def MasterBias(self, fitsdict, det): """ Generate Master Bias frame for a given detector Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Index of the detector Returns ------- boolean : bool Should other ScienceExposure classes be updated? """ # If the master bias is already made, use it if self._msbias[det - 1] is not None:"An identical master {0:s} frame already exists".format( settings.argflag['bias']['useframe'])) return False elif settings.argflag['bias']['useframe'] in ['bias', 'dark']: try: msbias = armasters.get_master_frame(self, "bias") except IOError:"Preparing a master {0:s} frame".format( settings.argflag['bias']['useframe'])) # Get all of the bias frames for this science frame ind = self._idx_bias # Load the Bias/Dark frames frames = arload.load_frames( fitsdict, ind, det, frametype=settings.argflag['bias']['useframe']) msbias = arcomb.comb_frames( frames, det, 'bias', printtype=settings.argflag['bias']['useframe']) del frames elif settings.argflag['bias']['useframe'] == 'overscan': self.SetMasterFrame('overscan', "bias", det, mkcopy=False) return False elif settings.argflag['bias']['useframe'] == 'none':"Not performing a bias/dark subtraction") self.SetMasterFrame(None, "bias", det, mkcopy=False) return False else: # It must be the name of a file the user wishes to load msbias_name = settings.argflag['run']['directory'][ 'master'] + u'/' + settings.argflag['bias']['useframe'] msbias, head = arload.load_master(msbias_name, frametype="bias") settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['loaded'].append('bias') # Set and then delete the Master Bias frame self.SetMasterFrame(msbias, "bias", det) armasters.save_masters(self, det, mftype='bias') del msbias return True
def MasterPinhole(self, fitsdict, det, msbias): """ Generate Master pinhole frame for a given detector Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Index of the detector Returns ------- boolean : bool Should other ScienceExposure classes be updated? """ dnum = settings.get_dnum(det) # If the master pinhole is already made, use it if self._mspinhole[det - 1] is not None:"An identical master pinhole frame already exists") return False if settings.argflag['reduce']['slitcen']['useframe'] in ['trace', 'pinhole']: try: mspinhole = armasters.get_master_frame(self, "pinhole") except IOError:"Preparing a master pinhole frame with {0:s}".format( settings.argflag['reduce']['slitcen']['useframe'])) ind = self._idx_cent # Load the pinhole frames frames = arload.load_frames(fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='pinhole', msbias=msbias, # self._msbias[det - 1], trim=settings.argflag['reduce']['trim']) if settings.argflag['pinhole']['combine']['match'] > 0.0: sframes = arsort.match_frames(frames, settings.argflag['pinhole']['combine']['match'], frametype='pinhole', satlevel=settings.spect[dnum]['saturation'] * settings.spect['det'][det - 1]['nonlinear']) subframes = np.zeros((frames.shape[0], frames.shape[1], len(sframes))) numarr = np.array([]) for i in range(len(sframes)): numarr = np.append(numarr, sframes[i].shape[2]) mspinhole = arcomb.comb_frames(sframes[i], det, 'pinhole') subframes[:, :, i] = mspinhole.copy() del sframes # Combine all sub-frames mspinhole = arcomb.comb_frames(subframes, det, 'pinhole', weights=numarr) del subframes else: mspinhole = arcomb.comb_frames(frames, det, 'pinhole') del frames else: # It must be the name of a file the user wishes to load mspinhole_name = settings.argflag['run']['directory']['master'] + '/' + \ settings.argflag['reduce']['slitcen']['useframe'] mspinhole, head = armasters.load_master(mspinhole_name, frametype=None) debugger.set_trace() # NEED TO LOAD EXTRAS AS ABOVE # Set and then delete the Master Trace frame self.SetMasterFrame(mspinhole, "pinhole", det) #armasters.save_masters(self, det, mftype='pinhole') del mspinhole return True
def MasterBias(self, fitsdict, det): """ Generate Master Bias frame for a given detector Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Index of the detector Returns ------- boolean : bool Should other ScienceExposure classes be updated? """ # If the master bias is already made, use it if self._msbias[det-1] is not None:"An identical master {0:s} frame already exists".format(self._argflag['reduce']['usebias'])) return False elif self._argflag['reduce']['usebias'] in ['bias', 'dark']: # Load from hard-drive? if self._argflag['masters']['use']: # Attempt to load the Master Frame msbias_name = armasters.master_name(self._argflag['run']['masterdir'], 'bias', self._argflag['masters']['setup']) try: msbias, head = arload.load_master(msbias_name, frametype="bias") except IOError: msgs.warn("No MasterBias frame found {:s}".format(msbias_name)) else: self._argflag['masters']['loaded'].append('bias'+self._argflag['masters']['setup']) if 'bias'+self._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in self._argflag['masters']['loaded']:"Preparing a master {0:s} frame".format(self._argflag['reduce']['usebias'])) # Get all of the bias frames for this science frame ind = self._idx_bias # Load the Bias/Dark frames frames = arload.load_frames(self, fitsdict, ind, det, frametype=self._argflag['reduce']['usebias'], transpose=self._transpose) msbias = arcomb.comb_frames(frames, det, spect=self._spect, frametype=self._argflag['reduce']['usebias'], **self._argflag['bias']['comb']) del frames elif self._argflag['reduce']['usebias'] == 'overscan': self.SetMasterFrame('overscan', "bias", det, copy=False) return False elif self._argflag['reduce']['usebias'] == 'none':"Not performing a bias/dark subtraction") self.SetMasterFrame(None, "bias", det, copy=False) return False else: # It must be the name of a file the user wishes to load msbias_name = self._argflag['run']['masterdir']+'/'+self._argflag['reduce']['usebias'] msbias, head = arload.load_master(msbias_name, frametype="bias") self._argflag['masters']['loaded'].append('bias') # Set and then delete the Master Bias frame self.SetMasterFrame(msbias, "bias", det) del msbias return True
def MasterStandard(self, scidx, fitsdict): """ Generate Master Standard frame for a given detector and generates a sensitivity function Currently only uses first standard star exposure Currently takes brightest source on the mosaic Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files Returns ------- boolean : bool """ if len(self._msstd[0]) != 0:"Using existing standard frame") return False #"Preparing the standard") # Get all of the pixel flat frames for this science frame ind = self._idx_std msgs.warn("Taking only the first standard frame for now") ind = [ind[0]] # Extract all_specobj = [] for kk in xrange(self._spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk+1 # Load the frame(s) # set_trace() frame = arload.load_frames(self, fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='standard', msbias=self._msbias[det-1], transpose=self._transpose) # msgs.warn("Taking only the first standard frame for now") # ind = ind[0] sciframe = frame[:, :, 0] # Save RA/DEC if kk == 0: self._msstd[det-1]['RA'] = fitsdict['ra'][ind[0]] self._msstd[det-1]['DEC'] = fitsdict['dec'][ind[0]] #debugger.set_trace() arproc.reduce_frame(self, sciframe, ind[0], fitsdict, det, standard=True) # all_specobj += self._msstd[det-1]['spobjs'] # debugger.set_trace() # If standard, generate a sensitivity function sensfunc = arflux.generate_sensfunc(self, scidx, all_specobj, fitsdict) # Set the sensitivity function self.SetMasterFrame(sensfunc, "sensfunc", None, copy=False) return True
def MasterTrace(self, fitsdict, det): """ Generate Master Trace frame for a given detector Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Index of the detector Returns ------- boolean : bool Should other ScienceExposure classes be updated? """ # If the master trace is already made, use it if self._mstrace[det-1] is not None:"An identical master trace frame already exists") return False if self._argflag['reduce']['usetrace'] in ['trace', 'blzflat']: if self._argflag['masters']['use']: # Attempt to load the Master Frame mstrace_name = armasters.master_name(self._argflag['run']['masterdir'], 'trace', self._argflag['masters']['setup']) try: mstrace, head = arload.load_master(mstrace_name, frametype="trace") except IOError: msgs.warn("No MasterTrace frame found {:s}".format(mstrace_name)) else: # Extras lordloc, _ = arload.load_master(mstrace_name, frametype="trace", exten=1) rordloc, _ = arload.load_master(mstrace_name, frametype="trace", exten=2) pixcen, _ = arload.load_master(mstrace_name, frametype="trace", exten=3) pixwid, _ = arload.load_master(mstrace_name, frametype="trace", exten=4) lordpix, _ = arload.load_master(mstrace_name, frametype="trace", exten=5) rordpix, _ = arload.load_master(mstrace_name, frametype="trace", exten=6) self.SetFrame(self._lordloc, lordloc, det) self.SetFrame(self._rordloc, rordloc, det) self.SetFrame(self._pixcen, pixcen.astype(, det) self.SetFrame(self._pixwid, pixwid.astype(, det) self.SetFrame(self._lordpix, lordpix.astype(, det) self.SetFrame(self._rordpix, rordpix.astype(, det) # self._argflag['masters']['loaded'].append('trace'+self._argflag['masters']['setup']) if 'trace'+self._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in self._argflag['masters']['loaded']:"Preparing a master trace frame with {0:s}".format(self._argflag['reduce']['usetrace'])) ind = self._idx_trace # Load the frames for tracing frames = arload.load_frames(self, fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='trace', msbias=self._msbias[det-1], trim=self._argflag['reduce']['trim'], transpose=self._transpose) if self._argflag['reduce']['flatmatch'] > 0.0: sframes = arsort.match_frames(frames, self._argflag['reduce']['flatmatch'], msgs, frametype='trace', satlevel=self._spect['det'][det-1]['saturation']*self._spect['det'][det-1]['nonlinear']) subframes = np.zeros((frames.shape[0], frames.shape[1], len(sframes))) numarr = np.array([]) for i in xrange(len(sframes)): numarr = np.append(numarr, sframes[i].shape[2]) mstrace = arcomb.comb_frames(sframes[i], det, spect=self._spect, frametype='trace', **self._argflag['trace']['comb']) subframes[:,:,i] = mstrace.copy() del sframes # Combine all sub-frames mstrace = arcomb.comb_frames(subframes, det, spect=self._spect, frametype='trace', weights=numarr, **self._argflag['trace']['comb']) del subframes else: mstrace = arcomb.comb_frames(frames, det, spect=self._spect, frametype='trace', **self._argflag['trace']['comb']) del frames elif self._argflag['reduce']['usetrace'] == 'science': msgs.error("Tracing with a science frame is not yet implemented") else: # It must be the name of a file the user wishes to load mstrace_name = self._argflag['run']['masterdir']+'/'+self._argflag['reduce']['usetrace'] mstrace, head = arload.load_master(mstrace_name, frametype=None) debugger.set_trace() # NEED TO LOAD EXTRAS AS ABOVE # Set and then delete the Master Trace frame self.SetMasterFrame(mstrace, "trace", det) del mstrace return True
def MasterFlatField(self, fitsdict, det): """ Generate Master Flat-field frame for a given detector Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Index of the detector Returns ------- boolean : bool Should other ScienceExposure classes be updated? """ if self._argflag['reduce']['flatfield']: # Only do it if the user wants to flat field # If the master pixflat is already made, use it if self._mspixflat[det-1] is not None:"An identical master pixflat frame already exists") if self._mspixflatnrm[det-1] is None: # Normalize the flat field"Normalizing the pixel flat") mspixflatnrm, msblaze = arproc.flatnorm(self, det, self.GetMasterFrame("pixflat", det), overpix=0, plotdesc="Blaze function") self.SetFrame(self._msblaze, msblaze, det) self.SetMasterFrame(mspixflatnrm, "normpixflat", det) return False ############### # Generate a master pixel flat frame if self._argflag['reduce']['useflat'] in ['pixflat', 'blzflat']: if self._argflag['masters']['use']: # Attempt to load the Master Frame msflat_name = armasters.master_name(self._argflag['run']['masterdir'], 'normpixflat', self._argflag['masters']['setup']) try: mspixflatnrm, head = arload.load_master(msflat_name, frametype="normpixflat") except IOError: msgs.warn("No MasterFlatField frame found {:s}".format(msflat_name)) else: self._argflag['masters']['loaded'].append('normpixflat'+self._argflag['masters']['setup']) mspixflat = mspixflatnrm if 'normpixflat'+self._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in self._argflag['masters']['loaded']:"Preparing a master pixel flat frame with {0:s}".format(self._argflag['reduce']['useflat'])) # Get all of the pixel flat frames for this science frame ind = self._idx_flat # Load the frames for tracing frames = arload.load_frames(self, fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='pixel flat', msbias=self._msbias[det-1], transpose=self._transpose) if self._argflag['reduce']['flatmatch'] > 0.0: sframes = arsort.match_frames(frames, self._argflag['reduce']['flatmatch'], frametype='pixel flat', satlevel=self._nonlinear) subframes = np.zeros((frames.shape[0], frames.shape[1], len(sframes))) numarr = np.array([]) for i in xrange(len(sframes)): numarr = np.append(numarr, sframes[i].shape[2]) mspixflat = arcomb.comb_frames(sframes[i], det, spect=self._spect, frametype='pixel flat', **self._argflag['pixflat']['comb']) subframes[:,:,i] = mspixflat.copy() del sframes # Combine all sub-frames mspixflat = arcomb.comb_frames(subframes, det, spect=self._spect, frametype='pixel flat', weights=numarr, **self._argflag['pixflat']['comb']) del subframes else: mspixflat = arcomb.comb_frames(frames, det, spect=self._spect, frametype='pixel flat', **self._argflag['pixflat']['comb']) del frames # Apply gain (instead of ampsec scale) mspixflat *= arproc.gain_frame(self, det) # Normalize the flat field mspixflatnrm, msblaze = arproc.flatnorm(self, det, mspixflat, overpix=0, plotdesc="Blaze function") self.SetFrame(self._msblaze, msblaze, det) else: # It must be the name of a file the user wishes to load mspixflat_name = armasters.user_master_name(self._argflag['run']['masterdir'], self._argflag['reduce']['useflat']) mspixflatnrm, head = arload.load_master(mspixflat_name, exten=det, frametype=None) mspixflat = mspixflatnrm # Now that the combined, master flat field frame is loaded... else:"Pixel Flat arrays need to be generated when not flat fielding") msgs.bug("Blaze is currently undefined") mspixflat = np.ones_like(self._msarc) mspixflatnrm = np.ones_like(self._msarc) # Set Master Frames self.SetMasterFrame(mspixflat, "pixflat", det) self.SetMasterFrame(mspixflatnrm, "normpixflat", det) return True
def MasterArc(self, fitsdict, det): """ Generate Master Arc frame for a given detector Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Index of the detector Returns ------- boolean : bool Should other ScienceExposure classes be updated? """ if self._msarc[det-1] is not None:"An identical master arc frame already exists") return False if self._argflag['reduce']['usearc'] in ['arc']: # Attempt to load the Master Frame if self._argflag['masters']['use']: msarc_name = armasters.master_name(self._argflag['run']['masterdir'], 'arc', self._argflag['masters']['setup']) try: msarc, head = arload.load_master(msarc_name, frametype="arc") except IOError: msgs.warn("No MasterArc frame found {:s}".format(msarc_name)) else: self._transpose = head['transp'] if self._transpose: # Need to setup for flipping self._argflag['trace']['disp']['direction'] = 1 else: self._argflag['trace']['disp']['direction'] = 0 # Append as loaded self._argflag['masters']['loaded'].append('arc'+self._argflag['masters']['setup']) if 'arc'+self._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in self._argflag['masters']['loaded']:"Preparing a master arc frame") ind = self._idx_arcs # Load the arc frames frames = arload.load_frames(self, fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='arc', msbias=self._msbias[det-1]) if self._argflag['reduce']['arcmatch'] > 0.0: sframes = arsort.match_frames(frames, self._argflag['reduce']['arcmatch'], msgs, frametype='arc', satlevel=self._spect['det']['saturation']*self._spect['det']['nonlinear']) subframes = np.zeros((frames.shape[0], frames.shape[1], len(sframes))) numarr = np.array([]) for i in xrange(len(sframes)): numarr = np.append(numarr, sframes[i].shape[2]) msarc = arcomb.comb_frames(sframes[i], det, spect=self._spect, frametype='arc', **self._argflag['arc']['comb']) # Send the data away to be saved subframes[:,:,i] = msarc.copy() del sframes # Combine all sub-frames msarc = arcomb.comb_frames(subframes, det, spect=self._spect, frametype='arc', weights=numarr, **self._argflag['arc']['comb']) del subframes else: msarc = arcomb.comb_frames(frames, det, spect=self._spect, frametype='arc', **self._argflag['arc']['comb']) del frames # # Derive a suitable name for the master arc frame # msarc_name = "{0:s}/{1:s}/msarc{2:s}_{3:03d}.fits".format(os.getcwd(),self._argflag['run']['masterdir'],self._spect["det"][det-1]["suffix"],len(self._done_arcs)) # self._tltprefix = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(msarc_name))[0] # # Send the data away to be saved # arsave.save_master(self, msarc, filename=msarc_name, frametype='arc', ind=ind) # # Store the files used and the master bias name in case it can be used during the later reduction processes # self._done_arcs.append(ind) # self._name_arcs.append(msarc_name) else: msarc_name = self._argflag['run']['masterdir']+'/'+self._argflag['reduce']['usearc'] msarc, head = arload.load_master(msarc_name, frametype=None) # Set and then delete the Master Arc frame self.SetMasterFrame(msarc, "arc", det) del msarc return True
def ARMED(fitsdict, reuseMaster=False, reloadMaster=True): """ Automatic Reduction and Modeling of Echelle Data Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files reuseMaster : bool If True, a master frame that will be used for another science frame will not be regenerated after it is first made. This setting comes with a price, and if a large number of science frames are being generated, it may be more efficient to simply regenerate the master calibrations on the fly. Returns ------- status : int Status of the reduction procedure 0 = Successful execution 1 = ... """ status = 0 # Create a list of science exposure classes sciexp, setup_dict = armbase.SetupScience(fitsdict) if sciexp == 'setup': status = 1 return status elif sciexp == 'calcheck': status = 2 return status else: numsci = len(sciexp) # Create a list of master calibration frames #masters = armasters.MasterFrames(settings.spect['mosaic']['ndet']) # Masters #settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['file'] = setup_file # Start reducing the data for sc in range(numsci): slf = sciexp[sc] scidx = slf._idx_sci[0]"Reducing file {0:s}, target {1:s}".format(fitsdict['filename'][scidx], slf._target_name)) msgs.sciexp = slf # For QA writing on exit, if nothing else. Could write Masters too if reloadMaster and (sc > 0): settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['reuse'] = True # Loop on Detectors for kk in range(settings.spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Detectors indexed from 1 if settings.argflag['reduce']['detnum'] is not None: if det != settings.argflag['reduce']['detnum']: continue else: msgs.warn("Restricting the reduction to detector {:d}".format(det)) slf.det = det ############### # Get data sections arproc.get_datasec_trimmed(slf, fitsdict, det, scidx) # Setup setup = arsort.instr_setup(slf, det, fitsdict, setup_dict, must_exist=True) settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup'] = setup slf.setup = setup ############### # Generate master bias frame update = slf.MasterBias(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="bias") ############### # Generate a bad pixel mask (should not repeat) update = slf.BadPixelMask(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc") ############### # Estimate gain and readout noise for the amplifiers"Estimate Gain and Readout noise from the raw frames...") ############### # Generate a master arc frame update = slf.MasterArc(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc") ############### # Set the number of spectral and spatial pixels, and the bad pixel mask is it does not exist slf._nspec[det-1], slf._nspat[det-1] = slf._msarc[det-1].shape if slf._bpix[det-1] is None: slf.SetFrame(slf._bpix, np.zeros((slf._nspec[det-1], slf._nspat[det-1])), det) ############### # Generate a master trace frame update = slf.MasterTrace(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="trace") ############### # Generate a master pinhole frame update = slf.MasterPinhole(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="pinhole") ############### # Generate an array that provides the physical pixel locations on the detector slf.GetPixelLocations(det) ############### # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial) if ('trace'+settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup'] not in settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['loaded']): if True:#not msgs._debug['develop']:"Tracing slit edges with a {0:s} frame".format(settings.argflag['trace']['useframe'])) if settings.argflag['trace']['useframe'] == 'pinhole': ############### # Determine the centroid of the spectrum (spatial) lordloc, rordloc, extord = artrace.trace_slits(slf, slf._mspinhole[det-1], det, pcadesc="PCA trace of the slit edges") # Using the order centroid, expand the order edges until the edge of the science slit is found if settings.argflag['trace']['slits']['expand']: lordloc, rordloc = artrace.expand_slits(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], det, 0.5*(lordloc+rordloc), extord) elif settings.argflag['trace']['useframe'] == 'trace': ############### # Determine the edges of the slit using a trace frame lordloc, rordloc, extord = artrace.trace_slits(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], det, pcadesc="PCA trace of the slit edges") else: msgs.error("Cannot trace slit edges using {0:s}".format(settings.argflag['trace']['useframe'])) else: lordloc, rordloc, extord = np.load("lordloc.npy"), np.load("rordloc.npy"), np.load("extord.npy") # Save the locations of the order edges slf.SetFrame(slf._lordloc, lordloc, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._rordloc, rordloc, det) # Convert physical trace into a pixel trace"Converting physical trace locations to nearest pixel") pixcen = artrace.phys_to_pix(0.5 * (slf._lordloc[det - 1] + slf._rordloc[det - 1]), slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1) pixwid = (slf._rordloc[det - 1] - slf._lordloc[det - 1]).mean(0).astype( lordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._lordloc[det - 1], slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1) rordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._rordloc[det - 1], slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1) slf.SetFrame(slf._pixcen, pixcen, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._pixwid, pixwid, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._lordpix, lordpix, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._rordpix, rordpix, det)"Identifying the pixels belonging to each slit") slitpix = arproc.slit_pixels(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1].shape, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._slitpix, slitpix, det) # Save to disk armasters.save_masters(slf, det, mftype='trace') # Save QA for slit traces arqa.slit_trace_qa(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], slf._lordpix[det-1], slf._rordpix[det - 1], extord, desc="Trace of the slit edges", normalize=False) armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="trace") ############### # Generate the 1D wavelength solution update = slf.MasterWaveCalib(fitsdict, sc, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="trace") ############### # Derive the spectral tilt if slf._tilts[det-1] is None: try: tilts = armasters.get_master_frame(slf, "tilts") except IOError: # First time tilts are derived for this arc frame --> derive the order tilts tilts, satmask, outpar = artrace.echelle_tilt(slf, slf._msarc[det - 1], det) slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._satmask, satmask, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._tiltpar, outpar, det) armasters.save_masters(slf, det, mftype='tilts') else: slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det) ############### # Prepare the pixel flat field frame update = slf.MasterFlatField(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="pixelflat") ############### # Derive the spatial profile and blaze function if slf._slitprof[det-1] is None: if settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['reuse']: msslitprof_name = armasters.master_name('slitprof', settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup']) try: slit_profiles, head = arload.load_master(msslitprof_name, frametype="slit profile") except IOError: pass else: slf.SetFrame(slf._slitprof, slit_profiles, det) settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['loaded'].append('slitprof'+settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup']) if 'slitprof'+settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup'] not in settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['loaded']: # First time slit profile is derived"Calculating slit profile from master trace frame") slit_profiles, mstracenrm, msblaze, flat_ext1d, extrap_slit = arproc.slit_profile(slf, slf._mstrace[det - 1], det) # If some slit profiles/blaze functions need to be extrapolated, do that now if np.sum(extrap_slit) != 0.0: slit_profiles, mstracenrm, msblaze = arproc.slit_profile_pca(slf, slf._mstrace[det - 1], det, msblaze, extrap_slit) slf.SetFrame(slf._slitprof, slit_profiles, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._msblaze, msblaze, det) # Prepare some QA for the average slit profile along the slit"Preparing QA of each slit profile") arqa.slit_profile(slf, mstracenrm, slit_profiles, slf._lordloc[det - 1], slf._rordloc[det - 1], slf._slitpix[det - 1], desc="Slit profile")"Saving blaze function QA") arqa.plot_orderfits(slf, msblaze, flat_ext1d, desc="Blaze function", textplt="Order") ############### # Generate/load a master wave frame update = slf.MasterWave(fitsdict, sc, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="wave") ############### # Check if the user only wants to prepare the calibrations only"All calibration frames have been prepared") if settings.argflag['run']['preponly']:"If you would like to continue with the reduction, disable the command:" + msgs.newline() + "run preponly False") continue ############### # Write setup #setup = arsort.calib_setup(sc, det, fitsdict, setup_dict, write=True) # Write MasterFrames (currently per detector) #armasters.save_masters(slf, det, setup) ############### # Load the science frame and from this generate a Poisson error frame"Loading science frame") sciframe = arload.load_frames(fitsdict, [scidx], det, frametype='science', msbias=slf._msbias[det - 1]) sciframe = sciframe[:, :, 0] # Extract"Processing science frame") arproc.reduce_echelle(slf, sciframe, scidx, fitsdict, det) # Write 1D spectra save_format = 'fits' if save_format == 'fits': arsave.save_1d_spectra_fits(slf, fitsdict) elif save_format == 'hdf5': arsave.save_1d_spectra_hdf5(slf) else: msgs.error(save_format + ' is not a recognized output format!') # Write 2D images for the Science Frame arsave.save_2d_images(slf, fitsdict) # Free up some memory by replacing the reduced ScienceExposure class sciexp[sc] = None return status
def ARMLSD(argflag, spect, fitsdict, reuseMaster=False): """ Automatic Reduction and Modeling of Long Slit Data Parameters ---------- argflag : dict Arguments and flags used for reduction spect : dict Properties of the spectrograph. fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files reuseMaster : bool If True, a master frame that will be used for another science frame will not be regenerated after it is first made. This setting comes with a price, and if a large number of science frames are being generated, it may be more efficient to simply regenerate the master calibrations on the fly. Returns ------- status : int Status of the reduction procedure 0 = Successful execution 1 = ... """ status = 0 # Create a list of science exposure classes sciexp = armbase.SetupScience(argflag, spect, fitsdict) numsci = len(sciexp) # Create a list of master calibration frames masters = armasters.MasterFrames(spect['mosaic']['ndet']) # Use Masters? Requires setup file setup_file = argflag['out']['sorted'] + '.setup' try: calib_dict = ltu.loadjson(setup_file) except:"No setup file {:s} for MasterFrames".format(setup_file)) calib_dict = {} else: argflag['masters']['setup_file'] = setup_file # Start reducing the data for sc in range(numsci): slf = sciexp[sc] scidx = slf._idx_sci[0]"Reducing file {0:s}, target {1:s}".format( fitsdict['filename'][scidx], slf._target_name)) msgs.sciexp = slf # For QA writing on exit, if nothing else. Could write Masters too # Loop on Detectors for kk in xrange(slf._spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Detectors indexed from 1 slf.det = det ############### # Get amplifier sections arproc.get_ampsec_trimmed(slf, fitsdict, det, scidx) # Setup setup = arsort.calib_setup(slf, sc, det, fitsdict, calib_dict, write=False) slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] = setup ############### # Generate master bias frame update = slf.MasterBias(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="bias") ############### # Generate a bad pixel mask (should not repeat) update = slf.BadPixelMask(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc") ############### # Generate a master arc frame update = slf.MasterArc(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc") ############### # Determine the dispersion direction (and transpose if necessary) slf.GetDispersionDirection(fitsdict, det, scidx) if slf._bpix[ det - 1] is None: # Needs to be done here after nspec is set slf.SetFrame( slf._bpix, np.zeros((slf._nspec[det - 1], slf._nspat[det - 1])), det) ''' ############### # Estimate gain and readout noise for the amplifiers"Estimate Gain and Readout noise from the raw frames...") update = slf.MasterRN(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="readnoise") ''' ############### # Generate a master trace frame update = slf.MasterTrace(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="trace") ############### # Generate an array that provides the physical pixel locations on the detector slf.GetPixelLocations(det) # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial) if 'trace' + slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in slf._argflag[ 'masters']['loaded']: ############### # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial) lordloc, rordloc, extord = artrace.trace_orders( slf, slf._mstrace[det - 1], det, singleSlit=True, pcadesc="PCA trace of the slit edges") slf.SetFrame(slf._lordloc, lordloc, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._rordloc, rordloc, det) # Convert physical trace into a pixel trace "Converting physical trace locations to nearest pixel") pixcen = artrace.phys_to_pix( 0.5 * (slf._lordloc[det - 1] + slf._rordloc[det - 1]), slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1) pixwid = (slf._rordloc[det - 1] - slf._lordloc[det - 1]).mean(0).astype( lordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._lordloc[det - 1], slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1) rordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._rordloc[det - 1], slf._pixlocn[det - 1], 1) slf.SetFrame(slf._pixcen, pixcen, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._pixwid, pixwid, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._lordpix, lordpix, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._rordpix, rordpix, det) # Save QA for slit traces arqa.slit_trace_qa(slf, slf._mstrace[det - 1], slf._lordpix[det - 1], slf._rordpix[det - 1], extord, desc="Trace of the slit edges") ############### # Prepare the pixel flat field frame update = slf.MasterFlatField(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="pixflat") ############### # Generate the 1D wavelength solution update = slf.MasterWaveCalib(fitsdict, sc, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="trace") ############### # Derive the spectral tilt if slf._tilts[det - 1] is None: if slf._argflag['masters']['use']: mstilt_name = armasters.master_name( slf._argflag['run']['masterdir'], 'tilts', slf._argflag['masters']['setup']) try: tilts, head = arload.load_master(mstilt_name, frametype="tilts") except IOError: pass else: slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det) slf._argflag['masters']['loaded'].append( 'tilts' + slf._argflag['masters']['setup']) if 'tilts' + slf._argflag['masters'][ 'setup'] not in slf._argflag['masters']['loaded']: # First time tilts are derived for this arc frame --> derive the order tilts tilts, satmask, outpar = artrace.model_tilt( slf, det, slf._msarc[det - 1]) slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._satmask, satmask, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._tiltpar, outpar, det) ############### # Generate/load a master wave frame update = slf.MasterWave(fitsdict, sc, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="wave") # Check if the user only wants to prepare the calibrations only"All calibration frames have been prepared") if slf._argflag['run']['preponly']:"If you would like to continue with the reduction," + msgs.newline() + "disable the run+preponly command") continue # Write setup setup = arsort.calib_setup(slf, sc, det, fitsdict, calib_dict, write=True) # Write MasterFrames (currently per detector) armasters.save_masters(slf, det, setup) ############### # Load the science frame and from this generate a Poisson error frame"Loading science frame") sciframe = arload.load_frames(slf, fitsdict, [scidx], det, frametype='science', msbias=slf._msbias[det - 1], transpose=slf._transpose) sciframe = sciframe[:, :, 0] # Extract"Processing science frame") arproc.reduce_frame(slf, sciframe, scidx, fitsdict, det) #continue #msgs.error("UP TO HERE") ############### # Perform a velocity correction if (slf._argflag['reduce']['heliocorr'] == True) & False: if slf._argflag['science']['load']['extracted'] == True: msgs.warn( "Heliocentric correction will not be applied if an extracted science frame exists, and is used" )"Perform a full barycentric correction") "Include the facility to correct for gravitational redshifts and time delays (see Pulsar timing work)" )"Performing a heliocentric correction") # Load the header for the science frame slf._waveids = arvcorr.helio_corr(slf, scidx[0]) else:"A heliocentric correction will not be performed") ############### # Using model sky, calculate a flexure correction # Close the QA for this object slf._qa.close() ############### # Flux ############### # Standard star (is this a calibration, e.g. goes above?)"Processing standard star")"Assuming one star per detector mosaic")"Waited until last detector to process")"Need to check for existing sensfunc") update = slf.MasterStandard(scidx, fitsdict) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, 0, ftype="standard") #"Consider using archived sensitivity if not found")"Fluxing with {:s}".format(slf._sensfunc['std']['name'])) for kk in xrange(slf._spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Detectors indexed from 1 arflux.apply_sensfunc(slf, det, scidx, fitsdict) # Write 1D spectra arsave.save_1d_spectra(slf) # Write 2D images for the Science Frame arsave.save_2d_images(slf) # Free up some memory by replacing the reduced ScienceExposure class sciexp[sc] = None return status
def ARMLSD(argflag, spect, fitsdict, reuseMaster=False): """ Automatic Reduction and Modeling of Long Slit Data Parameters ---------- argflag : dict Arguments and flags used for reduction spect : dict Properties of the spectrograph. fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files reuseMaster : bool If True, a master frame that will be used for another science frame will not be regenerated after it is first made. This setting comes with a price, and if a large number of science frames are being generated, it may be more efficient to simply regenerate the master calibrations on the fly. Returns ------- status : int Status of the reduction procedure 0 = Successful execution 1 = ... """ status = 0 # Create a list of science exposure classes sciexp = armbase.SetupScience(argflag, spect, fitsdict) numsci = len(sciexp) # Create a list of master calibration frames masters = armasters.MasterFrames(spect['mosaic']['ndet']) # Use Masters? Requires setup file setup_file = argflag['out']['sorted']+'.setup' try: calib_dict = ltu.loadjson(setup_file) except:"No setup file {:s} for MasterFrames".format(setup_file)) calib_dict = {} else: argflag['masters']['setup_file'] = setup_file # Start reducing the data for sc in range(numsci): slf = sciexp[sc] scidx = slf._idx_sci[0]"Reducing file {0:s}, target {1:s}".format(fitsdict['filename'][scidx], slf._target_name)) msgs.sciexp = slf # For QA writing on exit, if nothing else. Could write Masters too # Loop on Detectors for kk in xrange(slf._spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Detectors indexed from 1 slf.det = det ############### # Get amplifier sections arproc.get_ampsec_trimmed(slf, fitsdict, det, scidx) # Setup setup = arsort.calib_setup(slf, sc, det, fitsdict, calib_dict, write=False) slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] = setup ############### # Generate master bias frame update = slf.MasterBias(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="bias") ############### # Generate a bad pixel mask (should not repeat) update = slf.BadPixelMask(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc") ############### # Generate a master arc frame update = slf.MasterArc(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc") ############### # Determine the dispersion direction (and transpose if necessary) slf.GetDispersionDirection(fitsdict, det, scidx) if slf._bpix[det-1] is None: # Needs to be done here after nspec is set slf.SetFrame(slf._bpix, np.zeros((slf._nspec[det-1], slf._nspat[det-1])), det) ''' ############### # Estimate gain and readout noise for the amplifiers"Estimate Gain and Readout noise from the raw frames...") update = slf.MasterRN(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="readnoise") ''' ############### # Generate a master trace frame update = slf.MasterTrace(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="trace") ############### # Generate an array that provides the physical pixel locations on the detector slf.GetPixelLocations(det) # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial) if 'trace'+slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in slf._argflag['masters']['loaded']: ############### # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial) lordloc, rordloc, extord = artrace.trace_orders(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], det, singleSlit=True, pcadesc="PCA trace of the slit edges") slf.SetFrame(slf._lordloc, lordloc, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._rordloc, rordloc, det) # Convert physical trace into a pixel trace"Converting physical trace locations to nearest pixel") pixcen = artrace.phys_to_pix(0.5*(slf._lordloc[det-1]+slf._rordloc[det-1]), slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1) pixwid = (slf._rordloc[det-1]-slf._lordloc[det-1]).mean(0).astype( lordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._lordloc[det-1], slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1) rordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._rordloc[det-1], slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1) slf.SetFrame(slf._pixcen, pixcen, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._pixwid, pixwid, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._lordpix, lordpix, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._rordpix, rordpix, det) # Save QA for slit traces arqa.slit_trace_qa(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], slf._lordpix[det-1], slf._rordpix[det-1], extord, desc="Trace of the slit edges") ############### # Prepare the pixel flat field frame update = slf.MasterFlatField(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="pixflat") ############### # Generate the 1D wavelength solution update = slf.MasterWaveCalib(fitsdict, sc, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="trace") ############### # Derive the spectral tilt if slf._tilts[det-1] is None: if slf._argflag['masters']['use']: mstilt_name = armasters.master_name(slf._argflag['run']['masterdir'], 'tilts', slf._argflag['masters']['setup']) try: tilts, head = arload.load_master(mstilt_name, frametype="tilts") except IOError: pass else: slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det) slf._argflag['masters']['loaded'].append('tilts'+slf._argflag['masters']['setup']) if 'tilts'+slf._argflag['masters']['setup'] not in slf._argflag['masters']['loaded']: # First time tilts are derived for this arc frame --> derive the order tilts tilts, satmask, outpar = artrace.model_tilt(slf, det, slf._msarc[det-1]) slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._satmask, satmask, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._tiltpar, outpar, det) ############### # Generate/load a master wave frame update = slf.MasterWave(fitsdict, sc, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="wave") # Check if the user only wants to prepare the calibrations only"All calibration frames have been prepared") if slf._argflag['run']['preponly']:"If you would like to continue with the reduction," +msgs.newline()+"disable the run+preponly command") continue # Write setup setup = arsort.calib_setup(slf, sc, det, fitsdict, calib_dict, write=True) # Write MasterFrames (currently per detector) armasters.save_masters(slf, det, setup) ############### # Load the science frame and from this generate a Poisson error frame"Loading science frame") sciframe = arload.load_frames(slf, fitsdict, [scidx], det, frametype='science', msbias=slf._msbias[det-1], transpose=slf._transpose) sciframe = sciframe[:, :, 0] # Extract"Processing science frame") arproc.reduce_frame(slf, sciframe, scidx, fitsdict, det) #continue #msgs.error("UP TO HERE") ############### # Perform a velocity correction if (slf._argflag['reduce']['heliocorr'] == True) & False: if slf._argflag['science']['load']['extracted'] == True: msgs.warn("Heliocentric correction will not be applied if an extracted science frame exists, and is used")"Perform a full barycentric correction")"Include the facility to correct for gravitational redshifts and time delays (see Pulsar timing work)")"Performing a heliocentric correction") # Load the header for the science frame slf._waveids = arvcorr.helio_corr(slf, scidx[0]) else:"A heliocentric correction will not be performed") ############### # Using model sky, calculate a flexure correction # Close the QA for this object slf._qa.close() ############### # Flux ############### # Standard star (is this a calibration, e.g. goes above?)"Processing standard star")"Assuming one star per detector mosaic")"Waited until last detector to process")"Need to check for existing sensfunc") update = slf.MasterStandard(scidx, fitsdict) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, 0, ftype="standard") #"Consider using archived sensitivity if not found")"Fluxing with {:s}".format(slf._sensfunc['std']['name'])) for kk in xrange(slf._spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Detectors indexed from 1 arflux.apply_sensfunc(slf, det, scidx, fitsdict) # Write 1D spectra arsave.save_1d_spectra(slf) # Write 2D images for the Science Frame arsave.save_2d_images(slf) # Free up some memory by replacing the reduced ScienceExposure class sciexp[sc] = None return status
def ARMLSD(fitsdict, reuseMaster=False, reloadMaster=True): """ Automatic Reduction and Modeling of Long Slit Data Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files reuseMaster : bool If True, a master frame that will be used for another science frame will not be regenerated after it is first made. This setting comes with a price, and if a large number of science frames are being generated, it may be more efficient to simply regenerate the master calibrations on the fly. Returns ------- status : int Status of the reduction procedure 0 = Successful full execution 1 = Successful processing of setup or calcheck """ status = 0 # Create a list of science exposure classes sciexp, setup_dict = armbase.SetupScience(fitsdict) if sciexp == 'setup': status = 1 return status elif sciexp == 'calcheck': status = 2 return status else: numsci = len(sciexp) # Create a list of master calibration frames #masters = armasters.MasterFrames(settings.spect['mosaic']['ndet']) # Masters #settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['file'] = setup_file # Start reducing the data for sc in range(numsci): slf = sciexp[sc] scidx = slf._idx_sci[0]"Reducing file {0:s}, target {1:s}".format(fitsdict['filename'][scidx], slf._target_name)) msgs.sciexp = slf # For QA writing on exit, if nothing else. Could write Masters too if reloadMaster and (sc > 0): settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['reuse'] = True # Loop on Detectors for kk in range(settings.spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Detectors indexed from 1 if settings.argflag['reduce']['detnum'] is not None: if det != settings.argflag['reduce']['detnum']: continue else: msgs.warn("Restricting the reduction to detector {:d}".format(det)) slf.det = det ############### # Get data sections arproc.get_datasec_trimmed(slf, fitsdict, det, scidx) # Setup setup = arsort.instr_setup(slf, det, fitsdict, setup_dict, must_exist=True) settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup'] = setup slf.setup = setup ############### # Generate master bias frame update = slf.MasterBias(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="bias") ############### # Generate a bad pixel mask (should not repeat) update = slf.BadPixelMask(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc") ############### # Generate a master arc frame update = slf.MasterArc(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc") ############### # Set the number of spectral and spatial pixels, and the bad pixel mask is it does not exist slf._nspec[det-1], slf._nspat[det-1] = slf._msarc[det-1].shape if slf._bpix[det-1] is None: slf.SetFrame(slf._bpix, np.zeros((slf._nspec[det-1], slf._nspat[det-1])), det) ''' ############### # Estimate gain and readout noise for the amplifiers"Estimate Gain and Readout noise from the raw frames...") update = slf.MasterRN(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="readnoise") ''' ############### # Generate a master trace frame update = slf.MasterTrace(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="trace") ############### # Generate an array that provides the physical pixel locations on the detector slf.GetPixelLocations(det) # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial) if ('trace'+settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup'] not in settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['loaded']): ############### # Determine the edges of the spectrum (spatial) lordloc, rordloc, extord = artrace.trace_slits(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], det, pcadesc="PCA trace of the slit edges") slf.SetFrame(slf._lordloc, lordloc, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._rordloc, rordloc, det) # Convert physical trace into a pixel trace"Converting physical trace locations to nearest pixel") pixcen = artrace.phys_to_pix(0.5*(slf._lordloc[det-1]+slf._rordloc[det-1]), slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1) pixwid = (slf._rordloc[det-1]-slf._lordloc[det-1]).mean(0).astype( lordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._lordloc[det-1], slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1) rordpix = artrace.phys_to_pix(slf._rordloc[det-1], slf._pixlocn[det-1], 1) slf.SetFrame(slf._pixcen, pixcen, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._pixwid, pixwid, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._lordpix, lordpix, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._rordpix, rordpix, det)"Identifying the pixels belonging to each slit") slitpix = arproc.slit_pixels(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1].shape, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._slitpix, slitpix, det) # Save to disk armasters.save_masters(slf, det, mftype='trace') # Save QA for slit traces arqa.slit_trace_qa(slf, slf._mstrace[det-1], slf._lordpix[det-1], slf._rordpix[det-1], extord, desc="Trace of the slit edges D{:02d}".format(det), use_slitid=det) armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="trace") ############### # Generate the 1D wavelength solution update = slf.MasterWaveCalib(fitsdict, sc, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="trace") ############### # Derive the spectral tilt if slf._tilts[det-1] is None: try: tilts = armasters.get_master_frame(slf, "tilts") except IOError: # First time tilts are derived for this arc frame --> derive the order tilts tilts, satmask, outpar = artrace.multislit_tilt(slf, slf._msarc[det-1], det) slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._satmask, satmask, det) slf.SetFrame(slf._tiltpar, outpar, det) armasters.save_masters(slf, det, mftype='tilts') else: slf.SetFrame(slf._tilts, tilts, det) ############### # Prepare the pixel flat field frame update = slf.MasterFlatField(fitsdict, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="flat", chktype="pixelflat") ############### # Generate/load a master wave frame update = slf.MasterWave(fitsdict, sc, det) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, det, ftype="arc", chktype="wave") ############### # Check if the user only wants to prepare the calibrations only"All calibration frames have been prepared") if settings.argflag['run']['preponly']:"If you would like to continue with the reduction, disable the command:" + msgs.newline() + "run preponly False") continue ############### # Write setup #setup = arsort.calib_setup(sc, det, fitsdict, setup_dict, write=True) # Write MasterFrames (currently per detector) #armasters.save_masters(slf, det, setup) ############### # Load the science frame and from this generate a Poisson error frame"Loading science frame") sciframe = arload.load_frames(fitsdict, [scidx], det, frametype='science', msbias=slf._msbias[det-1]) sciframe = sciframe[:, :, 0] # Extract"Processing science frame") arproc.reduce_multislit(slf, sciframe, scidx, fitsdict, det) ############### # Using model sky, calculate a flexure correction ############### # Flux ############### # Standard star (is this a calibration, e.g. goes above?)"Processing standard star")"Assuming one star per detector mosaic")"Waited until last detector to process") update = slf.MasterStandard(fitsdict) if update and reuseMaster: armbase.UpdateMasters(sciexp, sc, 0, ftype="standard") #"Consider using archived sensitivity if not found")"Fluxing with {:s}".format(slf._sensfunc['std']['name'])) for kk in range(settings.spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Detectors indexed from 1 if slf._specobjs[det-1] is not None: arflux.apply_sensfunc(slf, det, scidx, fitsdict) else:"There are no objects on detector {0:d} to apply a flux calibration".format(det)) # Write 1D spectra save_format = 'fits' if save_format == 'fits': arsave.save_1d_spectra_fits(slf, fitsdict) elif save_format == 'hdf5': arsave.save_1d_spectra_hdf5(slf) else: msgs.error(save_format + ' is not a recognized output format!') arsave.save_obj_info(slf, fitsdict) # Write 2D images for the Science Frame arsave.save_2d_images(slf, fitsdict) # Free up some memory by replacing the reduced ScienceExposure class sciexp[sc] = None return status
def MasterStandard(self, fitsdict): """ Generate Master Standard frame for a given detector and generates a sensitivity function Currently only uses first standard star exposure Currently takes brightest source on the mosaic Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files Returns ------- boolean : bool """ if self._sensfunc is not None:"Using existing sensitivity function.") return False # Attempt to load the Master Frame try: sensfunc = armasters.get_master_frame(self, "sensfunc") except IOError: # Grab the standard star frames"Preparing the standard") ind = self._idx_std msgs.warn("Taking only the first standard frame for now") ind = [ind[0]] # Extract all_specobj = [] for kk in range(settings.spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Load the frame(s) frame = arload.load_frames(fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='standard', msbias=self._msbias[det - 1]) sciframe = frame[:, :, 0] # First exposure # Save RA/DEC self._msstd[det - 1]['RA'] = fitsdict['ra'][ind[0]] self._msstd[det - 1]['DEC'] = fitsdict['dec'][ind[0]] self._msstd[det - 1]['spobjs'] = None # Use this detector? Need to check this after setting RA/DEC above if settings.argflag['reduce']['detnum'] is not None: msgs.warn( "If your standard wasnt on this detector, you will have trouble.." ) if det != settings.argflag['reduce']['detnum']: continue if settings.spect["mosaic"]["reduction"] == "ARMLSD": arproc.reduce_multislit(self, sciframe, ind[0], fitsdict, det, standard=True) elif settings.spect["mosaic"]["reduction"] == "ARMED": arproc.reduce_echelle(self, sciframe, ind[0], fitsdict, det, standard=True) else: msgs.error("Not ready for reduction type {0:s}".format( settings.spect["mosaic"]["reduction"])) if self._msstd[det - 1]['spobjs'] is not None: all_specobj += self._msstd[det - 1]['spobjs'] # If standard, generate a sensitivity function sensfunc = arflux.generate_sensfunc(self, ind[0], all_specobj, fitsdict) # Set the sensitivity function self.SetMasterFrame(sensfunc, "sensfunc", None, mkcopy=False) # Apply to Standard for kk in range(settings.spect['mosaic']['ndet']): det = kk + 1 # Detectors indexed from 1 arflux.apply_sensfunc(self, det, ind[0], fitsdict, standard=True) # Save armasters.save_sensfunc( self, settings.argflag['reduce']['masters']['setup']) # Save standard star spectrum to disk outfile = settings.argflag['run']['directory'][ 'science'] + '/spec1d_{:s}.fits'.format( fitsdict['filename'][ind[0]].split('.')[0]) arsave.save_1d_spectra_fits(self, fitsdict, standard=True, outfile=outfile) return True else: self._sensfunc = sensfunc.copy() return True
def MasterFlatField(self, fitsdict, det): """ Generate Master Flat-field frame for a given detector Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Index of the detector Returns ------- boolean : bool Should other ScienceExposure classes be updated? """ from pypit import arqa if settings.argflag['reduce']['flatfield'][ 'perform']: # Only do it if the user wants to flat field # If the master pixelflat is already made, use it if self._mspixelflat[det - 1] is not None:"An identical master pixelflat frame already exists") if self._mspixelflatnrm[det - 1] is None: # Normalize the flat field"Normalizing the pixel flat") slit_profiles, mstracenrm, msblaze, flat_ext1d, extrap_slit = \ arproc.slit_profile(self, self.GetMasterFrame("pixelflat", det), det, ntcky=settings.argflag['reduce']['flatfield']['params'][0]) # If some slit profiles/blaze functions need to be extrapolated, do that now if np.sum(extrap_slit) != 0.0: slit_profiles, mstracenrm, msblaze = arproc.slit_profile_pca( self, self.GetMasterFrame("pixelflat", det), det, msblaze, extrap_slit, slit_profiles) mspixelflatnrm = mstracenrm.copy() winpp = np.where(slit_profiles != 0.0) mspixelflatnrm[winpp] /= slit_profiles[winpp] self.SetMasterFrame(mspixelflatnrm, "normpixelflat", det) armasters.save_masters(self, det, mftype='normpixelflat') if np.array_equal(self._idx_flat, self._idx_trace): # The flat field frame is also being used to trace the slit edges and determine the slit # profile. Avoid recalculating the slit profile and blaze function and save them here. self.SetFrame(self._msblaze, msblaze, det) self.SetFrame(self._slitprof, slit_profiles, det) armasters.save_masters(self, det, mftype='slitprof') if settings.argflag["reduce"]["slitprofile"][ "perform"]:"Preparing QA of each slit profile") arqa.slit_profile(self, mstracenrm, slit_profiles, self._lordloc[det - 1], self._rordloc[det - 1], self._slitpix[det - 1], desc="Slit profile")"Saving blaze function QA") arqa.plot_orderfits(self, msblaze, flat_ext1d, desc="Blaze function") return False ############### # Generate/load a master pixel flat frame if settings.argflag['reduce']['flatfield']['useframe'] in [ 'pixelflat', 'trace' ]: try: mspixelflatnrm = armasters.get_master_frame( self, "normpixelflat") except IOError:"Preparing a master pixel flat frame with {0:s}". format(settings.argflag['reduce']['flatfield'] ['useframe'])) # Get all of the pixel flat frames for this science frame ind = self._idx_flat # Load the frames for tracing frames = arload.load_frames(fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='pixel flat', msbias=self._msbias[det - 1]) if settings.argflag['pixelflat']['combine']['match'] > 0.0: sframes = arsort.match_frames( frames, settings.argflag['pixelflat']['combine']['match'], frametype='pixel flat', satlevel=self._nonlinear) subframes = np.zeros( (frames.shape[0], frames.shape[1], len(sframes))) numarr = np.array([]) for i in range(len(sframes)): numarr = np.append(numarr, sframes[i].shape[2]) mspixelflat = arcomb.comb_frames( sframes[i], det, 'pixelflat', printtype='pixel flat') subframes[:, :, i] = mspixelflat.copy() del sframes # Combine all sub-frames mspixelflat = arcomb.comb_frames( subframes, det, 'pixelflat', weights=numarr, printtype='pixel flat') del subframes else: mspixelflat = arcomb.comb_frames( frames, det, 'pixelflat', printtype='pixel flat') del frames # Apply gain (instead of ampsec scale) mspixelflat *= arproc.gain_frame(self, det) # Normalize the flat field"Normalizing the pixel flat") slit_profiles, mstracenrm, msblaze, flat_ext1d, extrap_slit = \ arproc.slit_profile(self, mspixelflat, det, ntcky=settings.argflag['reduce']['flatfield']['params'][0]) # If some slit profiles/blaze functions need to be extrapolated, do that now if np.sum(extrap_slit) != 0.0: slit_profiles, mstracenrm, msblaze = arproc.slit_profile_pca( self, mspixelflat, det, msblaze, extrap_slit, slit_profiles) mspixelflatnrm = mstracenrm.copy() winpp = np.where(slit_profiles != 0.0) mspixelflatnrm[winpp] /= slit_profiles[winpp] if np.array_equal(self._idx_flat, self._idx_trace): # The flat field frame is also being used to trace the slit edges and determine the slit # profile. Avoid recalculating the slit profile and blaze function and save them here. self.SetFrame(self._msblaze, msblaze, det) self.SetFrame(self._slitprof, slit_profiles, det) armasters.save_masters(self, det, mftype='slitprof') if settings.argflag["reduce"]["slitprofile"][ "perform"]:"Preparing QA of each slit profile") arqa.slit_profile(self, mstracenrm, slit_profiles, self._lordloc[det - 1], self._rordloc[det - 1], self._slitpix[det - 1], desc="Slit profile")"Saving blaze function QA") arqa.plot_orderfits(self, msblaze, flat_ext1d, desc="Blaze function") else: mspixelflat = mspixelflatnrm else: # It must be the name of a file the user wishes to load mspixelflat_name = armasters.user_master_name( settings.argflag['run']['directory']['master'], settings.argflag['reduce']['flatfield']['useframe']) mspixelflatnrm, head = arload.load_master(mspixelflat_name, exten=det, frametype=None) mspixelflat = mspixelflatnrm # Now that the combined, master flat field frame is loaded... else: "Pixel Flat arrays need to be generated when not flat fielding" ) msgs.bug("Blaze is currently undefined") mspixelflat = np.ones_like(self._msarc) mspixelflatnrm = np.ones_like(self._msarc) # Set Master Frames self.SetMasterFrame(mspixelflat, "pixelflat", det) self.SetMasterFrame(mspixelflatnrm, "normpixelflat", det) armasters.save_masters(self, det, mftype='normpixelflat') return True
def MasterArc(self, fitsdict, det): """ Generate Master Arc frame for a given detector Parameters ---------- fitsdict : dict Contains relevant information from fits header files det : int Index of the detector Returns ------- boolean : bool Should other ScienceExposure classes be updated? """ dnum = settings.get_dnum(det) if self._msarc[det - 1] is not None:"A master arc frame already exists for this frame") return False if settings.argflag['arc']['useframe'] in ['arc']: # Master Frame try: msarc = armasters.get_master_frame(self, "arc") except IOError:"Preparing a master arc frame") ind = self._idx_arcs # Load the arc frames frames = arload.load_frames(fitsdict, ind, det, frametype='arc', msbias=self._msbias[det - 1]) if settings.argflag['arc']['combine']['match'] > 0.0: sframes = arsort.match_frames( frames, settings.argflag['arc']['combine']['match'], frametype='arc', satlevel=settings.spect[dnum]['saturation'] * settings.spect[dnum]['nonlinear']) subframes = np.zeros( (frames.shape[0], frames.shape[1], len(sframes))) numarr = np.array([]) for i in range(len(sframes)): numarr = np.append(numarr, sframes[i].shape[2]) msarc = arcomb.comb_frames(sframes[i], det, 'arc') # Send the data away to be saved subframes[:, :, i] = msarc.copy() del sframes # Combine all sub-frames msarc = arcomb.comb_frames(subframes, det, 'arc', weights=numarr) del subframes else: msarc = arcomb.comb_frames(frames, det, 'arc') del frames else: # Use input frame name located in MasterFrame directory msarc_name = settings.argflag['run']['directory'][ 'master'] + '/' + settings.argflag['arc']['useframe'] msarc, _ = arload.load_master(msarc_name, frametype=None) # Set and then delete the Master Arc frame self.SetMasterFrame(msarc, "arc", det) armasters.save_masters(self, det, mftype='arc') del msarc return True