def test_bad_by_hf_noise(raw_tmp):
    """Test detection of channels with high-frequency noise."""
    # Add some noise between 70 & 80 Hz to the signal of a random channel
    n_chans = raw_tmp._data.shape[0]
    hf_noise_idx = int(RNG.randint(0, n_chans, 1))
    hf_noise = _generate_signal(70, 80, raw_tmp.times, 5) * 10
    raw_tmp._data[hf_noise_idx, :] += hf_noise

    # Test detection of channels with high-frequency noise
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, do_detrend=False)
    assert nd.bad_by_hf_noise == [raw_tmp.ch_names[hf_noise_idx]]

    # Test lack of high-frequency noise detection when sample rate < 100 Hz
    raw_tmp.resample(80)  # downsample from 160 Hz to 80 Hz
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, do_detrend=False)
    assert len(nd.bad_by_hf_noise) == 0
    assert nd._extra_info["bad_by_hf_noise"]["median_channel_noisiness"] == 0
    assert nd._extra_info["bad_by_hf_noise"]["channel_noisiness_sd"] == 1
def test_findnoisychannels(raw, montage):
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw)
    bads = nd.get_bads()
    iterations = (
        10  # remove any noisy channels by interpolating the bads for 10 iterations
    for iter in range(0, iterations):
        raw.info["bads"] = bads
        nd = NoisyChannels(raw)
        bads = nd.get_bads()

    # make sure no bad channels exist in the data

    # Test for NaN and flat channels
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    # Insert a nan value for a random channel
    rand_chn_idx1 = int(np.random.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_idx2 = int(np.random.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab1 = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx1]
    rand_chn_lab2 = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx2]
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx1, n - 1] = np.nan
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx2, :] = np.ones(n)
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp)
    assert nd.bad_by_nan == [rand_chn_lab1]
    assert nd.bad_by_flat == [rand_chn_lab2]

    # Test for high and low deviations in EEG data
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    # Now insert one random channel with very low deviations
    rand_chn_idx = int(np.random.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] = raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] / 10
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_deviation
    # Inserting one random channel with a high deviation
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    rand_chn_idx = int(np.random.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    arbitrary_scaling = 5
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] *= arbitrary_scaling
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_deviation

    # Test for correlation between EEG channels
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    rand_chn_idx = int(np.random.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    # Use cosine instead of sine to create a signal
    low = 10
    high = 30
    n_freq = 5
    signal = np.zeros((1, n))
    for freq_i in range(n_freq):
        freq = np.random.randint(low, high, n)
        signal[0, :] += np.cos(2 * np.pi * raw.times * freq)
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] = signal * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_correlation

    # Test for high freq noise detection
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    rand_chn_idx = int(np.random.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    # Use freqs between 90 and 100 Hz to insert hf noise
    signal = np.zeros((1, n))
    for freq_i in range(n_freq):
        freq = np.random.randint(90, 100, n)
        signal[0, :] += np.sin(2 * np.pi * raw.times * freq)
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] = signal * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_hf_noise

    # Test for signal to noise ratio in EEG data
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    rand_chn_idx = int(np.random.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    # inserting an uncorrelated high frequency (90 Hz) signal in one channel
    raw_tmp[rand_chn_idx, :] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * raw.times * 90) * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_SNR

    # Test for finding bad channels by RANSAC
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    # Ransac identifies channels that go bad together and are highly correlated.
    # Inserting highly correlated signal in channels 0 through 3 at 30 Hz
    raw_tmp._data[0:6, :] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * raw.times * 30) * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp)
    bads = nd.bad_by_ransac
    assert bads == raw_tmp.ch_names[0:6]
def test_findnoisychannels(raw, montage):
    """Test find noisy channels."""
    # Set a random state for the test
    rng = np.random.RandomState(30)

    nd = NoisyChannels(raw, random_state=rng)
    bads = nd.get_bads()
    iterations = (
        10  # remove any noisy channels by interpolating the bads for 10 iterations
    for iter in range(0, iterations):
        if len(bads) == 0:
        raw.info["bads"] = bads
        nd = NoisyChannels(raw, random_state=rng)
        bads = nd.get_bads()

    # make sure no bad channels exist in the data

    # Test for NaN and flat channels
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    # Insert a nan value for a random channel and make another random channel
    # completely flat (ones)
    idxs = rng.choice(np.arange(m), size=2, replace=False)
    rand_chn_idx1 = idxs[0]
    rand_chn_idx2 = idxs[1]
    rand_chn_lab1 = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx1]
    rand_chn_lab2 = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx2]
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx1, n - 1] = np.nan
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx2, :] = np.ones(n)
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    assert nd.bad_by_nan == [rand_chn_lab1]
    assert nd.bad_by_flat == [rand_chn_lab2]

    # Test for high and low deviations in EEG data
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    # Now insert one random channel with very low deviations
    rand_chn_idx = int(rng.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] = raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] / 10
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_deviation
    # Inserting one random channel with a high deviation
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    rand_chn_idx = int(rng.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    arbitrary_scaling = 5
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] *= arbitrary_scaling
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_deviation

    # Test for correlation between EEG channels
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    rand_chn_idx = int(rng.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    # Use cosine instead of sine to create a signal
    low = 10
    high = 30
    n_freq = 5
    signal = np.zeros((1, n))
    for freq_i in range(n_freq):
        freq = rng.randint(low, high, n)
        signal[0, :] += np.cos(2 * np.pi * raw.times * freq)
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] = signal * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_correlation

    # Test for high freq noise detection
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    rand_chn_idx = int(rng.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    # Use freqs between 90 and 100 Hz to insert hf noise
    signal = np.zeros((1, n))
    for freq_i in range(n_freq):
        freq = rng.randint(90, 100, n)
        signal[0, :] += np.sin(2 * np.pi * raw.times * freq)
    raw_tmp._data[rand_chn_idx, :] = signal * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_hf_noise

    # Test for signal to noise ratio in EEG data
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    m, n = raw_tmp._data.shape
    rand_chn_idx = int(rng.randint(0, m, 1))
    rand_chn_lab = raw_tmp.ch_names[rand_chn_idx]
    # inserting an uncorrelated high frequency (90 Hz) signal in one channel
    raw_tmp[rand_chn_idx, :] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * raw.times * 90) * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    assert rand_chn_lab in nd.bad_by_SNR

    # Test for finding bad channels by RANSAC
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    # Ransac identifies channels that go bad together and are highly correlated.
    # Inserting highly correlated signal in channels 0 through 3 at 30 Hz
    raw_tmp._data[0:6, :] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * raw.times * 30) * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    bads = nd.bad_by_ransac
    assert bads == raw_tmp.ch_names[0:6]

    # Test for finding bad channels by channel-wise RANSAC
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    # Ransac identifies channels that go bad together and are highly correlated.
    # Inserting highly correlated signal in channels 0 through 3 at 30 Hz
    raw_tmp._data[0:6, :] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * raw.times * 30) * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    bads = nd.bad_by_ransac
    assert bads == raw_tmp.ch_names[0:6]

    # Test not-enough-memory and n_samples type exceptions
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    raw_tmp._data[0:6, :] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * raw.times * 30) * 1e-6
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)

    # Set n_samples very very high to trigger a memory error
    n_samples = int(1e100)
    with pytest.raises(MemoryError):

    # Set n_samples to a float to trigger a type error
    n_samples = 35.5
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    # Test IOError when not enough channels for ransac predictions
    raw_tmp = raw.copy()
    # Make flat all channels except 2
    num_bad_channels = raw._data.shape[0] - 2
    raw_tmp._data[0:num_bad_channels, :] = np.zeros_like(
        raw_tmp._data[0:num_bad_channels, :]
    nd = NoisyChannels(raw_tmp, random_state=rng)
    with pytest.raises(IOError):