def _run_sdc_with_problem(problem, core, num_time_steps, dt, num_nodes, max_iter, precision): thresh = ThresholdCheck(max_threshold=max_iter + 1, conditions=('error', 'residual', 'solution reduction', 'error reduction', 'iterations'), min_threshold=1e-7) _comm = ForwardSendingMessaging() _sdc = ParallelSdc(communicator=_comm) _comm.link_solvers(previous=_comm, next=_comm) _comm.write_buffer(value=problem.initial_value, time_point=problem.time_start) _sdc.init(integrator=SdcIntegrator, threshold=thresh, problem=problem, num_time_steps=num_time_steps, num_nodes=num_nodes) _solution =, dt=dt) # for _node_index in range(0, len(_solution.solution(-1))): # print("Node {}: {} <-> {}".format(_node_index, _solution.solution(-1)[_node_index].value, problem.exact(_solution.solution(-1)[_node_index].time_point))) # assert_numpy_array_almost_equal(_solution.solution(-1)[_node_index].value, # problem.exact(_solution.solution(-1)[_node_index].time_point), # places=2) assert_true(len(frozenset(thresh.has_reached()).intersection(frozenset(('error', 'solution reduction', 'error reduction', 'residual')))) > 0, "Termination criteria should be 'error' or 'residual'.") assert_not_in('iterations', thresh.has_reached(), "Maximum Number of iterations should not be reached.")
class ThresholdCheckTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self._default = ThresholdCheck() def test_has_default_thresholds(self): self.assertIs(self._default.max_iterations, 10) self.assertEqual(self._default.min_solution_reduction, 1e-7) self.assertIsNone(self._default.min_error) self.assertIsNone(self._default.min_error_reduction) self.assertIsNone(self._default.min_residual) self.assertIsNone(self._default.has_reached()) def test_prints_conditions(self): self.assertRegex(self._default.print_conditions(), "iterations=10")
class MlSdc(IIterativeTimeSolver, IParallelSolver): """ See Also -------- :py:class:`.IIterativeTimeSolver` : implemented interface :py:class:`.IParallelSolver` : mixed-in interface """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MlSdc, self).__init__(**kwargs) IParallelSolver.__init__(self, **kwargs) del self._state del self._integrator self.threshold = ThresholdCheck(min_threshold=1e-7, max_threshold=10, conditions=("residual", "iterations")) self.timer = TimerBase() self._dt = 0.0 self._ml_provider = None self.__nodes_type = GaussLobattoNodes self.__weights_type = PolynomialWeightFunction self.__exact = np.zeros(0) self.__deltas = None # deltas between nodes as array; for each level (0: coarsest) self.__time_points = None # time points of nodes as array; for each level def init(self, problem, **kwargs): """Initializes MLSDC solver with given problem, integrator and multi-level provider. Parameters ---------- ml_provider : :py:class:`.MultiLevelProvider` *(required)* handler for the different levels to use num_nodes : :py:class:`int` *(otional)* number of nodes per time step nodes_type : :py:class:`.INodes` *(optional)* Type of integration nodes to be used (class name, **NOT instance**). weights_type : :py:class:`.IWeightFunction` *(optional)* Integration weights function to be used (class name, **NOT instance**). Raises ------ ValueError : * if given problem is not an :py:class:`.IInitialValueProblem` * if number of nodes per time step is not given; neither through ``num_nodes``, ``nodes_type`` nor ``integrator`` * if no :py:class:`.MultiLevelProvider` is given See Also -------- :py:meth:`.IIterativeTimeSolver.init` overridden method (with further parameters) :py:meth:`.IParallelSolver.init` mixed in overridden method (with further parameters) """ assert_is_instance(problem, IInitialValueProblem, descriptor="Initial Value Problem", checking_obj=self) assert_named_argument('ml_provider', kwargs, types=MultiTimeLevelProvider, descriptor='Multi Time Level Provider', checking_obj=self) self._ml_provider = kwargs['ml_provider'] super(MlSdc, self).init(problem, **kwargs) # TODO: need to store the exact solution somewhere else self.__exact = np.zeros(self.ml_provider.integrator(-1).num_nodes, dtype=np.object) def run(self, core, **kwargs): """Applies SDC solver to the initialized problem setup. Solves the given problem with the explicit SDC algorithm. Parameters ---------- core : :py:class:`.SdcSolverCore` core solver stepping method dt : :py:class:`float` width of the interval to work on; this is devided into the number of given time steps this solver has been initialized with See Also -------- :py:meth:`` : overridden method """ super(MlSdc, self).run(core, **kwargs) assert_named_argument('dt', kwargs, types=float, descriptor="Width of Interval", checking_obj=self) self._dt = kwargs['dt'] self._print_header() # start iterations # TODO: exact solution storage handling self.__exact[0] = self.problem.initial_value _has_work = True _previous_flag = Message.SolverFlag.none _current_flag = Message.SolverFlag.none __work_loop_count = 1 while _has_work: # LOG.debug("Work Loop: %d" % __work_loop_count) _previous_flag = _current_flag _current_flag = Message.SolverFlag.none # receive dedicated message _msg = self._communicator.receive(tag=(self.ml_provider.num_levels - 1)) if _msg.flag == Message.SolverFlag.failed: # previous solver failed # --> pass on the failure and abort _current_flag = Message.SolverFlag.failed _has_work = False # LOG.debug("Previous Solver Failed") else: if _msg.flag == Message.SolverFlag.time_adjusted: # the previous solver has adjusted its interval # --> we need to recompute our interval _current_flag = self._adjust_interval_width() # we don't immediately start the computation of the newly computed interval # but try to pass the new interval end to the next solver as soon as possible # (this should avoid throwing away useless computation) # LOG.debug("Previous Solver Adjusted Time") else: if _previous_flag in \ [Message.SolverFlag.none, Message.SolverFlag.converged, Message.SolverFlag.finished, Message.SolverFlag.time_adjusted]: # we just started or finished our previous interval # --> start a new interval _has_work = self._init_new_interval(_msg.time_point) if _has_work: # set initial values self.state.initial.value = _msg.value.copy() self.state.initial.solution.time_point = _msg.time_point self.state.initial.done() # LOG.debug("New Interval Initialized") # start logging output self._print_interval_header() # start global timing (per interval) self.timer.start() else: # LOG.debug("No New Interval Available") pass elif _previous_flag == Message.SolverFlag.iterating: # LOG.debug("Next Iteration") pass else: # LOG.warn("WARNING!!! Something went wrong here") pass if _has_work: # we are still on the same interval or have just successfully initialized a new interval # --> do the real computation # LOG.debug("Starting New Solver Main Loop") # initialize a new iteration state self.state.proceed() if _msg.time_point == self.state.initial.time_point: if _previous_flag == Message.SolverFlag.iterating: # LOG.debug("Updating initial value") # if the previous solver has a new initial value for us, we use it self.state.current_iteration.initial.value = _msg.value.copy() _current_flag = self._main_solver_loop() if _current_flag in \ [Message.SolverFlag.converged, Message.SolverFlag.finished, Message.SolverFlag.failed]: _log_msgs = {'': OrderedDict()} if self.state.last_iteration_index <= self.threshold.max_iterations: _group = 'Converged after %d iteration(s)' % (self.state.last_iteration_index + 1) _log_msgs[''][_group] = OrderedDict() _log_msgs[''][_group] = self.threshold.has_reached(log=True) _log_msgs[''][_group]['Final Residual'] = "{:.3e}"\ .format(supremum_norm(self.state.last_iteration.final_step.solution.residual)) _log_msgs[''][_group]['Solution Reduction'] = "{:.3e}"\ .format(supremum_norm(self.state.solution .solution_reduction(self.state.last_iteration_index))) if problem_has_exact_solution(self.problem, self): _log_msgs[''][_group]['Error Reduction'] = "{:.3e}"\ .format(supremum_norm(self.state.solution .error_reduction(self.state.last_iteration_index))) else: warnings.warn("{}: Did not converged: {:s}".format(, self.problem)) _group = "FAILED: After maximum of {:d} iteration(s)"\ .format(self.state.last_iteration_index + 1) _log_msgs[''][_group] = OrderedDict() _log_msgs[''][_group]['Final Residual'] = "{:.3e}"\ .format(supremum_norm(self.state.last_iteration.final_step.solution.residual)) _log_msgs[''][_group]['Solution Reduction'] = "{:.3e}"\ .format(supremum_norm(self.state.solution .solution_reduction(self.state.last_iteration_index))) if problem_has_exact_solution(self.problem, self): _log_msgs[''][_group]['Error Reduction'] = "{:.3e}"\ .format(supremum_norm(self.state.solution .error_reduction(self.state.last_iteration_index))) LOG.warn(" {} Failed: Maximum number iterations reached without convergence." .format( print_logging_message_tree(_log_msgs) elif _previous_flag in [Message.SolverFlag.converged, Message.SolverFlag.finished]: # LOG.debug("Solver Finished.") self.timer.stop() self._print_footer() else: # something went wrong # --> we failed # LOG.warn("Solver failed.") _current_flag = Message.SolverFlag.failed self._communicator.send(value=self.state.current_iteration.finest_level.final_step.value, time_point=self.state.current_iteration.finest_level.final_step.time_point, flag=_current_flag) __work_loop_count += 1 # end while:has_work is None # LOG.debug("Solver Main Loop Done") return [_s.solution for _s in self._states] @property def state(self): """Read-only accessor for the sovler's state Returns ------- state : :py:class:`.ISolverState` """ if len(self._states) > 0: return self._states[-1] else: return None @property def ml_provider(self): """Read-only accessor for the multi level provider Returns ------- multi_level_provider : :py:class:`.MultiLevelProvider` """ return self._ml_provider def _main_solver_loop(self): # initialize iteration timer of same type as global timer _iter_timer = self.timer.__class__() # initialize solver states for this iteration self._init_new_iteration() self._print_iteration(self.state.current_iteration_index + 1) # iterate on time steps _iter_timer.start() self._level() _iter_timer.stop() # check termination criteria self.threshold.check(self.state) # log this iteration's summary if self.state.is_first_iteration: # on first iteration we do not have comparison values self._print_iteration_end(None, None, None, _iter_timer.past()) else: if problem_has_exact_solution(self.problem, self) and not self.state.is_first_iteration: # we could compute the correct error of our current solution self._print_iteration_end(self.state.solution.solution_reduction(self.state.current_iteration_index), self.state.solution.error_reduction(self.state.current_iteration_index), self.state.current_step.solution.residual, _iter_timer.past()) else: self._print_iteration_end(self.state.solution.solution_reduction(self.state.current_iteration_index), None, self.state.current_step.solution.residual, _iter_timer.past()) # finalize this iteration (i.e. TrajectorySolutionData.finalize()) self.state.current_iteration.finalize() _reason = self.threshold.has_reached() if _reason is None: # LOG.debug("solver main loop done: no reason") return Message.SolverFlag.iterating elif _reason == ['iterations']: # LOG.debug("solver main loop done: iterations") _dim = list(self.problem.spacial_dim) _dim.insert(0, self.ml_provider.integrator(self.state.last.current_level_index).num_nodes) LOG.debug("-->\n%s" % (self.state.last.current_level.values.reshape(tuple(_dim)).tolist())) self.state.finalize() return Message.SolverFlag.finished else: # LOG.debug("solver main loop done: other") _dim = list(self.problem.spacial_dim) _dim.insert(0, self.ml_provider.integrator(self.state.last.current_level_index).num_nodes) LOG.debug("-->\n%s" % (self.state.last.current_level.values.reshape(tuple(_dim)).tolist())) self.state.finalize() return Message.SolverFlag.converged def _init_new_state(self): """Initialize a new state for a work task Usually, this starts a new work task. The previous state, if applicable, is stored in a stack. """ if self.state: # print("Finished a State") # finalize the current state self.state.finalize() # print("Stating a new state") # initialize solver state self._states.append(MlSdcSolverState(num_level=self.ml_provider.num_levels)) def _init_new_interval(self, start): """Initializes a new work interval Parameters ---------- start : :py:class:`float` start point of new interval Returns ------- has_work : :py:class:`bool` :py:class:`True` if new interval have been initialized; :py:class:`False` if no new interval have been initialized (i.e. new interval end would exceed end of time given by problem) """ assert_is_instance(start, float, descriptor="Time Point", checking_obj=self) if start + self._dt > self.problem.time_end: return False if self.state and start == self.state.initial.time_point: return False self._init_new_state() # set width of current interval self.state.initial.solution.time_point = start self.state.initial.value = self.problem.initial_value.copy() self.state.delta_interval = self._dt self.__time_points = np.zeros(self.ml_provider.num_levels, dtype=np.object) self.__deltas = np.zeros(self.ml_provider.num_levels, dtype=np.object) # make sure the integrators are all set up correctly for the different levels for _level in range(0, self.ml_provider.num_levels): _integrator = self.ml_provider.integrator(_level) _integrator.transform_interval(self.state.interval) # print("nodes: %s" % _integrator.nodes) self.__time_points[_level] = np.zeros(_integrator.num_nodes, dtype=np.float) self.__deltas[_level] = np.zeros(_integrator.num_nodes, dtype=np.float) for _node in range(0, _integrator.num_nodes - 1): self.__time_points[_level] = deepcopy(_integrator.nodes) self.__deltas[_level][_node + 1] = _integrator.nodes[_node + 1] - _integrator.nodes[_node] # print("Time Points: %s" % self.__time_points) return True def _init_new_iteration(self): _current_state = self.state.current_iteration _previous_iteration = self.state.previous_iteration # set initial values for _level_index in range(0, self.ml_provider.num_levels): _current_state.add_finer_level(self.ml_provider.integrator(_level_index).num_nodes - 1) _level = _current_state.finest_level assert_condition(len(_level) == self.ml_provider.integrator(_level_index).num_nodes - 1, RuntimeError, "Number of Steps on Level %d not correct (%d)" % (len(_level), self.ml_provider.integrator(_level_index).num_nodes - 1), checking_obj=self) _level.initial = deepcopy(self.state.initial) if _previous_iteration is None: _level.broadcast(_level.initial.value) for _step_index in range(0, len(_level)): _level[_step_index].delta_tau = self.__deltas[_level_index][_step_index + 1] _level[_step_index].solution.time_point = self.__time_points[_level_index][_step_index + 1] if _previous_iteration is not None: _level[_step_index].value = _previous_iteration[_level_index][_step_index].value.copy() assert_condition(len(self.state.current_iteration) == self.ml_provider.num_levels, RuntimeError, "Number of levels in current state not correct." " (this shouldn't have happend)", checking_obj=self) def _adjust_interval_width(self): """Adjust width of time interval """ raise NotImplementedError("Time Adaptivity not yet implemented.") # return Message.SolverFlag.time_adjusted def _compute_fas_correction(self, q_rhs_fine, fas_fine, q_rhs_coarse, fine_lvl): # add fas correction of finer level if available _fine_data = q_rhs_fine + fas_fine if fas_fine is not None else q_rhs_fine # 1. restringate fine data _restringated_fine = self.ml_provider.restringate(_fine_data, fine_lvl) # LOG.debug("R x (Q_fine x F_fine + FAS_fine):\n %s\n = R(%s)\n = R(%s + %s)" # % (_restringated_fine, _fine_data, q_rhs_fine, fas_fine)) assert_condition(q_rhs_coarse.shape == _restringated_fine.shape, ValueError, message='Dimensions of coarse data and restringated fine data do not match: %s != %s' % (q_rhs_coarse.shape, _restringated_fine.shape), checking_obj=self) # 2. compute difference self.state.current_iteration.current_level.fas_correction = _restringated_fine - q_rhs_coarse # LOG.debug("FAS Correction:\n %s\n = %s - %s" # % (self.state.current_iteration.current_level.fas_correction, _restringated_fine, q_rhs_coarse)) def _recompute_rhs_for_level(self, level): if level.rhs is None: if not level.initial.rhs_evaluated: level.initial.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(level.initial.time_point, level.initial.value) for step in level: if not step.rhs_evaluated: step.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(step.time_point, step.value) def _compute_residual(self, finalize=False): LOG.debug("Computing Residual") self._print_step(1, None, self.state.current_level.initial.time_point, supremum_norm(self.state.current_level.initial.value), None, None) _full_integral = 0.0 self._recompute_rhs_for_level(self.state.current_level) for _step_index in range(0, len(self.state.current_level)): _step = self.state.current_level[_step_index] if not _step.integral_available: _step.integral = \ self.ml_provider \ .integrator(self.state.current_level_index) \ .evaluate(self.state.current_level.rhs, from_node=_step_index, target_node=_step_index + 1) _full_integral += _step.integral self._core.compute_residual(self.state, step=_step, integral=_full_integral) if finalize: # finalize this step (i.e. StepSolutionData.finalize()) _step.done() for _step_index in range(0, len(self.state.current_level)): _step = self.state.current_level[_step_index] if _step_index > 0: _previous_time = self.state.current_level[_step_index - 1].time_point else: _previous_time = self.state.current_level.initial.time_point _fas = _step.fas_correction if not self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level else None _cc = _step.coarse_correction if not self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level else None if problem_has_exact_solution(self.problem, self): self._print_step(_step_index + 2, _previous_time, _step.time_point, supremum_norm(_step.value), _step.solution.residual, _step.solution.error, _fas, _cc) else: self._print_step(_step_index + 2, _previous_time, _step.time_point, supremum_norm(_step.value), _step.solution.residual, None, _fas, _cc) self._print_sweep_end() if finalize: LOG.debug("Finalizing Level %d" % self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index) self.state.current_iteration.current_level.finalize() def _level(self): _current_level = self.state.current_iteration.current_level _finer_level = self.state.current_iteration.finer_level _coarser_level = self.state.current_iteration.coarser_level _msg = self.comm.receive(tag=self.state.current_level_index) if _msg and _msg.time_point == self.state.initial.time_point: _current_level.initial.definalize() _current_level.initial.value = _msg.value _current_level.initial.done() # LOG.debug("Level %d initial values: %s" # % (self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index, _current_level.values)) self._print_level_header() self._recompute_rhs_for_level(_current_level) # LOG.debug("Level %d RHS values: %s" # % (self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index, _current_level.rhs)) if not self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level: # compute FAS Correction _q_rhs_coarse = \ np.concatenate( (np.array([np.zeros(self.problem.dim_for_time_solver, dtype=self.problem.numeric_type)]), np.array([ self.ml_provider .integrator(self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index) .evaluate(_current_level.rhs, target_node=_step_i+1) for _step_i in range(0, len(_current_level)) ], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type)), axis=0) self._recompute_rhs_for_level(_finer_level) _q_rhs_fine = \ np.concatenate( (np.array([np.zeros(self.problem.dim_for_time_solver, dtype=self.problem.numeric_type)]), np.array([ self.ml_provider .integrator(self.state.current_iteration.finer_level_index) .evaluate(_finer_level.rhs, target_node=_step_i+1) for _step_i in range(0, len(_finer_level)) ], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type)), axis=0) self._compute_fas_correction(_q_rhs_fine, _finer_level.fas_correction, _q_rhs_coarse, fine_lvl=self.state.current_iteration.finer_level_index) if (not self.state.current_iteration.on_base_level and not self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level) or \ (self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level and self.state.is_first_iteration): # pre-sweep LOG.debug("pre-sweep") self._sdc_sweep(copy=self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level, with_residual=True) if not self.state.current_iteration.on_base_level: # restrict _coarser_level.values = \ self.ml_provider.restringate(_current_level.values, fine_level=self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index, coarse_level=self.state.current_iteration.coarser_level_index) # call next coarser level self.state.current_iteration.step_down() # RECURSION HERE! self._level() # -> coarser level is done; coming up again # coarse correction # TODO: correct RHS evaluations; not values _prolongated_coarse_correction = \ self.ml_provider.prolongate(_coarser_level.coarse_corrections, fine_level=self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index, coarse_level=self.state.current_iteration.coarser_level_index) # LOG.debug("Apply Coarse Correction\n ==> %s\n = %s + %s" # % ((_current_level.values + _prolongated_coarse_correction), # _current_level.values.flatten(), _prolongated_coarse_correction)) _corrected_values = _current_level.values + _prolongated_coarse_correction for _step_index in range(0, len(_current_level)): _current_level[_step_index].intermediate.value = _corrected_values[_step_index + 1] # LOG.debug("Recompute Errors") for _step_index in range(0, len(_current_level)): self._core.compute_error(self.state, step_index=_step_index, problem=self.problem) # post-sweep LOG.debug("post-sweep with coarse-corrected intermediate") self._sdc_sweep(use_intermediate=True, copy=False, with_residual=False) else: # post-sweep LOG.debug("post-sweep") self._sdc_sweep(use_intermediate=False, copy=False, with_residual=False) if not self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level: # compute coarse correction # LOG.debug("Computing Coarse Correction") _restringated_values = \ self.ml_provider\ .restringate(_finer_level.values, self.state.current_iteration.finer_level_index, self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index) for _step_index in range(0, len(_current_level)): _step = _current_level[_step_index] _step.coarse_correction = _step.value - _restringated_values[_step_index + 1] # LOG.debug(" %d: %s = %s - %s" # % (_step_index, _step.coarse_correction, _step.value, _restringated_values[_step_index + 1])) self._compute_residual(finalize=True) self.comm.send(tag=self.state.current_level_index, value=_current_level.final_step.value, time_point=_current_level.final_step.time_point) self._print_level_end() # LOG.debug("Level %d final values:\n%s" # % (self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index, _current_level.values)) if not self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level: # pass on to next finer level self.state.current_iteration.step_up() def _sdc_sweep(self, use_intermediate=False, copy=True, with_residual=False): """ Parameters ---------- copy : :py:class:`bool` passed on to :py:meth:`._sdc_step` with_residual : :py:class:`bool` whether to compute the residual at the end or not; *note: when the residual is computed, the sweep will be logged* """ LOG.debug("Sweeping on level %d ..." % self.state.current_level_index) self.state.current_iteration.current_level.reset_to_start() _integrator = self.ml_provider.integrator(self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index) _num_nodes = _integrator.num_nodes # compute integral self.state.current_iteration.current_level.integral = 0.0 if not self.state.current_iteration.current_level.initial.rhs_evaluated: self.state.current_iteration.current_level.initial.rhs = \ self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(self.state.current_iteration.current_level.initial.time_point, self.state.current_iteration.current_level.initial.value) _integrate_values = np.array([self.state.current_iteration.current_level.initial.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type) for _step_index in range(0, len(self.state.current_iteration.current_level)): # TODO: clean up this conditional if self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level and self.state.is_first_iteration and not use_intermediate: # LOG.debug("On First Iteration on Finest Level. Taking breadcasted initial value.") _integrate_values = \ np.append(_integrate_values, np.array([self.state.current_iteration.current_level.initial.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type), axis=0) elif not self.state.current_iteration.on_finest_level: # LOG.debug("Not on Finest Level. Taking current intermediate value.") _step = self.state.current_iteration.current_level[_step_index] if use_intermediate: if not _step.intermediate.rhs_evaluated: _step.intermediate.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(_step.time_point, _step.intermediate.value) _integrate_values = \ np.append(_integrate_values, np.array([_step.intermediate.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type), axis=0) else: if not _step.rhs_evaluated: _step.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(_step.time_point, _step.value) _integrate_values = \ np.append(_integrate_values, np.array([_step.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type), axis=0) elif use_intermediate: # LOG.debug("On Finest Level. Using intermediate value.") _step = self.state.current_iteration.current_level[_step_index] if not _step.intermediate.rhs_evaluated: _step.intermediate.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(_step.time_point, _step.intermediate.value) _integrate_values = \ np.append(_integrate_values, np.array([_step.intermediate.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type), axis=0) else: # LOG.debug("On Finest Level. Taking previous iteration's value.") _step = self.state.previous_iteration[self.state.current_iteration.current_level_index][_step_index] if use_intermediate: if not _step.intermediate.rhs_evaluated: _step.intermediate.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(_step.time_point, _step.intermediate.value) _integrate_values = \ np.append(_integrate_values, np.array([_step.intermediate.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type), axis=0) else: if not _step.rhs_evaluated: _step.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(_step.time_point, _step.value) _integrate_values = \ np.append(_integrate_values, np.array([_step.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type), axis=0) assert_condition(_integrate_values.shape[0] == _num_nodes, ValueError, message="Number of integration values not correct: %d != %d" % (_integrate_values.shape[0], _num_nodes), checking_obj=self) # LOG.debug("Integration Values: %s" % _integrate_values) # if use_intermediate: # LOG.debug("Values Before (intermediate): %s" # % ([_step.intermediate.value for _step in self.state.current_level])) # else: # LOG.debug("Values Before: %s" % self.state.current_iteration.current_level.values) # do the actual SDC steps of this SDC sweep for _step_index in range(0, len(self.state.current_iteration.current_level)): # LOG.debug("Step %d:" % _step_index) _current_step = self.state.current_iteration.current_level[_step_index] # if not _current_step.integral_available: # TODO: fix unneccessary recomputation of integrals _current_step.integral = _integrator.evaluate(_integrate_values, from_node=_step_index, target_node=_step_index + 1) # we successively compute the full integral # LOG.debug(" Full Integral up to %d: %s = %s + %s" # % (_step_index + 1, self.state.current_iteration.current_level.integral + _current_step.integral, # self.state.current_iteration.current_level.integral, _current_step.integral)) self.state.current_iteration.current_level.integral += _current_step.integral # do the SDC step of this sweep self._sdc_step(use_intermediate=use_intermediate, copy=copy) if self.state.current_level.current_step != self.state.current_level.final_step: self.state.current_level.proceed() del _integrate_values # LOG.debug("Values After: %s" % self.state.current_iteration.current_level.values) if with_residual: self._compute_residual() def _sdc_step(self, use_intermediate=False, copy=True): """ Parameters ---------- copy : :py:class:`bool` whether to copy value from previous iteration to this one or just assume the value of the current iteration have been set before """ if copy: # copy solution of previous iteration to this one if self.state.is_first_iteration: if use_intermediate: # LOG.debug("Coppying Initial Value to step %d intermediate" % self.state.current_step_index) self.state.current_step.intermediate.value = self.state.current_level.initial.value.copy() else: # LOG.debug("Coppying Initial Value to step %d" % self.state.current_step_index) self.state.current_step.value = self.state.current_level.initial.value.copy() else: if use_intermediate: # LOG.debug("Coppying Previous Iteration's Value to step %d intermediate" # % self.state.current_step_index) self.state.current_step.intermediate.value = \ self.state.previous_iteration[self.state.current_level_index][self.state.current_step_index].value.copy() else: # LOG.debug("Coppying Previous Iteration's Value to step %d" % self.state.current_step_index) self.state.current_step.value = \ self.state.previous_iteration[self.state.current_level_index][self.state.current_step_index].value.copy() # compute step, problem=self.problem, use_intermediate=use_intermediate) # calculate error self._core.compute_error(self.state, problem=self.problem) # step gets finalized after computation of residual def print_lines_for_log(self): _lines = super(MlSdc, self).print_lines_for_log() return _lines def _print_interval_header(self):"%s%s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL1, SEPARATOR_LVL3))"{} Interval: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}]" .format(VERBOSITY_LVL1, self.state.initial.time_point, self.state.initial.time_point + self._dt)) self._print_output_tree_header() def _print_output_tree_header(self):"%s iter" % VERBOSITY_LVL1)"%s \\" % VERBOSITY_LVL2)"%s |- level nodes" % VERBOSITY_LVL2)"%s | \\" % VERBOSITY_LVL3)"%s | |- step t_0 t_1 phi(t_1) resid err fas coar.corr" % VERBOSITY_LVL3)"%s | \\_" % VERBOSITY_LVL2)"%s \\_ sol err resid time" % VERBOSITY_LVL1) def _print_iteration(self, _iter): _iter = self._output_format(_iter, 'int', width=4)"%s %s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL1, _iter))"%s \\" % VERBOSITY_LVL2) def _print_level_header(self): _lvl = self._output_format(self.state.current_level_index, 'int', width=2) _nodes = self._output_format(self.ml_provider.integrator(self.state.current_level_index).num_nodes, 'int', width=2)"%s %s|- %s %s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL2, ('| ' * (self.ml_provider.num_levels - self.state.current_level_index - 1)), _lvl, _nodes))"%s %s| \\" % (VERBOSITY_LVL3, ('| ' * (self.ml_provider.num_levels - self.state.current_level_index - 1)))) def _print_level_end(self):"%s %s| \\_" % (VERBOSITY_LVL2, ('| ' * (self.ml_provider.num_levels - self.state.current_level_index - 1)))) def _print_iteration_end(self, solred, errred, resid, time): _solred = self._output_format(solred, 'exp') _errred = self._output_format(errred, 'exp') _resid = self._output_format(resid, 'exp') _time = self._output_format(time, 'float', width=6.3)"%s \\_ %s %s %s %s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL1, _solred, _errred, _resid, _time)) def _print_step(self, step, t0, t1, phi, resid, err, fas=None, cc=None): _step = self._output_format(step, 'int', width=2) _t0 = self._output_format(t0, 'float', width=6.3) _t1 = self._output_format(t1, 'float', width=6.3) _phi = self._output_format(phi, 'float', width=6.3) _resid = self._output_format(resid, 'exp') _err = self._output_format(err, 'exp') _fas = self._output_format(fas, 'exp') if fas is not None else self._output_format(None, 'str') _cc = self._output_format(cc, 'exp') if cc is not None else self._output_format(None, 'str')"%s %s|- %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL3, ('| ' * (self.ml_provider.num_levels - self.state.current_level_index)), _step, _t0, _t1, _phi, _resid, _err, _fas, _cc)) def _print_sweep_end(self):"%s %s| \\_" % (VERBOSITY_LVL3, ('| ' * (self.ml_provider.num_levels - self.state.current_level_index)))) def _output_format(self, value, _type, width=None): def _value_to_numeric(val): if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): if val.size > 1 or val.dtype == np.complex: return supremum_norm(val) else: return val[0] elif isinstance(val, IDiagnosisValue): if val.value.shape != (1,): return supremum_norm(val) else: return val.value[0] else: return val if _type and width is None: if _type == 'float': width = 10.3 elif _type == 'int': width = 10 elif _type == 'exp': width = 9.2 else: width = 10 if value is None: _outstr = "{: ^{width}s}".format('na', width=int(width)) else: if _type == 'float': _outstr = "{: {width}f}".format(_value_to_numeric(value), width=width) elif _type == 'int': _outstr = "{: {width}d}".format(_value_to_numeric(value), width=width) elif _type == 'exp': _outstr = "{: {width}e}".format(_value_to_numeric(value), width=width) else: _outstr = "{: >{width}s}".format(value, width=width) return _outstr
class ParallelSdc(IIterativeTimeSolver, IParallelSolver): """*Spectral Deferred Corrections* method for solving first order ODEs. The *Spectral Deferred Corrections* (SDC) method is described in [Minion2003]_ (Equation 2.7) Default Values: * :py:class:`.ThresholdCheck` * ``max_threshold``: 10 * ``min_threshold``: 1e-7 * ``conditions``: ``('residual', 'iterations')`` * :py:attr:`.num_time_steps`: 1 * :py:attr:`.num_nodes`: 3 Given the total number of time steps :math:`T_{max}`, number of integration nodes per time step :math:`N`, current time step :math:`t \\in [0,T_{max})` and the next integration node to consider :math:`n \\in [0, N)`. Let :math:`[a,b]` be the total time interval to integrate over. For :math:`T_{max}=3` and :math:`N=4`, this can be visualized as:: a b | | | . . | . . | . . | t 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 n 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In general, the value at :math:`a` (i.e. :math:`t=n=i=0`) is the initial value. See Also -------- :py:class:`.IIterativeTimeSolver` : implemented interface :py:class:`.IParallelSolver` : mixed-in interface """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ParallelSdc, self).__init__(**kwargs) IParallelSolver.__init__(self, **kwargs) del self._state self.threshold = ThresholdCheck(min_threshold=1e-7, max_threshold=10, conditions=("residual", "iterations")) self.timer = TimerBase() self._num_time_steps = 1 self._dt = 0.0 self._deltas = {"t": 0.0, "n": np.zeros(0)} self._classic = True self.__nodes_type = GaussLobattoNodes self.__weights_type = PolynomialWeightFunction self.__num_nodes = 3 self.__exact = np.zeros(0) self.__time_points = {"steps": np.zeros(0), "nodes": np.zeros(0)} def init(self, problem, integrator, **kwargs): """Initializes SDC solver with given problem and integrator. Parameters ---------- num_time_steps : :py:class:`int` Number of time steps to be used within the time interval of the problem. num_nodes : :py:class:`int` *(otional)* number of nodes per time step nodes_type : :py:class:`.INodes` *(optional)* Type of integration nodes to be used (class name, **NOT instance**). weights_type : :py:class:`.IWeightFunction` *(optional)* Integration weights function to be used (class name, **NOT instance**). classic : :py:class:`bool` *(optional)* Flag for specifying the type of the SDC sweep. :py:class:`True`: *(default)* For the classic SDC as known from the literature; :py:class:`False`: For the modified SDC as developed by Torbjörn Klatt. Raises ------ ValueError : * if given problem is not an :py:class:`.IInitialValueProblem` * if number of nodes per time step is not given; neither through ``num_nodes``, ``nodes_type`` nor ``integrator`` See Also -------- :py:meth:`.IIterativeTimeSolver.init` overridden method (with further parameters) :py:meth:`.IParallelSolver.init` mixed in overridden method (with further parameters) """ assert_is_instance(problem, IInitialValueProblem, descriptor="Initial Value Problem", checking_obj=self) assert_condition( issubclass(integrator, IntegratorBase), ValueError, message="Integrator must be an IntegratorBase: NOT %s" % integrator.__mro__[-2].__name__, checking_obj=self, ) super(ParallelSdc, self).init(problem, integrator=integrator, **kwargs) if "num_time_steps" in kwargs: self._num_time_steps = kwargs["num_time_steps"] if "num_nodes" in kwargs: self.__num_nodes = kwargs["num_nodes"] elif "nodes_type" in kwargs and kwargs["nodes_type"].num_nodes is not None: self.__num_nodes = kwargs["nodes_type"].num_nodes elif integrator.nodes_type is not None and integrator.nodes_type.num_nodes is not None: self.__num_nodes = integrator.nodes_type.num_nodes else: raise ValueError(func_name(self) + "Number of nodes per time step not given.") if "notes_type" in kwargs: self.__nodes_type = kwargs["notes_type"] if "weights_type" in kwargs: self.__weights_type = kwargs["weights_type"] if "classic" in kwargs: assert_is_instance(kwargs["classic"], bool, descriptor="Classic Flag", checking_obj=self) self._classic = kwargs["classic"] # TODO: need to store the exact solution somewhere else self.__exact = np.zeros(self.num_time_steps * (self.__num_nodes - 1) + 1, dtype=np.object) def run(self, core, **kwargs): """Applies SDC solver to the initialized problem setup. Solves the given problem with the explicit SDC algorithm. Parameters ---------- core : :py:class:`.SdcSolverCore` core solver stepping method dt : :py:class:`float` width of the interval to work on; this is devided into the number of given time steps this solver has been initialized with See Also -------- :py:meth:`` : overridden method """ super(ParallelSdc, self).run(core, **kwargs) assert_named_argument("dt", kwargs, types=float, descriptor="Width of Interval", checking_obj=self) self._dt = kwargs["dt"] self._print_header() # start iterations # TODO: exact solution storage handling self.__exact[0] = self.problem.initial_value _has_work = True _previous_flag = Message.SolverFlag.none _current_flag = Message.SolverFlag.none __work_loop_count = 1 while _has_work: LOG.debug("Work Loop: %d" % __work_loop_count) _previous_flag = _current_flag _current_flag = Message.SolverFlag.none # receive dedicated message _msg = self._communicator.receive() if _msg.flag == Message.SolverFlag.failed: # previous solver failed # --> pass on the failure and abort _current_flag = Message.SolverFlag.failed _has_work = False LOG.debug("Previous Solver Failed") else: if _msg.flag == Message.SolverFlag.time_adjusted: # the previous solver has adjusted its interval # --> we need to recompute our interval _current_flag = self._adjust_interval_width() # we don't immediately start the computation of the newly computed interval # but try to pass the new interval end to the next solver as soon as possible # (this should avoid throwing away useless computation) LOG.debug("Previous Solver Adjusted Time") else: if _previous_flag in [ Message.SolverFlag.none, Message.SolverFlag.converged, Message.SolverFlag.finished, Message.SolverFlag.time_adjusted, ]: # we just started or finished our previous interval # --> start a new interval _has_work = self._init_new_interval(_msg.time_point) if _has_work: # set initial values self.state.initial.solution.value = _msg.value.copy() self.state.initial.solution.time_point = _msg.time_point self.state.initial.done() LOG.debug("New Interval Initialized") # start logging output self._print_interval_header() # start global timing (per interval) self.timer.start() else: # pass LOG.debug("No New Interval Available") elif _previous_flag == Message.SolverFlag.iterating: LOG.debug("Next Iteration") else: LOG.warn("WARNING!!! Something went wrong here") if _has_work: # we are still on the same interval or have just successfully initialized a new interval # --> do the real computation LOG.debug("Starting New Solver Main Loop") # initialize a new iteration state self.state.proceed() if _msg.time_point == self.state.initial.time_point: if _previous_flag == Message.SolverFlag.iterating: LOG.debug("Updating initial value") # if the previous solver has a new initial value for us, we use it self.state.current_iteration.initial.solution.value = _msg.value.copy() _current_flag = self._main_solver_loop() if _current_flag in [ Message.SolverFlag.converged, Message.SolverFlag.finished, Message.SolverFlag.failed, ]: _log_msgs = {"": OrderedDict()} if self.state.last_iteration_index <= self.threshold.max_iterations: _group = "Converged after %d iteration(s)" % (self.state.last_iteration_index + 1) _log_msgs[""][_group] = OrderedDict() _log_msgs[""][_group] = self.threshold.has_reached(log=True) _log_msgs[""][_group]["Final Residual"] = "{:.3e}".format( supremum_norm(self.state.last_iteration.final_step.solution.residual) ) _log_msgs[""][_group]["Solution Reduction"] = "{:.3e}".format( supremum_norm( self.state.solution.solution_reduction(self.state.last_iteration_index) ) ) if problem_has_exact_solution(self.problem, self): _log_msgs[""][_group]["Error Reduction"] = "{:.3e}".format( supremum_norm( self.state.solution.error_reduction(self.state.last_iteration_index) ) ) else: warnings.warn("{}: Did not converged: {:s}".format(, self.problem)) _group = "FAILED: After maximum of {:d} iteration(s)".format( self.state.last_iteration_index + 1 ) _log_msgs[""][_group] = OrderedDict() _log_msgs[""][_group]["Final Residual"] = "{:.3e}".format( supremum_norm(self.state.last_iteration.final_step.solution.residual) ) _log_msgs[""][_group]["Solution Reduction"] = "{:.3e}".format( supremum_norm( self.state.solution.solution_reduction(self.state.last_iteration_index) ) ) if problem_has_exact_solution(self.problem, self): _log_msgs[""][_group]["Error Reduction"] = "{:.3e}".format( supremum_norm( self.state.solution.error_reduction(self.state.last_iteration_index) ) ) LOG.warn( " {} Failed: Maximum number iterations reached without convergence.".format( ) ) print_logging_message_tree(_log_msgs) elif _previous_flag in [Message.SolverFlag.converged, Message.SolverFlag.finished]: LOG.debug("Solver Finished.") self.timer.stop() self._print_footer() else: # something went wrong # --> we failed LOG.warn("Solver failed.") _current_flag = Message.SolverFlag.failed self._communicator.send( value=self.state.current_iteration.final_step.solution.value, time_point=self.state.current_iteration.final_step.time_point, flag=_current_flag, ) __work_loop_count += 1 # end while:has_work is None LOG.debug("Solver Main Loop Done") return [_s.solution for _s in self._states] @property def state(self): """Read-only accessor for the sovler's state Returns ------- state : :py:class:`.ISolverState` """ if len(self._states) > 0: return self._states[-1] else: return None @property def num_time_steps(self): """Accessor for the number of time steps within the interval. Returns ------- number_time_steps : :py:class:`int` Number of time steps within the problem-given time interval. """ return self._num_time_steps @property def num_nodes(self): """Accessor for the number of integration nodes per time step. Returns ------- number_of_nodes : :py:class:`int` Number of integration nodes used within one time step. """ return self.__num_nodes @property def classic(self): """Read-only accessor for the type of SDC Returns ------- is_classic : :py:class:`bool` :py:class:`True` if it's the classic SDC as known from papers; :py:class:`False` if it's the modified SDC by Torbjörn Klatt """ return self._classic def _init_new_state(self): """Initialize a new state for a work task Usually, this starts a new work task. The previous state, if applicable, is stored in a stack. """ if self.state: # finalize the current state self.state.finalize() # initialize solver state self._states.append(SdcSolverState(num_nodes=self.num_nodes - 1, num_time_steps=self.num_time_steps)) def _init_new_interval(self, start): """Initializes a new work interval Parameters ---------- start : :py:class:`float` start point of new interval Returns ------- has_work : :py:class:`bool` :py:class:`True` if new interval have been initialized; :py:class:`False` if no new interval have been initialized (i.e. new interval end would exceed end of time given by problem) """ assert_is_instance(start, float, descriptor="Time Point", checking_obj=self) if start + self._dt > self.problem.time_end: return False if self.state and start == self.state.initial.time_point: return False self._init_new_state() # set width of current interval self.state.delta_interval = self._dt # compute time step and node distances self._deltas["t"] = self.state.delta_interval / self.num_time_steps # width of a single time step (equidistant) # start time points of time steps self.__time_points["steps"] = np.linspace(start, start + self._dt, self.num_time_steps + 1) # initialize and transform integrator for time step width self._integrator.init( self.__nodes_type, self.__num_nodes, self.__weights_type, interval=np.array([self.__time_points["steps"][0], self.__time_points["steps"][1]], dtype=np.float), ) self.__time_points["nodes"] = np.zeros((self.num_time_steps, self.num_nodes), dtype=np.float) _deltas_n = np.zeros(self.num_time_steps * (self.num_nodes - 1) + 1) # copy the node provider so we do not alter the integrator's one _nodes = deepcopy(self._integrator.nodes_type) for _t in range(0, self.num_time_steps): # transform Nodes (copy) onto new time step for retrieving actual integration nodes _nodes.interval = np.array([self.__time_points["steps"][_t], self.__time_points["steps"][_t + 1]]) self.__time_points["nodes"][_t] = _nodes.nodes.copy() for _n in range(0, self.num_nodes - 1): _i = _t * (self.num_nodes - 1) + _n _deltas_n[_i + 1] = _nodes.nodes[_n + 1] - _nodes.nodes[_n] self._deltas["n"] = _deltas_n[1:].copy() return True def _adjust_interval_width(self): """Adjust width of time interval """ raise NotImplementedError("Time Adaptivity not yet implemented.") # return Message.SolverFlag.time_adjusted def _main_solver_loop(self): # initialize iteration timer of same type as global timer _iter_timer = self.timer.__class__() self._print_iteration(self.state.current_iteration_index + 1) # iterate on time steps _iter_timer.start() for _current_time_step in self.state.current_iteration: # run this time step self._time_step() if self.state.current_time_step_index < len(self.state.current_iteration) - 1: self.state.current_iteration.proceed() _iter_timer.stop() # check termination criteria self.threshold.check(self.state) # log this iteration's summary if self.state.is_first_iteration: # on first iteration we do not have comparison values self._print_iteration_end(None, None, None, _iter_timer.past()) else: if problem_has_exact_solution(self.problem, self) and not self.state.is_first_iteration: # we could compute the correct error of our current solution self._print_iteration_end( self.state.solution.solution_reduction(self.state.current_iteration_index), self.state.solution.error_reduction(self.state.current_iteration_index), self.state.current_step.solution.residual, _iter_timer.past(), ) else: self._print_iteration_end( self.state.solution.solution_reduction(self.state.current_iteration_index), None, self.state.current_step.solution.residual, _iter_timer.past(), ) # finalize this iteration (i.e. TrajectorySolutionData.finalize()) self.state.current_iteration.finalize() _reason = self.threshold.has_reached() if _reason is None: # LOG.debug("solver main loop done: no reason") return Message.SolverFlag.iterating elif _reason == ["iterations"]: # LOG.debug("solver main loop done: iterations") self.state.finalize() return Message.SolverFlag.finished else: # LOG.debug("solver main loop done: other") self.state.finalize() return Message.SolverFlag.converged def _time_step(self): self.state.current_time_step.delta_time_step = self._deltas["t"] for _step in range(0, len(self.state.current_time_step)): _node_index = self.state.current_time_step_index * (self.num_nodes - 1) + _step self.state.current_time_step[_step].delta_tau = self._deltas["n"][_node_index] self.state.current_time_step[_step].solution.time_point = self.__time_points["nodes"][ self.state.current_time_step_index ][_step + 1] self._print_time_step( self.state.current_time_step_index + 1, self.state.current_time_step.initial.time_point, self.state.current_time_step.last.time_point, self.state.current_time_step.delta_time_step, ) # for classic SDC compute integral _integral = 0.0 _integrate_values = None if self.classic: if not self.state.current_time_step.initial.rhs_evaluated: self.state.current_time_step.initial.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time( self.state.current_time_step.initial.time_point, self.state.current_time_step.initial.value ) _integrate_values = np.array([self.state.current_time_step.initial.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type) for _step_index in range(0, len(self.state.current_time_step)): if self.state.is_first_iteration: _integrate_values = np.append( _integrate_values, np.array([self.state.current_time_step.initial.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type), axis=0, ) else: _step = self.state.previous_iteration[self.state.current_time_step_index][_step_index] if not _step.rhs_evaluated: _step.rhs = self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(_step.time_point, _step.value) _integrate_values = np.append( _integrate_values, np.array([_step.rhs], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type), axis=0 ) assert_condition( _integrate_values.shape[0] == self.num_nodes, ValueError, message="Number of integration values not correct: {:d} != {:d}".format( _integrate_values.shape[0], self.num_nodes ), checking_obj=self, ) _full_integral = 0.0 # do the actual SDC steps of this SDC sweep for _step_index in range(0, len(self.state.current_time_step)): _current_step = self.state.current_time_step[_step_index] if self.classic: _integral = self._integrator.evaluate( _integrate_values, from_node=_step_index, target_node=_step_index + 1 ) # we successively compute the full integral, which is used for the residual at the end _full_integral += _integral _current_step.integral = _integral.copy() # do the SDC step of this sweep self._sdc_step() if self.state.current_step_index < len(self.state.current_time_step) - 1: self.state.current_time_step.proceed() del _integrate_values # compute residual and print step details for _step_index in range(0, len(self.state.current_time_step)): _step = self.state.current_time_step[_step_index] self._core.compute_residual(self.state, step=_step, integral=_full_integral) # finalize this step (i.e. StepSolutionData.finalize()) _step.done() if _step_index > 0: _previous_time = self.state.current_time_step[_step_index - 1].time_point else: _previous_time = self.state.current_time_step.initial.time_point if problem_has_exact_solution(self.problem, self): self._print_step( _step_index + 2, _previous_time, _step.time_point, supremum_norm(_step.value), _step.solution.residual, _step.solution.error, ) else: self._print_step( _step_index + 2, _previous_time, _step.time_point, supremum_norm(_step.value), _step.solution.residual, None, ) self._print_time_step_end() # finalizing the current time step (i.e. TrajectorySolutionData.finalize) self.state.current_time_step.finalize() def _sdc_step(self): # helper variables _current_time_step_index = self.state.current_time_step_index _current_step_index = self.state.current_step_index # copy solution of previous iteration to this one if self.state.is_first_iteration: self.state.current_step.value = self.state.initial.value.copy() else: self.state.current_step.value = self.state.previous_iteration[_current_time_step_index][ _current_step_index ].value.copy() # TODO: review the custom modification # if not self.classic: # # gather values for integration and evaluate problem at given points # # initial value for this time step # _integrate_values = \ # np.array( # [self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(self.state.current_time_step.initial.time_point, # self.state.current_time_step.initial.value.copy()) # ], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type) # # if _current_step_index > 0: # # values from this iteration (already calculated) # _from_current_iteration_range = range(0, _current_step_index) # for _index in _from_current_iteration_range: # _integrate_values = \ # np.append(_integrate_values, # np.array( # [self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(self.state.current_time_step[_index].solution.time_point, # self.state.current_time_step[_index].solution.value.copy()) # ], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type # ), axis=0) # # # values from previous iteration # _from_previous_iteration_range = range(_current_step_index, self.num_nodes - 1) # for _index in _from_previous_iteration_range: # if self.state.is_first_iteration: # _this_value = self.problem.initial_value # else: # _this_value = self.state.previous_iteration[_current_time_step_index][_index].solution.value.copy() # _integrate_values = \ # np.append(_integrate_values, # np.array( # [self.problem.evaluate_wrt_time(self.state.current_time_step[_index].solution.time_point, # _this_value) # ], dtype=self.problem.numeric_type # ), axis=0) # assert_condition(_integrate_values.shape[0] == self.num_nodes, # ValueError, message="Number of integration values not correct: {:d} != {:d}" # .format(_integrate_values.shape[0], self.num_nodes), # checking_obj=self) # # # integrate # self.state.current_step.integral = self._integrator.evaluate(_integrate_values, # from_node=_current_step_index, # target_node=_current_step_index + 1) # del _integrate_values # # END if not self.classic # compute step, problem=self.problem) # calculate error self._core.compute_error(self.state, problem=self.problem) # step gets finalized after computation of residual def print_lines_for_log(self): _lines = super(ParallelSdc, self).print_lines_for_log() if "Number Nodes per Time Step" not in _lines["Integrator"]: _lines["Integrator"]["Number Nodes per Time Step"] = "%d" % self.__num_nodes if "Number Time Steps" not in _lines["Integrator"]: _lines["Integrator"]["Number Time Steps"] = "%d" % self._num_time_steps return _lines def _print_interval_header(self):"%s%s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL1, SEPARATOR_LVL3)) "{} Interval: [{:.3f}, {:.3f}]".format( VERBOSITY_LVL1, self.state.initial.time_point, self.state.initial.time_point + self._dt ) ) self._print_output_tree_header() def _print_output_tree_header(self):"%s iter" % VERBOSITY_LVL1)"%s \\" % VERBOSITY_LVL2)"%s |- time start end delta" % VERBOSITY_LVL2)"%s | \\" % VERBOSITY_LVL3)"%s | |- step t_0 t_1 phi(t_1) resid err" % VERBOSITY_LVL3)"%s | \\_" % VERBOSITY_LVL2)"%s \\_ sol err resid time" % VERBOSITY_LVL1) def _print_iteration(self, _iter): _iter = self._output_format(_iter, "int", width=5)"%s %s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL1, _iter))"%s \\" % VERBOSITY_LVL2) def _print_iteration_end(self, solred, errred, resid, time): _solred = self._output_format(solred, "exp") _errred = self._output_format(errred, "exp") _resid = self._output_format(resid, "exp") _time = self._output_format(time, "float", width=6.3)"%s \\_ %s %s %s %s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL1, _solred, _errred, _resid, _time)) def _print_time_step(self, time_step, start, end, delta): _time_step = self._output_format(time_step, "int", width=3) _start = self._output_format(start, "float", width=6.3) _end = self._output_format(end, "float", width=6.3) _delta = self._output_format(delta, "float", width=6.3)"%s |- %s %s %s %s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL2, _time_step, _start, _end, _delta))"%s | \\" % VERBOSITY_LVL3) self._print_step( 1, None, self.state.current_time_step.initial.time_point, supremum_norm(self.state.current_time_step.initial.solution.value), None, None, ) def _print_time_step_end(self):"%s | \\_" % VERBOSITY_LVL2) def _print_step(self, step, t0, t1, phi, resid, err): _step = self._output_format(step, "int", width=2) _t0 = self._output_format(t0, "float", width=6.3) _t1 = self._output_format(t1, "float", width=6.3) _phi = self._output_format(phi, "float", width=6.3) _resid = self._output_format(resid, "exp") _err = self._output_format(err, "exp") "%s | |- %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (VERBOSITY_LVL3, _step, _t0, _t1, _phi, _resid, _err) ) def _output_format(self, value, _type, width=None): def _value_to_numeric(val): if isinstance(val, (np.ndarray, IDiagnosisValue)): return supremum_norm(val) else: return val if _type and width is None: if _type == "float": width = 10.3 elif _type == "int": width = 10 elif _type == "exp": width = 9.2 else: width = 10 if value is None: _outstr = "{: ^{width}s}".format("na", width=int(width)) else: if _type == "float": _outstr = "{: {width}f}".format(_value_to_numeric(value), width=width) elif _type == "int": _outstr = "{: {width}d}".format(_value_to_numeric(value), width=width) elif _type == "exp": _outstr = "{: {width}e}".format(_value_to_numeric(value), width=width) else: _outstr = "{: >{width}s}".format(value, width=width) return _outstr