def jobProcessor(value): hostID = MPI.hostID() taskID = MPI.taskID() print("Processing " + str(value) + " on " + str(hostID) + " " + str(taskID)) return 2 * value
def printMsgMPI(msg, n): hostID=MPI.hostID() taskID=MPI.taskID() for ii in range(n): print("h="+str(hostID)+" t="+str(taskID)+": "+msg+" : "+str(ii)) cOS.Yield() return n
def printMsgMPI(msg, n): hostID = MPI.hostID() taskID = MPI.taskID() for ii in range(n): print("h=" + str(hostID) + " t=" + str(taskID) + ": " + msg + " : " + str(ii)) cOS.Yield() return n
def deRun(prob, popSize, runIndex, maxiter=75000, maxGen=1500, w=0.5, pc=0.3): hostID=MPI.hostID() taskID=MPI.taskID() print str(hostID)+" "+str(taskID)+(" evaluating %s, run=%2d, popsize=%3d" % (, runIndex+1, popSize)) random.seed() opt=DifferentialEvolution( prob, prob.xl, prob.xh, debug=0, maxiter=maxiter, maxGen=maxGen, populationSize=popSize, w=w, pc=pc ) cc=CostCollector() opt.installPlugin(cc) opt.reset(zeros(len(prob.xl))) cc.finalize() return (opt.f, cc.fval)
def deRun(prob, popSize, runIndex, maxiter=75000, maxGen=1500, w=0.5, pc=0.3): hostID = MPI.hostID() taskID = MPI.taskID() print str(hostID) + " " + str(taskID) + ( " evaluating %s, run=%2d, popsize=%3d" % (, runIndex + 1, popSize)) random.seed() opt = DifferentialEvolution(prob, prob.xl, prob.xh, debug=0, maxiter=maxiter, maxGen=maxGen, populationSize=popSize, w=w, pc=pc) cc = CostCollector() opt.installPlugin(cc) opt.reset(zeros(len(prob.xl))) cc.finalize() return (opt.f, cc.fval)
# Measures the message delay and average transfer speed for messages of various sizes import sys from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM from pyopus.parallel.base import MsgTaskExit, MsgTaskResult import funclib import os, time import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': # Set work direcotry on worker to be the same as on the spawner. vm = VM(startupDir=os.getcwd(), debug=1) # Get hosts, find a non-local host myHostID = vm.hostID() # Find a remote host for hostID in vm.hosts(): if hostID != myHostID: break # See if we have at least one remote host. if hostID == myHostID: print("\nWarning. Measuring local communication speed.") # Prepare data sizes dataSizes = [0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000] # Spawn bounceBack() taskIDs = vm.spawnFunction(funclib.bounceBack, kwargs={'vm': vm},
print "Received func=%2d, run=%2d, popsize=%3d " if writeFhist: fp=open("fhist_f%d_p%d_r%d.pck" % (funcIndicesList[iFunc], popSizeList[iPopSize], iRun), "wb") dump(fHistory, fp, protocol=-1) fp.close() finalF[iFunc][iPopSize][iRun]=fBest except: print "Finished" if __name__=='__main__': cOS.setVM(MPI(startupDir=os.getcwd())) # Prepare results storage finalF=zeros((len(funcIndicesList), len(popSizeList), nRun)) # Dispatch jobs cOS.dispatch( jobList=jobGenerator(), collector=jobCollector(finalF), remote=True ) # Prepare function names names=[] dims=[] for i in funcIndicesList:
# Asynchronous spawning of multiple tasks import sys from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM from pyopus.parallel.base import MsgTaskExit, MsgTaskResult import funclib import os if __name__=='__main__': vm=VM(startupDir=os.getcwd(), debug=0) # Prepare expressions exprList=["1+1", "5*5", "bla*bla", "2**7"] # Create expression to taskID map, initialize values to None expr2taskID={} expr2taskID.fromkeys(exprList) # Spawn evaluators that send MsgTaskResult messages with return value (sendBack=True). taskIDList=[] taskCount=0 for expr in exprList: print("Spawning evaluator for: "+expr) taskIDs=vm.spawnFunction(funclib.pyEvaluator, kwargs={'vm': vm, 'expr': expr}, count=1, sendBack=True) if len(taskIDs)>0: # Spawn OK taskIDList.extend(taskIDs) expr2taskID[expr]=taskIDs[0] taskCount+=1
shutil.copy2( '../_MAIN_work/', datadirname + '/') #copy current globalVars script for logging reasons shutil.copy2('../_MAIN_work/', datadirname + '/') output = open("data.pkl", "wb") os.chdir("../_MAIN_work") # Set up MPI for parallel computing cOS.setVM( MPI( mirrorMap={ '': '.', 'topdc.cir': '.', 'topdc_psrr.cir': '.', '': '.', 'cmos180n.lib': '.', #'testTopCirc_hspice_AF.cir':'.', #'testTopCirc_hspice_AF_outimped.cir':'.' })) generationNum = 0 optimizedIndivids = [] #PSADE parameter-optimized individuals hotGen = population() #hot generation (current) oldGen = population() #previous generation (old) currentBestScore = np.Inf bestScoresList = [] averageScoresList = []
# Demonstrates mirrored storage cleanup import sys from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM import funclib import os if __name__ == '__main__': vm = VM(debug=2) # Clean up local storage on all machines in the virtual machine. print("\nCleaning up.") vm.clearLocalStorage(timeout=6.0) vm.finalize()
# Print statistics import sys # Starting a task with mpirun starts multiple identical processes. # If MPI is imported then the main program is executed only at slot 0. # If not, all slots execute the main program. from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM if __name__=='__main__': vm=VM(debug=2) # Print info print("---- Master") print("Host ID : "+str(vm.hostID())) print("Task ID : "+str(vm.taskID())) print("Parent ID : "+str(vm.parentTaskID())) # Print hosts and processes print("---- Hosts and tasks\n"+vm.formatSpawnerConfig()+"----") # Print process slot info print("Total process slots: "+str(vm.slots())) print("Free process slots : "+str(vm.freeSlots())) vm.finalize()
# Spawns a remote task, handles messages (collects results, detects exit) import sys from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM # By default stdout is forwarded to the mpirun terminal import funclib from pyopus.parallel.base import MsgTaskExit, MsgTaskResult import os, time if __name__=='__main__': # Startup dir must be the same as the one where funclib is located # so we can import it (funclib is not in PYTHONPATH). # MPI guarantees this by default, while PVM does not. vm=VM(startupDir=os.getcwd(), debug=2) # Get host list. hostIDs=vm.hosts() initialFreeSlots=vm.freeSlots() print("Hosts: ") for hostID in hostIDs: print(" "+str(hostID)) print("Free slots: "+str(initialFreeSlots)) # Spawn 2 tasks anywhere, send vm as argument with name 'vm'. # The spawned function must be defined in an importable module outside main .py file. print("\nSpawning 2 tasks, anywhere.") taskIDs=vm.spawnFunction(funclib.hello, kwargs={'vm': vm}, count=2) print("Spawned: ") for task in taskIDs: print " ", str(task)
# Demonstrates file mirroring import sys from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM import funclib import os if __name__=='__main__': # Startup dir must contain funclib so we can import it on a worker # (funclib is not in PYTHONPATH). # Mirror current dir on spawner to workers local storage. # Startupdir is by default the created local storage dir. vm=VM(mirrorMap={'*':'.'}, debug=2) # Spawn 1 task anywhere, send vm as argument with name 'vm'. # The spawned function must be defined in an importable module outside main .py file. # Print some status information and local storage layout. print("\nSpawning task.") taskIDs=vm.spawnFunction(funclib.helloLs, kwargs={'vm': vm}, count=1) print taskIDs print("Spawned: "+str(taskIDs[0])) print("Collecting stdout ...") # Wait for a message, e.g. TaskExit vm.receiveMessage() vm.finalize()
# Print statistics import sys # Starting a task with mpirun starts multiple identical processes. # If MPI is imported then the main program is executed only at slot 0. # If not, all slots execute the main program. from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM if __name__ == '__main__': vm = VM(debug=2) # Print info print("---- Master") print("Host ID : " + str(vm.hostID())) print("Task ID : " + str(vm.taskID())) print("Parent ID : " + str(vm.parentTaskID())) # Print hosts and processes print("---- Hosts and tasks\n" + vm.formatSpawnerConfig() + "----") # Print process slot info print("Total process slots: " + str(vm.slots())) print("Free process slots : " + str(vm.freeSlots())) vm.finalize()
# Spawns a remote task, handles messages (collects results, detects exit) import sys from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM # By default stdout is forwarded to the mpirun terminal import funclib from pyopus.parallel.base import MsgTaskExit, MsgTaskResult import os, time if __name__ == '__main__': # Startup dir must be the same as the one where funclib is located # so we can import it (funclib is not in PYTHONPATH). # MPI guarantees this by default, while PVM does not. vm = VM(startupDir=os.getcwd(), debug=2) # Get host list. hostIDs = vm.hosts() initialFreeSlots = vm.freeSlots() print("Hosts: ") for hostID in hostIDs: print(" " + str(hostID)) print("Free slots: " + str(initialFreeSlots)) # Spawn 2 tasks anywhere, send vm as argument with name 'vm'. # The spawned function must be defined in an importable module outside main .py file. print("\nSpawning 2 tasks, anywhere.") taskIDs = vm.spawnFunction(funclib.hello, kwargs={'vm': vm}, count=2) print("Spawned: ") for task in taskIDs: print " ", str(task)
atDesign = { 'dif_l': 6.816424e-07, 'dif_w': 3.332037e-06, 'nl_l': 2.655088e-06, 'nl_w': 4.977226e-05, 'nm_l': 3.665018e-06, 'nm_w': 7.507191e-05, 'pm_l': 1.487570e-06, 'pm_w0': 2.871096e-05, 'pm_w1': 2.871096e-05, 'pm_w2': 6.389441e-05, 'pm_w3': 8.310102e-05, } # Prepare parallel environment cOS.setVM(MPI(mirrorMap={'*': '.'})) # 3-sigma target yield yt = YieldTargeting( designParams, statParams, opParams, heads, analyses, measures, variables=variables, beta=3.0, wcSpecs=wcList, # Comment out to use default initial point (lo+hi)/2 # initial=atDesign, initialNominalDesign=True,
# Measures the message delay and average transfer speed for messages of various sizes import sys from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM from pyopus.parallel.base import MsgTaskExit, MsgTaskResult import funclib import os, time import numpy as np if __name__=='__main__': # Set work direcotry on worker to be the same as on the spawner. vm=VM(startupDir=os.getcwd(), debug=1) # Get hosts, find a non-local host myHostID=vm.hostID() # Find a remote host for hostID in vm.hosts(): if hostID!=myHostID: break # See if we have at least one remote host. if hostID==myHostID: print("\nWarning. Measuring local communication speed.") # Prepare data sizes dataSizes=[0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000] # Spawn bounceBack() taskIDs=vm.spawnFunction(funclib.bounceBack, kwargs={'vm': vm}, targetList=[hostID], count=1)
def jobProcessor(value): hostID=MPI.hostID() taskID=MPI.taskID() print("Processing "+str(value)+ " on "+ str(hostID)+" "+str(taskID)) return 2*value
from pyopus.parallel.cooperative import cOS from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI from funclib import jobProcessor # Result at which we stop stopAtResult = 150 # Minimal and maximal number of parallel tasks # The maximal number of parallel tasks can be infinite (set maxTasks to None) minTasks = 1 maxTasks = 1000 if __name__ == '__main__': # Set up MPI cOS.setVM(MPI()) # Thsi list will hold the jobs (values that are doubled) jobs = [] # This list will be filled with results results = [] # Stop the loop stop = False # Running task status storage running = {} # Job index of next job atJob = 0
# Demonstrates mirrored storage cleanup import sys from pyopus.parallel.mpi import MPI as VM import funclib import os if __name__=='__main__': vm=VM(debug=2) # Clean up local storage on all machines in the virtual machine. print("\nCleaning up.") vm.clearLocalStorage(timeout=6.0) vm.finalize()