def test_pypower_case():

    #ppopt is a dictionary with the details of the optimization routine to run
    ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=2)

    #choose DC or AC
    ppopt["PF_DC"] = True

    #ppc is a dictionary with details about the network, including baseMVA, branches and generators
    ppc = case()

    results,success = runpf(ppc, ppopt)

    #store results in a DataFrame for easy access
    results_df = {}

    columns = 'bus0, bus1, r, x, b, rateA, rateB, rateC, ratio, angle, status, angmin, angmax, p0, q0, p1, q1'.split(", ")
    results_df['branch'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["branch"],columns=columns)

    columns = ["bus","type","Pd","Qd","Gs","Bs","area","v_mag_pu_set","v_ang_set","v_nom","zone","Vmax","Vmin"]
    results_df['bus'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["bus"],columns=columns,index=results["bus"][:,0])

    columns = "bus, p, q, q_max, q_min, Vg, mBase, status, p_max, p_min, Pc1, Pc2, Qc1min, Qc1max, Qc2min, Qc2max, ramp_agc, ramp_10, ramp_30, ramp_q, apf".split(", ")
    results_df['gen'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["gen"],columns=columns)

    #now compute in PyPSA

    network = pypsa.Network()

    #compare generator dispatch

    p_pypsa = network.generators_t.p.loc["now"].values
    p_pypower = results_df['gen']["p"].values


    #compare branch flows
    for item in ["lines","transformers"]:
        df = getattr(network,item)
        pnl = getattr(network,item + "_t")

        for si in ["p0","p1"]:
            si_pypsa = getattr(pnl,si).loc["now"].values
            si_pypower = results_df['branch'][si][df.original_index].values
def test_pypower_case():

    #ppopt is a dictionary with the details of the optimization routine to run
    ppopt = ppoption(PF_ALG=2)

    #choose DC or AC
    ppopt["PF_DC"] = False

    #ppc is a dictionary with details about the network, including baseMVA, branches and generators
    ppc = case()

    results,success = runpf(ppc, ppopt)

    #store results in a DataFrame for easy access
    results_df = {}

    columns = 'bus0, bus1, r, x, b, rateA, rateB, rateC, ratio, angle, status, angmin, angmax, p0, q0, p1, q1'.split(", ")
    results_df['branch'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["branch"],columns=columns)

    columns = ["bus","type","Pd","Qd","Gs","Bs","area","v_mag_pu","v_ang","v_nom","zone","Vmax","Vmin"]
    results_df['bus'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["bus"],columns=columns,index=results["bus"][:,0])

    columns = "bus, p, q, q_max, q_min, Vg, mBase, status, p_max, p_min, Pc1, Pc2, Qc1min, Qc1max, Qc2min, Qc2max, ramp_agc, ramp_10, ramp_30, ramp_q, apf".split(", ")
    results_df['gen'] = pd.DataFrame(data=results["gen"],columns=columns)

    #now compute in PyPSA

    network = pypsa.Network()

    #PYPOWER uses PI model for transformers, whereas PyPSA defaults to
    #T since version 0.8.0
    network.transformers.model = "pi"

    #compare branch flows
    for c in network.iterate_components(pypsa.components.passive_branch_components):
        for si in ["p0","p1","q0","q1"]:
            si_pypsa = getattr(c.pnl,si).loc["now"].values
            si_pypower = results_df['branch'][si][c.df.original_index].values

    #compare generator dispatch
    for s in ["p","q"]:
        s_pypsa = getattr(network.generators_t,s).loc["now"].values
        s_pypower = results_df["gen"][s].values

    #compare voltages
    v_mag_pypsa = network.buses_t.v_mag_pu.loc["now"]
    v_mag_pypower = results_df["bus"]["v_mag_pu"]


    v_ang_pypsa = network.buses_t.v_ang.loc["now"]
    pypower_slack_angle = results_df["bus"]["v_ang"][results_df["bus"]["type"] == 3].values[0]
    v_ang_pypower = (results_df["bus"]["v_ang"] - pypower_slack_angle)*np.pi/180.
