def setup(self, **kwargs): self.sgv = scigraph.Vocabulary(cache=self.cache, verbose=self.verbose, basePath=self.apiEndpoint, safe_cache=True) self.sgg = scigraph.Graph(cache=self.cache, verbose=self.verbose, basePath=self.apiEndpoint) self.sgc = scigraph.Cypher(cache=self.cache, verbose=self.verbose, basePath=self.apiEndpoint) self.sgd = scigraph.Dynamic(cache=self.cache, verbose=self.verbose, basePath=self.apiEndpoint) self.curies = type('LocalCuries', (oq.OntCuries, ), {}) self._remote_curies = type('RemoteCuries', (, ), {}) curies = self.sgc.getCuries() self.curies(curies) # TODO can be used to provide curies... self._remote_curies(curies) self.prefixes = sorted(self.curies) self.search_prefixes = [ p for p in sorted(self._remote_curies) if p != 'SCR' ] self.categories = self.sgv.getCategories() self._predicates = sorted(set(self.sgg.getRelationships())) #self._onts = sorted(o['n']['iri'] for o in self.sgc.execute('MATCH (n:Ontology) RETURN n', 1000, 'application/json')) # only on newer versions, update when we switch production over self._onts = sorted(o['iri'] for o in self.sgc.execute( 'MATCH (n:Ontology) RETURN n', 1000, 'text/plain')) super().setup(**kwargs)
creatTree, dematerialize, flatten as flatten_tree) from pyontutils.namespaces import rdfs, OntCuries from pyontutils.scigraph_codegen import moduleDirect from nifstd_tools.sheets_sparc import (hyperlink_tree, tag_row, open_custom_sparc_view_yml, YML_DELIMITER) from nifstd_tools.simplify import simplify, cleanBad from nifstd_tools import __version__ log = makeSimpleLogger('ontree') # FIXME these will go to network which is :/ sgg = scigraph.Graph(cache=False, verbose=True) sgv = scigraph.Vocabulary(cache=False, verbose=True) sgc = scigraph.Cypher(cache=False, verbose=True) sgd = scigraph.Dynamic(cache=False, verbose=True) # This was for ttl creation extension for sparc view # ixr.setup(instrumented=OntTerm) a = 'rdfs:subClassOf' _hpp = 'RO_OLD:has_proper_part' # and apparently this fails too hpp = '' hpp = 'NIFRID:has_proper_part' po = 'BFO:0000050' # how?! WHY does this fail!? the curie is there! _po = '' hr = 'RO:0000087' _hr = ''