def to_json(self, obj): """ method to convert an object (OCCI object) to a JSON format """ if isinstance(obj, Kind): _category = obj _classe = 'kind' elif isinstance(obj, Mixin): _category = obj _classe = 'mixin' elif isinstance(obj, Action): _category = obj.category _classe = 'action' else: logger.warning("Object bad type: Only a kind, mixin or an action can be rendered as a category") raise ("Object bad type: Only a kind, mixin or an action can be rendered as a category") category_dict = {'term': _category.term, 'scheme': _category.scheme, 'class': _classe, 'title': _category.title} self.category_rel_dict = OrderedDict({'rel': []}) if _category.related.__len__() > 0: category_rel_values = list() for rel in _category.related: category_rel_values.append(rel.__repr__()) self.category_rel_dict = {'rel': category_rel_values} self._location_registry = location_registry() _location = self._location_registry.get_location(_category) self.category_location_dict = OrderedDict({'location': _location}) self.category_attributes_dict = OrderedDict({'attributes': []}) if _classe == 'kind' or _classe == 'mixin': category_attributes_values = list() for __attribute in _category.attributes: category_attributes_values.append( self.category_attributes_dict = {'attributes': category_attributes_values} self.category_actions_dict = OrderedDict({'actions': []}) if _classe == 'kind' or _classe == 'mixin': category_actions_values = list() for __action in _category.actions: category_actions_values.append(__action.__repr__()) self.category_actions_dict = {'actions': category_actions_values} result_json = OrderedDict( category_dict.items() + self.category_rel_dict.items() + self.category_location_dict.items() + self.category_attributes_dict.items() + self.category_actions_dict.items()) result_dump = cStringIO.StringIO() json.dump(result_json, result_dump, indent=4 * ' ') logger.debug('category_serializer_to_json-serialization=' + result_dump.getvalue()) return result_dump.getvalue()
def to_json(self, obj): """ method to convert an object (OCCI object) to a JSON format """ self.entity_dict = OrderedDict({'': obj.occi_core_id, 'occi.core.title': obj.occi_core_title}) self.kind_dict = OrderedDict( {'kind': {'term': obj.kind.term, 'scheme': obj.kind.scheme, 'class': 'kind', 'title': obj.kind.title}}) self.mixins_dict = OrderedDict({'mixins': []}) mixins_values = list() for __mixin in obj.mixins: mixins_values.append( {'term': __mixin.term, 'scheme': __mixin.scheme, 'class': 'mixin', 'title': __mixin.title}) self.mixins_dict = {'mixins': mixins_values} self.attributes_dict = OrderedDict({'attributes': ''}) attributes_values = OrderedDict() # to extract attributes defined directly by the Kind for __attribute in obj.kind.attributes: _a = obj.__getattribute__(re.sub('\.', '_', _b = jsonpickle.encode(_a, unpicklable=False) attributes_values[str(] = jsonpickle.decode(_b) # to extract attributes defined by the related Kinds for __kind_related in obj.kind.related: # to do (not urgent): attributes of the related kind of the related kind (recursively) # we use this if because tha main attributes of Resource and Link should be outside of Attributes bloc if __kind_related.__repr__() != Resource._kind.__repr__() and __kind_related.__repr__() != Link._kind.__repr__(): for __attribute in category_registry().get_kind(str(__kind_related)).attributes: _a = obj.__getattribute__(re.sub('\.', '_', _b = jsonpickle.encode(_a, unpicklable=False) attributes_values[str(] = jsonpickle.decode(_b) # to extract attributes defined by the mixins and related mixins of each mixin for __mixin in obj.mixins: for __attribute in __mixin.attributes: _cc = obj.__getattribute__(re.sub('\.', '_', _d = jsonpickle.encode(_cc, unpicklable=False) attributes_values[str(] = jsonpickle.decode(_d) for __mixin_related in __mixin.related: # to do (not urgent): attributes of the related mixin of the related mixin (recursively) for __attribute in category_registry().get_kind(str(__mixin_related)).attributes: _e = obj.__getattribute__(re.sub('\.', '_', _f = jsonpickle.encode(_e, unpicklable=False) attributes_values[str(] = jsonpickle.decode(_f) self.attributes_dict = {'attributes': attributes_values} self.link_dict = OrderedDict( {'occi.core.source': obj.occi_core_source, '': obj.occi_core_target}) self.location_dict = OrderedDict({'location': location_registry().get_location(obj)}) result_json = OrderedDict( self.entity_dict.items() + self.kind_dict.items() + self.mixins_dict.items() + self.attributes_dict.items() + self.link_dict.items() + self.location_dict.items()) result_dump = cStringIO.StringIO() json.dump(result_json, result_dump, indent=4 * ' ') logger.debug('link_serialization_to_json=' + result_dump.getvalue()) return result_dump.getvalue()
class resource_serializer(object): """ This class is used for the serialization of OCCI resource in JSON """ def to_json(self, obj): """ method to convert an object (OCCI object) to a JSON format """ self.entity_dict = OrderedDict({'': obj.occi_core_id, 'occi.core.title': obj.occi_core_title}) self.kind_dict = OrderedDict( {'kind': {'term': obj.kind.term, 'scheme': obj.kind.scheme, 'class': 'kind', 'title': obj.kind.title}}) self.mixins_dict = OrderedDict({'mixins': []}) mixins_values = list() for __mixin in obj.mixins: __mixin_class = category_registry().get_mixin(__mixin['scheme'] + "#" + __mixin['term']) mixins_values.append({'term': __mixin_class.term, 'scheme': __mixin_class.scheme, 'class': 'mixin', 'title': __mixin_class.title}) self.mixins_dict = {'mixins': mixins_values} self.resource_dict = OrderedDict({'occi.core.summary': obj.occi_core_summary}) self.links_dict = OrderedDict({'links': []}) links_values = list() for __link in obj.links: links_values.append(__link.__repr__()) self.links_dict = {'links': links_values} self.attributes_dict = OrderedDict({'attributes': ''}) attributes_values = OrderedDict() # to extract attributes defined directly by the Kind for __attribute in obj.kind.attributes: _a = obj.__getattribute__(re.sub('\.', '_', _b = jsonpickle.encode(_a, unpicklable=False) attributes_values[str(] = jsonpickle.decode(_b) # to extract attributes defined by the related Kinds for __kind_related in obj.kind.related: # to do (not urgent): attributes of the related kind of the related kind (recursively) # we use this if because tha main attributes of Resource and Link should be outside of Attributes bloc if __kind_related.__repr__() != Resource._kind.__repr__() and __kind_related.__repr__() != Link._kind.__repr__(): for __attribute in category_registry().get_kind(str(__kind_related)).attributes: _a = obj.__getattribute__(re.sub('\.', '_', _b = jsonpickle.encode(_a, unpicklable=False) attributes_values[str(] = jsonpickle.decode(_b) # to extract attributes defined by the mixins and related mixins of each mixin for __mixin in obj.mixins: # for __attribute in __mixin.attributes: __mixin_class = category_registry().get_mixin(__mixin['scheme'] + "#" + __mixin['term']) for __attribute in __mixin_class.attributes: _cc = obj.__getattribute__(re.sub('\.', '_', _d = jsonpickle.encode(_cc, unpicklable=False) attributes_values[str(] = jsonpickle.decode(_d) for __mixin_related in __mixin_class.related: # to do (not urgent): attributes of the related mixin of the related mixin (recursively) for __attribute in category_registry().get_kind(str(__mixin_related)).attributes: _e = obj.__getattribute__(re.sub('\.', '_', _f = jsonpickle.encode(_e, unpicklable=False) attributes_values[str(] = jsonpickle.decode(_f) self.attributes_dict = {'attributes': attributes_values} self.location_dict = OrderedDict({'location': location_registry().get_location(obj)}) result_json = OrderedDict( self.entity_dict.items() + self.kind_dict.items() + self.mixins_dict.items() + self.resource_dict.items() + self.links_dict.items() + self.attributes_dict.items() + self.location_dict.items()) result_dump = cStringIO.StringIO() json.dump(result_json, result_dump, indent=4 * ' ') logger.debug('resource_serialization_to_json=' + result_dump.getvalue()) return result_dump.getvalue() def from_json(self, json_doc): """ method to convert from JSON to an object (OCCI object) """ result_obj = jsonpickle.decode(json_doc) _kind_term = result_obj['kind']['term'] _kind_scheme = result_obj['kind']['scheme'] _kind_class = result_obj['kind']['class'] _occi_core_id = result_obj[''] _occi_core_title = result_obj['occi.core.title'] _occi_core_summary = result_obj['occi.core.summary'] _mixins = result_obj['mixins'] _links = result_obj['links'] _attributes = result_obj['attributes'] _kind = category_registry().get_kind(_kind_scheme + '#' + _kind_term) if _kind is not None: _resource = Resource(occi_core_id=_occi_core_id, kind=_kind, occi_core_title=_occi_core_title, mixins=_mixins, occi_core_summary=_occi_core_summary, links=_links) # P.S. if the attribute value extracted from the json is a list type than use a boucle # = 1 = pour tout les attributes du kind (ex attributs du kind compute), il faut ajouter les valeurs des attributs à resource for _attribute in _kind.attributes: _attribute_name ='.', '_') # condition on the type of the attribute if it is based on a specific new class ('' means a standard type) if _attribute.type is '': _resource.__dict__[_attribute_name] = _attributes[] or '' else: # many elements if str(_attribute.multiplicity).endswith('*'): result_attribute = [] for a in _attributes[]: # JUST EXAMPLE: fun = 'specification.ocni/specification.ocni.Availability(' + 'ocni_availability_start="' + str(t1) + '", ocni_availability_end="' + str(t2) + '")' best_func = tools.classPath2modulePath(_attribute.type) + '/' + _attribute.type + '(' i = 0 for cle in a: best_func += re.sub('\.', '_', str(cle)) + '="' + a[cle] + '"' if i < len(a) - 1: best_func += ',' i += 1 best_func += ')' obj = jsonpickle.unpickler.loadrepr(best_func) result_attribute.append(obj) _resource.__dict__[_attribute_name] = result_attribute # just one element else: a = _attributes[] best_func = tools.classPath2modulePath(_attribute.type) + '/' + _attribute.type + '(' i = 0 for cle in a: best_func += re.sub('\.', '_', str(cle)) + '="' + a[cle] + '"' if i < len(a) - 1: best_func += ',' i += 1 best_func += ')' obj = jsonpickle.unpickler.loadrepr(best_func) _resource.__dict__[_attribute_name] = obj pass pass #_resource.__dict__.update(attribute_name) #_resource.attribute_name = lambda: None #setattr(_resource, attribute_name, 'attribute_name_value') #print getattr(_resource, attribute_name) logger.debug('the attribute to add:' + str(getattr(_resource, _attribute_name))) # = 2 = pour tout les mixins, et pour chaque mixin il faut: appliquer le mixin sur l'objet resource puis il faut ajouter les avaleurs des attributs du mixin à l'objet resource for _mixin in _mixins: _mixin_obj = category_registry().get_mixin(_mixin['scheme'] + '#' + _mixin['term']) if _mixin_obj is not None: for _element in _mixin_obj.attributes: _attribute_name ='.', '_') # condition on the type of the attribute if it is based on a specific new class ('' means a standard type) if _element.type is '': _resource.__dict__[_attribute_name] = _attributes[] or '' else: # many elements if str(_element.multiplicity).endswith('*'): result_element = [] for a in _attributes[]: # JUST EXAMPLE: fun = 'specification.ocni/specification.ocni.Availability(' + 'ocni_availability_start="' + str(t1) + '", ocni_availability_end="' + str(t2) + '")' best_func = tools.classPath2modulePath(_element.type) + '/' + _element.type + '(' i = 0 for cle in a: best_func += re.sub('\.', '_', str(cle)) + '="' + a[cle] + '"' if i < len(a) - 1: best_func += ',' i += 1 best_func += ')' obj = jsonpickle.unpickler.loadrepr(best_func) result_element.append(obj) _resource.__dict__[_attribute_name] = result_element # just one element else: a = _attributes[] best_func = tools.classPath2modulePath(_element.type) + '/' + _element.type + '(' i = 0 for cle in a: best_func += re.sub('\.', '_', str(cle)) + '="' + a[cle] + '"' if i < len(a) - 1: best_func += ',' i += 1 best_func += ')' obj = jsonpickle.unpickler.loadrepr(best_func) _resource.__dict__[_attribute_name] = obj pass pass ## just as backup in case of a problem by replacing this block #if _element.type is '': # _resource.__dict__[_attribute_name] = _attributes[] or '' #else: # pass else: logger.warning('trying to use an unregistered mixin') return 'FAILED to add this resource because you want to use an unregistered mixin' pass return _resource else: logger.warning('trying to create a resource of an unregistered kind') return 'FAILED to add this resource'