文件: util.py 项目: ZedongPeng/pyomo
def replace_uncertain_bounds_with_constraints(model, uncertain_params):
    For variables of which the bounds are dependent on the parameters
    in the list `uncertain_params`, remove the bounds and add
    explicit variable bound inequality constraints.

    :param model: Model in which to make the bounds/constraint replacements
    :type model: class:`pyomo.core.base.PyomoModel.ConcreteModel`
    :param uncertain_params: List of uncertain model parameters
    :type uncertain_params: list
    uncertain_param_set = ComponentSet(uncertain_params)

    # component for explicit inequality constraints
    uncertain_var_bound_constrs = ConstraintList()

    # get all variables in active objective and constraint expression(s)
    vars_in_cons = ComponentSet(get_vars_from_component(model, Constraint))
    vars_in_obj = ComponentSet(get_vars_from_component(model, Objective))

    for v in vars_in_cons | vars_in_obj:
        # get mutable parameters in variable bounds expressions
        ub = v.upper
        mutable_params_ub = ComponentSet(identify_mutable_parameters(ub))
        lb = v.lower
        mutable_params_lb = ComponentSet(identify_mutable_parameters(lb))

        # add explicit inequality constraint(s), remove variable bound(s)
        if mutable_params_ub & uncertain_param_set:
            if type(ub) is NPV_MinExpression:
                upper_bounds = ub.args
                upper_bounds = (ub,)
            for u_bnd in upper_bounds:
                uncertain_var_bound_constrs.add(v - u_bnd <= 0)
        if mutable_params_lb & uncertain_param_set:
            if type(ub) is NPV_MaxExpression:
                lower_bounds = lb.args
                lower_bounds = (lb,)
            for l_bnd in lower_bounds:
                uncertain_var_bound_constrs.add(l_bnd - v <= 0)
    def _discretize_bilinear(self, b, v, v_idx, u, u_idx):
        _z = b.z
        _dv = b.dv[v_idx]
        _u = Var(b.DISCRETIZATION, within=u.domain, bounds=u.bounds)
        logger.info("Discretizing (v=%s)*(u=%s) as u%s_v%s" % (
                v.cname(True), u.cname(True), u_idx, v_idx ))
        b.add_component( "u%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _u)
        _lb, _ub = u.bounds
        if _lb is None or _ub is None:
             raise RuntimeError("Couldn't relax variable %s: missing "
                               "finite lower/upper bounds." % (u.cname(True)))
        _c = ConstraintList()
        b.add_component( "c_disaggregate_u%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _c )
        for k in b.DISCRETIZATION:
            # _lb * z[v_idx,k] <= _u[k] <= _ub * z[v_idx,k]
            _c.add(expr= _lb*_z[v_idx,k] <= _u[k] )
            _c.add(expr= _u[k] <= _ub*_z[v_idx,k] )
            # _lb * (1-z[v_idx,k]) <= u - _u[k] <= _ub * (1-z[v_idx,k])
            _c.add(expr= _lb * (1-_z[v_idx,k]) <= u - _u[k] )
            _c.add(expr= u - _u[k] <= _ub * (1-_z[v_idx,k]))

        _v_lb, _v_ub = v.bounds
        _bnd_rng = (_v_lb*_lb, _v_lb*_ub, _v_ub*_lb, _v_ub*_ub)
        _w = Var(bounds=(min(_bnd_rng), max(_bnd_rng)))
        b.add_component( "w%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _w)

        K = max(b.DISCRETIZATION)

        _dw = Var(bounds=( min(0, _lb*2**-K, _ub*2**-K), 
                           max(0, _lb*2**-K, _ub*2**-K) ))
        b.add_component( "dw%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _dw)

        _c = Constraint(expr= _w == _v_lb*u + (_v_ub-_v_lb) * (
                sum(2**-k * _u[k] for k in b.DISCRETIZATION) + _dw ) )
        b.add_component( "c_bilinear_u%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _c )

        _c = ConstraintList()
        b.add_component( "c_mccormick_u%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _c )
        # u_lb * dv <= dw <= u_ub * dv
        _c.add(expr= _lb*_dv <= _dw )
        _c.add(expr= _dw <= _ub*_dv )
        # (u-u_ub)*2^-K + u_ub*dv <= dw <= (u-u_lb)*2^-K + u_lb*dv
        _c.add(expr= (u - _ub)*2**-K + _ub*_dv <= _dw )
        _c.add(expr= _dw <= (u - _lb)*2**-K + _lb*_dv )

        return _w
    def _relax_bilinear(self, b, u, v):
        u_lb, u_ub = u.bounds
        v_lb, v_ub = v.bounds
        if u_lb is None or u_ub is None:
             raise RuntimeError("Couldn't relax variable %s: missing "
                               "finite lower/upper bounds." % (u.cname(True)))
        if v_lb is None or v_ub is None:
             raise RuntimeError("Couldn't relax variable %s: missing "
                               "finite lower/upper bounds." % (v.cname(True)))
        w = Var(bounds=(min(u_lb*v_lb, u_lb*v_ub, u_ub*v_lb, u_ub*v_ub),
                         max(u_lb*v_lb, u_lb*v_ub, u_ub*v_lb, u_ub*v_ub)))
        b.add_component("w_%s_%s" % (u.cname(), v.cname()), w)

        _c = ConstraintList(noruleinit=True)
        b.add_component( "c_mccormick_%s_%s" % (u.cname(), v.cname()), _c )

        _c.add(expr=w >= u * v_lb + u_lb * v - u_lb*v_lb)
        _c.add(expr=w >= u * v_ub + u_ub * v - u_ub*v_ub)
        _c.add(expr=w <= u * v_lb + u_ub * v - u_ub*v_lb)
        _c.add(expr=w <= u * v_ub + u_lb * v - u_lb*v_ub)

        return w
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):  #pragma:nocover
            logger.debug("Calling ConnectorExpander")

        connectorsFound = False
        for c in instance.component_data_objects(Connector):
            connectorsFound = True
        if not connectorsFound:

        if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):  #pragma:nocover
            logger.debug("   Connectors found!")

        self._name_buffer = {}

        # At this point, there are connectors in the model, so we must
        # look for constraints that involve connectors and expand them.
        # List of the connectors in the order in which we found them
        # (this should be deterministic, provided that the user's model
        # is deterministic)
        connector_list = []
        # list of constraints with connectors: tuple(constraint, connector_set)
        # (this should be deterministic, provided that the user's model
        # is deterministic)
        constraint_list = []
        # ID of the next connector group (set of matched connectors)
        groupID = 0
        # connector_groups stars out as a dict of {id(set): (groupID, set)}
        # If you sort by the groupID, then this will be deterministic.
        connector_groups = dict()
        # map of connector to the set of connectors that must match it
        matched_connectors = ComponentMap()
        # The set of connectors found in the current constraint
        found = ComponentSet()

        connector_types = set([SimpleConnector, _ConnectorData])
        for constraint in instance.component_data_objects(
                Constraint, sort=SortComponents.deterministic):
            ref = None
            for c in EXPR.identify_components(constraint.body,
                if c in matched_connectors:
                    if ref is None:
                        # The first connector in this constraint has
                        # already been seen.  We will use that Set as
                        # the reference
                        ref = matched_connectors[c]
                    elif ref is not matched_connectors[c]:
                        # We already have a reference group; merge this
                        # new group into it.
                        # Optimization: this merge is linear in the size
                        # of the src set.  If the reference set is
                        # smaller, save time by switching to a new
                        # reference set.
                        src = matched_connectors[c]
                        if len(ref) < len(src):
                            ref, src = src, ref
                        for _ in src:
                            matched_connectors[_] = ref
                        del connector_groups[id(src)]
                    # else: pass
                    #   The new group *is* the reference group;
                    #   there is nothing to do.
                    # The connector has not been seen before.
                    if ref is None:
                        # This is the first connector in the constraint:
                        # start a new reference set.
                        ref = ComponentSet()
                        connector_groups[id(ref)] = (groupID, ref)
                        groupID += 1
                    # This connector hasn't been seen.  Record it.
                    matched_connectors[c] = ref
            if ref is not None:
                constraint_list.append((constraint, found))
                found = ComponentSet()

        # Validate all connector sets and expand the empty ones
        known_conn_sets = {}
        for groupID, conn_set in sorted(itervalues(connector_groups)):
            known_conn_sets[id(conn_set)] \
                = self._validate_and_expand_connector_set(conn_set)

        # Expand each constraint
        for constraint, conn_set in constraint_list:
            cList = ConstraintList()
                '%s.expanded' % (constraint.getname(
                    fully_qualified=False, name_buffer=self._name_buffer), ),
            connId = next(iter(conn_set))
            ref = known_conn_sets[id(matched_connectors[connId])]
            for k, v in sorted(iteritems(ref)):
                if v[1] >= 0:
                    _iter = v[0]
                    _iter = (v[0], )
                for idx in _iter:
                    substitution = {}
                    for c in conn_set:
                        if v[1] >= 0:
                            new_v = c.vars[k][idx]
                        elif k in c.aggregators:
                            new_v = c.vars[k].add()
                            new_v = c.vars[k]
                        substitution[id(c)] = new_v

        # Now, go back and implement VarList aggregators
        for conn in connector_list:
            block = conn.parent_block()
            for var, aggregator in iteritems(conn.aggregators):
                c = Constraint(expr=aggregator(block, conn.vars[var]))
                    '%s.%s.aggregate' %
                                  name_buffer=self._name_buffer), var), c)
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):   #pragma:nocover
            logger.debug("Calling ConnectorExpander")

        connectorsFound = False
        for c in instance.component_data_objects(Connector):
            connectorsFound = True
        if not connectorsFound:

        if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):   #pragma:nocover
            logger.debug("   Connectors found!")

        # At this point, there are connectors in the model, so we must
        # look for constraints that involve connectors and expand them.
        connector_types = set([SimpleConnector, _ConnectorData])
        constraint_list = []
        connector_list = []
        matched_connectors = {}
        found = dict()
        for constraint in instance.component_data_objects(Constraint):
            for c in expr.identify_variables(
                    constraint.body, include_potentially_variable=True):
                if c.__class__ in connector_types:
                    found[id(c)] = c
            if not found:

            # Note that it is important to copy the set of found
            # connectors, since the matching routine below will
            # manipulate sets in place.
            found_this_constraint = dict(found)
            constraint_list.append( (constraint, found_this_constraint) )

            # Find all the connectors that are used in the constraint,
            # so we know which connectors to validate against each
            # other.  Note that the validation must be transitive (that
            # is, if con1 has a & b and con2 has b & c, then a,b, and c
            # must all validate against each other.
            for cId, c in iteritems(found_this_constraint):
                if cId in matched_connectors:
                    oldSet = matched_connectors[cId]
                    found.update( oldSet )
                    for _cId in oldSet:
                        matched_connectors[_cId] = found
                matched_connectors[cId] = found

            # Reset found back to empty (this is more efficient as the
            # bulk of the constraints in the model will not have
            # connectors - so if we did this at the top of the loop, we
            # would spend a lot of time clearing empty sets
            found = {}

        # Validate all connector sets and expand the empty ones
        known_conn_sets = {}
        for connector in connector_list:
            conn_set = matched_connectors[id(connector)]
            if id(conn_set) in known_conn_sets:
            known_conn_sets[id(conn_set)] \
                = self._validate_and_expand_connector_set(conn_set)

        # Expand each constraint
        for constraint, conn_set in constraint_list:
            cList = ConstraintList()
                '%s.expanded' % ( constraint.local_name, ), cList )
            connId = next(iterkeys(conn_set))
            ref = known_conn_sets[id(matched_connectors[connId])]
            for k,v in sorted(iteritems(ref)):
                if v[1] >= 0:
                    _iter = v[0]
                    _iter = (v[0],)
                for idx in _iter:
                    substitution = {}
                    for c in itervalues(conn_set):
                        if v[1] >= 0:
                            new_v = c.vars[k][idx]
                        elif k in c.aggregators:
                            new_v = c.vars[k].add()
                            new_v = c.vars[k]
                        substitution[id(c)] = new_v
                        expr.clone_expression( constraint.body, substitution ),
                        constraint.upper ))

        # Now, go back and implement VarList aggregators
        for conn in connector_list:
            block = conn.parent_block()
            for var, aggregator in iteritems(conn.aggregators):
                c = Constraint(expr=aggregator(block, conn.vars[var]))
                    '%s.%s.aggregate' % (conn.local_name, var), c )
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):  #pragma:nocover
            logger.debug("Calling ConnectorExpander")

        connectorsFound = False
        for c in instance.component_data_objects(Connector):
            connectorsFound = True
        if not connectorsFound:

        if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):  #pragma:nocover
            logger.debug("   Connectors found!")

        # At this point, there are connectors in the model, so we must
        # look for constraints that involve connectors and expand them.
        connector_types = set([SimpleConnector, _ConnectorData])
        constraint_list = []
        connector_list = []
        matched_connectors = {}
        found = dict()
        for constraint in instance.component_data_objects(Constraint):
            for c in expr.identify_variables(
                    constraint.body, include_potentially_variable=True):
                if c.__class__ in connector_types:
                    found[id(c)] = c
            if not found:

            # Note that it is important to copy the set of found
            # connectors, since the matching routine below will
            # manipulate sets in place.
            found_this_constraint = dict(found)
            constraint_list.append((constraint, found_this_constraint))

            # Find all the connectors that are used in the constraint,
            # so we know which connectors to validate against each
            # other.  Note that the validation must be transitive (that
            # is, if con1 has a & b and con2 has b & c, then a,b, and c
            # must all validate against each other.
            for cId, c in iteritems(found_this_constraint):
                if cId in matched_connectors:
                    oldSet = matched_connectors[cId]
                    for _cId in oldSet:
                        matched_connectors[_cId] = found
                matched_connectors[cId] = found

            # Reset found back to empty (this is more efficient as the
            # bulk of the constraints in the model will not have
            # connectors - so if we did this at the top of the loop, we
            # would spend a lot of time clearing empty sets
            found = {}

        # Validate all connector sets and expand the empty ones
        known_conn_sets = {}
        for connector in connector_list:
            conn_set = matched_connectors[id(connector)]
            if id(conn_set) in known_conn_sets:
            known_conn_sets[id(conn_set)] \
                = self._validate_and_expand_connector_set(conn_set)

        # Expand each constraint
        for constraint, conn_set in constraint_list:
            cList = ConstraintList()
                '%s.expanded' % (constraint.local_name, ), cList)
            connId = next(iterkeys(conn_set))
            ref = known_conn_sets[id(matched_connectors[connId])]
            for k, v in sorted(iteritems(ref)):
                if v[1] >= 0:
                    _iter = v[0]
                    _iter = (v[0], )
                for idx in _iter:
                    substitution = {}
                    for c in itervalues(conn_set):
                        if v[1] >= 0:
                            new_v = c.vars[k][idx]
                        elif k in c.aggregators:
                            new_v = c.vars[k].add()
                            new_v = c.vars[k]
                        substitution[id(c)] = new_v

        # Now, go back and implement VarList aggregators
        for conn in connector_list:
            block = conn.parent_block()
            for var, aggregator in iteritems(conn.aggregators):
                c = Constraint(expr=aggregator(block, conn.vars[var]))
                block.add_component('%s.%s.aggregate' % (conn.local_name, var),
    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
        if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):   #pragma:nocover
            logger.debug("Calling ConnectorExpander")

        connectorsFound = False
        for c in instance.component_data_objects(Connector):
            connectorsFound = True
        if not connectorsFound:

        if __debug__ and logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):   #pragma:nocover
            logger.debug("   Connectors found!")

        self._name_buffer = {}

        # At this point, there are connectors in the model, so we must
        # look for constraints that involve connectors and expand them.
        # List of the connectors in the order in which we found them
        # (this should be deterministic, provided that the user's model
        # is deterministic)
        connector_list = []
        # list of constraints with connectors: tuple(constraint, connector_set)
        # (this should be deterministic, provided that the user's model
        # is deterministic)
        constraint_list = []
        # ID of the next connector group (set of matched connectors)
        groupID = 0
        # connector_groups stars out as a dict of {id(set): (groupID, set)}
        # If you sort by the groupID, then this will be deterministic.
        connector_groups = dict()
        # map of connector to the set of connectors that must match it
        matched_connectors = ComponentMap()
        # The set of connectors found in the current constraint
        found = ComponentSet()

        connector_types = set([SimpleConnector, _ConnectorData])
        for constraint in instance.component_data_objects(
                Constraint, sort=SortComponents.deterministic):
            ref = None
            for c in EXPR.identify_components(constraint.body, connector_types):
                if c in matched_connectors:
                    if ref is None:
                        # The first connector in this constraint has
                        # already been seen.  We will use that Set as
                        # the reference
                        ref = matched_connectors[c]
                    elif ref is not matched_connectors[c]:
                        # We already have a reference group; merge this
                        # new group into it.
                        # Optimization: this merge is linear in the size
                        # of the src set.  If the reference set is
                        # smaller, save time by switching to a new
                        # reference set.
                        src = matched_connectors[c]
                        if len(ref) < len(src):
                            ref, src = src, ref
                        for _ in src:
                            matched_connectors[_] = ref
                        del connector_groups[id(src)]
                    # else: pass
                    #   The new group *is* the reference group;
                    #   there is nothing to do.
                    # The connector has not been seen before.
                    if ref is None:
                        # This is the first connector in the constraint:
                        # start a new reference set.
                        ref = ComponentSet()
                        connector_groups[id(ref)] = (groupID, ref)
                        groupID += 1
                    # This connector hasn't been seen.  Record it.
                    matched_connectors[c] = ref
            if ref is not None:
                constraint_list.append((constraint, found))
                found = ComponentSet()

        # Validate all connector sets and expand the empty ones
        known_conn_sets = {}
        for groupID, conn_set in sorted(itervalues(connector_groups)):
            known_conn_sets[id(conn_set)] \
                = self._validate_and_expand_connector_set(conn_set)

        # Expand each constraint
        for constraint, conn_set in constraint_list:
            cList = ConstraintList()
                '%s.expanded' % ( constraint.getname(
                    fully_qualified=False, name_buffer=self._name_buffer), ),
                cList )
            connId = next(iter(conn_set))
            ref = known_conn_sets[id(matched_connectors[connId])]
            for k,v in sorted(iteritems(ref)):
                if v[1] >= 0:
                    _iter = v[0]
                    _iter = (v[0],)
                for idx in _iter:
                    substitution = {}
                    for c in conn_set:
                        if v[1] >= 0:
                            new_v = c.vars[k][idx]
                        elif k in c.aggregators:
                            new_v = c.vars[k].add()
                            new_v = c.vars[k]
                        substitution[id(c)] = new_v
                        EXPR.clone_expression( constraint.body, substitution ),
                        constraint.upper ))

        # Now, go back and implement VarList aggregators
        for conn in connector_list:
            block = conn.parent_block()
            for var, aggregator in iteritems(conn.aggregators):
                c = Constraint(expr=aggregator(block, conn.vars[var]))
                    '%s.%s.aggregate' % (
                        var), c )