def test_parallel_pypeline_with_split_and_unsplit_wires(self):
          rev_msg_one = "reverse(top)"
          rev_msg_two = "reverse(bottom)"
          top_msg = "top"
          bottom_msg = "bottom"

          reverse_func = lambda a, s: a[::-1]
          top_func = lambda a, s: " ".join([a, top_msg])
          bottom_func = lambda a, s: " ".join([a, bottom_msg])

          comp_rev_top = cons_function_component(reverse_func,
                                                 state_mutator = lambda s: s.append(rev_msg_one) or s)
          comp_rev_bottom = cons_function_component(reverse_func,
                                                    state_mutator = lambda s: s.append(rev_msg_two) or s)
          comp_para_top = cons_function_component(top_func,
                                                  state_mutator = lambda s: s.append(top_msg) or s)
          comp_para_bottom = cons_function_component(bottom_func,
                                                     state_mutator = lambda s: s.append(bottom_msg) or s)

          unsplit_func = lambda t, b: {'top': t, 'bottom': b}

          pipeline = (comp_rev_top & comp_rev_bottom) >> \
                     (comp_para_top ** comp_para_bottom) >> \

          value = "hello world"
          target = (unsplit_func(top_func(reverse_func(value, None), None),
                                 bottom_func(reverse_func(value, None), None)),
                    [rev_msg_one, rev_msg_two, top_msg, bottom_msg])

          result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(2, pipeline, "hello world", list())
          self.assertEquals(target, result)
 def test_parallel_first_and_second(self):
      pi = 3.141
      e = 2.718
      value = {'pi' : pi, 'e' : e}
      pipeline = cons_split_wire() >> \
                 (cons_dictionary_wire({'pi' : 'PI'}) >> cons_function_component(lambda a, s: {'PI' : a['PI']})).first() >> \
                 (cons_dictionary_wire({'e' : 'E'}) >> cons_function_component(lambda a, s: {'E' : a['E']})).second()
      result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(1, pipeline, value, None, eval_pipeline)
      self.assertEquals(({'PI' : pi}, {'E' : e}), result)
 def test_parallel_split(self):
      pi = 3.141
      value = {'pi' : pi}
      pipeline = cons_function_component(lambda a, s: a) >> \
                 cons_split_wire() >> \
                 cons_function_component(lambda a, s: {'PI' : a['pi']}).first() >> \
                 (cons_function_component(lambda a, s: {'PI' : a['PI']}) ** \
                  cons_function_component(lambda a, s: a)) >> \
                  cons_unsplit_wire(lambda t, b: {'PI' : t['PI'], 'pi' : b['pi']})
      result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(1, pipeline, value, None, eval_pipeline)
      self.assertEquals({'PI' : pi, 'pi' : pi}, result)
     def test_parallel_run_eval_and_exec(self):
          value = "hello world"
          state = 0

          input_msg = "input"
          output_msg = "output"

          input_func = lambda a, s: " ".join([input_msg, a])
          output_func = lambda a, s: " ".join([a, output_msg])
          function = lambda a, s: a.upper()
          composition = lambda a, s: output_func(function(input_func(a, s), s), s)
          state_func = lambda s: s + 1

          pipeline = cons_function_component(function,
                                             state_mutator = state_func)

          result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(1, pipeline, value, state, run_pipeline)
          target = (composition(value, state), state_func(state))
          self.assertEquals(target, result)

          result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(1, pipeline, value, state, eval_pipeline)
          target = composition(value, state)
          self.assertEquals(target, result)

          result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(1, pipeline, value, state, exec_pipeline)
          target = state_func(state)
          self.assertEquals(target, result)
def build_components(components, configuration, executor):
  pipeline_components = dict()
  pipeline_configuration = dict()

  for component_id, module_name in components.items():"Loading [%s] component from [%s]..." % (component_id, module_name))

    module = __import__(module_name, fromlist = ['configure', 'initialise'])
    # Component builds its own configuration object
    config_func = getattr(module, 'configure')
    component_config = config_func(configuration)

    # Now build the component
    init_func = getattr(module, 'initialise')
    component_function = init_func(component_config)

    # A wrapper for the component's function that submits to the executor
    def get_component_function_wrapper(inner_function, comp_id, mod_name):
      def component_function_wrapper(a, s):"Running component [%s], from module [%s], with value [%s] and state [%s]..." % \
                    (comp_id, mod_name, a, s))
        return inner_function(a, s)

      return component_function_wrapper

    # Arrowize the component
    component = cons_function_component(get_component_function_wrapper(component_function, component_id, module_name))

    # And store
    pipeline_components[component_id] = component

  return pipeline_components, pipeline_configuration
     def test_parallel_if(self):
          then_comp = cons_function_component(lambda a, s: {'z' : 'THEN'})
          else_comp = cons_dictionary_wire({'c' : 'z'})
          pipeline = cons_if_component(lambda a, s: a['a'] == True, then_comp, else_comp)

          value = {'a' : True, 'b' : 'then', 'c' : 'else'}
          result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(1, pipeline, value, None, eval_pipeline)
          self.assertEquals({'z' : 'THEN'}, result)

          value = {'a' : False, 'b' : 'then', 'c' : 'else'}
          result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(1, pipeline, value, None, eval_pipeline)
          self.assertEquals({'z' : 'else'}, result)
     def test_serial_pypeline_with_function_components(self):
          rev_msg_one = "reverse(1)"
          rev_msg_two = "reverse(2)"
          upper_msg = "upper"

          reverse_function = lambda a, s: a[::-1]
          upper_function = lambda a, s: a.upper()

          comp_rev_one = cons_function_component(reverse_function,
                                                 state_mutator = lambda s: s.append(rev_msg_one) or s)
          comp_rev_two = cons_function_component(reverse_function,
                                                 state_mutator = lambda s: s.append(rev_msg_two) or s)
          comp_upper = cons_function_component(upper_function,
                                               state_mutator = lambda s: s.append(upper_msg) or s)

          pipeline = comp_rev_one >> comp_rev_two >> comp_upper

          value = "hello world"
          target = (upper_function(value, None), [rev_msg_one, rev_msg_two, upper_msg])
          result = ParallelPypelineHelperUnitTest.test(2, pipeline, "hello world", list())

          self.assertEquals(target, result)
def execute_module(executor, pcl_import_path, pcl_module, get_configuration_fn, get_inputs_fn):
    """Executes a PCL component in a concurrent environment. Provide a the concurrent execution environment, a colon separated PCL import path, the fully qualified PCL module name, and getter two functions. The configuration function receives the expected configuration keys and should return a dictionary, whose keys are the expected configuration, with appropriate values. The input function received the expected inputs and should return a dictionary, whose keys are the expected inputs, with appropriate values."""
    # Set up Python path to import compiled PCL modules
    pcl_import_path_bits = pcl_import_path.split(":")
    for pcl_import_path_bit in pcl_import_path_bits:
        if pcl_import_path_bit not in sys.path:

    # Import PCL
        pcl = __import__(pcl_module, fromlist = ['get_inputs',
    except Exception as ex:
        raise PCLImportError(ex)

    # Get the pipeline
    get_expected_inputs_fn = getattr(pcl, "get_inputs")
    get_expected_outputs_fn = getattr(pcl, "get_outputs")
    get_expected_configuration_fn = getattr(pcl, "get_configuration")
    configure_fn = getattr(pcl, "configure")
    initialise_fn = getattr(pcl, "initialise")

    # Inputs, configuration values from the provided functions
    pipeline_inputs = get_inputs_fn(get_expected_inputs_fn())
    pipeline_configuration = get_configuration_fn(get_expected_configuration_fn())

    # The expected outputs from the component
    expected_outputs = get_expected_outputs_fn()

    # Configure the PCL...
    filtered_config = configure_fn(pipeline_configuration)
    # ...and initialise
    pipeline = initialise_fn(filtered_config)
    if not isinstance(pipeline, KleisliArrow):
        pipeline = cons_function_component(pipeline)

    return (expected_outputs,
            eval_pipeline(executor, pipeline, pipeline_inputs, pipeline_configuration))
def build_components(components, configuration, executor):
    pipeline_components = dict()
    pipeline_configuration = dict()

    for component_id, module_name in components.items():"Loading [%s] component from [%s]..." %
                    (component_id, module_name))

        module = __import__(module_name, fromlist=['configure', 'initialise'])

        # Component builds its own configuration object
        config_func = getattr(module, 'configure')
        component_config = config_func(configuration)

        # Now build the component
        init_func = getattr(module, 'initialise')
        component_function = init_func(component_config)

        # A wrapper for the component's function that submits to the executor
        def get_component_function_wrapper(inner_function, comp_id, mod_name):
            def component_function_wrapper(a, s):
      "Running component [%s], from module [%s], with value [%s] and state [%s]..." % \
                            (comp_id, mod_name, a, s))
                return inner_function(a, s)

            return component_function_wrapper

        # Arrowize the component
        component = cons_function_component(
            get_component_function_wrapper(component_function, component_id,

        # And store
        pipeline_components[component_id] = component

    return pipeline_components, pipeline_configuration