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_blank_mesh.h5m"), blank_mesh) # run r2s step2 os.chdir(r2s_run_dir) os.system('python step2') os.remove(blank_mesh) os.remove(alara_inp) os.remove(dst) # output files of r2s step2 p_src = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "phtn_src.h5") os.remove(p_src) # compare the total photon source intensities t_p_src = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "total_photon_source_intensities.txt") exp_t_p_src = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_total_photon_source_intensities.txt") f5 = file_almost_same(t_p_src, exp_t_p_src) assert_equal(f5, True) os.remove(t_p_src) # compare the results src_c1 = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "source_1.h5m") exp_src_c1 = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_source_1.h5m") # skip test if h5diff not exist if 'unstructured' in r2s_run_dir: ele_type = 'Tet4' else: ele_type = 'Hex8' is_h5diff = os.system('which h5diff') if is_h5diff == 0: # compare two h5 files f6 = True # compre source_density command = ''.join([ 'h5diff --relative=1e-6 ', src_c1, ' ', exp_src_c1, ' /tstt/elements/', ele_type, '/tags/source_density', ' /tstt/elements/', ele_type, '/tags/source_density' ]) diff_flag = os.system(command) # return value 0 if no difference, 1 if differences found, 2 if error f6 = True if diff_flag == 0 else False assert_equal(f6, True) # compare e_bounds f4 = True command = ''.join([ 'h5diff --relative=1e-6 ', src_c1, ' ', exp_src_c1, ' /tstt/tags/e_bounds', ' /tstt/tags/e_bounds' ]) diff_flag = os.system(command) f4 = True if diff_flag == 0 else False assert_equal(f4, True) # compare decay_time f7 = True command = ''.join([ 'h5diff --relative=1e-6 ', src_c1, ' ', exp_src_c1, ' /tstt/tags/decay_time', ' /tstt/tags/decay_time' ]) diff_flag = os.system(command) f7 = True if diff_flag == 0 else False assert_equal(f7, True) # compare total_photon_source_intensity f8 = True command = ''.join([ 'h5diff --relative=1e-6 ', src_c1, ' ', exp_src_c1, ' /tstt/tags/source_intensity', ' /tstt/tags/source_intensity' ]) diff_flag = os.system(command) f8 = True if diff_flag == 0 else False assert_equal(f8, True) # compare r2s soruce file version f9 = True command = ''.join([ 'h5diff ', src_c1, ' ', exp_src_c1, ' /tstt/tags/r2s_source_file_version', ' /tstt/tags/r2s_source_file_version' ]) diff_flag = os.system(command) f9 = True if diff_flag == 0 else False assert_equal(f9, True) os.remove(src_c1)
def test_record_to_geom(): if not HAVE_PYMOAB: raise SkipTest expected_geom = os.path.join(thisdir, "files_test_alara", "alara_record_geom.txt") expected_matlib = os.path.join(thisdir, "files_test_alara", "alara_record_matlib.txt") geom = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "alara_record_geom") matlib = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "alara_record_matlib") cell_fracs = np.zeros(11, dtype=[('idx', np.int64), ('cell', np.int64), ('vol_frac', np.float64), ('rel_error', np.float64)]) cell_mats = { 11: Material({ 'H1': 1.0, 'K39': 1.0 }, density=1.1, metadata={'name': 'fake_mat'}), 12: Material({ 'H1': 0.1, 'O16': 1.0 }, density=1.2, metadata={'name': 'water'}), 13: Material({'He4': 42.0}, density=1.3, metadata={'name': 'helium'}), 14: Material({}, density=0.0, metadata={'name': 'void'}), 15: Material({}, density=0.0, metadata={'name': 'void'}), 16: Material({ 'H1': 1.0, 'K39': 1.0 }, density=1.1, metadata={'name': 'fake_mat'}) } cell_fracs[:] = [(0, 11, 0.55, 0.0), (0, 12, 0.45, 0.0), (1, 11, 0.2, 0.0), (1, 12, 0.3, 0.0), (1, 13, 0.5, 0.0), (2, 11, 0.15, 0.0), (2, 14, 0.01, 0.0), (2, 15, 0.04, 0.0), (2, 16, 0.8, 0.0), (3, 11, 0.55, 0.0), (3, 12, 0.45, 0.0)] m = Mesh(structured_coords=[[-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [0, 1]], structured=True, mats=None) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() record_to_geom(m, cell_fracs, cell_mats, geom, matlib) assert (file_almost_same(geom, expected_geom)) if os.path.isfile(geom): os.remove(geom) assert (filecmp.cmp(matlib, expected_matlib)) if os.path.isfile(matlib): os.remove(matlib)
def _r2s_test_step2(r2s_run_dir, remove_step1_out=True): os.chdir(thisdir) # copy ../scripts/ to r2s_run_dir/ os.chdir("..") folderpath = os.getcwd() dst = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "") copyfile(os.path.join(folderpath, "scripts", ""), dst) # output files of r2s step1 alara_inp = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "alara_inp") blank_mesh = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "blank_mesh.h5m") if remove_step1_out: copyfile(os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_alara_inp"), alara_inp) copyfile(os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_blank_mesh.h5m"), blank_mesh) # run r2s step2 os.chdir(r2s_run_dir) os.system('python step2') # output files of r2s step2 e_bounds = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "e_bounds") p_src = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "phtn_src.h5") t_p_src = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "total_photon_source_intensities.txt") src_c1 = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "source_1.h5m") exp_e_bounds = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_e_bounds") exp_t_p_src = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_total_photon_source_intensities.txt") exp_src_c1 = os.path.join(r2s_run_dir, "exp_source_1.h5m") # compare the results f4 = filecmp.cmp(e_bounds, exp_e_bounds) f5 = file_almost_same(t_p_src, exp_t_p_src) f6 = True # skip test if h5diff not exist if 'unstructured' in r2s_run_dir: ele_type = 'Tet4' else: ele_type = 'Hex8' is_h5diff = os.system('which h5diff') if is_h5diff == 0: # compare two h5 files command = ''.join([ 'h5diff --relative=1e-6 ', src_c1, ' ', exp_src_c1, ' /tstt/elements/', ele_type, '/tags/source_density', ' /tstt/elements/', ele_type, '/tags/source_density' ]) diff_flag = os.system(command) # return value 0 if no difference, 1 if differences found, 2 if error f6 = True if diff_flag == 0 else False # remove test generated files os.remove(blank_mesh) os.remove(alara_inp) os.remove(e_bounds) os.remove(p_src) os.remove(t_p_src) os.remove(src_c1) os.remove(dst) assert_equal(f4, True) assert_equal(f5, True) assert_equal(f6, True)