def eval_f(x, user_data=None):
    """Calculates the objective value.

    @param x: input vector
    om = user_data['om']
    f,  _ = opf_costfcn(x, om)
    return f
def eval_f(x, user_data=None):
    """Calculates the objective value.

    @param x: input vector
    om = user_data['om']
    f, _ = opf_costfcn(x, om)
    return f
def pipsopf_solver(om, ppopt, out_opt=None):
    """Solves AC optimal power flow using PIPS.

    Inputs are an OPF model object, a PYPOWER options vector and
    a dict containing keys (can be empty) for each of the desired
    optional output fields.

    outputs are a C{results} dict, C{success} flag and C{raw} output dict.

    C{results} is a PYPOWER case dict (ppc) with the usual baseMVA, bus
    branch, gen, gencost fields, along with the following additional
        - C{order}      see 'help ext2int' for details of this field
        - C{x}          final value of optimization variables (internal order)
        - C{f}          final objective function value
        - C{mu}         shadow prices on ...
            - C{var}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on variables
                - C{u}  upper bounds on variables
            - C{nln}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on nonlinear constraints
                - C{u}  upper bounds on nonlinear constraints
            - C{lin}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on linear constraints
                - C{u}  upper bounds on linear constraints

    C{success} is C{True} if solver converged successfully, C{False} otherwise

    C{raw} is a raw output dict in form returned by MINOS
        - xr     final value of optimization variables
        - pimul  constraint multipliers
        - info   solver specific termination code
        - output solver specific output information

    @see: L{opf}, L{pips}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ##----- initialization -----
    ## optional output
    if out_opt is None:
        out_opt = {}

    ## options
    verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']
    feastol = ppopt['PDIPM_FEASTOL']
    gradtol = ppopt['PDIPM_GRADTOL']
    comptol = ppopt['PDIPM_COMPTOL']
    costtol = ppopt['PDIPM_COSTTOL']
    max_it  = ppopt['PDIPM_MAX_IT']
    max_red = ppopt['SCPDIPM_RED_IT']
    step_control = (ppopt['OPF_ALG'] == 565)  ## OPF_ALG == 565, PIPS-sc
    if feastol == 0:
        feastol = ppopt['OPF_VIOLATION']
    opt = {  'feastol': feastol,
             'gradtol': gradtol,
             'comptol': comptol,
             'costtol': costtol,
             'max_it': max_it,
             'max_red': max_red,
             'step_control': step_control,
             'cost_mult': 1e-4,
             'verbose': verbose  }

    ## unpack data
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"], ppc["gencost"]
    vv, _, nn, _ = om.get_idx()

    ## problem dimensions
    nb = bus.shape[0]          ## number of buses
    nl = branch.shape[0]       ## number of branches
    ny = om.getN('var', 'y')   ## number of piece-wise linear costs

    ## linear constraints
    A, l, u = om.linear_constraints()

    ## bounds on optimization vars
    _, xmin, xmax = om.getv()

    ## build admittance matrices
    Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch)

    ## try to select an interior initial point
    ll, uu = xmin.copy(), xmax.copy()
    ll[xmin == -Inf] = -1e10   ## replace Inf with numerical proxies
    uu[xmax ==  Inf] =  1e10
    x0 = (ll + uu) / 2
    Varefs = bus[bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF, VA] * (pi / 180)
    ## angles set to first reference angle
    x0[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]] = Varefs[0]
    if ny > 0:
        ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR)
#         PQ = r_[gen[:, PMAX], gen[:, QMAX]]
#         c = totcost(gencost[ipwl, :], PQ[ipwl])
        c = gencost.flatten('F')[sub2ind(gencost.shape, ipwl, NCOST+2*gencost[ipwl, NCOST])]    ## largest y-value in CCV data
        x0[vv["i1"]["y"]:vv["iN"]["y"]] = max(c) + 0.1 * abs(max(c))
#        x0[vv["i1"]["y"]:vv["iN"]["y"]] = c + 0.1 * abs(c)

    ## find branches with flow limits
    il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10))
    nl2 = len(il)           ## number of constrained lines

    ##-----  run opf  -----
    f_fcn = lambda x, return_hessian=False: opf_costfcn(x, om, return_hessian)
    gh_fcn = lambda x: opf_consfcn(x, om, Ybus, Yf[il, :], Yt[il,:], ppopt, il)
    hess_fcn = lambda x, lmbda, cost_mult: opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf[il, :], Yt[il, :], ppopt, il, cost_mult)

    solution = pips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, gh_fcn, hess_fcn, opt)
    x, f, info, lmbda, output = solution["x"], solution["f"], \
            solution["eflag"], solution["lmbda"], solution["output"]

    success = (info > 0)

    ## update solution data
    Va = x[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]]
    Vm = x[vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    Pg = x[vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]]
    Qg = x[vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]]

    V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)

    ##-----  calculate return values  -----
    ## update voltages & generator outputs
    bus[:, VA] = Va * 180 / pi
    bus[:, VM] = Vm
    gen[:, PG] = Pg * baseMVA
    gen[:, QG] = Qg * baseMVA
    gen[:, VG] = Vm[ gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int) ]

    ## compute branch flows
    Sf = V[ branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int) ] * conj(Yf * V)  ## cplx pwr at "from" bus, p["u"].
    St = V[ branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int) ] * conj(Yt * V)  ## cplx pwr at "to" bus, p["u"].
    branch[:, PF] = Sf.real * baseMVA
    branch[:, QF] = Sf.imag * baseMVA
    branch[:, PT] = St.real * baseMVA
    branch[:, QT] = St.imag * baseMVA

    ## line constraint is actually on square of limit
    ## so we must fix multipliers
    muSf = zeros(nl)
    muSt = zeros(nl)
    if len(il) > 0:
        muSf[il] = \
            2 * lmbda["ineqnonlin"][:nl2] * branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA
        muSt[il] = \
            2 * lmbda["ineqnonlin"][nl2:nl2+nl2] * branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA

    ## update Lagrange multipliers
    bus[:, MU_VMAX]  = lmbda["upper"][vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    bus[:, MU_VMIN]  = lmbda["lower"][vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    gen[:, MU_PMAX]  = lmbda["upper"][vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_PMIN]  = lmbda["lower"][vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_QMAX]  = lmbda["upper"][vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_QMIN]  = lmbda["lower"][vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]] / baseMVA

    bus[:, LAM_P] = \
        lmbda["eqnonlin"][nn["i1"]["Pmis"]:nn["iN"]["Pmis"]] / baseMVA
    bus[:, LAM_Q] = \
        lmbda["eqnonlin"][nn["i1"]["Qmis"]:nn["iN"]["Qmis"]] / baseMVA
    branch[:, MU_SF] = muSf / baseMVA
    branch[:, MU_ST] = muSt / baseMVA

    ## package up results
    nlnN = om.getN('nln')

    ## extract multipliers for nonlinear constraints
    kl = find(lmbda["eqnonlin"] < 0)
    ku = find(lmbda["eqnonlin"] > 0)
    nl_mu_l = zeros(nlnN)
    nl_mu_u = r_[zeros(2*nb), muSf, muSt]
    nl_mu_l[kl] = -lmbda["eqnonlin"][kl]
    nl_mu_u[ku] =  lmbda["eqnonlin"][ku]

    mu = {
      'var': {'l': lmbda["lower"], 'u': lmbda["upper"]},
      'nln': {'l': nl_mu_l, 'u': nl_mu_u},
      'lin': {'l': lmbda["mu_l"], 'u': lmbda["mu_u"]} }

    results = ppc
    results["bus"], results["branch"], results["gen"], \
        results["om"], results["x"], results["mu"], results["f"] = \
            bus, branch, gen, om, x, mu, f

    pimul = r_[
        results["mu"]["nln"]["l"] - results["mu"]["nln"]["u"],
        results["mu"]["lin"]["l"] - results["mu"]["lin"]["u"],
        -ones(ny > 0),
        results["mu"]["var"]["l"] - results["mu"]["var"]["u"],
    raw = {'xr': x, 'pimul': pimul, 'info': info, 'output': output}

    return results, success, raw
def opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il=None, cost_mult=1.0):
    """Evaluates Hessian of Lagrangian for AC OPF.

    Hessian evaluation function for AC optimal power flow, suitable
    for use with L{pips}.

        Lxx = opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt)
        Lxx = opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il)
        Lxx = opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il, cost_mult)

    @param x: optimization vector
    @param lmbda: C{eqnonlin} - Lagrange multipliers on power balance
    equations. C{ineqnonlin} - Kuhn-Tucker multipliers on constrained
    branch flows.
    @param om: OPF model object
    @param Ybus: bus admittance matrix
    @param Yf: admittance matrix for "from" end of constrained branches
    @param Yt: admittance matrix for "to" end of constrained branches
    @param ppopt: PYPOWER options vector
    @param il: (optional) vector of branch indices corresponding to
    branches with flow limits (all others are assumed to be unconstrained).
    The default is C{range(nl)} (all branches). C{Yf} and C{Yt} contain
    only the rows corresponding to C{il}.
    @param cost_mult: (optional) Scale factor to be applied to the cost
    (default = 1).

    @return: Hessian of the Lagrangian.

    @see: L{opf_costfcn}, L{opf_consfcn}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    ##----- initialize -----
    ## unpack data
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"], ppc["gencost"]
    cp = om.get_cost_params()
    N, Cw, H, dd, rh, kk, mm = \
        cp["N"], cp["Cw"], cp["H"], cp["dd"], cp["rh"], cp["kk"], cp["mm"]
    vv, _, _, _ = om.get_idx()

    ## unpack needed parameters
    nb = bus.shape[0]  ## number of buses
    nl = branch.shape[0]  ## number of branches
    ng = gen.shape[0]  ## number of dispatchable injections
    nxyz = len(x)  ## total number of control vars of all types

    ## set default constrained lines
    if il is None:
        il = arange(nl)  ## all lines have limits by default
    nl2 = len(il)  ## number of constrained lines

    ## grab Pg & Qg
    Pg = x[vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]]  ## active generation in p.u.
    Qg = x[vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]]  ## reactive generation in p.u.

    ## put Pg & Qg back in gen
    gen[:, PG] = Pg * baseMVA  ## active generation in MW
    gen[:, QG] = Qg * baseMVA  ## reactive generation in MVAr

    ## reconstruct V
    Va = x[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]]
    Vm = x[vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)
    nxtra = nxyz - 2 * nb
    pcost = gencost[arange(ng), :]
    if gencost.shape[0] > ng:
        qcost = gencost[arange(ng, 2 * ng), :]
        qcost = array([])

    ## ----- evaluate d2f -----
    d2f_dPg2 = zeros(ng)  #sparse((ng, 1))               ## w.r.t. p.u. Pg
    d2f_dQg2 = zeros(ng)  #sparse((ng, 1))               ## w.r.t. p.u. Qg
    ipolp = find(pcost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL)
    d2f_dPg2[ipolp] = \
            baseMVA**2 * polycost(pcost[ipolp, :], Pg[ipolp] * baseMVA, 2)
    if any(qcost):  ## Qg is not free
        ipolq = find(qcost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL)
        d2f_dQg2[ipolq] = \
                baseMVA**2 * polycost(qcost[ipolq, :], Qg[ipolq] * baseMVA, 2)
    i = r_[arange(vv["i1"]["Pg"], vv["iN"]["Pg"]),
           arange(vv["i1"]["Qg"], vv["iN"]["Qg"])]
    #    d2f = sparse((vstack([d2f_dPg2, d2f_dQg2]).toarray().flatten(),
    #                  (i, i)), shape=(nxyz, nxyz))
    d2f = sparse((r_[d2f_dPg2, d2f_dQg2], (i, i)), (nxyz, nxyz))

    ## generalized cost
    if issparse(N) and N.nnz > 0:
        nw = N.shape[0]
        r = N * x - rh  ## Nx - rhat
        iLT = find(r < -kk)  ## below dead zone
        iEQ = find((r == 0) & (kk == 0))  ## dead zone doesn't exist
        iGT = find(r > kk)  ## above dead zone
        iND = r_[iLT, iEQ, iGT]  ## rows that are Not in the Dead region
        iL = find(dd == 1)  ## rows using linear function
        iQ = find(dd == 2)  ## rows using quadratic function
        LL = sparse((ones(len(iL)), (iL, iL)), (nw, nw))
        QQ = sparse((ones(len(iQ)), (iQ, iQ)), (nw, nw))
        kbar = sparse((r_[ones(len(iLT)),
                          zeros(len(iEQ)), -ones(len(iGT))], (iND, iND)),
                      (nw, nw)) * kk
        rr = r + kbar  ## apply non-dead zone shift
        M = sparse((mm[iND], (iND, iND)), (nw, nw))  ## dead zone or scale
        diagrr = sparse((rr, (arange(nw), arange(nw))), (nw, nw))

        ## linear rows multiplied by rr(i), quadratic rows by rr(i)^2
        w = M * (LL + QQ * diagrr) * rr
        HwC = H * w + Cw
        AA = N.T * M * (LL + 2 * QQ * diagrr)

        d2f = d2f + AA * H * AA.T + 2 * N.T * M * QQ * \
                sparse((HwC, (arange(nw), arange(nw))), (nw, nw)) * N
    d2f = d2f * cost_mult

    ##----- evaluate Hessian of power balance constraints -----
    nlam = len(lmbda["eqnonlin"]) / 2
    lamP = lmbda["eqnonlin"][:nlam]
    lamQ = lmbda["eqnonlin"][nlam:nlam + nlam]
    Gpaa, Gpav, Gpva, Gpvv = d2Sbus_dV2(Ybus, V, lamP)
    Gqaa, Gqav, Gqva, Gqvv = d2Sbus_dV2(Ybus, V, lamQ)

    d2G = vstack([
            vstack([hstack([Gpaa, Gpav]),
                    hstack([Gpva, Gpvv])]).real +
            vstack([hstack([Gqaa, Gqav]),
                    hstack([Gqva, Gqvv])]).imag,
            sparse((2 * nb, nxtra))
            (nxtra, 2 * nb)), sparse((nxtra, nxtra))])
    ], "csr")

    ##----- evaluate Hessian of flow constraints -----
    nmu = len(lmbda["ineqnonlin"]) / 2
    muF = lmbda["ineqnonlin"][:nmu]
    muT = lmbda["ineqnonlin"][nmu:nmu + nmu]
    if ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 2:  ## current
        dIf_dVa, dIf_dVm, dIt_dVa, dIt_dVm, If, It = dIbr_dV(branch, Yf, Yt, V)
        Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = d2AIbr_dV2(dIf_dVa, dIf_dVm, If, Yf, V, muF)
        Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = d2AIbr_dV2(dIt_dVa, dIt_dVm, It, Yt, V, muT)
        f = branch[il, F_BUS].astype(int)  ## list of "from" buses
        t = branch[il, T_BUS].astype(int)  ## list of "to" buses
        ## connection matrix for line & from buses
        Cf = sparse((ones(nl2), (arange(nl2), f)), (nl2, nb))
        ## connection matrix for line & to buses
        Ct = sparse((ones(nl2), (arange(nl2), t)), (nl2, nb))
        dSf_dVa, dSf_dVm, dSt_dVa, dSt_dVm, Sf, St = \
                dSbr_dV(branch[il,:], Yf, Yt, V)
        if ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 1:  ## real power
            Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = d2ASbr_dV2(dSf_dVa.real, dSf_dVm.real,
                                                Sf.real, Cf, Yf, V, muF)
            Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = d2ASbr_dV2(dSt_dVa.real, dSt_dVm.real,
                                                St.real, Ct, Yt, V, muT)
        else:  ## apparent power
            Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = \
                    d2ASbr_dV2(dSf_dVa, dSf_dVm, Sf, Cf, Yf, V, muF)
            Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = \
                    d2ASbr_dV2(dSt_dVa, dSt_dVm, St, Ct, Yt, V, muT)

    d2H = vstack([
            vstack([hstack([Hfaa, Hfav]),
                    hstack([Hfva, Hfvv])]) +
            vstack([hstack([Htaa, Htav]),
                    hstack([Htva, Htvv])]),
            sparse((2 * nb, nxtra))
            (nxtra, 2 * nb)), sparse((nxtra, nxtra))])
    ], "csr")

    ##-----  do numerical check using (central) finite differences  -----
    if 0:
        nx = len(x)
        step = 1e-5
        num_d2f = sparse((nx, nx))
        num_d2G = sparse((nx, nx))
        num_d2H = sparse((nx, nx))
        for i in range(nx):
            xp = x
            xm = x
            xp[i] = x[i] + step / 2
            xm[i] = x[i] - step / 2
            # evaluate cost & gradients
            _, dfp = opf_costfcn(xp, om)
            _, dfm = opf_costfcn(xm, om)
            # evaluate constraints & gradients
            _, _, dHp, dGp = opf_consfcn(xp, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il)
            _, _, dHm, dGm = opf_consfcn(xm, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il)
            num_d2f[:, i] = cost_mult * (dfp - dfm) / step
            num_d2G[:, i] = (dGp - dGm) * lmbda["eqnonlin"] / step
            num_d2H[:, i] = (dHp - dHm) * lmbda["ineqnonlin"] / step
        d2f_err = max(max(abs(d2f - num_d2f)))
        d2G_err = max(max(abs(d2G - num_d2G)))
        d2H_err = max(max(abs(d2H - num_d2H)))
        if d2f_err > 1e-6:
            print('Max difference in d2f: %g' % d2f_err)
        if d2G_err > 1e-5:
            print('Max difference in d2G: %g' % d2G_err)
        if d2H_err > 1e-6:
            print('Max difference in d2H: %g' % d2H_err)

    return d2f + d2G + d2H
def eval_grad_f(x, user_data=None):
    """Calculates gradient for objective function.
    om = user_data['om']
    _, df = opf_costfcn(x, om)
    return df
def ipoptopf_solver(om, ppopt):
    """Solves AC optimal power flow using IPOPT.

    Inputs are an OPF model object and a PYPOWER options vector.

    Outputs are a C{results} dict, C{success} flag and C{raw} output dict.

    C{results} is a PYPOWER case dict (ppc) with the usual C{baseMVA}, C{bus}
    C{branch}, C{gen}, C{gencost} fields, along with the following additional
        - C{order}      see 'help ext2int' for details of this field
        - C{x}          final value of optimization variables (internal order)
        - C{f}          final objective function value
        - C{mu}         shadow prices on ...
            - C{var}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on variables
                - C{u}  upper bounds on variables
            - C{nln}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on nonlinear constraints
                - C{u}  upper bounds on nonlinear constraints
            - C{lin}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on linear constraints
                - C{u}  upper bounds on linear constraints

    C{success} is C{True} if solver converged successfully, C{False} otherwise

    C{raw} is a raw output dict in form returned by MINOS
        - C{xr}     final value of optimization variables
        - C{pimul}  constraint multipliers
        - C{info}   solver specific termination code
        - C{output} solver specific output information

    @see: L{opf}, L{pips}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    import pyipopt

    ## unpack data
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost = \
        ppc['baseMVA'], ppc['bus'], ppc['gen'], ppc['branch'], ppc['gencost']
    vv, _, nn, _ = om.get_idx()

    ## problem dimensions
    nb = shape(bus)[0]  ## number of buses
    ng = shape(gen)[0]  ## number of gens
    nl = shape(branch)[0]  ## number of branches
    ny = om.getN('var', 'y')  ## number of piece-wise linear costs

    ## linear constraints
    A, l, u = om.linear_constraints()

    ## bounds on optimization vars
    _, xmin, xmax = om.getv()

    ## build admittance matrices
    Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch)

    ## try to select an interior initial point
    ll = xmin.copy()
    uu = xmax.copy()
    ll[xmin == -Inf] = -2e19  ## replace Inf with numerical proxies
    uu[xmax == Inf] = 2e19
    x0 = (ll + uu) / 2
    Varefs = bus[bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF, VA] * (pi / 180)
    x0[vv['i1']['Va']:vv['iN']['Va']] = Varefs[
        0]  ## angles set to first reference angle
    if ny > 0:
        ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR)
        #        PQ = r_[gen[:, PMAX], gen[:, QMAX]]
        #        c = totcost(gencost[ipwl, :], PQ[ipwl])
        ## largest y-value in CCV data
        c = gencost.flatten('F')[sub2ind(shape(gencost), ipwl,
                                         NCOST + 2 * gencost[ipwl, NCOST])]
        x0[vv['i1']['y']:vv['iN']['y']] = max(c) + 0.1 * abs(max(c))

#        x0[vv['i1']['y']:vv['iN']['y']) = c + 0.1 * abs(c)

## find branches with flow limits
    il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10))
    nl2 = len(il)  ## number of constrained lines

    ##-----  run opf  -----
    ## build Jacobian and Hessian structure
    if A is not None and issparse(A):
        nA = A.shape[0]  ## number of original linear constraints
        nA = 0
    nx = len(x0)
    f = branch[:, F_BUS]  ## list of "from" buses
    t = branch[:, T_BUS]  ## list of "to" buses
    Cf = sparse((ones(nl), (arange(nl), f)),
                (nl, nb))  ## connection matrix for line & from buses
    Ct = sparse((ones(nl), (arange(nl), t)),
                (nl, nb))  ## connection matrix for line & to buses
    Cl = Cf + Ct
    Cb = Cl.T * Cl + speye(nb, nb)
    Cl2 = Cl[il, :]
    Cg = sparse((ones(ng), (gen[:, GEN_BUS], arange(ng))), (nb, ng))
    nz = nx - 2 * (nb + ng)
    nxtra = nx - 2 * nb
    if nz > 0:
        Js = vstack([
            hstack([Cb, Cb, Cg, sparse(
                (nb, ng)), sparse((nb, nz))]),
            hstack([Cb, Cb, sparse(
                (nb, ng)), Cg, sparse((nb, nz))]),
            hstack([Cl2, Cl2,
                    sparse((nl2, 2 * ng)),
                    sparse((nl2, nz))]),
            hstack([Cl2, Cl2,
                    sparse((nl2, 2 * ng)),
                    sparse((nl2, nz))])
        ], 'coo')
        Js = vstack([
            hstack([Cb, Cb, Cg, sparse((nb, ng))]),
                sparse((nb, ng)),
                sparse((nl2, 2 * ng)),
                sparse((nl2, 2 * ng)),
        ], 'coo')

    if A is not None and issparse(A):
        Js = vstack([Js, A], 'coo')

    f, _, d2f = opf_costfcn(x0, om, True)
    Hs = tril(d2f + vstack([
        hstack([Cb, Cb, sparse((nb, nxtra))]),
        hstack([Cb, Cb, sparse((nb, nxtra))]),
        sparse((nxtra, nx))

    ## set options struct for IPOPT
    #    options = {}
    #    options['ipopt'] = ipopt_options([], ppopt)

    ## extra data to pass to functions
    userdata = {
        'om': om,
        'Ybus': Ybus,
        'Yf': Yf[il, :],
        'Yt': Yt[il, :],
        'ppopt': ppopt,
        'il': il,
        'A': A,
        'nA': nA,
        'neqnln': 2 * nb,
        'niqnln': 2 * nl2,
        'Js': Js,
        'Hs': Hs

    ## check Jacobian and Hessian structure
    #xr                  = rand(x0.shape)
    #lmbda               = rand( 2 * nb + 2 * nl2)
    #Js1 = eval_jac_g(x, flag, userdata) #(xr, options.auxdata)
    #Hs1  = eval_h(xr, 1, lmbda, userdata)
    #i1, j1, s = find(Js)
    #i2, j2, s = find(Js1)
    #if (len(i1) != len(i2)) | (norm(i1 - i2) != 0) | (norm(j1 - j2) != 0):
    #    raise ValueError, 'something''s wrong with the Jacobian structure'
    #i1, j1, s = find(Hs)
    #i2, j2, s = find(Hs1)
    #if (len(i1) != len(i2)) | (norm(i1 - i2) != 0) | (norm(j1 - j2) != 0):
    #    raise ValueError, 'something''s wrong with the Hessian structure'

    ## define variable and constraint bounds
    # n is the number of variables
    n = x0.shape[0]
    # xl is the lower bound of x as bounded constraints
    xl = xmin
    # xu is the upper bound of x as bounded constraints
    xu = xmax

    neqnln = 2 * nb
    niqnln = 2 * nl2

    # number of constraints
    m = neqnln + niqnln + nA
    # lower bound of constraint
    gl = r_[zeros(neqnln), -Inf * ones(niqnln), l]
    # upper bound of constraints
    gu = r_[zeros(neqnln), zeros(niqnln), u]

    # number of nonzeros in Jacobi matrix
    nnzj = Js.nnz
    # number of non-zeros in Hessian matrix, you can set it to 0
    nnzh = Hs.nnz

    eval_hessian = True
    if eval_hessian:
        hessian = lambda x, lagrange, obj_factor, flag, user_data=None: \
                eval_h(x, lagrange, obj_factor, flag, userdata)

        nlp = pyipopt.create(n, xl, xu, m, gl, gu, nnzj, nnzh, eval_f,
                             eval_grad_f, eval_g, eval_jac_g, hessian)
        nnzh = 0
        nlp = pyipopt.create(n, xl, xu, m, gl, gu, nnzj, nnzh, eval_f,
                             eval_grad_f, eval_g, eval_jac_g)

    nlp.int_option('print_level', 5)
    nlp.num_option('tol', 1.0000e-12)
    nlp.int_option('max_iter', 250)
    nlp.num_option('dual_inf_tol', 0.10000)
    nlp.num_option('constr_viol_tol', 1.0000e-06)
    nlp.num_option('compl_inf_tol', 1.0000e-05)
    nlp.num_option('acceptable_tol', 1.0000e-08)
    nlp.num_option('acceptable_constr_viol_tol', 1.0000e-04)
    nlp.num_option('acceptable_compl_inf_tol', 0.0010000)
    nlp.str_option('mu_strategy', 'adaptive')

    iter = 0

    def intermediate_callback(algmod,
        iter = iter_count
        return True


    ## run the optimization
    # returns final solution x, upper and lower bound for multiplier, final
    # objective function obj and the return status of ipopt
    x, zl, zu, obj, status, zg = nlp.solve(x0, m, userdata)

    info = {
        'x': x,
        'zl': zl,
        'zu': zu,
        'obj': obj,
        'status': status,
        'lmbda': zg


    success = (status == 0) | (status == 1)

    output = {'iterations': iter}

    f, _ = opf_costfcn(x, om)

    ## update solution data
    Va = x[vv['i1']['Va']:vv['iN']['Va']]
    Vm = x[vv['i1']['Vm']:vv['iN']['Vm']]
    Pg = x[vv['i1']['Pg']:vv['iN']['Pg']]
    Qg = x[vv['i1']['Qg']:vv['iN']['Qg']]
    V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)

    ##-----  calculate return values  -----
    ## update voltages & generator outputs
    bus[:, VA] = Va * 180 / pi
    bus[:, VM] = Vm
    gen[:, PG] = Pg * baseMVA
    gen[:, QG] = Qg * baseMVA
    gen[:, VG] = Vm[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)]

    ## compute branch flows
    f_br = branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)
    t_br = branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)
    Sf = V[f_br] * conj(Yf * V)  ## cplx pwr at "from" bus, p.u.
    St = V[t_br] * conj(Yt * V)  ## cplx pwr at "to" bus, p.u.
    branch[:, PF] = Sf.real * baseMVA
    branch[:, QF] = Sf.imag * baseMVA
    branch[:, PT] = St.real * baseMVA
    branch[:, QT] = St.imag * baseMVA

    ## line constraint is actually on square of limit
    ## so we must fix multipliers
    muSf = zeros(nl)
    muSt = zeros(nl)
    if len(il) > 0:
        muSf[il] = 2 * info['lmbda'][2 * nb +
                                     arange(nl2)] * branch[il,
                                                           RATE_A] / baseMVA
        muSt[il] = 2 * info['lmbda'][2 * nb + nl2 +
                                     arange(nl2)] * branch[il,
                                                           RATE_A] / baseMVA

    ## update Lagrange multipliers
    bus[:, MU_VMAX] = info['zu'][vv['i1']['Vm']:vv['iN']['Vm']]
    bus[:, MU_VMIN] = info['zl'][vv['i1']['Vm']:vv['iN']['Vm']]
    gen[:, MU_PMAX] = info['zu'][vv['i1']['Pg']:vv['iN']['Pg']] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_PMIN] = info['zl'][vv['i1']['Pg']:vv['iN']['Pg']] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_QMAX] = info['zu'][vv['i1']['Qg']:vv['iN']['Qg']] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_QMIN] = info['zl'][vv['i1']['Qg']:vv['iN']['Qg']] / baseMVA
    bus[:, LAM_P] = info['lmbda'][nn['i1']['Pmis']:nn['iN']['Pmis']] / baseMVA
    bus[:, LAM_Q] = info['lmbda'][nn['i1']['Qmis']:nn['iN']['Qmis']] / baseMVA
    branch[:, MU_SF] = muSf / baseMVA
    branch[:, MU_ST] = muSt / baseMVA

    ## package up results
    nlnN = om.getN('nln')

    ## extract multipliers for nonlinear constraints
    kl = find(info['lmbda'][:2 * nb] < 0)
    ku = find(info['lmbda'][:2 * nb] > 0)
    nl_mu_l = zeros(nlnN)
    nl_mu_u = r_[zeros(2 * nb), muSf, muSt]
    nl_mu_l[kl] = -info['lmbda'][kl]
    nl_mu_u[ku] = info['lmbda'][ku]

    ## extract multipliers for linear constraints
    lam_lin = info['lmbda'][2 * nb + 2 * nl2 +
                            arange(nA)]  ## lmbda for linear constraints
    kl = find(lam_lin < 0)  ## lower bound binding
    ku = find(lam_lin > 0)  ## upper bound binding
    mu_l = zeros(nA)
    mu_l[kl] = -lam_lin[kl]
    mu_u = zeros(nA)
    mu_u[ku] = lam_lin[ku]

    mu = {
      'var': {'l': info['zl'], 'u': info['zu']},
      'nln': {'l': nl_mu_l, 'u': nl_mu_u}, \
      'lin': {'l': mu_l, 'u': mu_u}

    results = ppc
    results['bus'], results['branch'], results['gen'], \
        results['om'], results['x'], results['mu'], results['f'] = \
            bus, branch, gen, om, x, mu, f

    pimul = r_[results['mu']['nln']['l'] - results['mu']['nln']['u'],
               results['mu']['lin']['l'] - results['mu']['lin']['u'],
               -ones(ny > 0),
               results['mu']['var']['l'] - results['mu']['var']['u']]
    raw = {'xr': x, 'pimul': pimul, 'info': info['status'], 'output': output}

    return results, success, raw
def pipsopf_solver(om, ppopt, out_opt=None):
    """Solves AC optimal power flow using PIPS.

    Inputs are an OPF model object, a PYPOWER options vector and
    a dict containing keys (can be empty) for each of the desired
    optional output fields.

    outputs are a C{results} dict, C{success} flag and C{raw} output dict.

    C{results} is a PYPOWER case dict (ppc) with the usual baseMVA, bus
    branch, gen, gencost fields, along with the following additional
        - C{order}      see 'help ext2int' for details of this field
        - C{x}          final value of optimization variables (internal order)
        - C{f}          final objective function value
        - C{mu}         shadow prices on ...
            - C{var}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on variables
                - C{u}  upper bounds on variables
            - C{nln}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on nonlinear constraints
                - C{u}  upper bounds on nonlinear constraints
            - C{lin}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on linear constraints
                - C{u}  upper bounds on linear constraints

    C{success} is C{True} if solver converged successfully, C{False} otherwise

    C{raw} is a raw output dict in form returned by MINOS
        - xr     final value of optimization variables
        - pimul  constraint multipliers
        - info   solver specific termination code
        - output solver specific output information

    @see: L{opf}, L{pips}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ##----- initialization -----
    ## optional output
    if out_opt is None:
        out_opt = {}

    ## options
    verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']
    feastol = ppopt['PDIPM_FEASTOL']
    gradtol = ppopt['PDIPM_GRADTOL']
    comptol = ppopt['PDIPM_COMPTOL']
    costtol = ppopt['PDIPM_COSTTOL']
    max_it  = ppopt['PDIPM_MAX_IT']
    max_red = ppopt['SCPDIPM_RED_IT']
    step_control = (ppopt['OPF_ALG'] == 565)  ## OPF_ALG == 565, PIPS-sc
    if feastol == 0:
        feastol = ppopt['OPF_VIOLATION']
    opt = {  'feastol': feastol,
             'gradtol': gradtol,
             'comptol': comptol,
             'costtol': costtol,
             'max_it': max_it,
             'max_red': max_red,
             'step_control': step_control,
             'cost_mult': 1e-4,
             'verbose': verbose  }

    ## unpack data
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"], ppc["gencost"]
    vv, _, nn, _ = om.get_idx()

    ## problem dimensions
    nb = bus.shape[0]          ## number of buses
    nl = branch.shape[0]       ## number of branches
    ny = om.getN('var', 'y')   ## number of piece-wise linear costs

    ## linear constraints
    A, l, u = om.linear_constraints()

    ## bounds on optimization vars
    _, xmin, xmax = om.getv()

    ## build admittance matrices
    Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch)

    ## try to select an interior initial point
    ll, uu = xmin.copy(), xmax.copy()
    ll[xmin == -Inf] = -1e10   ## replace Inf with numerical proxies
    uu[xmax ==  Inf] =  1e10
    x0 = (ll + uu) / 2
    Varefs = bus[bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF, VA] * (pi / 180)
    ## angles set to first reference angle
    x0[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]] = Varefs[0]
    if ny > 0:
        ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR)
#         PQ = r_[gen[:, PMAX], gen[:, QMAX]]
#         c = totcost(gencost[ipwl, :], PQ[ipwl])
        c = gencost.flatten('F')[sub2ind(gencost.shape, ipwl, NCOST+2*gencost[ipwl, NCOST])]    ## largest y-value in CCV data
        x0[vv["i1"]["y"]:vv["iN"]["y"]] = max(c) + 0.1 * abs(max(c))
#        x0[vv["i1"]["y"]:vv["iN"]["y"]] = c + 0.1 * abs(c)

    ## find branches with flow limits
    il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10))
    nl2 = len(il)           ## number of constrained lines

    ##-----  run opf  -----
    f_fcn = lambda x, return_hessian=False: opf_costfcn(x, om, return_hessian)
    gh_fcn = lambda x: opf_consfcn(x, om, Ybus, Yf[il, :], Yt[il,:], ppopt, il)
    hess_fcn = lambda x, lmbda, cost_mult: opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf[il, :], Yt[il, :], ppopt, il, cost_mult)

    solution = pips(f_fcn, x0, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, gh_fcn, hess_fcn, opt)
    x, f, info, lmbda, output = solution["x"], solution["f"], \
            solution["eflag"], solution["lmbda"], solution["output"]

    success = (info > 0)

    ## update solution data
    Va = x[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]]
    Vm = x[vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    Pg = x[vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]]
    Qg = x[vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]]

    V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)

    ##-----  calculate return values  -----
    ## update voltages & generator outputs
    bus[:, VA] = Va * 180 / pi
    bus[:, VM] = Vm
    gen[:, PG] = Pg * baseMVA
    gen[:, QG] = Qg * baseMVA
    gen[:, VG] = Vm[ gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int) ]

    ## compute branch flows
    Sf = V[ branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int) ] * conj(Yf * V)  ## cplx pwr at "from" bus, p["u"].
    St = V[ branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int) ] * conj(Yt * V)  ## cplx pwr at "to" bus, p["u"].
    branch[:, PF] = Sf.real * baseMVA
    branch[:, QF] = Sf.imag * baseMVA
    branch[:, PT] = St.real * baseMVA
    branch[:, QT] = St.imag * baseMVA

    ## line constraint is actually on square of limit
    ## so we must fix multipliers
    muSf = zeros(nl)
    muSt = zeros(nl)
    if len(il) > 0:
        muSf[il] = \
            2 * lmbda["ineqnonlin"][:nl2] * branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA
        muSt[il] = \
            2 * lmbda["ineqnonlin"][nl2:nl2+nl2] * branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA

    ## update Lagrange multipliers
    bus[:, MU_VMAX]  = lmbda["upper"][vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    bus[:, MU_VMIN]  = lmbda["lower"][vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    gen[:, MU_PMAX]  = lmbda["upper"][vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_PMIN]  = lmbda["lower"][vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_QMAX]  = lmbda["upper"][vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_QMIN]  = lmbda["lower"][vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]] / baseMVA

    bus[:, LAM_P] = \
        lmbda["eqnonlin"][nn["i1"]["Pmis"]:nn["iN"]["Pmis"]] / baseMVA
    bus[:, LAM_Q] = \
        lmbda["eqnonlin"][nn["i1"]["Qmis"]:nn["iN"]["Qmis"]] / baseMVA
    branch[:, MU_SF] = muSf / baseMVA
    branch[:, MU_ST] = muSt / baseMVA

    ## package up results
    nlnN = om.getN('nln')

    ## extract multipliers for nonlinear constraints
    kl = find(lmbda["eqnonlin"] < 0)
    ku = find(lmbda["eqnonlin"] > 0)
    nl_mu_l = zeros(nlnN)
    nl_mu_u = r_[zeros(2*nb), muSf, muSt]
    nl_mu_l[kl] = -lmbda["eqnonlin"][kl]
    nl_mu_u[ku] =  lmbda["eqnonlin"][ku]

    mu = {
      'var': {'l': lmbda["lower"], 'u': lmbda["upper"]},
      'nln': {'l': nl_mu_l, 'u': nl_mu_u},
      'lin': {'l': lmbda["mu_l"], 'u': lmbda["mu_u"]} }

    results = ppc
    results["bus"], results["branch"], results["gen"], \
        results["om"], results["x"], results["mu"], results["f"] = \
            bus, branch, gen, om, x, mu, f

    pimul = r_[
        results["mu"]["nln"]["l"] - results["mu"]["nln"]["u"],
        results["mu"]["lin"]["l"] - results["mu"]["lin"]["u"],
        results["mu"]["var"]["l"] - results["mu"]["var"]["u"],
    raw = {'xr': x, 'pimul': pimul, 'info': info, 'output': output}

    return results, success, raw
def eval_grad_f(x, user_data=None):
    """Calculates gradient for objective function.
    om = user_data['om']
    _, df = opf_costfcn(x, om)
    return df
def ipoptopf_solver(om, ppopt):
    """Solves AC optimal power flow using IPOPT.

    Inputs are an OPF model object and a PYPOWER options vector.

    Outputs are a C{results} dict, C{success} flag and C{raw} output dict.

    C{results} is a PYPOWER case dict (ppc) with the usual C{baseMVA}, C{bus}
    C{branch}, C{gen}, C{gencost} fields, along with the following additional
        - C{order}      see 'help ext2int' for details of this field
        - C{x}          final value of optimization variables (internal order)
        - C{f}          final objective function value
        - C{mu}         shadow prices on ...
            - C{var}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on variables
                - C{u}  upper bounds on variables
            - C{nln}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on nonlinear constraints
                - C{u}  upper bounds on nonlinear constraints
            - C{lin}
                - C{l}  lower bounds on linear constraints
                - C{u}  upper bounds on linear constraints

    C{success} is C{True} if solver converged successfully, C{False} otherwise

    C{raw} is a raw output dict in form returned by MINOS
        - C{xr}     final value of optimization variables
        - C{pimul}  constraint multipliers
        - C{info}   solver specific termination code
        - C{output} solver specific output information

    @see: L{opf}, L{pips}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    import pyipopt

    ## unpack data
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost = \
        ppc['baseMVA'], ppc['bus'], ppc['gen'], ppc['branch'], ppc['gencost']
    vv, _, nn, _ = om.get_idx()

    ## problem dimensions
    nb = shape(bus)[0]          ## number of buses
    ng = shape(gen)[0]          ## number of gens
    nl = shape(branch)[0]       ## number of branches
    ny = om.getN('var', 'y')    ## number of piece-wise linear costs

    ## linear constraints
    A, l, u = om.linear_constraints()

    ## bounds on optimization vars
    _, xmin, xmax = om.getv()

    ## build admittance matrices
    Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(baseMVA, bus, branch)

    ## try to select an interior initial point
    ll = xmin.copy(); uu = xmax.copy()
    ll[xmin == -Inf] = -2e19   ## replace Inf with numerical proxies
    uu[xmax ==  Inf] =  2e19
    x0 = (ll + uu) / 2
    Varefs = bus[bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == REF, VA] * (pi / 180)
    x0[vv['i1']['Va']:vv['iN']['Va']] = Varefs[0]  ## angles set to first reference angle
    if ny > 0:
        ipwl = find(gencost[:, MODEL] == PW_LINEAR)
#        PQ = r_[gen[:, PMAX], gen[:, QMAX]]
#        c = totcost(gencost[ipwl, :], PQ[ipwl])
        ## largest y-value in CCV data
        c = gencost.flatten('F')[sub2ind(shape(gencost), ipwl, NCOST + 2 * gencost[ipwl, NCOST])]
        x0[vv['i1']['y']:vv['iN']['y']] = max(c) + 0.1 * abs(max(c))
#        x0[vv['i1']['y']:vv['iN']['y']) = c + 0.1 * abs(c)

    ## find branches with flow limits
    il = find((branch[:, RATE_A] != 0) & (branch[:, RATE_A] < 1e10))
    nl2 = len(il)           ## number of constrained lines

    ##-----  run opf  -----
    ## build Jacobian and Hessian structure
    if A is not None and issparse(A):
        nA = A.shape[0]                ## number of original linear constraints
        nA = 0
    nx = len(x0)
    f = branch[:, F_BUS]                           ## list of "from" buses
    t = branch[:, T_BUS]                           ## list of "to" buses
    Cf = sparse((ones(nl), (arange(nl), f)), (nl, nb))      ## connection matrix for line & from buses
    Ct = sparse((ones(nl), (arange(nl), t)), (nl, nb))      ## connection matrix for line & to buses
    Cl = Cf + Ct
    Cb = Cl.T * Cl + speye(nb, nb)
    Cl2 = Cl[il, :]
    Cg = sparse((ones(ng), (gen[:, GEN_BUS], arange(ng))), (nb, ng))
    nz = nx - 2 * (nb + ng)
    nxtra = nx - 2 * nb
    if nz > 0:
        Js = vstack([
            hstack([Cb,      Cb,      Cg,              sparse((nb, ng)),   sparse((nb,  nz))]),
            hstack([Cb,      Cb,      sparse((nb, ng)),   Cg,              sparse((nb,  nz))]),
            hstack([Cl2,     Cl2,     sparse((nl2, 2 * ng)),               sparse((nl2, nz))]),
            hstack([Cl2,     Cl2,     sparse((nl2, 2 * ng)),               sparse((nl2, nz))])
        ], 'coo')
        Js = vstack([
            hstack([Cb,      Cb,      Cg,              sparse((nb, ng))]),
            hstack([Cb,      Cb,      sparse((nb, ng)),   Cg,          ]),
            hstack([Cl2,     Cl2,     sparse((nl2, 2 * ng)),           ]),
            hstack([Cl2,     Cl2,     sparse((nl2, 2 * ng)),           ])
        ], 'coo')

    if A is not None and issparse(A):
        Js = vstack([Js, A], 'coo')

    f, _, d2f = opf_costfcn(x0, om, True)
    Hs = tril(d2f + vstack([
        hstack([Cb,  Cb,  sparse((nb, nxtra))]),
        hstack([Cb,  Cb,  sparse((nb, nxtra))]),
        sparse((nxtra, nx))
    ]), format='coo')

    ## set options struct for IPOPT
#    options = {}
#    options['ipopt'] = ipopt_options([], ppopt)

    ## extra data to pass to functions
    userdata = {
        'om':       om,
        'Ybus':     Ybus,
        'Yf':       Yf[il, :],
        'Yt':       Yt[il, :],
        'ppopt':    ppopt,
        'il':       il,
        'A':        A,
        'nA':       nA,
        'neqnln':   2 * nb,
        'niqnln':   2 * nl2,
        'Js':       Js,
        'Hs':       Hs

    ## check Jacobian and Hessian structure
    #xr                  = rand(x0.shape)
    #lmbda               = rand( 2 * nb + 2 * nl2)
    #Js1 = eval_jac_g(x, flag, userdata) #(xr, options.auxdata)
    #Hs1  = eval_h(xr, 1, lmbda, userdata)
    #i1, j1, s = find(Js)
    #i2, j2, s = find(Js1)
    #if (len(i1) != len(i2)) | (norm(i1 - i2) != 0) | (norm(j1 - j2) != 0):
    #    raise ValueError, 'something''s wrong with the Jacobian structure'
    #i1, j1, s = find(Hs)
    #i2, j2, s = find(Hs1)
    #if (len(i1) != len(i2)) | (norm(i1 - i2) != 0) | (norm(j1 - j2) != 0):
    #    raise ValueError, 'something''s wrong with the Hessian structure'

    ## define variable and constraint bounds
    # n is the number of variables
    n = x0.shape[0]
    # xl is the lower bound of x as bounded constraints
    xl = xmin
    # xu is the upper bound of x as bounded constraints
    xu = xmax

    neqnln = 2 * nb
    niqnln = 2 * nl2

    # number of constraints
    m = neqnln + niqnln + nA
    # lower bound of constraint
    gl = r_[zeros(neqnln), -Inf * ones(niqnln), l]
    # upper bound of constraints
    gu = r_[zeros(neqnln),       zeros(niqnln), u]

    # number of nonzeros in Jacobi matrix
    nnzj = Js.nnz
    # number of non-zeros in Hessian matrix, you can set it to 0
    nnzh = Hs.nnz

    eval_hessian = True
    if eval_hessian:
        hessian = lambda x, lagrange, obj_factor, flag, user_data=None: \
                eval_h(x, lagrange, obj_factor, flag, userdata)

        nlp = pyipopt.create(n, xl, xu, m, gl, gu, nnzj, nnzh,
                             eval_f, eval_grad_f, eval_g, eval_jac_g, hessian)
        nnzh = 0
        nlp = pyipopt.create(n, xl, xu, m, gl, gu, nnzj, nnzh,
                             eval_f, eval_grad_f, eval_g, eval_jac_g)

    nlp.int_option('print_level', 5)
    nlp.num_option('tol', 1.0000e-12)
    nlp.int_option('max_iter', 250)
    nlp.num_option('dual_inf_tol', 0.10000)
    nlp.num_option('constr_viol_tol', 1.0000e-06)
    nlp.num_option('compl_inf_tol', 1.0000e-05)
    nlp.num_option('acceptable_tol', 1.0000e-08)
    nlp.num_option('acceptable_constr_viol_tol', 1.0000e-04)
    nlp.num_option('acceptable_compl_inf_tol', 0.0010000)
    nlp.str_option('mu_strategy', 'adaptive')

    iter = 0
    def intermediate_callback(algmod, iter_count, obj_value, inf_pr, inf_du,
            mu, d_norm, regularization_size, alpha_du, alpha_pr, ls_trials,
        iter = iter_count
        return True


    ## run the optimization
    # returns final solution x, upper and lower bound for multiplier, final
    # objective function obj and the return status of ipopt
    x, zl, zu, obj, status, zg = nlp.solve(x0, m, userdata)

    info = {'x': x, 'zl': zl, 'zu': zu, 'obj': obj, 'status': status, 'lmbda': zg}


    success = (status == 0) | (status == 1)

    output = {'iterations': iter}

    f, _ = opf_costfcn(x, om)

    ## update solution data
    Va = x[vv['i1']['Va']:vv['iN']['Va']]
    Vm = x[vv['i1']['Vm']:vv['iN']['Vm']]
    Pg = x[vv['i1']['Pg']:vv['iN']['Pg']]
    Qg = x[vv['i1']['Qg']:vv['iN']['Qg']]
    V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)

    ##-----  calculate return values  -----
    ## update voltages & generator outputs
    bus[:, VA] = Va * 180 / pi
    bus[:, VM] = Vm
    gen[:, PG] = Pg * baseMVA
    gen[:, QG] = Qg * baseMVA
    gen[:, VG] = Vm[gen[:, GEN_BUS].astype(int)]

    ## compute branch flows
    f_br = branch[:, F_BUS].astype(int)
    t_br = branch[:, T_BUS].astype(int)
    Sf = V[f_br] * conj(Yf * V)  ## cplx pwr at "from" bus, p.u.
    St = V[t_br] * conj(Yt * V)  ## cplx pwr at "to" bus, p.u.
    branch[:, PF] = Sf.real * baseMVA
    branch[:, QF] = Sf.imag * baseMVA
    branch[:, PT] = St.real * baseMVA
    branch[:, QT] = St.imag * baseMVA

    ## line constraint is actually on square of limit
    ## so we must fix multipliers
    muSf = zeros(nl)
    muSt = zeros(nl)
    if len(il) > 0:
        muSf[il] = 2 * info['lmbda'][2 * nb +       arange(nl2)] * branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA
        muSt[il] = 2 * info['lmbda'][2 * nb + nl2 + arange(nl2)] * branch[il, RATE_A] / baseMVA

    ## update Lagrange multipliers
    bus[:, MU_VMAX]  = info['zu'][vv['i1']['Vm']:vv['iN']['Vm']]
    bus[:, MU_VMIN]  = info['zl'][vv['i1']['Vm']:vv['iN']['Vm']]
    gen[:, MU_PMAX]  = info['zu'][vv['i1']['Pg']:vv['iN']['Pg']] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_PMIN]  = info['zl'][vv['i1']['Pg']:vv['iN']['Pg']] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_QMAX]  = info['zu'][vv['i1']['Qg']:vv['iN']['Qg']] / baseMVA
    gen[:, MU_QMIN]  = info['zl'][vv['i1']['Qg']:vv['iN']['Qg']] / baseMVA
    bus[:, LAM_P]    = info['lmbda'][nn['i1']['Pmis']:nn['iN']['Pmis']] / baseMVA
    bus[:, LAM_Q]    = info['lmbda'][nn['i1']['Qmis']:nn['iN']['Qmis']] / baseMVA
    branch[:, MU_SF] = muSf / baseMVA
    branch[:, MU_ST] = muSt / baseMVA

    ## package up results
    nlnN = om.getN('nln')

    ## extract multipliers for nonlinear constraints
    kl = find(info['lmbda'][:2 * nb] < 0)
    ku = find(info['lmbda'][:2 * nb] > 0)
    nl_mu_l = zeros(nlnN)
    nl_mu_u = r_[zeros(2 * nb), muSf, muSt]
    nl_mu_l[kl] = -info['lmbda'][kl]
    nl_mu_u[ku] =  info['lmbda'][ku]

    ## extract multipliers for linear constraints
    lam_lin = info['lmbda'][2 * nb + 2 * nl2 + arange(nA)]   ## lmbda for linear constraints
    kl = find(lam_lin < 0)                     ## lower bound binding
    ku = find(lam_lin > 0)                     ## upper bound binding
    mu_l = zeros(nA)
    mu_l[kl] = -lam_lin[kl]
    mu_u = zeros(nA)
    mu_u[ku] = lam_lin[ku]

    mu = {
      'var': {'l': info['zl'], 'u': info['zu']},
      'nln': {'l': nl_mu_l, 'u': nl_mu_u}, \
      'lin': {'l': mu_l, 'u': mu_u}

    results = ppc
    results['bus'], results['branch'], results['gen'], \
        results['om'], results['x'], results['mu'], results['f'] = \
            bus, branch, gen, om, x, mu, f

    pimul = r_[
        results['mu']['nln']['l'] - results['mu']['nln']['u'],
        results['mu']['lin']['l'] - results['mu']['lin']['u'],
        -ones(ny > 0),
        results['mu']['var']['l'] - results['mu']['var']['u']
    raw = {'xr': x, 'pimul': pimul, 'info': info['status'], 'output': output}

    return results, success, raw
def opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il=None, cost_mult=1.0):
    """Evaluates Hessian of Lagrangian for AC OPF.

    Hessian evaluation function for AC optimal power flow, suitable
    for use with L{pips}.

        Lxx = opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt)
        Lxx = opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il)
        Lxx = opf_hessfcn(x, lmbda, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il, cost_mult)

    @param x: optimization vector
    @param lmbda: C{eqnonlin} - Lagrange multipliers on power balance
    equations. C{ineqnonlin} - Kuhn-Tucker multipliers on constrained
    branch flows.
    @param om: OPF model object
    @param Ybus: bus admittance matrix
    @param Yf: admittance matrix for "from" end of constrained branches
    @param Yt: admittance matrix for "to" end of constrained branches
    @param ppopt: PYPOWER options vector
    @param il: (optional) vector of branch indices corresponding to
    branches with flow limits (all others are assumed to be unconstrained).
    The default is C{range(nl)} (all branches). C{Yf} and C{Yt} contain
    only the rows corresponding to C{il}.
    @param cost_mult: (optional) Scale factor to be applied to the cost
    (default = 1).

    @return: Hessian of the Lagrangian.

    @see: L{opf_costfcn}, L{opf_consfcn}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez (PSERC Cornell & Universidad
    Autonoma de Manizales)
    ##----- initialize -----
    ## unpack data
    ppc = om.get_ppc()
    baseMVA, bus, gen, branch, gencost = \
        ppc["baseMVA"], ppc["bus"], ppc["gen"], ppc["branch"], ppc["gencost"]
    cp = om.get_cost_params()
    N, Cw, H, dd, rh, kk, mm = \
        cp["N"], cp["Cw"], cp["H"], cp["dd"], cp["rh"], cp["kk"], cp["mm"]
    vv, _, _, _ = om.get_idx()

    ## unpack needed parameters
    nb = bus.shape[0]          ## number of buses
    nl = branch.shape[0]       ## number of branches
    ng = gen.shape[0]          ## number of dispatchable injections
    nxyz = len(x)              ## total number of control vars of all types

    ## set default constrained lines
    if il is None:
        il = arange(nl)            ## all lines have limits by default
    nl2 = len(il)           ## number of constrained lines

    ## grab Pg & Qg
    Pg = x[vv["i1"]["Pg"]:vv["iN"]["Pg"]]  ## active generation in p.u.
    Qg = x[vv["i1"]["Qg"]:vv["iN"]["Qg"]]  ## reactive generation in p.u.

    ## put Pg & Qg back in gen
    gen[:, PG] = Pg * baseMVA  ## active generation in MW
    gen[:, QG] = Qg * baseMVA  ## reactive generation in MVAr

    ## reconstruct V
    Va = x[vv["i1"]["Va"]:vv["iN"]["Va"]]
    Vm = x[vv["i1"]["Vm"]:vv["iN"]["Vm"]]
    V = Vm * exp(1j * Va)
    nxtra = nxyz - 2 * nb
    pcost = gencost[arange(ng), :]
    if gencost.shape[0] > ng:
        qcost = gencost[arange(ng, 2 * ng), :]
        qcost = array([])

    ## ----- evaluate d2f -----
    d2f_dPg2 = zeros(ng)#sparse((ng, 1))               ## w.r.t. p.u. Pg
    d2f_dQg2 = zeros(ng)#sparse((ng, 1))               ## w.r.t. p.u. Qg
    ipolp = find(pcost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL)
    d2f_dPg2[ipolp] = \
            baseMVA**2 * polycost(pcost[ipolp, :], Pg[ipolp] * baseMVA, 2)
    if any(qcost):          ## Qg is not free
        ipolq = find(qcost[:, MODEL] == POLYNOMIAL)
        d2f_dQg2[ipolq] = \
                baseMVA**2 * polycost(qcost[ipolq, :], Qg[ipolq] * baseMVA, 2)
    i = r_[arange(vv["i1"]["Pg"], vv["iN"]["Pg"]),
           arange(vv["i1"]["Qg"], vv["iN"]["Qg"])]
#    d2f = sparse((vstack([d2f_dPg2, d2f_dQg2]).toarray().flatten(),
#                  (i, i)), shape=(nxyz, nxyz))
    d2f = sparse((r_[d2f_dPg2, d2f_dQg2], (i, i)), (nxyz, nxyz))

    ## generalized cost
    if issparse(N) and N.nnz > 0:
        nw = N.shape[0]
        r = N * x - rh                    ## Nx - rhat
        iLT = find(r < -kk)               ## below dead zone
        iEQ = find((r == 0) & (kk == 0))  ## dead zone doesn't exist
        iGT = find(r > kk)                ## above dead zone
        iND = r_[iLT, iEQ, iGT]           ## rows that are Not in the Dead region
        iL = find(dd == 1)                ## rows using linear function
        iQ = find(dd == 2)                ## rows using quadratic function
        LL = sparse((ones(len(iL)), (iL, iL)), (nw, nw))
        QQ = sparse((ones(len(iQ)), (iQ, iQ)), (nw, nw))
        kbar = sparse((r_[ones(len(iLT)), zeros(len(iEQ)), -ones(len(iGT))],
                       (iND, iND)), (nw, nw)) * kk
        rr = r + kbar                  ## apply non-dead zone shift
        M = sparse((mm[iND], (iND, iND)), (nw, nw))  ## dead zone or scale
        diagrr = sparse((rr, (arange(nw), arange(nw))), (nw, nw))

        ## linear rows multiplied by rr(i), quadratic rows by rr(i)^2
        w = M * (LL + QQ * diagrr) * rr
        HwC = H * w + Cw
        AA = N.T * M * (LL + 2 * QQ * diagrr)

        d2f = d2f + AA * H * AA.T + 2 * N.T * M * QQ * \
                sparse((HwC, (arange(nw), arange(nw))), (nw, nw)) * N
    d2f = d2f * cost_mult

    ##----- evaluate Hessian of power balance constraints -----
    nlam = len(lmbda["eqnonlin"]) / 2
    lamP = lmbda["eqnonlin"][:nlam]
    lamQ = lmbda["eqnonlin"][nlam:nlam + nlam]
    Gpaa, Gpav, Gpva, Gpvv = d2Sbus_dV2(Ybus, V, lamP)
    Gqaa, Gqav, Gqva, Gqvv = d2Sbus_dV2(Ybus, V, lamQ)

    d2G = vstack([
                vstack([hstack([Gpaa, Gpav]),
                        hstack([Gpva, Gpvv])]).real +
                vstack([hstack([Gqaa, Gqav]),
                        hstack([Gqva, Gqvv])]).imag,
                sparse((2 * nb, nxtra))]),
                sparse((nxtra, 2 * nb)),
                sparse((nxtra, nxtra))
        ], "csr")

    ##----- evaluate Hessian of flow constraints -----
    nmu = len(lmbda["ineqnonlin"]) / 2
    muF = lmbda["ineqnonlin"][:nmu]
    muT = lmbda["ineqnonlin"][nmu:nmu + nmu]
    if ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 2:       ## current
        dIf_dVa, dIf_dVm, dIt_dVa, dIt_dVm, If, It = dIbr_dV(Yf, Yt, V)
        Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = d2AIbr_dV2(dIf_dVa, dIf_dVm, If, Yf, V, muF)
        Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = d2AIbr_dV2(dIt_dVa, dIt_dVm, It, Yt, V, muT)
        f = branch[il, F_BUS].astype(int)    ## list of "from" buses
        t = branch[il, T_BUS].astype(int)    ## list of "to" buses
        ## connection matrix for line & from buses
        Cf = sparse((ones(nl2), (arange(nl2), f)), (nl2, nb))
        ## connection matrix for line & to buses
        Ct = sparse((ones(nl2), (arange(nl2), t)), (nl2, nb))
        dSf_dVa, dSf_dVm, dSt_dVa, dSt_dVm, Sf, St = \
                dSbr_dV(branch[il,:], Yf, Yt, V)
        if ppopt['OPF_FLOW_LIM'] == 1:     ## real power
            Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = d2ASbr_dV2(dSf_dVa.real, dSf_dVm.real,
                                                Sf.real, Cf, Yf, V, muF)
            Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = d2ASbr_dV2(dSt_dVa.real, dSt_dVm.real,
                                                St.real, Ct, Yt, V, muT)
        else:                  ## apparent power
            Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = \
                    d2ASbr_dV2(dSf_dVa, dSf_dVm, Sf, Cf, Yf, V, muF)
            Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = \
                    d2ASbr_dV2(dSt_dVa, dSt_dVm, St, Ct, Yt, V, muT)

    d2H = vstack([
                vstack([hstack([Hfaa, Hfav]),
                        hstack([Hfva, Hfvv])]) +
                vstack([hstack([Htaa, Htav]),
                        hstack([Htva, Htvv])]),
                sparse((2 * nb, nxtra))
                sparse((nxtra, 2 * nb)),
                sparse((nxtra, nxtra))
        ], "csr")

    ##-----  do numerical check using (central) finite differences  -----
    if 0:
        nx = len(x)
        step = 1e-5
        num_d2f = sparse((nx, nx))
        num_d2G = sparse((nx, nx))
        num_d2H = sparse((nx, nx))
        for i in range(nx):
            xp = x
            xm = x
            xp[i] = x[i] + step / 2
            xm[i] = x[i] - step / 2
            # evaluate cost & gradients
            _, dfp = opf_costfcn(xp, om)
            _, dfm = opf_costfcn(xm, om)
            # evaluate constraints & gradients
            _, _, dHp, dGp = opf_consfcn(xp, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il)
            _, _, dHm, dGm = opf_consfcn(xm, om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt, il)
            num_d2f[:, i] = cost_mult * (dfp - dfm) / step
            num_d2G[:, i] = (dGp - dGm) * lmbda["eqnonlin"]   / step
            num_d2H[:, i] = (dHp - dHm) * lmbda["ineqnonlin"] / step
        d2f_err = max(max(abs(d2f - num_d2f)))
        d2G_err = max(max(abs(d2G - num_d2G)))
        d2H_err = max(max(abs(d2H - num_d2H)))
        if d2f_err > 1e-6:
            print('Max difference in d2f: %g' % d2f_err)
        if d2G_err > 1e-5:
            print('Max difference in d2G: %g' % d2G_err)
        if d2H_err > 1e-6:
            print('Max difference in d2H: %g' % d2H_err)

    return d2f + d2G + d2H
def opf_execute(om, ppopt):
    """Executes the OPF specified by an OPF model object.

    C{results} are returned with internal indexing, all equipment
    in-service, etc.

    @see: L{opf}, L{opf_setup}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    @author: Richard Lincoln
    ##-----  setup  -----
    ## options
    dc = ppopt['PF_DC']  ## 1 = DC OPF, 0 = AC OPF
    alg = ppopt['OPF_ALG']
    verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']

    ## build user-defined costs

    ## get indexing
    vv, ll, nn, _ = om.get_idx()

    if verbose > 0:
        v = ppver('all')
        stdout.write('PYPOWER Version %s, %s' % (v['Version'], v['Date']))

    ##-----  run DC OPF solver  -----
    if dc:
        if verbose > 0:
            stdout.write(' -- DC Optimal Power Flow\n')

        results, success, raw = dcopf_solver(om, ppopt)
        ##-----  run AC OPF solver  -----
        if verbose > 0:
            stdout.write(' -- AC Optimal Power Flow\n')

        ## if OPF_ALG not set, choose best available option
        if alg == 0:
            alg = 560  ## MIPS

        ## update deprecated algorithm codes to new, generalized formulation equivalents
        if alg == 100 | alg == 200:  ## CONSTR
            alg = 300
        elif alg == 120 | alg == 220:  ## dense LP
            alg = 320
        elif alg == 140 | alg == 240:  ## sparse (relaxed) LP
            alg = 340
        elif alg == 160 | alg == 260:  ## sparse (full) LP
            alg = 360

        ppopt['OPF_ALG_POLY'] = alg

        ## run specific AC OPF solver
        if alg == 560 or alg == 565:  ## PIPS
            results, success, raw = pipsopf_solver(om, ppopt)
        elif alg == 580:  ## IPOPT # pragma: no cover
                results, success, raw = ipoptopf_solver(om, ppopt)
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError('OPF_ALG %d requires IPOPT '
                                  '(see' %
                'opf_execute: OPF_ALG %d is not a valid algorithm code\n' %

    if ('output' not in raw) or ('alg' not in raw['output']):
        raw['output']['alg'] = alg

    if success:
        if not dc:
            ## copy bus voltages back to gen matrix
            results['gen'][:, VG] = results['bus'][
                results['gen'][:, GEN_BUS].astype(int), VM]

            ## gen PQ capability curve multipliers
            if (ll['N']['PQh'] > 0) | (ll['N']['PQl'] > 0):  # pragma: no cover
                mu_PQh = results['mu']['lin']['l'][
                    ll['i1']['PQh']:ll['iN']['PQh']] - results['mu']['lin'][
                mu_PQl = results['mu']['lin']['l'][
                    ll['i1']['PQl']:ll['iN']['PQl']] - results['mu']['lin'][
                Apqdata = om.userdata('Apqdata')
                results['gen'] = update_mupq(results['baseMVA'],
                                             results['gen'], mu_PQh, mu_PQl,

            ## compute g, dg, f, df, d2f if requested by RETURN_RAW_DER = 1
            if ppopt['RETURN_RAW_DER']:  # pragma: no cover
                ## move from results to raw if using v4.0 of MINOPF or TSPOPF
                if 'dg' in results:
                    raw = {}
                    raw['dg'] = results['dg']
                    raw['g'] = results['g']

                ## compute g, dg, unless already done by post-v4.0 MINOPF or TSPOPF
                if 'dg' not in raw:
                    ppc = om.get_ppc()
                    Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(ppc['baseMVA'], ppc['bus'],
                    g, geq, dg, dgeq = opf_consfcn(results['x'], om, Ybus, Yf,
                                                   Yt, ppopt)
                    raw['g'] = r_[geq, g]
                    raw['dg'] = r_[dgeq.T, dg.T]  ## true Jacobian organization

                ## compute df, d2f
                _, df, d2f = opf_costfcn(results['x'], om, True)
                raw['df'] = df
                raw['d2f'] = d2f

        ## delete g and dg fieldsfrom results if using v4.0 of MINOPF or TSPOPF
        if 'dg' in results:
            del results['dg']
            del results['g']

        ## angle limit constraint multipliers
        if ll['N']['ang'] > 0:
            iang = om.userdata('iang')
            results['branch'][iang, MU_ANGMIN] = results['mu']['lin']['l'][
                ll['i1']['ang']:ll['iN']['ang']] * pi / 180
            results['branch'][iang, MU_ANGMAX] = results['mu']['lin']['u'][
                ll['i1']['ang']:ll['iN']['ang']] * pi / 180
        ## assign empty g, dg, f, df, d2f if requested by RETURN_RAW_DER = 1
        if not dc and ppopt['RETURN_RAW_DER']:
            raw['dg'] = array([])
            raw['g'] = array([])
            raw['df'] = array([])
            raw['d2f'] = array([])

    ## assign values and limit shadow prices for variables
    if om.var['order']:
        results['var'] = {'val': {}, 'mu': {'l': {}, 'u': {}}}
    for name in om.var['order']:
        if om.getN('var', name):
            idx = arange(vv['i1'][name], vv['iN'][name])
            results['var']['val'][name] = results['x'][idx]
            results['var']['mu']['l'][name] = results['mu']['var']['l'][idx]
            results['var']['mu']['u'][name] = results['mu']['var']['u'][idx]

    ## assign shadow prices for linear constraints
    if om.lin['order']:
        results['lin'] = {'mu': {'l': {}, 'u': {}}}
    for name in om.lin['order']:
        if om.getN('lin', name):
            idx = arange(ll['i1'][name], ll['iN'][name])
            results['lin']['mu']['l'][name] = results['mu']['lin']['l'][idx]
            results['lin']['mu']['u'][name] = results['mu']['lin']['u'][idx]

    ## assign shadow prices for nonlinear constraints
    if not dc:
        if om.nln['order']:
            results['nln'] = {'mu': {'l': {}, 'u': {}}}
        for name in om.nln['order']:
            if om.getN('nln', name):
                idx = arange(nn['i1'][name], nn['iN'][name])
                results['nln']['mu']['l'][name] = results['mu']['nln']['l'][
                results['nln']['mu']['u'][name] = results['mu']['nln']['u'][

    ## assign values for components of user cost
    if om.cost['order']:
        results['cost'] = {}
    for name in om.cost['order']:
        if om.getN('cost', name):
            results['cost'][name] = om.compute_cost(results['x'], name)

    ## if single-block PWL costs were converted to POLY, insert dummy y into x
    ## Note: The "y" portion of x will be nonsense, but everything should at
    ##       least be in the expected locations.
    pwl1 = om.userdata('pwl1')
    if (len(pwl1) > 0) and (alg != 545) and (alg != 550):
        ## get indexing
        vv, _, _, _ = om.get_idx()
        if dc:
            nx = vv['iN']['Pg']
            nx = vv['iN']['Qg']

        y = zeros(len(pwl1))
        raw['xr'] = r_[raw['xr'][:nx], y, raw['xr'][nx:]]
        results['x'] = r_[results['x'][:nx], y, results['x'][nx:]]

    return results, success, raw
def opf_execute(om, ppopt):
    """Executes the OPF specified by an OPF model object.

    C{results} are returned with internal indexing, all equipment
    in-service, etc.

    @see: L{opf}, L{opf_setup}

    @author: Ray Zimmerman (PSERC Cornell)
    ##-----  setup  -----
    ## options
    dc  = ppopt['PF_DC']        ## 1 = DC OPF, 0 = AC OPF
    alg = ppopt['OPF_ALG']
    verbose = ppopt['VERBOSE']

    ## build user-defined costs

    ## get indexing
    vv, ll, nn, _ = om.get_idx()

    if verbose > 0:
        v = ppver('all')
        stdout.write('PYPOWER Version %s, %s' % (v['Version'], v['Date']))

    ##-----  run DC OPF solver  -----
    if dc:
        if verbose > 0:
            stdout.write(' -- DC Optimal Power Flow\n')

        results, success, raw = dcopf_solver(om, ppopt)
        ##-----  run AC OPF solver  -----
        if verbose > 0:
            stdout.write(' -- AC Optimal Power Flow\n')

        ## if OPF_ALG not set, choose best available option
        if alg == 0:
            alg = 560                ## MIPS

        ## update deprecated algorithm codes to new, generalized formulation equivalents
        if alg == 100 | alg == 200:        ## CONSTR
            alg = 300
        elif alg == 120 | alg == 220:      ## dense LP
            alg = 320
        elif alg == 140 | alg == 240:      ## sparse (relaxed) LP
            alg = 340
        elif alg == 160 | alg == 260:      ## sparse (full) LP
            alg = 360

        ppopt['OPF_ALG_POLY'] = alg

        ## run specific AC OPF solver
        if alg == 560 or alg == 565:                   ## PIPS
            results, success, raw = pipsopf_solver(om, ppopt)
        elif alg == 580:                              ## IPOPT
                results, success, raw = ipoptopf_solver(om, ppopt)
            except ImportError:
                raise ImportError('OPF_ALG %d requires IPOPT '
                                  '(see' %
            stderr.write('opf_execute: OPF_ALG %d is not a valid algorithm code\n' % alg)

    if ('output' not in raw) or ('alg' not in raw['output']):
        raw['output']['alg'] = alg

    if success:
        if not dc:
            ## copy bus voltages back to gen matrix
            results['gen'][:, VG] = results['bus'][results['gen'][:, GEN_BUS].astype(int), VM]

            ## gen PQ capability curve multipliers
            if (ll['N']['PQh'] > 0) | (ll['N']['PQl'] > 0):
                mu_PQh = results['mu']['lin']['l'][ll['i1']['PQh']:ll['iN']['PQh']] - results['mu']['lin']['u'][ll['i1']['PQh']:ll['iN']['PQh']]
                mu_PQl = results['mu']['lin']['l'][ll['i1']['PQl']:ll['iN']['PQl']] - results['mu']['lin']['u'][ll['i1']['PQl']:ll['iN']['PQl']]
                Apqdata = om.userdata('Apqdata')
                results['gen'] = update_mupq(results['baseMVA'], results['gen'], mu_PQh, mu_PQl, Apqdata)

            ## compute g, dg, f, df, d2f if requested by RETURN_RAW_DER = 1
            if ppopt['RETURN_RAW_DER']:
                ## move from results to raw if using v4.0 of MINOPF or TSPOPF
                if 'dg' in results:
                    raw = {}
                    raw['dg'] = results['dg']
                    raw['g'] = results['g']

                ## compute g, dg, unless already done by post-v4.0 MINOPF or TSPOPF
                if 'dg' not in raw:
                    ppc = om.get_ppc()
                    Ybus, Yf, Yt = makeYbus(ppc['baseMVA'], ppc['bus'], ppc['branch'])
                    g, geq, dg, dgeq = opf_consfcn(results['x'], om, Ybus, Yf, Yt, ppopt)
                    raw['g'] = r_[geq, g]
                    raw['dg'] = r_[dgeq.T, dg.T]   ## true Jacobian organization

                ## compute df, d2f
                _, df, d2f = opf_costfcn(results['x'], om, True)
                raw['df'] = df
                raw['d2f'] = d2f

        ## delete g and dg fieldsfrom results if using v4.0 of MINOPF or TSPOPF
        if 'dg' in results:
            del results['dg']
            del results['g']

        ## angle limit constraint multipliers
        if ll['N']['ang'] > 0:
            iang = om.userdata('iang')
            results['branch'][iang, MU_ANGMIN] = results['mu']['lin']['l'][ll['i1']['ang']:ll['iN']['ang']] * pi / 180
            results['branch'][iang, MU_ANGMAX] = results['mu']['lin']['u'][ll['i1']['ang']:ll['iN']['ang']] * pi / 180
        ## assign empty g, dg, f, df, d2f if requested by RETURN_RAW_DER = 1
        if not dc and ppopt['RETURN_RAW_DER']:
            raw['dg'] = array([])
            raw['g'] = array([])
            raw['df'] = array([])
            raw['d2f'] = array([])

    ## assign values and limit shadow prices for variables
    if om.var['order']:
        results['var'] = {'val': {}, 'mu': {'l': {}, 'u': {}}}
    for name in om.var['order']:
        if om.getN('var', name):
            idx = arange(vv['i1'][name], vv['iN'][name])
            results['var']['val'][name] = results['x'][idx]
            results['var']['mu']['l'][name] = results['mu']['var']['l'][idx]
            results['var']['mu']['u'][name] = results['mu']['var']['u'][idx]

    ## assign shadow prices for linear constraints
    if om.lin['order']:
        results['lin'] = {'mu': {'l': {}, 'u': {}}}
    for name in om.lin['order']:
        if om.getN('lin', name):
            idx = arange(ll['i1'][name], ll['iN'][name])
            results['lin']['mu']['l'][name] = results['mu']['lin']['l'][idx]
            results['lin']['mu']['u'][name] = results['mu']['lin']['u'][idx]

    ## assign shadow prices for nonlinear constraints
    if not dc:
        if om.nln['order']:
            results['nln'] = {'mu': {'l': {}, 'u': {}}}
        for name in om.nln['order']:
            if om.getN('nln', name):
                idx = arange(nn['i1'][name], nn['iN'][name])
                results['nln']['mu']['l'][name] = results['mu']['nln']['l'][idx]
                results['nln']['mu']['u'][name] = results['mu']['nln']['u'][idx]

    ## assign values for components of user cost
    if om.cost['order']:
        results['cost'] = {}
    for name in om.cost['order']:
        if om.getN('cost', name):
            results['cost'][name] = om.compute_cost(results['x'], name)

    ## if single-block PWL costs were converted to POLY, insert dummy y into x
    ## Note: The "y" portion of x will be nonsense, but everything should at
    ##       least be in the expected locations.
    pwl1 = om.userdata('pwl1')
    if (len(pwl1) > 0) and (alg != 545) and (alg != 550):
        ## get indexing
        vv, _, _, _ = om.get_idx()
        if dc:
            nx = vv['iN']['Pg']
            nx = vv['iN']['Qg']

        y = zeros(len(pwl1))
        raw['xr'] = r_[raw['xr'][:nx], y, raw['xr'][nx:]]
        results['x'] = r_[results['x'][:nx], y, results['x'][nx:]]

    return results, success, raw