def montecarlo_simulation_hs(self, nb_player, hole_card, community_card,
                                 ahead_tied_behind, agent_rank):
        community_card = _fill_community_card(community_card,
                                              used_card=hole_card +
        unused_cards = _pick_unused_card((nb_player - 1) * 2,
                                         hole_card + community_card)
        opponents_hole = [
            unused_cards[2 * i:2 * i + 2] for i in range(nb_player - 1)

        # get rank of hole_card with the community_card that are faced up
        opponents_rank = [
            HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole, community_card)
            for hole in opponents_hole

        if agent_rank > max(opponents_rank):
            # if win add increment ahead
            ahead_tied_behind['ahead'] += 1
        elif agent_rank == max(opponents_rank):
            # if tie increment tied
            ahead_tied_behind['tied'] += 1
            # if lose increment behind
            ahead_tied_behind['behind'] += 1
    def montecarlo_simulation_hp(self, nb_player, hole_card, community_card, hp, total_hp, agent_rank, num_simulation):
        unused_cards = _pick_unused_card((nb_player - 1) * 2, hole_card + community_card)
        opponents_hole = [unused_cards[2 * i:2 * i + 2] for i in range(nb_player - 1)]

        # get rank of hole_card with the community_card that are faced up
        opponents_rank = [HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole, community_card) for hole in opponents_hole]

        index = 'ahead'
        if agent_rank > max(opponents_rank):
            index = 'ahead'
        elif agent_rank == max(opponents_rank):
            index = 'tied'
            index = 'behind'
        total_hp[index] += 1

        for i in range(num_simulation):
            all_community_cards = _fill_community_card(community_card, used_card=hole_card + community_card)
            agent_best_rank = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, all_community_cards)
            opp_best_rank = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, all_community_cards)
            if agent_best_rank > opp_best_rank:
                hp[index]['ahead'] += (1 / num_simulation)  # normalize so that output of ppot and npot is from 0 to 1
            elif agent_best_rank == opp_best_rank:
                hp[index]['tied'] += (1 / num_simulation)  # normalize so that output of ppot and npot is from 0 to 1
                hp[index]['behind'] += (1 / num_simulation)  # normalize so that output of ppot and npot is from 0 to 1
    def evaluate_chance_node(self,player_pos,street,small_blind_pos, player_committed_amt, \
      oppo_committed_amt, total_num_raises, hole_card, community_card,big_blind_has_spoken, \
      total_num_player_raise, total_num_oppo_raise,num_player_raise, num_oppo_raise):
        if self.LOG:
            output_log_message_for_evaluate_chance_node(player_pos,street,small_blind_pos, \
              player_committed_amt, oppo_committed_amt, total_num_raises, hole_card, community_card, \
              big_blind_has_spoken, total_num_player_raise, total_num_oppo_raise,num_player_raise,\

        if street == 4:
            return self.evaluate_terminal_node(player_pos,street,small_blind_pos, player_committed_amt, \
              oppo_committed_amt, total_num_raises, hole_card, community_card,big_blind_has_spoken, \
              total_num_player_raise, total_num_oppo_raise,num_player_raise, num_oppo_raise)

        eva = 0
        num_cards_left = 50 - len(community_card)

        cards = [c.to_id() for c in community_card]
        for i in _pick_unused_card(1, hole_card + community_card):
            cc = [Card.from_id(c) for c in cards]
            if player_pos == small_blind_pos:
                if self.LOG:
                    print("chance 1.1")
                eva = self.evaluate_player_node(player_pos,street+1,small_blind_pos,player_committed_amt, \
                  oppo_committed_amt,total_num_raises,hole_card,cc,False, total_num_player_raise, \
                  total_num_oppo_raise,0,0) + eva
                if self.LOG:
                    print("chance 1.2")
                eva = self.evaluate_oppo_node(player_pos,street+1,small_blind_pos,player_committed_amt, \
                  oppo_committed_amt,total_num_raises,hole_card,cc,False,total_num_player_raise, \
                  total_num_oppo_raise,0,0) + eva
        return eva / num_cards_left
def HandStrength(weight, hole_card, community_card):
    """Evaluate hand strength = probability that our hand is the strongest hand based on given pre-determined weights"""
    No_of_times = 5  # numround = 35 -> run 3 times for running alone without timeout, 2 for running together
    Ahead = Tied = Behind = 1
    ourrank = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, community_card)
    # Consider all two card combinations of the remaining cards.
    unused_cards = _pick_unused_card(45, hole_card + community_card)

    # Run defined number of simulations
    while (No_of_times > 0):
        oppcard1 = random.choice(unused_cards)
        oppcard2 = random.choice(unused_cards)
        if (oppcard1 != oppcard2):
            # initial opponent hand value
            oppcard = [oppcard1, oppcard2]
            opprank = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(oppcard, community_card)
            # enemy card weight
            oppweight = (Map_169(oppcard1, oppcard2, weight) / 3364.0)
            # print(ourrank, opprank, oppweight)
            if (ourrank > opprank):
                Ahead += oppweight
            elif (ourrank == opprank):
                Tied += oppweight
                Behind += oppweight  # <
            No_of_times = No_of_times - 1

    handstrength = (Ahead + Tied / 2) / (Ahead + Tied + Behind)
    return handstrength
def _montecarlo_simulation(nb_player, hole_card, community_card):
    community_card = _fill_community_card(community_card, used_card=hole_card+community_card)
    unused_cards = _pick_unused_card((nb_player-1)*2, hole_card + community_card)
    opponents_hole = [unused_cards[2*i:2*i+2] for i in range(nb_player-1)]
    opponents_score = [HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole, community_card) for hole in opponents_hole]
    my_score = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, community_card)
    return 1 if my_score >= max(opponents_score) else 0
    def montecarlo_simulation(self, nb_player, hole_card, community_card):
        # Do a Monte Carlo simulation given the current state of the game by evaluating the hands

        # get all the community cards, include your own hole card, put it in the community_card array
        community_card = _fill_community_card(community_card,
                                              used_card=hole_card +

        # get all the unused cards based on the community card currently (deck - community_card)
        unused_cards = _pick_unused_card((nb_player - 1) * 2,
                                         hole_card + community_card)

        # get 100 possibilities of opponent's hole
        opponents_hole = [
            unused_cards[2 * i:2 * i + 2] for i in range(nb_player - 1)

        # calculate the score of opponent's hand based on the possibilities of opponent's hole
        opponents_score = [
            HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole, community_card)
            for hole in opponents_hole

        # calculate your current hand's score
        my_score = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, community_card)

        # if my current hand is better than all the possibilities of opponent's hand
        if my_score >= max(opponents_score):
            return 1
            return 0
def montecarlo_simulation(self, nb_player, hole_card, community_card):
    # Do a Monte Carlo simulation given the current state of the game by evaluating the hands
    community_card = _fill_community_card(community_card, used_card=hole_card + community_card)
    unused_cards = _pick_unused_card((nb_player - 1) * 2, hole_card + community_card)
    opponents_hole = [unused_cards[2 * i:2 * i + 2] for i in range(nb_player - 1)]
    opponents_score = [HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole, community_card) for hole in opponents_hole]
    my_score = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, community_card)
    return 1 if my_score >= max(opponents_score) else 0
def montecarlo_simulation(nb_player, hole_card, community_card):
    # Do a Monte Carlo simulation given the current state of the game by evaluating the hands
    community_card = _fill_community_card(community_card, used_card=hole_card + community_card)
    unused_cards = _pick_unused_card((nb_player - 1) * 2, hole_card + community_card)
    opponents_hole = [unused_cards[2 * i:2 * i + 2] for i in range(nb_player - 1)]
    opponents_score = [HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole, community_card) for hole in opponents_hole]
    my_score = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, community_card)
    return 1 if my_score >= max(opponents_score) else 0
def HandPotential(weight, hole_card, community_card):
    """Evaluate hand potential = potential that our hand can become better"""
    ahead = 0
    tied = 1
    behind = 2
    No_of_times = 5  # numround = 35 -> run 2 times -> good for running alone and together without timeout but 3 has few errors
    # Hand potential array, each index represents ahead, tied, and behind.
    HP = [[0.01 for x in range(3)]
          for y in range(3)]  # initialize to low value 0.01
    HPTotal = [0 for x in range(3)]  # initialize to 0
    ourrank = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, community_card)
    # Consider all two card combinations of the remaining cards for the opponent.
    community_card = _fill_community_card(community_card,
                                          used_card=hole_card + community_card)
    unused_cards = _pick_unused_card(45, hole_card + community_card)

    # Run defined number of simulations
    while (No_of_times > 0):
        oppcard1 = random.choice(unused_cards)
        oppcard2 = random.choice(unused_cards)
        turn = random.choice(unused_cards)
        river = random.choice(unused_cards)
        if (oppcard1 != oppcard2 != turn != river):
            # initial opponent hand value
            oppcard = [oppcard1, oppcard2]
            opprank = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(oppcard, community_card)
            # enemy card weight
            oppweight = (Map_169(oppcard1, oppcard2, weight) / 3364.0)
            if (ourrank > opprank):
                index = ahead
            elif (ourrank == opprank):
                index = tied
                index = behind  # <
            HPTotal[index] += oppweight
            # Final 5-card board
            board = community_card
            ourbest = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, board)
            oppbest = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(oppcard, board)
            if (ourbest > oppbest):
                HP[index][ahead] += oppweight
            elif (ourbest == oppbest):
                HP[index][tied] += oppweight
                HP[index][behind] += oppweight  # <
            No_of_times = No_of_times - 1

    sumBehind = HP[behind][ahead] + HP[behind][tied] + HP[behind][behind]
    sumTied = HP[tied][ahead] + HP[tied][tied] + HP[tied][behind]
    sumAhead = HP[ahead][ahead] + HP[ahead][tied] + HP[ahead][behind]
    # Ppot: were behind but moved ahead.
    Ppot = (HP[behind][ahead] + HP[behind][tied] / 2 +
            HP[tied][ahead] / 2) / (sumBehind + sumTied / 2)
    # Npot: were ahead but fell behind.
    # Npot = (HP[ahead][behind]+HP[tied][behind]/2+HP[ahead][tied]/2)/ (sumAhead+sumTied/2)
    return Ppot
def generate_ars_table(street, num_simulation, num_simulation_hs):
    ars_table = {}
    ars_table_final = {}
    ars_table_sorted = {}
    init_ars_table(ars_table, ars_table_final, ars_table_sorted, street)
    if street == 'flop':
        num_community_cards = 3
    elif street == 'turn':
        num_community_cards = 4
    elif street == 'river':
        num_community_cards = 5
        print("incorrect round name, run app again")

    for i in range(num_simulation):
        hole_card = _pick_unused_card(2, [])  # generate 2 hole cards
        # generate num of community card based on street
        community_card = _pick_unused_card(num_community_cards, hole_card)

        # initialization of table --------------------------------------------------------------
        hand_rank = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole_card, community_card)  # get current hand rank
        if hand_rank not in ars_table[street]:
            ars_table[street][hand_rank] = {}
            ars_table_final[street][hand_rank] = {}
            ars_table[street][hand_rank]["strength"] = 0
            ars_table[street][hand_rank]["total_iter"] = 0
            ars_table_final[street][hand_rank] = 0
        # end initialization of table ----------------------------------------------------------
        strength = get_hand_strength(hole_card, community_card, num_simulation_hs)  # get hand strength
        ars_table[street][hand_rank]["strength"] += strength
        ars_table[street][hand_rank]["total_iter"] += 1

        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print("pid: {} street: {} round: {}".format(getpid(), street, i))

    # get average of all strengths and store it in ars_table_final
    for hand_rank_key in ars_table[street]:
        average_strength = ars_table[street][hand_rank_key]["strength"] / \
        ars_table_final[street][hand_rank_key] = round(average_strength, 3)  # 3 dec-place

    return ars_table
    def get_opponent_hand_strength(self, hole_card, community_card):
        unused_cards = _pick_unused_card(2, hole_card + community_card)

        # get 100 possibilities of opponent's hole
        opponents_hole = [unused_cards[2 * i:2 * i + 2] for i in range(1)]

        # calculate the total score of opponent's hand based on the 100 possibilities of opponent's hole
        opponents_score = 0
        for hole in opponents_hole:
            opponents_score += HandEvaluator.eval_hand(hole, community_card)
        opponents_avg_score = opponents_score / opponents_hole.__sizeof__()
        return opponents_avg_score
    table[i] = {}

# read table
files = [
    "./hs_data/flop_2500000_500.txt", "./hs_data/river_2500000_500.txt",
    "./hs_data/turn_2500000_500.txt", "./hs_data/preflop_10000.txt"
for f in files:
    file = open(f)
    street = file.readline().strip()
    for i in file:
        # print(i.strip().split(" "))
        score, strength = i.strip().split(" ")
        table[street][score] = strength
for i in range(num_sim):
    opp_hole_card = _pick_unused_card(2, hole_card + community_card)
    opp_score = HandEvaluator.eval_hand(opp_hole_card, community_card)
    attrs = {
        'street': 'river',
        'ehs': table['river'][agent_score],
        'action': 'raise'
    if agent_score > opp_score:
        reward = 1
    elif agent_score == opp_score:
        reward = 0
        reward = -1

    update_table(attrs, reward)
def assuming_card(my_hole_card):
    return _pick_unused_card(2, my_hole_card)