    def test_construct2(self):
        model = AbstractModel()
        model.a = Set(initialize=[1,2,3])
        model.A = Param(initialize=1)
        model.B = Param(model.a)
        model.x = Var(initialize=1, within=Reals, dense=True)
        model.y = Var(model.a, initialize=1, within=Reals, dense=True)
        model.obj = Objective(rule=lambda model: model.x+model.y[1])
        model.obj2 = Objective(model.a,rule=lambda model, i: i+model.x+model.y[1])
        model.con = Constraint(rule=rule1)
        model.con2 = Constraint(model.a, rule=rule2)
        instance = model.create_instance()
        expr = instance.x + 1

        OUTPUT = open(join(currdir, "display2.out"), "w")
        model = AbstractModel()
        instance = model.create_instance()
            self.fail("test_construct - expected TypeError")
        except TypeError:
        _out, _txt = join(currdir, "display2.out"), join(currdir, "display2.txt")
        self.assertTrue(cmp(_out, _txt),
                        msg="Files %s and %s differ" % (_out, _txt))
    def test_construct(self):
        model = AbstractModel()
        model.a = Set(initialize=[1, 2, 3])
        model.A = Param(initialize=1)
        model.B = Param(model.a)
        model.x = Var(initialize=1, within=Reals, dense=False)
        model.y = Var(model.a, initialize=1, within=Reals, dense=False)
        model.obj = Objective(rule=lambda model: model.x + model.y[1])
        model.obj2 = Objective(model.a,
                               rule=lambda model, i: i + model.x + model.y[1])
        model.con = Constraint(rule=rule1)
        model.con2 = Constraint(model.a, rule=rule2)
        instance = model.create_instance()
        expr = instance.x + 1

        OUTPUT = open(currdir + "/display.out", "w")
        display(instance, ostream=OUTPUT)
        display(instance.obj, ostream=OUTPUT)
        display(instance.x, ostream=OUTPUT)
        display(instance.con, ostream=OUTPUT)
        model = AbstractModel()
        instance = model.create_instance()
        display(instance, ostream=OUTPUT)
            self.fail("test_construct - expected TypeError")
        except TypeError:
        self.assertFileEqualsBaseline(currdir + "/display.out",
                                      currdir + "/display.txt")
def CreateAbstractScenarioTreeModel():
    from pyomo.core import (AbstractModel, Set, Param, Boolean)

    model = AbstractModel()

    # all set/parameter values are strings, representing the
    # names of various entities/variables.

    model.Stages = Set(ordered=True)
    model.Nodes = Set(ordered=True)

    model.NodeStage = Param(model.Nodes, within=model.Stages, mutable=True)
    model.Children = Set(model.Nodes,
    model.ConditionalProbability = Param(model.Nodes, mutable=True)

    model.Scenarios = Set(ordered=True)
    model.ScenarioLeafNode = Param(model.Scenarios,

    model.StageVariables = Set(model.Stages, initialize=[], ordered=True)

    model.NodeVariables = Set(model.Nodes, initialize=[], ordered=True)

    model.StageCost = Param(model.Stages, mutable=True)
    model.StageCostVariable = Param(model.Stages, mutable=True)

    # it is often the case that a subset of the stage variables are strictly "derived"
    # variables, in that their values are computable once the values of other variables
    # in that stage are known. it generally useful to know which variables these are,
    # as it is unnecessary to post non-anticipativity constraints for these variables.
    # further, attempting to force non-anticipativity - either implicitly or explicitly -
    # on these variables can cause issues with decomposition algorithms.
    model.StageDerivedVariables = Set(model.Stages,
    model.NodeDerivedVariables = Set(model.Nodes, initialize=[], ordered=True)

    # scenario data can be populated in one of two ways. the first is "scenario-based",
    # in which a single .dat file contains all of the data for each scenario. the .dat
    # file prefix must correspond to the scenario name. the second is "node-based",
    # in which a single .dat file contains only the data for each node in the scenario
    # tree. the node-based method is more compact, but the scenario-based method is
    # often more natural when parameter data is generated via simulation. the default
    # is scenario-based.
    model.ScenarioBasedData = Param(within=Boolean, default=True, mutable=True)

    # do we bundle, and if so, how?
    model.Bundling = Param(within=Boolean, default=False, mutable=True)

    # bundle names
    model.Bundles = Set(ordered=True)
    model.BundleScenarios = Set(model.Bundles, ordered=True)

    return model
    def create_abstract_model(self):
        """Build the model <b>object</b>."""
        if not self.built:

            def jk_init(m):
                return [(j, k) for j in m.J for k in m.K[j]]

            model = AbstractModel()
            model.J = Set()
            model.K = Set(model.J)
            model.JK = Set(initialize=jk_init, dimen=None)
            model.y_pred = Param()
            model.epsilon = Param()
            model.max_cost = Var()
            model.w = Param(model.J)
            model.a = Param(model.JK)
            model.c = Param(model.JK)
            model.u = Var(model.JK, within=Binary)

            # Make sure only one action is on at a time.
            def c1Rule(m, j):
                return sum([m.u[j, k] for k in m.K[j]]) == 1

            # 2.b: Action sets must flip the prediction of a linear classifier.
            def c2Rule(m):
                return sum((m.u[j, k] * m.a[j, k] * m.w[j])
                           for j, k in m.JK) >= -m.y_pred

            # instantiate max cost
            def maxcost_rule(m, j, k):
                return m.max_cost >= (m.u[j, k] * m.c[j, k])

            # Set up objective for total sum.
            def obj_rule_percentile(m):
                return sum(m.u[j, k] * m.c[j, k] for j, k in m.JK)

            # Set up objective for max cost.
            def obj_rule_max(m):
                return sum(m.epsilon * m.u[j, k] * m.c[j, k]
                           for j, k in m.JK) + (1 - m.epsilon) * m.max_cost

            ## set up objective function.
            if self.mip_cost_type == "max":
                model.g = Objective(rule=obj_rule_max, sense=minimize)
                model.c3 = Constraint(model.JK, rule=maxcost_rule)
                model.g = Objective(rule=obj_rule_percentile, sense=minimize)

            model.c1 = Constraint(model.J, rule=c1Rule)
            model.c2 = Constraint(rule=c2Rule)
            self.model = model
            self.built = True

        return self.model
Created on Thu Dec 19 16:12:21 2019

@author: Silvia

from __future__ import division

from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
from pyomo.core import AbstractModel
from pyomo.dataportal.DataPortal import DataPortal
from pyomo.environ import *
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
############ Create abstract model ###########
model = AbstractModel()
data = DataPortal()

# ####################Define sets#####################

#Name of all the nodes (primary and secondary substations)
model.N = Set()
data.load(filename='nodes.csv', set=model.N)  #first row is not read

#Allowed connections
model.links = Set(dimen=2)  #in the csv the values must be delimited by commas
data.load(filename='links.csv', set=model.links)

#Nodes are divided into two sets, as suggested in https://pyomo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/pyomo_modeling_components/Sets.html:
# NodesOut[nodes] gives for each node all nodes that are connected to it via outgoing links
# NodesIn[nodes] gives for each node all nodes that are connected to it via ingoing links
    def _create_using(self, model, **kwds):
        Tranform a model to its Lagrangian dual.

        # Optional naming schemes for dual variables and constraints
        constraint_suffix = kwds.pop("dual_constraint_suffix", "_constraint")
        variable_prefix = kwds.pop("dual_variable_prefix", "p_")

        # Optional naming schemes to pass to StandardForm
        sf_kwds = {}
        sf_kwds["slack_names"] = kwds.pop("slack_names", "auxiliary_slack")
        sf_kwds["excess_names"] = kwds.pop("excess_names", "auxiliary_excess")
        sf_kwds["lb_names"] = kwds.pop("lb_names", "_lower_bound")
        sf_kwds["ub_names"] = kwds.pop("ub_names", "_upper_bound")
        sf_kwds["pos_suffix"] = kwds.pop("pos_suffix", "_plus")
        sf_kwds["neg_suffix"] = kwds.pop("neg_suffix", "_minus")

        # Get the standard form model
        sf_transform = StandardForm()
        sf = sf_transform(model, **sf_kwds)

        # Roughly, parse the objectives and constraints to form A, b, and c of
        # min  c'x
        # s.t. Ax  = b
        #       x >= 0
        # and create a new model from them.

        # We use sparse matrix representations

        # {constraint_name: {variable_name: coefficient}}
        A = _sparse(lambda: _sparse(0))

        # {constraint_name: coefficient}
        b = _sparse(0)

        # {variable_name: coefficient}
        c = _sparse(0)

        # Walk constaints
        for (con_name, con_array) in sf.component_map(Constraint,
            for con in (con_array[ndx] for ndx in con_array._index):
                # The qualified constraint name
                cname = "%s%s" % (variable_prefix, con.local_name)

                # Process the body of the constraint
                body_terms = process_canonical_repn(

                # Add a numeric constant to the 'b' vector, if present
                b[cname] -= body_terms.pop(None, 0)

                # Add variable coefficients to the 'A' matrix
                row = _sparse(0)
                for (vname, coef) in body_terms.items():
                    row["%s%s" % (vname, constraint_suffix)] += coef

                # Process the upper bound of the constraint. We rely on
                # StandardForm to produce equality constraints, thus
                # requiring us only to check the lower bounds.
                lower_terms = process_canonical_repn(

                # Add a numeric constant to the 'b' matrix, if present
                b[cname] += lower_terms.pop(None, 0)

                # Add any variables to the 'A' matrix, if present
                for (vname, coef) in lower_terms.items():
                    row["%s%s" % (vname, constraint_suffix)] -= coef

                A[cname] = row

        # Walk objectives. Multiply all coefficients by the objective's 'sense'
        # to convert maximizing objectives to minimizing ones.
        for (obj_name, obj_array) in sf.component_map(Objective,
            for obj in (obj_array[ndx] for ndx in obj_array._index):
                # The qualified objective name

                # Process the objective
                terms = process_canonical_repn(generate_standard_repn(

                # Add coefficients
                for (name, coef) in terms.items():
                    c["%s%s" %
                      (name, constraint_suffix)] += coef * obj_array.sense

        # Form the dual
        dual = AbstractModel()

        # Make constraint index set
        constraint_set_init = []
        for (var_name, var_array) in sf.component_map(Var,
            for var in (var_array[ndx] for ndx in var_array._index):
                constraint_set_init.append("%s%s" %
                                           (var.local_name, constraint_suffix))

        # Make variable index set
        variable_set_init = []
        dual_variable_roots = []
        for (con_name, con_array) in sf.component_map(Constraint,
            for con in (con_array[ndx] for ndx in con_array._index):
                variable_set_init.append("%s%s" %
                                         (variable_prefix, con.local_name))

        # Create the dual Set and Var objects
        dual.var_set = Set(initialize=variable_set_init)
        dual.con_set = Set(initialize=constraint_set_init)
        dual.vars = Var(dual.var_set)

        # Make the dual constraints
        def constraintRule(A, c, ndx, model):
            return sum(A[v][ndx] * model.vars[v] for v in model.var_set) <= \

        dual.cons = Constraint(dual.con_set,
                               rule=partial(constraintRule, A, c))

        # Make the dual objective (maximizing)
        def objectiveRule(b, model):
            return sum(b[v] * model.vars[v] for v in model.var_set)

        dual.obj = Objective(rule=partial(objectiveRule, b), sense=maximize)

        return dual.create()