    def incoming(self, invocation):
        #log.debug("ValidateInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        if self.enabled:
            payload = invocation.message

            # If payload is IonObject, convert from dict to object for processing
            if "format" in invocation.headers and isinstance(payload, dict):
                clzz = invocation.headers["format"]
                if is_ion_object(clzz):
                    payload = IonObject(clzz, payload)

            #log.debug("Payload, pre-validate: %s", payload)

            # IonObject _validate will throw AttributeError on validation failure.
            # Raise corresponding BadRequest exception into message stack.
            # Ideally the validator should pass on problems, but for now just log
            # any errors and keep going, since logging and seeing invalid situations are better
            # than skipping validation altogether.

            def validate_ionobj(obj):
                if isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
                return obj

                walk(payload, validate_ionobj)
            except AttributeError as e:
                if invocation.headers.has_key("raise-exception") and invocation.headers['raise-exception']:
                    log.warn('message failed validation: %s\nheaders %s\npayload %s', e.message, invocation.headers, payload)
                    raise BadRequest(e.message)
                    log.warn('message failed validation, but allowing it anyway: %s\nheaders %s\npayload %s', e.message, invocation.headers, payload)
        return invocation
    def outgoing(self, invocation):
        # Set validate flag in header if IonObject(s) found in message
        log.debug("ValidateInterceptor.outgoing: %s", invocation)

        if self.enabled:
            payload = invocation.message
            log.debug("Payload, pre-validate: %s", payload)

            def validate_ionobj(obj):
                if isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
                    invocation.headers["validate"] = True
                return obj

            walk(payload, validate_ionobj)
        return invocation
文件: validate.py 项目: ooici-dm/pyon
    def outgoing(self, invocation):
        # Set validate flag in header if IonObject(s) found in message
        log.debug("ValidateInterceptor.outgoing: %s", invocation)

        if self.enabled:
            payload = invocation.message
            log.debug("Payload, pre-validate: %s", payload)

            def validate_ionobj(obj):
                if isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
                    invocation.headers["validate"] = True
                return obj

            walk(payload, validate_ionobj)
        return invocation
    def incoming(self, invocation):
        log.debug("ValidateInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        if self.enabled:
            payload = invocation.message
            log.debug("Payload, pre-validate: %s", payload)

            # IonObject _validate will throw AttributeError on validation failure.
            # Raise corresponding BadRequest exception into message stack.
            def validate_ionobj(obj):
                if isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
                return obj

                walk(payload, validate_ionobj)
            except AttributeError as e:
                raise BadRequest(e.message)

        return invocation
文件: validate.py 项目: ooici-dm/pyon
    def incoming(self, invocation):
        log.debug("ValidateInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        if self.enabled:
            payload = invocation.message
            log.debug("Payload, pre-validate: %s", payload)

            # IonObject _validate will throw AttributeError on validation failure.
            # Raise corresponding BadRequest exception into message stack.
            def validate_ionobj(obj):
                if isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
                return obj

                walk(payload, validate_ionobj)
            except AttributeError as e:
                raise BadRequest(e.message)

        return invocation
    def incoming(self, invocation):

        if self.enabled:
            payload = invocation.message

            # If payload is IonObject, convert from dict to object for processing
            if "format" in invocation.headers and isinstance(payload, dict):
                clzz = invocation.headers["format"]
                if is_ion_object(clzz):
                    payload = IonObject(clzz, payload)

            #log.debug("Payload, pre-validate: %s", payload)

            # IonObject _validate will throw AttributeError on validation failure.
            # Raise corresponding BadRequest exception into message stack.
            # Ideally the validator should pass on problems, but for now just log
            # any errors and keep going, since logging and seeing invalid situations are better
            # than skipping validation altogether.

            def validate_ionobj(obj):
                if isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
                return obj

                walk(payload, validate_ionobj)
            except AttributeError as e:
                raise_hdr = invocation.headers.get('raise-exception', None)
                if (self.raise_exception
                        and raise_hdr is not False) or invocation.headers.get(
                            'raise-exception', None):
                        'message failed validation: %s\nheaders %s\npayload %s',
                        e.message, invocation.headers, payload)
                    raise BadRequest(e.message)
                        'message failed validation, but allowing it anyway: %s\nheaders %s\npayload %s',
                        e.message, invocation.headers, payload)
        return invocation
    def incoming(self, invocation):
        log.debug("ValidateInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        if self.enabled:
            payload = invocation.message

            # If payload is IonObject, convert from dict to object for processing
            if "format" in invocation.headers and isinstance(payload, dict):
                clzz = invocation.headers["format"]
                if is_ion_object(clzz):
                    payload = IonObject(clzz, payload)

            log.debug("Payload, pre-validate: %s", payload)

            # IonObject _validate will throw AttributeError on validation failure.
            # Raise corresponding BadRequest exception into message stack.
            def validate_ionobj(obj):
                if isinstance(obj, IonObjectBase):
                return obj

                walk(payload, validate_ionobj)
            except AttributeError as e:
                import traceback
                import sys
                (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) = sys.exc_info()
                tb_list = traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
                tb_list = traceback.format_list(tb_list)
                tb_output = ""
                for elt in tb_list:
                    tb_output += elt
                log.debug("Object validation failed. %s" % e.message)
                log.debug("Traceback: %s" % str(tb_output))
                raise BadRequest(e.message)

        return invocation
    def test_walk(self):
        test_obj = None
        with time_it("create"):
            test_obj = create_test_object(
                3, 40, do_list=True, uvals=True,
                ukeys=True)  # 30 for fast, 50 for slower

        with time_it("deepcopy"):
            o1 = copy.deepcopy(test_obj)

        import simplejson, json
        with time_it("simplejson.dumps"):
            oj = simplejson.dumps(test_obj)
        log.info("  len(json): %s", len(oj))

        with time_it("json.dumps"):
            oj = json.dumps(test_obj)

        with time_it("simplejson.loads"):
            o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)

        with time_it("json.loads"):
            o2 = json.loads(oj)

        def unicode_to_utf8(value):
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                value = str(value.encode('utf8'))
            return value

        from pyon.core.object import walk
        with time_it("pyon.core.object.walk / unicode"):
            o3 = walk(test_obj, unicode_to_utf8)

        with time_it("walk1 / unicode"):
            o4 = walk1(test_obj, unicode_to_utf8)

        from pyon.util.containers import recursive_encode
        o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)
        with time_it("pyon.util.containers.recursive_utf8encode"):

        o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)
        with time_it("recursive_utf8encode1"):
    def test_walk(self):
        test_obj = None
        with time_it("create"):
            test_obj = create_test_object(3, 40, do_list=True, uvals=True, ukeys=True)  # 30 for fast, 50 for slower

        with time_it("deepcopy"):
            o1 = copy.deepcopy(test_obj)

        import simplejson, json
        with time_it("simplejson.dumps"):
            oj = simplejson.dumps(test_obj)
        log.info("  len(json): %s", len(oj))

        with time_it("json.dumps"):
            oj = json.dumps(test_obj)

        with time_it("simplejson.loads"):
            o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)

        with time_it("json.loads"):
            o2 = json.loads(oj)

        def unicode_to_utf8(value):
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                value = str(value.encode('utf8'))
            return value

        from pyon.core.object import walk
        with time_it("pyon.core.object.walk / unicode"):
            o3 = walk(test_obj, unicode_to_utf8)

        with time_it("walk1 / unicode"):
            o4 = walk1(test_obj, unicode_to_utf8)

        from pyon.util.containers import recursive_encode
        o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)
        with time_it("pyon.util.containers.recursive_utf8encode"):

        o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)
        with time_it("recursive_utf8encode1"):
文件: codec.py 项目: blazetopher/pyon
    def incoming(self, invocation):
        log.debug("CodecInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        payload = invocation.message
        log.debug("Payload, pre-transform: %s", payload)

        # Horrible, hacky workaround for msgpack issue
        # See http://jira.msgpack.org/browse/MSGPACK-15
        def convert_tuples_to_lists(obj):
            if isinstance(obj, tuple):
                res = list(obj)
                return res
            return obj

        payload = walk(payload, convert_tuples_to_lists)

        invocation.message = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(payload)
        log.debug("Payload, post-transform: %s", invocation.message)

        return invocation
文件: codec.py 项目: ooici-dm/pyon
    def incoming(self, invocation):
        log.debug("CodecInterceptor.incoming: %s", invocation)

        payload = invocation.message
        log.debug("Payload, pre-transform: %s", payload)

        # Horrible, hacky workaround for msgpack issue
        # See http://jira.msgpack.org/browse/MSGPACK-15
        #@todo replace this with use_list in msgpack.unpackb !!!
        def convert_tuples_to_lists(obj):
            if isinstance(obj, tuple):
                res = list(obj)
                return res
            return obj

        payload = walk(payload, convert_tuples_to_lists)

        invocation.message = self._io_deserializer.deserialize(payload)
        log.debug("Payload, post-transform: %s", invocation.message)

        return invocation
    def map_data_product(self, data_product):
        ds = {}  # Catalog Dataset
        ds['dataset_id'] = 'data' + data_product._id
        ds['url'] = self.pydap_url + data_product._id
        ds['face_page'] = self.ux_url + 'DataProduct/face/' + data_product._id
        ds['title'] = data_product.name
        ds['summary'] = data_product.description or data_product.name
        ds['attrs'] = {}
        metadata_attrs = [
            i for i in self.catalog_metadata if i not in
            ['name', 'synonyms', 'iso_topic_category', 'reference_urls']
        for attr in metadata_attrs:
            self.slam(ds['attrs'], data_product, attr)
        if data_product.synonyms:
            ds['attrs']['synonyms'] = ','.join(data_product.synonyms)
        if data_product.iso_topic_category:
            ds['attrs']['iso_topic_category'] = ','.join(
        if data_product.reference_urls:
            ds['attrs']['reference_urls'] = '\n'.join(

        # Grab the parameters
        stream_def_id = self.resource_registry.find_objects(
            data_product._id, PRED.hasStreamDefinition, id_only=True)[0][0]
        pdict_id = self.resource_registry.find_objects(
            stream_def_id, PRED.hasParameterDictionary, id_only=True)[0][0]
        parameter_contexts, _ = self.resource_registry.find_objects(
            pdict_id, PRED.hasParameterContext, id_only=False)

        ds['vars'] = []
        for param in parameter_contexts:
            # Handle the placeholder variables
            if re.match(r'.*_[a-z0-9]{32}', param.name):
                continue  # Let's not do this
            var = {}
            var['name'] = param.name
            var['attrs'] = {}
            attrs = var['attrs']
            attrs['units'] = param.units or '1'
            attrs['ioos_category'] = self.get_ioos_category(
                param.name, attrs['units'])
            attrs['long_name'] = param.display_name
            if param.standard_name:
                attrs['standard_name'] = param.standard_name
            if 'seconds' in attrs['units'] and 'since' in attrs['units']:
                attrs['time_precision'] = '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
            if param.ooi_short_name:
                sname = param.ooi_short_name
                sname = re.sub('[\t\n ]+', ' ', sname)
                attrs['ooi_short_name'] = sname
                m = re.match(r'[A-Z0-9]{7}', sname)
                if m:
                    reference_url = 'https://confluence.oceanobservatories.org/display/instruments/' + m.group(
                    attrs['references'] = reference_url
                if 'L2' in param.ooi_short_name:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'L2'
                    attrs['source'] = 'level 2 calibrated sensor observation'
                elif 'L1' in param.ooi_short_name:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'L1'
                    attrs['source'] = 'level 1 calibrated sensor observation'
                elif 'L0' in param.ooi_short_name:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'L0'
                    attrs['source'] = 'level 0 calibrated sensor observation'
                elif 'QC' in param.ooi_short_name:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'QC'
            elif param.parameter_type != 'function':
                if attrs['units'] == 'counts':
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'L0'
                    attrs['source'] = 'sensor observation'
                elif 'seconds' in attrs['units'] and 'since' in attrs['units']:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'axis'
                elif var['name'].lower() in ('time', 'lat', 'lon', 'latitude',
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'axis'
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'unknown'
            if param.reference_urls:
                attrs['instrument_type'] = '\n'.join(param.reference_urls)

            if param.parameter_type == 'function':
                parameter_function = self.resource_registry.read(
                if parameter_function.function_type == PFT.PYTHON:
                    attrs['function_module'] = parameter_function.owner or ''
                    attrs['function_name'] = parameter_function.function or ''
                    if attrs['function_module'].startswith('ion_functions'):
                        s = attrs['function_module']
                        url = s.replace('.', '/') + '.py'
                        url = 'https://github.com/ooici/ion-functions/blob/master/' + url
                        attrs['function_url'] = url
                    elif parameter_function.egg_uri:
                        attrs['function_url'] = parameter_function.egg_uri
                elif parameter_function.function_type == PFT.NUMEXPR:
                    attrs['function_name'] = parameter_function.name
                    attrs['expression'] = parameter_function.function

            for k, v in param.additional_metadata.iteritems():
                if re.match(r'[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+', k):
                    attrs[k] = v

        ds = walk(ds, self.xml_escape)
        return ds
    def test_walk(self):
        t1 = time.time()
        test_obj = create_test_object(3, 40, do_list=True, uvals=True, ukeys=True)  # 30 for fast, 50 for slower
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time create: %s", (t2-t1))

        t1 = time.time()
        o1 = copy.deepcopy(test_obj)
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time deepcopy: %s", (t2-t1))

        import simplejson
        t1 = time.time()
        oj = simplejson.dumps(test_obj)
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time simplejson.dumps: %s", (t2-t1))
        log.info("  len(json): %s", len(oj))

        import json
        t1 = time.time()
        oj = json.dumps(test_obj)
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time json.dumps: %s", (t2-t1))

        t1 = time.time()
        o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time simplejson.loads: %s", (t2-t1))

        t1 = time.time()
        o2 = json.loads(oj)
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time json.loads: %s", (t2-t1))

        def unicode_to_utf8(value):
            if isinstance(value, unicode):
                value = str(value.encode('utf8'))
            return value

        from pyon.core.object import walk
        t1 = time.time()
        o3 = walk(test_obj, unicode_to_utf8)
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time pyon.core.object.walk / unicode: %s", (t2-t1))

        t1 = time.time()
        o4 = walk1(test_obj, unicode_to_utf8)
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time walk1 / unicode: %s", (t2-t1))

        from pyon.util.containers import recursive_encode
        o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time pyon.util.containers.recursive_utf8encode: %s", (t2-t1))

        o2 = simplejson.loads(oj)
        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        log.info("Time recursive_utf8encode1: %s", (t2-t1))
    def map_data_product(self, data_product):
        ds = {} # Catalog Dataset
        ds['dataset_id'] = 'data' + data_product._id
        ds['url'] = self.pydap_url + data_product._id
        ds['face_page'] = self.ux_url + 'DataProduct/face/' + data_product._id
        ds['title'] = data_product.name
        ds['summary'] = data_product.description or data_product.name
        ds['attrs'] = {}
        metadata_attrs = [ i for i in self.catalog_metadata if i not in ['name', 'synonyms', 'iso_topic_category', 'reference_urls'] ]
        for attr in metadata_attrs:
            self.slam(ds['attrs'], data_product, attr)
        if data_product.synonyms:
            ds['attrs']['synonyms'] = ','.join(data_product.synonyms)
        if data_product.iso_topic_category:
            ds['attrs']['iso_topic_category'] = ','.join(data_product.iso_topic_category)
        if data_product.reference_urls:
            ds['attrs']['reference_urls'] = '\n'.join(data_product.reference_urls)

        # Grab the parameters
        stream_def_id = self.resource_registry.find_objects(data_product._id, PRED.hasStreamDefinition, id_only=True)[0][0]
        pdict_id = self.resource_registry.find_objects(stream_def_id, PRED.hasParameterDictionary, id_only=True)[0][0]
        parameter_contexts, _ = self.resource_registry.find_objects(pdict_id, PRED.hasParameterContext, id_only=False)

        ds['vars'] = []
        for param in parameter_contexts:
            # Handle the placeholder variables
            if re.match(r'.*_[a-z0-9]{32}', param.name):
                continue # Let's not do this
            var = {}
            var['name'] = param.name
            var['attrs'] = {}
            attrs = var['attrs']
            attrs['units'] = param.units or '1'
            attrs['ioos_category'] = self.get_ioos_category(param.name, attrs['units'])
            attrs['long_name'] = param.display_name
            if param.standard_name: 
                attrs['standard_name'] = param.standard_name
            if 'seconds' in attrs['units'] and 'since' in attrs['units']:
                attrs['time_precision'] =  '1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
            if param.ooi_short_name:
                sname = param.ooi_short_name
                sname = re.sub('[\t\n ]+', ' ', sname)
                attrs['ooi_short_name'] = sname
                m = re.match(r'[A-Z0-9]{7}', sname)
                if m:
                    reference_url = 'https://confluence.oceanobservatories.org/display/instruments/' + m.group()
                    attrs['references'] = reference_url
                if 'L2' in param.ooi_short_name:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'L2'
                    attrs['source'] = 'level 2 calibrated sensor observation'
                elif 'L1' in param.ooi_short_name:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'L1'
                    attrs['source'] = 'level 1 calibrated sensor observation'
                elif 'L0' in param.ooi_short_name:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'L0'
                    attrs['source'] = 'level 0 calibrated sensor observation'
                elif 'QC' in param.ooi_short_name:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'QC'
            elif param.parameter_type != 'function':
                if attrs['units'] == 'counts':
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'L0'
                    attrs['source'] = 'sensor observation'
                elif 'seconds' in attrs['units'] and 'since' in attrs['units']:
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'axis'
                elif var['name'].lower() in ('time', 'lat', 'lon', 'latitude', 'longitude'):
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'axis'
                    attrs['data_product_level'] = 'unknown'
            if param.reference_urls:
                attrs['instrument_type'] = '\n'.join(param.reference_urls)

            if param.parameter_type == 'function':
                parameter_function = self.resource_registry.read(param.parameter_function_id)
                if parameter_function.function_type == PFT.PYTHON:
                    attrs['function_module'] = parameter_function.owner or ''
                    attrs['function_name'] = parameter_function.function or ''
                    if attrs['function_module'].startswith('ion_functions'):
                        s = attrs['function_module']
                        url = s.replace('.','/') + '.py'
                        url = 'https://github.com/ooici/ion-functions/blob/master/' + url
                        attrs['function_url'] = url
                    elif parameter_function.egg_uri:
                        attrs['function_url'] = parameter_function.egg_uri
                elif parameter_function.function_type == PFT.NUMEXPR:
                    attrs['function_name'] = parameter_function.name
                    attrs['expression'] = parameter_function.function

            for k,v in param.additional_metadata:
                if re.match(r'[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+', k):
                    attrs[k] = v

        ds = walk(ds, self.xml_escape)
        return ds
 def recursive_encoding(value):
     value = walk(value, unicode_to_utf8, 'key_value')
     return value