def test_get_block_vector_for_dot_product_3(self): rank = comm.Get_rank() rank_ownership = np.array([[1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]) m = MPIBlockMatrix(4, 3, rank_ownership, comm) sub_m = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sub_m = coo_matrix(sub_m) if rank == 0: m.set_block(3, rank, sub_m.copy()) elif rank == 1: m.set_block(0, 0, sub_m.copy()) m.set_block(rank, rank, sub_m.copy()) m.set_block(3, rank, sub_m.copy()) else: m.set_block(rank, rank, sub_m.copy()) m.set_block(3, rank, sub_m.copy()) rank_ownership = np.array([0, 1, 2]) v = MPIBlockVector(3, rank_ownership, comm) sub_v = np.ones(2) v.set_block(rank, sub_v.copy()) res = m._get_block_vector_for_dot_product(v) self.assertIsNot(res, v) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res.get_block(0), sub_v)) if rank == 0: self.assertIsNone(res.get_block(1)) self.assertIsNone(res.get_block(2)) elif rank == 1: self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res.get_block(1), sub_v)) self.assertIsNone(res.get_block(2)) elif rank == 2: self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res.get_block(2), sub_v)) self.assertIsNone(res.get_block(1))
def test_get_block_vector_for_dot_product_4(self): rank = comm.Get_rank() rank_ownership = np.array([[-1, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]) m = MPIBlockMatrix(4, 3, rank_ownership, comm) sub_m = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sub_m = coo_matrix(sub_m) m.set_block(0, 0, sub_m.copy()) if rank == 0: m.set_block(3, rank, sub_m.copy()) else: m.set_block(rank, rank, sub_m.copy()) m.set_block(3, rank, sub_m.copy()) rank_ownership = np.array([0, 1, 2]) v = MPIBlockVector(3, rank_ownership, comm) sub_v = np.ones(2) v.set_block(rank, sub_v.copy()) res = m._get_block_vector_for_dot_product(v) self.assertIs(res, v)
def test_dot(self): mat1 = self.square_mpi_mat mat2 = self.square_mpi_mat2 serial_mat1 = self.square_serial_mat serial_mat2 = self.square_serial_mat2 rank = comm.Get_rank() bv1 = MPIBlockVector(2, [0, 1], comm) if rank == 0: bv1.set_block(0, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64)) if rank == 1: bv1.set_block(1, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64) + 4) bv1.broadcast_block_sizes() serial_bv1 = BlockVector(2) serial_bv1.set_block(0, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64)) serial_bv1.set_block(1, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64) + 4) res = serial_res = self.assertIsInstance(res, BlockVector) self.assertEqual(res.nblocks, serial_res.nblocks) for bid in range(serial_res.nblocks): self.assertTrue( np.allclose(res.get_block(bid), serial_res.get_block(bid)))
def test_matvec_1(self): rank = comm.Get_rank() rank_ownership = np.array([[0, -1, -1, 0], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 2, 2], [0, 1, 2, -1]]) m = MPIBlockMatrix(4, 4, rank_ownership, comm) sub_m = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sub_m = coo_matrix(sub_m) m.set_block(rank, rank, sub_m.copy()) m.set_block(rank, 3, sub_m.copy()) m.set_block(3, rank, sub_m.copy()) m.set_block(3, 3, sub_m.copy()) m.broadcast_block_sizes() rank_ownership = np.array([0, 1, 2, -1]) v = MPIBlockVector(4, rank_ownership, comm) sub_v = np.ones(2) v.set_block(rank, sub_v.copy()) v.set_block(3, sub_v.copy()) v.broadcast_block_sizes() res = self.assertIsInstance(res, MPIBlockVector) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res.get_block(rank), sub_v*2)) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res.get_block(3), sub_v*4)) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(res.rank_ownership, np.array([0, 1, 2, -1]))) self.assertFalse(res.has_none)
def main(): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() owners = [0, 1, 2, -1] x = MPIBlockVector(4, rank_owner=owners, mpi_comm=comm) owners = np.array([[ 0, -1, -1, 0], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 2, 2]]) a = MPIBlockMatrix(3, 4, rank_ownership=owners, mpi_comm=comm) np.random.seed(0) x.set_block(3, np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=10)) np.random.seed(rank) x.set_block(rank, np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=10)) a.set_block(rank, rank, random(10, 10, density=0.1)) a.set_block(rank, 3, random(10, 10, density=0.1)) b = a * x # parallel matrix-vector dot product # check the answer local_x = x.make_local_copy().flatten() local_a = a.to_local_array() local_b = b.make_local_copy().flatten() err = np.abs( - local_b).max() if rank == 0: print('error: ', err) return err
def _build_mpi_block_vector(self, extra_block: bool = False) -> MPIBlockVector: if extra_block: n = self._num_time_blocks + 1 else: n = self._num_time_blocks rank_ownership = -1 * np.ones(n, dtype=np.int64) for ndx in range(self._num_time_blocks): rank_ownership[ndx] = self._ownership_map[ndx] vec = MPIBlockVector(nblocks=n, rank_owner=rank_ownership, mpi_comm=self._comm) return vec
def test_mpi_schur_complement(self): rank_by_index = list() for ndx in range(3): for _rank in range(size): if (ndx - _rank) % size == 0: rank_by_index.append(_rank) rank_by_index.append(-1) A = MPIBlockMatrix(nbrows=4, nbcols=4, rank_ownership=[ rank_by_index, rank_by_index, rank_by_index, rank_by_index ], mpi_comm=comm) if rank_by_index[0] == rank: A.set_block( 0, 0, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double))) if rank_by_index[1] == rank: A.set_block( 1, 1, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double))) if rank_by_index[2] == rank: A.set_block( 2, 2, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1]], dtype=np.double))) A.set_block(3, 3, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double))) if rank_by_index[0] == rank: A.set_block( 3, 0, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, -1], [0, 0]], dtype=np.double))) if rank_by_index[1] == rank: A.set_block( 3, 1, coo_matrix(np.array([[-1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=np.double))) if rank_by_index[2] == rank: A.set_block( 3, 2, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [-1, 0]], dtype=np.double))) A.broadcast_block_sizes() local_A = BlockMatrix(4, 4) local_A.set_block( 0, 0, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 1], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double))) local_A.set_block( 1, 1, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double))) local_A.set_block( 2, 2, coo_matrix(np.array([[1, 0], [1, 1]], dtype=np.double))) local_A.set_block( 3, 3, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=np.double))) local_A.set_block( 3, 0, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, -1], [0, 0]], dtype=np.double))) local_A.set_block( 3, 1, coo_matrix(np.array([[-1, 0], [0, -1]], dtype=np.double))) local_A.set_block( 3, 2, coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 0], [-1, 0]], dtype=np.double))) local_A.set_block(0, 3, local_A.get_block(3, 0).transpose(copy=True)) local_A.set_block(1, 3, local_A.get_block(3, 1).transpose(copy=True)) local_A.set_block(2, 3, local_A.get_block(3, 2).transpose(copy=True)) rhs = MPIBlockVector(nblocks=4, rank_owner=rank_by_index, mpi_comm=comm) if rank_by_index[0] == rank: rhs.set_block(0, np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.double)) if rank_by_index[1] == rank: rhs.set_block(1, np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.double)) if rank_by_index[2] == rank: rhs.set_block(2, np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.double)) rhs.set_block(3, np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.double)) rhs.broadcast_block_sizes() local_rhs = BlockVector(4) local_rhs.set_block(0, np.array([1, 0], dtype=np.double)) local_rhs.set_block(1, np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.double)) local_rhs.set_block(2, np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.double)) local_rhs.set_block(3, np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.double)) x1 = np.linalg.solve(local_A.toarray(), local_rhs.flatten()) solver_class = parapint.linalg.MPISchurComplementLinearSolver sc_solver = solver_class( subproblem_solvers={ ndx: ScipyInterface(compute_inertia=True) for ndx in range(3) }, schur_complement_solver=ScipyInterface(compute_inertia=True)) sc_solver.do_symbolic_factorization(A) sc_solver.do_numeric_factorization(A) x2 = sc_solver.do_back_solve(rhs) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x1, x2.make_local_copy().flatten())) inertia1 = sc_solver.get_inertia() eig = np.linalg.eigvals(local_A.toarray()) pos = np.count_nonzero(eig > 0) neg = np.count_nonzero(eig < 0) zero = np.count_nonzero(eig == 0) inertia2 = (pos, neg, zero) self.assertEqual(inertia1, inertia2) sc_solver.do_numeric_factorization(A) x2 = sc_solver.do_back_solve(rhs) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(x1, x2.make_local_copy().flatten()))
def test_mul(self): mat1 = self.square_mpi_mat mat2 = self.square_mpi_mat2 serial_mat1 = self.square_serial_mat serial_mat2 = self.square_serial_mat2 rank = comm.Get_rank() bv1 = MPIBlockVector(2, [0, 1], comm) if rank == 0: bv1.set_block(0, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64)) if rank == 1: bv1.set_block(1, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64) + 4) bv1.broadcast_block_sizes() serial_bv1 = BlockVector(2) serial_bv1.set_block(0, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64)) serial_bv1.set_block(1, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64) + 4) res = mat1 * bv1 serial_res = serial_mat1 * serial_bv1 self.assertIsInstance(res, BlockVector) self.assertEqual(res.nblocks, serial_res.nblocks) for bid in range(serial_res.nblocks): self.assertTrue( np.allclose(res.get_block(bid), serial_res.get_block(bid))) res = mat2 * bv1 serial_res = serial_mat2 * serial_bv1 self.assertIsInstance(res, BlockVector) self.assertEqual(res.nblocks, serial_res.nblocks) for bid in range(serial_res.nblocks): self.assertTrue( np.allclose(res.get_block(bid), serial_res.get_block(bid))) bv1 = MPIBlockVector(2, [0, -1], comm) if rank == 0: bv1.set_block(0, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64)) bv1.set_block(1, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64) + 4) bv1.broadcast_block_sizes() res = mat1 * bv1 serial_res = serial_mat1 * serial_bv1 self.assertIsInstance(res, BlockVector) self.assertEqual(res.nblocks, serial_res.nblocks) for bid in range(serial_res.nblocks): self.assertTrue( np.allclose(res.get_block(bid), serial_res.get_block(bid))) res = mat2 * bv1 serial_res = serial_mat2 * serial_bv1 self.assertIsInstance(res, BlockVector) self.assertEqual(res.nblocks, serial_res.nblocks) for bid in range(serial_res.nblocks): self.assertTrue( np.allclose(res.get_block(bid), serial_res.get_block(bid))) # rectangular matrix mat1 = self.rectangular_mpi_mat serial_mat1 = self.rectangular_serial_mat bv1 = MPIBlockVector(3, [0, 1, 2], comm) if rank == 0: bv1.set_block(0, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64)) if rank == 1: bv1.set_block(1, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64) + 4) if rank == 2: bv1.set_block(2, np.arange(2, dtype=np.float64) + 8) bv1.broadcast_block_sizes() serial_bv1 = BlockVector(3) serial_bv1.set_block(0, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64)) serial_bv1.set_block(1, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64) + 4) serial_bv1.set_block(2, np.arange(2, dtype=np.float64) + 8) # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore") res = mat1 * bv1 serial_res = serial_mat1 * serial_bv1 self.assertIsInstance(res, BlockVector) self.assertEqual(serial_res.nblocks, 2) self.assertEqual(res.nblocks, 2) for bid in range(serial_res.nblocks): self.assertTrue( np.allclose(res.get_block(bid), serial_res.get_block(bid))) bv1 = MPIBlockVector(3, [0, 1, 0], comm) if rank == 0: bv1.set_block(0, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64)) bv1.set_block(2, np.arange(2, dtype=np.float64) + 8) if rank == 1: bv1.set_block(1, np.arange(4, dtype=np.float64) + 4) bv1.broadcast_block_sizes() res = mat1 * bv1 serial_res = serial_mat1 * serial_bv1 self.assertIsInstance(res, BlockVector) self.assertEqual(res.nblocks, serial_res.nblocks) for bid in range(serial_res.nblocks): self.assertTrue( np.allclose(res.get_block(bid), serial_res.get_block(bid))) res = mat1 * 3.0 serial_res = serial_mat1 * 3.0 self.assertIsInstance(res, MPIBlockMatrix) rows, columns = np.nonzero(res.ownership_mask) for i, j in zip(rows, columns): if res.get_block(i, j) is not None: self.assertTrue( np.allclose( res.get_block(i, j).toarray(), serial_res.get_block(i, j).toarray())) else: self.assertIsNone(serial_res.get_block(i, j)) res = 3.0 * mat1 serial_res = serial_mat1 * 3.0 self.assertIsInstance(res, MPIBlockMatrix) rows, columns = np.nonzero(res.ownership_mask) for i, j in zip(rows, columns): if res.get_block(i, j) is not None: self.assertTrue( np.allclose( res.get_block(i, j).toarray(), serial_res.get_block(i, j).toarray())) else: self.assertIsNone(serial_res.get_block(i, j))
def main(): comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() owners = [2, 0, 1, -1] x = MPIBlockVector(4, rank_owner=owners, mpi_comm=comm) x.set_block(owners.index(rank), np.ones(3) * (rank + 1)) x.set_block(3, np.array([1, 2, 3])) y = MPIBlockVector(4, rank_owner=owners, mpi_comm=comm) y.set_block(owners.index(rank), np.ones(3) * (rank + 1)) y.set_block(3, np.array([1, 2, 3])) z1: MPIBlockVector = x + y # add x and y z2 = # dot product z3 = np.abs(x).max() # infinity norm z1_local = z1.make_local_copy() if rank == 0: print(z1_local.flatten()) print(z2) print(z3) return z1_local, z2, z3