def __plot_output(result, title, save_file, best_output, best_actions): _, n_iterations = np.array(result).shape info = result[2] causal_effect = [round(x, 4) for x in result[3]] x = np.array(range(0, n_iterations)) right_sub = [i for i in range(n_iterations) if causal_effect[i] > 0.1] wrong_sub = [i for i in range(n_iterations) if causal_effect[i] <= 0.1] pltz.set_figure_size(12, 10) pltz.plot(x, info) pltz.plot(x[right_sub], info[right_sub], 'go', linewidth=3, markersize=10) pltz.plot(x[wrong_sub], info[wrong_sub], 'rx', linewidth=3, markersize=10) # pltz.xlabel('Iteration Number') pltz.xticks([]) pltz.ylabel('Information Gain') pltz.title(title) pltz.legend() col_labels = [str(i) for i in range(n_iterations)] row_labels = ['Selected A_i', 'Selected ΔF', 'TE'] table_vals = np.array([best_actions, best_output, causal_effect]) # row_colors = ['red', 'gold', 'green'] my_table = plt.table(cellText=table_vals, colWidths=[1 / n_iterations] * n_iterations, rowLabels=row_labels, colLabels=col_labels, colLoc='center', loc='bottom') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2) plt.savefig(data_path + save_file)
def age_show(): # 显示年龄分布情况 now_year = # 当前的年份 # 计算年龄 df['birth'] = pd.to_datetime(df['userid'].map(fun)) df['Age'] = now_year - df.birth.dt.year t = df age2 = t[(t.Age >= 20) & (t.Age < 25)]['Age'].count() age3 = t[(t.Age >= 25) & (t.Age < 30)]['Age'].count() age4 = t[(t.Age >= 30) & (t.Age < 35)]['Age'].count() age5 = t[(t.Age >= 35) & (t.Age < 40)]['Age'].count() age6 = t[(t.Age >= 40) & (t.Age < 45)]['Age'].count() age7 = t[(t.Age >= 45) & (t.Age < 50)]['Age'].count() age8 = t[(t.Age >= 50) & (t.Age < 55)]['Age'].count() age9 = t[(t.Age >= 55) & (t.Age < 60)]['Age'].count() age10 = t[(t.Age >= 60) & (t.Age < 80)]['Age'].count() s = pd.DataFrame({'人数': [age2, age3, age4, age5, age6, age7, age8, age9, age10]}, index=['20-25', '25-30', '30-35', '35-40', '40-45', '45-50', '50-55', '55-60', '60-76']) s.plot(kind='bar') plt.title('嘉裕花苑二期项目5#-18#楼1500户申购入围家庭年龄分布') Age = df.Age.value_counts() print(Age) Age = Age.to_frame() Age = Age.sort_index() print(Age) Age.plot(kind='line') plt.title('嘉裕花苑二期项目5#-18#楼1500户申购入围家庭年龄分布')
def town_count(): town = df['town'].value_counts() town_df = town.to_frame() index = counts = town_df['town'].tolist() plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6)) # 画线条 l2, = plt.plot(index, counts, color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle='--', label='square line') # 画柱状图, counts, alpha=0.9, width=0.55, facecolor='lightskyblue', edgecolor='white', label='one', lw=1) plt.xticks(rotation=45, fontsize=10) plt.title('嘉裕花苑二期项目5#-18#楼1500户申购入围家庭所在乡镇') plt.xlabel("乡镇") plt.ylabel("人数") # 设置数字标签 for a, b in zip(index, counts): plt.text(a, b + 0.05, '%.0f' % b, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10) draw_pie(index, counts)
def print_others(msg): # print(msg) if msg.type == 'Sharing': response = requests.get(msg.url) document = PyQuery(response.text) content = document('p').text() content = re.sub('[a-zA-Z0-9’!"%&\'^\s+|\s+$()*+,-./:;,。?、…?“”‘’!]+', "", content) seg_list = jieba.cut(content, cut_all=True) result = Counter() for seg in seg_list: if len(seg) > 1: result[seg] = result[seg] + 1 mydic = result.most_common(20) source_data = {} for i in mydic: source_data[i[0]] = i[1] print(source_data) # 设置X轴Y轴数据 x_axis = tuple(source_data.keys()) y_axis = tuple(source_data.values()), y_axis, width=0.5) plt.xlabel(u"高频词汇") # 指定x轴描述信息 plt.ylabel(u"频次") # 指定y轴描述信息 plt.title("高频词汇统计表") # 指定图表描述信息 plt.ylim(0, int(y_axis[0])) # 指定Y轴的高度 plt.savefig('my_result.png') # 保存为图片 msg.sender.send_image('my_result.png')
def country(): #print(df.loc[df["town"] == "龙门滩"]) country = df.loc[df["town"] == "葛坑"]['country'].value_counts() country_df = country.to_frame() index = counts = country_df['country'].tolist() plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6)) plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Arial Unicode MS'] # for Chinese characters, counts, alpha=0.9, width=0.55, facecolor='lightskyblue', edgecolor='white', label='one', lw=1) plt.xticks(rotation=45, fontsize=10) # 设置数字标签 for a, b in zip(index, counts): plt.text(a, b + 0.05, '%.0f' % b, ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10) plt.title('嘉裕花苑二期项目5#-18#楼1500户申购入围家庭所在乡镇')
def draw_pie(labels, quants): # make a square figure plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10)) # For China, make the piece explode a bit expl = [0]*len(quants) # 第二块即China离开圆心0.1 expl[2] = 0.1 # Colors used. Recycle if not enough. colors = ["blue", "red", "coral", "green", "yellow", "orange"] # 设置颜色(循环显示) # Pie Plot # autopct: format of "percent" string;百分数格式 plt.pie(quants, textprops = {'fontsize':15, 'color':'k'},explode=expl, colors=colors, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%', pctdistance=0.8, shadow=False) plt.title('嘉裕花苑二期项目5#-18#楼1500户申购入围家庭所在乡镇', bbox={'facecolor': '0.8', 'pad': 5}) # plt.savefig("png.jpg") plt.close()
@bot.register(Friend) def print_other(msg): if msg.type == 'Sharing': response = requests.get(msg.url) document = PyQuery(response.text) content = document('p').text() content = re.sub('[a-zA-Z0-9’!"%&\'^\s+|\s+$()*+,-./:;,。?、…?“”‘’!]+',"",content) seg_list = jieba.cut(content,cut_all = True) result = Counter() for seg in seg_list: if len(seg) > 1: result[seg] = result[seg] + 1 mydic = result.most_common(20) source_data ={} for i in mydic: source_data[i[0]] = i[1] print(source_data) #设置X轴Y轴数据 x_axis = tuple(source_data.keys()) y_axis = tuple(source_data.values()),y_axis,width = 0.5) plt.xlabel(u"高频词汇") # 指定X轴描述信息 plt.ylabel(u"频次") #指定y轴描述信息 plt.title("高频词汇统计表") #指定图标描述信息 plt.ylim(0,int(y_axis[0])) #指定Y轴的高度 plt.savefig('my_result.png') #保存为图片 msg.sender.send_image('my_result,png')